CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 May 1919, p. 7

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* .2 Man ve ;LVES. Mayin.0 t dos ,on oves a relar* renei i fth m5 tkept Il sarrIved ana ama a smleo vbois ho tuten ou onTr iii Mai. mrince b. lRt vas kept the iis sistit, at ho bat i. etartet d rehoti the"e v baà land- Lteii aftmr , came t0 D at Mr r thre 711h a vush thre -rot. Sprat plans for as a mom* id Hollanti n ho mawa rvice. ED ER Demon- ubgli ln ter. big talus isanneti ta Pr alelfirau aciredti ,al moud about v? rsther tire pls :20 anti Il raaeIng lire s vent b!. aIe of ItI >mron vam parade anM Sun mon anti kept b lire lino. e lapt part practilcai beon vrlt- wa set cp dé pasiet. attaineti i mata? It epion- hat the weeks id cilner er of a r whe- of an hine is Us- rhere8 5 oper- se do.. ook on A L la visa ber. Tho dreg store bas bom roraagta tho show cessste, "t the tleerosu hasin stht. smusr, giviai jkmis e par1 ci lb. storfor lias sdabusinesse. jo. tiebtoor agblfor boa la arayolaho vhteh avsvsgsd thiâ Pe& u a pisse JS. Baise b. muid have vaNtb ab doses.H.gosuot oms lbou. LAKE VILLA Uy~Tr~ flJpEPKDEy, rrU WbAY, MAY'15P 1919. ~1 ofthe veek wth ber iser, Ui. Shspardmou and atreuedMr$. Rawkil'u tuana dai. M@. F. M. flamita ban been nader the phyeicitin .lcure the paob veek. Mr. Young of Lbertyvill tràneacted buâniie»aln Our village Monday.1 Borner Bowling, Who hrma juil cqu' pleted a courie uoflInstructionsetaithe Furd echootlu ln Dtroib llih., etopped off over Suuday wtîbhie i at, lire. Ola Barnotabie. Mre lBoehma entertained Chicago rela- tire,% Sunday. Leo King, vholti woriing rieur Chien- go cauje out with tri, de su e perd Sun. day as bis hotus he-r. The Royril Nighbora ht-id a very Inter- etig meetng Tue.lay ai ternoon when gupe.rvlilg Depity Jeunie Chliltrom of EVaianîoa', j, ,oia.traî.d the work of the ai rt>. A 1-sdirrîer wu# aerved st L NTIOH j P. F. HIL.DEBRANDT, Cor. IOrdes Token for Job Work, k dvertising raeson application. lIre. Christ Hygard isneriouusiy 11 wiîh Pueumoûla. Ifs NelieIule aof> ail ia uket, vas visttlng ber parente bere lait eek. lins. Dr Pali,rand MIma-leli @pont lb. ae.-k-eti viti tIrtid lie, Gieue Wlimingtorr I@ baril ira (raystalle for a teu days vacation. H, i» wonkrg ai the saitiiere bone. Mir. ane iMale t.unaalrrgbn m anre i lito lire. Louis.. luîrmp*on'o bouse "n Wblaney treet Mltoada. Grui elake vas ssliirepreuenled t ie damice ai Round Lake, itturd&i eventng. M. and Mnm, C. Rich onu Lake etreet ae tbe proud panent@ 01 an elght pouati gi born Balurday morulng. 8er et a S. Adreve Miss ionos Suadoy svilclg at 7:60 lu Book'@ biaaL Uvroas Iavted. * Mlis mole Toutes vas opoeuton l Thwuedafor appSndsis lie as beWash. l10Dm Dvi boupîtaL le wuas a à«h vasamonla th@ s dli vheu ab$ vos tala jOb G ai.doing nse amli..Voulus lire. R. A. Douglas spat Wedneesdy i tcf Cile r euBr.eso la Wakegan I Mr a a r. Arthur Bock motoredteta lira Ibeut Kappi. entertalued i a fv Kioeha, atuîalaî ta apenti avenSonu. friands iaut Wsdneoday aliornoom lu dsr vlsb the ltter'. parents. ' bonor ar ber birthdaîy. MiIl Mris Johomatanud friand, liir lir, and Mlra Ciero Allen of GraYelabo. Eva Duramaof Chicago, @pnt aver Sua- speut last Wdedai sa the sasis t 1dey vith Mm. JOhOnOti. lira. Harriet lloviing andi li. and lire A. B. Ce af Chicago, speul unday I. M. Dougas. etaihbishorna Ob Channel Latsk. Mdr.. Tom Bureti of Hammonti, la., Mr. $a]lMra. 0 . 0. awbion anad @peut lat veek vitb ber parents. Mr. danabier, ira. Watros otLabo Bluff, sud ire Ms. renon. £t.ndsi lb.heuners[ of lira. Havkins. Chas. Jari bas beau nuderaroing a MmrS Drev Floodi andi chldreacof caurse ai irfar nent aI a Cbicago Wbakgii, avent thé pont vsek ltbhone boopIta. aliter, lira Wiliamn Rosing alibis place. M. Dzon went la Chicago Tueidai lMra.GlYneS ai Waacoada. ls apentilua anti returusti viih a ei tieiiverv tnuck a couple ot wseks viih ber daugbier, tor bis %rade. Mors. lOibuviwes of tht. pace. Beaiice Stepbey vas caliedti laber Mn.. Chas. Barman. lirs. Hugo Kely home ln Kenosha lait veek by the and daugbter, Joeaîbie.went to Chicago serions lliltemes oiber t ather, vbo but]an lionday abers %bey vers joineti by Mm. opeaîlon tior cancer. Bob. Tannaut, lir@. Mlerandti lre. Ch&@-. Mmie. Osc-ar Douglas apenr l Wetines- Wills-y andi Mt for New York, Tueoday day N ii. iii r gliser, lire. Kirk at Ares. vhere they vilii isit tir weekn. j E. i..'Wald trausacteti business lui Mis arte illher ot Krnoè., bas llurliiagton laei veek. b"en spending the .si seek '>ith trieutie Mdies Osieretial as absent ront schoolintaAtoch. tvo dayetlusitekhicause ot iinee. Amirose iturr3arti sent tu Wulegau1 lire. Cari Smtb of Kenosha. spen$ the 1 Tueoday.1 fit iitioi. et-k wth ber auDt, lins, lieni Hovard Hadiock vau a Waukt-gan Hanrîin. visitur Tuesdayv anti @pont the day with lire.l'ri"an d nier-e, MariselicKentie bisétiaughter, Mnm.John ,lobuson. vIra bave Ilvet InluChcago aU vinten On Saturday evenInx about 9 o'ciolrk bave moveti to the Busse fatmm hicia lre. Etagene Hawkinsepmssed away. Ber' bas leaset by 0. W. Lebmau andti Jini tab vas due to, 'pueumynorîiviib hieh MieKenzi-. wlro le expecteti home soon, @he vu@ corfiledti tbtsd for about a viii a-eun@eis yor tirn. veek. Mrs. Bas innead net heen veli Cer Lake bas ovetilovu lis hau aII wlnicn andi vben pneumola took anti broken iiraoughà the dam Ince our bolti of ber It Was rt-aiized sbe wouido receut raninnd the rmati eadlug vesi havesabard fight. lin, antMlrs. Engene from loai bas heem impassabie ion H avhlua bave reldet InbAniioch ouiy a auto@. Jear anti a halt. comIng here trom L.ake lins. James Leonard bas beeai quit. Ili Vila vbere ihey bat madeti hoin home ibis veek anti ber daugbtcm, Pearl, lMra. on a fanm for many yesrs. bdmn,. a. Cari Relubaclr. oi Chicago, bas beenilIns vas lJoveti anti eépetetilu bath caring for ber. cortimunuilesantithey viii morjrn hem ]oss. r B. J. ilooper trannacteti business la She ieavée ta moun ber hushauti anti Waukegan Mondai. lght chliren, three daughrotre anti Oys linm R. A. D)ongas spent Wedneday son: M11110Eslheiof a Antocb, lire. ete la Waukegan. Borusît. Mmrs Ethel Caaft anti Engoe ofa lira Wili Pester receiveti word tb. Lako Vllas; Fred. Perey anti Arthur of firai of the vesk of théetiestb of en auns Antiocia, andi Rari aifliontano. The lu Clnton, lova, anti vet Ibere ta fumeraPi vas hlti aI 2 o'clok a tush attend th.tneral. lietbodlst cburcb anti hurlai vas lu tbe Ili. John Mitchell of Lihertyvll, Anlloch semat.r@li-. Minuta Brown open fut ai bredal vith frineh ors. of Bonts Falls, Southr Dakota. lir. Mr. and Idlre. Jame Aloeut a lv Havkti el@t.r attend tishie mueranad dais lat ve la Woukogau vîtir lre. 10 espoiesa ev daysastlths homo of .tvell's sis, . l Olo. tie % avbus. lire. Hendidts of Inglssblls, psut lthe fret of the vsek vils ber mollaa. lire. RUSSELL a. Bervood. lir. anti lre. 0~ Doualas eps the ladis'Aid eociely mt ltii lre Suuday wvllbUmss.Douglas'parmnis, li. Laura(ori, Tburgday. and Mlre, Lareon et North Prairie. The Eseves famlly atteadol the rep- lire. Lee Shorvood vistetiber parent. mios for <ra.. Wlcb la@% Saluordai lghl st RoaundiLakeofaut Saturda.asl. sisrawma. '~IaDawson of lsro, Iponétshe Ocui t ii W"&aaCave hbisparensIa verg il P. E. HILDEBRANDT SPCIL-Tile Wsk Oulyl à:~ KiWge New Dlsseveay, $1.20. .u f r ................. $100 Bog' Pi» Ïey*aud HTar,12 $m2 ise fr.................. $1.00 Mo sizs or ...l................... Uc 30e sizfe r....................... 2U PI-YSICIANS ' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded THE REXAIL STORE GRAYSLMAKEtILUMOIS EIAN'S CRACK TEAM ý By a Score of 6-1 the Wauke- gan Ptayrs Bring Home the Bacon onSuiday IT WAS ANEXCITING GAME. Dy Kirk vWaikegan l'eu" ia fC» »,won cl=&a vIthlym egnaco@und"r efternon an 1".Mllon et. grnudo vian tkey troumScotI lb.EvesAwoor 8 te L Ib TU ai o uah. d rieta- foru te aIro runds, uatbiig t»e Xaskers at a clip MMtEUt *AUl « Mix vos rmeae& d.PYficél. v*bai %lýuwad but ame loussme luisla ta ot i Butab eas, saisi wa bit la " tisasovufa M m odm-' N0 aher a"atmi sos--tutat fa-ue. Jlw u tam P m Se obe dmoum happ surprie Wt Taesdaybeoreturstil U 10 ~tiat tkub& &'nomb ey b"~ berne fia. Fraine. -Jlmtriova lumuet Of 05Wl 5 etb ut bom noms Me. b balttis; b.hos v ointis tla.he MM ona tu m g b«t Me armWU. c Tv. vafkei talm me ret,bs Robet &ad ,Wlltam àMrris troue tle. hrtb. whIlle B sug -muvrdi Wuesa oilerm Quadal. %"."Mo ta thég. as. otior votk Mr., allira. WaruprColby cf Kenoahba e nce la thé s&Éta.but au wih- spoat5uudaî vilbçbanlimCobiatlamill. eut ,-outi. tIre. Cob's frisaI han returusdt tber Botta esa<t4i the soroutb wtk a hoe.lanWaubssba. sc*u la .1 <hI >'».i, Tel alateS Mise Schiisira speu t thevwek-end vlth bise lu secauti. net it la Fvan ber fiload, llas Bartbolomev lu Foreui sWho farciti Maso utrsefl. A do»s. Glats, bis pay an 'h.ov..-'ma us» ot SBday meool vas organisai am Ui Thd- btOmi5m Ttuebe finudai vlb a von good ti aendance. thre hareet iniL a- Baa vet tn lira. J. D. lMnrray vaéelecbeti supain. thIb. K t ome tour Ufrba.l tendent, Mdr. Loura Conuis, asistant ubet tr ba oubeenilmm anprilntoudemat; Miu e u ars Coma-I, a=ovng h . inju héo d home um escrtaiî sudtrorsarn; UmsDarne j îtd utsqe. rua rpa Maurrie orgalt. Evryone viiihove.1 15n, l heubt roin seond comm. I afet.l. rom tleiiadvautagaouo vant 1 ho vataiseti Ovirlock fan floano andi FIRST IN LAKE COUNTY-TIW: thon Urow out Ailes. adePedeflt - . - . - - -~îWaukegan garnee their -firet WAUXEfAN INTER- ESTED IN RETRENCfI-ý M4ENT STEP AT ELGIN Corporation Counsel, City Col- Iector, City Engineer, Etc., Have Been Abolished There The clty of ilglu bhs tabo u tk-aM atelie tovard retrenmnt 4w ïbol. hbla men omies. Waukugau le lutotesabecaus. UR114lu» lie dis ett. la entier the o oomuom lor of goverment andi raw emdtons Iu the two cIlles ane lentlcal.11»a Positions obolîshadti u liluaa Corporatiou commuai Cilty ilollector. City loar». Obiof MEnler -whitWorku. miluidlginspoofltor. Beaier o ofeigiti oui'misos . langlai ordtnaOOn vote aiset main gthse comaiseam of Mas ecunts andti fane. «o&ebaloetty elsnk andi alty collecter. Anollir or. dImnusprovitisi for o anfdlggla> speor andi city msalor bo yu rvo* mi a fee baia instsad of ou a reigt- Ra alary.' Thèsea conditions db met WPiy tak Wakmgans as IuElgn for this City bas no city sealer or Do bilding la- apoobome. tzperience b ha.shn tisai a eklo! engineer la neededat thlir vaSer va-'e, tii engineer t.adsg a trIck theo mme aime etmeren&.- niers. rire position of illy collecter in faken by tir e rlk. whilo exper iiuee bas ahowvata the positons of Corparation counsel'anidCiy e- glaner etntid net ha abolshe.Wau- kega rhan retrenc.ied ln other vuys 'bellevlng that it voulti ie tal» e .o>.a ami te abotish positions viaicliare L o Decesiari. WEinvite your critical inspection of Racine Extra Tested Tires. You can depend on them to yield more miles of good service, no matter where you use them.7 An extr test protects cach stage in their construction, just as the extra test for perfect fabric insures the h2ighcst qtmalty fabrie. IR aCin e coumtry IRoaTire The famou4 Côutr Road" is specially dcsigned for rouit road usage. It leads the fabrie tire dld. 5000 mile guarantee. Racine Multi-Mile Cord Tires-the peak of cord tire- value. Corein today. Let us serve you. SoId by LIBERTYVILLE GARAGE JOHN N. BERNARD, Prop. Phone 202 r Dr. ieteber of B"lcm. Win., vus a businessvWator la AnhDtobTase. , S Ur. andi lre.Conra irad il "'"ôd Son, Aa-old motoreti la Chicago Btnnda to @pend th. dey vith Mli.L $aohrna rnotiasr. The scesasion bilughsroghtt brabdap. Vallese Dobrui, afsat for lias uouâr PashIma Cd-, vo a business viotor la Anutmobnsda. lims.Goru. Johson of Mlwaukee. la spsadtag l"aI vositt bher daaghter. Mr. WIII Claleil1a. lii. lats.r Brook vas a Chicago. poese a autday. u. Dinse of Chicago. "Ont tb. visai vtb Mie. Osoigo Johnson. $bu iloeads to apiad tus summor montbs 0 ChanneilLaha. Uire . .Campbeiepsus %usArat parI le th. .week wih.e. e. Ur@i. Mri n 1 a n Libertyville, 111. Fe Tour Ou Prtection Be certain Every Racine Tire Rtadue RubbeCompanmy GURNEbae of u ndet la thsecWond on e btsram of run s III t ond o n KNOELUK TO S. C. LITWILER ~~ -----~Wood Burg d"e four wlde ones, HolderHrwrHres uPit Thetre wiii o a dance ai the Womal'vaese HER arwre aresOsw eit man onma ed A o huRe ih d ô aci tIfLKsd Glasa hiFrday ok iid, nle 1 -hrow o hrta i Asent for ýai-vet Stock Eeo>edy Tbentetaitiint tthehuýh ac et urg poineCaea BRANCHErowS ROUND LAKE ILNI woit attended latt Filay nght to second trylug te, catch liolderman W I At the nexi Woodman meetlinir a vote but the peg went astray flurg scoring, "W eC R N H wtli ha taken on the~ rate questionj Holderman holding second. oThnny Schooi principal, l' J. V-dder and wr!e recel vei a great ovation on 11., rsîm Former Superintendent of the are rejoieing onver the arrivai o ut - fC appearauce eat he platfe. lie bound Wauai n SchooI ,.iv n daugbter at their touse mest 1riday ed oui short toi flis f. olderman Gie moruirug. ldi Vedder'e ejter froua sîýopplng at thtrd. Frk<kson prompt. Additional Task Michigan 10 ermytu with tht-m iy tanged a single to rizht acoringt Joseph Vinrent bu@raseturned from a the Uoc Oerloers sou n i a waikI OCVRAL0 O A trip to Wiecuoniwbere ho ha@ been to Blurke nmmd thse corncr,, Cronin ISj 13e11L O IWA buying cattie. tin~>rdf'd out. tef' Wlit Caelimure, an) oid lime resident o jAn erra? tbr«etratuht wlks and ie ' 'flp<lor Yva flniort r'. Hoierdans~.lon scrifirefiy nçettedl enti' rrinted ihie tem, r'frrine t, ourue@','lies very i'mi iris humt lui marnlo-M tlhe fith.ln rhp elghth, fW u.ketl.fre rr'rnern Wakeau g otWakga shol w>orti d ' Sormetimes a tel, Waukegair atilie oh jth@ 'Bears" esbowed tnefantss outrnneolo.h eggo sonva bou t>morln. eaietckva'k.'Mur>v oiid uIhere tao go tb Davenport as a secrp- %vili u-ai] a nuni Xlaeber lasI MondaY rilg, for a starter. "CG-s" Hrrckson then tr ftt a apCm~nt Counnu Treasurer Bracter eailed on old pckPcin<~ t l f<tg and drove R4ervic~ -eils famlliy is sSCi living ln j lot get an aln trient. la@& Saturday. ~f over the loft field val!, a home lnrrIukgnantfr i itr. l<noel The 4 bacX A carloat of gravel anrived lMoud&Y rmn -lu any bl park lu tbe vorld luWuem afora ria recntir.Thetres nd twi for Dave Rusel's new, bup whtch viii Overloek grQmded for tihe secod moitad:Ic ve an tr be bali lYDady's corner. ont. Buarke teatiout an trnfield tap The War Camp Conharrrnity service waited a fews Atturnhy fi. J. DadY @peut Bunday and befflid 02 a beautlful twO bae ln t extend It.' acti,-itips throltghoîui t. vlh h@ parmento hseW. wallop by Cronist. Pyna @kW. the eastorn part of thtý- state; cali mightt îi GssÔrg Crocatt of Chcago, spent Sun. Reu R H B p -À' 0 a consequeuce of its natial airy* B * o Sb toi airi ln the launching 0c' te ret-tri-, Hanging upth( di) ih frisado la Ile .villits. Ala n*lg mxen fili civîlian acti>-.rres, W. C 4trl en Mu flas. uNtivaahcoi liens V ô 0)o 4 1 séEuoe'k. executive se'-creiary -,f thre teun lasItai e 0a 1 2s o 9 *tri-dl, service, le ta les.'o rt cneesh rn n Mris. JaS Vincent bas recovered anfi. l«m e31 o: a 1 # fer Cedar 'Sapidei. twhere Vils vomr U tor have been i outil oho up arouand thbaon». 1*Mieriî, 1 gl @ vlMbe tmtted- L. W. Lwis of Waukegan, >vwu bero »gi £ Pur t he ourpase nt asiting and ed party ansvv lths irsi of tho e eekdomoistraîdncg a , l i grco-fflrnkting vîtir ýstarorganisa- iabandoned th, MWv Ovrbud auto. itstpB ions in vauions (o1%rI e e Mr. and Mr-s J. A. Beonett and 8i. L »- - - - * fi attemptix i e stib:ln Must corne or Book Wtre vistors bure Sb@otirt ofthe 1 4 24 111 S sente.. la thosee omnrr.r.... »earp inpIt vosk. wooiaoa111113 R nMwPkà , re M eta o 25M or more returu jpin pr Ore. C. B. Dommu of ai llibura, ealied » ifÈ I 1 0 e e men. eIi1ni11. onfIriods ber* Baturday. crou - es2 1 si 1 e-employment, velcame home feerhvehin n Ulm duarSettà Wasbbarn vho tec ew S # * 9tiTities andlnformatUonal vork ir viiPle allow the ababrtvü peut Snnday vlth hobi e ts i ln addittion tothe:organization a' igaraoa Ta emmatyva soco t harHliuuialb 1 1 7 g *Coller Rapide, th_' advisability oaisa- answer befort Vice emmuitj wa ehcke tube r ula W b 1 l; e@tabiibin.g ceniers ai Clnton, I'ubn of the diath otfRSnry Bîang fast lion. àrtdb a 3 f 0 *0que, lowa City, Keokuk andi Burllng- cal1. day., Re bal many relatives andi friands e ton la novr under consideratlon. CU A OTL hors. M A OT L W. H. Strer of Mlwaukee, vas bers on 0 10 27 lé 2 Par ALL the famity, The Indeperi baain" esta Mondai. ftven.vOoet 0 0 0 , 1 The newbutlidnga of V. N. Young are WaukS #à 0 02 00 2 1x&142 __ remclig ibair fit coat of point. Tvo bess bit Cronin. Home run Ourvsyar vers at worx hrs lenaieMt aor 015U. OàLBuhipay Hubert tc AI- for ta Miwaukee ratiroati compani lWu ta umat. virnt bas. on erlor _____________ WqegqàBEIl Eavenswood i, lefi on trai s, ak@M 9 , Raveniivooti9. MO ENANT 15 ISSUED & @r gOéic ,Hbr TO MIECOLLE(iE feM Mteeakigoth SAFE LFOR FRFSUN viUi w1lthri as pei The Ten Cammandmeute Issueti for tva apleco. the. uplift andi guidance of thse fresh Tommy Flynn andi DemiAir, twvOf mens andi sophomoresaia Lakte F'oreset stand-bys bave fuilei to break ln the college yesterday byth tuens bit column, but vheu they tart lookr Self-Government association hati not, out.' odrmncak the hall « up to pres ime, provokret any dem- Do Hldnan rak onstration% of unrestraîneti joy. We bard andi looks better ecrY1 game. rluote a fev: ln a fannlng boa sfter Use gaine. 1-A fresbman shal flot go to C'hi- 12',, Ravensirood _maaer eucîiai cago ln dayiime vithout sonne ance-,ti haethe tWhentholt the win i' Who le familiar vlth the great'city. ý Ubvetebepiho e rfu hic» 2-Freshinen and sahaômeres mav go." Thea oadd orui miot be out after tiusk, for pupopss rJf Ge. 1 wisb 1 bail hlm-"' tnrtle-doving, vithout speciai permis- Diti you notice the. sprinters on thc' Mion. rlocats? Burlko. Cronin, Demin, r, 3-Fresmerrý, and sophornores ishaît Flynn andti rpby are abaut as fast flot ieave . ie F'orest at nig>t wlth. a butch l'au wiil finti on any senti ot con'.uliing tht- dean o! vomer>. pro<)ut*t. Howver, here le sometldng tey, zezt Sunday the Festt ilsds wiil in- may do: Trom 7:30 until 9 o'clock ; vadie Waukegan vits Shoasp> twlrlint>. Sunday night they may have com- in spîte of on*emrr Cronin piaYed pany. a bang up gane ut short, tvo of biýs - stops betng beautle5. .'Red" Murphy puilid a regular RAVEN WOOD S A atch on Boones Te-a Leagtter in 'RAV NSI(*D S À the thîr-t. YICTI 0F AUKE Watch for the Dcoratlon Day n YIC IX F W UK - 1nouniertelit- 'ITRA TEST' .r Perfect Fabrie Xvelry yard of fabric mcd ta the construction of Racine Tires is carefully lena-exam.' mced against flaw ini warp ouw weeve. An expert actuaily, countu the threads tlirugh a snagnifying glas& NE lb -11« Mr m-« 1 IL tI!NRY JANSSEN IStorae B attovy and El.. iSonh I ell-Starter OGe»erator. Magnceoai tcultinservice Two Pionce 6 and 27-J, Round Lb SSystem lephone subscriber ciber and if he does nost instantaneous Shang, up the re- ry again. Had he seconds longer, the ive been ansem d e receiver prcula- that your time and work of the- opera- wasted. If the cali- wersafte.r you have e call, the operator mi the line and ex- y'caliedyou but they, Excuse it, please. yerson 7011 are call- -e abandoning your EPHONE COMPANY

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