r an-lew TW'L Clearg Sale Steinway Pianos A vCfl0@pian of.other' weB knowh mniaes. 'Excel- lent instruments, many of which bave Pad only litde mse.- An opportunity ta ecure en excellent piano, fully guaranteed, at su at- tractive pricc. Scnd for lst. Mlonthly.payomt. L yon c'7f HoaIy gvavvUoKNOWN lx mui5c C Il 1 CAOG 0! ai"@.Ct. uîdITinc ~ DOLAN Mé~Ie.nd Granite é ýçeu.tsr Work of Ever> Dacalptlon 116 Gbie"eSt LEW FLAGGS TONSOIRIL PARLOR lias moisi to mea Proeter block adl :p" prepared taotake Caa o sand c ustamets 1 . .L. TAYLOR Mm in F"taNational flashBaiMim aouu-1 dto 8:30 aud 7 do 8 P. M. #"Umm ono Broadway, opposite parsk DI. GOLDING IROur8 to 2a.m.-l to 5 .m. Over t National Bank l OIW phomo9-. Ses. Phone 157-.. lbertyvvlllsIlinois CitAS. N. STEPHENS. M. D. Irscux a554 SURGION que"i alsues Rve. t 1@ lessesai Wqsý xer, N.eo 1 ,et am s eaml.sd for Gesm MW «emae ou. TI. m 5i.Jewtîvile m 06 P. ul 4iRt A. 0. CAMPBELL DR. J. 0. Kftt~4SR0 phuseWabi nma 56 lUbotrAkITusdy Fiidy Abtmooni. HJIANAN V, COLE 00. @4 Roma, Cook Ave. Pbo»ol1«4 USEUTYILLE. . LLONC0l8. LYELL a MORRM LberttmilI. - Illinos Ian mica. ut. lises USE01ee Phone lâ A~5U~Av LAW. WàUKUSAUILLINOIS F-- INEPNDI4. fiUB»Y.MAVil=ii "~ OÀS Co i~s PERMISIONTO 0 IN-ALRY., INCRASE RATES MNT LAKE COUNTY l 1 ils i TOUACCOO 8LVWJATmN go mate.inluwhastfom. Fou ns.tobsoo -imokins clamr. pipe, elauyStts. chovfsa tobecoaor mnud. No mails: ow moch MO use, ar bow long ou&si."QulTobac't#Tobae. oc, Truteatu y break oo f the habit la a feu dfis. Pleasant home treagmenilino nonul noDoremabnina away frns worh or boMusiness. Dous or nervous- usm. «Quit Tobao bau frepd thotujada fram the. habit. Why notjoui IlFyou reallîy wit1 tefSui heuse of ito- bacca. write us fer particulars and testi- moniles A. Y. MaU à Co.. 118 N. LaBalle Ut-. o Clao un dm~ tievesile ikss lu L 'O STOB>t~LNNEI. VOLIVA ELDER IS, .1ýVENOMOUS NOW >rmer Lieutenan~t Now Says 1 Money Is Overseer's Re- ligion at ail Times. .EGISLATIORS START -PROBE ,Thé leclaUht1Yé noulry tuto thes taduct of Zion City 'held a bilaI sas- don Monîay.- Whau plans people rail ont they gather no mou. 80 tise committee of ntenratlon eageiy 6bserved. RChair- tanl, illiam Ietrlh llstened tho Iwn witiessos., Titen thsecommitte. vas lasmlssed outIl neit Monds, vitn tiers viiite. eard nItisahoMorrison boteL Cama firat Pranmia A. Royal. - eider. ta accusa 'Wllbur Glenn Vaitva ma thse 10 eg % *oommltte l oarobt*lgfr vai, u uln Ovbe"ft «Hyla 00 4tse Lion comilunity uai ta vloladlm b"s Mngsd Iteltislawà. me depuai eiter areed ishnof olanista le. i to 'i a'Rb la bItsUnrgtima i.' clun a l «. 9ma WCsb u»au o *Idse ail4scommsau l "c M O t e !iaa d ta@ air anl tabila.» »Wv liai efle ulatata viiclekI 4 'à l Ffia emi p*.00*&M oscMW 0* <oh. t00. or tise mcame c Ms mm,1. a *woh Immbê vene bises bail opjaqbi Volia. '«Me - ta LA»àUe Taylor erhS baal vould lga t the ae $homia ave Veilva mcaav. 1»h pmptel the remft fot 'F iau cf qe9 binalia. Whoisa trai; Whbave tisat nuai." m,079yl vr Naval Cfloatio*Ait%"o Royal totied trer? "Not mn long avoibis prophet fort- told by' yase,'am Voilla stylas lIn. 1 sel, est the. date for tisa combug « <%risan sd thon luoeedlte o «Mon evi7liods moiy mut b. dbeoay hat bisai wvoli lavaeuim for ht omai. wlllg ta takthetapromis. ofau an"Iuty lu raIm for ber pmoperty. «À Mirs. Trlt,sod 11-r *10. 000 (ort cf .r' 'attotine, antI brouglit ber opilelitie daugitor taZMon vbare oVIlva eold bar a home. Unte tisaI misaturu.d ovar alisar ld- l u"e ta oTites. NovwtaI aise Io leel, ltae apilaptie daigistar la la the. lon, for pamitets. Thl at.mlahme wisioh Mr. MHeit parcbaséd and tissu gave up bel sarlier soie th~tugl lte m*napresssa vltb a bllnd voman. AeileConral. Dies In Psuper Horne «1 recal! anotiter case, hhat ofa wis btavp c âme trom, MIMiia visere elle bas!savél up $1,00 by bard vomis, plteing itay aI dint«, @hoe told me. Ste vws prevalled up. ou do turu over ber' mouey abead of te Lrd'a arrivai. Site wound si ln the pauper home. viaisie l ied receplly fron dlphtbamla. BMrov.beatitg and intimidation veré Vaiva',aenlstbnh to the face of',promlmlng oubjects he vas as sveet as Vie. lu ponvte he would becoine fumions ovar faire of bis ontalde agrents do lUns up prospects. «I reinambar hctw. lualtsecaue of an oId lady vito learol 10 hum ber properdy over berause thse shocltnigit kuli bar isuoband. oVlivs, vhen tld. beat bl is it on the. table aud sabout- el, 'Led hlm dle' Who eames? 1 muet bave that money." Tîaught tarfSlalat IP. Bail Wsltitau haberdauiter at Liai. temhlillu letail cosicerunIn the busines lealngs of tise Volîva regime. lHo tal boythe diygovern. ment vswu tarvovan iit the citurci sud ho te VlIaadomuts ln the Voilva liait varo overravi 8100, 000. So muilthé e ety. vitit Its 6100« tchiltants. vas pracdlcally viishol vater wovosi.severagia or otis« usai of saitation. Nie described tise Ve itet télachiua Imder ehicis tisa ld rait tg tiesa micl. aud moi ersl tis bo &psewilone bmit te vao Wbat orasdia olflirmutaqtt vi raermeaseudohdes. rmet thea saiS mam ol arseetaieI. 13. DisiMis 0 Uasout. shatwmior tis a »Y &a.llâ»M of voiva"golIhi te tuei vus ma #017. Umm Wil*mVolvatme attermoy vu as keol hrsths esUg. 05 O vite 515 orotest. «We bave noeesie do lier V0iU, mu chots-maaDietrich. "W. um mmumloing boy Si CNY t' ommU 1Vldb laveauailVIII Ma$thésa Isor &Mi reommandaitOr cf utio»'vi W, lulsi. W. laveau.. mmun bii Valuva, battisau lomn'd evan Members ce 00 ommileé aret Mo ~rJ. G. BrdI lfflland fSmUn W,ýILli May le. fathvne aaidai BÔOS, OU> UNON Plumbers and Steamfitters in a Jaw 0vr Ownership 0of $2,000 Lberty Bonds. PROPHESY MANY SIJITS. Wauisegan, May 10. Accardlug do Information tisat ho jul leailng out, thora promises to ha not only a »mesam eubewvean te nevir mioatel pteazhÉfl*eiSW union, sud thei plumbers union, but titere al- an yull likaly be a court action lu visici thle teamfitters viii tri' ta recovar lteir clalmed proportion of the money on basnd frqxù the plumI- ers union viten the stesz-4tters vît-b dev ta form teir ovi union. Tireti liat suito *Wtu tale art- éd against every Indivldual member of thé plumIers union as Veiliau te union Itlef lii'tleateamn-fitters or- ganisation bave beeu maIe. Id ls r.- caflel Ibat mcetly te aean-lter. vito have beén affilted wvlth-d plumbars for 15 p«er witisdrev sud formeldisbelr ovu organltdomt.Ofln Stanley vas electel pruelo f te steam-fitders vbo lave bea aise vilth heplumbers tor 15 yeaim vils- drem and formol tisir Owa organise- tion. Orrin Stanley-wvas eoctel premi- dent of tisa sumeftdors vItal etartel on ut ih about,34 meuibers Nov taon a ilttdno"taIli. in ffiie vu;1the Mu L bIlle tâa it hie oiginalPIU=IE "Smt - luetl about $*000la Luhrty %0051 sMd @0 redo0l3ysBeiî tors baloeam& .,It ptqp<i5diP on I1 JM mer accorl >, u 0 i4 * -iia l 11< miii bt ooc f a oa * mdtbava Point Outaà 1,0 i tts a n ve m.Mm ci" M * b MM WarsobondsCM be W*10 pItmmbure olit"o t ik i u i ' fle Sair lva mbas o ham om tu Itie-IoIr. rawy. Id la lesrued tisaI rer«eeat tivs tis etemttems bave couferel v»i s tatu' attorney' WoeitvilStise ai tal vsv of starttng formai action againat the plumbers do test thee ease and sas viiethar tisa, bave a louai daim on the Liberty Boula. At aoc rate thse situstion le véry sonte be- -* tveen thse membgers 0f tie tva unions ,dwho up th a feu, veets go lad bees 'y tagethar ln thse oie union for a geoai Ir malt, yurs. )r Waukegaa Meula of Willim, Gos. s I saofe Grayselisa vi i leasalte kBov Ibid iho bas rauriui vils lthe Z149& HNeO avu OUD4e04 beroeuli Fand la no vatatliol d Fort Obus- 0 lai. fRe la aI isosa et Ormyslake rfor a ftve la"e tlouâ, Mot Satitbld Even With Pres- ent Rate whioh was Granted as WarEInie Emergenoy. CITY WILL AK A FIGHT. il'h&t the Nons $bore Gui com pani' 01 f Wauigsn whicb vas 'grantel per- inauon te asxtqnct lýrade as a vur «iMe neessid, daqs#ýxol luteduta revert te lte cl ride on JlI'1, of titis yavsite amergency Mi1- unEt' eftieate publie utilities coi». mIssioon de, but viii mako & treau ans enieývW ta e i a 'Buliifurtiser luoess la r»te la lthe osteudt thgat eaneaDm m au tdltorttdtamurce. TILe eld "g4 tate vws 81.10per tisou- flhmiaj- io U~ oitt -eemes laI auraso ~as q« e ivr mi é *Stgg* aposti e oseibu ' te lier un W mmo -.f ;mmtu Oto f 5e omt ISsme R"e wI.S* thees kd u omS vw ibi -iraia bm oss. oi vlS S dl.Z Ui eor w hsu e aim-ar Nu «U0 be eiritonv; O tie s*m aI vidé lm etsIam »y buffl l. asthe ttsirdergu en.t deiondto-atea vetseroaithecromm crae W kaga hpreerebt Wàuagsn CltY Sciool District ta Wauisegsu Park District, tract of id orlis of 1Blviders St. lu N W U6 AOC. 28 Wlankegan. Q. C. $1. may 2 1919 Tr. B. Payne aud vif. do S. L. Trapp W 50 ft. lot 24 blo«' 1 Ares. Q. C. $10. 'Maul M. MacMillan aud itusleul ta .ichard.an.M.le.Basee, lot-1 Ib1o0k 1 Battersitale SuI. rsyslake. W. D. $500. ,- Autc. Pedkus sud vifs do Jere Puitavrs, 8 2.1fit. lot 5 sud N 37 Il. lot Il 19of R R blocks 9 ln Sunderlîns lod Ad. Waukegan. W. D. $1. Jeme Pustavrh t Anton Patkus al Ivife, S % lot 2 blmk 10 Sunderline lot Ag1. Waukegau. W. D. $L Mary C. %feyems et al to Peter sud ~Iremla Lex. lot 'Lr" blolt 1 Win- tisrop Harbor. W. D. $500. Arthsur Cristensén et al te Sophia Citristensen, lots 27 aud 28 blocis 37 OBpriug Bluff Add. Witrop Harbor. W. 'D. $1. A. P. fleaublen 4M vite do eia- ie Poucher, lot 4 1,Bolgetta Sub. Won- kegsu. W. D. $1. Anastasta Fortune toE Bsenîsmi' sud vite, lots 8 anI 9 %docks 7 Leoi Suis NorthiChicago. W. D. $1800. May 3. 1919 J. A. Rakane sud vite ta Henry' c=40s n sd vife., s0 lii180rtest W. un&, &M. Dnreds South ails Sub, Was- lkegran W. Z. $10. mEw alKits do Otto Ileer ail vite, ioda 26, 321sud 28 hock 14. Waabi>urnParis, Northis Obcag. w. ]Mda C. Lunlin et ai -to A. 9.. fleaUlaa lots O do 10 bIcot 3 Orils mm. Vaukeg.. W. ZD. M - oualve Pabst à 00. t. Jmeob Bm.. wma SW conwr of G.0..e Md Water 0Mm., Waukegau.- -W.ZD. #1» - *sY 9. 1919 tt .LR 9mâtis ami vite do Mgaona Dilatalm sàStaeiSi tms suis' S L nftefrMmot. North SjCsco W. Itomer M vedo mu, - W3. lft. firo"t 1i.R&) o1« 'ghwco. q-a o. * LrMU7 LR M Za à s IiDoW. W. Ue aS'lots Md alS uat W. 74 î PU ~lWastegam. W. < Ores edii et si <o Mea i rbmt ail mita, 4 80 fM. ut a la ADa, m m 0 SNeehatrryiAUI bartp % 'L £,dltb a" Vife ta i..RaMW W@M «Mo Ut à 3bk" t4 OmIli ail "Ma iNordi Am. W*iUagtm.W. ZIL S. 4"NUai"vte ta W. A. vDes Ut 8 UmsiU e la kiegsn «I part or lot >7 biot 1, mTtfts f Srd a. Wauisemu Q. O. $2. 'Rfermaiolfttsa I vitetaOIe FeUIkeen snd vite, lot 14 Hoflati mal onLo ate. W. D. @80. C.A. Kingl" ' WvifstaM. c. su& oldMIL .Dedver, lots 14 ta 19 block U Narth tbicaao. W. Z. $110. 0. . lDelYM»«andl vototaIL C. Aime, 10 aRs' lu N la M me U '1'bompaon Ad . la ota orel. W D. $10. P. J. Spelmai ta john GruE db Zr., 3'42 tt, lot 4 and W. 8 f IM *lotSunI. M AKE MÔREMONEY, DRAIN TIIAT WET LAND DO IT NOV/I cas ARTHUR L. WZBSTER MMNCIPAL AmD DRAUNUR ENGIER PHONES-tlssde 5 WIHEATON i U1ILLNOM MIE WILL ShoÔw You THE WAY e lot Ime list.W. D. 110. May 6, 1919 Nar. minertu eio9a A. West lot à blocis38 Ialie Bluff, W. D. $350. :' Waashington Joneq to R. H. Taster and wite, lot 6 bhoek 8I Pff. L DIMt- tains «ub Wanckegan. W. D. $3000. Honora Welyab do W. L. Dene, loti 3 blocks 38 Originel Waukegsn and part of lot 7 bloçk 1 Tuffanys Srd> add Wàukegan. -W. D). $2. Mary liamme+eebmitt te Albert pleut lot 2s block j ?oz River Spintia West Auocis. Q. C. $10. Martita J. Hocker and huebaul ta Lilie M. Acott, iota 19 and 28 Tweeds Peatakea .La'eýS ub at Fox Lake.. W. D. $10. .Vhlosgo Titis & Trust Co>., ta W Mf. Haemmun and vite, lots 16 'blocks a Lltderburst ad inlugimide. W. D). $260. leima '-. Douglas to W. T. Stewart, 400 It N front on Glea hors Ave., « bmwatwe siiralan Rd. and Nlor& tAve. Wauxegan.-W. 1). 07M. j. p. Daly au id wtedU LC. Bveeu lu,lot id Roterai sui Fox taise Q. C. $1L « j adh "t S. '. q«Peandail if. lot 8 block à Lfoe n iHUtohi SaNorth Side ma VatIkmsal. W. O CL00M. ffqtwe to O0ga V. f4 >, lt, 3 blook 15M Viablun " _ g* m& - à. CI #L - qkya îb4gweu te itoto 1 tileot Mr& u Fsef l1Mmd 11 t lois Uà MI*01 ?«M OU Med Pm lm si»I' I5I bt5. apol NO If aJ. Saltis ai iudianlet a' to ifral. Ucrope7. W 46 muse a la m acr 5W iLouoNI M Astic DamiliAlaxandstami wtte doM~a mec t 1.G ittovadil. W.- a.$10. O8Msc andstoinsMd wv to C. 0. iSwuaman vuwet, lot 7 sa"l 0 tlot 0Softvarte Nor*s Ave. m-b Wuke- 1gai. M Z. 51$0. I L'ILTrtmme MdavirwtudoA. P. Beblen. lot 33 Onurninsd Cam NtorD ve. audamgaL.W. . $Li'- . imo., State Utilities Commission Orders Promoters to Ceas. Sale of Stock. The publie utilities commission at Siurlagleld Tbursday rmiel that the Ciefflg,,Fox Laké & Northomeri lec. trio Compansy haî no rlghtte bitild a *spended mono-rail rosd -beIveen Evaiteten snd PlesUne, and oraIre db. company tdo discontinue IsaWs securities. The campany hans uuel $10.00 lu note. of a proposed *3,000 00 lsu».Tise, commission balla uOat a certificat* o cf sssty gratel thse omSry 'IàÎiied lu 118., The comm ndirectlng 80d raS. vay camion yto dlaoutlus tii. I- sue eftaay.fürtiter notes or otisar aaurtmw la costasotion vils the coustreotica et Ilseproposel lins. ÈEAL ESTATE- TRANSFEIS à.L A. ciement et ai ta Rarqid Vis, De»,lot 28.biok 18 . . F W*lgts S.fi libutyvI& .W. 1D. $W1. W'. LaMibru a"l W% teb oas leus eruky -ami vit. 84 anoes l a* M er man a I Anticu lIFbi J. W. Col* au oelfete G. C. fm "M salot on'W aidae'ilukew Ave. I*ortyVlll W. D. $10. aManter la (ItsuOmy t aG. F. Rei& utoad.part a W 3À B of OR"l nes8.. 1 *VtDbi tovâp Deel 910M*. Bel*l. 8.Pitt» do C. IL W%0L4%44 fi froid on Wat so s.OI>îmeeêtree« bew*ein »oolan d. Claytonb itiOSts babiM 4 4 fIlot a bioci il original Watkegau. W. D). $80000. A. J. Péltat' and vile te, rnest 8oisnurstein, lot 3 Feltars Lais. Cath-. 7einsr Sub. W. D. $10. . I. BarflaIt sud vif, ta P. IL Ingall lot 28 bboe 2 firet AId ta "Va IU hlnm.4 -inhala"d Paft Deed $10. .N.Iflat la"il«Ve o agihml Iameait. lot le block à 3 but aud ta RaM oa w Higa"suPark. Mal Bmklte toA. LU Mmai. Ià et 4 bIo 30U igisand Park. W-1). 10. y. G. Bro*n ta C. 8. Brovwn.aout Jbalais of Brud0t Lyitle te îoitn 10 Sous rayloand ai ie, lot 4 block 13 Me K"ay alWankegsn.Deal $10- OUS PiwztUI.PArxurr lzvMUMrx rPLàX makes itosy tu mavo moaeyoy .ysd.mallly sid ta saurnulata hiis cas mniulespâlt« good divideul retrns sMd capable of largo imoreese a value. Lau us s >a ai Pl" plnte lot. Teans boy mmob you ose psy dov n s!d boy mucis lotmcas psy ,MOStbly. Tel te vhat seourities lot have, if yau haïe. auy, so va mal advise yon as latbeir preeent valus, atability and future. We will nake up a itpecial inventenet suggos. lion for youtaooording ta vhat YOD can a&tord ta inveet on thiîs partial paymeut plan, biiler on a 1O.paymeut or 2-paymentbéasio. Write ta ont Dopartmant A-2 for our pape?, "Gnaraitead Investmenta," giving advioe on the market conditions-lt vili intereet lot. arties Trust Companyi th LaSalle Street CHICA GO, ILL. THE IDEAL SUMMER PLAYGROUND Before deciding where to go for your vacation, consider what Wisconsin offers in just the ideal spot that you are looking for. Within easy reach of Milwaukee is the ides] summer playground of the Mid-West. There are dozens of resorts famed for the beautiful location and sur- rounding-the finest boating, bathing, fishing and every other summer diversion. It will mean double vacation enjoyrnent if you look over your stopping Place first and set its advtaes- iet-hand. Pick out the place you will like. Places like Oconomowoc, -Be*ver Lake, Cecla Lake, Wau- kesha Beach, Olcauchee Lake, Muskego Lâke, Pbantom Lake, etc., can be resched quickly and convenieàtly. Go Out Sna *Take ihe Nott.hlir. imiteci trains, to MJwiukee, where con venient, quik ommimby eloctrie lUnes cam b. made to amy of the daoem vaca- doniff" Yoc n moa the trip to Milwaukee in 1 hour, 42 minutes. Dîning car service erovided- Trairs have Ubertyville evezy tl>lrty minutes on Saturdmy aheimoonm. Sundaym and Holidyo, comneing at Lake BIulf juncb 'on with the limit.d trains for Mfilwauk.s, Ask the agent for specWa folder, or apply to the neot et .office ofthe NOR TIH SHORE LJNJ3 adSt 6N ouea iset Pham% Cms4rsim * Nilwàhn lU Damai Bisai Phsa~ Resut liE Psesomtin 1 phe. l&strvults4 Th ~Ce tsasu They as havt ef Brui Brur Utrnost feature others The enduri: inake bas be ON] 'wicks. . uy Hal Safeguý arded i I nlvestmen ts I l $10 Te m Paying from 4% go 12% Ili &-waem im vw!,Wu au Dun &ruqwmujr. ?r. ad ey or le or as M, 12 LY. ke - r47--