CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 May 1919, p. 2

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«Z -*~6 iWat6rmite ýç.uStoy War* of Ever> Deum$ptIon * LRW FLAGGS TONSORIAL PARLOR xiu o,ý e th e P.o b lock snd. le flw repare" t. take car, of new and olO cuhtmerfi ia~i U Usyii.IL DY. 1. L. TAYLOR Min bFbat' Nattemud1m". BIntUba *ouwm- to 8:Bdnl 7108 p. m. SaMdasoson Broudway, 0990.1*. Para DR. GOLDING DENTIST nom 8 o 12am.-l taS5P.m. Ove FIMrt Nat1Onal Bank 0"a Phame 19-J. &me. Phono 157-J. Ubrtyvvtl. Iist CHAS. N. STEPIIENS, M. D. ,'PHT8ICIAIà"aSi 8VB101 miatia am malvitoe mdimam o f ts:. F4%. Ea NNs. iTom Em abinaifor aOlme OU.oeu OO. Te lu 0U~brty 1fle . .P. DIJTUR1ID. DR. A. 0. CAMPBELL Vdeh. y Omla 1.4UV" ystm"a lubviIh. SIL DL J. O K ouBrO l ad AIHA W. COLD pionaa.tLa 1~p~~ peCol Ae.ILLIOIS.- AUTAS L.&W ut - niLluBiS Special iValues' in Pla.yçr Pianos Many exchange d instrment-allin ecellent musical condition. Guaran- teed. Writc for list. Monthly payMents. Lyon & Hieal y. 5-96 Jakmoo Ivrd. CHICAGO' 4NSIJRA NC E eomoblis uni Worklng- lIe muiBy o! aiatl eeê t wDI e poeasblee 10f811la*o ta aturei wvib aqlpgsa tbçqqd oteettng tie ppa" bot l*e '"tb# t *6lb tu Ce O boem aetrontasncb a .Ala*an ioetftnoeasaary ta incemba the 'Ight nov v. are mllng lcs eh et km a"Y obteri ~a-ailéoa the 9lrth stione. Mr. Kennedy sald. *,wp wii i ntain min prîce itowver. unIes. tii, pria. ere an bigpÀd ta smy ta boctei. If tb± at ud)nn t? vilb emaceay ta Inr«eae r- lt pib. bt vo hope te le ale ta a&voi ths inti varmer veatiter ar- rivas., mrbmee tme iubt ut th3t thene wvi tela absortage oflte -'i àIpme platea'but thtnga#lpok veny favamU1e for 'Wauke an sd 1 amn boptllthat va yul bave enougl tasaitlsty aul nead -. FITEEN TONS ON TRUCKS TOO MUCII FOR10ADS State. Legisiature Ought ta Pass Law Limiting Amount That Can ho Hauled. NO ROAD CAN STAND IT. It eems as thouglu the ttmé le Irere viten the Illînots Legslature whfle the sate lat, ang auch 'ex. teusive e s to tald bard roads, shoubi pais a lav ebtmtuattng the, anont t>! natenlai ttmay be hialsi over roais via truc.a Pur instance, the Sun latabd orau a Incident at Nortt Chicago viiere ne- cently ulne tons oritentai vwu placai on a truck vittch of Ibiel! veilA veigh a leat ?bur on five tans, tba* vwouki maIe a total o! about 10 bus v4blèlbwuasomnt on a trip ta Gary, hid. Nov the quamblol la, vhat linA ef a road eanulae xpectei ta alani UV inder a fifttan ton Ie"A 'Tieme heavy trueku go over th. bard veade a lu 1*.amd oter coun- lIesl lb. ..t'ata am imnlatt la .pdef ce . tey.w 4go ievu ouably. ~ma o per raiboutt tatIe t r o à*' , m ' i iaigleam'ot tmi-ati Ao miel tao9q 9tq Vet bu* ~ rums ,lIt m'ýom &me~ = Iay amtt w qxepwt 10mAatain rOsig lIat, aie collai'"mps 0amp mi 16tbm.ea1osrth itma=in the11*ismuota Legtaatur. vii uiuo4' a lv, i* l puttns the vegea et Oe horstu the big ftBAtpmpi u at ta bbe on- à6o"" oDoubet 1the tate. LV.* -MAY 2e,1h9 ARE VERY FILMIi lu eonnection wi*h tthe arien ta- sued at Great Laites foztatdding eaI- Ors ta patronize lunch çountens at North Cicago pouding a general cleanlug up of tlii places. te Great .lrke Bulletin today maie thi re- erence ta btta conitommns uni ndte the eatlug bouses vIa bave brsought dovu lthe wiath or te commandant: The placeseloaei to sailona yens et te Iam8i ,itVoi~'a1, r b. tety-elads e mfd ta patol Itimorant nickelsaI bof cktaon, lbenty- Soinrneeo Atmilai b? es a nmea of "reumnt "ac te otle0*- aen moelay ver.unn.oe standmsprvelngaue. rm npaMtI la. lme creua aQ4ia Md sh oit Ilir*sImâtm. fme 1 Tbo oAtouu9 qiItwa tmvestgtoru aorltaeUM.ta ]»a rie1 d e tO m aijf U lm provIion o:le , . --, ta m#l 4lvueM PC ml i ý 4 o N 21 f. af E. 80 ]Ft. lot 1 block 19 Orlignel Waukegan. W. D. $1. Jane H. Drui n d huibani ta W. IL Tuppen. lots 3Iand 4 block 1 W. D. $10. V. U. Gouley uni vile ta A. P. beaubten, lot 4 bock Il Winîega Highlands. Nantit Chicago. W. i. Caroltne Bach, ta SaOne Eheberi lot*12 sud 16 block I Vaulegan Hlilai.. North Chcago. W. > Alman 'Prest amidui e ta Mina Vtrgla. E. 60 1* bot I1Ubowkil leon- fldl Park. W. ID. $M0. .Iý C1. W. Diver a»4i vIt i te MabSg Cam N. n s81-Utk 1 l 110*ý ' J. 0. Tv*B". te J. IL, à arav et ,I &q PA M ouEà I M lls3 i, e0. 4W :$ mer,1OtJà~~~ * Waurm~WuuipSO m odamff ma lgmor te Wi LAXE FOicES aI thé loailmgubteafn uaeimr* t»4ýt bôme draiva poe.çI oyclai ubaugarL I'ienub mals ia nASaI Aila y. 'W chuimbie dVINt 1IL ice Now S elfing at 60 Cents, an Increase of Ton. Cents Over Last Summpçr. SEIL ARTIFICIAL ICE NOW. Waukean lapin to pay for tt~i nhlia, ofo 4~tr 07w1ilIe tb *av- lln lucoalil 'u vas « atrl4his la Ptntty apt to, w e t &AWayby ti. b«97y Increase ln' lebils thla mummaer. wauiégal toan de flot beuitate teu rodiet ÛtInthe iBde maay go to 79 conta 4 hppied tht, summe?. In tact tbey are tnotlnod to thlak thât tii, .atwîMe ole con- r*tlve. Rigbt nMW tee ta moDing for 40 eents a bundred. an Ineroamo of 10 pentea a usdred tti amillor. la Utac*ev aie Inclineaitu t*11* hat *11* enuttatla OleiVUwiV lig l no tee l a l~fi8 comaty laft vln$or an"the' la taot'g a6W. bo">o pm~l~ç fac <3ic~.-bitng Of. th t'S le de TO mflflana w eaww DI34 J~ ~ or ~m meti ltre uburb. The milk OUR Vijêu river ver.aiti ta bave-ce.1 'r f~et0epl I hosPtal pnd Buni., qjjiiiq 4 but the offerwu refse& 8-I ItL IN SENÀTU car in ltootls mendments Kilt Effetiveness - ELETT RNFR of ea*nr, Says Labor May 10, 1919 Leiderýs. J.B. WhAlon ta .J. A. Hil u d wtt., lot 10 block 2 CloVerdale aub. *Sprnglietd. MaY '4-Orgautzoo lai>- Walkoga. *W. D. $2600. or guffeted ita voont dfeet of the ]et W . J'. Keiowsky and 'vite b Christ Isiative amsaton t0da* vhen *10 eaeW01110 mandTquy christoir.,'lot Il block ton "etght boue' 111biwukuocei la-. X i ttobi»niz & Ca.s south side.avb. to nrecogutmablé abape on second W&9»SaB-'. W. D. $10. reading lu the uppar houe. t#t of Br4dget Lynp, . deaceas- louait adoption ot a a sofq a Ofrnrd 'Kraus .and vif.. lot ammteinioitta menully eaytlg9 bl0C13 IM.KaOsadd. Waukegs. lIaI liber bas tought for in lbuEWi 0d 10 1Ws womofi employas for yaare wu . lî. artlott eud wtto ta W., H. lbat. . * C&iiladi e, lot 34 boqi 9 Net MY w tb but fft; hur r* te .Tarifla Highlands, -lRi- ýâtdai deato iaUe te .OUr iq Obý0tbeats. L. fbea. ta eG0. p. Doyle t'jtd, bUt*11181 th ~ Mi v1l11. lot 1 (except N. U ILt) Of 'MerCOWtiX* ta " týW kmltgOt"trOWlok4, 'itays md di. Waukeaxa. g~~~~4o prvant ie biabi .10 'e .O boure r iStùa in t lu eeestatah, ~M i v&dite ta John ma*-. UablmentPuwaa'vildont. *. «M vie, lot10 bloek Si North l*botr 1eqmeâ1turn IMOCRO&,ut! *_ D $1200. .ta~~~Iu* andi lm1« C. ctatoï lIey ylDot mocopt twhabiliaa 3 ta.007 Btt.W. l* golbkndi. 30it- lot3, bloc& 10. Ualtland le,- mus Atm pNoutbt. t»>t ltý Lit Mre oitll pA.Kh oralkýu thel t,4 W A~~ 1 1901 asection anb Walbm- au~o ot~a.~bb mtiti Wt . D.$1 ~g~: tu i 15 y 11 &M e. I- isas M lon robes-ton deeaum M fe t e Ath le bo-l. tabOni k Lonurtot i Tain Oak ani , 0940tçffl A 11-- day r Ite bot 1 blo*- f berp «b uIMO* Sbî4tcpm loL 00 fxarnpted thoe engaged lulathe ', ».ir, cmantngndumtt. P. KIL Àlit tsund wtet. . -IlgpMei q mgem M U merWcaa 10koel là8 boo P7.avla Hl81t- iIEaUIIUe< iOlPorm &U anA Voili ~ C i ataoX. IK Dada lu bpfflt* . 'trac t ei 1lu sec. 36 W. àau*ocb May Brin@ Veto ami la Ber-, 31 ILAntîceL. W. D. $10. Con *$Ippl 'pyap axiMaf B. P. Elo4gtt sud vIfete Wp the opio tfttlgbt thtt tbe IÇI AI WJ13 laietts bn al*ée It norv tapda *11 naver pu e 011%c>, W1 gas W. D. $10. tente of tho ourtS. <rwr. 0',OConnor ta Margaret Senator Antin started the trouble M. OOmo. W. 10 acres of S. ]I by offerlng'the ulmalina amed«àt UL 8W.iU aom. 18 Deerfleld _tovu- Tt lotI tbe limît for lIe vr«ek *t Q. C. 810. mi teetv-etgit ut' n. Iove. 'Fel Richard OOonnpr and vife ta Mar- .,mendment was adoptai iy acla« saret 'm. OCOonnor, tract of land lu vote. Ilion amenflnt t fier m e. 0L18 and 19 ,Deerfiela township. ment came lu. Mmwy vero ta.. Qle $10 Senator 'Wrlat &ft po~lt ta. u KilBudrlck sud vite ta Ka"Imar clu'de 'domeetia" lun tberm n e laroeawioand i vIe, lob 16 blodk 16, ill. Çkiat vas doeeted. Thon hab Waukegan Hlghlands. North Chicago. sought ta exempt vain ove, flfty W. D. $10. -Romtheproisins o th bil 1T. B. Gleave and vite ta R .I ar ti.prviios ! 1e1a1 Grace Garrietb. lots 8 and 9 bock 9 .Wo.ld Limit Joba Powell sud tewarta North ide 0.subi Senaton Gormapt saugt ta provent Waukegan. W. D. 16600. a voman workor:wbplýad ended ber A. L Hendus and vle ta A. F. nîne-houn bnen oyme't In ane ,estb-l Beauiben. lot 4 blok 22 Washburn ltishment &ca dceptlvi; vagea Of suy Springs, Waukegan. Q. C. D. $1. kInd Mim any othel- emploYen the May 12. 1919 saine twenty-four houre. Re met de. F%-edertck Kinnade sud wtt, ta fent. Sarah Hook. lot 2 bllc 2 liardons Senter Barr Introdueed the bll. Aid. ta Anttoch. W. D. $2800. Senîtor Keestîger sud altera trici Kit. of W. B. Webbe deceased ta ln vain to stem the, ainnients w. a. webbs,'Jrn, tract of1»lal whtch ta mil practioal purposea kilc ec.o& 0 Ela township. DemIl.$1. the, meaure. but the. Oght vas lu Gdeon Tliayer, Jr. and vIle ta cite. Standard 011 C., part lot 16 biN 2 jahenntts aid ta Attool. W.,,') DECLARE M15, $S6. il7 , 9C.91 nIl.92, N c lottu orFCedaTIsland. . C.S1 . fL hmtaie lui ta 'AW.Pu flaita N38 I0.1l My..,11 O.~ oUW and, WINeta Theoaore Wp1MaiWIta. trac t d anA uS Par 06o1 ilLibetti'bownablp. W. D * f ei cîarba is Mvifte b IMn Halbipart lot?7 1Pihool Oacitonui. Whau. W. a tom80 MARRIAGE LICENSES JItu W. lae.R tacina, Ï4 ta il A. Uam, i, claep, ». rm i arbier Ollicaga, 3 taAM- a carter. rnke 18., Mlma« Ubmidt. mslwau'%e, 3n la Catberinç q rjuo, aBa. 13 ' Otto ohi», oommowoc, 8e, ta Ut% aTeurcemarne, 19I. N.lmW. GraibaM lWauko, 24 IL clou Sartin. Lait. MIa, VIa.. 3 tl Umwme.Leo*eq*e, mieme, DaiM~uloei,.Ntwas&ae, m ta- isjse:*awi. ýOed% e 10 Ilan-m O 2mstamAttO t ls. W UES'?. moaBielm3 1 ti I.R9*l08. Omabta. we1 m te R flbiL 3amsr arvule»m He~V. olINfwaukaa. 49 te ;càg Webber. DmalM. VWi. jI Rn sm82TIais sa IL Wr. L ~ lbana.29 t0 Lea dmbantm Lts 8 jeaSteart Amonb. i-ta Moute Zeinm.ChIale IL. . tn J . M Mlaàkee, 2m le Crue IL 7~ta. mim. à Mthur T.'Blovn. Ivanton,28 *0 mariea lamerb Racina. SI. vwer CII, Raine. 23 le Mary Ba% to 2m 1. -vaILR vs. M f lwaukee. 37 un Securties Trust Company 10 Southz LSalte Street CHICA GO, ILL. WHERE TO GO May Oth,3lst and'June lat. Memorial Dayjalling ont Friday, will give many foikaz an opponlunity for a*holiday. If you art- off those three days, why not taire a short tnp 10 sobte. resort ne.r by. so as to gel the full benefit of every minute of thte hoidaya. Go to ane of the. many noted summer resorta that are to 1e found wi-hin easy reuch of Milwaukce.Wisconsin is the great summer pIay- kund of the. Mid-Weet and there yuwil find many places thé~ you tvill urely .njoy likre OconSnowoc. Beaver Lake, Cedar L"k Wau- keSha B.sçh. Okauclise Lakç, Mudo aLàke, Phantom Lpke. etc. It is WwSdruout"eit1llspn.Nature asjustbeginning RrGIITAT ýYOII' VERY DOOR] Iq Tak&th. NMnalii fimpiw tram .hwke whuime conveient, tio sp~.Ypi'e" cmn kî the. tip to Milwaukeain 1hou, 42 ramint.. Trains Ioav. lMnyvinR..very uhuy mirat.. on Saturday IIW-bgmtfor0" $â«oeqqâppy ta the. oufft -fiO~N IfRBLIN£$ M. 0 a, 0 1 sbou iawas~ataub tm&s"V Saue awUxia ~-# a v LI .12 it»10 ps«s,MUrneK8C.omwas, sme, 3IL ac~~~~~~~~~ WiItIAIU ty o. 3.t Fu.Minu.. 24 1pavid W. Erpokwq6 ,Zrlnbg, loi , Oaeu glitMrmfleld. Win., à1*t b Utta . osesailr, ZIon.24. 21 to Viola Kteo. arme. 21. ChIl. -W. H*e..aoa,37? Ird M. I^m tooolapi dPark, 47 to Oaèr4e IL. »kn..Mae12. te Mas Vid sarne. 41. Fia W. gblbe VuW«ktgn, Se Tho«. IL8ocylo. Graylmke. 24 toe to UsMINor y-,,èlp-j- mrse 28. Auna Dosoeele, Morrtton, 'Crn., 1$. thalritWenISUd, lclu. 24 Se~bil 4. Btruck, Milwaukee, 24 to e oota Huke. Shboygimu. Win., t Ana Quteber am re, 18. Sc a*ns K oaa 21 Jla bma a MODOY, aha, 21 te Pf..liltdo. ria.,. Osa i H. ohëe,.Milwauk<ee, 29 WiàtrbOt*ob "kiltOWO, Win, t*0 mii.0. Nfflnrg, Manletcee, Il ta Lois Uwalbe, MsauWj., 20. UBeL.. 32. 9&4 2Nmi mamia 4 to Raymond 1D. Meoan, lýae Villa. ManuetebwwGjlck . sague. 19. 23 tu Marie M. Waldvogel, Mars.- Frank Dervald, W. ài, A ,g élit, Win.,21 te Il,"* 7. Jhn ZKurdts, Sheboygan. Wi.. GaO.& .O 2tnaicle 3 ta lesta Bdn& ort, rme. 20. taiia Jaobnm, aima, ge .- ugh 'Dea. ,Aurora, 21 ta EWO?3 3a. Benjain, OChis». 87 ta Gcruprýfs-iese, 2. 3'auTis.IlaSSwoe. bte Grawil (am tb ,Cblci"M.30* SaAWuzrded JnvÇ.teatsI Payi*g b12 !b. j Oua Pâ*vz.a i. PAnSENTBmqva" vyPLAN makée 1* emay b aivîemonuy aeuamsIialiy amd to siceamulébhigh damac aiha' pmqing oed dildaud retuna«'â%nupi ofIre'ieaamuins valne. ,1 IAt ut axplain. ihis pla te Yom. Tel) as 1e mach ye a a puy dovn umd loy Tell u» vInt aourtis you haie, if yos hava aay, mo va may advise 7y« se te their pîesient' value, mabiliq and futaie., We viii mahe np a sppcilinivetmenlt mngea. tion for Yom aoaording ta vhat you omaa ffard ta invest on titis partial ps7nnt plan, tither on a iO.psymeat or g0.psyment basio. Writa te, our Departmant A- 2 fon our papor, fienarau*aed Invastmontm," giviug udvieon th. mnarhet conditions-Il viii intaeat Yom. IMM at M d tamtoAapMY 0*« Iri e treet c pl aebro 1 'l

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