CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 May 1919, p. 6

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CowIlty SeatNews ÀFhIEïiBY1 Utnim b st. ....A word tram Pa gi 've di th a c l Cmpaiyàt l a dirgiat $Lu0i>rîPUST AN imlarut .eB nd Gorg<eZellers abat- Lu tOWM ER WAS teuon Sictet ail to ha a 4aaulat Ibat ther Wvlfe commisicoed Se. bfigison rata tuai any placoe es i odht nt Pi gbb r dilA P.. the, tate a %tilîtueCOempaa1Y &P' dA A er of (Imoal Pershig anl have v 5E4d 81UEU1uI .'paroutly la aet sattsflcd. detinng a I L'h VI £51 .15* cmn sont teau nOfficers' RePlAComeflt Ab oitfuther balet providiag tuer cau axiU ul'lf icamp ut Qoadr.court, iFrance. Promn c pxInc, Iltate publSe utilîttes nojsil III3IIAIjtuere tbey viii hoasslaned te regu- R 9L M S Scommission tt esenîuld -iveM ez i aluea whicli probably méani Rigbb nov the utliblea coanimelci - tuet yul b. met te the Army et 0001k.ta vents of Waukegan Young 1, tuîying the report on tuee s.. NeWlY Eleted Waukegan Com palanu or ina . O. S. orm ald R aillu Man Kiled in Action, Get In« comPus s auatla.l 'ti13ou tise missioner Succumtad this louittel f th"y vini roaci Unitedi W forratio frm Re Cros. ahotln afilae report tht the coin- MonIngai Fou r O'Clock. State or Se ptemben 1. 1 fomain rm edCos. paay boelleste b. granted lb. bocal. of ________a - ut iov long Ilb vIi take tue ougt- EEK MORE_-INFORMATION.namrsof the ubtrie sn-ilan toDEATH FOLLOWS INJURIES.- RM SFO R ut a digert the. report la nat Innova but « Tiat Rimer M. Doyen of Waukegaf the temponary gas rate uulce vhlci Commissionen ieary Straag, 68 N a. killoal by burstna ahrapnel rosi tua g- Company jae operatlng at bbc years cl, 216 Cory avenue. pussied f fl À R ; ke bonnaionreceved oda by is peaët tie, eph«on té o avaay tui morning t four 'clSli et t arma. tram the Red Cross. Tt wiu .hly at vhlci time the rate la9uni1-: the r opîa.fllvn a h. futInformtion M. afl Miposel te revrt bckte $1.10 P . ur e eelvel lnauanautomobile se-REIYF R AL B. noyer of Mdison etneet bal thausand fot unîmes the commision cIdent ut Konaeia on the niait ofM Md as te how their son met dati, je incline ta grant a canitnuanco .&Prl 28. ai Waukegsn, May 8Ste hein prenlons information living fan tue prosmut. i up te late 11iuruamay nigit Mr. 'Thes rifles, amrnunibl6n. etc ton the a >oon ta tue effort imenely tht le va. it vas aon theoornnt plea that tuee trnag' coalition seemel teo ho egumlta rie l ale 5110 Ila action.» cthe momien et aheic nresslu rates quito faorble lticugis ha nererWacgnmltarie IWas-s Prt. Boye uth be r f alunlngtic ver bISethble comiiSn a quibe negaineai caiacloiseess. Ho <an tbf a noon and veto checffl la m gui cev manaing a Freci 75 vhon accodel. W eter the gis cosuPasi a'afenlcnueon u anby Scigt. Sherry. The militia bina la hi ce met leabh an Octoben g lait Ys t. ib ie t conviace tisa commis- ln the accident bt la eplite of thi. re i ed onayenrec rafinIg te nccelve betails ai siemicathat tues. conationsltilt ne- fattrelatives ald tienla remainoilvhieh vould r~equlre thein beissg oel- c liclel cebainclg M. Bovor todb tue main casuot ho li nov. The ct bOpeful until lait Pllay mornnl1ng cd out. Uip te nov bhey hal beau sux- natter up viti the Red Crame In Wan- yUl net ho requinol te maieeh -- whnviasaule Bnlgits dissouse doolap ly aiting Sheir arma mand 1* la I uolnald the roqucet va. forvarlel tag until after th.e ngnolacr h a«mUaeL ri a mave lo ata urupod wsub 7 to WaBilaatan ltii the. emnt t2mltecmplofltahbe vôrk cf cibCiûgUP i>thepaet'.conditionvwi meut Cil- thrcugh dnurinq tue past loy laya vitu a ôi$rlsavcre-made-l ancum- e. ib t-11-a mat r» -iO Plný i-. andsfav hople. vereextenl or thle moault that lthe arma came th inlat im~llfnforatlfa ionwu t eniittion @Meea ta prevail ber. tiia thltu r acoyrn. ahurny.h pM. BMuertert WankegalalnAptil ga Compahnt vil hàan UuPhl »bMn. Srana'. family hurre elle bs "4tyar. he Vent filt te Casai>la caariaclng the commissioni est bedsido aithtic rit unaavetaile gym- Gatiwhre hremainsi! tour veeka. they ai entaitied e t ilta i thli ple ind mnesua o vti hlm oua- T RJ E VD R tCapVlefra veek. lio boot lanrat«a. abantUSEunu tii. ml d"s vu. mnt onereu aand gatrtelboWas afflnbFor' uar. lii la Alignait. mii lOIbrs tal f Ln Borni t Mllbnrn, Mr. Strahsg came ,îiwET; 6RANI À A E iLi1ng partliped in bttlée. i U S Ste Wanm.gau about tvcutyfrve yearsc W aeaade erenrequa est eair- iiw rm mand condantodaabarber mlioi> ere M VIV OW I vhwan lepurttient taeuplyme K EmfgJM A r ince. A teW years &go Mr I IÀ À ET w f 1 sibli tie fîmes o tti.borys vlioers é Laa trn e vbullidge flabo Part-___ fa My cnSWO<un crev,1 Mr. Bovi el'bRY nersit lvtuhlhm. About tim «Sl today, "but tins far bave tallai Dm Y IA Mimenthea go U. fstrang sdIout te Division of Hiqhways Says the te get lhe infcormation.T thlnk that i anedsrâtegtomam OeBdSu itdfrth vison hie idilichs seturils eta hls hplomrnttner, bsIria toile ftoc-j ei umte o h intry te be bemobollaod uiat 1ClreceAlsohuler and Othr p te nent titrvasltyais ofIn laorork was Too High 1 Clarego utelthee openpirbai i tyear et la thal < t tu cmp ier bey rcWho Loaned BinocUlars t 1 vrk bal cauae<u hlm te becamO an, @m nd coalucb a perona) alInvesti- amdie.*ALL FOR NEW BIDS SOON. oto-Governmen , urrbliWe herecent eloction campafan Faloving I.a a capy at the letton Waîskegan, MaY1. openel Mn. Stranas friands persei- 1Charles Russell, coustv lr pen n Mir. Bovon eceivol tfrmntfie ROI ýClaence Alechulen sent home 1- aloI hila ta ho a candidate ton cty lent of rmaes, via ec ired vord Sot- Crossaiu Washington today. noculan. ta Unele Sam burina bthe 1Lommisaton. Hie entened tue etcmid urdiy, as s~tol lIn he YSun. that the Uir. J. E. Baver. . arnl compliance vibh tue request reccinel the largeet aumben of rates aat. departmnent b&« approrel bisq ff0 Madison Street. sent aven the country. lie nover ex- given uny candidate. plana fan lie pivinz of Belvidore Piegan, lni. pectel te get tic glisses bad. Qualifies For Position ereetotta Wukegan ta a point Dur Mn. Beiwon: La and belolbthe other lai, About a vock belote btse date net tveyve miues va-qf, of Oea vIîci lu reply teo arlnqniry sent for de- package, prepal. came alasseal t<afor his induction Jutc office Mn. vol bring it abtout te HaSnenville. tois of thse deatis of youn son, Pvt.hlm and bliene sure enough wva.tue Strang fiel bus appronel bond vth assesthtia Io tUrne vIli be test In lamer Meton Boven, vo have ne- glass-eaue thatl ulete couaty clernd altbeueht quail- gettlag the van. snder vuy. eivel a rnrtront e tue Personnel saime *glass flit ha- sont avat. Per- Rfor lie office. ln mDite et tue Hopasbidete orbSm Aditant as tolovs hp. If tht glase col talk, St voulI tact tuat lie va. not present on the Hedlans teua I bve frbiem-ne *"Prb. Bover vas Inlle action hv a nersîa aetabl 0 ili hounmanos fte ly tunel a te andwll e temle m 'F=i-sh pnl, n Ho Thiaucount, viere St vas lu ring the unr perlIo. commission ock tueir geste ut the mont go that tue euccessiful coatnac- ut&oo ocet-me9et19is.Ieu as alose Mra. Mary Thompeon, ilbla recu5l- couneil ciauni4r Mn. Strangahutama- tor con begia construction of tise etu terâne uofcsldery u s o 1.1. dsont a valuablo ap-glai te tue ticlily ecame a memban cf tha coin 0,0 ipeollbOC.B UloNlle. ]France. Oct. 10. 1919." kegn t > tuo8d henr1iaied Ila am.gaig ticth ralobua epart-as1terting nov hoe Si hopelul that the vnrk may ha- completel 'belon. catI -f at farlien letailà remets n. vesiaco ald Ifl yl e Inteetlag ta moenta the mnibers of the w eather vii let yeu knov pnomptly. W@ Cani note vliether thol gac a n t lbock s ica plcelt] r. traag ut thc hoad icedlyasbn cu ea- noy enev u expressions of Yym- to ber home adînes baowe b, ince of the Acounta and Fifance lepint- realy because tise aat. bepartbint pcthy vt you la the las cf youn tht time hiE beecauontol Jote ment, a position vriich caores mucb oln>teraprnl0 i ui *~Id sîl on, aldthe assurance biat theOdd 1 elle' club. tegpoeffllty. uil lb vas ecidel p ve fthelns o ve viai ta) senve you iSaunr vaY la _____In__________l__g ecde weterorne «ar pover. TOO n idurI Un 6,oMr.ta n the rondconstruction vont va. ta giacerelyyourm. 6goK attendn 114nray, AprNew6, M. Sttln W. RL CASTLE. JR. 6 maIRdLNuSMaaz5 tvc w frlenîs d~s, ýak ebaigd aeltu o. o wtts DltotonBureu 0 Comuniatin ~Harry Bang", ver. In Kenouha. BarIr van bas been approvel it Io -so.en Director ureauTOf ommuAiSaton. la.tercvning thcy otartcdfor tihe ltbliat no morenoImie bels. If S depot. George T. Sith. ovner of pe made so..aîl tbieii the aukgan ollr Wrkis wa ln Witli regard ta the putting la of the C1TY WILL FIEilT ARE M NIÀE N A Irit enoeha on, buainesa et the smre ouaI .U:trh aI tue Grand avenue EI R S9 6 SC e AJames DénIer a Kenceba negro und bile driren by, Frank Tlckson. v so hetor m o .t vin IbeniÀ C *t a aWaukeaan vilte mannecfto eocaBoln to arviisntTcdvsonI Ale-rt îne efnJug noie riofth ns ta Bong Mn S01tu- Mr. gbviys ofbthe ébt. ha atncuitced erp rragne befre udg TtfleyBriksonwastakng M. Sith tltattic unflaiselportion et Grand 1301 IIfiIERRATESln theiaMunicipal Colmnt pis moning se train William lt. aieo me nu i nt admttel tue sat Impeaceieni. hd eaed ton tue depat. Mouans. iltrana ia eaie k.cnrcO a x Beady to Act sS Soon as En- vero aisseedfine of fv I obua gver. ta elol the dIirlaons ëstirnate. CuIt gineers of State Commission ldlecmaottoato.Barten -hop In"' mnl ride. lno. bis vasretcelve fone uGra Chec upReprt. had a befense vilaiho Insisted vas At tue corner et Elizabieth Street aefnu wstnofet ei -ctdhn Grad Cheku RDot. "the trubui ald net an excuse.» Me and Saem avenue, a nitreet car vas îeîng $X,717. The dilion's oei- sail tiat bbc saloon ma hareftel son ta ho approuchlng treim tise op- mt u 2.0.Nvbide viii CITY DEMANOS REDUCTION. < a lov the. te tinov dico fer tue' posite direction. At Ithe no me e Urn e wilo on $a1.0(unlewalve Ticprooce efor 0ftueNarh rinks la tise saloon ad tut they; an automobile visa upoahlag on la subitted l Ile.poasible that tlie TheareGiopaay ffor o the ta N la ibbonned thc dice and had <oitic vwraug ileo oftbo stroot. ElIncI- areiGula ita a at for anln-moet n tea illey. Hoealmtted that son tunnel out tea mold itibng the ptting. in of tue van viii be le- « trenlngaat horslon o eet> wven tue "lianes"von. tutoya tie Mtorobilc, ag~arntiyt uing t errel Indeflaibelt- vith sos opoiino h atactuat stako va sionrfitty cent sre crvud tp b.c n lpt. oIRouIs Russgell tobit al of Waîn, ffi.cieli aisert. The pieco.-Kenosa uNeya. Rre a ol tp h a n hthd o h mrvmn fBl auta collîled, boal-on, and aiItbthetuthdrfotiempoieacIel ___________________________________________________on___vide-o treet preiably vil b.hop341ee occupants of the canra rlelou May 23. Tise pavlag Jl e, taebat a laading on the pavement. Mlwaukeeavne ndr ws Smith Dieu At Hcepltal avenue mal rua vesi THJE MOST Mn. Smih sullored a fracture 0f vu ylemls the akuli anerna injuries and DANGEROUS DISEASE ded .sh,,rt t. Inlter Ia Ot. Cath-CW ETIêR 'DANGEROUS DSLASE erine'; hospitalvithunt baving r-C1 ETN E No organs of the humai body a"o ce Ot sanme *OLX.DDAL llarSem 0Oit aiiied coitactoune,. imr-atant tu h..aiIh and long lire a. the Capsules at once. They are an al. triid Mr. Strang suffenol a <oncussauan clI>of iiié P I kln,,\hen thpy slow up and coin-RTf R P I eat.' to lag in the,- dtez. looUatI PrOPanutlon usol iii aven thé votif for the brain anti waremovol ta te .h at U'.. trouble i-vwitbaut ceahuries. ther cann a l -feai- H-o bsil odto v ýýryou ei itarvous, oured, aaatlssgog il. combiad vth eohbspalRicndtnwa W.r' c fronileeleseaesa stnengtb-slrang ad erst.m.e snlssg reporta -4ansa-niant rom te fret, la TiseAynll noat cf the W ulçeg mu aitt bock mai erbasIntoral ra .e]! 'a act ho vas lSa a tbe of coma for cov tostîng aaqtlenO1, &eOIPi ti- K.. tl," î i your kid- MiODAL ll.terlein 011 Capsule, are lm- lay.'t. Ha- neyer regainel iisone thon fre bout ecys follova: ' ad will tithe,-r ir prompt relief or F'rankl Weblad a close cali io. . Tqm Grahsamn n t1 '7 1ir r Tcy wat- e creae.At b;.forîeng rinnover by the shtretcar,.Oi . JnhnGu4 'v 11 Ft any dritg tare. but h. ure ta 5GnI wh'..1 -" iglirtltali mpor-hed GOLD vbeeis of wviîcispassel hune»' a foot 4.PP V erry' de u YtU ~.1,- ithare "ttbranl. Accept ao substtut«.. frein vivre ho vas îyîng on tise .A. miBssetb jFm,ýage&. ezes. Pavement. Other Waukegan mon -Higicat 'ccv ovulied y Bèntosu ~ ~ voie bruigvil andl jarrel severpîy but Crafb. ?inm*-prolncln g vet 1500 have recoveneal. Ilii.. rlk and ovcr 8M Ibm. bntbeifît. ______Wei Knawn Hao Averae prodctonfer' adM ilai TMeodore]D.lHurst.0 Presidcii. W. B. Snt-h, Vice Proidonl. Tlher eeovmenaviovere bob- vas 79.5 Ibs. mllk and2l Ibu tuf F. W. Ci-îrch il Secrehary ard Manager Stnang. lie numbenel hlii. frienle by 41 vere slI. lovera-Il urebs'Od i- TELEPHONE 81I the thonsmal. mals vera ponsiud- Ileailes lbis vlbov lie leines tvo-t SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. cebllron. <ealIad ibiel; aise the (harles 3a*. laii*iltaM tot A: ABSR CS0 IL LSGAAwnTEED Sbrnig, Grand Ave.,. Wanflnan;Lauru Thcrae nielit or xMe Fat. &M AR OFTITE TTLE GU RAN EEI RoertStrana etof néunash oMuaiest todgy ftiel vIlltii.thé dqert Thyh te tutrhomo and T N. t011 thelr pareats. Thc police.voro XÀ D I R UIN natiflel adPoliceman Thomas Booth ~ ' i va. ent to inr.atlgâ.te. The boady w& s"Ioth one, ete ad SUR __N L YE St Pctoesaa ussdertaklug esanblishment.EEM L Y S la the miwao f the polie., the tiny carpee va. dropped fnom tue bridge lan Putinto Effect by Hard- cf t oL eMd h vdnf ware Foundry Meets wvith ea crime for they are convluced MchFvriCty that au iial operatian vue the uh ivrnCty meuna of brlaglng the foetus loto H PPEIT T oxiateace. TE M N APEIT T Thie plan establihed. test Christ- A4ilATIO FORmas by the Chicago Hardvare Foun- ÀOTÀTON" M nu- dry t North Chicago vierein al NICIP L ~j4j~j(l I5 employes were presested viti a lite NICIÀL M i , nsurncepolcy s aChistmas pro- sent one tht may be fllovel iY REVIVED IN CITY commete h br teata voryb le e asan Indication. Suggstio oHavig Suh a The success of the plan va. lomn- Suggstio ofHavig Sch aonsrate Inthe dath on TneMdaY Market on South Side bringe nIait of Joseph lu an empcye cf Old Question to Light. thse Hardware toundry. Ho lo tue ________first employe ta lie sinco bteeini- NEEDED HERE FOR YEARS. onc. poiles vere pregentel. Hie relailis wll reele $00Insurance. Tho suggestion of bavnna a muni- The Hardware foundry dose not chiai market an the south sido bas atteopt te carry the. Insurance Itie~it novirod lie question ai te vhy Wou- but paya tue pnemium ta on. af the keauadoae fat estabisi a centrai sulistantial insur4nce companles. lu mualeilmi market vbere farinons eanbhile manner thej. Me*,.. ta*ig care bnn iel' proaicead disposeofotet, their- empitysr hjbte ta iÀ ,lfe t tué iduaovlres. The. pa4.> the. ereaga factauy ,a "kn t s'eeui i lie La m~,~s oad t a plant çfflei ans t lha, been cantn4$ for jn tue pno ~ lai. uty hie tué1 lait fov T -e ta thait soemVlilg. of tltve e0yei7OAat ~unIon tiiVsoet eull ho Idige In Wgnr'egan tneemp4 loyr t, bt Il buft k attiaisthat has been et#*nI b.. lxcame of a n vt*dl a.9 cd frta mino, ta tune foer lbas bintba tMnr. late reltiro aud prahuctilv. cf théé loired reïsui.. è Ive nethunl*l t a é 6happeuiel Ticrc, la no donbt that if a doter- t theu.d aisthimoeiit Cril14 miînol effort la ,made ut. once tuat insurance and tuera are MaZLy *vsa Wauknian hi ars a muîa lbar- 'do laot.Tho thoukhtful-ea.OU tic ket liii. 7cà. Yh~oare am erérsil part oft-tie HardwareTpenalty ha. place. ss Ué e M&'-àmM»Rt glid 4,donemuch..,to .ai$e pfugtO5 aiuel placel andtvel 4ytii,.,»Ma' cntl» fr ýhty..Cmii los Ci ty oactealae psoc c b..,% 5 tieithe& OWiOmr ntiaking 'au nîàtd laat. nr lla te a nt e resi t.tltkclfane. * 11*1* c dlmer planta vboe viai t. Ttla ontomary tae mlifre , ftdo smetlsfrtoioii sy i died l ciena. freah-dàp gem. ceun fei a lnircoursé,le' le *7y eutis, aden kmua eofga"l- sgire cithis p4 reseùint xb lat Pralulce lbt ii... miilciW market@. mai. . - 4 ICbeauvli t thaeumartita aid ab- FIN SP flJ'S lntub cer tend. On the. otier bal teprodizoër uPott@ or ho osa ob. PARALYTIhoTROKEsj",J"the retainor andl B. Dixon Weil KnoWn North- beeo*mlmSto m t. .eba iar Nesteri Engineer Lies at hléks » t"e',Uve thsBt ft U ' Home ln CrWoial State. the pu~t 6f tià omâme .oovre à oLD TriME ENCINEER. etrs vme.1wihm " an K eiprWen %lua «gm abers, -11 'iàukegaa. May Slae la browAeit o&e ail o to tiie Feeling la bl i mal good he9th c 'imers. The.pol"oqrM wollmi md bmaU haeJoyel bimusff ÉbaI- more mln and ore profin ng the gardent at bhs homeonaWest thelong rua If th«eyoU etes tato lu Wasington atreet Tund.ay .arenlng a 09irited Oeuaeltloa vlth the. 4081- i sto dirk. englacer J. B. Dixosi. o»ienoafor the. latté, .vOùld b. lMubl# b )fthe veli mcvi Northvestetllen- 10 compote If fth. prolacera shovw"'ai lameral avoie Wadunay moran a leaire to mcli to tbômmumera at a tu tva t c' cloek ual touaI himmeit rea.oble «cet. 'W rather atrabge." Tics. are many vho, voi liii. ta pd lie oulied isa vite and gli. e fond sae i.plan put labo effeet u&l gir.lM tsat io bal suatainel a etick.e c en a fuirtrial. They beliere that ait 4 paralyala on the lotaidsead unIse Igmnco 09%Xho iStand ont. fa iaen hua Condition bas beeu none ton premiilag altbeugh ho hau acf grav oevàuuws f matenlaiy voue. ne lo ft aidoe va. s ILI~ & iI ifected but wvil Ia 'earm la Ver- festly belpleuu i. caia maya hie q A!U1tII a lttle. HM e peocir v E beetl 00 OfI LW. iderably bdute ci a e. ané Vta t uneratool »m erefare Gore la op b. vhol SIet alaq matinaat- PROpFT BY W L 1 orily adreoet rom tic menaclng orelm . .,, ,~~ Mrs, 0. Si Watousamid the os entheiqu *ioricm niant Daughter of W. H. Doge 7«M au catineer. la tact la rffe d 5,000 and $2,500. ae or c the. cld-timers. lRe o ta prauegan Mte yars ago vlen jRS. HALLOWELL -ALSO.t bis M W"va 41rected lothia City anl IraI ber.e rer clatie. For maaY Waukegun relatives cf the' late ea1% ho bau beu englucer an the Heonry B. Getty, vbo died ln Paris Cjuitin runnintietveen boe and Marais 1U, beetat oomderahiy by1 ~bCago, and an sticét so many af the. ter'n'. .et b i ilvh* vua q?: tie rich Nantb Shore mon ride ta bated la Chicago on Wednemlay vbicb the City. disposed ot an catate cof *600,000, mont Mt. Dtxon made his rnaq ma'a SU of vIhieli cto la laughtn Ailes. on Tuesday. Atter aupper he vent Tic Waukefaa betiveste: iata tlie gardon ad padel up quit# Tc hie aister. MUa. Nancy Watnema a pince orf grounl. lHethen rnd ItLO' or Wauliogan le loft 1.5,000 la Cash. eelng papersaund vent ta bed ate Ta the chiidrpn eofttie lait W11liai tahklug vith hle tamlly and foeUnig a.! H. Dodge <Mrs. Fred tlNurrry ald happy as ever. The atroke thbf.:ia. Wîî Page) la left $5.000 toalie @truck hlm vhil ho aiept the 10110v- livîded betveen tbem. lng morning. To hiq late vltels piano, Mns. @Gorge _________________Hallowohl, la givon tlie Inarnomfe uir~~Tr410JM q ft lin trust. gtfr.- ber :RIME IILYL LLI> eaih the income goos ta hon chilI. ren vlho art aiea ta get the pnlaci OF À Pie ittiiey lire.te became of ugo. T;Z Dodge childnen vene remem- benoli iecaua heirtablier'.aulster FOi~ix~ IN iIJLY a. a uter of lMr. (letty. They tu FOETU IN ULLY are hi. alecea. _________ ITiie childrnaof the otiier ulster Mra. Boys ai Play Unýrap News- B. hhe nl.Ea hr nt- paper Package and Make a mas lb bas been &aid M.r. eOtty al- GruesomeDiscovery. wayufemerbeed bis 1tel. M r. DROPPED PRM BRIDGE? a ~notîel that Id.. HaIlavell. DROPED ROM RIDE? neceof lirq. Getty. goesb.heIncome ofr $10,000 vhtle ahe lire. vhlch Waukegn May 8 meana, at 6 Der cent, an annual in- Amail boy. platna ln the ravine Casai of $000. near.the Sheridan RanI bridge lato As ah. ha. but one chilI. a daih Thusray afternoon uticerel a pas-tcr ulire tho incarne tram that sum sible crime *vien they tound the entine. ta thie daugliter aftr ber dead body of a tiay Infant The Uitile motuer pases, that la, pravtding she sonrpa a beeu vrapped up lu a ira- ha. not become et uge bY tiat time. man's nershlrt and about tlii. ad But tii.daugliten la uiready pait 18 been vrapped a nevmpaper.notebqett rgHalwll8t The -boy vie made the dlacevery on bbc gbe r leat t m..hoea or thc Package thought tbey haI aly Udlna on Iott7, ime The aer f«"a saotîung of tain. and <tee.s 11,asn go 7 idara tully remaol dtue vnaçpiug. Tbey_________ vene, harrifiol vhen the dead body v...» neoja Anuu Apo th. p- )WARD ,1IOLLAýND fllt '0 eW Wuikan Man :EPT IT- TO THENSIELVES. Waukegaa.May in. Rovard liolIad, seteant âm-c aewt OVONSumif 'oupieu..?e> mci borne t 1teW u".aa ri. bettbr uoB .evoerl *esff Md hiuretur* ne u* iait oalM:by hi.s enevai d 0.otaoiar .and ith iM hs amhiutab. beil 101W beau Lbuwiht suMd that bo tad kopit t le wu. reveied, wbem ha arrIved atovU viiib 7a PmvoCmaaM rah t uand viith a mmill. no Is hma. t thb.bad. orne bu dimi hi. bride, a bride vhom ho b* lmi a fev day. e ore entubii thé morice and departing frela hore for eautern camps and thon over Uergt. Rliad vaumarrOnaonA. la lmtilaut te 101a ie oureao cif hlo. the. mhrriaco b.. bg pWetd ln th et. it ~Vas o the "M oretthe Me moieti fat ho left boe.lathse draft and anim nuentIy vost *i'Oi. lne kSpt tha oecreg to *illmaélf00far ai -Wall- Le5mi, fo% aVent Ofly bis miatet, una. V. B. DragOO mev that bc ha left a vite beblîl viien hlie t&rt AMd sa vlen Sergt. Holland réehel N~ew Yoon oApni 25th. thae" v a iutie voman a in fgo v-mig patlently bo hear luit h. bal land- ed. -Re joinel ber ImmPllatelY atter Seing dlmcbarçCed and tbcy came te Wgultegaa fridatland are at Mr Hcliad'à aimter'. Elollaad rame bock vlth the 77th lirlalon: he vent overpeas vlth the. Iduld but later va. transta'rred. Sp.rat Hocliand hasn't made lie plans for the future. nie formeT yVas a mem* bier of the irn tarmen and Huilant! but moid h1% Intprest vba'n h-. aw hoe va. ta be calledlntoservice. THE SUN COVERED PARADE EVEN ERE IT IIAD FNIMeU Details of Saturday's Demnon- station Hustled 10 Publie ln Rapid-Fire Manner. The in accompliehe a big tbing wva t firet iulaaned ta go to preme at naon but aftP e deltbera- lion the conclusion mau reacliedl tat the ïpublic vônld ir(e tua r'ad about the parade after it vai orer rather than before. Accordingit, the press tiour vas flot moyal aheed. The. parade started ati220and Il wau jut about an' hour PaeaIng the Sun oce. As the parade vent b!. eareful natatiene vere made eofila progresàmal vile oie PerMon v vnlting the atoey of the parade a&M by chalaging Places the two Sun mou ffoered the. parade @tory and képi Bhotilg thce OPY upataira to the linO. typea until by thie time the lait part cf the iparade bad pea"ed, P-atically the luat lineo f copy liad been vrt- ton. In tisi. ay the type va. set UP about as faut as the paradé pasied. Shavlng vhat epeed Vau attainel by Me Sun in handllngt tai matter It le's only in the exception- ally large family that the job of doing the weWks wamhing will mpread <Arer more than a quarter of a single working day when its donc by means of an Washing Machine About twoburse e us- ua:ly aufficient. Theree no drudgery i the oper. ation. The machine does ail the work. You look on E P~AL *Eeriec k m'gourÉ Houe. ,d. .Iroo. Chri pnenuoûla Idfu.Ne] rlalling he Mir&.Dr. @peut tbe Y (jane Wli for a tan id Bt the ooold Mrn. aaael lira. Loc Wbluny mi Grn>.l dance at B Mir. aid 1 ae thé pro g1ilbora 8 Umerrome à TbUJdy e lâglon v reotima I "s. Bil la wltb ber the shovaq hmlnue thi (A théath cipiom Jc adoam i Mr@. R. A la Wauskea friand. ilm honor of ht I .. ad M apeut last 1 lire. Rami. I. Dangl lira. Tom @pient Iat, »id lire. Bo Chas. J a coanin of hoopital. Mir. Duo and returui for bié %rad Beatrice homte lu 1 erlans llit operati,.n i .Mr%. Olm-b day vbltihb E. IL MN iiurlligtoi MId4 e O twu daysI SITe. Car' first (d t4 Hemnlin. Mrs: Prie Who have bave moi.. ha. ia.aed licKennia-. wiii rfoui Cedar L and brokei noceut reiu Iroin totw auto@. tira. Jan this week a Cari Relut caring for i B. J. Il Wankegan Mir@. R. la Waukeg lir@. Wl fret af the la Chaoton attend the. lir@. Jo openlélai Mrs. and day. lat 1 Atvell'a ai aire. Hez fie of the. 8. Shervo Mir. anc Sanday wv mdl lr@. 1 Mir@. Let 'li.Du P. E SPI

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