CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 May 1919, p. 5

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- - - - - - - - dow and daDa and 4, phone 1 ilus + aling and IutUlie & 111 Phone, 'd, mou. Bd 0 am*e uqder lure, ho. CM'..., 166 Ire at the 818. 20-2 versoui el. Mtn baOui es paUk'. - ma abe, . drombd mon or by 15k." The. vith hlmi. with every- th u- Eilder, vho »ate. et the forth ln a metoi 584. IITO of the the @*Bat. jable alang hie opinion and Seeli- Zion City tint of tbat ION ME CLASS unêil North ar meeting id a large Forest and a doing the oeti nitiated tie, deatb of ouido.nago, a collecioni bis banefit Le appointed the adiBw town for- o bel p hlm wlth an old anan joyablq r fovty viait. shore vers Ipeak gh School Lter for lb.' on ..A higli ehoci t o'ciock. utudent of sted Europe furniehed. a ImmU cf min«e be. a m m 111a11.. m l. l i Sio 918 ne » vue'dam ifsý tshé ni.màI you wa béatha niziot question discued by a bgmmi COME TO THE "High Schoo Monday Evening, May 19 AT 8 (YCLOCK TO HEAR S. J. DUNCAN CLARK on 1d "A LEAGUE 0OF NATIONS" Admission Free Spec-is for Tis Week-- He=' Pork snd Beans. per can .........1 c Grsndmaa Washing Powder.................... 5c Sospine . . . . . . . . .. . ..#. .5 . . . c Good Lines Of ToI>aCCOCigare and Cigarettes Special Value in Pluus F. C. NORMAN SAWIRDÀY, MÂY il WALLACE REJD in "lEsSIflN KIN" ad a Comedy SUNDÀY, MAY 18 STUART 13LACKTON in Burton HolmWi Travel Pîtureé TIJESDAY, IAY 2n WILAN HART i "OORItR WRL[ Ibe PMWh o dmalr Isi. :I cow st ls e 84 S. .ew U .e ti M b & ir81,5M bo un eburie U i4 te abbai, mlonelMa pan t "0 o oue s Mothodist-Eiscogel. Services vii ha beid udxt Sunday et tir M%. E. cburcb as foliows: Mornwi Wateh by Sunda.v Schooi tend Epwathb L. ague làorkerveat 9.45. Sunday cîjool et 10 o'clock classes for al aâge@. MOMIRnîn reachinig service et Il îio. Eveulug pecing servicesat 8 o'clock, muLjeet of eemî,n: *'The Twa Bîgbways that Diverge " Special mu@e by the cialrand soiy by liv, Bradford at the evenlnig service. The public' is cnrdiaily lavlted. Tiare viilbavery Important meeting ai the official board ai the M. E. chu vcb iald ah 4 o'clock 8unuday alternoan ai b. ciurcb. Evary meuihar lm uvgad 10 attend. IFolIo, waip, Training and Inspiration" wriii b. tiiesubjeci of lie Epvartb League lems e nziunday evenlug at 7 o'ec1ae . gpleidld elugingi A verni baartad ser- vIe.ý Noel Young vli laad tie meeting. Ou uorolug, Mday 25, lirmovial Bonmd", the Liberlylle 0. A. R. vii attend serissetaithe M. m. churci. 15v. ,T. . Resu yul preaci lie sermon. ýTer viii b. sepoclal pagrlotlc muninend aUîrened oldiere and saulrearn cordlyavlljed to attend lu a body vitb Moemeulera of the . A. R. Ciidvs' s Day suffib. bold %is year eiliéo M. chn .sandw y .e1m lune 15. A a""M TO BE $M MAUY80-81 Wth .avnom&§eaewsu ier Mo - --m - 6, liée' ai , i "%Obe ta »&0awo*eUe rébvoume wt gocom 60 SqbdS *mm Isoo- tata 9Meules .1 Molesmly-ive,le 6=s1 repol Uhl ev Os' = ,the ah * f Io uli.V4p» Pusses la mumbw lbepau, le vuS pwbà1fýbé té § dm 10080.tnMle ooumunllybave bus aoised op09 *pov$tr 01 a eesiag miosllsg that le realy nevr. The Ileyvlsit oaam!M tbelmm"eetuila a ta oi~ Lbertyvl-!le New1vïs Il you knowlof an item of loca4lnterest, kindly telephene No. 1 Mliss ladys tlcCurdy, ùot!e villa Il., le vlstlng lire. Willii Seyboldt. lir@ Kate DuBois, mother of E. Du Bois le sarlouoly Ill with pogumonla. Word bas been receved thas Chas. Butebhison bas arved la the @tâtes. Mise Edné, Blman, ot Paxton, Ill., la the. gant of Mises Rutb EvIlsîzor this veek. Mrn. aud Mme.L Z. ProtIne and son, Fred of Cbîcago, @peut 0'Sunday vlîb relative. bore. lire. Jo. Queris, accompanisd by sou. frlsudq trou Freinant Cnter, agent lat Fvrla bchicago. !R MMDE g ~Tk.îi1040 ïws d- id> bulfmuu à--- - ...into ralb"e hS-m mur hoss.u.& éyItiW"le bu ai i ô.11. 021 ScHACKHARDWARE COMPAN Officer TausoTt, ofthei Irving Park polica satihon, Chicago, vas boesTueedey vletlng Marc4hai Dennis Llmberry. Il vas Officer Tausari via apprehended Patrlck Flemingr a lev moulu agt w hIle out wth a mlaapproprlated auto. moble The Christian Endeevor ofthei Prraby- teriau cbureb vlii rtertaîn tie Epvortk League ot tir Id. E cbnl'cband &ail y tuvard sallore tend solderve et the. eburet paniors e unI evenbng. 1%htealcd liai a very "strenauans" prograut bas beeu pepared for the ensavhalnment af tbe gueste. The Women'a Club, of Lihartyvillie wbo vers tu bave-' unr progreesive iuucieonan ad 0etion ai olficevs e xl Wednesday, bave potponed thair nîset- lng outil May 28 on account o1thl ml. talion extended ta them by lbe Womsn'g Lubvavy Club, ot North Chicago, ta mel vitii hem on Wedneedsy,. l'h. nav cabnet ai oSâcers ai tie Ep. voti Leegue vers lnataeldaht e ope"ia service ,unday .venag Tisse ffiners are: Oris Muike, proeîldent; Geo. Follette, lot vice.preeldet; Mr. Blatt, Sud vine ,n...gA.,,* Maronn Taylor. *,d iaa.nîukl Mr. and MWra.Cheekter Dlite and baby a - ine "e.nreandaujwaters terre spent Sunday' lth 1Mr. tand Il n. J...s se, i ian' a ni dancing Swan. o Pîp.-lii. renauder of the'.~,nf. Little Mabel Bennet ent,.rtained îwen. E.r i ' e. îl oil tP ty.llve friands li»t Uturday alternoon lu A re you superstitions'??! clebration ot besrelgbth brthda..The e sfm" Serai soniething ran eouiu aftarnoon vai eàpet ln gamem atter Kfli)bernlîw on you iweiliniday viic deliloue réfresibmpi were served "0 ,od Luck." Senior playv. 11gb School by the uotior oflthaemal] braies. Auditoriumn, Tbursday, Mlay 2Û. Pur Tonte Wilfige, of Fort Wayne, Ind., cbu.'.e ,vîur tickets eavly. viited relative, bars Tuesday eveulng, 1T le senior EDgliAb iase. accumpaiiled Re Wai et 01ns0 "ne eployed by the. bY %lia lSumner. journeyed taelChicago Libertyvllle Dakery, but lit ta jobi thelait Thuinrdav wb,re tiai'enjoyed eseing army. 13. boe t etscentiy rscolevie the Shakeppeviau pay -'lieit" ,Bat- lsechart'e rom thb. Seinnow Division. uv"iy the Euglieh ii1 classes saw Mgwauk» asseoir wlil liegiolé",Mcbethi." Boblb plays are repovted to &OMlaneat ?efsU exiii b. g iv s lebave besu very gond. oboold lh" hMedoue beote oui clewow Tia. second adision of thesSophomars Up vet eartudl.to4WJOU kno ht~ Pa-or thé. "21 Tues" va. publiabed w httéWedeeday. children vl do 10 jour loorsanad rqp ________ aleer hey ha" e aied a trsehly offed Clam hMîee ofai hbgvood vas étreetle »Maeaise. fendant la au information Abonue nbiMsaud tventy.five ied baounty court todgy by glates 00o>161ise o. llie Ihar7l Obia dsone as attorayWech. 1k. la charged wtt *b. Audfboelurn661IFriday eveuliag. aisaultandi httavr'. the apeciftn. 'Plnk aU nd e h wM e e eoloie w"uk é*te belng that aie beut Mar17 vers eveely unilb epringaime dgmav. bale, the daltaepagel. i 1cetIbis doue OUdmmals IOQMnlibid h IWRapkee 7 lit l19oMid t have beeuR MImeDa" HarI vue narrled latCui effl0eluti, afutroou 10 Mr. 7resu CELEBRATE GOLDEN ltoIbvel. c tulWÎud Park. The bride WEDDING AMNIVERSARY le théda.gbWidJo.. W. Hart of Ub-- .vtyvlle m u hoinemployed ls a On 1uoed. sevie«,g, May6. 19 t9. Mr. copsay mm 1v taiCe«o #or* m»d Mms.George Berrek celobraied ther Mm M ** 611oci. Te joeugo"dea aveiwar 9of Ifty ymire of empfle apllioua b. h»ymonmarnaIedIN .as Utelbeautitul home on pleav om m il riet bomeyoo. lOé@ethot la Lake Fores mnd tbey badPt Ve ohers Mr.eBtwell0 b . a ue uanm y beautîtul proemt@ from reepouible' poifAon vith thé N'orth their mausy friende. Among tb. vers: Shore Ioad. Mr. mmd flire. her of Park Ridgo, plate goid. Ovu tu t10 fu blt a ranommemte Mv. en mmli. Fauba, ealaid poon. coudM ol@b. nae boe, Lbertyvilie viii tir. and Mrm.ChueSage, spoon. have ltis diMa.p vesbeguInnîme ut* Mr. md lire. E. J. Mzabhe, pîcture. liomday, MaU19. mmd contlnuing ouni1l Mr. &d lira. 1'.Aatop, lovlmg cep. 1'hur. e, hla hoped liat &Il lbhé lMr. end iNs. B. Vieruan, mantie cileanlit e» b. doué by hst Utie. Tbe dock. commîltie là charge anouuce thiail1 Mr. aud lirri. E. J. Trlggi. $5 In goI4. bus me i be be.led ay lor SI a load Mri. sud lire. B. Gvldley. $5 la gaid. and amali lois ofi ubile t rain 25 te Mr. and lire. Vanee, goid thimble. 50 cense. TMe hasliug o! thie rubbiei la M. and lire. J. Fincutter, bracelet snd belafg donsetaIle suan cotei n- .poaket lknife. ulîte vnuld apprdetaIt yennBluch Il Mr. sdand ieFrank We'îban, epoone. the nelgbbore vould ges togptheir. on lire. B. bR. dieh lu gald. eacii sîveet and ooipt hheir rubbulhse uMr. and lire. Den Hevvick, disbin goid. tnat tha ter acul'd ollecl h it&l wile lr. and lMre Oao. Wenbau and Mie. tbey are wovkIng om thst itreet and nat Outelil. salad bowi and apool. bave ta mote a second trip for l. Mr. and Mv&. Merebaut of Waukegan. In Lîbertyvîlle v. have about ons $5 lu gold. bundred commutornmd télbd . & St. Mvr and lire. Ornu Luces, 5 In goid. Paul bas provided une ltb a theatrs Mr. and tMre. L. Bazeiett, breat pin train. Nota viat thile service needs to and ebain. bold ilpatronage. Tba dld not pro vide Miss Fincutter, bat piu. a train to taire you In no tbalyjou coutld Mr- and Mvij T. S. Merrîli, Pari; Ridge, get to the theatre In lime but one ntf aur pepper aend sait oeil. eomuutorg tried ibis plan ieel week. He Mtr. and Mi. 8 A. Andrews, iiepuîev t toat the 7:50 train lu and epent an bour and esait se&. 1and a hait at tlie. State Laisthbeatve and Dr n o f-u fClao ok *eujoyed a good vaudeville show. Bis MNr. and Mi. Win. azelett, $2 50> lu *total expence wam onl f dty cents. M. nd Mr.AeRortnso. good many people Who hava mnuîb i r. aid lin. Tvpeptcw, nipal fort. i during the monlb. Tii. vouid be a @Mr. and 5dra R 6. Weniban, $2 50ý *gond echeme ta lncveaaesthe patronage Mv. tand lirs. Fred Welîan), table h on the theatre train ait a vavy amal meT veet. d expense. Tvy hi, use a fsw of your Mr tand ire. (G. 1L. Banchardl, spoon. a excesides In ay andmees Il vs îls Hazelett. sait tand îîepper set. i1 cau'tImprove our train service. NIr.tand Mrv@. ira. George Rose of _______________ ~Wainut, brother utflire. lGeorge Herrick, MRS. FRED HAPJCE DIES $5 lu goiS. SMr. tand lir@. Herrick recelved congre. t Mvi. Fred Hapka 41.4 at berihome tulahiona tram tbelv many friands tram bavaer Weduendeby morula«, aller a short a distance, wbo coutil ual be wi tiauh llne@s of typbold laver. Mirs. Rapie la ou the occasion. amninetisinWv@ Ob a daughtsv ai Mr. and lir@. W. Dies of letber fain Dv. licClurs viti regrets tlvanboe. wbo ulisbbsr bueband, sixi bat ha could not halie iiIthera, but emmmi cblldven, betwfnm tbeaie o 11 i vaid Ihein the mauy biesinge reet yaare aud 8 monti@,end mmay ottiqr upon themaitn Jdthe. pati of lite >relatives andtvriend survive ber. FumeraI gvowlug brIgbter and brighter es you service vIii b. condncted Friday mors. approacb-tie perfaci day. log ai St. Joseph chu ch and hurlai wviii After ennylog a bounlelul re1 S b tae place at Froenot Center. gute departad aIl laaving terbe _______________ isbes tteagsd COUPle. dent; Jean Scbmmck adCbrnJodllsaI l nase, md Dorobi i)avlem nsreta. High School Notes bon HiWlilmmea h .e casf<b. qit ea ter lasus mi lite Rubi WUàm blplalt. TWi ouoluin b lete 1»b. sl.. bud upouMotà eiml nfselhbave lb.ster play dais bu b uw Revt ien»UW fu bw#M pb&vaet UspliqaHEDOvs Mavar 11ersteaei ~ xa. hep wrieifov ObVeuli me»sise m sot yeé seaisd itammaebUp b. - iautl .telesib.êmmEvu«~ N,~o . b ~ ~ Dvonlug et v IIe.A b te hamihmilU u, ~ uM a. 69 lueteW ew bsl M lgh5&W ausW Me mm* ns mte mil1lave mm taitvebu uemm ,*W*b Mo~a mcmi hauSs u.&hW bav nia b w% Tm Me, Pour #[gvus at M»b. boomhseset** r o* -M Mo Ismog% Mo à.T . w urne e wfb wasumse ieelmee TalermadaE iasaerot Mo bglassepaioortbîl iMetalle maboul la Moeommnlffidaubeg Mdaousty. la tMo attuerms* la semo Bni hortairse emai e oIamm ,From Si-MiltS 6Atulme o. bpl lieu 1ÈoIbyr.SrMpneMemt c o tste vere hld faiiovid by a beuoi aoslatlouamd ib,-]gr. Bs' aumn îgnevt Aocb. luh@.emlgM KndouITe emadr a of ev» oz I Frbsuen ave a peitr for Mo vilteg vas «Peut legeammos daaage. Ipoople mdtMoHlgiechoL feiseWet If you wait and delay, the only certainty you have is Ioss of the comfort of your own home. One of the officers of this bank wilI he glad ta tell you how w-, have assisted many men ta buy their homes on easy payments and how you may do the same andd. cave money by etarting now. The Firt National Bank Libertyvile, 111. R58(JUBCES 0F MODE TRAN BALr & MILLION DOLLARS Tii. shelter of your liv. sdock, your implment, at the. prices th.y brh<. toay is an important saving to yoW each day. Sheds will pay for thesoselves over sudoves a&«&W in added weight to liv. stock, in lest food th.y con. serve, ini added 1f e to implements, W. feel that every time we selu you shed lubar you have made mon.y.. Concert and Dancel GIVEN BY THE LIBERTYVILLE BAND ROUND LAKE OPERA HOUSE Saturday Evening, May 24, 19W9 Admission te Concertl ADULTS, 50c CHILDREN OVER 6,20c Admission te Dance. GENTLEMEN, 50e LADIES,. FREE MUSIC BY A TEN-PIECE -ORCHESTRA. T. cloue out smnmsll lots iscontinuedlis of divers inerchadii'swe aa au»mg >'m'ry attractive, pria.. on ibum. Lot of M.n's Undomwer SaIiâsma NwawSMMetweighe in light b.bfin=Msad rlbed osas.Teck»se w lot tliy ame onhy, per Serment 38 C.uitand 5OCe"t Lot of- Cbil*Ws WashDresse L~g.misebM o f utyle und matmxilanmarY 08 mm u. t $Wci ovq" c4cmmine fisu 25Conb to $1 .0 W. W, CAR-ROLL & SON S COMPM phomm 29 t' ----------- lirm.Tonu. Matinmd eciudren trou Tragiieill ae vwlel llu vilire. Metis 1 elete. ir. J. Mteali.1 linte Ellaaheth Nael vbo basi hem vovhbng le Kealworhh yl epend tMo edimmer vllh her motbhem as Sise uMtriantomn â61Lie Forel Collg, vàs uMo tgrtUltm Myrtre esmaielaTesdae Moon.Md evmtumg Trevel thvosgbUbertwvife vas bri Omo de, iby tMo appearau of MWii -&lu@ iwm" Feou-vol» mt bt-ve bai bai aml vabnfor Mme Tb@ lUh.Man11» d a»ton, &'ya Wl- name. Alvareida Ughthody m»d 1. A. Tosaia"d Harold Hugeetyatteudsd the Epvofth la"gueBoqut lahicego 90-d"e. l.M . A. ProM» u deved a teirai trou be eoa. M 1.Wedeaeede, eylu Mh o hm adW~ Me e Ommp DIX,. B.J. He bau hme oversse viiithe 78th diviion toi thé. pet able montba. c.Eari Sebieler, of -RSchele. Ill., vwu vllitg relivem eeWedsday. Be vas recently dlechargsd tvon m ry mr. vie. *b ile vitbhlhiedivisioa oveveso hosbecamé01landvwu tm a boeptei for nome elme. SIxisen young people beld a tarsvell surprise. prty fer Walter Kunke lait gaturday aitihe home ot bis grand. parents lir. and lirm Wm. Kauke. Be le lsaving tumake his bomue wtthlhi mobar la Peimyril. Mamy trom haesblped ho maklehie celebralion ai Waukegan e iucces. Mdeubova of the Llbavty ville Baud, and seaaiLbrtyville citizen via are arn. ployad by Waukegan firme, appearsd lu tie parade. lira. Joe. 'Dinneaur, vbo bas beau makiuîr bar borne viti ber iter, Mrsi L. FI. Retcholi, durlng ber huibaude ab- 1.enca for army service. bas retefnad tu Mlwaauee. .DinDeauv,.va e eeuîiy discharged tram a camp lu Nev Jersey. ri Mà il PAGE, TU cRTYVU,.LE mAy 15, 1919.

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