CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 May 1919, p. 8

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LIBUWrY! -- ------ ---- - s - ifeaand Vicinti è . Rut war spué gadland mrm. 'Cooper andti m nW. Stancliff ~ Luh Va epai Buday ntiailsdedM i tometery meeting etlire., 1a8 lu hicgo. Suedai altrnoon Hl.Wehrshherg'o Thureday ullernoon. nie@ vis pyne aendedthe ire. A.C.Potere aPut9t cuple 0i deye ai givec by GaII CurcI 53 home, roturulng aTueeday ai rrnuon e Isf ani be famil, bhaveopensi ho LberîjiTtacareun-for ber rnother r cotmqs on Laie gara and wvlU vhaleablstobe up but &littllewbtileai pu t for the entmmer. 0atie li adies' Md W sveesuccSefullu.--.----.- -- - llgbe bbohrî aal. lst.saturday. 4 VAIJO MN AI p~ifO~ULliOd. ir. and lire.'Vernon John& ai Ram. a1IMUspot3 Fn1do Bigât moud, lIn., ePont evral daYs oetly h@ homne of ber bifiier, jack Irving. wtb WauLonda relatives and hMouds.8 loacmha baddle epeni Saturdail Mis. -Ntle Murray entertained lire. loulai Highland pa*. Um b ceý"., ai Chicaga, ,;aturdej aid hk Sbaddle vraealeua guest Sturdei Suulav. du Doi,:e larget the caeteria eapper and Ut Fifday ovng Mies Dorotby parcel post .0<1.1 et the Woadmen bal "ome sntertained e number of friande Saurda, lMay 10, giron hi the W. R. C. ethome- The eveanug vee @peut ltu lMr. and lire. Il. Dixon bave relurued Me, gueelg contese and mugle. ta their home bore.- alter @peuding 3h. ss11acnts vers, erved as a lae hour wlnter manthe lu Cilcsao. S' te guesse dsparie& declarlug the UmesOrmeeWiells of Chcago, was home gkt ci the0 affLr. over Soudai'. i. and lire. Morris Candier ratuned Wm. PaiesorS McHenry, wae a pleasaut Lm Modai evealug elter epedlag caler iu aur village lut Frlday. tek la voiUickelatives. The were Jus. Gîyncb of Chicago. i spenlg the me a vér hsarty velcorne as thoy wSest Lthe home ai Mr. and lMre.B. C. e the objectsofa two chadrvari and Kanit or la tilen,Si a prtiai j f ounff MlmSmih *pont Sondai vlih Mb. Mis htaibsusa% MlrUWee R10 aBer"baMatier. . lb. w heretàra# et bmbride sud Gaon Thfauy aidifauLgan,' epeai Dm. 1lr. &"d re.Chaudier xpot Suaday vit' Waueondafrieude. »"e loto tbs fat 10 Umb.FIeber'. ry~ Geary and Bar Smith of Gras.15 sa ait oscé.labe. won boueonesclloe, er.Wdmse. - -~ da.- 1VAY I~ ..j lre. Henryr chlsu spent Soudai ha ~ . W,. non-.-- nim Ur- andUmInre.. villirelatveesa&% meH.ay. Obus bu uz qulte l iwth pmmoula lb reliriuima b. rooorbi. »as basketsocial givea hi Mise Ehea- gb Cook fer the.«Ail a. a deechd tme l'h aece braugil 051.00. mie FiraikVleérya»d liltile mous Me boaspouding a bw daje vti lhe mms,paresse la Ccago. Misa Louis. Eeimom bu@Ouiphed ber co" urue and oecured a position lu kou««baMaryGodialn ha. apal. Mala Cilcagoaom. Ieur iris, ai Rager. Park @euot at &t athe Auguet itltsashome. VeNid Grabb vas a Chcgo viltor 0cay ad TuMeay. *mo Abert Snydur entertiled an Mt lti a lev days renily. hani Saalh hbu beendolug corne la [ l Uertyvile latly . 4ure. ifalter Bnaid&"Frani Hol- W- ue 3aefflvistai.Mondai. Site Ririme artietiu leaonci l"iai. '». Msd *(»Benry Binesud Gens. bvm, ai Art, ilsled Mr. a»d ire.Baril sasilWai FluIWIMstaiMm.. ophia ToamirsBon. W vereslUr. aaid lre. .Geerks aid OA, Atme. (lailn ]utchiage &n leosr, lire. m. Blumn, lire. Wdtoabemani. Ur. sud MIesry Bine eterlelnod If.maW lre. lobers Roums mid daugiter W dbmam ndai. Mte Kmauth Kuil*ontsaiew days Wen viii le mo cusnaUr. andMme ln, a" me J. W. Ruichlugs vWtlis *bd Ua lr$. Ired Bans Sundai aller. MMe.Vue. Vaguer sud lmre. ahlof Vola. vers ifauconda viellai., Monda. Mr. end lire. Rager MoIstaid ou. Thomas, vha bave besa lIving blah ciy returlied to aur vilulalt vesi aid viii maie ubeir home wltb lire. Moffett's father, J. Md. uIler. iloger baving tpimbcasi the pool i'oom and mait drink parlor ai Fred Lanson whlch h. wI condut beglucng May lig. Another fine englue recudsi purcbamed hy Mianager Le. arilved lu tavu Sondai and ma. ber maidon tripSudai aller. nuau. Itlel a medium site road type boîug the cama style and @ize as the one nov la useoand wilb tleee tva fine englueswvsare amurd ai good regular service. Anahher paesuger caach ha.1 bSupurebasotiaid is expecei ber. lu the nai future. Vioa Cari, wviafl- etationod at the. U. S. camp at Waehagtau came borne suadaî for a two webis furlaugh. Vie noau Il seme fin. tu b. home and la eujoylon evory minuteofaiebisvacation. Bedaeut know bow oon h. yl b. ilsâciarg.d, but Hke a good solder le mattng Do famplant. Tb@ annual prom givonkt hile ilgb -about Videy e-Ioingb tSa Junior dams«va. oas 0f tii.mnt dellglilf paruie.0ai Sa achool mon. api.'. orchesra tr, LlbetivIl@ ie nuldd me fo 1r thedancing. Frappe vas uerved by Ihé Junior girls. Evryoas reportad %bat a vory ujyabis evenlng W»a pent. Merilt CMOruv reurnod taoOur villae Manday eveuing bavIng reevd hlm discirge irous camp Grant vher. hoea va u n uhimercinrn from averam. lierrIts te Iaokns finsanti binma" f rienode vere migt gWlaintaam iim. Mr l"Ui. Park Bailanti fail Aler $peuding a isw dais bare h viii BAiie moisi ubir hoOebold goud a tugo to reor te, vieil;hl@m maSar aid '*WKlr me sotre building. Evry. .s"m.. ,ei.y*o gbd a 0bave a tar.u lamoni Ouirahîlroa te frirgng aboan,,mach losae in. montb ehovlng an Increase a1 bumuLnme »Mre anai hDrb, ai Lbertillie, The Borde C..have asMred us the, esl a lev dayisheSast week wlhh ber viii change Oui local panti ntp> a Aublimsir, Mim. Abet Dyer. bottalng iactory if muerofa a eteady 1%0» wonv ne acrchoe.rviceore mn af 85.000 lb. 01 mulk dahî. ifs ,1,0»&. mor.nug on accooni aif th raa, ver. getilut 26.000 Ibo., but througli ,, sroi BKaie calodaon lire. Arthuor the effarte ai th oommuniy tim bat 'becimanuS oudai aflernoon. bue n lcr.aed ta 82,000 lbo. aid 19 ihe Ur. andi Mmr. J. if. Hutchinge vhhlted balance nifithe farmr. luaifauconda 41 i" Joueph Richarde home one nght thîritory eau b. lndueed tu hrng ibein 1"e week. mliita aur plant we viii reaci, the goal., Mmire roy Baie and Mmre Robert The relgil recavei far haulng ili ioumeaid daughter vimted Mns.Hori malili.thie backboue af ouirallUroad .,Sie Mondai afleruacu. 1 revenue and Itho rallroad hl maie lin - enry Kane, of Ares, ha. heen srimt, pas It muet have the co-operation of oui dug hl§ mou Brlputtlngupafoaosarouui sutire commuuîty. Ilfore cuolucrease 'bils iardthe. put veek. tibmsumitkrah oui plant ho 85,000lbo.. F9.J~~ v ~ dinly i Il l meutan a diltional revenu PRAM V'Ifto aur ralroed of $3,000 a yogi, anc. W. Eddy was à elty visletor ane day bal enangi 10ta & tii. utret ou tie tle wepk. entire honded lndehîeduesm. AÀfermer - - îwi. Waký fient Suaday wlthh endlng tbre heu gillon cane ai mlii 4'8asiter utle iit De . delly tuOaur local plant mens a revenue arandr.a st',.t.ilff 'iae a Waukegan ta aur ralroati oi 0114 e year. if. ail ~'Jelto' ~ ,.ia'.. vet taueme the ralroai mauinleti and ~ Mr. and 'trw.l' %%,ov r, hin .iirt. I lie fermer. livlpg vithin a -radine of -uleuet.daàY norliinLg ,lire aue vîlI seui their mlii io ifan Ciao. lerocbetgpr and Iaisu,,Ai1onathe futur. eti-1h rallroai la vo a tu rlilagtun l1ighte Fk'nid,. ,,. 1enrd auld by Mr.anid lMr@e%. Suicifi Friay attrnooni. J..lhuliohi, iormeriy of tim village, .*or.auptuuhrer and Saiii3 1-t Sr 110%,ilfShiocti,. iis., le violting. vit) new home Ou the noOD train Tune@- nelaLive,, lere at preseut. City Il alnuali '.eiolz returneto ChIcs. ,lin. L. Muether va. calîed tu the chygo 8unday alter a veek'e vîl i vhb ber by thie lItaseaifhberinther, ac. pairt - hi aby Graudrn. Siancliff. lii,,Lauaina laH vs aweek-end tuest IN» V. dour boum.lh occnpied hi al al the horme of her-aiter, lMre. B. fv aoRalDay vbamovedf liast Andlrooî. Henry Tanne b,àe ommai from over- SSuday. Ma 8rd, accurred thi.e a@ aid bae r,'oved bis dichargo. ohWallace Lochhead to lMatîhs Ilqg lIrtha (inieher Ie.ntrtalnlnga bolb oie W eili kuovu, avint j canula tram Netramka. 'aor mua Prairie View aIl tbir Iti. Elizabeth licCareby epent Satur. h Mi i M le "e t. mi M 0< a I deriM sad aaifa Cble Mise mueasllagave éambeolaa *ou show.? TbursdY eêo on-abier borne labhoor 09 Mine CaraShah. Rel. E. 0. Biser ahubsd a conloen la £Wui tvo dauslut wook. Ml ie ara ifW" s pécteai mweekf.nd a% the Diabi borne. Mm gorge Neer @penti»aerai diéys ln Chicago lai w.Sk. mmre.A. IFroellch via Barrtugil ailerzf edassiay. Ui. A. Kflobaum, vbo laIM ait the home ai ber etlior, lir. R. Busmbohla l slowly lup!Ovlng.- The LMAdis'ad oltY bsld îleannDual siaction Thureai', May 1. Tb*. P. T. A. held lte regguar meeing Friday aiiitheachool building.. i. nid lire. C. Vrne' attesided tbm 1unerai Wadodu.uda0f the latines doter- imlaw, MmrELR iesme of Bardlngon. Itle I.urprlelng boy the. 'old Uie" donation parit' taies, ai le à*% the ons given ID the U. E. cburci' la thelr pemior, Br, Btmlrwald wam a great sUciss. UmesFlorencs Rader of tbboo.@peut the. week-end ait ber Mml, ie J. C. Roder. Mmre.8. Oimon of BIne Island, bas conte ta &pend t lb sommr viii ber daugbiter, Un.. Geo Goodan. Il lre. Edltb .Johnon r«esvd a message mu lug ber buI3bdlB, E4 Joheoin voeld ia,. Newport, News for Camp Oraent on lat Mondas.1 lire. J. W. HIDotMies Elenor XcAmee of Chicago, and (leu. licCo Mbe of Great La"«. werm iUn. Badai Remis oh-.J. A.Rlset jr.,faumy. - Mm e.Peter Perurylas.endng lb.hesi ba Chicago wiii ber danghisr, Mme Bazior. e Umie Maiet and Cliford Faumt ai Ltbertyvlll. w.,. the vesi eud guetse »% F. Roreaberger'a homo. Mm e.Kith amen an A o. Jerome ana vWetlng Lt ber Iher'., Geo. Karcb. lire. Upidle Curti. wbo bau heen nurmlngu la Chicago for the put monti, caine home on Frhday. UmsFranes Cuttier, vha haches at LaGrange, speult the week-end ait ber 1home. Mim KatharyoE ager ai Auatin. va@ the. gueet of Mrm. B. E. Pelis the past week. Mr. end lir@. W"'. Aloffise ntertalned the fiv. hundrod club on Wedaeoda7 afiernoon, Mir. and Mi.e d Blngbaui@eut the. week-nd whth lire. E. Pyle. lir. and lire. W. M. Whltlggver. the gueste oi Ur. and lir. Lincaîn Peuh on Weduesday. Mmre F. Horenherger :enteriald tbe Ladies' Aid ai the. St, Paul'@ church on Thuradai afternoon. Uir. and lire.Louis Ott aunou am sthe bfrtb 0f a daughier Ori]dey la 2. ilmon Neargardnsr bamrecelvedhie dlschargsand arrivmd home Frlay. Re ba s rv.d i i the imnes for the paol four ree. Ee"mond and Hrbert Ilaxter oi Cicago, spenit the put week ait tbwi Igrandlatbe. Ptr paer. Tbs T.achurotraining ciam.'muet ait th1e eonuuli,hbumes uTusdai sien. leg tastsaioa Oaiurdag. Tb@. P. Ti. -WM b oldt à meeting ti week to arrange for 19»e Maî party and danoie toa . gveaby the îouagmm of thé tuewieons aturday. Bd Landau hie move ils I s al Ibl Ira Oarduer hue. mid Muon Fraits bus gons ilo ibe Snsdsr boume. Tbs Ladins' Mls"nery elsy of the U. E. church war u nitolaud by Mmr J. A. Pritecg on Tudaiattrnooan. Tb@ 1meting Wu In4se'geof thepredien lire. Stelwald. lire. . . uadaîoyo àGlencoe, gave a Veily iniereeting iaik on ber work as ouperlnisndeuiof ihe Caineu Mondial sehoole lu Chicago, oi wblch thore ane eleven. Sb@ aimo aid a grea many curloos la show. e Tb@ Doorfield iownmhip conhuetvag bbeld ai the enbool bouse on Tueeda7 àaliernoon In charge a ow. Supt. Simpson. ,0Pupio fron tith. ifimai,.:Evereii and aDertield echoale taklng pari. The ove bIriestin Reding ver.: Barbara Huehiý .,Desrlield; Helen Tully, Evereti; Ale la Bockenbecb, WIf lu ; Marion Landau dand Helen IOMcheIt, Dosrfield. Arlubi ametil-Darotby Lldgerwood, Rit& Coon ir ance <inhler, Barbara Huehi Harold Tutl>- Spelllng-Grace autalir Dorotby Lfderwood, Pearl Petereon, bcLUllan llackenbach, Barbara Ruebi .Tiie paperi ln wrluing on wrltlng viiie je udged by Mir. Faus.l C %REDIT AT T111 6 COMISSARY IS ÎRIE. 140VED FOR SMLOR5 New Rule Effective Thursday JPrevents Them From Run- AUXILWY OF nu- ,VERY TOWN, PLAN Aun aiulmy brani af the. bu- mm* aadety la every cty andi tovi ln I.eke Couthiltiie almof 0!the Wauiemau Romane Society. Me'u- huesvia ,ateded <ho annual mast nlog beah aihe10lbnari Thunaday at. ternoon ploigui- te do ai lnl their paver ta booSi the organIsatIon. A 0 soclety ln every tovu, It la toit voul bi neiofataie beet ipopsible vaye of llncreaulng the scopa ai the vork. i Members ofth31e societi lu Wau- la kegan realise <bat lhithno amuan ltank tiey bave undertiien but tbeY Marc boeUtfat eg.opmioýn viii vin the. day. Eepresentatlveadoubilesi vil ieoseuntatethe Varios uesme n Itoum aindithebenelite liebuderlvc bau thea oualaztlan viiilbe poiuted The »MM report submtted by MLr.A.IL oves ases.cretary oethfe 'Waitug cociety siovra vbai bai 'bern ouelivre lnd serve nau If fi mmle fr oteroommunilee 0ln thb Colnei to a pteratter. The graNdh of a amme seclet corne onli after bard vomi and.vian tièeslba àgeneral epirit t cf co- ILeration. Whhle cffots viii b. maie ào teehabhhmi an auxilary ha ever tCity am .tovu lunLI&V Couitiam 01eort ii li e -maie aIm e h ncrees ,n Uic menWp lu Wasikegn. Et , boa. beieusutgested.fiai a mulO*' h aip campa lieb.coducioihem ahi b* t1h sMay bu follovcd ùas Saebot muans of obtailng nmai nev mg0- sa bens. The large wmberoblp 'not on- V y wMIl saffodvider co.nerathan but n.iii afford more funde te carry ou id tic vomi. RUMSUSR S SA VU be 1130,000,000 Heir"l Said to HaveApproaohed Glrr with. Offer to Wed. OFF FOR *-CAI.IFORNIA? F.dgan (Churchill, the Mau Whro dlaims ho vas left$30,000.006 hi bs Sfatien and vin bai-e Wauictami uBte. .' ngrapher copy *9o vwtl ei tsi keenly the fart tLt the Sun printéti [y is narne Mondai eveuing, and' fold de i. vorihwl. - Churcil eald hat later n uthe day tit 8 veleavlng :Wauktgmai t =oon IOundfor PÎ,iu an tiat the Y Sun coud go aheai agui ai anYtiul furtiier about hie afàb% tbat, 3hêY ew Cere te . es IRe vau mmedlatelî saic If 1h ng vwaa t.ttbathi b ent lute a local M. store Monday atteruaca, abev etu 0 f thie 5alosevoma£-MWp f* ON .h dors Sun andti tie«ou. on ed 'her If enb@o i net vaut ho tabe advantage or~ tic opportunhty o ai mnlg hlm. me h larecallei t1haite l aims tic@viii rvides <bat lhemuai te Mirrici hi vien lie lai4§ or 11e foneltàthet awoishèes va q mnUoeamomg lie uaa saLilre a" tiilr vives vho bave basa ta thé habit of getta" orm etb 1e coumishary. On. vo. di m cllaiSa u thesai oh.d do boom» MdSiallûtmente from the depatusalImm Sieuti mô 510.1 If vui explainsi lý e i.sun vi-tbl change bas bem aade. Eneigu Cool. la Charge t fie commhearr glinga the fauta flibye, « lu neo emep»i place througb.- Mst the ocuttayIote vrachhce fol. lvaid et eteai"n crcdft at the; coMmimies 30tellted mon. 1h his beau excepilset aiGreat La'kes tat tbeaccominedatàma hue een ex- heaici.- I vIMçcatirlibecanie of th. largneaiu t huart of Navy Offi clie vio e rulle.hat bec aune the uiloment «Mne thmogh no lovly, that rnueihu=_ véencemlgit r.- suitte ta SaMe. lovever ve oel lot@ of good. dowa hene blov cet Ma it13 egailbaeklng a lot or ex- peelimg a lot te see credit at the commiemy. Certalnly nobodi gops ta thc eut-ratse Wankegan or -qbeviiec ai asefo credit. The tact laehy capoot ta psy caS fr "On thc othetbaud aMOUMerlm- portent phase o fUie mtter le ihat go many erth31e aior are being diii- chargeti, tuatfIt la bard te ieep track et thexa m»i »e iobt If the. aid mie Mouamuai ta savali, the. gpveu.U vould lae mmy acounte throiiilitic eu*l ear#pa r fthe.sabre foi- lewlng udèr diurge. Before the. w a ded, h. ermanencî of tho Ufflot w» I fr more positIve tiien MW. T t h i 3t a Oosof Uncle Sain protsctlg bis au tanunt to a bis esterut &adimas vsnov ire merli doftg tbe samne as etier goverament i'eftLtiU8 bave been. iohng rlght aIen thien souli h. do blame ai. tacimi #0 tic saton." loba Cl. Dunford bas corne bak te Laie rureet blglaga etide 0guer- re a"i a iviejai obum Ma ae. van for tw» yurs la the ambulance ecitUca0! e aFrench Bd mai rran arules lanaie. lNe vas vouaded tbira lms" mga" eéM.à- Wousded, lie rced te o 0te the rear uIMMl 11 coli rePair bis ambulance anti tais 1h viMi blm.fiehe ccitation. ne la tic snon e iiruprltsndeut of the. IaroliP. ilormki estate lu Lake Forest EDWARDS BOWLLS 2w8 circuit luit. Claire Utivareis Whe 18 oM. of the 'bovers hvM iire. presont Wackefan lu tie flluots Mtate Bowling tourney lu Cilcago, shaved real claie lu * pracilce match *&me Lt the. tlicu e aleis Tinrei- day nishi. judge Bivards tvas hlgb aut or ti on vitbwuBatotal of 010 or an average ai 303 1-3. Strobe, a membar of the. mame team go Judgo Edvarda bad second 111gb total 01 193. Kirchner, stfll anatiier membur o Buhe teamx vu thwr. The Wfrciner Brothbers tenm do- fee*md the A. 9. & W. ClUb teaiu, al- »eo ontendere for ihonore lu thc state tautameni hi 382 pins lu the. gamne RUSSELL REPAIR SHOP Autoad Parm Ma Chbu" yROoirn AU£ WORKGIJAEAP4TEE TIRES, TUBESAmD SPARK PLGS L D. BOYCE (-%««»esee ranik Cravfed) lms. -at à, riueL stob ullib. et lsregâtitc. Tb@.couiretor dld ICIl mM lg ai. Th$ Vt t le mot flbit a£ orUued CheCk &d hi% vii c Ila tu i theMt ourneî on Mai bld vm» iwenty per cent avr the S. ~U1l05190estlmate. Newbld" wil 11e demanded. Ti.emtumted cOmt Of Tb* scte,lut nBiot ve: o. randaevnue pavlngle $28600 Wrl IRiClub Team- ........ mSris 179 1"1 180 DOUa ',iiepard Gray, wldow Of Erunke 149 I148 176 Diobla Grai diedPrldaY ah lIglafld Plletd 179 141 191 Park. lier boed vaà the, nDf Freoburg 144 137 159 Who invented the telophoile but Rener 17 jet 168 iome imawua developed iii Bell. ou 748 Mi Kow4'400 (bu%" Wlaehtm -tiat oer;mtbu la pacson, tiLthe reeOla hau b te Pmm,0W. tiLt hW' liuet 1e mw ris M&M te le 45'aMd uMMthave tvo 'cufrea aven If lic b»ste adott ibm, liby th. e tuthttei.bind or lme fteetelta vcrviUig niied la Cburcihll lnahted ibat ttcerzte,- mee lu thi e arilolo tt ho wevu not a "lkut" viientlrly Dr"«.r, f0 -ho polni ted ttac Mt tI4af lhe ii bbce a Oeoiy.praotlcaly aul ilsMIf aud bad neyer displaiei n c dmone f belng uneula iti.N rtiuled the msugetion ubaitic eVOi vas mot anythlng but cornet aMd ali t be hoon0 mi at thae » taie on Januryi . a mi st th31e tooms trm the raroal îtck g*ome vhloh insoleot lu Ohicage. Ih of sncb anuexiet tlât ho «Mnot biegl to sendI hi Chlurohlisaliho came t30 Wauks. ganmo at o lkfor a vIfe but merci, ta tmamac a llttle business the. na- ture of vieli hoe ould not explalu. uAnI3FOISTUR ORA'I1NS 0fWA lai lai 1.8 M1 180 s13 106 307 214 231 Grand total-2702 O 12 MIATIONS OF CI4ILD LAUOR LAW ARE CHAUGEO Twolve MUMrua ouauglug iaw. tber ftie CiauIh labwh iebd la oqunty Mwt todeib Iap C e Informatie chargmu t ti Ddr that m-9 thc mge of 16 iseroare kopi tan- in yo11J bug Smille .t vo. T . l'h e cf mouts 3h. girls sivemaen: Gahu Oroile. -ieb mua lecar. Atonette lwafr .Ivo.. cakes. i let Kodrelyks "ad @hele Kuamisr.ft Four Infonmations charge the emPoi.. keep j ment of ciildrqn btveen thi.egs of 14 aud 16 vithoutsechool prii este. The. naines ire Alfred Ciitich. lin ai Anna Touskcî. Wmâ. L. ut and GeorgpCarroll. state kctory l- A epecetore. are namei ai the vhnea. th asiel The. Inspectors peu a acterai dr visit to Waukegaa ncetly. I-u RU88ELL ACK P"OM SPRING. aO MW FIELD; ROAD WORK HElLD UP Walegaus chances of getting rBol. idere street and Grand avenaue paved tatas year are noi. ta giaid. Charles Rumel.Co. Bupt. ofn'tgi> vrays returnai tram Springield Tri- dey lgbt viiere ho nrgei approvs.1 of hie plans fer the pavlag of Il Miles of Belvldqrc street ah an estimateti cstor f 300.000, vbicb he la saye la yeny oneervahlve. Approval vue vithheld on the grounds 3h53 3the Mate bai not îet dechiai viiether or mot road. von vwil bo heu up thia bld w@4 eubmitted for the pavini' of lhe remWanlng 1 1-8 miles on Grand avenue but ubi vu neJected bacause TELEPHONE- LONG DISTANCE 80-J AUTOMOBILE HZADQUAR1518 HARTMANN HOUSE HENY HARTMANN, Prop- WIEELNG&, ILUNOIS Oi. mlîauke. Av.aa 23 boa fre s lua ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ __ Ies-: FOUNDEII 186'. 14ICIHQÀAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMI>NY JOHN HODG, District Manager, Are., IIL Dcar ir:- Dijring the last fifteen years yeur Iife-work has been shaped and, determlned, f you have prepared well, ycur future holds many giod things in store. The matter of insuring your- life is ail-important This you know. When you acquire the property which yon f001 will be sufficlent, yon will go to an attorney, ait down, and quietly and deliberately make your will, But your Life Insurance i#oý-f more Importance; your wil simply distributes, but your Policy provides. Yon may make your will at any timt, duûring yt.ur natural life, but the time to take Life Insuraiice is when you can get it. 'Impaired risks are not ifanted. Lot your. Life Insurance Salesman qaîietly oit down - with yon and tell him what1 you want the insnrance to accomplish. Let hlm be your insurance attorney and advisor., He haii made a study of the bueiness and can explain how inseiwance will serve you best. No.highem compliment can be paid you than his deuire to interview you, for y on are supposed to be of Sound health, with a gqood family record, and of good standing.Among your fellow men. Your Life insurance should not be neglected.ý If you are in the market for more insurance, please let ms, hear froni you. Yours truly, JOHN HODGE, District Manager. "I Mersoirl etrobe Kineier DboeiWe aivirde DL. XXV To r'Bas rent EIGU N lei, id, elarlt pi ,ty. and It he d1ennoutratlon mawde. The loi Ïat thLa trne. vls made las ,Io gay nov t) lime. Admirai bho ur guests. 'ide and Bt thi addition the1 bave elilsted. ,wlth a douati, large delegtýi, mad ait outsd Oreat Lakee Sand: tour tC5. oompiuy ot Co Arryof oYeoi COMMhttec Grady. Ford a ,dered theilr sw fýor 'tho celer; t. A telegrai ~eretiry of t' Peleaso of ail 'o mai ha, , TlIere viii b e. fiants, ai -nd Whre Cc. niai put on a organlzatlofls thein service placed an ord dtlitrhbuted to Ail stores ah2 p. mn. an( ep. Mi. ThiIsIncludi egeani pariorf er asaanbilng vil be given bat ih la know viii b. ereche the Wa*leae Washington F panade viliip theIr rettrn fi teud. Washi cltoséd f rom( wîthin thiss beur and one th1e Naval Sta taow tieutpeoî A rAthu e er ofi Loj Al commit, Adf societtes t luherestod at Loyalti Parai ta attend a i Commere Tt nute,30 imi Came prepare ho number of willl garade. Ail mertba' kegan are r' place. of bu@ cran2 P. m. il mai bave tleipating 'In lias beau de( poltitln ta tU iatter autant the menciant C. C. B ID. SA The Comm tbe Layalty milat ail othei ciai gathenin tday b. PcBtP the undertait t t L eut. Coli ~oive officor orf, fan cea te bue euti Freonla' W-1

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