CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 May 1919, p. 5

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'aby owner. 21-1 1 Pa silo& - radow and ovina &0~ tlons and 1. 4, phone 99-tf ralsging aniA tilutlrne A .fil. Phone 252 bore ba. rd.. Ch.go. Çe18. 20.2*d bed tots. lUgiro. 21.1 àlaed or n- Ispot. I. B. Ubicago. lit. Loo mil.7 t., LTS Looi 1 wm0 ,34 lu.907M9 42.16 1.1W2.72 .. 47 '199.97 w.52.10 .3342 . 10949 ýfOrje me tit 22nd 4. %itary Publie. MIILLER. LL)R. A LRlOND A tilrectnna tue slravberry wanlsd caused te mon.' and yoDe of is Jo. atter Une use ta flot a runD NOW liad Sohool 1 of Next 1R USHNED. prweeedug la bar mmst le mumIee~m *b Wabua havs bom pg t .. rel& Db I dmm imettabis for iybuadt stm la Le mam?. menat fQr You, 11t»d 10-a2e0 fexibe pone t unyorl macine, t Lect~dpdini-rush boum , 20cut down yourLarm ex cam, 20ute hoLrmesyou keep, to rua d z bi mcinsyou own or Wi own, to fit you out w~ roi - orkin huapower. eb»mdh oasepiadm Md Isi gmhne expeue. reordmmdhO~~msI~O2 u, uih. themuaut dtmSm aYom sof ssaabo SCHANCK HARDWARE "SfTOP, THIEF!"9 SENIOR CLASS PLAY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Thursday, May 29- Get Your Ticket Today at DECKERS DRUG STORE Admission, 50 and 35 Cents - - - - - - - - - 1111111111161 @ . LIBERTY THIEATRE SATURDAY,miAY 24 SESSUE IIAYMCAWAini 01b ~ !Diw fous' and anÂArbuie Coiasdy SUNDAY, maY 25 G MR[D[OV" TUESDAY, EAY 27 VIVIAI4 MAJtTINi 1EHR. COBIR!11181't "A S01ofEOEMOCRRY" tfeveth lepsade ss::::z -------------I ORDINANCE NO. M9 AN ORDINANCE APPOIETINO AND NAIING TKE MENDERS 0F, TEE BOARD Of LOCAL IMPRO YEN N 0F Talc dILLàtI OrLIDEIT* VILLE, LAKE C .. 1~IU Bo it orIamasibi 00 tIM4 Domql.oi tZuaa.e04o leo off M.b1 I~SbeLai mn~, se,04 ehodemme whh lb Ce offMMlai «* ehun em md PrVlied1 UBb. ag»bmmbm off mul * OrW0 lesl uma or ti YMiIi 'eWMB hgApe 8%19e0, L.E "ait» ces*off ltomeoleeli .r'-M Md ow i sb7v emasmd em sk*miab D omutoff 14" IMUàOUe.Mh 0of mul VOlage 0 Ulbsetplor tie puions mmlolpe @«. . Tii.oidalmmjib. ladtle fmmmd er 55 paqopwMd publom- Unme ruiuird tg lmv. JAr B. 1o03". PrWadnt. -Attst-J. A. TEuw'TOwVa ilflgeCirk. Pmeuil 5~ , 1919. Apprme, 'y ,x19 Publiael. M.19622, 1919. High School Notes Qunita Gotti, Editor The track nieet which was to bave been beid .ith eepline@ Wedneeday was pootpabed bease 0f lhe lnleeient weather. The lecture on the" Leagueof Nation,," by J. Duncan Clarke, Mouday ight was wm weattended. The time met for final pzamlnations bas boom cbanged t0 J une 2 and 3. Mr. Wright acting preoldent of Lake Foresî colloge, wfi l aik ta the @tudentà of tbe diferent courme âjfered at the coilege. Mr. Wright Io tb delver the commencemenb addre@q. Mrr. Ray bas Invited tleie îelrned soliere of Libertyville, to vlift L. T. H. 8. on Tbnreday msud speak to the atudonte. Thia le indeed a very fine @top taies by Mr. "ey, and the studente are l obina forward very anzlou@ly expect. log to, hem,' of the many and different axporlems of Our bos. Ni Wedneeday Mr. fierwood off Laké Villt, wil douve,' an addrmeeon .*Keepfmg Fit" The physical tr'aining ciasseeave been 1 euovl o og hi k.. durlog the ice vesther. Don't tIorgelthe senior play Mtiy29 youil regret 1t. Il you don't Ra" yros bought jour Annual?M 1 The mmolarete sermon vhh ia tu b. aiL. T. R. S. Jume 1, vil b. la charge off Dr. Morganof tho Preebi- toi"ea hurui. Tii sophomom vilcive a pluieoai Dimoal Labo, Frflmy, KMey U, fan leie Fruemmu. Joua St thlb Jamuon fi love oui §grr lb 'Semionst aiDimond Av" yuerl W.1.b.igipm&jth esms"Juibooa .;aà »otetUS aum&mbe.B . ps'P gmimmMd eagarenp vitthês bM msouity. [0 b 1 'a - 1 besté MSe abAdi « *@belordm" ph,'vw"chMhtu b. ~ee6 Ib ouai hWh mimai ona0ra, sut tlb4 ltmds.out àtfl bànk.i hoe b~ ow sdutlmmpr rugi- iMs., at &8.6»Woeh VIbw"mfter. »Oos, auIvest te1hm rein.lusMmd Mmra. Frveil. vitiwvbsh. bMa%>n tad to hb. bu"ela-Labo Nlcset, hal sugartel enlier ,*dan, mes ho Md kwt mnm uotmt vità the bobs. Wbuýen svent tu Majin hlm, a fésv mommsaft mterhi errirmiAt the hot& 2e fouw Ihi. duOud Iron b et oheiu avrtmont. Fbyitcaaa truosl bth te mant- ffoi.thfle iung., IJBRRTYVILLE rzL ENUW',- THKUSDAr, MAY 22,1919. PAGEC Libet ___l.eNew S!e j If you knowlof an item o! local[Pnterest, kindly telephone Wo. 1 %r. Brt ia, of Racine, bas besit vliting ber aiter, Mirs&Docker. Born ta tMr. amd tire. Gordon Kelly off Lake Forest, on May 20, a son. Tomato. Plants, etrong and stock. Now rady. D. &D. Rerrlck, Pires und Broadway uetre. 1 Robert Glordon recentiy retnrned from ovoreem. vitsd vlb bis aliter, Mrp. UAttie, Mondai. Mr. and lMn. George LIIioff Chicmgo, vielelMr. UIi'broth.r, Robert flliiand feul, mat Tburmady. Wm..Ed rsoetly eoid a vminable tract off lmnd luAllagan. Mlcb. Thora veu* foty &crmusla the vies.. The ciamep« -Stop Ther" ie te te ginS *1 lb.hbbh eooi auditorlum saoi TbuMm evoning, May 291h. Frank Llgtbody', Jr..,marve Sndai froua overanJe ire h. had been for fourteen moathe. Ho ilanded lu Phila -sixtéeon oung folk@ were entertalmed etfa parq Monday given for, Eloanor Nevion t eth orene ubonor ofberoaixbh blrtbday. Mde Myrtie 8mai. motored toChicago Sunday and âeot the dus wltb the Preàton.famiiy retuirning ta Libertyviile Monday morong. Dr. aud Mrs. E. H. fimiti returnefi Wedueeday evenlng tram Cincinnati khore %bey vire caiisd let Thureday t'y the death off a frisait. Unr. B. A. Poorman mnd daughter, Jevli l Vitoria, offKasas Cil,', Mo., ane Vialtlng Mne. Pooruan'. father, B. W. Stafford offLae sFoet. The Ladiesaoff the a Lkeide Cornet srY wiii mut with Mr@. Byron Colby on Brelmerd Court, Friday. Mk'iy 23rd. A gond attendancé la deiirsd. Uve,' Ove hnndrod citisena attended the openIng off the Ray Furnituro & Paint Co1. Sturday aftornooa and evoing. A good program vwas provlded for thein. Mne. Robt. Liii pent last Friday iil- lng athe .Buttorfiold açbool, vhern abe recelvod ber elenentary education. Siec. ah. ttsnded scbooi thon hber cblidren and now ber grandebilden havi aito uttended. Frlday evomng the nov andi oid Bp- wortb Loagne cabinets metl Bt h home off . A. NevonmIfgr a iociai time. The eveniug vas @peut In dlacusingthe work for the coning car. Ice cream and cakie wereiserved. rend. àye-Colân@,Eili§worth, Golding, Hart, Lage. Cmrrled. Theo F. Sa appeared Meore tihe board luntse ImOSiailoff lie Lbertyvîlle baud asblng pemission ta use the north- voit room for pruetice meeting vhlch vas t beho ctd on late,'. A commit Imom Uhe womna' Cub apputerad lsoeetihe oard asbing for more roosp for lbellbrary vbicb va. tb ho Uehe op tâter. A eomultaefrenWoinan's club smiede tbmt sbe villegbord jota vlth tbemnla reql'd ta eluma.up vaek. The Président sooinaed Me ommittgs 10 set vOla eomntuities m Woasa'@ cub, Truitsei Colline, Hart and Goding. The treeureVusadcier's report for AprIl wu remd. Eoved hy Esworth secoaded by Collni that the report ho mourptal-mesremit sud piacad onOIe.& Ayme-Coljiaa. Eliaortb, loidia, Hart, Lange. Corrm Foiiowvi n are bille: Lfbertyvgb ieIdefeadenit, print. lux apeciai otief ..........*$ 6 cO John Lester. apelai poilice..... 6 0 1). @. Limberry, salary ........... 75(0 J. A. Treptow, ealrY ............ 25(0 Liertyviiie garaoce lire eaîl 6%00> Pîttlsbnrf Meler Co., nicter Pt . 16 29 AI Kilehrnan, almry .............. 7.5 0 H. W. Smith, 2 des$ punin ... (0 8. P. Eniliisar. repoira et eign.. 3 85 W. L. AttridgO. itreet wark .... 3(0 Oea. Trlg, ,t wtor .......79 5W Rl. P. Engeiberry, aetetvork... 14(0 Art Emuobma, seeot ork.151 (0 JoeEutcbftigepmn*troetsfgna 11 70 Librtyvll IMM Vite Set ine au and @&là*........................ 36(0 Mdove.o by Ellivortb aeonded hy Hart that the ý>lll. hoalioved and warrant ho drawâ on tie difleraut funda AYe- Colina, Elworh, Goidint, Hart, Lange. Cannaie. The Prosediaut appofnted tbe foifowing eonmitiaoe: Publie Building and Park-Lange. Bart, Collne e Straseé ud Aleys-Hart, Wright, Golding. %lance--Elleu'orth, Wright, Lange. fiewer and Sanltation-Wrilgit. Elle- wortb, Lange. Ligbt, oli n d ater-Goldinu, Bart, Colline. Salaries for village marchai snd super- iniewndent of water vorba vas diacuaed. kMaved hy Hart ..conded by Golding dthal the eelary for village manabel te flod at $85 per mnth for the ensing Final notices are being iesued by the er Ayes-Goldlog, Bart, Lange. couuty treaaurer toalal delinquent per- Naye-Coiline, gilevorib. anal prupert,' tay-payeri. Tue te' xmovt d by Colline secamded b,' GoidiD«g muet be paid b,' June '-et, Ater tbat, a thn a ary for auperntendent of streete coritable viii cafl ànd lev,'. Contabie I ho ixed et $85 per monlh for eueuing te@ viilb. added to the tax. . 1 year. Aye-collins, Ellsworth, Hlart, Sergt. %' Ilhur J. Attridge, ean of Mr. Golding, Lange. Carrie. sud Mirs. J. W. Attrldge, ot Rondont, arrived lu New York lait veet on the transuort lib. Vernon. Sergt. Attridge vio bas been averse.. for the past year, va, In the Rdq. Co. 132nd l., ti3rd (Prairie) Division. Tie Modemn Woodmen beid ai meeting last Thnrsday evenlng ta vote on the rate jucresse. A large crovd atbeuded. The resnité of lbe volting sbould ho lu bande ofthe bead camp b,' nert week so that the reenit. cen ho pnhiisbed. Tbe Waukegan Forreeter team gave an ex- hibition drill vhicb vas veli ezecuted. A lilgt lunch vas alo ervcd. The Lihortyvillie Chapter Eastern ftar alttnded the past matrone and past patrons night ai Grayslake Tnesay night, twenty-three, meniere froni hers alîending. Three eoldiere vho have retnmned trom oereeau vhoro given tle piattiorin honore. Visîtors tror ADtiocb and Milhnura er, aima, promsut, A good Mmne vas enloyed b,' &iland refreshmente von .oerved. 1neéeday, May' 271in vili b. ohesrved as Memozial Day by the W. C T. U. Tb@ mutl wUiiibbe ll et the boua ol si- .1».ue-àsQ ftn.zmin nane The preeldent appointed the foiiowing:l Village Marehai, D. B. Llmhorry., tSupt. oi Waler Worke-Alhert Klilci man. Village Treaurer-L. Et. Morris. Village Colletor-L. R. Morris. Mo ved iy Bart secondel b,' Collie that the appointaient@ ho contirmed. Aye-CollIns, Ellworth, Glilng, Hart, Lange. Carrled. Ordinance No. 298 entitied An Ordin- suce appointing and znaaing niembere of tie board off Local Improvments ai the village of Ilbertyv1e, vas read lloved iy Elsvorth seconded hy CalIILa Ihat Ordinance No. 298' h. pan'cd, appro-vod and pnlishid me resid. A3e- Colline, Ellvorth, Golding, Hart. Lange. Carried. Moved b,' Colline seoonded by Golding that tbe building commtto.nmbke noe'. aary changea lu th front morne on second fuor of villiage, bail 10 acommo. date the lirar,' and taitbe band te givon theoose of h. inorthv.t bioni, Ayes-Coliins, ElevorUi, Golding, Hart, Lange. Carried. J. A. Trptow, VUl le Irk. viii l'go te lb"o.etoryMal THE LAKE COUNTYFAIR V19 nmbere. Iehala of tenleere nmmers auregorffia~ n te Ob . o0Say m gieen asele Ourb,»l *le uoiuagMe -autoffthl laiUal om oir i ifior te i9lb LaICrna on tiaS day. Mmier.plumab Mhz Auocltloa fm lb1 -9soinr. sospomd viti tii .thir.iMM Te Womam'a Clabod lUbetvlilsvers - 5g mzeeborng rbAobodaiieae lie guesoff ie Norâ O Cilg Mia,, <cmeunau e big M MOslb"ll Club aS tWifr ulub rmeus -- is toe md groualstO bobo toh.e eeit mfmWBom. Tii,' veo eaouemildur. femes eibito off vaisaii5Pms ued tac, lie ahuamoouby limsCwpetog"âv.iek. 110or 20 .Mt et ve*iteu Vu ~ ~ ~ ~ N CabanuaW eb alresei busa pratusioroui 1919 Medve aamr §vi»s".Pair.l uTii tihle 1may shows@ armsS The nadag progumaedUatotaha mi," ca"gh PIS,', b, J. & DanSe. hmuuare mn'b*ug sftmvuglalé Eltahmemt@ wvote sr Md a 0 lIM %bu 5*qduuirys.. zoo vwu ejoysl b,' aIL in» olceri a au mdoury dort #ouIileto -s ies qPlb -6 von bmlemal l'ar lbviM i b trueilveas OFF ICAL COUNCII. PROCUEDINGO viiime mtrlailmg. VILLGE 0 LiSSTY ILLE Cemgid«igablo uoetgl cheala tii lagalarmeetl9gofftlb Trat.. oci theeouhg Var by vadomi eamm li ffllgeiced alMa,' 5,1919. *Premi threughet lb 00W,'. Tiru bon Prèsddat J. B. ou, Trmaie Couas, of, huaI Lebe grse a dame "es Niavorti, Holding, HartLampe; absment utal angbt ffor lb borNwqSéoff lb Wrgbt, Mlialg saII 10oorrby the Imir, vbi te k "lMtouS100. Tili Prelleat. 1viluntintalop lan.atg lb1919 iant. eetint beld AprIl 5, 1919, Fair a sunOsme. vwer, remd. Movel b,' Colins econdaIi milan danes viilbb h aet (rye. bi, Hart liaI mloutoi b. approrsd ame1jiabe, Jane 20. AUTO TURNS AS IT STRIKES NAR- ROW fiOLF ROAD Accident'in which a Number of Persans Have Close Escape Sunday Evening. The danger of the golf road juft vont of Sheridan vas iinstrated Buudmy esvoninz when an auto lu vblch s nomber 0f 'prsons ver. rid- ing, turned off Sheridan road and. becases of a\wshotln th roafi. did flot notice that the rond had uer- rovol tnd aooordfngiy vent taito the dtci. The car tonai! over snd lb vae a miracle that the occupants vere flot baily burt, posily, fatally. Ag ft vas tbey vers hruised coniderably A bg crovd gathered and the ma- chine was fiualiy rtghted, not dam- aged to ranch e,<ent. Th'e roafi nI tha' point 1q luln 43i ablipe'and ai-vays, bis been go. It ta the own Ilin rond and both ttio cltX and town ove a reàponslbillty ta repard it ln a rermanent way b.- cause. et that point. the cinders o the highwIsy darkcn the road and, . lng on a turfi, people canuot aee liat the ,'oad la narrow. Tt ougit t beh fired. Methodiat-Eplacooti. fiervîea vî111 ho h.ld mot Bunday at tb. I. SE. cobrbasfollova: nUO&Y acînol a% 10 o'ciocb. At Il o1ciocb Ibere viii h be huisma Mémorial Service lu bobaif off tbe oid soliersanmd the yonng modiera as veil. Special aud appropri- ate music ii ho arrauged; Bey. Reani viii pnac e hesermon, lu the eveunug at 8 o'rlock tbere viii bo a apecl ser- viee lu hebaîf of the Womana Home I@hslonary ioefety. Mies Nttie Snyder aio Chicagowviil inakte the addes and ail lie membereoaf the îociety are re. queeted tuatatend lina body 'Cntesfng or Deuyinq- Chrit" viii h. bbe enijeet of tie Epworti Leagmo i-mou neit funday evening at 7 o'ciock. N-rt meeek Tueday eveninir, Ma,' 27, th, Epworti. League 'vifl iold their s 'mble for thei nnth ai Mav. To thle s? lsthe elghhh grade izraitintem and th eiriblante of lhe bigh sciool lare e'eciaIiy invitet a-s will'as al riembero etd frienudei tihei.esgiie. lieo deparluirit of Spiritual work of lic Epworti [cagne wlll ield a very fin-orbnnl e.ttng on nuit NManda,' -ccmmug at tt- hmmemni Mlio Eva 1Wilîjîru 9 Ai1 bbc. ieuînero uthticcoi;flitree ai tie tret dcpartm'.ut arc urgeai to attend. Cloir reicarmal i viii i. id tifs wreb on Thurpday cvpnlnàca a$ 'cWlock. Al nelutire urged ta tLc pr'ecnt. Presbyferian. S8111day, Ma,' 25 Sunda,' chool 10 a. m. 11 awnm. Preuchieg. Tapie, -Unsung Hnroa.,."Speciai muoe. Preaehlngz 8:00 p. ni. Topic of sermun, "The Mater Workman.' Cirietin Endeavor 7:15 p. m.. ToDlc, iO0od'e4 Preons Promisee." 1 King@ 8: 54 ti1. 2 Peter 1: 1-4. Choir practice Frida,' evening, Mal 23. Ur.' Mdadican, chorister. tirs. Drand, organes.I Tien vii ho Do meeting o? the Bol HSuts sud the C'amp Flne Girls ou Fri. day, May 28. There'viii o hbee k«on gaturday.' If you wait and delay. the only certainty you - have is loua of the comfort of your own homne. j., One of the oificers of this bank si be glad ta tell you how wze have aasisted many men to buy their homes on easy paymenta and how you may do the same and save money by starting now. .W. The Firstt National Bank Libertyville, 111.I RESoU CES c0F MORE TRAN. HALA' MILLION DOLLARS j Ià The"most',important buildifg. oà the farm are thone which gieihqlu ter to live stock and implernents. At present pricea of livestocli, a good barn or other shelter may pay for itteif amost in a season or two. Wyery delay means lots of profits 'to yen. Wynot figure with us today? I Concert and Dance. I GIVEN BY THE ILIBERTYVILLE BAND il RO Saturd .1ADUL1 AT )UND LAKE OPERA HOUSE Iay Evening, May 24, 1919 Admission to Concert .TS, 50e CHILDREN OVER à. 20c Admission te Dance:- GENTLEMEN, Soc LADIES, FREE MUSIC BY A TEN.PIECE ORCI1ESTIý - - - -- - - SAVNGSON STJAPLEITM Tfieu. aricles of every-daY usfulness are paftculrly good bargains at tliis time. Beot graco f. Apron CingliamaGod grae f Bleachc Mwlin, m neu blue aMd white chocka, 0" yrd wid, a pSeac.. mt, p«er.......... .......-2 EceltqulyMreumiTbe Best grde of Light Caieo, D*nt Co~2 yards ud,mer#mer figuma in b"ac. piskJoblue on 4 t' ý p1>e rd4........... white groun, ai, pe y«4'...I12C hei-Iydswdhor Uight woeght Ual>achd MusIln, of sevewa well hnowa brande, uful for my houahokipur- iii ochow 09 1eced v pome, e ra ........I12e spe'muaaipu yad... u W.O W. CARROLL & SONS COMPANY Phono e29 a:s~:sSs5~BZSS5~ ------------ ------------- - 1

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