CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 May 1919, p. 14

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PA« Xsix ----- IJII3ERTVYI'LLE. NI)FPENDI1'NT. TRURSDAY. MAY 15- 1~l9 UljUIttt~-~""me&dshob. oold metteanother tu-A fl U iJ ;driver Ybo la on h s vestlgation and If tIosrsvere foi md IRS ANNA uOuIIuS N a neigiborlng atorekee JIER TUEI9 Ii atl ighit he.vouild remiove the guards.I 'ur dded htLrwa IER O T E,49 H A communiceat ion was revetvc d 'R U INET1 1W EDF tegs. trem a Arnotin Citicajgo in regard I-) Pearce's druit store WEDS MRISS WILSON :î:fring a test ýwel lit e puttupînit ISU RESIuuEi'T DEAD ed-for tbe tiret Urne station %ating taIt v wuld dig IC(harles Woraclc hmc lWelto test out te Ircsoskititin. te liean iare fr est notrta cover iOl The clerk Deceased was Member of the 1s Pretty Home Wedding Took vas intru<ied ta write the firni tlitI, Cp.Bwr af Place Tuesdav Night at lhe Ithey ver','nt jnterested iln iiý pro- Lady Polar Stars and Lady alla, frmeriv of Wall Home of Bride's Sister. pos"ition nt this l'ime. 1ctîde ui Vikings; Church Worker. Nev York Tuegday Thte report of te R___de_.____- Capt Dayton and the Inc Co. vas r"ad and arc eî-d The lion train came over )n WERE PURSUED IN AN AUTO, Mayor called a tneeting of ht in.%nie Waukegan. May lýý. Tho movIng pictures lecmmîtie lIo1w iteid aI thecltosci 3irs. Anna Maria Louise Jobtisort. parade. being sitown a Waukeglqn, Mjl, i c:f te meeting cf te Board cf tea ead 40, wife of Henry Jiohnson of are attracting mut-b1 One of the prettiesi vsýddinz-b fo! mpromementg. 1210 ?#Moter avenue. paased aval are especialIy lear1 thte year look place Tueadav nicht 4t Tite clerk vas inslructed ici write, raliber suddenlv Tuesdav nigitt et and thte scene ln fr0r te bhorneof the bride's siste,-. 10r«.the North Western R.R. about thettî-tiirty ociocit nt thte Jan- i %IcAlis. Club viten Admirai 11, John Hagebraucit of Jackson mtreet, COnditions ofthlie ero-c-inr'c in the ter itospital. Mrq. Johtnson itad ber" .gitret. vas especialvY vhen %MigesMat-y Etien Wilson. dliw" ,,,,ih t¶e cf the- cils Thb"rc' h#in< Ill 0f Inflammoitory riteumatism fo7 A very apeciat mid- ter f CGeorge A, Wilsovn of Wrri N'JASC no cher busincssite <cctt'-jt lad- the issI ive weks. lber tIlne.ssdat in' 1w Il iebeleid aI cethoC Ingtco streel vas unitee in niarrince jornd front an attack of the fin. She itsldngiîi ititret to~ ~ àon avs serc of the NORTHt CHICAGO LIBRARY APPIU. been nt te ltostitai for fo;% weelccc sive campaigo fort tarnon 149th ?ieidAe- td and sonNAof cflut tallers........... . 521) Durlng the tast few dolyq Nirs. John- Movement. Every on( of NIr. and Mrs t1, I m.'ý of crt cNô.orcf ciicren t-llers ......91,1 son's condition atvpeared to he mttc'l titis war recon4tr*uCt G'enlespee treet. Tht e rrmýIn" ýAeTÔAIrtNao f caller-c..... .. 1 l i mcroivcd andi relatives were en'otir. The meeting vîllihé perfornled hi 1ev , bdçe !TtlN iok îcild liiageti. On Tueedny afternoon h"r rcon. atter speeng 15 moni the Frst Presbyterian trh. ut-cent magazinttc -jtctflied >.7*1 iLio tlook às sudden and unerneet France s-thtte Cano The wveddine w z r r n A , No-rtSciiaoi Wins cdl titrn for the wore anud ber deatit Daima Wevant of 1ý10 )~~~~curred a few hocîrs Iater. eundlhLbo' It'lit e v.dding rueéssvio inciciced 1 T Nortb Sholico ccttc cc.ccil~ t..jioo a onbit r eundt i u onW members of te re.svpfe4ce fa i 'letcilyc h~ i i r*%tlra.n-ctoce scnC ta nlnte m The seamler,ýNotan lieg an I" red.for te date",' e rl r t rdficolv,ýicec oln.Seden and Cat-n" etmltdcki an twi lofre ly on th" -' S 'h ci't.,t lnO t ihe 1United States tu 18%-. P boil,,ai îo j 0f1 lite u!ed ofn-forig.tnarnvnvas th nottoceil for -t. & The dateiteli eO! ,,cc T- , it cveare ister site campeln Waffitecratc rnrrow mnirc il adacdbodrtttfinl oeht-oo! hovu ot- sctitiicti witl t ip;r and waq married. having liveiibore ir1ofml.T0 i4lncd inordr tht fiend inehe c-ibl lt-citarlninte ce or ltiite- h t ver sMnre. Be4deâ ~ber ittshand i, 4ttc,1 of sait brocîght Il@ ue trovn of tl'e t-at-l. and flo' ITork ]salet aithe knov o teé affair until pfier il bad c! siol pIasier« aedut' et ý an t- ev»mtour ithiren: &,îber. larry. Tt aie ~lt taken place. t-nt t ln zîOP tcttuotts1acîrzlt ofit" Ai'e soit Mildred. Wr i eta h Thîe bous e vag verr prettiv decnr- norlt sîie 'ioN s 1h.N 111/ ccc-ce' Site wa5 one of te most i tonifnlt itcher cf a n-ar 1)v fa torv ')lt îi'îcc Rwdi'it re.ident-g of tec rity. bejor ated wiit foyers andi ferns t.,cPt-- matde no diferénce to ttce n,)rtýii ai ember of Sveu lodite Lady Vikings dominating coter st-berne being pink srchooî sluggers.t h-v alil tioketi altccamd aiso ofthl ady Polar Stars Vasan and whtite. The vediinc part! mat-- rie évr, one 0f iheir sevc-cc Itrherq Site Il aeb f te Swedis"ý c'led la to5te strainsoet Loitengrtn':. btfrrtn.Fu om -n astiea ment, 0 veddiag foarrua.TFsurehomeorun Oaith..mChe>h memlier ofte wedlia maebThecermo lok w mainb! te Nortit aide beys . artita Aid soclet and a devoni lacreat seven o'cieck and vas foi-Tite Business men bav e anotber ctînr<' workc-r. loveti by a supper after tera vas a ig treat inI store for te people o!rWMie te date of te funerai has reception. NrhCiao he ilb- pn o rtbe ie ll elvdta Tt wa ncary e titatc'litk-e id sor for te puttinst on of a big street il viii bie nexitSanday ln order tit nome oe diltccvered ta h rd afir andi carnivai on Sheridan rond te soclettes 10 viticit MrIl. Johnson. aroohin artiver tem hesl in tite down tov di.strict Tite Iusi- belongeti bave an oxportunlitY 10 aiI Opa ariy sartesti ouI b ani tr.-natsamen i iiisea te il titat tere arc tendi. llle andi vent Icn SortitCiicago and non ehectionaltfeture.s introduceti Tak Blff tiinini lte oule igtsate tit evetrtiing wiii ice irst WAUKEGAN LOCALS Lavekeuf.tiereing ane cule oot e clans in evary respect. laite a train or sîreet car. Otiter Tite mM~nbers of te Hou- iiamilv Waukegan citurcit5fiSsnday Ilitinit / g.' parties visileti the 'North wester and churc-h are Wanring an (enitertain- ly observeti Mohei9s Day, sermetis fflison court denots inta Wtmtegan. ment for thte Auditoriumbli te near andi programil alibainit arrangeti viit Tl vas pot until mitinigit t iaItte future, teé tiougbt in mind et paying a tntb- ccarchers vere revardeti for titey Thte Nortit sciteol baill]t-arnviii uta to the otiters et ftite land. tose were hoatding a limiieti nortit hourdthe lt est ide acitool of Waukegan their t-c-ard. Tite servicea vere ail limiteti rýL nat Edison court. At Thur-dav atternoon of tiis veeli. Thte wetl altendeti. iSraI iitey vere for takinit tee cîplc Nortit Scitooi boys of!>NortitCiicago Frankt Alden of Waukegan. te nri-sOnert-5 bcîl inailv deciti-d ln a'tnw and te MeAiaer gshcior0fWaulte- lounit aviation rnecbanic vito vas op lbcm t0 proceed. 31r. and Mrs. DM- gan are the niy tears nante league eraleti on in Chicago recently anti vin vili stuent a twe e eels bonev- tiat now bave $1,000 pcr cent. walî found 10 bave a ganse aponge meon trip binte norlt and then viii:iis Seiver te Nortit Cblcaig n his systemt. leaves lomorrov tor rtura l eiai-horne aITiird and Scbool nurse gave iteallt iaikg 10 SanDlego, Calif.. le viticit point itc Asb stréee. - thte pupits of te Centrai scbool bas been ordereti for service ln te t chtt youre p15t-OP, crt- 't-h lnowi Tuesilay. ai lation field. Mr. Aiden bas com and pepulai' ber". i'avinc resideti itrs The iBoard of Education ot District pletely recoveradt andtIolenatnraiiy ton a number of yl-ar. 1lT Davis 63 v-ii bholti a spaciai meeting Thurs- glat in1 maka te trip aititongi fié, vas one et ReiiWs Btmlicltî andi aaw day evening of tis veai. haiftipeclei ha would recelve tii, nearly a yeqr aI a liaif of active frm t ilsebarge sourn. service in France. He v-i-c gi-sAdT-i hie Business men viii itotd titeir March-, dieti titis morning et te badly and vas (ili-cîltat-at-tirom thea 'wcekly meeting Tbursday eveninit et Marcit, dieti on Wednestiay at tlite service. beng sent home a fc-v weei< tiis wesit go as le attend the- Pageant htome ot ber daugiter %Ira. M. S, ,go. ne bas recovtrd hPbu itltlto teie givan by te girls club of NortitSh rvra ure ii onn amd ias resumedl :%î position svî'itChicago. Tbe girls have bten vor .<- Funyer a F rlday a h1i0f o liteGar Ilite iPubic"ervIclp Conmpany. ing 'fer nsea ime and titere tg eve rlea ryyn :0fo h u ______________ ;Promise et a fine entertaiirnment Frinea churcit, hurilInb Warren came- Iý »-ý Itev. rs. hase iln survived th iese Mr. Banz vas arrestati Tuestiav for otiter chiudren "itharlas. Chicago IeN lll cmicmgO. peddlng pies wititeut a Ilit-nse. ts %fias Harley. Cbicgago: Lincoln.- of ______ ____ case viii coma up ln court soe Wiscoensin. Schooia ln a Contet day iis yack. E. M. Lehr, Great Laites sallor, arn Countl>Sulil Simpson itei lt e vîl wth auto& is getting 10 ha ployeti as linotype operator, hati a Sield'ste-aon scitool coteat aI te avSypeaing usns o h close escape 1ai te corner of Frank- Central echool ln Sortih Chicago n a ve utrllaboe bu is on liun sîreet and i<ortit avenue Ibis neen Thursdtay. Oniy three scbcolaser- JnWtersîa npctro lt ien te street var ln roundin thlit representecl: Lakte Bluff, South sciteol. Sitaridan Raat pavitig atls liai corner fromlt ottfieit on anti rntrai achool I a- e. tirl tdn ia t-ctvi ea warning anti ha vas caugitt ln a close conlest anti the fliowing vert- openeti np fer traic te latter pari packet ln a sanal roadsler viticit ie tht- Sortit Chicagto vinnera: SpeIli eftheba vek. Titis bas been a quit-k ptrcitased only a fev days age. The Ing, flirai pt-le. Filen Haie, Central job for thte pavpg caWractor. auto va-i badiy arnaâitat anti Letr tati second place Jeitanna Richtler. eBa- Mr. Tiffany villI bove bis fnmiic- a close escape trous Injuries. Many tire COOk, Iird; atithmelic, Eliz.a- Ib itae siroog bouse on Sentit Park more accidentasviii itappen tera un. bath Dayoe. Centrai achool. second Ave, titis weait. Mr. raasch it ii les ite motormen ring te bell as anti Knut SaIson, Centrai Iirti. 1n moe. le is na borne on 161b St. taey round te cerner and pockaI a reatiieg Cletiagit De Mont-e. Southi icctool. seecoti. anti Dorotitv Hale,______________ Centrai. third. Tita lit-st plat-e.cIn reatiing anti arilhmetic wera takecn by te Lacie Bluff scboolcc. te n i n a - la e ? Theiteting paiper.c ilii tasent 1t IVoI tu n a W la h n Chiitago for gratiing. MIten Ibis Spanisit influenza ba& swept Tht- naw cily councul ll dt-c- iteconyaimost like the "back deathc ft.trcgulat- meeting Montiay tilgitiit Eoen theForeth an ai tte city hall a-itb ail memberc pt-e tury, aler einoStorm ham paseed, we are ent. The regular hbis vert- t-ati anti -confronteti by lte wrecks of men and ailoveti.. wemen who bave been Ieft in a A communicatio vas recelveti weakened condition, wlth pale face andi from tite city attorney ln regard to . feelings ef general lassitude and weak- ite Hamilto nanti Neai taxas. At a nae. It la a fucît tolie borne in mind former meeting tht-ybail asketi ton that the effort on the part cf nature to FL 0fn f cîîy taxes on taegrouns throw off the poîions during theo attack thttefuotidntlvIntec yMr of Spaniah influecnza resultz sometimes in Decker. thie cty attorney ativiseci nlehritis, or inflammation of te kidneya. taI the- amount cf tht- tax Ie rafunti f, vcew efthlie seriousnese cf this dis ed. ýTitet-tport o fte ta I ty iiatian -~ casa as a resul ef toxemida, it is moot vas cceped.essential that treatment lie directed t.- -As ccepteIti. -asreAledwarda prompt elimination cf lte texins ýrmA cou-rn Ineti o vs t<E Nt-al ~(poisons) ftom the body. Titis meanathat SttonAmiaI itaat-ito titc vl x Ie exctot-y otgans -the bowels. sida Staton mkinta coplaît inneand kitinys-shoulti be exctled t. their gar t 1 un-anitat-y condition o! ment effrts to throw off lte poisons. er tht- bakeries anti Luncinc'int ne-c . 1 Sand te liea tmg store and gel castor i, ting business 1lte nelgitbot-hood of or apleasant laxative sucb as Dr. Pierce's tht- station. Hi tsait-il tiat tht- dan OHf, UV RACK!1 PleaSant Purgative Pellets, which are gi-r b, the bealt o!fte boys a i teý madie ef Mayapple, aloas and jaap, anti tako these every other day. scîsion vas o great ttthat e bailTi ilect fiin ee cin tlm aelmi o ue ordereti a guard tt- ep te boys outis ilect fiin oe cin ttesm ie fyusfe of tht- plat-es complaineti of. Tht- from bacicacite, irritaton of te blatider andth ie kidneys, sitown by tae AttitraI as'edt iaIt e cily lake te traquent ceala to get eut of bed ait aighl, considerabia sadinlient ln lte malter up ai once anti have the- con- water, brick -dust depesit, pet-ialie headache in lte morning, you dlinan rectifietiaste pre.sant coil-ahould obtain at tae drug store a Simple tablaI whicb expeis lte urit- tiiicn« woulti entianger te healt 0of acid andth ie toxie poisons from lte systemt. Tbis is calleti "Anur thr- citizen@ of Nortit Chicago as vel at-rcai)adwaptu yD.Pec.B t cino h as thte boys etaite Station. The mal-(at-riaidat aaptpbyD.Pre.BisaconnUe fer vaa retarracinta te 0ev imccah bladder andi kidneys, il expqIs thes toxic poisons. board censlstiig oethlie Mayor'. t- To buli Up tae trength and impreve the blooti-because ater te weslenhageii anti Aidrmati llip. influena ltere are fewer of the white bleeti corpusclas and toc few réd The clark va-s Instructedto 1wvctit- bloot crpuscls-lake an imon tenie sucit as "Irnt t. ie had ln tht- Admirai liaI le imetbtw vuit 1o0k tables ai drug stores), otr sottiagooti herbai tonie auch-aon thatbas &fier tihe condtions utloce. he uerved te gre atest usefulness for thse pat flfty years, naatel, Dr. ,Wcu as ha red 0bet ord ronht "limaerce'a Golden Medicaîl Dlacovery, madie front wild barks and zoots, Cty th"athlb. outions -bail been re. withoul alcohol, andi suIt in tablel or liquid foris. m Welis on Kessina Ave. Thurgday <5 iui~ fll!11 (5,81 afternoon. SUS R IC 3STJ»Ne akerof 223 S. Shet-idan oad Moit3î, TUCKER IS NÔT À son. a bat-n nean York Houge citurch lasI E O E RNS E nigitt. Tht- oulfil vas fotînt a mile ses>- on %IcAnea roadti Iis morning. Il la believeti thet ief abantionedthe~ Bishon Francis of the OId horst viten ha founthie animal w'3 Catholij Church Says So- Isec ccîy couticil viilmecteta- cialist is ln Good Standing jolinneti session tonlght 10 transaci d:cy nigitl. V~rank A. Robin;son, a nepliew of V- H. Krebs bas arrived ln New Yorkc from voerseaa anti leavas; for Carni Mix and titan 10 Camp Grant vitere lie v!'i tie mustaned ont. Chtarles Worack bas purcitaseti the llî.arauce agency forrnerty conducteci 1-y Ilit-kucand Farmer. Bad ftor Discipline. "I under-ciiticii there-,. i iencicnry te diroAp c. i - Ir.' in the flicsy." '1'liat 'csc,îiil t dc tc.-'*tif coturse nct. its ccuc c.r the traii oncî. of te servie. I 1o 1 icîlucî c ictc scrt- tîicciitcgcci tI cîlicl", . Icccg c-fcre ai "'cc S cc c -ci -tg j , Icintl bally Tlought. "I'int-e liqa a word voiti of seai .tttgclit-'xlt t t-tticil î ause- .-il ine. Iaicaigelde oft lmhsbp (iriewOld et thi burlal recently of Rev. Dr. Aad6riozIý late rector or Ail Saints churcit, Rs- s'enQwood. ljowc ve-r an Eplscopal Minisier who wa.slnin th chancel et the same fanerai, deciares that titis statement ;sin corret, ihat St. John Tucker was not present ai the ser- 'dce ln an officiai capacity. Bishop F'rancis points ont that thte presetice of Si. John Tuckers' at tite fanerai in u\'ucl, asaftp.r bol had been convieted antier the Ei<ýiOn- site law some inottii ago. whieh tact, lie deiares shows that the minister's Acccndlng l Blsitop Franc le, bt-ai l cihave no effi-cI viatpven on bis of te Old Catitoiic chut-ch, whto nov riligious helit-Li tf preachîng. la locatet Iin a catedral ln Chica- go.,tae %un made a grievotis error Where Gold la Found. e ot evpning vitcn l alated tàt tttupiglajjs iccuticîtil dcilasprt- 1ev. St John Tacker tihe sociallfeîlpuly frontc Mysocre. liusi a the'b mîttor, vbo is an ortiaineti mInister îcititlgccii ii itcîj(.c cttcîlry In the d f lte Episcoitai chitr'h. la an "titi. vrii.Niiig; ici.cnt-eled(in princi. trocket miniSter." iahop Franchl i iithce UI r iicctittt n, but cii- deelares tai the Mr. Tîtckr stilI icc tmatit.-lcidiIîls illilccctcProgreai. ai;sqtant Pactor of Ail Sints chîlt*r-l !i1-11c1,ii. .jcclc c icbut label itavonvo,t.andti hat iheo necchi', trccuic-i-c icîc c-i t-ulrîlive lInfluence 1Imi -itittaptlpltm ln the Eigisopdi onii t,-iwhi tlt-r coutttiel c'ittrcit. c cci cci c- i n sc i iciil1 cjantl' fltshop Franci d-lay.,taI lt!31 1(S ii.i cPtt .lljc:c. it1ile. Pcru, John Tîîcker vas nec t-cl-poec to leisiti tiiilltt2id dcgrati'-ti 1w lisbtp Aeiciýrmlccoorit".- àibody elat- lnltth- harrdi. lieadds titat iho i stIli ln gond standing icndiCan. but Dan'fl' hig Feciai,-le Mo dtn.-toi.,ntli i st -Geriico xic cccccl ciitte founti way ronilltc l ciihic relations Ic ltaIutclcc..-Iinctct ccitliecîiiiin ugas the t-burt-h. vw rks i hy ;în.- cc cl.iiicn-ai Rlishop ll'rnt-c>;, cinti t t- tliccugl "Iiticl gc->fI- klitci itus been facl titatSt. J ohn, TitIker offiiatci Itccl tctgc ccccu r.V Lake Co. 's Greatest Sore For Womeni'a Ready-to Wa Work on our big new addition is progressing rapidly and it wilI soon be ready for occupancy al Feature of the Rebuilding Sale- tS- Capes-DolmanS Sensationally Reduced Stylish Suits, Caphs and Dolmans in Values up to 2 7.50 at' - Values upto $45 in New Suits, Capes and Dolmans at- At both priees, $21.50 and $29.75 there is a really wonderful seiection of handsome ncw suits, capes and dolmans in the mnost beeoming models and inost popular colors and fabrics with the newvcst style-features and modes of trimnting. C'hildren's 3.75 Gingham Dresses Zie fo ta 14, dozens Of StYles at $1.98. Georgette Sfik Waists to 4.50j - at 2e98 An unusuai sallinit ef valets ista Inofs nni a k gecgetle trepas in a varlel>- of colons ant istylas, nicai>- trimmedi Alli jizem. 'VOL. a Nellie D Rescue, Into PROVES Deuponti love affat 18 year . off thte se about six mit auicid laes te bad coud~ elt. lb. to break 1 lnquiriee navali uamed Ed Connecteti Iowing b. takre ber II ver anmd ei 'hei autitc MnAY be ai aftair for clineci 10 Incident. Accordin te lte Pol t l 1 rit: 1wr lowc.c cent lte of lite, ber home ago. leuvin ivan going dId net rtt 0f lte vou For tht- aince Iit Thit if t- 1tP 11- titi t.orc"ý, ifter di, ipark. P c- a tIme uand vould rt-ap Thursdaý tht- cona tlcally RIt lte polit- andti ld t girlliai! tc te commit tbev bail traIe ber te Youngt them, goin tbey cvtrt- log site b cape anti J Atter b vernan vi lice statiot orderly ce the. couat was tplace, te give ite thte girl c SIte comlti &ny questi Tis m( Or te MIat teotive LD In bar ref' 10 why 51 toe'<muct MI"a Siel ati ttoc tiovever, tpcen a1l Tht- gît SWaiilegai to hlm ah lier actli Miss Sb' lu citant phases of LThe Po loving n;l who e ivt te afler llérgcostt llimns la -vit rasdl' AUl Ibrea Dewey, C M IND1)i --y 1

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