CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 May 1919, p. 11

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- r-.--PAGE 3 LMTRrTTTLE. INDF PEND iTlT TIIULSDAY. M AY 22, 1919. 4-. r~ = -- .- -~ cauglt a cold Soo'n asiter hie arrivai t Im l %M'villie lrought Out Borne ____X ____ îîcatiro wheii it wSas > had It net ~~rI~ <~ZIimgv.1atthe station wblch left hlm withgodatn rmteyugpoe4 been f or the long space ortunf>- tai.- 1 a cough. The Naval dactrssoon dis- T enup ini addresses by other mr'mbers. 'ee l a pr s ct f rt Ch covered a sllght orenesa an his T i g l o e y l g drl i -Represenatis e Lee O Neil flrowne reelsapopcoNotCh.lungs and ha was at once sent t0 the an by the boys of the Commonwealth of La Salle ciintended that thec bill o getting pure water. Thea Fire Naval Sanitarium ai t, t ynlct colwa ieehbto iPermitted the raiding of the priait. IWater committee of teLo oa-sho a eehbtion' liiyPuTS ENFORCEMENT Up î.adtuIi aacaahgislzi- "Cil are aranging ta have a ie c d nase Las Animas Colorado. Word marching. The> colored quintette ThCo ot m e. diit twsclsI jMfî cBtth.puplg t i g t was received laut fal that ha seou sang a sang and were called bril TCunr tj, het and sec what It will do would hoabale ta retunn ta hIe home. for another. The may ipole dance giv- 'rie Ilinis "sewarcliand sii Uecessful a merles of deep wlls Trhe sudden cl'/tnge for the worse was bi11lla up b o ov. Lowden. If lic ap hob stnk and by ihis means it le a surprime ta the people here. Short- on hy the girls of the Vommonwealtn rPsti'm'ir htws is.'lB L TJ A 'T ~~sght ~ ~ ~ ] puewlrcnhbunae ytefore the beginning of th& warmechool waf; ana of the prettiest eventa li)v the houiit'Lit sPringfield W'nes. e ctY without a grsat expentie. Carl was married ta Miss Dcrotby of the' evening as was aiseatire Tain dayiyavl rsot 7twh .lrl geb 1 iht- ackson daugter of Mr. Jaseph Jack- coy>' iteaîveooui0ta7i. ilfe S V I D ,P E >ld. This males twa or ch>' Oglpg- son of Sheridan rond and ta theni a-o-nTheffectivesuedla boc1. i ~fmiy h ae on itîthe daugiter was barn. The motller wifi- WAUKEGAN LOCALS lia.esatteîof the'"prohibition cîmi-îî 0f LOCAL WOME MMLe Clyde OgleshY having beeD and ohildrenle ft for Las Animas yem- êt for moremel. lerduy. One hundred- fifty esgaym f roî.î ioner" bilt.lit mustered oîilý Joh Galager ho ecetlyrc-Mllrenof he riar avebe s "les, four short of tht'necessry lina Xpîca for the preslervation or thei JohnGalaghr wo rcenly >'-efsldrn o th grdesbav he'îîjîritv. IBill jrovldeed for a Ilro in9 btirds cornes f rom the Wa-i k tnd tfreum averses is still t ('ami)îlturned anar ta the ('hamber of ('ai',- im conmi,,n'apentd , l Ptan iluniant' Society. and uceordi M i elmcm a a etal 1,>NyCnes>ok.ncomso, appoi n tSîI, of Mis WIaukimegati, el ua n b SE MN EY FOR NwYrkeirce in the e ywrtlng cnes.goverîment f u tie ad lasveutl011lr41cof Ilna - i to halmlalSt ortShelîla let expected that fuly 200 wlll lierive ln,.e.itigatam's ta enforce1 roîjhi; îîiade ta the city councîl for thei' î" TES 'Tf LL, LL Ilisprbaletht il lg il hveturned Ila ly t b lgh srhool. j ion aisi on third reading. siage of an ardinancp comrpelliiig ao% SW L ;A L Iol!P is pritte ia bslg ii a children Ivraie on the quîestion: ItÙcau-e ofth'e difet of th n'- i ,f coats here ta "icîl*' 11v-. TIoe AUVft1 TO IIELP 10 atcanpthated gpenI ot rbl.tesac n ezie1 kdout tuatLXsaidlu bai;%,e: A 1 malte Waukegan a Iligger and flet- mill 1,e enforced by the cOoîîyn illý'41 hes and membees or the> local ]liti Arunta er city."loca~l sîîtloriliesl, and not onlyit-iy .j1ionn society set, it as a pi"Ftmtî gt ook tleB>'usiness rîal i aIlit' IPI.Çii ii iMrs Nellie Anderson, ZMon, wam irjerAal corps under a iirohliin'lulion aoflbhe problem e. 'U ame day ta rnI>lb>'the nne :for P a LSOFNO THA5e4Itopele-,cordTusd'nihl rniisioe' The condition la depiorshmie," I tour Inch test well tah>' ti¶îd> thle noplceutTedayigh. OlliflSaOtl.ltimmelreich saîd. 'Tbcre arc hit- the pîîrnpln; station. XII nui SC, qJL TO 61VE AN- charge o! havlng beater hber 'hitIlron Th(- sc an id saizure bill "w;lc ýed4 cf cab; ln Waukegan wliich ai'1' tlip who bas charge of lt-i" a mn wîtlî a wagon spolie The nec>' tha., [a,-*cl after four heure of i1- onpIelss and which are golng abloi the city councît -statedI î t < MlA m.berouefered tb the clatie attornev snol qîiIrtîreen4i%'e T'pllms Guran <'icring s %%aniegà of a r d n;i, - P IIUAL EiN IEIR AIIN I th>'c4antycourt wîî b>' a'erj totub Iae tofîic A Waukegrt womat otd ni l htat Rome of lirbusires i e.>î>n 1' mritlb'st. i otPr. l ,, ohsa day qr two ugo boaill i iagy Wadyised lice 1îitng ln nta:lincare of lb>'ebhlîdren.fIl 19 -harg,,l tour tillq that had the wet I -old cat killed a fine scarlet ianna-'en oh well and thî'mî It woulil ii>'-iq Thie'piîîils of the' North Sciiol tha tAnderron and fl.,; wife and lx TIiî" arni-tabied without a nl :t v.hlch with ils mate had nesteul in Age tet ,nd hrnthe wl"'ý Il\ gie heblîdrenentrtaîintiivrena n hroni ltonNMr.<'urrans motion, ber vyard. Ibeilevo wc should gici Lnelhlng Ihat viilit lie of F-v--f ait Zion. The oidest la 13. Tetiî ace h o'-gt he autglge(sted rdhanc'tî cIty If It proves ailt'i , day ceing t lie Slavonian hall on Teh,ý asdtebuý gl b ugse riac oii lenti strict. Thi' patrons and %Ir and Mrq. El': Aldi nrîýurn-l t-uti hwtm, tlýl"t' tat prohiImit-' ýfI'ruahiîclî compulsory for owners of>' w4'-ieîîi i l îMrlut-I ortheIi'cimol tirnîd (,lit >en Thurmdsv evenlng troai Tamrnia. Fia liiillr CIIIt ,ie n orpon' .1 iiicat.c ta lc sabout ttîrirnc; ought 'liat ther3 sere otir-. tu -wbere they spent thnee menths %lis,-- si) that tbey would tinkle and giv-' a leus-ho would Ik.' b îîîîp !-;,11 unI filled the hall ta onprfiow- .tane Pî. Finney r rilfud 's trfa r a, Til hium awaîts Bnt rme nmaarnunK ut-a ird f the cati trti er]l îiîsmi-~roi -l;iîi nîg. Man lat>' colers wPre nt alie>Chicago wlierA mie>'will1rpmain .a l t'-prek4entlve Shurtleff of Nîmen- ttal' lmis uggested mc ail se unm in->' îout l tri tfindFecats. The prozrrsm tartî'mlshort tibforo etr' \M'au "o opost-d the>'llon Io>'groindtbalt rted.netsupplii-d wlt!i b>'l l . oeg nc wrtb hl. (ulb,ît sn"il.l-w ith a folk danc'>'given by 1h>' pupikt', kv"in hLiýra Alde.n Iisited Ceirge 1hheenatnicnt of such a a 15w outoh yie osîdetat-'k'ct n Iog wort.u whils e ht Nopurehio! 1h>' ltndprg'îton and fir'ýt gradi' Thaclier at Sarasots. Etu. Mr. Thac de more lu c>'t people away trom pro - tl osi ln bat ba be- at'i wit- P ad s Iîtrliinplnt a uienitld e> ¶ou". The 1h1>folî -kafler ccri aMe enl o> iihiltion thin ail that has be>' donc! Pd for Highland Park. The cats th(-cc e andua flratfion lmethîsloout gave a most pleasing exhibition oft h>' l>'afidng business men of Ihati n b>' last lwenty yaars. Mr. Shunt have beconne sucb a nuisan'>' hit ila solutilon.Mr. Phitil> i oplrlttedneand re wipae.lng leronn lb>' ounci n o 1-,4sait b>' voted for the' fmlenal la bout 4,,n decided 1tamoiiv the wtieonl*-a ot uc plue Amto.a ad oa i c .î1imm>n n ol d oaanîowners of ailIvaliabla cals to biec elles ittat Ir wîliost abouît $10 altbemchapaue Amto asmd oa indrr 'lomn n ol os gi.teaicoors on a certain day cîi'1 Pt to i thie wî-l du,- iii t for the Thé Iirdg Bali gîven by lb>' ritI cuit court for a new trial in thI. ý ',,ildrctîr>'d that tea paq a radical Ihen etxerminate al those thi'a i- e. Trhis prîce la for t1 len ineil and second grades sait a beautifilt of Mes. Ernest Lebhmann aga:-., ii'a . ndn hesaciat iltî -ann id <Il.~,1 IlînlaurceIn costume Ibtut represe- NorthhShore electrle ratîrouil 'roi- sOluare, 55<uld hie a sadrni lake -Vikvi, people wbo own cals are ed our muitcommun hîrds and wan. motion was coverrîiled and an appeaiTri bis udîlress b>' attuclied hc i> t hemîîraed by tii>' Hurnan ocit theî IIN SD P O E wll rendered. !wîe talien 1a 1h>' appellate court. Th, holSf lbh' seurch and seizir-,l. hihI sdretdtaeeyoe t ME DSD PL RE "The sonigegivran vtic h>'Coin mort-verdict of lb>' jury ms'ln taxon of îîe 'aId Ibe wouîd have tallied on bhai se>'Htt he bîrda are prwerved. .1 wealtîirhool an d alma thfar- of lb>' the street car canseny. JI. N S~ l~YAN(INorth scbool w>re renîlred _vitiil Wiliam NMurphy. an aged Inniale 1î1,lb>' raFiroad ieMdhome M Ml-iw 1 fmach skill. It shows very plainly The ~i id ow-)f î?thi~ e. lIlîneci that Ouîr foreign chiIdren can slrîg and tCarl ;ýPJqirng came a, a grit If the Phool had a mugie toacher tho k0t% ,) !hi "îfr-l n ',iCi.c- Pupils would he able tu give ",mpthing~ P.Mr. Redding joined the Navy at of which the cltY would ho proud. le beglnning of the war and was la- The play given hy the plupils of thp red al. the Naval Station here, 1-He 7th and 8th grades entitlcd Patriot- land ParkwaasidJudgpd Insane af-in a hearinit ln county court today. l>' wihi ho rrmosed trithp a'yhnr at lt gin. Tii> condition has bmen comin- on for ttie Iset threcoy(vissbut bas grown worse durlng tiie last thrm-e niontha. Sprimg "iuwlsuiug Sui -NOW ON W t i I lîtli ], we s',' F[x I I TURE anti IUG.S are s,ttt N i ,t he o i ~ îm' iistantilv advauinlg, bîit t lie f.11-eus Itfr'ont ri nil 12 -1 0 k behi nd on itilliîîg i î-ders. BI'Y NOW 'E W'IVLL 1101,I) -ANYTIlN(i Y{)I SELECT anîd DE- Ll\l'l ANYIME NIÏYO' SAY. N An Alcazar Combination Goal and Ous Stove- Shou11ld 1w in vour home. simpule tii opetate, )I111 or push1 a lever to bake with gas or coal. No parts to change., Corne in and let us explain this wonderful range. W Select Your Floor Coverings Now. Linoleum Remnants -soîîîî'as lbing as ' squîarie vd ...... 49C. Inlaid Linioleum -A 111I wîof reî jaiit s re(dlceil to ..$1.39 Rugs-Wool and fib- re, 9x12-Variety of patternus, very 1owinl Prie,........ $16.50 9x1 i Velvet Rugs -4 patterns, îmade ini one pieee, Oni sale-$32.95. 27XW0 Axrn-ter Rugs -Ieavy nap, assort- cd patterns only $5.65 We Know Some, Mother Np~eds-Onc' of the uuiiuu style baby carrialges we carry. Evcryone a îîew~ 1919 model in the Iatest frosted and culainel fill- ishes-See us before you buy and save money. B eds. Springs and Mattresses-also coniplete Bedroonh Suites at greatly reduced prices. Buiiv a Cedar Chiest to keep yoîîr Fîîî's-save fthe extra rentai charge-A contulete sbowing îîp from-----------------......... ...... ......... f'Ail oolum.- bia Bu- ords Oàr- IffEbONI ried in Imommo Stock Phanopalph. hrW,-,ýtntoxication EltP IàAIN ED DY SAMITEL HAMILTON- M. D. - AFJ=n h physiologist described rnan &q a "digep- tive e wsi arrangements for locomotion and 'i ginidn." It is commonly said that most people - "dui tliekrgte with their teeth." The disastrous effet" of cnsiption have aIways-bee'n well known. It is a auly understood howv serious are the troubles whichare eaused by stagnation of decayed matter in * thse lajo intestines - poison reabsoribed and taken into ttî circulation - this is called auto-intoxication. It la apWrent, therefore, that the frst necesity to e iemthe intestines thoroughly. The best method for cleansing the whole intestinal tract and urging the iver into activity is te take as much outdoor exercise as possible, drink hot water (Xe Lefre meals, and take castor oil or a pleasant Laxa- tive. Such a one is made up of May-apple, leaves of aloe. root of jalap: made into a sugar-coated pili that givea tone te the bowela. Thiswaaînt matie .1; and .old by druggists nearly fifty yensu go, as ~'Dem. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Thse cost is twenty-fivc cents. Such simple Means will prevent auto-intoxication. People are realizing that the kidneys, just as do the bowels, need to be flushed occasionally. The kidneys are an eliminative organ t \ and are constantly working, separating the poisons fromi.he hioo. Urie acid backs up into the systemn, causing rheu- mnatism, neuralgia, dropsy and many uther serjous disturbances. This can be avoidcd ny stimnulating the kidneys to in- creased action, andi because of - '. ,Ç.its tonic effect on these organs I would advise any une tu get N nuric (double strength), which is tu be had nuwadays for sLxty cents, at a4lost any drug store, and take ia Jîre' time aa day. Also drink bot water before meals.a Ewill b. pleased t Inspect your -NM ,K ~= W battery at any tdme and as often --_4 as la necessaay, free of charge.O & Our service is thte epert kind,N and eur experiericO la aiwssnt your disposal. Should repaire be necesaary we will mnale them nt a moderato charge. The "Extbe" Starting and Llghting Battery l~c* is tiie fametas tiat that lîves In a box." You have heardof, thîs batterY and its unique featusitla th. original Unit- Soîtl BatterY; extra POwVetul, easy ta cure for and -repair. Let us explain ils featurt'5 ta Yeu. Take advastage of eur Ire. service. Exide Battery Service Station 106 County Street. Phone 2244 jWe Rtepair An> Malle of Battery Your Protection You'veW always had your life covered by insurance. You'vc always been protected againat lbas in case your house or your factory should burn. But did you ever have a policy before on .which the prem-ium is paid and you get the benefit? It doemn't colt you a cent to have your Wilard Battery insureti. It takes anly a few minutes of your ,.-ne. Drive your new car around right away, and have the battery registered. That la all there is to it. If yau buy a new Urillard Battery for an oid car, we witt register it for you before we put it on youg car. Be sure, when here, to aslk about the fcw simple rules that shoulti bc followed to keep your battery in the bcrst :zcýaioa wud laagthcn ita life. Colwell St orage Battery Co. 16-118 Madison Street Phone 2022 We Repair and Recharge any Make o f Battery and Carry a fulll une of Battery Parts Trock Tirés YmW i1 An Sues of reaton Truck MTi n SMo&k I-EWES (GARAGIE,In WAmuKEA. l iIqOlS ....oes: sm::zu-------- :-----: h b, II~ Performance is the Best Answer ..STANDIN th ga*t o=ngaIuwaqaon the >nb-a sngp hmg oiu prton-those are th ict ings your tracter muât deliver. Andi actuel work in the field aver a peni of years in thé anly real test. Ten ycars ago the firs OjilPull tractnrs were put on the market. They vient lOto the Northwcst anti Canada--breaking prairie sud- goiag against the toughest conditions a tractar tan mnce. Did îhey malte gai» The Lest anewer is that avec 8,000OitPulle are now mn use, chose soir1 ten years ago delivering the . me sure service as this year's machines. Asa nu owncr--mme/mer. They Stand Up te, the Work-Strong frame and wiiee construction -heavy cut gearing-oil buming. oit cooleti. h.avy duty moto-- tram the grounti up the OuPull is built to'deliver dey ini and dey out continuaus service. Alwayu ready are- milaymng dowo on the -pioches.- Cuaranteed Oil Burner-Ol huming was a fundam&tal imi desig. ing the OitPull. N'ot ane of tic 8.000 QdlPull, in us today but in usins kerosene or lower graae ail for fuel. To moa i t mare. every OilPuil carrnes a written guoeanre c hat protecta the. ownr. s&M with no time limit. Cooleti by Oil-)îd ou ever hear of radiator trouble in thé. OilPuUl? No-because it is oil cooleti. No danfgqrei eing-o evapoma- tian-no refilling as with water caoe ngne-no feu ta Siva trouble--a mare even temperature for tiie cylinders. Closeat Speeti Regulatian-Watch the. OtîPullIon tti.he ixt-fo, cloe regula tjon i t is wiîhout equal. Adjustmentaf enin speeti ta changea in the loadimusc lacas quacktas a flah. Tii !can't contralitil but the governor in the OihPull doers-insteml regula- tion of power ta every variation in the. loati. A Standard Deslgn-Every OitPull in butthe sarmmi. Tii new. ama1 12-20 carmies the tanne guarantee af Contunuous servie andi low coet of aperatiqn ai the 16-30. 20-40 andi 30-60.>sites. GEORGIE W. SHAW Phone Zian 154J Local Agent West 33rd St., Zion in nid cel June Records Now on Sale N., e-% 14 1.- n

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