Y 22.1919. bu* to 0ha. fln. 24 J, Win., 1. pari[, 47 e, 24 toe ,an., 1.. Lkee, 24 Le, 18. 21te muiee, 29 Manistee, Ce Villa, 1, Mars11- an. Wis... ta Emil3? 30 to 'Âud no t t rfs ouf tbat *0e oi. 1»y fa <ustto vlm a.IL«Yco-.one *oking for the gevuemmt and It vas he ,homI *mmSt1thbofse for.- Ideper vus bul pedlag lav-eag- tion moi b bis h01va. ooueltoda> a s'remit ce bb s4stmtlOU la the it>' 0T141R MIN 1*11W Romfa ue @v*dt, lm a" dPres- ott streta etsb Moumo 'ad Ar- tbur Gruer, aise et09NOrtil Obicago, wone suo take a taband b>' ie te <ha Uturds, lm&, vithtb cryr ezvoeua"duite the cat>' jali ver ,qus>'. fty. lke Sobreper, vr takea tao Ch o " smoftasvheore thu>' vo e aaIaind befor. Ioderai dIctais. BEcoimin vas eSM chargel agat i "caowakl m"d Gorger. hue, Edvards on Monde> ase»00 m ore tentulalSCont> Tmmeur E-aches roum iying ontheo poer- t>' otheii botol Moraine et MoUsbid Park ho caolet e.Persoasi % fau viSa Mr.Cubins of fie hotel $3,000 D.mndd tfrainHarry L.H M m iwaIeti Grat pobeat Station. SuIt for $3.000 vas led iiy 'United Statu District Âtterney Charles 1. Cba. Wedneday Ini Obicago'for tii. Ual M sates against t ifmrUL.Har- Dez foimer>' a commlaaary steward e t 1k. Grsat lAkea Naval Training 1 ormer, eooodlng to thill>1, vile 1actImg aM steward, aold muet, bon., ani tatow vahumed et $2.000 ths.t ver. Ife toyer in preparing #.mais at the I taum~ H[o,rw trted b>' the court of taqutry and 19 nov detained ta the Obriea' t the etation. He.babeen ta tbe Uuited State, us'>'aanumber Of purs. PINS? ON LAKEU OUT-TW For Saleby Libeirtyville Garage d H. B. Ege,r Libertyvilet Uinois SI a heye, BaberFinds I ng Obt 'Frlend'. v'it St Iot m t lt«e to be ex ~'uey momdafing ho a suppouel tfrand, eaPOOISeUY Miboohm m ie cou- aumel vas «tre>' m d (0e mg 5cuhyer. aba*beron Somth G- se tre~ on Sturla>' viie mme - bu" taie the federal cort. Chicego an ea rMze of iooigag. Ochoyer qvtahud the. ituetiofi tids va>': "A tetiov vhom 1 bal am l a My place4n"Oacame ta thé cOer day luit as1I v d of0go te Ohlogo Mad te nil: (Whou your. ln tovu, hitg me hock hait a platf ef bome . Hewe'ethe me>'for IL "Aw mun o b fiehémon.>' ad, ta eggmodale hm.!1 brcsi*bthble lguai Voie aîese nadine u-cars opei-afiiig before O ve>'«n. and -volva adresed u auiene Su-lie conclusion IA fiat fies. cars at la>'inthfe Lune theatre, et Lafayette nov betng propaiel. l'h.>'viii b. Imd. Mn. îapic vas "rie nit gi-fat useut on the North Bide Lin. tram @vont f0 bappen. Thii.great avant vhich partaoflthe oit>' fie vigorous i. plai vas the ceamtng of Chi-t and pratest. agaitîthfe îîgî meps vas Risi sainte. meade. T'h. Ovorge ci- dei-d huiseif op- 1lovever, nombes oaifie Woman's pose1 f0 the entt'ringf-Into fis League Club are Inclined ta fie bellot thet of Nations. -If'holie ve.ln Congresthe letter "cnt ouf b>'f.theetric In or i he 1senate.' lie satd. "-as vouid anaver la Mrs. Gaurle>". letter, vas min hlt virefiistlas an al th mnr r'- a form-letter, one0 vilci the i-aselai vir fict let ndailti. comparry bas on band, f0 @end out timo agaiist any F"aci action."'a to li niny persoa, via ne douhl, "I know the United Statesxas no bus du-ing tis lime ai tigit 51rts are ioeissfoaling villi tii League ai Ne- sending in protoRsaegeIiathe tii1gh flan. It'q a piPp e î'al. if'5 alot aif.uep-u on the intertirben cars. The nonasense. They are nerol>' eh ang levier ionked tille a form-lottei- and e piientoro. i sas' aïan A»ertcaj If- litte gtnernî tons figalun saldinfbahe- hoen that the Unt' I States vilsBord jepn of tbjt chai-acter. - Its dan when it eiters fie League a __of_______ Nations. 1 belle' a that vo siouid las leted ta o ciietiman of tie suig make this place n.asyinm for aIl comimtftee on ardnanc. and navy the wvorld and a p!ace of liberty, and yards of the. hanse cnunmitfeo on uns vo altauld perpefi-ate thoe priacipies valaffaira. H.e epecta ta obtali fav for viiich - our forefafiers bled and omble action on appropriations auff died." i. sald. cieit la sMort wvan on fie 82,000,00( Tii. fai-aaitoui aif théLeague of project for fie construction ofi Nations was the lant stop ta pagro fie retainIfig el snd harbor and fh( va>' for flae Anarchisf. vas hils cpl Great Laites Naval Tralalag station Ian. Wien ho appeared ontfi.scouns ho would h. fie wr-Sf uta<raf fie Af a sale et icland Priie, Mg - orl heu ever 'eeI. 'Tie Kiser lieniY ->Cont> lutf vek Bonafor S-vil vold liesanangel ln caipafrIion. We ai LibertyillO invoestd uIn Mb.. ver, nov farmtngee. ton .aflons ieed of cttl, fi-on the Tupper isi- ~ hich aepreented tiche to o 0f for whtch h. ptit $2400. rNobtrcbadnezzar'O iImage. - 'lils col- Repiesetativo Britten of Cilcai EIIOIOOD TO - jBE WET MIAIN? FINE POINT is UP~ TELL 0F EXPER-, oENÇES AT FR0111 ItA Pl [ i 13 great uatvesal empires. We Umeuj S F- rtght downu tiito the toes of the Image TO E M EA SELF and the Peace, Conference ta Parts Mvau ielptng ta ftIfiD he 1ton toes of SO N NebuchadnessaIýs image. TheI'ôokTINfi l'us v o; te shape Isl Campalan je Boing Waged ta mb tv o greaf divisionls, according Make it a,-Paying institu- tovoiva. AIT of Germany north of Be tion for N.xtFive Years. l'orke>' vald fori-ma 'Nortuea.tero w Confederso>'ad vould com. uder* al IT IS A REAL BEAUTY SPOT. ruler called the King of the e - Lenine and Trotsky, said the Over- Po The enterpOtIgus memberq of the '%cer, ver. betping f0 brng tht. bing- Th Raita lub.,bave set out toeiaise dom of the north about nov. fi a guarant>'rendai sucint te niake Ra- -AIT 01 German>' thts aide of the 1 vinta parlk self.eqourting for the next Rtine Or ln other words. ail that ter. tes fiye yearo.,I%nsfar their efforts have ritor> wliich ws Inth e nid Roman loi met wth eQluidemble succesa, but Empire woutd coule Into the. Leagune n tii.> woutd tbhave It knovn that, of Nations andi voutd on. day b.:b- vîtaufgentos eppottheentr-ruled by thie anarchlfft. The reason l prise camnot go on. for tie unrest of Iretand. ho satd. n 'Whiue RaV"nla regarded saone vas because she did flot form part of thi of the, mut tfatiUfng ctvic move- the otd Roanan Empire, and there- h1 monts tn Amerl, said Mrs. Mitchell fore %he caulO flot b. assimiuated by 1 the pread«nt. -todaY. 'Chicago and the eLague of Nations. fi the. norti shore doemn't want to.pet- "Soma people thought the. Kaiser on rontze lt %r that reaaon. Ravinin vas an anarchîi." said VoUva. -'He stands for art for qrts salie. We go vas, an Incarnate devil, and ho pret- tiiere to icar bigh-class opera and t>' neart>' fihied tthe bill, but lie vamD mnusic. The me*u 1ke It because they flot thi eanarchist. He ta nb)t T14E, con mit under. the ti-oes and amoke BEPAST butie vs a bea9t. He couid" cigare, wvbhtcfe>' ca't do at tie flot have lied to do much more to-1111 the bill. The fliher fied to Imitate Man>' ar e iined to ta\e their NapQteon, Chartemaigne and Alexand- opera -to0 s.,tolyT. The si>rit' of er the Great. He trtod te found a Ravinta la eare-free and Joyous. Here fifth univeiset empire, but h. failed opera eu bc glyeh under Ideai con!l'h. next untverset empire viti b. thetr dittons-eliboot Arcadian conditions. Kingdom f of(d the Atmtgbty. Mostro i. park le dedtcafed ta the muses. ePearsent thI nferferenoe of (bd t Tt i fie beaut>' glot o fthe north AlmtghtY vith the rul#râhip of f11. vorld, but H'. ging ta rate IL." sem *o"$n Junu 28 Voiva stated that he did not oxpect s Thie »»« soes sjune 28 uith op-ta returu ta Lafayette as there ver. ea fie teounlau eveoliand aym- no man>'cities ln the. Tntted States piony cone 1 rte tva «veninge,,bc.thaf h.ho a.neyer tuoched. He an. S aides Thuru>, FrIdai, Saturda>' Sud iiouflCêi iat Re,. Thos. Nelson, Joiete Stand>' sftaraoffl. Thé lateat sud of IndiJaalis_ and a nauthor of o Most mod«nem wrs iilho givon by maDY noted bocks, vould speak neit artisfte tg the Metrapolitan com. Sunday ln the Arc Theatre. Eder PMY* 1 uy Neat witt romain ln the. city n- Thui-sday affOrnoons %Ill be chitd- deflnitoly. ren's daTe. vhen ail chtldren under A semi-chorus fram the. Zion City 14 vil ho admifted free. The Frtdy choir furniphed the. musie. afternonn concert lis taebeomiaie a Spa- Great Laboes and the oldierà at Fort NOU LuliR STEP Shtan. Liaif o febujnef tJl Pan r eiu, an. made tarepeat the UNTILfNE WCARS vork for mon tg untfarmn that the Ravinia club uaiei-took lest yoar. The. progran 'fi bevaried by ath- A1 ONTRnEROAm> jette events aud.vaudeviile, vhite a cnensupper wvibi served lfite N thStlü,e Electric Replies ln evening. The. li*i-oOnis >WITT 0fOP-Nie Fbrm-Letter ta the Re- served4eatsesctioanviii b. ietd for quest of Club. fhora. LaSt yogr tiousanda of sot- diers aid salai-n vere entert&l-iie ARE COURTEOUS BUT FIRM. Ravtnia, thea.s fternoofla and eveu- tunga contributilig muchfo the morale Voungotown, 0., May 13,Img b et the. army and n&V'>' tetioa5One onu otilmeui ugguutsd thet a ruse- lution bc p~ue te ohange the S..- vallinq tylu, In wom no'si, th t XÀISE IsNy. tgOt>'oouaoit last nllt flnaýly dided teo chnge the hight of the stop, on.f WITfl the lot>' operat.d Struet cars te mmli.t tcavling usier fer voarers of blght I'W t aidtoe g Wtbgapei! ~ ~~S T W The ebove Item of Columbus,. 0h10 Who reun itbat reeeal> the Waute- Overseer of Zion ltan s 1lnAana uln womauls club usuel yi-ewfl Meeting PÏotIflSWold pvuhoieh n Events af ttu FUture o asw the.mattus.orf ioertu the . - teN 02onthe. strf CaMsoperating In KISER IS AN IMITATOR wmmeeeng c Accordifig ta Vos, *.thera* là R theWomaum Club lMra.Goutu>' rund greaf vworid-vide rvoiutlon mpend- e leffor reeel dûtro elb.eleetrbe tng. The mags of the people Bec one Raliroala ohlh té fie opany «.e thlng and ane tinig oui>'.hi. nid. plains tiat It voeld ho tmpoouubl The>', eem fe thirik t1iftt ho League fer fbem ta lover the te*Pa cm the. of Nations nov formuin viii do aveWaY e aa itteyaeno aa viiiaitvarsandv. vii ave ar-on1the. lnes. If furtier oxplas tàaf withallwar an -0 M hve ar.the construction of the. cars, Uhi petufll peace. H-e ciieacteriued tis ~trucks, etc. la of *ucb a .ciiaracter as merel>' a piPe dream. The VOrid the stepe couldn'f poWsbi>' bce 1 wiii ciy- peace and safet>" and thon Brod. --- -I enu ,.»On Hlovever the. ltter aiso oidtitt le bi le Ic il la, Li ad boy m have prmant, r papsi-, "~n the ILL. If a tt l]onf. If 119f, thwood tist Church Sundy Night milgovwet va fi f11 Intantr>' nd d if ortShridn. ilfi.pi Col. Smith IS THE SPEAKEI ,, um have boon fransferrel ,ifier t [ort RIle> or àPort Leavenvorti. Wanbegan, Mu i bhat leave. In fie geservation ouly Waukegan Yanks wia are bb* l. wounded moldiei.. et the Os~pItal. &cmom verqes, vfeethe.gueuta W The. vord spread tat. vith te hnor at a mflltary program boll aving ofthfe motdlers, fie fart DoBna'nib ttePl-tEpl onger voul otlammif>' as a gavern- ment reservatioji. A lozea huai- oiurch. A large number of Waal». Ram mon lna Highvood (vwici ef 5511'5 refurned soldiers,, aIl l n m- racest Fort uiiertlan) immediafeif foi-m. set tn a section af tic chai-e ignified fiat if Port Sheridan la vici haut been reserved for Ilium. î no longer a govennuent re9ffvafion Lt. Col. A. V. Smith vas the. pria- L.>' voutd start 5510011*, Ben il cipal speaker of tie evening vile iii, i Vere pvetfy Cloe. Mesrs. Jesse Brov, Warren Siver ifighvood neyer vas ,otd dry. and Wa> Star-, ail returned mens- vas ade ry >' fderI rulaibers-cf tte faeous 149fi, also apoke. pffly. h. folloving program vas given: DESPITI lu BSENCE MOT. îd Mt Brnc 0F SO DIER fljjft~ Mai-ch 1mat slgnod place. WOOD -STAYS DRY Athqi-or. Addrenq i of we ee-C W. DiveS. Offertor>' fOrgau, aiano and viotta> Highvool. adjloining Tort Sheridan Addresa-Mr. Jesse Brown. reservatian, tis ta rentein dry. Dis- Munie-Drum Corpus. - it Attorney Clyne, asiel ta rut., Addre..-Mr. Warren Siker. folowlth~fe removal of the. lest de- Adrese-.7.r. Ward 4Sta-, acbiment of troopu, docided lilo. Vocal molo-M"r. A. P. Beaglie@. rood l t .a lvmOve MlemiUUta->'AdIns-Col. A. V. Simui. Vocal duet-Kennefi Allen »4 sone and the fort s111. la a militai'-rT01Sve Ps. If lab ool rocenft>' votel et B ai coi. A eld if; vas planifed -ta re«t@bUIab Orgenposflude- saloons lntahfisal4waY Point be- "Get 'acquatated Houi-"a ta ehc voequ Righimal Puand aLake Tor- perloraie tm' rasn1 late est. Drum corps viiiftminé umê R.edtngm by Mli ra rP. __________ Memburs of G. A. PL anl W. * .- YOUT1I ISKILLED muao of Veterans. andail petriMO 9 UNI~R WIITheS <>jrca was very prettllY W. ' cors tel forf t ocasion. The nAi IjyJ thee anmd Drum Corps, vasmm PASSENiU R AIN ti-n-ietctever>' Biéu M fie prograu v«s veli reoeivel. Lester Ketter, Aged 16, Steps -Th. Addruse tram Bebind Freight Train ois rmtmthial :: J Inta Path of Engine. as regards fie 149th mal d WAS ON HIS WAY TO WORK %to asoare entited o u _________ dtfor fie viaatng of bi.~ ibt Waetegan. '4ayI1a. Itle division leth fe eni>'MOrne0 Jstar lKetter. agol 16, soni 0f Mi-. vilci iehad actual baoviedga. au Mi-. Huilard Ketteof ut19 North lNe started viti fie foimaU tInp Buttrtck streel, - vas fetal>' Injurel thedivion et Campii istoUM Of vile on fie va>' ta woi-k et fth. te tps&i-os tbecan. tessume GrelsPfieger tanner>' fils moruis et 7:45 o'ciacc viien h. vwu strack vibi the baies cf etu" Th5uW. b>' a soutfi 4ouad aeenger triaionfiehe»ond baffle or the lias., St the Nortivuefer. TheytIctPI W" v Ms IStea"I fie Argone" o~ ruSied fatiitheJane licÂliter hosp- ld ai100,fOf l[e sa*Ig u1al bau 'tai vi ho p&Mel au>'t 8:30 f Gqeb.ille. va n mi m '- am.ý le bad sufferel e »Imev9t0211 datlent on the part et *afie n. frýacture aa e opound 'frecture a mofsodarle ueo the. loft aim. . 'b.i bo ho>'bair1dd.nis bly,94' about Vue nMal ilustratet* a to «Jeiteeavenue snd vaifed - o n igmOfit f the A*orle5ti. fie veut -.e"le ftiitrau-a tffle a cave sesrbalm 632110W le. freshiata mnvue".TIMM plt« ner s.ta ~ dicari: ea mi , . IV ka biopols bho startto f0wp' i w0»0» fa the tbmmids~,~ meri t t »on e efootiàth 'ie wmkum .bM s tme fiat bau baa klt for teassy011- 8%» eMM a ln'fmi"pes pOe.T» or. tbree ou. tee..'>'bal* 'Ê en stu, emle es momanel blu. The DOW of ethfe poSatx ing iil troln, oU a m4 li lrovned Uic eouad ot the approosi- i~.sU t» tas possugu frain trou tfi. nO b* b«Ot 0onspli t be «M". bP sul fie lad vas burlel to ocee aide patd tbeu. .-. alucefbatore be realiesd bis danser. - Jouie Broya f o f mar e W M&t omngeoas bal a iemarkbbt>'pei-moFaiexperienom al*h nmg@@ closU el oe el « otsbit. umon ret tas. We a me. ta Thi.e nginee rohi-ut is train t berfaue12 W am a stop &Bd beaul If hfe point OhoSilley vue Ere u - m.st B- viere thé vttlmle'. ThIiinlureutA-Ili> IOf01mrett* u 7ou*0 va picked up fendart>' mmd tuatuPOrD 0 si1 elariuffl- Wv rplacedlta the. baggaee«cr. ioltalc- ak- S51?conluel remafua largolyz te on f0 Madisoni street -bers an eabu- fie ai-nY Of ocupation tu Gas.u ,- lance iad boon suminoned. Hie vas teibtg iow fie Amneens voèe taet. Srushod ta lie icepital viere i. vas eda et he nde aifi.heHune. geossU ,affeudel b>' Dr. Gevun. surgeon foi- iefh t aept betve.n clamas beta. fite ratiroal Company'. Thini juri-. for the finit titne ville ta ses.wiP v ere cf aucii a sertons neture. hOw- affer i. sot tntoiusa>'&n. Ne VU qover. tbnt fie vlctim succéunbu. rte itr oee.t i tl R.The. rmaIns ver. removed f0 the trardbiterhevorn.tau fIU .Wite and Tobin undertaking ronsulviIf1 ems iwiere fie Inqu#'st proabbl>' vttl bi' Diver GONOs Tailk botI tonigit Att>'. c. w. l)ver gave tue Um ,, Lester lCefter va. b ci- n la li a- et urvolc an Hs a ot Be f i ýke. Jul>' 9, 1902 but came fu WaiturnlTnshlno h-ê-~ *kegan vith big parents about tvo fi-ontheebig deomtram lu ad it * yers go.He hd ben mploed býieerty hanîclaspe, fie eat the' tnnéi-y snce laqt December. asbt~sinocJa ut estdea bis parents i. le suived by n> eo Tn t"ja A foui- brothera and rie sisfers. . orneyi.'are fit hbt *h ~>~i, 1lhem buit asbed fief hie>'&Urtt GEORfiESTREED a ,cersiglift oalums>' ~IEUfUL 3flL1wU o shovw110v deept>' vea ARRVE OMEtielr splendid Rets and b»o8111u11 lm ry-Mi-. Diver adresed part ne ifs Weu~gan Ma 15 i-rnai-lts ta, fie otiiors. saylag Bt 2 Ward Star- and eGorgo Streed are ti> aemd re arlca i bac kiione after averseuserosvice. ,ànmtbiat fere vore soin e mta, 00 ltair was vith fie headquatrter9 pi-osent viosee bo" have Baf lo, »- a of tie 67th Fiteld Arfllery IsisdAturned--oie voe R boys lnoeué~ he lia vas discbarged et Camp Cirant refu-n. Ho sali!fiat the. m"U Wedne8da>' morntng and sot home the vulent jodd achlovel b>' lu,. fie evening. Hoe t e ume ils yoang mn Rvill remain ta the Mu ce aid place af the v-ewOk or cfWomkegmapuople 88 long «t*01 Stugil as vth ie 2111Iiiaio. enuuis.1 165t infnt->, li vasdisc'nge