CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 May 1919, p. 15

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- ~ -LII3ERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, TII LRSDýy, NIAY22, 1919. PAGE SvLi DISTRICT gUYS PREWERY As PÂlIT 0F PLANS lsesThis Week Show irmal Purchase of the Bes- Iey Brewery_ Property. ËINESS BRISK IN WEEK. K. r-o-es, Aqqt. Secretarv Se. WY Tii le antd Trust<Co. laine-s. oft1h. Rcordera Offce for vweci end, ng May 19, 1919. Umiier of eonveyances-139. Imbert of chatiel mrgagg-lî6. imber or arrny anid navy dLrharg. .28. Omtier îof trutsidccii. and mor'j. ibtal nuiniier of in9trumenta fleû al i tiretinîtirf ioanam-419,37 2: tloes, lias Ilîtîn lrisklb l an, e fî,liîrmig lre the nmore Import deaîl.- W*; ui, t:ziri o Itilîn Parc hoiîght Dir.'\ (). W, gîlituilding, wah cetl *,i ilii g n msoIiiliacit corner Ot.andl iadiioîn sircets foi iledrai ion ot $27(lif0 sur) <lI ";î;l'lîî on i l uileNo. G'er. Si %%tih i_"') f-4 t rot ige 00w fier]b tl.t- Pi-o Istank for i tell ( i vP ratioln of 2,0î aîîiez t; I, j Iiarjet '"O ýu.l -tii 'i, XcSi. tindthe Ra- licrt' roitt;tliie Master iln cir, . 1 n 1Pl Iý iînfl liuglît thé ati i ropcriy on cast So t Cd Si. imit sourit of S it t. - Iil coniieratin -rt Il iC utant i wjtc otglît K CI1i:. 'it-on nrrth i,- art A ' f:-00 na ii., 'it triep tit .John Il s lteNo. Stîru- Itowl. i.T Stewart As e Satm 'i.rfor-3tt x F P, i o ligtîglît ihre Id i ca.. t i.:!\N,,h i for iikwa Mci<it e t.otîght a lot ln qii]-- IIiianti Ave. tram eti itirs fur Inlîccti $11; ii. 1.l'a ulkner itougli itti. Pince apaîiîent biîlding on (Sou'h cri Stit; Tes-e4,oS. lowfor se SLii ,î.it le nl warii et ' i r.. il î,t as; o? Uic rrit.Iil'ki'îlhncr. A. lirutîranti wifp bu,-îtthe e re t-s-i ltse ou we' t A>r' S ejilsi nwîth of MIaF RAIL V1811M WUS RETS MER REVENUE BECKMA ND1D FINED $200 ON A PLEA Of GUILTYý Young Men who Confessed to Turning in False Alarms are Given Severest Fine. Waukegan. MiaV).- iiarney lîcciman anti Herbecrt Tidy,- irbo hava confessacte10the polie(,t-iatt t itai turned In taIse alarma reCentli- maearagnedIt n police ceouri lue fore Police Magitrate Walter Tltiy - litir morning and utpon titeir plea o? . 'guJilty' were fineti $200 anti coisi 9.Aihnugh ihry were nlot repreeî 111iîy an attorney Beckmnaa antip Titie at once announced that theywol 4 l~aki. an appeal ta the circuitcor Thay were te appear before utige Tiloi titis afiernoon and fiý l lb. r aPpeai bonds. ln the meaie e bonda under whlch thay have hei leld for the iast aaveral day., sîji hoid gond. The tiresept beîis acre 1 signed bhi'Frank Cary. h Assi. Chlef Tyrrail t.aday asserîed tiat Ihe- urnlng in of falsc alîrnis r 1was hcoming an frsquent iliat i a'as ncccssar y ta do amrething un .001b ic rail e lcthînks hî noiiîing short of a stiff fin(- a'o:lid 'Io this prafilcê. Ha points ta the . ~ .~ fart titat no faise alarma liat e licen Iurneti ln sînce Beckman andI Tidy ~ ,~ have icen arreste:. Abstracts of Titie. . Mte Guaranteed. Mesonic Temple Bidg. Phone 4. Mfay 14, 1919 Matid Ersimne ta J. M. litungate, - " ijghland Park. W. D. $100). I 'I ~ J .FP. Ilogan ta Guiseppi lierîtîci aI wife, part lot 48 Highwood. Bridget IleNamara ta G. i amara, lot 9 fax E. 36 ft.) block This s Mi'.. John Richardson, the former Volo woman who was reti Smith & Adams North Add. M'au- te a ride on a rail" July 13, 1913, and whO, on Monday reccived the check kegan. W. D. $2. which covered the judgment awarded her ln circuit court and later aus- V. Il. Bartlett and wife te Joaeph tained by the auprerme and Appellate courts.Th payment of theja. ariel ok6<cS14Battt ment thus brings the finale ta ths ensational case.. Mrs. Richardson North Shore Acres, WintbropIliar- now is living in Chicago, separated fcom her huband; she le Said tO jbar. Grilayand$2f8to Fre have been undermined ln health, attable ta work, and she traces a greater liciter o on W. side Braînerd Court part of hec @tâte of health ta the tre aiment accocded hec on that mer,.Ilr- I,îébertyvilla. Q.(C. $10. able night. Zr. C . escomnb, Ir. ta Davla-Watkins flaryans 3lfg ('O.lot 19 snd part lot 21 Northhf'bjcazo. Deed $5000. i KLLED; i7 HURT o hie track.lnSr ircl WIIEN ENGINE iIITS LOAL AUTO TRUCK "tien PieY stoîitid, but it iras f00 laie to hak i, 9o tht- enly thing la (Io iras iii go aheati. I steppeti on the acceileratoi' andtie al but cIeareti the irack. Tht- engine hi the rear entd of the truîck anti '.5ung the ma- -,1Mh cinrrond ut d oct fil tover. bd . lur buglt he atar- 4Cntlue FrinPag ONE, 1 'aw al once Iluat sonte tof the men MnbW. piccc -asuîuHt ie Nantue renPaehad been injureti antircao arrosa the Wn- St. o ina on usuie rai o-mnfr 1r- adWyn ficf]ld Io the neareit ouse inte tla- t~ S ttcnoninalhîtsiîl.ralon orean fr tlur,' nti ynn hat ùhný for ambulances ant irhYsiclans. ton .1.,andl Aigela lbenkart been makîng the tijî on the truc«:- if thti W. hL.fackr prof)ti ny nghily ,In,-, Iat fait . Sing'îlai'sII bnt egt ha hide Slti Ave . tiat nor h0 masf noton ut Titcstiay cvpnin 9 A,7i'ordliiu-tl iOn Enzllsh Fsclentlae' Ire,.i fîtr $000. whan the crash rame. flmi 'work had tjinze iii- uctris, total aînimauenîa- ,7;al ?: ýroT;s oUýJrrauset i hm 1teîis iitip h ollite. fal i oeU1,Io e29,457.4 cuhic miles, of it fic l'c îb tiPck haiît \Ma r 1) K i lari e eofV,'o'it gaoi s. i i au 1-sstilt;ilone-fourih drain, agi- tit cait si-de Emmians Avc . nenîiber or fie firîiu, saît id t t. t;routzt hil ithie ocean. cf 2id S for$1310. %ias ton liatithat te tag uo c,-îir lialîtti Park: Wîn, fTt T -pi-r red Jut.ias me hati finiiui-]ti h. - "A N rentueg nala IRlt i'ra itir iî tu ccl l l i hng iif tl- l ne liiin t r 1ruinti lar 1 rart. Thet triucki ait carrictl i 'altI t; ir' di r iîle tctou. [arait; Itoifor $00 ward-. et thjrtv inliacir anti ftru ll,uîîir ýii st rie n nanauto« liant Il. Thonîtus nd %wi ete Laike lilflRince fasitfaiti . itinîîlte itîtnd i rii i îcîîî ni te p anme t fi;,- Tho-. Miinprtîpirls as swe dreir near ti, - i-ttiof tt;ri tt -ido ( Pneu i. sueiî rt)fcar force baitl ireti cîlu iittw -n s * A. eftor iiiu i ain t here acre not st ijin y ;îhoarni W-, ba-k itrustiedtifor $23',t0 1diii 00f bais n 1Y 1cvidf-nfai att,1 Ari t: itoeri F.Roiise ioigittni' tiiring tu ig liigJîîîî i'. § 1 itîti 1 anti S lot .9 n itiik SIltager piace anti %arcouii;li-re'it;, I knmuttils Stiti froin S. L. Trtipl s îe lfs Iîek ' . Tati to 11) i-p iii mi )titiil cous j.lrai ion. crash as filit joli fin h1ilteil, ii 't-it-,' 7 Il I.lheriyî le: Thiom as Wtiiieilsat. Thc conîract at titi'Schaget We Give Our Own ife hitugatfile Jali'y iroticrie Place wax for tarot buildinigs anou c . 17 froto E. W. ('olity ton pregentd $50,000. Ve itailbeen ~ worklng ince fait faîl. à Tliciter ituglît the Adamo Tittîs 'Besides lteman ai laite Foi / proî.rîcl on flrtinerd Cf. for est'Wh1o IR hurt se iîadi-, titi n-at worir for us: iete -. working fer ai 9 Cast Antioch: IaîcY 'il. C'.Neillt' conracter naîtidAitar of <'bicaRo I te 1-1 ici est of('liforil ' ibo bail te sî'h-iPRinling conraeci" atico ln 120 acres in Sac, Il for Mr. Clar'ie saiitai bi hiifrto i-i Protacteti fy IIalilîlîs' nsuranre I 'ntboch Village: Sarahb1lîok Lund'a Slory tthe Fred Kinrade plaie( on ide Fox River Roati for $2800.tor hat heen toe éSeliager place, us WardIl C. bughta 1et o tegel the workmen andi batistanteititA rie Eg gver Roand anti Park Ave. f romfoLaeBufs hths w ivi 9 T ha yer for $ 1400. L n dC hîa go cn alti nga ofi t ea p i £'ie iVla Townailip: J. K Lit aiii Pl"tn o i boîghi te Wiiton tarto Intient. 'Thare mita bee hoS i f P Iand ?16ftram Chas. C. Willon least twenty men on lthetuckal ~or Indicateti $18000. tiiotigh there n-IN hava been more,7~eIl i at Round Lake: Gen. B. tor trcquently 1 have carricdi ieween eIil ~igbt the Frances E. Whitc twenfy-tive and thirfy. W fer $ av ai "There l4 a tiaprassion iii Tolegrai ~~e for 82000.a ai atthe pointthrere ilrss- il.: Pauîl J. Paiher took tîtie the E. J. anti E. irackie andthi bsI Iary Paiifcn te andi'A of .67 sort of hîi nîy view oif ie approait- In SW 14 Sec. 17 for 400. aiso Ing freightl train. Ttucn in, ivo cf On ln SE t4 sec. 29: 40 acres; the men ware Perclied on 01pie riîiniii.. 3 14 Sec. 3-1.' 16 1-3 acrfesaja nboard of te truckc on the ide toirard Sac. 32; 70 acres lit 5W 14te aPproachitng train, 18 acre in SE i, Sac. 12 anti' res la SE iY6 Sac. .12 for $10000 There was a coal wagon directly _______________ aiteaîitf e This wagon proceetid Over the railirad trecka a ll1rey Oneo f tae gu-ateat akirt valuie 14w xedWidow.N. inanner, Ihere belng noi,,ngto8ur.11- womnen. Silk poplin akirtB in tan' ~iêtnbrwljOwera lln therMOte Àt a train was cs at bandi: navy, nêFw 1tyles. mtit fancy alitat to on.-Inlàù.If tIR m n ite trueli notîceti the sîze range. F theO a one.-ndlen. PPrOaIM* 01the -train they diti not! -_______________ Amerlo... 5ew'.paper Histomy. MI -t niitlo FM. -l . 1t t-.iît nti;; lleiiîh t'iina lsAtt t- l t Ille l ige of aien. t iîîl a rrîljîjî tt-ir. lia WBs lîlentiflle1 t tStioti-i;meotr atr n lr l [liq lite îîih intritir' uic tîrewsspperit lvhlit lcnrigliîcil 11t«ir î; i lsperlitd The oilisi eiSît -rliliche nited 1iis uhiilnts', -' r"i"", cîlath- mit1 Intcrri pilon of i 'iw tor iloi;tge ni inanw, la ithe Np\-hr li . iitt %f ,as8fIrat pub1Isýhetl i, lîirîsmouftlt L. I.n 1756. FOR SALE-To tlose e,aie, wili solit the Mihizcr proîîcrîy. îwcatory house, 20P, Sotiih 14h(ri(lan (Rondi, MWaukezan, noril cfi ige. MWhll sali ai a vecv 10w price. aIt' an aller. Ai:ply Elmer J. Green. Sherifs offie. Tel. 1856, 5Waukegan. 111. Wkly2t a -Tiading Stamps- ýt More Dozen- j ýplia S1iir Seil a.tI a ever presented to Waultcgan nPe, (openhagen blue, gray and ObIDg and ne,' pocketv in a far Handsome New- SMOCKS 1.50 Gingham Aprons 88c î4'oîie'î's gingiîm aproîs in gtotl iors ;tnd Moast al l mzes, a wonderfful value at 88c. 1.50 Waists Special 89c A s îwcial *îr.rorlnîentn i c e w a;!. gioupe(ji îîtji i cy peCial uvIniand pitrd t only 89c. 1.39 House Dresses 89c MWoinen's house dresses in ida anti énds in good-looking styles anti wa li t lor. ,at soc. 65c Silk Lisle Hose 43e A î,pecial îîurchase lot off annien's ,and misses' silk lîsle hase in a s irit <>ofaanted colora and sizes, Smart loolujng smock., of linen. artists 1înpn, voiles and soiseticu with bigh or itw neekq, button or lace fronts, wiih j ts ort smocking, betts and new pocirets. Ail mizes and colore. 1.50 Values in' Mustin -Petticoats -Corset Covers - Chemises9 -Night Gowns -at 97C A variety of tregh new' ouslins In pretty styles dainily trimmed. Corset covera are af ilsu crepe or $2.50 Muslin Petticoats -atl1.98 Dainty beauiitul styles ho soft muslin .patticoats finhahet i wtb deep lace flounces anti rufflea. Silk Corset Covers at 1.49 and 1.98 Corset covera anti camisoles of ailk çraaa anti waah satin, in con- binatian w itiî shadow, val anti filet laceo, $5 Silk Blouses and Envelope Chemise -at 2.98 Biloorntarsof ic sh colorcîl uilk crope, anti whife intiestructie sat- inette. Envelope chiemise cf siik crepe anti math satin. J Children's 1.50- Wash Suits Rompers and "Over-Ail" Play Suits -at * Tue a-asiî ; uit-s andti ompera un a-hile andi colorF., llaiti or stripea andtihie oîr inî' i b1iîî-attdi cokie wiîb color- cd trlniming. A Limited No. of - $4.50 Corsets Front and Back Laeed -at2.14 Titeme tiicoatinuati numbers includa- ;some vary excellent corseta lu mviîte anti flash in front anti back laceti styles in e fair range of sizes. Other New Corsets $5, 7.50 and $10 For those. women who desire better corsets with their atideti teatures for ad- ditiorial conaiort andi Wear, we have tbem 1 laAmouiona Lady. Frolat, B. & J. marn Ly-m Nemon la plain andi brouaseti Values ta 1.50 Ini Children's Dressés A 111.111v seîîsatjinal event is this îiecial selling oif .1i ltit tu"S p~rvtty Xvaslidres~ses in i nost ali szes ad l ain an d pt1l aidis. A Special Purchase 3.75 Values In Gingham Dresses .-at 'r'lîis gr-at.1issotmîeît of 33 tiozen fine ginghain wasli dresses svas securcd ini a speeial purchase anîd i'preseîit tteîiîost swondeî'ftî1 values vc ever offered. All 4izes froin 2 to 14. Worràen 'a 25c Women 'a 75c RIBBED UNION VESTS SUITSi Specîp) et Speile 12c*c The assortini. ntimli ni A apechi a l e îvaluîe of iiado wlthiu fiîey lasI ai si riklng imiportancre. Ail only 12c.. izps. Values ta 2.50 In Silk Flou nce Pettico'ats In Ail Colors and Sizes. mmat Wtiîîfe ii's i t ii î îlored sateens, brocad- ((i lltiîJtlih)oîi andi silk flounce effects. Al S izes $2 White Sateen Petticoat. 1.49 l1rclty îîew stýlvs in whiite sateen of an eapeciaily good qualiîy 79c Gingham Petticoat 39 c Nurses' stripe ginghans petîlcats prîceti for ibis sale at only 39c. 619c Kitchen Aprons 43c Bib anti fuîtge aprous trrnimad witlt fine rickrack braiti. goot $3 Slip-over b A fretý .Vailue i41400. -.emI 'et,1 SeIIN oli - eL ný

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