CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 May 1919, p. 4

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'11111 fz 3 T. 'rHUR" A. >AY15, 1919. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ><erty-ville Independent Office Tlophone Number 1, Llbetrille Exchange. * a, tir lic Potomme t Lsbrtv:2, l5. ii.asSecond ClwseMiMaUtIr OfIciai Publication for Thie VýiWlag of Llb*ejillIe. >. tàP&dla»UUlot Lake C0-t, q08-11 OU SuPtvk»"W PreOaelP. t.îed veI ~4e.. AV4 JiIC imaMde Known 0on Appnltonk aUBSORipTION PpICE. SI 50 psýny. AR STRICTLY IN AUVANCE e.J. SMITH ......................................... ............ Editor p.G. SMITH.......!............................................................ manager WM. M. ROKISAROT......................................... ....... Local Manager WAUKGIAH S m TO DUSLOYLTIEB VaukepmMay vel fsepr@U ôvtheb.domoutra-1 Ibn given sBIUdar in honlor O ofis tuedoél sud g"on. iio dié servie édSt*lb * v*'.It vasth* 1 mouud efu1 4.monobmgtiOU««verbff'éOut tlb i City. Il vas iii mot daiing 'ver a&Maiéeau Il. ~ b0 Wh ol ithoughta ysarq.tb4t*#bwfta Io lion of O&tWmcf ,iIO f aiu tlonaiftiam *0l. te pWlM~, 'u ltatbm ful vbu osafat'W tiià*éomioéttWuua as m UvOU- i lbmtoamWuno ty h oulé .dê$ jSnw o . moy s.l od,1 lion'va spiiéof lais, caus unlidly tot-Ili S ft àaa, epara< pu5f l tvatd ZPYUUl0O ~3VRJb~1OOkI liai wbils thee *e éa fevagiao >I~ ilirlot, thatuas a vblethsy wvestrue m~ iabtlu vby Vaukegan ia glil today tb thilk liaI, ~flb ftu expslapvascanisé oui 2,. fl soui O totlnblie éèphs as prou soum o flgur aodnu City lvswoli? Mods t. an- Jus-bv urbeattIabbed as s tae s onder- JEWBad p pur 8oe tvwaaslghinever tobe for- ~~a fvaanoe on wlhi liv. formerlin he ot',Waukoganpeople vhs amn mhusbastlcover oor._.Mmnuy and ovor thein country. i o t iink lait iiln a voek over ton uhousaid per- soamp together for a big éemonstihoiand neception tlo 1 boys coming back from the. front, shows ibait te 'Wa 1 a phInle 5goting i fine vork in ibis commun- M~.i vs acas ée ensonalihes ver.e ast aSde, «aerevs YuoIput shôulder 10 shoulder t10 male ithe S a vi scossandIt vas a tucceas far boyond the hopes sud «KpOCtations cf ithe promoters and otisns. Vaukegan ýfou t otred to have Admirai BaisaIt and LieuLoSmih as pieuta of honor in the parade. Il sei- dom hbu been liai Vaukegan, had lie oppotunity of hav- ht oeuer tvo men of such iigh rank and no. And the nices iing aboutltIs vas the faciithal one cf ï wu ai a a neal Wauukegai boy and vasn't Wau- kanproud vhén tbey »wv hlmsitng alongîlde ths Goummaani of Great Lakes and realiusé ithat ho vas one Olf th. bigesiuklmgcienu in ils stateu ites anmy and liat ho vas=a*podCof LakeCovnty. ,TM .PruosM Of 80 mauy suorbinlu 1h.parade sioved 10fo0cethe ti advautage tht Vakean bas as companed *o eotbsstesr ho1guthe ooCUutry. amsly ils abil- IIr t. caZ a1a9sitaio ls ikeLà.stMationvWhos. ihl a~y rspod eail101oM nquSit for accom- oduou 0cf y a iéTruly e alons beIpséma. the parade via t Iwuvansd Vaukegaaprca tao f.act t- t1tbywSvui us. 'Ths oscamuio vsa mut uçhlalonselWWauloe- -kgiMad OIIIIIIIualyls ,e odîdIm IL I %%qUM htbuby a i.fb1É lut MWga 5 abhnomts. ffr' tbe fine apport given him'ai ihe pfthlry and tiien ai ths eetOU. W. are confident Mr. Btrang vould bave made a 9ood 0om moier. ue m1he city biausntalned a lois. n'a one of thoue unfortifs caprimesof- fate vhlch can. flot be explabled. Mr. Strang diéunoi have &a chance tc show. lis appreclatioù, of the ýppe s support and couft. dencs. HMa famny may vol.,mounu bitlois for he vas a splendid mai. WELL WHY NOT MONSTROUS? President Ebert calledthe peace treaty a "monstroul docum-ent)' 1Hie aÉserted. that history holds no0 precedent for such deterniination to annihilate complet ely vanquish- ed People. Veil, vhy bot make il montrous vhJie we Ire atitI? Wuas a monstnous lhlng lIai Gemany did 10 Bel- g1uml Vas il a mowmatsulàg lIatGeimany dld 10 I I I i W* taifoualrous thlng liai (3srmany dld to the lbgýà&,"mooaroclty", of, the sitution is turned agalmb5un bho llr. --M ýe bo m le.wtblglal sd b vs tb ~t ~bribel~ ov" ibm if lieî W a puaiy to thés pen ed . auerésgm j lh MJke Opuny ludici LIaaI ~.a o lises a graId jury and gsi am*- s~n~ioB viil. il laiciemivus Juutlfieor Iii. Ionu1s.volé ii'o4 n pliletfora At2T lv a sfoliv. mn.; a>w blàta publib.d . oliva sia th* bMe ao* Anoery ff Thée rye_ lUM* t admitsat tabilsgovemment control- lsd nal001iueloi192MOOOOO linlime. monihs. Wlth frnIIIIBé NuI5 __Irrates -Mcl bl herlaiundsr tis olé pamII lIbSn a; lon&belng enooustered, theres no argumnltA for thi ovme tal mlod plan. AEY bul~sornu mvp vag.. of emloes sky-htghand per. am conis, ihàe pv4egelaaccorded of dtaiin ths pso- ý,e."9 TIaers voulélè "notblng to i"for sny of us 10 boosict, bocoi if we coulé make slomsbody ebe pay the frolgti. MII by dolng that Uncle Boules rail- roade ane rmnng i susy beblnd in efficiency andd han- Gerlmay nv1limntsnofficiai circles, that shç cannt acep $1 psa tema lxe by he llis. eiL, cep et.trmsc. W. miade.a msae-ve ought to have plovsd ourvs brubGrnayb lin 10t PRO VI that v W .*ls ic nad iuremove the. apparent feeling0of-lie Humàath ly vers flot vanqulsh. ed-that uhey zmsrquit bscauss they vanied to. IMALT Soamunlty honfires vhewllcb IIUALII rrninii~ mt airlaze ln ali parts of tire State at g~exactlY eight a'clack td0nlgirt Tire local healtir promotion week THE u,~CoMmttee, at Springfield bas distri- UP i Tu ffl bluted 26.000 emanal 7510vbrooma - . bearing the skgff- -"Sveep Spring. 11aM Cdean." 1%ese brooms are iua- sphln"94ilel... May 12.-,Hemltir Pended In tire front lindio0f Vrac, Promotion WaakStartad Sf Yeter. tlcally al of tire bornesla the City. day vui a dagre0 a o eiulsuthat la a large nuwber Of commlugltea. arPrladei ve. theée90rscOfth iiens vere avakenai early by ""lm aatuatfe 6" 1"f eenIaover tireteleplione. a pleasat 110100 m iat aking Aree you oirviig ment cef ùw.lsebt sa* elWUt siPromotion Week t trinme goramla am~t -Mr O#Wyrasal5iIg iatlath"beaitik 'ameta th~ * ea e tflOUau v *leaDy.mi. par * t USvUê'*W lie" 4 "»e Ulm 141ktb mi& ii f.çOPP ha@ atM ýý. a iw usav* imu.aa- t.mû»eaB ureaiisg e- OU S etMR ýel"*i t . rn.t hutâfu llv&gvI P04W 0" "oam à6: -10ee . OU aetm aem ,loi " r rM* eu Is3th commr.e et Io4b.. b ebi miDef *~ MW 5~ LOI~th 1015 em l ta erK tumau udwaum n local ciptamre i >fQa.The &Wdayie t le 1140084 Iliât i ies * *5D orétaiemo. ww ly etr P.en r1 C Kalot -ma otior fat Mrrl<IsemaransaT ipmltngvCeoneabave nabmIWsesla ctasJotastly m unS te in t tata Me CITY A COIJNTY 'OVER TuE TOP'IN, 5T11 VICTORY LOANI 3ver Subscription, in Wauke- gan May b. $75,000 to $1 00,000. RALLY AT ELEVENTH HOUR Once more Waukegin .xni l i*' -Couaty havte proved they are 100 Ver, rient patrlotlc. for Incomfflata total Ini tire banda of Il. C. lEurett, Iàke Oouaty cirairman of tiahe t.PM Vie- tory Liberty Loa drive ohmwcon- elumlvely tirat boti anrle "rithe top" tbb Scty by oSeu890.0WSam i /u- bman by over *070,000. ft viii ie sevasa daya bae. detaller dur«e arp obtabisUe. 1Otb. tovn na the oomty tao$0 over fie top vr Aljo*a. Avon <Grayelke). Ram. ton <lM ionOty)-, Cuia. (Rauliglm.)l Dent w* .Daail (rndiPark), Iii. astlD~id"ile<Ai e rst), v&> I »MM IO. -dairuat tenlmat a. W 111 ma ers vU a&mt Co M logot$"#.M0Sa"M W sy-mne lbut ma t7sop -î Owb r ,b w ft 5laoummpe bete gdu et «Le.rami fetsale P.W 9V@rnM@mI bas given *0 bas mat ItuMar35to dotMis ego se b probjue tfat » ompleta e is OMS& -hor o wmvq au. Duarett 1k»" ftlî fite qoutabu beau overoubsSleaa. 7'IbMlatrua alecoof*iéeotmyseaabole for mlii. mi» m tvusfalei toumals hflar qub. ta àa other twe a mieop for the imiscit la uaair overeub.olpiou. tir. Drataaen @mi«tfite total uh. 1 ato mte CoMaty VIII suont ta f ly tv aid on. box Million dol. I*rga .ubscrlptlonm vblch vers farai n ta tbfilleventir bout vers viat ear,iai Wanuea over the top vitb g-,mc colone. o» rnefthe lai-g- Mt aub@erptioma to come ne ulate vas the Ainarioa teel ani Wlre con- pOuir wth a total abrMoonf j»4.,90. 'ias uaivmnfeit.-. se compariy' for the. employa. of tii. loal plant Who bave signifiai lair desire ta purcirose bonde and bave tire auraunt taken out of tier salai-- les easci month. 8(sny amplayes of fim plant bave made thieurovo ar- rangement. -vitir the. ba'no tiret the total ubcrlptlon fram tire vie mlii. accordlug ta Chairman ilurnett viii ha Clame ta $160.000. The Lberty Loan booster rally on a platfcm at tire forth ride of tira Waikagan National Bank follov- Ing the. parade Saturday afttnoan vwas productive of splpndld reauits. Over $28.000 vorth of-bonde vere mold as a resuit of tire meeting. Tii.'metiug vas.Presided ler by Judge Edvards. Thre speakers Were: Admirai Bassett. Lt. Cal. A. V. Smith, Congreueman Carl Chind- bloom andi C. P. Crunden, the. latter belng an officiai lecturer for the Cli- ecg Telepiiene camvany. Sire auctioniug off of bonds by Mr. Crunden proved ta b.' a reeult getter. A eGrman irelmet was auctloued off ta J. P. Arthrur for $3500. Tire latter turned It hack audfit vas auctloupd again, belug acqulred this Urne by William Saçkman for $1500. 'Phare rwere ilIve $1.000 suscrptions sud a number of emaller ou.'. viicir brougirt tire total up ta $28,000. Tire flyln.g cireue from tire naval station presented some clever vau- deville stunts vicir kept tire crovd lateremted balveen speeches. 1 dncii credit for thiucessful ter- mInation of the lban ln due le C hair- mni E urnett vira varbed I ndfatlg- ably trou Onrt ta lait. Mucir credit lm due abcs to hii many able assis tants ln Waukagan andi al aver tU 131-MAYOR PI3ARCI Pmu««- -l MM ft . r, i uis " et WbemM14 feu 1" but tu *» ce"y iafDr v. Uho tbri aiu. giSent mes - mce. adnev lu me. re»e £i. W ue raw hs- e-»t unlmute uie u tigee yb" o, te a ma~l mbas u usa «set f~~~t a lb am' ie la Miaurkd i I s ~z n s ~ uam;m:s ----------r. FOR bALE-Choie. refidence lots on Mezintoy Are. )mr.Qrireg. 94 1 have nmre ver.v fine up-to-datehoûse& at pricec Irm $2,500. $3,000. $4000, $4.700, $6.00, $7.500 ta $8.500. Ail modem alcely loeated. whleh 1I ,allI b. pleassd to, show you at anytinie. Edwin Austin. Mhous 16, North Sbore GOA Co. -If FmB GiLid-Home, lot and barn in village of Wadawoetb. InquimaiJ. o. willamae. wadawortb. ni. A bartala If takaM et 005. Wklytt LCMT-Lowat ut t h Wodasedaj belves. poto"su md Dmerd Cocrt. Bavard il îatored to lbdegwmstoSes. erWL FOR SALE-Two frmb ioows. aMual W. sea. y. 500 mu(Orel@; Làka Fouest. 2 FOR 8ALE-Dkamonda, vtibum ad Jaeol ry on crefit, 20 per m tdow auI&O pet oblat a mmiot. Bou I. 111a. iNorth 9G-emtas miVas 1 6 1 e" lut FOR SALE-Osai Coru bo"tbbls.sila yellow. Nmw "prfect g.rmtmaNo.m E. LViensr. Arm&, DL . 903N MWv vier putt ale ttaoraMM More Il kseau*t bmve avenmmrstis fa-Mayer Pm eq buha.beau la the stnoreeMtlUMaslylt " 7«Mr. Il wus treeause hk eritlC.iOndiLioO et 10.*1 "aib. deciddite rnta asne a a torai lV«stme sau- ta ksp the fe faly direct. 'Tuaeva@ s feeling fiat a bulunes, uPMnthe docters re- tiremeet vouli go te- mmson WII- Sain but t noesnet. f9e la a In dent et ia.'uour iEruitte. <CMMnO It VU a thie sprlug of nuUthal W a. Pearce e.tabllsied bblé drug xtàre in Wsukegan On ma t tc (Uov Eheridan Rai) Midvay l'e. tveen Washingtan andi Water atra He mavet Inth ie present site af tirt store lin18@6 andtihiestoreiras r.. inained tire- ever,"Ïltr'. The funi er, W. 0, Pearce entered a PorLi1 slip~ vlth his sou, W. W. lu 1 in 1891 W. S. Pearce retired. Tire preseejt building le owned by tire emtte of fie fatirer. Dr. W. W. bas ovued sud couduct. ed tire *store ail t hA years e rabu held office as inayor of Wau'tegau nd,t( tire corner drug tnrPruIsone of te vell kuovn Iandmarks of tie city. Falling Ibeaiti necessitatlng his ab- sence tram tire business rnuch'of the. time cua-4ed thre retiremeut of the drugglst-doctar-mayor. lii1irealtir nmre montire ago caused tire tiren enayor ta decide ta vlthdravn tram palitîcsansd nov tor thre mre reagan ire qulte bueluese atter almost hait a century lu ou.' place. W. S. Pearce, tire founder of thù store came tram England ta Chicago anti tireacauducted a drug etore lu the beart o fvirat Ir nov Chicago'.; loop. It vas one of tire firet dug stores lu fiat clty. At tire tîme. ie lacated lu Waukegan tire ouI>' cau- veyance iretveen Waulcegau andti ii cago vas a stage' coachr sud a eide- vireel steamer. If vas tan years lat- ai- Mat the. Nortbhveetern put tirru lieti ret lino a fev miles veet of V/au- kegan. Dr. Pearce av a future for Waukegan andti fat vas why ire de, cied tu locate heora. RAiSESRTEF nusINBRIULD PAPÀ SMC" New-Reoolna SAYS IT LgbIÇ$ SERIGUS. m - a mitee mii ii aieuay b. hmUvle eiasa t e lL »Ovt Ohte, de» tb.eame0 a ftmu t SluJ*»a« »M t bue swum.Ns tblapSmlS tetejo a D m5'» '> tmtdme sir ime ume S.1ke lot Defre ibtea" mes t e d osvta flos Ma01 SL».-ceMOfn t paO il. - cl%.aPet mnd best; wlnow anid doo mreemu; bouse movîmo andt bouiémeie 2 fon Intltatiozw andi Iodutr«. De»rtmst No. 4. phone 40 or 3L lion ic la. and Il ' ;-r,..,,e it ii,, sud hon- jumovil e. Zou IlnetltUt!UL5& Induobri.',. ls,-pt 4. Zion ity, 111 phone, 40 ZVonlts 2 WANTED-Young vipien tt rk,*coursa of graduate nurse. Board, rou. laoadry, uniforme, book* and mzpeoae mon7 ay mlg"a. Nts home uqdar striai spoevlslo. lobatr » on, boa. pli36MM Walàmneoo lvd., Chicago. III . 166 WANTED-.4mtb t te ire s eh* 301111 lq u . 1Pholla 818. 90-2 VOUNO MEN WANTED-ToIaaelb . amlmel. Nilperous el- psse. manqs. mployua a t u mmi. eose.u or aets.aa i Mr sln*mUb-etaa.llr aso si.outid r, a cf o mwm. o besss umeam la a reaeoabi. mg* of *m .Appli ta peusa or by uni te Jobs IL Thompsa. $;0., 8"0 q ark a- -lcunmgo. 20,1 tIepléamasa mmn enlai Sbrtiaa la B eotaen ou Vereiss%&. ibuief AsJele la "mot..a poor lobe' a b000'", ani a -gink." The. Whea ova gst ruagir vitir hlm. Webl-ba'fl b. throco vtir ever>- thtaa Aui god ai roai>' tu cash ta- sauel I l ee hItlse. la anofler columa the Eider, viro svidenethlafe peet lawmots aet lhe Mi cty churcir.brea'es forth inaa mmiii- hyun of bote ta Senator Roi- ROIeB E li vho bai Ciramgeof tire investigation taaolutim in tire @*Bat@. Voliva u»M p ilp Uavsllabie slang ln attempting ta express iris opinion of the. tvo assemblyman. Cirrist taught lovllness and mach- Rous. but the iresd of tire Zion Cty cbunii iras mlosed fie paint of tirat teacing entiriply.-g-,rin-feld %Neye- ItecordL NORTH AMERICAO UNION INITIATES LARGE CLASS Tire Vlugtory AiUltîaIrd taunêil Northr Amerîcan Union ai their r..gultir meeting Wedneadai evennir inittat ,d a large "ls@ ol itadidates, LaMe Foret and Highrlandi Park degflie team doing lire vark.l Fred Baphe vos ta have b.-.t. nltinted et tbia timt-, but owicg ta the deatir of his viTe. be vwu prevented tram dalugmao, go lira coucil taok up a colileeti amouting ta over $18 for his benefit aud a committee of titre vas appointed lu laIe coder cuusideratiuor the sOtis- hilty Si cauvaeauintlie tavu for- volunnlry suhecriptlons la heip hlm defray biris eavy erpensem. Tue meeting vas clo.s.d vîti an olti fmahoned danc? sud all bhanseujoyablq eveulng. About tilrtyilveor fort>' vIel.. log momber from tire North Sirork, vers pissnt. S. J. Duncan Clark te Speak ai the High School 8. J. Duncez Clark, vittet for lireý Chicago Eveaulg Pos il ii peal on ",A eagUa of Nations," aithé blgh soool Monimy sv.ning, Msay 19, air 9 o1locb. Mr. Clark le a brelIllestodant of itsIrzatlocaleý. HBohai vIded Europe Maemeb avau of Sb@ critimlpeulol tibreal vieb tbe vori la pasingo A~ ~ ~~~l unls rga ibafeoeai Ruai-i Mea. e, vetenImmauoU me anSd ~ s o r t GrasS [aie 4 fM1b1l1eomi V»s eneSu b& *»t ulgWM i to m la *0 iutea esft M 0 vas mm e Mia fa * ~ ~ e mm emtm meatrs lest tu WM às"e 1118« ohm elam b il ub . bat' ne - si *M i alopOU leiwue'am 105et *10*8 fa b te.B au sam taMol M ~- le*'W.Ume,0h 1111* apy daS là> pmo* leà q» 7m e 1fB tom 011110* MdS , fflUNII MBOt M0 am Lblttdm *eti tu t 1k ae ensML ne #3sMdm e tbe msAndami katoeal Il.The o0" vas taie rum*Ir n i WA"NT ADS RATES-TO Ceutpet I -».'ma, .éluertln. 20 CmamMinimuCharge Eau ami Sc gue 66A r-C Heini Grant SI Sort hm~ 11~O5 a -4 ~.11 Ch-. Erilsi 5q*i sou, il -K. *~eien *i..asml a5b.d fasse. Ruai * Umibra ~me esSore. 1 11 ; 1 Cblefflumtiwmfnorbmmbmtbrotob. ýW

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