CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 May 1919, p. 4

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t >qrty ille t 4~!pfl n~ASSAIL VOLIVA .B INRON f ~Oc ~4P W SUhOflWkl~ S518 SEMOI)SESSION no CONFURENCI3 111 ___________________________Il.._____ : luoldlllatýerChcag. MayITI POPEe INM POP R.OME4 001151PqIbICOlctÇnhe Village of Lbrtvvillo. WurGenVoilva, genea vr .,cl4 bl ie~ kSfor LàkIe tmin,,ee'd ef Sogevl*oW 'Proedlqp of ZioR and iiead vini be yr& as it ve? i UIUd81. Ad ver t'4!iàg 'atm Made Known on Appliclationl.oti under *tâte lawa for o9.rat- JOin Aident FDId of Rome, Mre SUSSORIPTION PRICi, 4160 MER YzAR STPTICTLY IN AVANCF ag & Confidenice ganie for violation SUb8t4IIO of Vtican RePly f w. J SMll~...............-of heeth Mschool laws. vau Oý- to- U*S._PrQIaieS. %V. J. 8PAITH ~~~~.................... ... ....................................... 9ditor prOOsOdthis mornig ty aev.ral vit- IF0. sMAITM ...................... .. ............................................. Iam fliiuUO cale1 t iith ea aaUeRome, May I16Tbe Right W# M. CH. OADT .............................. .............Local Maoeqer le,.usauton colnmlt which la tu- Rev. Ceswl. P. Anderson, 111110» of WA IIIrDS lino the. diacharo0f OVUTClÏvMPdug; t tjieRil ev. Doyd Vin- ruSpODuI1U1ffl totu ote ». 1 on et. bglo, ofsouthern cla tbe MW* >thmbrtoua. Ulula, Reglnsld Rober Wofle of the k Ir. IL Welto4ma om rmember o 0fl ... ofmi du l mW.. 005 the City Conil 0f zion ald tule Psaythe i' ii ev. S. Ta"N4 Rogers mnrahi: of, las Galb0 . ad the 1«. Um- « -1 oe .b. o uuwhy ho shol Usef1.P«Mraof o! Dite, Col., la vu 4110i gSetI île Mr ti bg the& M Safflt Bgre.lnthe. ProtuaM - otf nsobe vldou S" ommlam .of pbeowors oe.Inuthe Uni4d .4 tmrm«.nai. a lpou«,'.the. The>. Utfle e, USreqbdby PoieBsme. omt, le nti. svm oneof ce . but dmeS**W. plu à IT flE WEAK WI'tt 'f$u1 tht tie S u Uf the POUS EsilStold th*lie lingov Th. foling"M 'Lr that tii allas uide a" Ob i- ,ta hi.ob b" mo-~ fV 0Vlml t"t uso o u .seeaiù7 1101,II h« bbu &~m wumgowu 4a sVersion -m ore u Ibmi e auré t*b bu rt mm *0 "P e uaf eoplO w - uat>1te bis w».'" lan the s w orio.fereoeWb 1%é teconduct of thé i. mdlagatl Md t*s9ge- *eaiy th Amenaok Mderas u S. that as uof à oeso? ivma tttude ausmd by tieGlarmnPoil* o -*0 IU5t 201 ~mede t eer 5 ia f hitbsa Arni S wudped habM'ot ofdef»06 d abo. cam f .th ehob. cm s 0fe 1 WSBSbie than tiiat thon abould ~ymjtjcevas lgne b beiiOui.of dfiaae su ab>vitaeme. buoogt t;:U*meting 1(9but one fold and ore siieperd.- lui. ÉI)WUNtwl u- a C0Pt I t - U er moraina l*OjUlMOS Drp-"ld Y H. fled 11.1 tbe teachlflg andde Od. Thie evelatioml thaf omie out of Germauy lu "t M er o for distribtion amongthe mezn- lroIe o f lb. Cathollec dei ICI ro. mp.o'em>haZOmotf orc.tnfly tbat anyb@dy.or aathilie m r !the.Zion tîdrehch auis-ore udftg uifiy or the visible churcli tutmut lucomat uetsetie atlàioflossud for asSied bis businol boer tbut V »Uh vR Rown to lnverr one, snd ý,à4a to v'bfcb li tii.more poiweifuI; 'uén that te doue thon peae otei! eaiet-,ti lrlS1 eh o lerticoate cotiu psossu nt uti ton Fo ietulCyo bveoversoews ampwe. fer the CatiifloChmioi1 srliae coMM pefl andBot nti'thn. or ictue 7là &Vè lnUW Me 111.booklet, -Cla ,"Citi theproposaitconferonce. tom mm optilmefiWy rliSdt<>Ï &Moud sud Sàout." Mra. Amnd oaid: Aller t»h. vIei o the Vatican,. the 001 u.U oTihe1th vanquiele dog er molta the ot.her -Ton rose ligher and higiier In Ymir dePetitIon Mm.0.4 ibs note: w doggaidyu thle of m e ia W ùfl iisu o- y or kaser, c».uhy dvoatng the Bomma.OsIollo Chai-ciivin ast bo zepeatody untlloie of tem bas etiod o!r mrhi». Who,"yoo got " MWel1 ý111»W "Mi lasr. «« e i.otiier. Thon therse 74 Ion longe hum tep emsdaoiirty7. ela1'00. » iîstantalWailtihe rutIth toma bMcUse ohi l flà n ta smetii.T&MMB8 Y àb * j, orderiag 55eU la 0of Chrbuadnim bu pr-> o - 'de quisod o s lUnthe ansdb eSI,tbii comba t U>I mte&lrhomes omm give the. oert. lui. repsratlone for the wuasBot fonght to fh mf7a Md ber lnbs-usy k ~ on Paid tImsar-, «««CereoevIl »roceed. and thé MC itautanareot yedy 10 oo e0 ro. f MeaedPeople. topvss lks ot0ft* ri epttaWIi olif t var tu 10_____*m_ Iubythlroetansd tafos ef varwonsual i lvitai an r soiie 0 Tbere are-more wmys thaon o.wher e istoo « Pthbm e0U5maflnswhib h" uot kln~5~> bld.Ceted Thom," IShe Baya. Yet been reoeil." I -91 booM Îlu agatilptoflof .Iiy l t7 .1>011,brbo cm-You calle4 for iuventmeith ie « o màs é. sa bcoaProuigmi.t 'v<> wusevoral Institutionsi tollIp of their *%# ad d'Wedm.uday suMd MilIB Ï»40 .f1appear great profita' uhentii etrtila tbev OnLY W»E4A ý-,a d b boom.murdéWe. And nov lt's decided bv-tue cor-.,nvr earned R cent. Whoui YDUbl? v i rv adi oisfor thom, va 1 o o il" JurytaItâte vomaildied from alcôhollsm sdilYtenh veyva X b~~TO À IlA wio'sa ber ia~bad M im1&ted a large lup- -h.Pooret of Iuiier, conent -UI=1nà sà0p&à oftlbé&dyffpli.L hO 1110-vorkmsaciuland enatee-aia of vri BRIDEJIN FR lb:.*o Nauest uau 151u1oU 1dm retaru to u Ui- ue, Ma UtnP, b. fmm1d ti* MuPPIY of booms .exhsatsdIL. .It IsAnolDEthe. paperp lutroduceil %» Bo far am luovu Leo Miltlmore. ce ~,s loesoouuued l urhg er s o es-h ibite wutheTheoSI < 61! X«Il 5mm of Mr. sud Mni.R. 1U.Miltimor. as ln which Voliva m»Ale a vitrolic at- e t uW ood la the only Weàuke- un.ui BoEingug seid to t lu,%* sioiuit of wb147,tack on the vitueii w PealSWiO51>e-d fIU boY ,ho, 'hite ln ovensesa s ="rov ee"d her h.svy drluklng cs'ud suerehem- tgin. hlm la th ue opei-iE eioD vice ln Fra.ce took . French girl for v, ~*bg.from vblch ah. d.. XO# L-flOIL% tStock up of the.investigation a veek ago. '- bls bride aud lin. sanfoi alan cnown a li,0,i o o eaie uIywdikA. WIRî Cai Bank Cashier 10 lm b o ltse only WauioM uboy i lt, ornfuchnm or ui bn tUkn t aw drInkflC* w. j. Bull, treaeurei- o!fZMonl and 1fetIlinfg home from vFmncé, ubo vin - WV làmuc mor reâh tàn oidn, i %U t o c ailer of the. Voiva bauk aso, vas briug biis bride bac tla Wakegan to te b. called today. lHe la îald la b. eaide I the. overaeer'u chiet bualneag advleoi It develops that Moitmm w ho bas l Anther Noftheutern engneer ln Waukegan ha sud to iknow more about the. flumuclaf beau chie! cook iu the oafcera' mes, n boom. caled ta bMs r.vad-aud ho vent theosazne route go tranisetione tthe latter has engaed Company 103 of the. lInro glmeflt,) lagn ofthe m wo hadlethe hrotle earafte ye Intitan any otiier person except VoIý vas married about six montha ago tu V maayof iiemu ho ande le trotie earallr y a hîmielf. a Young Frencht voman vbos tiai fally Iravel Re vas the victimi of a stroke. Ttl sooma f. J. niuraton, auperlntendent 01 namo la Clemantino -btntlocal Tela- b tab. diactenlstic of the profession t.hAt lhe, men vho the. echoole of iZ<n. la aueo lu today'v tives forgJt her It alte wiich wu' follovIl long arenibJect ta strokes. Il soome ta b. con- catalogue of vltnesee. Thilaftoii villi rosi reitciiW41 #"alt jarluflg sudstuaun 1,t*r systeM n e.cji affects b. called on to expli the -1echOOl laconnection vith the, .'mrriage 0 tâteni Very 1ev escape lu the long run-and tue longer manageznent'p attitude.towal'd vaccin- uhulhlvas celebrated six montlu qo1 ain and also tb give lbe fadea about îî deveîoDs titat sWlter Retenwalda UW.r runnln,le e the sY are ta be affeeted in lis certain teacinga lln th, ¶CioOlg. alo!Wueg Snm~r o, whon youtbu of the engineer getting good Taught Earth la Flat, Charge. i o Wms intte crowd o!f1M thq t, pal'for hie von, Just stop aud thik that he's- being «UN- Tii. legalators have beau Informed'lefI ot 2 years a"o tood_ o, 1>IEA~,forbislin cfvor leof chracer hatcanthat the chlldren o! Zion aresiii5t-uc wlti Mltimore, acting as bis best forbb insofWoria f aChMte tht Cu-ted titat th.eaeutii le liat. Wlat dI is. uot 1. avoided so long au lh. rmuean enee. Mn poition le Made ln iutor 0of Chis.I n connection of the tallua of a topiier Columbus i.aflotkucwn. , renh bride by the. Waukegan Young I Uf tu" adrbg AusJtr'aLe aviator ha" Made good if The meetings of the legisiative cowMua It la lterestins to mnou boy cros-se mgit nde sui folih cndiion, te mlte ar c,%Ml. Volva hbu ropeat Miltimore's 'relatives bave kept lu * Vorld vould bave uaid: Wasu't -tuaI Wouderffual? Ho o dîy turned hlis wrath on-mmeiO oc iihmsd u U ic ButWlt fatl tlUi3Stiui tatement that h. would not auppear danlm Ut' overybody MSy 10 U1O&t d-bfri. MaIiiw~Yer ougitt to attend Fec etr on t.k snb st»k Uncier the -0coudillis Ého e « tted him- the session lant veek. but vas re. FrmaIîensLaterotiug »N fta b.»urrouuded vili." JLuother vords, pralseif he litpuaeau salcb n. e.muliore ub good; rIdimbl If ho falled. 8omothlmg 1k. su lu- ha@ carrled on vit%î ber bmia"ld wsa:Ifb ak aeacesdmau o, le.laain od ASSFT RUNS oazu l o tiea. h o *0*«- If o Wfb.aeacbuceand alsbosulds oebawrta UboII *hebgo..taov tu at It inaucceua or faflure 6'RCE 0f BAIS' y ~ teu nrua IEmrs. hbebau apovtng yeprt ÜL tovlbthM th dm »ltv S t do'*tIGos* 440v. -L 8, Bo 11 o « On * 4 R ua boras.0ep oà Mbd bo--à*-& w Ma UsllaIslb. g. kup~ ~t' s8teuaw et 0e i lut aabsIqqw dfe « WM Gaaba the"M - b o"ik « nSe es ài u à.réon Obbut t e auleS*lp f*0 hi *5 iuàs i ofeea el Uoe § ui 04W et* te be 5050w. 9 4eS _'OF____ - s u an.tle e Sa - ~-»e.s5~î E0et VoleyTomeCf ii. .WU f ~io bve U lms 015WSV. oU Robert . tl fsaSveitënt.15:*ra~t os _______ neom A-itam 4e ie u SWfl-ou'.leI1 MkTg _____ laamy hervs>'oUI pret a -61. vui 0 or a' ~ Utle Oe tl ou EnNI ooyu luase- laf syl a U~ U u. ~. ¶s ~~tee aime. IN, REJON AT Cfi1 m. WiN KardI .Anowers the Phorie to Hou V"olce Hadn't Heard In 40 Years AS A COLLEGE CHUM. ,& teleglon.ouvoMr»tiln luWau- csm Welda>'.-eveulng: '10 tI0aMfaorii rdlerOws lau.*atusamy Bsse before1 TmTe lvat ld Wou"vocle t Ver tair' jans.Ton oocu »aev Me 'vas la tu ".ous tDojFmerd MI»,- cus 1do. Axe y«u AIi *Tua.anud my ' Basseta nov ure atm roema4 in."'- 'WeD, viietla tb. w6m arsi-oy1 «T an here toniguit laaddvea tl ,o*ai etConaremto*eg al chro an »U thora or my* trip to Perms aist My ' dwuo tewo YOeM à8o. »Il cf the trip 'tolgt-cant yo me up sud aes mer answered Mu irman vbo la doîng social welfai worIc lu the elunsa of Chicago, nel fli Hovuansd lu 1h. home vii. îe sud ber huab&Mni lved prier1 de dotu. 5W aface lbas Uvoted hb ime la vwork smoqs the poor r.q mente or thity mm'. pimaul Qsdno Idés of co mualcalm las.1 ber fon.' co011o 51um. Mbe vu d iat the W. kB. baoue asud i:«Ch. b> tl »aY, Whou Ivs oI Me e>' coll kereWà va siMwClame vWhosa ausSi it àm»emfro a aums. 'hi nu fort>'y YoumeM. Ihmave n son ber ulnce but Jut »q I lapix so 1112* of ber. fle aisodstlom a M>' -boisala >'ou r ' bavbroISS sut ber usai. Do >'ou supposa vslu he? i remombor lierso wu --lo'u tue baBdnomeat girl F001e.. Vo A lIoved ber no muet it wu auggested lIaI perla». el referred to Mis. Wfll Hardi, sud1 eordngly the ecouveTtoritio 01Pli as aliove. CHAPTER TWO mvi. Firman vas Juil about ral 1 tiitheplatfom t 10gie i addressitla hose uho lad asaembl tt the. Cougregatloual citaich. I was enroute la théeltfom. Av mlan wallced into tue churc and IM F'i-man glauced toward ber. BC boved, the>' aeemed to recognizeese MnXr. Firman aald le leniel!: "Tho lirs. Ham-de" but ahe vpnt tb platform sud maie ber talit. "1 mnev it muat b. Mr@. Flr bcoue I expeCted la me. hee tii &fier Isrlulg ta lier" sad Mia. H die ajterwands. Mys. Ffrman h( @Ver, ha& no particular nosson qàbMkl> recoguize lira. Hardie1 aIe maid oh. e ut oev It "Wu 1 014 college triend. lir& Firman gave ber tal sud il tpr fitteen minutes aite sudMn. Il die had a dread!ul good time t Ing over achol daysansd of eveutta aIad tuansmplredailces. Tné tue vomen speul s mont Ilhthful j@mo sud the .nounion tI o! s cofflwiio had not meen eo otior for tort>' years was su'lucid 0 fmor. Iluan Ordiffuy impota luoo prooot enJOyai ue@ing tue friaedi IL vat vas PerlIsps ona the u'suf"itntereatinig thinge Of kil.1 seen hors ln a long lime. MiWa 1remn aiisd«'MsaClarbe teuded Veule>' e -loegola -1873-91 187940. Thi> e r w. trooue ont year fluet s ci&a gvauluted t tbe u>'llabesteraeliooh. MWss reemm a rried Er. 71rr vlq later becsuue à,me gor cf igazdbsll d1.3 osa'la kChicI lu lied @lot.>'e*ra as._p" ceémeIos lum.maIvu t." t1 ybum adevotes ai ber tins l e mSe ouls ifV«7>'muob. 3no be bsugbtertla forts im Who .e8omiu00voit hé b"s mubr -&, .ivoubSmG l t atie teat FI a 01 WA-N> MTS1 2Camu Pl FOR SALE--Cholce rutiencelots o0 bieKînle>'Ave,.lMre. res 3- i tiave torue verx fin to-da.loboums kt prim.. o. 82,50d. $0..84,000. 1 4.700. $6,000. $7500 te8U.500. AU msodern miel>' loeoted. whilob t shah bo plsaad teashow jon st snytime, Ulula Austin. Pion, 14, ibrt b ore Pm 1sAa-Hloua.,lot sud ba tu ,e vileW Cf Wasavrtb. lanire . G. Wlitamosl.W&duwath, lL A u- bergala If tub asci.50. Viyfi W.Rdr >.50 ahigi Oa. FrJ SALE-Daond, utehss and @Isulry oi emait, 20 pur osai bus sud 10 pev'oest .s moqihi. là>YR& Yteom. Ill feth, Wanke. FOR SALÇ-43eed Corn bôth ubîte and ysflow. Nearl.y perloct germlnatlon. E. Wilhcx,- Ares, Ill. 2- e ~i 2-ear [.ADS md ae, Ieé lusetlen- t ~aage t ~5N1EER5,id45cOIO AiraIs! 0500ev. Irqàsg Payne. 2- "0 a B IU - -Cemeu -11. ls - cheapeet and hout. wludow and berarous; boue. aoving anti ehoua. risinhi. Zion Inttutions sud I dmatl.. fleuot No. 4. phonie 49 or 31 .. bou"e Moia. ZiOn tnptiinue As lndustrW. Dept 4, Zion Ifty Ii. Phone 49 ZiouECty. % 1 Utf 01 g o u te nurme. Doord, mousm , Io1ry, naltorus. bocks und exposa eirios auevmo.Roberrt us, boa- pia, SM01Waelngton BIrd.. Cbucago. IIL - 14- WANTED-Caf fie te pature se tbe Jobs Ajoahe> farc. P ics. Ç8. 202 WAt4TED-To bpy seond-bad b.d toosufoarusuR»4 u 1ilot. utuîro mf indsp.ndeut Onke..21-1 WANTED TO RENT--hnai cottae" utt large yrd. Furnlab.d or un- tuiamhd user St. Pul dopot. I. H. Dwer. 1718 Lelaul Ar., Cileago. 11. Firt National' Bank As LbortrYlDe lu me taSe ol f nols. ait Un .3b et09bunesaMay 12. 1»19 ai. a . Do& daiep dto eum.oireuiao ue au) - 140 8,b .bouda sad esUOcslf ! nftdsidneled i oOeur. V S- denoéis ...p.r..a.ue..... ......... . ....... IL lAberIm 001k8& Pet o 4 v er cotg . nP"sd ....... .50 Z. Sn smbe. e V*rb . a. bouda pisdgedin soeuM . Ideis. 0.7375. bll=unr b»V. Oabond& pledged t0 »cme oOW avi , owo uuade-------- -------- fou w* d- OUr'ont legt 855ope ysarot more ibm .Tbree.Teanflcime..... 29.11.M Dotai .o....... .. . ...i.. ... .1 o, iStocàka. o=Smbond1 le r.itaWseereo - B ».k.890k............M e.sock of riderai 0flegme Bank (50 per cent 0 etp6 ... .. i 10 extOzi ....................... ......-.. Witbimed"ras Ha-tlaiklie529 i5. ettainlu estsantd DCt mouM aduq Iromnational batiks.......... ... .iX10 le. Cce On Motherbabilt u 1" mUd t own oa. oporilai bi lM49 3) ltedemutlon fond wMUll. a. =tyeuilrmd -dm. Iem U. 0. eaurer 'ai 99 92. V. Saias, erUiftcalesa" d bIft haire. actuelly uwued. - 10.40> lis. (liber I 1lb.-rtV Li"er. ........... ... 1lt4-f Tot............................................ ........... ...... LIAISIL&TUE8. 24. capital stock paid lu . ................ ...............................a e!. Sirelu. f ud........................ b lego curenmt e.pesn. luterepi Sud o. taxe pa........ .... 3" 4 lt2e7.M . 2Aclout reor rtaxes acc.ed...........42.16 29. Amoui eerved forsIlteràt arnhed------------------------------.... 1.12.7 3f). Cruair leuttaiir .. ........................................ 1.5OS.) I 83 Net airit due baig sud baci,.1 and truat ompaoiel ........... 47, 199.97 94 Certified Checks outotaneinx.......... ........ ................ ..... .3S flecald depoio- U niiuldelpiti cuhict V, ebh ......................... ,7,W.4 36 ICdil3dUten i dep,stdue- ln letý thonu.....da........ ..j.2.10 Postal satints..... ....................... 4%. Other rite Dei".its . ....... ..............................1 .t» oeý a Wb, lIn "dee-t ',.i I -à* - *O. . ... .......... ..... 0 Subccrlberxmj'M oént. on Lberty Loan Bnds........... ...... ....Lt 56. usbliles 080cr tosu 811099 8000e stated. Reserve for Dl-. 'end, and Le...' 1.18943 Total.. ....».......................................................... . 56.' 9TA*TEt) ILLINOIS. OOtNTY OF LAKE. %là 1Subcrribed and wor uo o.r!,-me ibis 2cnd 1. J.B.Gridle.CmIhir. cf the above-camed1 day of IMay 1919.- stat, deo s olemuit ,swemr fiat 8the abOve 1 C eLYP.LL H. 14(l14141çN otary Public. rtimntliue 8te1th beit of Myknowledge Cret At.'t-IfN H MIILLER. tmad bief . , TAYLOR. . .ORIDL. YCsaher., WSI WALIiOND ý Drectors JOE TONIMiNWAS' CAPITALIST FOR 20, MINTES SUNDY Five Year Old Boy, Takes $100 fvom Father's Pooket and Visits Ice Cream Store. FINANCIAL CAREER SHORT. Vaukegas. May 16. Pmr the brio! ups"o f Iveut>'Mn- utes m tie oToutas sfvé*yea ou aDm 0ce'WDmTofita CfUoc u atreet. vas a rua i ptallt.'u the liffl R fmel, Dut rus m Io* weimbd-. Sum OMM" a vuao iIlde i »&« boe àemV vol" lse u o medeoai as m5 bu t « n . m no g" aa . vs iS f 0flt iueàw uai erdè Vm I - Se.-.l1 1 1 - w te uoI, «. ugi 1q~u lv.qp»oleuetOSig"ml'n ;wî4mr sud»i*0P te -' léama todw vil M s. WA aOS stw wasui Un. CZ t vOL auu la.u ce», . a-aduSà" O smYeungue" e- Tbo MS bwa me eo.btlim e.lm loi gh"s Se en& 3m s S. SoblusO viiipbm n e fournet hie bSo-lm ta10 l OS t SeW02pW0h0abSrd &B»«W 30d01 b .l-ive oulp OU b1h.SH twM, boni SeIhifflle.'. VItS besMPMisdthe li S te oue sud ow omi."ul' motwa.?'vAm ",e wmeleU. Ide., cros pasons' t,' ifsj.Eobls t» laltttes froae ta uad therolo! mou ent«Y byau I cecrean sud pop Ise wauted cauaod hlm te appropriate tIse mono>' aud vîthouit lnfoslulug auyoue o! hits purpome start04 over town. Wlat luappened to 30e atter the. policeman left lIse house le fot a matter ef record. IL&LF 0f SIIRIDAN ROM> PAVINi IS COMPLETED NOW - WIN be Up to Blanohrd School House by MIddie of Next Week.- WORK IS BEINS RUSHED. Une Maue- Ainsi>'hm0f«ea»Sea. Unisiil strpbt-en bWe, d SBleu SwIab uM eowieto ma ist la as- te- tis morpce lqgaom *~~~ev& UW ol aibso arou a m ma u a b i M vvu bave bees pu la u "*rt*etiela OSlJm&.I i At 40» u M ille rep to be tteifu h 05151 isolew OSVu, i ,0'lrn~~lo Me hgvil Sa*0lww..etuer. et '»Mi bewvesaisuMm sud un- Th@ Liba""byvfl IiPudmu.t1 th*1e ft loustsM l 1 cut>'. r: C 4 T] Di ILU~ SA si "I AN ORSi NAMI14 0F Ti VILLE Be t e.da pud Loal ubelh PlI ~Wid k mad L cou Sc 18l'! ----------- ýl- 1--

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