CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 May 1919, p. 9

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__ LAKE COUNTY IND 'L. XXVII.-NO. 19.- PART TWO (VILLE tNDE!f ~EPEDENTLake Counv9*itBig Weekly TIBERTYVILLE INDIEVENDENT. MAY 8, 1919. or di Ébi hlm ir the ,omt of 128,00 ohland b lut Bell. kdmniral Basset of Naval Sta- tion, Aide, Sailors and Band are to Take Part. BIGGEST IN CITY'S HISTORY the Vresent rate of sales Lake <'ounty wiii fail short bat! a million dollar," This wà"'"tbe warning note lssued today by ('ounty Chairman Bei-net t Waukegan sales shop;ed somne'im. provement today and Mr. flurneti was bopeful that this city wiii reach Il' I quota, LÀke Furest l9 PiPected ta exceed lis quota and Highland Park I and Libertyville also are exPected ta) Il subcrib)e Ibeir ful quota. Il lm 1hp the rural diqtile, according tu 1r. Burnett. where the sae of honds i lgglng and whcere the deficit i"! occur uness there laq a speedlnrv ivi god There WIla o an Uin Un 'n ~oiv DraIM PROMOTED LIBERTY LOAN IS IUIDUIIDon. S. J'hompson of Wauke- LAG4ilNEi; COUNTY jgan who ia Placed at Head Sand W. Co.. of District.'- To B Bigost~ Emloymnt ranc ofChaWman Burnett Says 'T 199____________ will be Biq Deficit if Lo Sales do flot Pick Up. INCREASE IN WA1JKE( Brut ol KiM»nk 11. ~o my auIl a layalty parade' lnItel"les paotpr adRive'cane/'ill l~ ~Tho eampalgn wli corne tae aformer cenilent o! Wauk,,gari a'toui e rgv lan, other nomse 'bati 11111UlU 11srasbing close nazi Satiicday.<)nn 9 o year,.4 f ag' waa sentttt Waike-I To l a i t it la bound ta he he 0f th e big fealures if; th e fre s vau ' gan lýy ber dauglîtèr r.. i-e an i-ai Mggaet parade In the history of aur ticailia perfo 'rmance andi spesktng mon of Chicago, who bicf-I an auioh ~etY and itlel the first after the war progi-Sm wbicb Is ta ho given tram mobile tte brng lher t10 Ihe homý, af iemonftratlon that Watikigan bas frein a platformin hat wil ho erectet iber atontidward Day wt,<, l,î'5 14 -mae. The later(eat grows and loom", n Washington street near (eno',ee. the Gld Roati, nortbvest of Waiu4,e fa t L t m . T î uoofK ý c p i i r ( re w l b o versefu t 'p e a k e r q, n - ;a n . : irî re c a lle d ih at t , a l N Vu a de J fl gtan tl e-,PuigTA o.Sih h iltig odhw a ea furtou. and Iosynon thal 10000 wili Lilln local paupta aubscihe fur bonds. refusedte trec.Žive hxmother bit lino. Admirai PasaIt and Staff wnul WVi egan iu by nmeans saisetaIthe toldth ne rivr:ofthe sîtr t.)tak, t' Ziar u st ,re r s n ity n t profitenta tWe.-i and b l-b y n l , u i-n We ref seti t c- t adrie iode eat io n .e r t e K Io T hs ~ . s rA Ea e ier eP n in sthee bt'r s.l Wlth a donation o! their cervices.A A lwAs.IflLH Y A E A L L 'a I I a e clatn gi o u rtber l- Ï Obveeat e8 NalTrainia Sttiond Bsnett it tîearii- (4 lnRSI N TI Y nttsu nd thadt ae awýnthe- lag elgaonfo ilrs: it.'or h, senrigMy'.1tlttirh1. t as a e d thr mb bis mal o! l"coiecntmrine.ts . îîntte& ro! ttC. tyaîea exutse hat s htcateneî ivifecave man»'ofkeomeNava: l l <'Tsraininog<ttiI mi-ag - r EPR U F Coinmitfourc5empeor ailors i-1. Nufor ter sfarnv fx atii:',. t-' th1919.c~e n om an. Nlnilie or on-yaces ?S ithe m tte vh inaleiy aonbin Qrady, Ford anti Sacknian have t0, chargi-" Ill. ta counzy couîrt and for a fneirti derret their serv!coýS te do anything- Nujober of t-us' ietia.nd moi-g Hiqhland Park has the OnIy I0oo'ti s though the court rasg go for 'he celebration within theur pan - *axes -29. ,«r. A telegram bas N'en sent tae i Toal iturnier ofit-net. rîiei Complete Irish Police Force log te foi-ce Fd Day, lira. W'eIla,_ndt ~ecretary of the Navy, asking for th, TRI_<.~ in the Nation. Friank~ Day af near Lbertvvflle whe o _____lm sreputfetbho ostIt 1000M0 ta loase of Il civ illan emplovî'eaan 'oa amotint of loan., 1 79850. takpre aofa the aged *JtI4er. Tbings @dait the G-et Lakes. sa fintl Busines,bas itien br'k anti bans ,lligbland Park n atinsa "the flnally shapedti temnslve h owev"r, ý,th ma hae a oportnit te oie« covotheavavely all-Irtab police forcvI'nb hileu 0the airk anti broiren hated mmath- i ilI hoofinalscanre the mareremantt lealI. 'cd. "Ttcame hy Il yoterday or las taken ta the aie aCounty1 Thare wlthefialbe ia o ard ntdalwitb the snnoîînemant by the, vliag' PoDr Farne andi ale nov ta a patient1 itre en Cnta w ic aegocefior- inWaiikegan: lai-ah ttmbecg look' hoard (afthe a-ontfntent ame t Itat place. F ftaiy o. wthe avue mricn tliil tite protarty ri soi'bres' -aor Lintisey as policeman. -Etiarti Ma lnsa ire a.. ai thece lriana St- fienr o!fC.înes" andi W'tiec S j.rm raney la chie!. Jack Shcahan as Rafused Mer Trunk and itytate Wma n'tpr s Caiy ('lob uGtave Pabst of MwiiauXeefocr iùtii. tandi Jasck Sullivan, ('harlffl J)JIty hattheWomn'. Ciy (Itl):dicaleti $')0(b( anti gave t-îck trust! Rafferty anti Lindsey "the force." "AIl But bore Is a sequel ta the whol" aaay put ona gfoal. AIl faciories ;anti rs n andpou fI'te nietoewihl vnmr orgaaizatlons aire cequeaied te arsii- deed for $16500.îihat andpot !i. ha'icdnoewlbl vnmr F. C. chlickec haught the NfargarptÏ say. repelsive anti one whioh nl pro- tbaîr service liage. The conîntiitt - logan estale bouse at cor- i Ediorq note: To make IY unan- duce eqtially as rnuch resenîmont as placeti an rder for 5t000 gags la b n-r Franklin gt. and North Ave. fui- imti3 the abave was wittea by an the original case sheceln the Days d$tiue epatcpns 250. Ilrsh reporter: another sonaof Ecin cefuse te1 accept their mother. AIl stores are requesiti lta)crsejoltn p Wyllie and i vfe haugh i aI roto tlic bead on it andi a ful"blooded Iltvas on the Fi-st o! Januacy that et p.m. nd eman cose unil ilot a nsoutb sieafilte Ave at Iristinan tset Up the type on i the ister ln Chicago wni ad icared -*. M. lame, Court ftra p b"Stide estatç ii b for ber aged moîber %Mca. Day for a ihsIcue ri trgad1ci- Nnw I rish t')oice force wl lelong finie, sent a trtnkful of cîotbing Thsicu ies ii-t To a for 11500 oho tal righ.t I>ROVIDING ibey tion't gelt fi nimber. atiticsset lancaca o! cfeam parleais a aei Tepae Andrew Decbman anti wf , ti tte flghting amaag tbemseivea. T"ý i-E- her son Etid Day of Waukegan. The ot asseînbliig andt he iu eof? 't*ch [ n Fotit C,.Lpwgplace on n'a fi-b sIt aicb Out! tukarvda h xyesofc vitli hagiveit in ttari-ow's plier-,Belvidere t.opomteAi-i-ler Ar"vit-, rii-dS b eyeaofc %ut il la knawn ibat a ceviewlng tantw o I20 A notice was sent ta Eti Day tlint vill leeetdon teNot ide 0at Gfr $t2A. lam itat s eiaîithon'Wis a a rînk in tho offIce anti i» atk~itiNtina Pn o the C. ol ('aih ad milean 'o'glfounimmthatéthe I-unir Ws atidrse the a *arle tiotenaRnonrthb fo 80. T Crh*4S I> I.3Cfun tatte'trnIws ddeL Washinigton St. at Getiespee andtb"easat ci-n-ir West anti <'ayton Sas ismfiri hsrr.adta parade vii g96 pasottItis sýtand o' or I ta t mather in9bi rarge an ti Iato tll-rturn tram the mari-b. and dis- ht C I A LhtflBeletoeva 8e ha rgeunithe band. Washington st-oct wiii e h ars.Tts 11pro tpery bî 4 ourit f-n ____________________ lu.,tiItie thfiu. elopeti tram ,nese laCoîîntv. andis.Ptqp aprytide 44 Ceet fr'onj Accordilng te emploAyeceof the of- withîn thias paci' a extibit for an a R o e sO t sd . eeeéq. FOL LAKE SOCIAL. CLUB fice,.leho lId Ibe cletk tu "set tie bour anti one hait v-il te givon t'v cu piediby Conr'ati& fzglandtfic hilpoer sendti t runir twhere she the Naval Station Flying fCrtis. Dur A .'tcsfr$300 rnfed My8-h so antedti tlago" antiflint "the ex- ova Lieut. C'o. A. V. Samlit -l Peak Beasie Pencher 1tought a lot tn cial anti benevoient club of Fax Lake pre ompany aboulti notlfy ber ta nie people fcom the reviewin7 Bitotigetts Stîb. on sauti aide Ridge- Caucty wa.s Incorporateti today. The that Il haît nflt hpen ar-i-pIed et titis stand. lanti Ave. train A. P. Beautien a nceppOiaJ oral are: H-airy Darîin<s,, endiai tbe coute." edAtuha, onadda41 nominal conitieration. prelilent; Floydi T. Smith. secrtary; hno Api2.,atercd spoFe r teburs be tride mt . ot h hiaas onE;( ,Fred iTtus, treasurer. To nArl2.aohrcr mhernf he ndutril crnmtto ~ '~~th îîc~o:BoaEsabe-g ' as sent onît ta Day tilng him thal Loyaty Meeting ant i vie boughh the Fortune Bras - Ail cammittea cbairmen anti bond praperty on oust aIda State St. jiwt WAUKEGAN STORES CLOSE copankag wa iat tIhetoffi eiTon ~0a soiates o _eî% with al others actS! inkbîitta or$ r0. Berause cof the big parade la Wau- the tact liatIil vasa a Iunir. Intarestati ant i tenIlileti wiIh The Inl ltghlanti Park: Thcoa. Sc eur gan Satuctiat, all oi-Os are te Accortiingly Day. wita vas sakti ta loyait' Parade Sattîctay. ai-e urgett matnn ioughi the Pari- L. Hill1 place close betweon Iwo ni \six o'clock. lhave Ibougil flint somebotit bat] ta atend a meeting Sti('bamber o! viti 1i7 fi. on Dean Ave. near Roar Becatîae o!ftiatact îbey viii maire sent bim a pi-sent. woriIta the ex- Commreerocus t 8 'clck .,.Wi-ftai i-Av.colndbaugbt 25otsapeciai plans te lake gare ai the ove- press office and.t i a tibrrai-. foant might ta coenplete final arrangements iam ori ogt2los11nn rte hat the package in qtîostion wai- the Comépreare tegive Information aF Oakml*t Suh. forim Sherman T asniing Iratile.hd efse o ta, numbr o!finlals, anti iow mai»' Cooper for $5500. ' .anuary Pli-st. Fie came back with WITT garate. lni Lakere aiest' John T. McCut-h- Lieutenant-Com mander andi Mca. the saine sort of an excutse anti sai ^ Notice to Marchante son bougbt the Albertine Eggenat pro- rcyLNICue haetknahycolntfo hm ta e AIl marchants ai tha City of Watt- perty with 120 te'l frontage on noctb Thaetin L. ake ry bav te rn a tets't coulint fool hlmtu.talh kegan are requestedtietaclose their aide lilin-dis Ave. mat easat oairee tbme line -ietyforatakeîsiTtegontaytae Exiunr.s placesm o! business. Salai-day May 10 DayStoand toc Indicateti $4(09 andti oin stainily aiGi-est Lkes The lySunbas fthe xprs me-r 2 p. ai. ta 6 p. m. la artier thal gave hacir trust deeti for $6000. tCainii-ig station. stanu. c Tes Dâte WS ne oava! teciern-n ai may hava an apporlunitY o! par Join CGriffithi Jr. hought the Painck Cue'l ttoei lno lt oas8s oron Stlpating Ina the loyally parade. il Spelman pr-pai-hy an noith idie Scott ~ anti afttr maklng an offor taelte ex bsheurn deelieti net ta circulale a St. for nominal consitiecatlon.. pi-oss con'any Ibal wo voulti psy 2 iioi to hois efech. but leaco the ln .ihei-hyvile Heiyi-y Sergei-t anti P. S. Sexton boughl the Anti-an tho charges on the lrunk anti par- mgatter anti-oiytel the pariotism of nifo boughl the Chas, anti Maurce EfIager tai-m o! 100 acres la sac. 31 in sonalît' convot' ilta the ageti vomar. te mrchants. Signeti, criabioe propertt' on Nevbarry Ave. Milwauke<e oRastifta $6500 51BOJ00 t the Libartvviiie puro- ari, the s. C. C. EDYWARDS, Chaîrmati. faf nominal consideration. ta encumbrance. agent untior the ciccunîstances faîl J. A. WATROUS, eGa. C. Srnail bouglit the Jahn W. InaEEsat Anliocb Chares Bransky fuîly lusîtitet inla cephltng Out 97c D. . AWEBCol25 soc, in sec. 16 toc indicateti ant i vie bougbl the Azl W. L~unti- anti turaing the i-unir over ta Ibe- EDSAG T$15000 anti gave bacir trust deeor hai- mrrao! 54 acres lni sac. 5 for la- Sun. 'omte 10.dicaltid $6000. Thé Sun thus put tbe t-unir in ait ~a.Th NOTmItî~ CE In Libei-ly5ille Townnsbp: Fila J. In Warren: Ai-ad S. ChandIer ti automobile anti telivocet i lolteatla ab Loyalt' parade Salai-day request bought te Reirner Schneider-tai-m lt u, a a- nsc.1 IGr a'Po aa Mca . boe l ethD ' ba Mha Il albor soclety meetings or se- NW 1/ sec Il for $5600 anti gave $9000 anti reaold about ?ý actes ta ageti vomn 'hs chdia bi ciai gaîbaringa achotet tacfo that bacir trust d oti foc $2500. Leandor W. Wakefield tor $2000 andt uma ber out anti turnoti bar dova *day be poutponed taI the acces of Ini Ai-en- The Canialic llishop of 2 acres la t4sîgh D. Huges tfi- $1000 ad coîdît'. the undertaking mat' ho assi-d. (Cbicago lo ttiila ta aIl the Shltion at tablne !te tarm10Thoq IntahIe t-unir noce ma plcso --propert' on Lke Bai-a tram DennL.s H. McCann for $8500. lclotag nbicb MrB. Day naluralît' Lieut. Coim. Roberts, toi-moi- Exe. J. Dunne for nominal consiaeration. Ia Vernon: eGorge Fi-acla Rai' bad vantadianti neadeti vert' muni. totive <>ffinai a! Great Lates. "ebovK& In Benlan: Henry C. liagmann anti moni 100k tilla uniar partition pro- lut tact itla saiti the lîttimi trahir con-1 ce'fûtfo ses dut'YaYslerday. lHa is William 'Mlartinson bought the Win- eeedinga ta the Thas. Redmon arti lm4ained ail the betôngtngs ale pasees- to lia exacutive afficer or the U. S. S. thar XMotor Truck 0o. plant at Win- -of 75 acres sat of roui la mac. 1 toimai. Yat. tram januscy Ii'iilt, ail bari F>retolia nov st Boston. thcop Harbor toc indicateti $10000. $16000. srtIt affects bave laid up claim !NDEM WAUKECIAN WEEKLY SUN ______ EIGHT PAGES. 1-50 P IER Y EAýR LN A DVÂNCE.' DROPS DEAD ON FOR FIFTII TIME JJ~o irî STREET ON WUY TO W. J. Allen is Reelected Presi-[IiUlUJIU CONSLT ADOCTR ~lent of North Shore Sani- CSUccmb À OC Mtr istrctO the Annual il lo s ioseph Lulu of North Chicago __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ R i Sucmsto Heart Disease; 0111 O Wife With Him at Time. .n(ê! I op Mruu It Iwas abouit the first of 01., vear iliat ihe Iallv Sun'earried the star,- t. ber omnt he cuî' ortaa. h Sti-Sted na-ld-witie attea- eb@ openeti ber eyes in surprise andti ton s few .year.4 ago wilI aeIs grastitudP final chaptor nrltten tamacrow whea "H muci lt is?" shealaeed, ovi- the estale of 'Ntrs. Lavina Raymtond,. deatît' baping the charge noulti ho one of the women s-ha gave Mca. smaîl anti that Fhe caulti Baya: ."0o Minnie Richartison ber evential ride. anti get Il tram my son." vili psy over the aum af $1742.50 da- Il'a Shout eigbt tdallars" saiti the mages. AttornyOt'Givis 'sho repre- Sun mnn it sasMleo. senled MNIs. Richartison assertai to- "'Oh, mY. but you're gond.i. Mat' dat' that Altai-net' Homer Cacire 'vba CMtibles yntîanti prosoaryou" reproentoti the Raymondi estat hut saiti mho as sabe sgan ta ci-y anti astsignîfioti bis viliingnassa pat' avec tah. lookati longingît' ai the trual: the nianet' as soan as an asaigameal rvbich containeti evei-ything la the Is matie. This caurie vas taken byl wanti that she possessei. iMi-. Orvîs totiat anti ho expects the Mrs. Day tho.n atdati: "I hav monet' ta o bctiti-amivec tomai-con. bean. oh. 90 anxio. veotth tua r is. Richardson 'sho non resides ia tor It hat all mt' eotbing-I tiîd'îChicagoa eetfotac$100.000 damages. ïhaveanaatbe- tii-s la the o ocio_-Theju-y nbtcb heard tie case avari- eptiîg theseolad clothos I have on. ai ber tdamages ot $2500. This vas 1Nov I dan tii-OsB ni)Sunda'. 1 ani eut by the court ta $1500. NMca. Rat'- SO k-aleul t yau" qund. one o! the defot.rlant-.,vas the "M noIgr tef aio yu"'asrei hei-- nît ote vha nasfinandlalît' îespon- poi-. yu? sBd here ible. An effort nas madtie ahava " *Oh, t'ai kn«s' for vou bad Il la the judgmePnl sol asitie. but in vain. 1the papor" Raidi tbc, but atoe atidti.The Intcreui t ual basacruet i ane,' "Il am ninety." the lima the verdicet vas roturn. Despile hec age the Wiuýman'a bai- amaunîs ta $242.50. Attornet' Orvs rlla as liack as coal. @bc looks ant'- 5550i'tstht .Ni-s. ltiabâcts(is tlll àthlng but ninats' altboug bebri'pht'- ila I ltahallh. ainsi condition la none toc gondi. vent la Mnneapolils nhai-a 1 itied up a cosy luttle homne. We wevar as happy anti Lana vas pafetît' cn. tentai. She salti that no oaae ver coulti Indue bar ta leava me. 'Thon one day, atter sha thougilt ait airs St borna bai qultaid dwn some. abe ni-ota a latter to ber rells. lîves. She got s raelY almoat lin- medatylto in wblch ahe vas tiigai la returfi ta Waukaganaai once. LAa tld me abe di nol vant ta go and urgati me ta ta'ca ber ta morne more distant cil>' wbare ber relatives nev- or cashd finti ber'. Kleaed Hlm Goodhye "W'bea I left home Mandat' mont- ing Lena kissati me goodh'e -_andi navedt t me tramt the vinion. Whan 1 reu'arited born ataInoon nie curtsing nare tiiana, the dishes stOOt i 01 the tabla jutI as vo hati lait nien aftèr breakftast,.thebedei as unmade. and Lana vas gone! "Neighbors tlId nme thal uu vho resamblati mebati drvaitUp Ilt an autarg/biia anti saidtihat MY vif.O (Ceittitatiean Pge BUTIN. :GAN. TOElosD AILING BUT A SHORT TIME. Jlosephb1Lulu. aged 47. living at 1-dth 11 1 Ô[ I strept and Ureenfild avenue, NÇorth Chicago. dropp"d dead an the street ai North <'hicazo T;àesday night about mpefn.thliiv o'eiock white on his wav W I s L v ta the office af a physician ta have hL' dlagnosp'i Relatives t>o lieve that death was due ta e iaci dîsease, Mrs. Lulu wax it her hus- band whenlhe was slricken. Luilu had complained of painesln Antonio Caserta Says Rela- bit' client for several dava and bal tives have Pousoned Her ,on ulted a pbpician fromnt te naval Mind; Will Seek Damage station. The physicien esured lmtre that his condition did net appear tc ho se-rious and ld hlm l'e probabiy AFFECTIONS ALIENATED. would be aIl right In a few days. cTuesday evening Lulu decided toi Antonio ('asecta who arlved bore core ta and consuit i, .J le Tuesday mornlng, In search of hl'4 NI. J. t<aowskv. ,tus wife acconîpan -- bride of less thtan a month wha ha ied hlm. At' he reached the cerner- charged tuait been kidnaped Monday of 171h atreet andt ('reenfieid Avenu,. PijfPi;mi yb ler WVaukegan relatives and he sop~d. eaggred nd henfc.i ~ 111 ~jIj!~bcought here fram ber home ln Min- tahe sldewalk. His wife haastily cal- jnaol.Mn. on a uss le Peip and the striclien man was reon ttehoeo eltvg 'lie then was removed ta the North j I EJ T RN OS tenh : tehoeo!rlaie eh(ago police station. D)r. Wosî T 1tA I I ihhm e m ornhageo wax rsllcd but pronrnînced AT '1IL UIRLS "They have pioe e ic lb,' vlctin dead. The rominswr against me," Caserta complained later 15mto thePiolu netat2-They bave caerced ber mb renoune- rooms Where the inquest wii b. held Edgar ChurChili Says Ho Has IngmeanI altkeheac- Il eaeawdiwadtadîg-* sary legal stepe la obtain redresa. ul er. 4 WIi Gt Iw ance datg-Looked Them Over and unaue When Mr. ('aserta arrived bhere fer. il Gt nsraceHis Decision. Tuesday Marnlng i was witb theIn tention of layiag the matter beforé It <levelops that the famtly of Lulki the 'lates attorney and atariing wiil receive $800 life Ilisuor*îîe sa YET ASKS PASTOR'S AID. criminal procecdinga against the rel- restilt of the thought.uloaea of the -olitves of the yaung waoman. as ho ('bicago -ardware Founidti. 'artl .."Mo. loaking for a wife ti Wtu,tp. did net helaite te charge that thay Cicago. wberp lhe had warke. vr an' 1 ahould say nfot --not hire. Whv had kidnaped her bodily. The bride. the list few yeara. The hardware 1 bsven't seen a gond laoking girl however. who before ber marriage was fonndry last Christmas preaented eaclî since Isve been in Waiukegan" s;aid Miss Lýena e yer, daughter of Samuel of its employas with au n iraniec rdgar Chuîrchill, who claimis te he a NMeyer, a -w-althy gracer bere ad pollcy as a present, and are paying thirt' million dollar heir. sister a! Joseph iteyer, a wholenale the premlum on saine. The aize otf1('antinuinz hc Asii: '"Do you tink tobacca, dealer. 4~ 23 years aid, and thé policy varife tram $500 to04) ,Q)ifItl'vas juat lao'dnig for a wi!p that the busband Tound that Il woultd ha ta te caes o diferen mon do endcu4ed me te corne te ibis part of the difficuit for hlm te malte the charge ing upon their length of service. LUIU c'Lv htIwudPc atle fkdaa tn p le be iatompoye0f he lanta iegan? No. Tt la other bu:ýiness wbicii since the un8que Christmas presenta brought me bore." WI Sue For Deages have been given out. The foatt th-d lits family will receive tbe amount .1f1The reparler auggesîed finhaih bd As a result hie bas retalnad an at- t.he pollcy Immediately bas sboa'n net been arounîl towii much If ho ln, torney and announces that he ittI other emplayes wbat a really fine alstod iberr rwasn'r a good lookinc siarf suit for damages against rata- thing thé founîry le dolng for tbem girl ln town. He even suiggnsted ttl'St tives of is wife. eharglng tbem witb zho stand ln front of the Sun o01lce baving allenated ber affections. ln thaexpressi company St Waukegan five minutes andIif during that tîrne "Hiejr relatives wcsre bttorly op- rnerely because none of hier thi-an lie dldn'l Cee a haIt dazen o! real pospid ta oui marrlage becausqe 1 wax chlldren would PSY the 87c express goad loo'lnz girls fias, the reportod fnot o lfthp Jewisb taith." Caserta chsrges, take the trunk âway from would set u ptbe cigars. said. 'I ave n oifered to embrace the thé, office and gel il ta bier St tb" '"Net interested" inslsied the AI. JewisIl faitb If il would belli me county poor fai'fl. leged movie accomplîcp o!rt13111IHart. te wln I.kna. but tbey would net lîstail Clerke Wanted to Psy IBut, Inter the Sun diqcovered a case te such a course. Consequently 1 In tluis connect ion il develops that wbece ho had talked witbh a local j atlled Lona up tram Chticago as;Bonn the yaung wamen employeea at the miitrami sad te, him: "Have you a as 1 recoived nîy disebarge framn the emyress office wero "iteb4ag" ail looking girl in your cbuccb wlio navy and slip met me there. J'er ta raLsv' ithe 87e in arder te psy the would maire a gond wife for me?" and relatives waeld nlot bave allowed ber express and then focward the trunk the liastor lnslated tbat lie dldn'i like Ita crnme fi ey bad known she was te the aged woman ai Lýibertyville ta advîao matrimonial ventures. 1 going te meet nie. How,-ver.the cornpanvy doest Ct(hurchill oven after thint ingigted 'iq proposed an immodiate marclage matin a delivery aI Ltihertyville snd that be wasn't a man that was lookc- antd Misa Méyer areapted. Sho saii tbey thus did nfot carry out theiT ing for a wife. andti int.Rted that it she realized ti lmot theo savering o1 pilans. must lie adrnltted fliat ho waqn'to.od ailhomne connections because elle va But the Sun tiid nlot loen ny fimie looking. Iatding bowever: "oip macrying romefone et another rall wben lt bearti about the cii-crn- (Imuid. bowever. they tplI me la n gion but saiti that ber regard for me stances anti cealized the probable very bnrnoly man and Vm not bragg was se high ibat ahe was lilling'ta need î Mca. Day hsving sOmne of lng about myself." Imake any sacrifice. ber îhings wbicb wero canlainet i n Taldt oe o tbe trunk. y- T Wried ta:Moel adRoom e Iisrcalled Pthly aflrtemthdom n aa.The n we sent a Tra lqcae talninto cuunîyhecout, *u*motinaminy wifo's 13relatives 90 ers casewaty a nortcurtt. Sid Werate MariaW nd reto tecut nideachwas ai-dnoPi-d t psyil Q er Tey-aIdcetnethe ryaboaut coure chndi-en hweaumoete ayintoeyAtone une teiifl $4 a înonth towardtiie mother's keap NU 111niI totev 'wuud fltect 4'ry abut Hoeethat wasn t sufficient for a'tra rlvA te ieblect.vephad tey, ber ta provide a 'hornte for beracîf andi or, mv vire's brother. and hi, Stt- meO %le waq sent te the county farta torney, .J. A. Miller, came la thé lho- the momey fircen the cnbifdren of tlI andti riedtei ta geLna te retiBil cors tushengpaliln tetahe te Waukegan bul sbe would net con-. 1county. a sentai on aa Aged Women Grateful "As &non a hybt oeaa When the Sut t reentative lnlok fmu oerirdn case My wife suggesled that we go ta an- the trunik of the ageti Mrs.- Eliz iay Tefrou oartli g -ot r hatel or leave the city. W.

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