CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 May 1919, p. 9

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K LIBERTY VILL'E, INEI>ENb1ENT LAKECOUNY INEPENI~NTLake Couna>j Big WeekIy WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN___ lrier to TPGS 15 E ERI DAC Man ta VOL. XXVIL-NO 21. PART TWO UIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDjEN'I, MAY 22, 1919. EIGHTPGS 15 E ERt DAG Jeuin maLtD ILY(I A ~ < U J A8SIONED TO TRANSPORT DUTVYe l iiigiti TO FE LUNCY 0di D That Irving Co'ler and SrrEt ILiu7r&and men, rIaL1 from New Yarkt for 8 18 a i urunu . - D ~ i'II1N T R Mi aumena r the re, and il I As~ mu I. umA I1O belli ta brtng Tanks bockt to the or Iilli IL States Attorny Welch Annoufl' 1 UI4IYIiI R EC U N III-V>LeUied jtIn Wauk n5a. oo 1 0 W oaller A su - Th local y ung mon ave beau a s- orflfS cIII eli let he forey yeart in eSoudHv Beend lti i a sener ips onhnelfch e finelr 1111.l Ae Fie r j A. H. Smith Files Petition Say- mmmisge tAisc an ach of tffue UNflE d Grayételke girl 'who trie ta con- I ) elrdEetdPesii!I trip.vr ata utd tt pet- I1 III~U I V III mit ucide by Jumping Inta the 1a1te A. H Smith a1 Area charges thatil ane t rhadbS 210 eno I athe au t WaulCegan, and who has refused ta ewudlepeiin fthtvlaeLbryil ot Ask Iea- tpf.rvl n peqalndu ev-o taksneta cain a sbamming. w I ntd th e f~îat that vilaue , Grala Land Saione fere laevpu, lflOfl aho will be given an opportuflity ta mm eei a o h attaf aud o Lîbrtyv B id You h s epar- reserves snd veTo ,tstlaned aicLIe provol thst ISYCo msinI nerdTt h lcto el hr Senior by 7 Years. floth The.I lallyn rce ied noIc county court w hn oh le arraigned A il ý5 af thîs er., Sm l i hta theIr e hallon fe dachrgaç )Mse haing ta test be anity. Stte AtyGog W il aayflda 1ve's Younlg dresm wons hattarad froni the servieadbe pre Attornay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Aty Geames W. Field annodae (Isdth leae t <dmsee taa hth . rprn etta eto l cit Court, conteiting rather early in life for Orla F. Jarreti1an h ,ex ctd t le u Clark andt Wynn latn aiprngaptibo LibertyvillC iccording ta th, out1 shartly. ý unClr an y n Motor Truck alngthat the yung vaman h-thi eletion sd askiu< that lIh de S c> sof W aukegan Hit by Freght tled'for SanttY. slae l ece wh s tmld o bhoae uq def a critg c u t o4ay io bylp i- . y h e hatnl tb ey o t Prac ed in ete a dr a Co cei e at fof Fa ne ZO P . T rain N ear R ondout. **I loka v er m uch as If the Young oeil i b>' w a mear ed a tu o vob, e . fe at her Joh, J. a r1t s n that stAy h w e ut p c eat F in s pe of îgh oo mo an vs a ene ta a certain chargs ibs Jot tJe electl'tn as valt igaeu t dt! n j tnw Tefrt dtsed nomton h ihes US V CT MS O OS IT L xtent." hoe said. "MA ill h i llii carn'mv e ae balg hak I e > oe. voe ~ nmef n Sp. 1. 195 o n ar i nihae bhe av#e d ta trnot N e r-ne out bp e v e a verig 1~ basn cam tbactt< f roml Fr nc r,,gard)nt s y, va' u ld go ta th e b o tt ain af th e on vthe b allott ra ndw rhaet ch a g esn that t inti thefnn a l diofl 191 5 y ea u a l Ias r A nu vic T b@y aree d ehil t foro rta tionhave on a akleeahr wsmattr."lu ail as doue accordîng là proper oern Pamer, ged 2, acc.rdtnto the.f pe-B becoe ,t l e ,re la theitfo ni IactvY.ý come th a i t rai ranc ae ratrd Qeinjue fas klle andstenoters 'Ming Daila: :s talen ria:ta the mriala but lie Malte tae addittanal chargea: titton. Plop;d ta Watàkegin and we Whit nt Nw Yarkt tbf' hava takeit Stuey lif HIghvaod met bis eud wbeu au Elgin, Joliet aud Sastaru atteMpt ta commit suicide but had C'aserte, former Wai kegan danisn- raplna w c4'slftd bim. ýwltb tut C- taikIng out a minagie license here i lq onep rages miea ore discharged 'In a latter ta J. tt. SkIdmore, 120'. irienght train crasbcd juta the Clark$ abermved tae thTertnaetr echrtokaan o turn ai votes. larret! avare that hae vas 21 ycar train the n'vafatb!hveece'îrh Aau Wokgn tt's sud Wynu Constrnuction cOMuApu four ibat site would flan say' She day -«ben Caserta, througb Attoruey 2-Thal Russell vas declàrpd tq petîtin Nord1 94 odn tda'hva uth on3 ba t i t fr cane triln ara liean R mad crossng eat af lAkte Blufu rfusson gae ernessns or ook h ve ail6n ottrietiiin alr odaali aa<bulIrsautc ntllirbisestbb ae a tisen taarm baa mter of petie, nof truckt of Wauiksgan at the Telegrapb reue agv e esu o et . V. Orsi', filid a @41h for S10 offl aba'6 vts Ffand aI -t .acTuss .tr ng suicide-lu fact caunot lie 1 a aiaialut olsai> Meyer. Thtvts aee. frRsvars nid on that date. Thle petition at ibis lina ai vor ntudeinltely ria it Mr$. D. C. Coursau et Kenasha. duce tatal abut erslf. iertorey . A ýilIerandSamel ey-rpi 1)relates flint Mn.'. Jarrett Tort bier boy le net itnavn vIat will ho doue Inj The latter, frnm à corporal la rjfl b. fa~con. liart> Lund ai Waukegan w dfrane ta titeI abot hed'f at to rcgne- g A lillraindSoulfi bisv Peaple vba w<'re not bonallde huiabsnd Felt. 1l. 'et qîoayiaumu1Spascmnytlahvhea- driving the truck at the tîme. Haestrangesttitude t.whnt ledt ctertainch't.gtne Icena ionofhh s-vi loecactar af Ares sd that cerain mut Attllr Scek tieorce- xk is u e nue.Temr elî. ballbi that baer mind la affeetpll. affection". Jose'ph 1ieter ii; a broth Ilateti ballots voTe cauntet' for Rs shrBeeDvre1lnflewwnkle hl on i ly njuedor hevicim wa bougter sud Samuel Meven la tbe fathler of aeîî when tbey should have beeu de William Slaugitter oi Lakte Forest 17 VET NEVER SAIN A MOVIE FRED A ILWSMs aet.did net worit mu<'b sud twbat mcoy *ty sud obeytng ordera. If follova: lyinuea the Mvictma vas brtbt IEnDSSYGR A r.Cs clared vold. edipaaIevtdlugmbliney Abr Kgt heclrt nua ta ta Jne cAlmterhasita la *nIVEN OUT BY PARENTS At tbe samne tinie Atty. Orvis an- Thae b aihvwob>naeodiug toar tlie wbaAr de u g a g A bea nXgt thre at od ma hîaof Toulete et vas, lu rba ce mopta e the caboose af the frelght train. The 1aouaeed hoe wauld appear before Ju.i 4-hth ol aewnb lcrigt h hre aeI 4 b uarsê nCiaor.wie1w@i h optlvr othpr victima vera taiten ta tbe La' -ri-ds of %Il." Nellie tr . l- ,lice ltarry I10>1 ibis afternoon anida t ea o vtsoe divorce proceedirg ftled ep circuitcela ibsi baoy17avbt Frs optl AurUgr 5iIRycar a- girl visa la being hel; au Iliusell hadl net the total vote a.,t court bybsvt ia IaSagt il andieted hy the fiderai Mrnd sick eud so 1 vas unable ta answer Foret bspial.Issior nge. 21 lie r «Pi an a warrant ta ha' svoru ti for bh atrba ri ttnie i as whe. vas. hiEdta S ury lugirl, a Weuaa ne hehutltMy hp o tlpr Kînabail avenue. Chicago, the Most ait ole yont jati util rcc timeé as 1 aoau'i ftior and lah.e twa arteyers erra thud erud s'na jary .ufclu Inno Ch10 ensa nerteT ni oa.- eYuW11pr severely Juured. died aitheb Wanlce- bier saaily eau t>e investigated. ttssert . bIn'illradtetoMyrero n rul i as iewsO*gdt o Mann set charge. don the delay. r, <~~au hAapltai et 1 30 o'ciorla Ibis nioru- ihai bon condition% may have biat .x. Casert marid I.onsacy -e-e luw uta eon i'gatsorta berei byvr nTOor h a enh IeWt hi ovr ldide at Jing. i «~~~~Oill-thin.g t- o i th hel, Iresetit Apb>'lg ihle t lnepoig d thP court and t-bat tic"ý 143 bat- ried Apnil in, 1907 and' liveilPogethpi- apgat ifI au a ielderai witupa,, vas yu anythIug 1 can ai yaur brother. Thl ei:iuodto.Thsgr.ef çrhm pi h l an itpeare msetauI Minneapls lots cast ha' pasaedl upen by the court nutil December l.-, 1911). taien ta the City' by abertif iNrep andi wbîe 1 did uo.t ltnov hlm very 'weil - IIÇADOIt 1NGER. aget' 31, Chica-1 grysae t (ailu ber are. n- 'veet aller the marriage and returu-nn thce esiudlg v oAut arLEAin FOR IIMES3 ed tfld berê t he tad boy e pay lut af bis daya n be e a ven abilit>' te lng taon Wauiega lasert foundt ber nd 45Wgo bath loe sud cri n eut off- 1______ea CsrarudbrMAE LAFRHM BY n odle aoy letl owpn uiafwdasbfr ewn an- la le it chagee ' hato tie,1 Knlgbt. a negro living In bier home Tutu thle Ib. Cul s on band; ie et bIcMAlipterha-ac'T-i fo, sf ae ta have eau b at aie living vîîb bier relatives. Iae chang- aeo e. a 6 99 oonClmiAaaa a u placukgn d at &Jat that she biadt been Ittd- LrdTxM> 6 99 ov ouii.Aaau.btiiî gilpatclywAtl asitfrPlTIFUL CASui IN COURT Editor Sun. dua'brl etinPu l atb our brother vas under my plII. askegfl.glàprrLal> vas ftaI't b i naped aud Inter aenved uotie thatý Dear Sir-:u b ey ha omay deberOf bis vt harea aso uasr e .B1N!!!O' (ýio J ikul 1 hsU.. ha vould sue bier relatives fon aller- A pltiful scelle vas staged ta the oya orp~rdtt Niay i bra chi fidrtd to boytho nl carg cs anil lancia vithr the"id- .O@eee uHud BIig aoff a;icathé leitep, rom (Irayalakthe b. girl vent In&itle fetos oyo or dtdMy1trec0lrntn hnbwteteemam13tuhwt h d TL1 Milwatured riglit @otofhtloeise beesme s t ae- tnbrafetos Wacatagan police 3tation Wednesday *darisci>'tsvlerId',ahrtessuttieuuth t'.vueprt.W rciv odrt q1~s -, ~ naa îacuae.ltra u1Miale ieeajCaserte, retainet' su attorney' aud aftez-uoou vben a poon> drasseil 'vO wblrh rontalus a goat article lu te. 'Pie girl vas broagit. ba% tao ffat be z-eb' ta ge, orer about 3 a. ma. ou Jri; wll ie.1 anphon <iponatrta bornre voer a mays the girl's relativee saeemed viii. man. carnylue a six veeka aId bitib baîf ai the soldies vha lied ta astZ kegan lu the eveniinr and' novir a '- tia àiaormt 0f the Stb. 'Ite lump JA.MEIC WAHL, Lakte Forest; min-"aoaedcdt artr an for a matre a sattiement. A fev I lier arma., entered sud made luý an this ide.iubadpdagit ol'5tilIa ievs9aclc .i.str or Injuri as, 1 iafit. H er eception la sait' ta have l days ego hoe ven t ta the office af , quir >' f r relatives vho ehe a it' live t' I a jtu ur b r o k t a ve hl vb e abs i l ,a n eade'il ta af a0 V U'r g -liraoc ai a ia . m .W at'- .OSEPI>î V ICON O , Chicag a. m in r heen a yting but cordial and e Attorney' J. A. M iller, hoe saa>s. a d ' bore. S e satTe a n v s lr . d dt lta e t r b r lîcit 'th ua ut veIt e s h a b a lu. bi d as a à b an e fr f o e h .*W d Injuries; taiten ta L.ake Feret bas vsmd afei acagd ht whlli e vas there the attorney' Cal- Josie Kraner and' t-bat -ber haine viadn etashl c the vans 'us inxe eure ni th ir anIbt reiul'ntuteyu pliai.ITA shp 001 nevelcame there. au d the assistent chiai oi police. Mil.ý In Racine. sto) nd Ie-t arer inte t u,%o by Th t-e einct ofat he girlmt Irot hader i uti Intu' houva liFÀNAR) CPMIT Cicao; ad awegilten camped tea le 9aid t-a have tald the >eTics- ut se.emed tisat abe bat been ieft sud t. odsbere ha eptal ouos neer@so h theo fe mha i,,a(tict srtataed In bs drut ane trh ta Minccagr inut's ae tee Latkr Forneist offtb uoth man that hie vas airait' that Caserta d-sttcste whc'n tier bouchant' auuotb, t-be Mi slarerg bat' ealI t-on ld bas She vesramin ctrsaiod in tho.utl tr ea'msae <-ontln t-be ance utio injre; atntaLie oet uier tatae t-ho laite la an effort ta rani- wouîd do hlm bodil>' barin. To Ca- cd ta thbe Plut barely tva monîbt u's ' the NIvsut tbesn Borrtbea au Alaama s ud b le lu tboý grt ie part ly. e8g o hahe advance u 0 Chicagoiapiai mit suicide. That she vas nat sur- serta lie ta alegot' t-o have made t-be aga. She dit' noa knov vbat ta do uy sre ihr nNrhýi lbm n ie ntegptwd at.W alaine bu 0 Chacago ~~~~F'ITZÇtItRA.LD, Laie! essfutl 'vas dut. entirely ta Ibat fart alatmetta-tbpacmavatastlabrdlmaaelne'tbecap i"sult'tpeiath.vodapee'ta$emrebnys.udaeudrhaymcie Fores dt:Rf~ min-er Inrais" taor tatrsa seakic cihen mare thepn> niicma wstanInle inia&e UndtlercP hd-fduytpromhtwrdapae tfie moe-atàn liad a nt long machie Forest mn ijutnifi tte t- t .at-hat a sailor tramn t-be naval station place hlm onder anrest tva cousins, Mike liorval and' Charles Woe 'tn fr ovtrl' t-bse more absn ofystheo agret'd ta i and artar vas n ttlng beo, Fool aaîtlbaped inmb t-be -watr sud re.arcuM' Caserta's attoney nov changes Harris. 1 ai , i n t-'- l te Bordern ad- clapes vh,,oh ayiel e tatety ar A rne as sitat-et' WILLIAMt LARKIN, ChIcaga: min- er. tbat this 'a-as a cannar acore Th oic udeimttese lb.' va.s ou ing. lu-r dae' ho u l aksdbdjs-aotrah or inures laiton. The Laitee Forai hou-e t h p ih i ,P tY bad unr o t or Ijures;talin t lÀLke oret bl. Efforts, ta g"t th, girl lu) talle" a& 'a.serîa aut' gel hlm ta aigui a re- postaffice sud iu ever' atbon vay 1205- wuf on3 t'- u',,r duri he b le vboad u!jst aot ece lta l F A T the lime ver.' ustc'a Iut tl Jesse on bis alienatian ai affectian ,tlule bt vi-re ucuable ta finat' su f bas 6 11P it k(m o f 2 MAIDS '0 $MI4NE 8140E8 Y u roter vben hé vas killat. Ail Injurifs; taken la Laite Forest ba- v. bu'lievcd ah.' vasait'ell Q5tCy -proceetlie acceptîng a getlrtint ai trace af the Io nmen saugbt. bails over e - iff "- for' 1anor 20lb'> 4truah «Tud blacln g zSttra sut m easagonnes bl u ctin pctat Tor pitlI. thiug aflenvard. She baa failet' houw $25. It hre bth i' a vn "re ot uetbylvt acu es alun. T an une tb'v> he e4r sot' bier pc%Ùlar actions have rcleth$2.Ciiaga. Texas stams uioete' Ia h înhoaimeomat apbrte s >scdrd dv u The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n mense proise tt 4ltiu aie il lh Btti s' hcg-hs1 a. a raille thé $4.0100 fout' heiu'Z soîtebt eravilet ont ta get hlm and te men' nuinaisstina even 're i hekgi, man intesaine cb>' the Y. W. C. A. ai IAite Ferest ta sage. lHe bat' socuret' t-ha message en Injuries; taiten ta Laite Forest bas- their that-fin aile Is denucait'. Sucfuit- estoa rcil -elea, utb tto e he venil hu e lit :i ruwn arevo piRAl. III.SN Chcg;mn1i r osn oe r tat carry on thbe m'tiglying of monde for aud vas' atrtlng -bacit vbeu a big 1JARBSlu-ISA, -bcaa;"dt-court. acrarding ta tets attaruca' fi ve mlles train bere." thrssn n.axeitar1vi onds*o andt alerin sr d ei raboio Mad m. anHe jld uat p roo or Injuries; laiton ta Laite F"orest Weirh. SUCCESSOR TO PROF. HALIE The mnt forlorun ai of 10 onre lativ e rexe vou ual etieq la e oLat Shatirdan nd the reRth b ac a die ana aut'y prdofsg JAMS ARET, hiag: ln E nsaIt' she liait slartot' out for Chicagopea oe mvoLuvneeitt- nx t udaMi n. îhenr l 'be art but.dsm add i JAESPRRT. FOUR TIMES Prof. o. th. ctalliug'vood ai t-he poui or Injuries; taitea t-a Lakte Farest ho. ORIGINAL PRICE Pr-oaf. A.Raillnwooda' o thoaceet ansd thougisl Rhe vas thene vh9h l a i oe h w mrateTt-t a< ut' ddice onctehe Amer n b at' a brnot"Jh bor vas ual H.tA. T. Chicago:' miner In- Talc. about goand forltue! Prof. J. J. Halse>' as; insluatctr Inlaeet Wauiteau. Tours oi disap- Il ta true that t-be boss aven thare'io and r e ics. vliJ or AeIir- t aYtu geail hé bat' lan malt Jiines: laiton ta Laite Forest ho',- Ses-eral >-aans ega Thomas Iryne itstory andi Eueliasi et L.ake Foreat. aiantet we01e t ienv bier eysachs w én hog vage , soat bo aud p a- -c of -rti lueli rc tal advav aise me fu oa Pliai. n ofna Lakte Forest, a Chicago cantraclot UniseIrsiiY. il vas annuuuroa Wedues- ani'i-Whrt tenie fhntw nlt -e -bord fap ong lie vnd PRU.OA POT NO. Sors fro nt t Rai plie t-bng..I SANDRS DVIS Evaston Mi. ppîhaenc fraaed t 4ionoabout- da. Pof. luasey us-.ghtyanday.harProthf.aetioalsee>' Ivata ownrNew ortae ne-o SANDiORS AVIS. Esnsîla - -Ire -lu' ilinets. The - couasins, 'vîtbout -t-hein at-zest addne2- juat acrass the river veno thé Maxi- - -- u--uli an Injuaries; talkan ta Laite Forest bas- aine acres ai the 'voadet' tract ju-t tirenen bY ses.qs shThebv ma fci ctsat îeyvtehbét tatél amn Gran WArmyEfA tisT 37 arn lno va ofa putig thng pliai. Isauth ai Du-uo>"s roat'. vhicb used Chuarles E. Niather as athietîric im coacaih t-ei&m nîag.ebata u a>vmnue ut vgnaonAidmmbete ttt O A R.W.Il dvuvîi alo a fyes 'PON T CORTIS, Chicago; Mineron . t-I lobe t-e sah line ai' the naval st- aise 'as nnunet. tm n lctn h m I hcg . ao tu n iuea dw n b I m ei tte0 .d,,..w t o ffo e 'ule : tai a L a e F o r e s t - h o p it a l I o n , l e l e ld lit a u t' " e u t a ig h ." -ta g o a le r le r . C . t e D a g t' e t . A . . & <T o r b r o th e r lis b u r i at' a b o u t o n a A.unes: ake Fores Permanally. tIse wnten dau't cane ai 5.'ateraaea are raquastel t-a meel ai kilorneter naîth or jauin>. Francs l a i o n L a te Is a p t he t ti g v e r aim e u l th e tr a c t fo r a s o n t for~V' ~ I U a'I ' 1 i n s y c ý le b r a tio n o n p a r a d e . W d o . A . R a l n S u d > bi ' 2 5 s v tt b s v r a l o l b a' r a i b s c o i r a d .. Ju r ie n ; la e a L a e F o re s t h so sm r m . m.iU I U n aa p ra e W @teo . A.i u ' i a R .- 'alor l t o n lS n ay 2t-. a'e n i m y el a vu d d o N v PETPER W. ROBERTS, Barîngan;- suin af $178,000, or aven tour tîrnea enuhprdRmee sr n-ifn 1ockt gn tami Boto Coetr .1 yefwso nNir10 foreman ai t-hé gang; miner Injuriez lit trctly us orhJf te n f EJiNSOý 6 S O t-ny man -whio bus liadt la patta lu ne- ta decorato the gravés ai outr c9m- 1918 aut' recovaret' ta rajoin my Com, Ile aLkeFrs oqla. wis tac iaoy tnatate o anc S v vlh f uil fie'ld énipint. rada lturled tbère. And' t-bey Rne alliuso ýhdhhi ay tag ae taita Laite Fares Chicao mne AIl ve ast la a tain sb 'v when récauestet' la meet at the (. A. 'Il. Nov lu closiug If there ta anything Injuries; taiten ta Lake Forest hospil- gno'vned 5suar >'eàrs -but whicb Berin Gerasan>' Tuest'a>' Ma> 20. Brocidarff flantzau béat' af t-bt -Ger. va' gel ouI aud get bock borne. place Halsl otn Sunuis> nt 7:1.0 p. m. ta mancu mare 4 enu do, v'ou bave but ta con- ai. tae salai -efore the station begnn - 'German>' refuses ta aigu t-be pouean peace deigat-lan bas asitét au exý Yur f la outr Position and' ses oi ba teNehds h-c hr e a Thefrigh tai wa soppd ndt'evelop. Had Ise>' hait' t-boira, t-ho>' ternis lait' befone Tt bacause t-bey aveul tensian ai lime fon eGrinan> te pr >'O Yeuvouit' like il. ýconte home ai inoniai Sunday Services yull tac bal Ver>' stucaral>, 'Pked tréb trh i vse oftoe accdnti vut aecent pab<frue thé ceonoic destruction, polîtîral "seutliber nepî>' regardîng t the arrnyý anibdIaiaii h I8P.m i ai a ilru Corp. John J. Kéanan, 'P. idm uer laet l -h C-As il la, othens wiii mate moch act 'saadgaaina pat-tot vaut au the baïcit wbé ansd Sailins are Invitedt'a attendi lbh Ca. D., 551h lI. r - a th oigialCanill tact -he eut-ire eGninan nation, net ai>' tert ft t rt s'vay vith a sucer ast' Say; eveuing sens-ires. Res. Heur>' Ram. Amer. Ehx. Forces, boase ~ ~ o su atntotb aptaIThe orrigrctin t-eonabilfr -e rsntbt ia o t-Iun Térau- lt-t -btfotbrtoesOahct.o vetaro1. sa . .O.73 veré culs sude trhee eut!ria venda, aA. P. 0.e73.

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