CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 May 1919, p. 1

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T YVi-Lý INDEpE-ND.ENýT 'ps -B-ig Weekly weWeeklis Gmaty Counbles WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ~V~). ~VILNO 0. OUREENFÂ(ES TBETY ILL, LXE OUNY, LLI<QkL TUTRDÂY;, MAY 15, 1919. DUE TO EIBHT. $1.50 FER YBRRit;DV ____ ____ ____ ____IL -No____0._ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____o __ ____ ____ ____ ___ WORLD MMEWIS St. Paul Rallroad Seeks te Force Vllageto Make AP- propriatiofle and Levy. DATES TO DAMAdE SUIT. Mandàm'i05 ProCeedVflSs ver, ala&rt" ,@d agaînst the. village of lleei'fiold hi. the. St. Paul Ralinaad viien a pétition Wua 0*14l i icuit Court tOdaY Mb. Ing *that the Vifllage ho téIn clade la ts appropriationiand tax ievy ordinances manor viitic ta - psy a judgment note vhici la avenue -but vicb the.village dao not,3ugi eanxilalta psy. Tii. cas. dates hacit to a dmmae cuit tri.d lu circuit court abot tva 7.ana ugo viien Edarr B1èlm.hiof Deerfield von a verdict of 1883.0 bis property hi the building of a euh. ugainsitihe village for duaa doue vay wicii i. lalmod eut cfmal a> Proacb ta hl* proerty. Tt upppars tht theii.allrad coina puDv paid the. damages and recelved a Iudgment note from i. village. it ls cbarged by the. aiind company that the village hag made no effrt to PsY Off the- note sud bas flot inciud.d In their tai ilv" ordînance any item bn Pros d' for tihe raising ofthtei nec emqirv rnoney. Tii. suit Oed today wO:ild aus, the. village to b, min <Ian1 i 'd to provide for the Item ID tî-X l.-y ordinance. Judge FA- ';ý sN gi et hearlug on the. suit for .fXt %loniday TASK 'OFfCLEAN- IiOUT OUTLW fisl NMD Deputy Game Warden Stratton of Fox Lake, wltf St Claire, Directed Big Job. 'nie sentence of ezeculion agaluit Germai cary sud ohet piae euh lu UllInolsa vaet has buen ried ouf by the tate gaine varion. The deall ioane. hock la eeryn »erD cam~. gar ish. l faitfa liat 0010141b. captured la the, otae. Iner a vs alec ordorci for evecyt @ahm hesq pîcierel. plie ortlceut., AiU thug fit dutre avu »al behy taine Bai lvward tClir, came vave!,ic for the n- hart it lut -kô les de-t put. William J. Strallon, ver. lu charge of the execulloni st Fox ie*. A aeIne a ml".long va, usri. Tue ooe vas avreai uni than drave LfilTtbrougit lu game CieuasveilIau ttll,ad athie cond"-n>ime1fiel>arf. named. The sameielleb ve, lrown an ek lata te lai,. The Germen carp, g" Iai-viicu la a freshw.vuer soodfiai--&Mndthe. buffnioes ver. kilitd. Tite giant lint, bas, pI4b andipickcrel wv.', 'epiralel 'a une c: lie ai hateltArt-s .qor tla luf for muent yrp*8i!s. Tii, seiing elopped Muy 1. ire saie buis vero maie aud liey brougitlnl fteen tons of"iller.. As te "killens" vere only a smi part of the litu, one maiimagine 1>0v vat a ninber af flt may h. caugiit ln a net a mile long., ncdentally. Iblis woni b? 1h. cltaIei ha eeved ha neduce te prie, o ciieap floit la consumners. Cary bas scold as 'ulgi as 18 cents,.; ICujo.f The. oite iviriens atpervisa lte vano! f Llhing gangs via solnei for cary. The seiners Pald te ,tate a cent a pauni fan lie fish and wrte aile to market Il 80 lie consumer naldabout 8 cents a pouah. EX-CROWN PRINCE HAS JOB Washington, D. CQ, May 9.-Tue for- mer Germaen ovuprInce hua Sone lute, lie pottery busIness, accondlng 10o oMciaI dlapatdiec ecelrcd ibere taday trot HoUimun. A nev caunSsy met otgaulaed te use te caiea»uo sandaoin lie las- land of Welinigoa ln th NotthSes btas naiei tir. Iffrek-IiWlliam ,:Ithensolera n «eUicdtrootor-mana- ge." FIRST IN LAKE OOUN"T-IW SAVfl MOEY FOR COU NTY Ai a réouit ofthte'n.w m.tiiod of olletng taxe la abo Oouty tiiraugithe>.cocaty treasurers On". eprtmVIA the. township colleet. orF asthe ol014Éiavprovided. LAite Couty ceu mark dowu a saviug of 18,074.47. The. dlgciceure that euch a savlg ha been made ln a cource. of gratificationi ta treusure' Ro haâcher viio va, the firet treamuror .114 upon to aIy the. nev iav vlUch dld avay vlth the towu col- iectoe. la the* total the. deputy coliectori paziod by Mr. raciiar cblected ln Lakte Coanty sgN,s4». Under lhe loiv, the, ollectora of taxes ane ai loved to diarge 2 per cent ofthtie colections and ceit tiiem bte th esminuo f their ofie. .Thua, hY coiiecting the above amount. It la eeoun thst the 'treasurer, uglylng the à per cent, eau credt 10hie office os esinagu lacolletlng taxes..8, M7.09. Mir. aer bas figured ont that &e. bu psid to the. deputy collectors for ofllectlng the. fax tis year $4,620. 49, vhli, uutraed tram the. 2 per cent aloved for coliccting, mokaa .iir*up»t. ic e boty lundM oe tic townahip lp cector metiiod of col- iLecing. t $111.860. Under the. old iav tiiere ver. but four towna viiere the. dccci caculug cave over the.$100 allowed by the lav. nameiy: Wanbegii, Warren.' Deerold. suiaids. Tii.e ecosathon va paid Into the. tovn funda but un- der the, n.v law It ln Pald into the. count yfund. Thug, the couty gainei so fer as the. ourninga go, viierea the, town fund in ddwieted just that 1much. CURB TIE iET- RIC1I-UICK MAN BY VICKERSBILL Representative from This Dis. trict Introdiues Measuro to End TtsAotiviy. Reptusenfallve Vicier, la oponsor- lng a billan tie leglelature ta <ul theaeductile. fget-nclt.tck _OU. itanie adOcaléporatloe u laI bave beau brlnslng dîscredt On minol. invealigationi luli tetCd"iscour bef or. JIgduio & %v* dilosed à condition rtal e" sfor remedial legisillon and the Karrard legiuas lor la bsekiag a messure liat la lue! viat la nocdei. lMt. Ticket lacc» àient tU i hoIE *hma vITT mét POU, niai approvuL. Itbeeuthcen«dorme mont 0frlthe eccretur et autle. U U1 lbmm1rooiaidtli.atorney getal. IL J. aundago. Laglehaor Vicer. la cdmanCor the eo.mlttae on dhai nd Zgend Malychangesla lie oulodu 8gae lavi viiihb mude. It l le helvr. . Viciere ham other cuntte. unign- mente liaI make. hlm a buy leglila lor t a Slageld uni ils extensive m favorablile uqaiataitce are heip- fui lu man i vain. WILKES FORD BUS nie 0F #Y. PREIENT Former Waukegan Man who Has Succeeded, Purchases A. J. Erling Place. B3ecause Wiiien Ford, fonuienira lcnd.d tlic Wsnkegan schoal vie Y1-n ble parents llvcd viere Riebard Mon. rov npv lives, Sheridan Roai aniý Franklin alneet, ilstnienda itere viii he latenealeo-I la i, Item tram aa Chticago pap'er:, t The mcpl important transaction o! ite veec vas the, sale by Albert J. . Milng, former president'of tlieChi. >cago,MilwvaukreeandStý' Pui road rand ' now-chairman a flie board, bo J. tWilkecs FTr, Jr., of Bt. 1Louis, presi. dent of lie Ford Roofing Products rcompanT, *of lte residence ut 1400 North Blute. panivay, heing lte narthveal corner o! Sciller street, fan an indlcated cash consideraion or $10,000, accordîng la lie revenue stamps on lie deed. The hause laiiianlatrative ltref. g sdc'y brick cantainIng about slxleen tacts on a lot 60x132.9 feed. Mn, Earling acquinci lte praperty abolit ton years ugo for $40,000 and ex- *penied about $10,000 ln Imprave- *monta. n lnce lie roture tsou ?rance 0a hl!, brother, iàeut. Eivurd M. Torti vita yll taie change o ftie coin pani'eS . loula business,lMt. Tari. viii devole a VertIofaielsime 10 lit Cblcago end af lie business. Welcome To Our jSidiers i By eary Polk Lowoatn On sunny days, in lilac timie, When earth is green and skies mr blue, Whou church belle ring their uu«tMs chime, And blood rune high and hearts béat true, Brave soldiers ail, we weleome you!- Back home again 1 What magie words!1 1)eat.mother's love and sweethearts true, And littie bands, and songe of bit&s, And apple blossoms peepmng thru- Btave soldiers ail, we welcome youf O, God of Fate! Those left bhnL In Flanders Fields and Arg onneWood, And Chateau-Thierry, too; thé b Thelane (t.hoe steepednrch*.id). Lo, let us not forget this day!. Let 's bare our heada and kneel and prw! Waukegan and Lake County S Welcome Soidier Boys Back k OUSADS TAE PA T aving heen oetered by lié langer THOUSNDS AKE PRT. aclorles, thi.empioyea of vicit marcei. Bom@e of the floala ln lins Waakegoln, May 10-!vere etrlinaly ieautltuui,. Tie, Waukegan loduy pald bornage to ver. a largenumber of automobiles lie so14er hera.., turnlng out en tu li, ad many of li"e, er. de- masse ta veicame them vith lte corated la a very elubonate manner. xigem ot ade ftie city bas even Tt han hua en y s aine. Wuniegan kBaya. At the meélime Wau'te- bah seen se, miii foata aand deeoraled §» 1proclalmed Ia IRoyalty to the. automobhee tu ln.for s ceichra- vorld. Weii migit the. patriotte de- I ion ot uni uini., Intatalln Iodai alnlie diamay ta Home Sou'rd.on Guard liome vhoseerumbied dWsoyalty bai#'The Woauk ,miitia mode 'ils brought torthl fignatlon tram ai 100 gmut appearahes tadi atn.d.-*Tie parmei Amunemae ire, hors in flair W van u e oaed Viuistua tédai infornicithee vob- to uard dutr alm# Cenesue etteel bile" tht lier. la no room for tien t bebve Clatan and Water, bloc.o ha».. tht iad becs eleurle t enta«. The? l'h. mouler Pwe de vliciwUDSdid ual take parC la C» peude but hito motion aMd moved iaujestlullitheir services ver. u«sIn thelic ard flac flicdova DFa,. 613r00tO sud dat I nsted. T'n.iesm juil t. OMheuta threcghtcsO 6111idedbi& d lday aud t Umeo s tin IA &let, eou.e f vh théUiccltY JUSU itaoi tlmtodor. i féal drl. Il vould have beenon el bunrd »ame mebn te t- s redif 10 mmy ty 1170ri t imes Idlon arrivel at tIvO ~V Iotf a UmeeSial f Wi~nkef. Il vas a l 0I fsveulgtl@n te Yunloe Co To Theofuw Ir &ae memu or ettie uh a hgvr Z 4%udd b... fie.V wne u è e ihli ton tmont 10 lievTaleslocal Gos. cur' tnbrg *domtu paossa lmz.wbkih had threna fh* door. et loti du g lte«n loug ehthe epon totoa rec et aed& eu on ài as-ta the seveai mon"quot telor otf huedred' bflof thle Namina a=y. Admirai ltts cveulng at six »Mo etcfwia. voe evermad gcVd - oebs abe tIc g et ofbon- ofiiers &H Ml te ' ogo e u-or- t &a-Madinan glvm by28 mIgtice vueulgci, thc muambI lk l.aetIboieclu. Cci,à-. V.Smith ee*btiUfltalsy vW a velatlc. 5&IBOvuas aguesl t r Im. f aheved tltem Waneoua.In a dit- Pihon.oéaie Meff forenutthlIe lai leth"w loft- lThé<Cticago te ea ceiloompaiys ol ibove el lem Wmube aptriotie Young vomen opemftmuu mcbed la te lie cor.,&axilous to arpsyu.rted the parade. eaeit hivlg bototal*aherces. iurgcAmerican fggvIbtithey car- The dolvu tavu treets v re telied a11 over lie entr O 0e. l'bey splendeat viti banners fiages ad ivel- ver. acompunied ii twe bhaud. corne toton». Nveri store front somely deconated lm"uof thle taie- vas d.oorated. pion. compaTi?. Tiousnde In lin.e - è'ie gglie rleiscarried vas 60 l'h. bg proceslon ot lato motion foot long &Md 0 feet vldcre larga1st siortiy aftrtva loc auni moved flg ltu Chicago autoide of 0ovuei ioulhin la ene street. 'nie streete hi Marshal l eld. 111001 juât izry vere iin.d vifi liouuun.Of madly lfs b 1>014 ditl. vhtfour me« hoid- cieerlng eltizeni via vaved bats lDg thecorners. aid fia, liqthe procession passmed. !-I. T.Ottndef offiiailecturer oCt Tiere ver, liousand laniUns. the te]gePhone campaiT U laI chrge, Too leolages Md othor or of deconating lie truca. to ie al Lganizatiana. Inclndlag organiued labar la to apeuhitfron thte. Vt ry 'mm toai part. being vefl représented. Tic -piuftorm tonight ln an appeai to: Buy pregiction taI tien. vouid b. 10 000 more bonds. in lUne uppeaste, bave been Juif!- Wlr. MiliMon lid.The, w ine milii mca made s an- Wauuigan vas bananed In itavIng derfui l abovng. Tiey wve. lere au ils dintinghied ouest, Admirai to lbe lune ai about 2,000 and, vitb IBaaaett, commandant *'of tie naval fiage uni variain, sorts of embieme, lraluing station!, Accomanield by accompanled by thir fine baid, thi. hil aid.'% and the, ffty piece station men murcird lnut-e 'Aierican style, band be vas oiiaved by 1,000 sai-. vlth thein beudqA rect sudtuMI ofa ore. -. vîgor ani pep. Ail aiong lhee une of march tiione Many Fromn COUntny yena cheers for lie relurned soidiers Itjnqucstionabiv 'tie etovi vbict vito marcited aiong Jaunti lu n hieir gtheeNd ln Waukegafl toduy vas the * ialci uniforffl. A taucit of aadness langest Ithe ety erer ha. seen. Tran w ug addetj vien tie vounded Yunl<s ail parla of the county people fiock- tramFart Sheeridan pussed., The ap- ëd bore to see lie démontration. pestulice of Waniegaa'% Gli Star George Reneban of PRound Lake cal- Motiters. uairaugit leurs 10 lite led uap tuis mornIng and announet n0700 0f muni, liat lwentv autluIcs o Round Laie 'l4be 200 more inembers of lie Red hoStors vould b, here. Tram otite Cross citipter of Waukegsnj, viici parts orf fe >-tinuty camevord lial *organisation actea jaintly vti the mauy autloloads of people wuli ie 3- War camp Communiti servicelnlaorei. j maklag lie arrangement@ for tue treot In Cleured )f demontration, brougit obeeru. They The efforts te lieep eGnesee sîrêêt lver. atlr.d la luli R.d Crocs nurse cieat of auto. during lie parade met 2uniforme. vîit aucceas for the men vWho patta' F PIete Are Beauttful ied theotreet.9 kept lite autos back 'Tier. vas a great protuaion af foute la te parole, muny of lieu 5(COutllued an Page TIre.> i e m k- ýd le Per u et LAKEUCO.TEAMIR IS TEAMNEi YAN IN IANFAC Former Principal of Liberty- ville High School i8 lnstruc- tor in Army University. IN SERVICE OVER A YEARd J. Narria Tiirogmorton, former pr Ia. cipal aofli.therleyville tovnshiip iiigii achaci nov la iserving as an ln- struclor la lii. Amincan Ârmy Uni- versity at Beaune, Y-rance,osear the O.1ýma-BvIss border, according toaa llter'recelvel feday bhI T. A.fiMup. son, Couity oset.of 50h0).. Mfr. 1lirogmortinvas pincitiai of fte Ubertyvilie io sehool viien ho vas druS I.i Ho ha been overaeaa about a Yser. 'nie records aiiov.d liaI i. vua teaciier n0oviien lie government se- lected Instructors for tiie îrmy uni- versily lInEFrance, eutahllsed for thc henefit of the. Tanks, te Laie Ca. ma vs one 0f'thiiaa. vo vwu hon- ored. Mr. Tirogmortan saya b, vouid have preferned ta remain ln the ranis vihh the reat af the, men but Inasmuo, us il ha feit that ho eouid jendor a better aervice inluitheunIveriti h. ha noacompluint la maie. H. a.rv. ed vith lhe englaeer. up to the lme h. vas appointed au n structor. SHOW DAIRY'EXHIBIT. Relative Valueso0f Goods Diupluyed ai Ourlinville by Advisor (Springfield Blaus Journalj lu ouofIlteé carlinvillo Wiudowsof q tie office of Caunhi Faim Advb.or W. P. Meiller an uti Main slre.t la a modi latere.img d.ueoit.otieof, -tfés voile. ci dadr produci a. food. Tb*. dleplay va. arnanged b,Bdvward Corbie ai Oai HillI am oed leladecd a eduton ta lhe avcrasporion vio tuova but littie of food vises. Tbe viadiviaore draped wvîh tbluct and-wbite, iblci laita oealattention ta th. ilaek ual vhite Halstain mv, pictuned lb.theiaekgrouod ad u lmcci vlndov tiers aue thro esu»oa. Ft la shovws auplee of Iodler for 00v. &ad on. hashait lb. maof Ctproduclng ou quaid t f OUla elgit sudnime.fontte cents. Thon tieslh a hotie ofmiii sud la paciage. sud on plein lm equk - valent la other foodi. This Mme lmslale carrled ont viii ubor, cieem and collage ebeaseenibatteormilt. ' Ouequart of mUt la equal fa uhii 1 foutbo af apouni of beétiai. wvh1 cote 80 mats; 2 pouadeofai b"cen aiî 58 me; 8 @W ecouinig 27 sute or 8% pounda ai cabbug e oilg 8 ean bu; 2.2 pouadi of appla. ai 80 conte or 1.7 paunds oI banana. at 17 conte. Une pound ai buttor equals 2.2 poundo afibain custIng $110; 2.6 pouanof beo. steak cotting 81.04: 4 nanade of ehlimu IMPRYEMENTS Buildinig aetlvthe la u orvIle are belaingto lok promllag tif sb. preant ime. Tiie LhbertYYlfl Garage sev addition le neurlag completian. This addition la 4hx48 fot aad lo to be uod a .repair ohop. Itl lalrgeneough ta takdilutho.longeet morlng van ad viii faclittte the. ropair work. W. F. Frousseanuangot@bout compl eted isi mouldlna be' and ha put a nov roof on i OMM.. Ohiier prominont eitifona are edo tplatlng repaire on thoîniiom whieh la consltoatentltii the build nov spii Chat Chio country la puahlag for-~ yard té Inch a greut extent at lthe promunt lime.11 11 It Mêouat as ler.Iplonty of vork on hand la Ubortyvilli. ta b.dom. aad éeon leno better tUmo for doing kt tha st pbenant. Aucaur boys cocus home trom "avO ez." vo muet sad sou.. Suins CO isp Item occupieof«aezboro. Our éWtrne are becomilag quit.edy and an 'l bath" woold holp t0 keep theoet uow av. This ohobli ho tabou la chargeby thecMaille oand au ardinuac penaitd ta campel ilHprop.rty avuero on Milvaukee avenue tu, bear Chair abat. ai the eîpenooratber$haaaesing tb. bueinesa mon ai Ubertyville for Chila lmprovoaaeat. At prenentinmorn f OUr buine. mon are paying far olllug and $Omo ai lieu are nol. Tbcy aoi!ldail ho uoood .11ke. A erv veekeagaan eloctrleal Inopector made a riilta U Lbertyville and reoian. m.nded that tho granitor part of the. eoectricai vont that ham been dons hors ho cbaagod tu count> viii bnew rulîngo. H. ouggsoted about $2000 varthhof vorno atua vauld be a gond tMme for soue electrlclan ta appeor on lthe job and gat hie @har af Il. Tue dean ap weok Iu Lbertyvillie and Il vould be a âin. plan for na ta do a good job ut chanlag vile vo are astl. Wilh aur building activIlice plauued sud luprovemonts Ihat eare ho ho Maie, t&sm ais-eter bmuOsiio f buoi ses ta cen ho Improved upoa Ifithe iuiu.e mon viligo abouililthlie rlghl Spirit iad put sou. pub aield Il. WAt SAM§N4iSTAIFiP BUY REAL BSUTE INLIITVIL Maolm" idlmea le ai.sfMliSIlo amr la LIhifyrllt% tlavoi es ver u savtwng efmmey la Mmats. me igu m tuer "Ma«td u , ae a m «Ônu & MI beuittinili shmpo «fase bal--envo ugh taomai. a DictaIp&yuuton 1) lot vhlh edm Purebmssion fis corner of Stevai abvoua. od Harrison eetm trou Bdv" Aumila, pcpAM dova hon "cmsd iiavl.gnote.maie outifor lie balana ai 1&00 pet menti. Bis lntenditao tart ab cansd plouf Ihuit fiece., rape.,berry mubS. @ec., on berloisud abiarae.u a crop of potataee =to -625, Vo1r65-or 8 2-8 pIpouia i o sud @Pem nd acatio. vorting lieu. toeting 8147; 5% pounde of bananai Nov doa't YOD ihinktIbis a mo"alIde& osllng 70 cento or 9.2poundsoloranges for Parente tta consider, vier. tiée are ta.ting $115. ciUidrenlha% have savod a litb1e mon.î Farm Advi.or W.- P. Mller va. former- or bongil lirlitl tamps. [y a reideul of Lihonlyville. Il give. lb. chld a kno wlodge of tiflI, ______________ aving and agriculture. Tiers are acrmes vint sud acres ai good land on ithe ylst @de PLAN À K Ldam a ie tebusiness canton liaI ean b. DOLLAR RARpuÀC ch11,11a. loy a. $125 per lot, $25 DOLL R RA E TIACK dovn and $5 Ver uonth made lu notes. Thie and eu hocultvalod by the. chlinen vith a litIle nsistance fnam ON NORTH SHIORE thein parents, ani the cnep sli and inued aven ou lhe notes of payusul anidviien these lots are payed for our uer building associailon wîli furolsh tho Plan to Purchase a 400 Acre moner for bomnes on auch land@. SieNtFar From Evan-s Parent@ boosit file enuerprlse aîong Site Notd lalp lhe children. [t nIl encourage ton--Big Men in It tuem la tnow lies. lotea are Ilelr very - ownuundit illi awell te pnîde ai the Plans for lie rehaiitailon af Tac- clhidjual aî t dom the grown ups to îng ln Chicago are îelng pefected byee pnosiperity eomind tein *ay. who State street merciante uni paclklng h going t Iteit. hotaue Intereai,, ssni a site near Ev. anston la hefng considered viiere lte Il vue ,neported ir.c.nU.y ut tic track will be etailisbei. naval station ltaI ahi reserves v&iid The plans caI for lhé exPedilune Of be released bu July 1. Nov. itavever, more than a million dolars.'nhreA cornes a nev arier et Uic station ln viii be leen dura a! rscing eacit affect liaI because lien. are tuant- sprlng ani fell, accanding Io0 lie ves flcent approprIation. ta carry out of thte commlthee on racing. lte civil service plana. tue vwhole pio. To Have CountrY Club cedure yull be changed und it Il vi The traci uni parxwI viiine ~or be a long lime betora lic rnervu1 lie fineut ln te countrr, unidhoe. eseau be released. Il li net ie dans lte racetaci tiees yl ha g t unit l. ssuMfient touer te tait linis, a double Polo fied, avi tennis.1 cur iail tlie.civil seriefotutes courts snd a hassialilfied . nc5aiy for the changes destred. A 400-acre tract just nnti oft Ev- anstoà la bie>g co>sideted yhe iilTitere are berilaino in The Inde. committee on location. 1 pendent& udvertlslng esumne. WATKIS unP MILK STATUSj TO FAM Makes Deductions from State- ment, lssued by Waukegan Retailers on Surplus. FARMER NOT GETING RICII To the. Editor:i 1 vus venr' muchIi ntereated la hile tva editali.ln TourPoleraof M# 3md and May threlative to thie m* prie. In th ii fnaleditorlal yn~ lion lte tact that wauiegun deuloti say that "Bgcause liere l1g. mu* miii comlng In tram tiie farmom a uM, becauoe the retalli re n.ohllged, t& tiie relaliera, have te p up tb*,aê prie. tolte consumer tu order to avay vltii It'. " Tiiere la on.stýtUg ý ln lii edltorlal that nome poie 4k vays ii. ta da-"get aai' vlith U.' Laike County Wrmbutocwa sud thac Illinois AgMelcuturai Assoiatuta» daing everything tiiey poeiyoiy n hrnn the consumer and producar toa cieuror underatanding of coadWM,.Bj ai tiiey actually exiot. The April mii prices paIq Waqký gan duirymen I h.lleve, sS1,0 1001hb. 100 uhao mllkvin lab4ê.- Ibo, of butter, 10 Ibo of'cieem -0v 45j lbo condense4 mlii. Glvlag va;ue 1; lthe terme ot butter wvilci Me*f pb- pie undpratand. yauèr 100 lIbo ut 4 plus mil illibc w orth $2.90 par 1Wr Ibo>. At the. loveet estimat. ute niik or sut mliiqla vrh Pic p 100 Ibio. Anyone cia figure thc total, Borne cily busoinesa men mai i>ftS3 this stutement hy saying that 1 M figurlng lthe averape test of miiit» high t In Aprl tii.>'. er. 1740 00»1 a n test ln Laite County. The. sveug. mlik test for the. monti vuas3,79 pet cent 'is la Miber tua 1 baVe lie ured the aboa as lu butter ulle 20 per cent Over«rn la Bot Out 0f the vuay. 1 mîght aiso glvo you the folioig Instance ta eshovwltatthe mnaoo la not aient au far M gievaieu « concerned vien dal lvth 1.tb ft situation. Andr.vefinger of recently gave me the o1w bit of Information conceralng Iota. dairy tailcs ta the.Northi bOhmI~ C. of Waikegsn. Fothi eu one.iiaif eudlug Znvauy 81SM UJIUS< 0f mlii ver, oWC at aui uvete*tu et 3.2. Durlug lie foovlg »0 und a hait 9,874 ls 0f lMli visa siý ait su averucetest of ..Pu I date te thc Ilth of Maei&M.11 et miliiver. 0014 at an *Tm" tout of 3.4. lM. "MWngor zied * o testIng aociatlcs la Febnsw. ýe vii i~e notai that tiers vis a &% eà iaore a isiaverage tut af Rer Sq* period. But afIn NMarch lm hbb bSeS sale vas adv.rtised. lMe mlii tes droppedl back to 8.4 Uolug aunaruS.f btest for thi. mnti and a hait«Ud 1march lOti a»& appintug Iils te tbe eother periode, Mrlit. Uugr bof 1M I becase of the. uhanpulation otf dii« and bacants of the tact thaf hie hs4 nu faim recorda ta back up hlo de mande. ln lie future more of tieme recordie are going to b. publiahd In eider that both the dairymen and conumem' may bave a better understandlng cf local exlsting conditions. The. Lois County Farm Bureau vouid ho Oçu Wq gtve figurea on miii productis cas or otiier Items of lntoruiafleo. relative ta farma producta. Sanie tir aay thatthle d&rymau», getting ricit on the. preaept piloUet miii. 'lie fped cosl alone Ver U rpounds of mililn Aprii vawuI.~ 01ith 1740 cava on test 7%,m thit Information we have avuile lu i e nited Statea feed constlttew bqql about 50 ppr cent of the cool et pro,, ductIon. And these barids v. ba&» eon test are undoubtediy botter pie. Ddiurtng herda than lte uveretge. 0 Mtny 'items puulabed ln lhe &eP are quit, often a nice vay et evtfmt thle Issue. Wouid be dlatlhutot le vliiing ta m..l bath the preducer acut c onsumer ln councl andiplace &Ul hW rcarda on lb, table? niTer, are but lb>-.. hbings ti& ffermer lm strlving for: *t 1. C'ost of production. > 2. Reuonabie profit. il . lhe upieep of the. land., H. ve iii gel ail tune tbÏirouh gantsallon. Glenn ID. Hasitine ai LlbcrU vie leensed tb ved la Chicago day lo Mlm. Louise luzv51 et' cago. . . - L LAKECOUNTY INDEPENDRWI 50. atyle in lie Capes. ated. but. r! colla"s 'A 'I g 67 la au im ti, shripe F 1 p

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