ITYVILLI li4DEIENDENT LakeC .' c&.d.i.Q. t' INDE t*y's Big Weekly N0EMT-N'. WAUKECIAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. -XXVIL-NO. 22. PAGES LBE1ATY ILAE COUNTYCniLýllOI, TU DÂY, MAY 29,1919. * 0E mTon. sH i *1.0 FERYR ffIN RID BUNGLWw AT LAKU ZUROL ROSER ýSUSKICT Lloyd Goodrlch of Chicago, Heir to $50,000 Taken as suspeoted Bandit. ANSWERS DESCRIPTION. Lloyd E.<lodrial, ou of tva hall-s Io a $50,M00 astate lofttln trust by bls ftler. A. A. Oaodrilh. a Chicago nmnufater, vas. arTestai liomday la hi. aunmer houe lt Lake Zurich and viii bu rlevod today hi victme etfthil tevatate National Dont rot: bon aet ilwowlach. Lieut. Michael fHughes, ofci Obou Who WUl dteotivec ftrm the bureau niotored ta, Labo Zurich resterday ani returnoi-vltb Gooclo, aM h. lad angetaihlm bécane of tahtorWMa led halred man drivlng a grs car Vu tf4 luejer or the bandits. Ooodricb. vhose bair la mi uni 00owns a green car, ioulie ho van la any vay canucted vfà therab- lr. Hia car vas toicu veehu ago, ho Ie ra nd had boom recavermbut yOUty. 1 Goodreb bas bpen arrutei a nmn- ber of times. In October, 1913, lie vaU sfutenced to Joliet for trA onu yoar tIo1Ifle for robbery. Hewï.e paroled vithin thirteen months, but latur vaà returned for violation of hie parole. Pr,"viouiIy be liad served a son- tenc- of l1rPe months ln the county tait foi- robber,. Hia fatber had hlmt arreêtedl once for etealing bis au- tomo f,,If and '&kng tva girls and an- othr- man for a ride. Motarcrei Policemen William Roi- chert and Thomias Stevens, who chosed the bandits folowing the rob- bers', vere caled to the détective bureau and vartly ldentifled the sus- pect as the redhsred man tbey »v la the grenbandit car. Suspicion vas turtber directedi tavard Goadrlcb when a search of the la"e Zurich place dieloi a pair of bomsrayu tbrue bullet hles la them. Today Iawrremce Coi. président et the bank, viii bu aaked ta Identif'y BARNUM ELECTED - BD. 11EV. CERI( TbeBoard of Eeviev organised t& day vltb ail tbrue semns flprose«:. Euh Fiche. chaima;N: ey I!.Ml baldover nnember. Herre« O=f@0eu nov meuler. Tbuy elected R. 0.B a!UM chut cf the board for the terni apdMNU C. Reyes, assistant. The chuet Zabn $ a day, the assistant $8.50. Tho lourd membeG agui 3t5 a day. Becaue fIe bon»s ver. ot readi, the bourd adjaurmed ta June 7th. REDFLAEi WAES AT OlEAT LAXES; * 200 PUNISIIED. Outburst at Delayed Enter- tainment Leads ta Trans- fer. The red Jing as waved ai Gréât Lakus station, vltb ibe. recuit fiai. same 200 naval Bfyint corps muchalk- lms, vterans of overseas service, vii yacktheir lses bane tbl eut tafor transportatIon ta fampton Roade nm, vol air station. The bureau Of maria flon yeterday orderud that ail "tour year enistinent aviation men beh transferred ftre l-at Lates. Hére ln the rM801n! teast Tueiday nlght an entertain- ment was given for the ll'lfteenth ru gtment. This lg the iiylng corps me- eianics' training rugiment command or Lieut. com. Elugune E. Wilson. Tht 'show va. to be provided bY eMPloyeO et the Commonvuultb-Edlof. The train vas late.Bone@ 1.20( grobe, C. P. 0.9 ami gol étriper%, ver assumbed lit the drill bail. Ruerbert Gould cf Chicago,3ln!cing instructor propasoei a song. Bu' flipru was ltre reeponse. "Came on nov, boys, tee's ail loi, ,ln on Iis. Ton ail ko lt-Mickey. sha¶ited Gould. «iaw-MWm<.y, Lit tie lohukY-!" And then ho. stcppei. Bone lm splred gob bad Irovidei a parad3 -In a minute the 1,204, minus 9014 bralderq, rere eulng: "lMiekey, Bolbevill' Mey, Bd êhevikil" Gould waved for silence. 140v many af YOU amu bol.beylil Me mimean m.1SKS TuÂT NI I - Shnk te. liMpt*ôHome Buflder U i. W sonflod p adacal Evidmuo f th. aouad judgsusni bu- the baus. Heu as" lainuhr. BOR STOP I3O D- blnded Oibm"um pr oveHome" cm.- Juat the o .san n er W U, paignlmoguraled he Fni National of the hall Prciuced a larme rodiLg. IUfinAII ok vte* «icela eoho fouadila CIl nd amibre. acconipaniod by AîE a85 Ri te foot ýw activity la builin et celle aMi hovis 6roke loae.. Justi laTownship9 fle lmsi vsrrn athis point the entertaîmers arrivsi, Cuba Twsi Fresin o motê01aaîu b cuty an ube nl uhadie e Court, moreê Divorce Cases Chicakia obine~as hows a gain ilam eougl. There vas communlotion FIIed in Court Today. budigpfltf16%oratmal wItb Washington and aie "for eu aeist SM $a*@month luit 75ev. enlistinent aviation nie"«B guinTOTAL 0F MINE IN 3 DAYS. là .di acaaois l eh% abead. Detroit 286 Omar troon Gmt t iau. .pur consw ioI~MO e nmale.r cise~f Reaie or uthret, linirs lanfthe tavn of Cuba bave f'lm 92 paromut et Grand Rapise, lllcb., A gob *mechanlo e al jai ugte tunalliationover aie lleged tae8%a ~i~ llhgn tr troubile: . jicdimi of fan ud vitl vatur beUeae~loîva marted "T" fryalippe a'bout 400 hand-. wh1bhaud buocarrled aY by increas. Tl. litimable increase la dus bolsi ismt lefa' lmats vIa ad means or a suitablu drainage Bystei. te b zthe lUou0fthe opinion tlâtet4a boom oversua, ont lbur*. Thor von This bucarne'vident toiar -vbeu Prie«ofaib l m.gaatenlais, labor and niel.' al nsuars4hi4 il.eln o m Tnn. lugeecituits et ai. veuf fgtn hare tbo chlit Items I for tour years. They 5iàas oOOe ae Wdnel ilo opaz, f«u abt g U o olc h atiao' nes,> Ol1O.Thor test hiW.uam on ta.n aoligfo vrljen.Dijl ,ia tby ubt fored. sasi~ la a d *Be lti mchila"la »mot building ssut saas doloy la tho con. "Boor f im vore sent Ont hmbo uble eUrâa'ming r-ose tsfor"s te h0oeilale ur ove homa. îo tuJatructors, but aie zsool lias.the constant oGodiDI. Ja efoit oW eoteed Clb rolon béom Blow- la starting mter it w« * Diveros Are lIa uri o.h#GmrcaIbfo h cloee vIestae armistice vaosignai Niue bille for divore. have boom rp ci fervardlng the campag Tboyre sot nothlng te Instruct. amind i icj orta akguphm-mâde m"euimefortho bing- j tboy a et «et out et the ary. iag ties11faste luhiesituation jomot 'Tbey soo a lot o c oav hovBe ur- durins bltt h laedays. Tbroe elov pacur eddm. nsTI otSrs aifîtee Pu or flfiGreat Aksleati Oui vith bisl l* e1d bis ,niornlng. yFg ua*oeut Sm a xhave aa'vagod ta o Ittie pull and ~nae uisr. Mulon Bay LUndy Of Wamkosan snppiy »nsýWg ludi for 1 vanoes Omir i1 pur cent a& mtb are bolal ru- calai for a divol rcerm bis vite, mdgisamastg Osseina iheir boun". This U laud ont ci the aviation aoel tls. jÀaa ady on the groundi of deier- situaion huMea an apportunif y for o 1 IO&is.HO Sasaya fer wvonmarrled the Commcal- sCl 'ub t0 show is r o IS Ang. 6. 1905 etat yainru., amiudvorth la aie oemmunlty. Building ac th that sho lolti hlmn Marei 1, 1917. vlly misas psuel for svory local t Harrist Coi cof Waulegae would busieteoomismse eil an tbrllty cons'fui ft~ift~55Yi divorce ber husband ilivard Coi on 'tented ceMsblp for the home ovuer. Tflsi uru irii th Mgoude of cruelty. S84 aybuhoTbe movrela h onthy of unanlmnols, T DA LIJI PAN srue' ber vith hb is 6sffrequently. active and effecive effort. v 1. 1915.MOEN QIME E T Ib ke County enlaor Says it 30, an icle aks for a di.MDEN enMN E~ O~ is Like Gettinq un at 3.30 vorce fram i vitie, Gerda Van Sicile VOTE OU INCREASED RATE Co a.m. on His Farm. oer marid:et f iesalon D., De. 'The lodoru Woodmen je their regfuler a cember 24, 1910 amd ilvud tazetber meeting te vote on the ineresssd rate vi Springfild, ni.. May 22.-Rats OtlJn .11.pooiinwihl otý fetJuyB cont th.efate thuane of idollars Uitlout.1 uo.prositi whlcblto aws elset ,iu annuealy besldes belng dangerous dlis- Ilr&Il aileloui up te ile prenant m oaue carriers, accOrdng te Senator PUPIL.S ARE SU"PENOED tm hslcer aewRb u nor W. 9. bevenol f L.owstovm Pnorlef, May_1_. tîe t hfi nreunbrat vihorpt ml for the lice bllii auega. so19 efec. hle 10lineii at .*61 ty ot Bru cents a huai on rats. buha Tweuty.sevemsn tudents, about hait male a .hardship ia!one. h hta eoe Dami Il c~ Oi el*aboysam andI girls. Mveu uaponîei hopO thl.e d viii 100k ut 15 "I as letcrniei,"@Md 8*t& r Ibis oan tram higli scIai for the iran the lasunané sespolut. Thor w revel itu a dafe on tho blli, "ihai balamS Of themdoy bolmaherart gattia a uuth na-ousoonabhi. c Mnamimanmýe c ocrat mat£sIR"Ovdaxed n the et theam Insurlunco than ilaey e» udesia ra. tle Si dollars a ioar." .oldleso nsurauc c mpe eand th m Session Jewilid »mne physi- bar. f0 60 ruieSor0fheModern Wooduoa haro aot fallait doy»0 clans coniaud thai rate spruuma-o snl dsh %80fr.té Bussa maite fot a 51IIouth dis -1'bey viii libe b u B etsii.hon o igodulml5nfr b es»o. tqmoero raiselu in aurasca vhmomaaiii hof Senateom ofch0 f Ol eatot- AU&,tus am cuotien n sreiopop pelaormSof "B.'.tevbardlath.1 e u ai Bter0o oi ibedBrdm is isxbyneiasc O aie montha. Tha Uluyir "Ioda@ bas b ahi blatohmletir trdo aelea u ? m cis.vais aise vs~.pai-a .ebarslap ofabout M >aedmsthon ,w hme bui u iv teiv.ome a. 4 iieu&W&Z ar Mry fn f e taver. OBI? 41 votes masS.vull*8h. rsait le M~ ie basm wmb e mame me mnio ', RoW Ep eta he fieai29 agalm e maoan ma12 for fil. theoeh tu tfe i SeaIs , m a i, dae- >direc tjt n. e r T tpiba hu arge lb.enom atisadin g nm balmeoIr c rut, 'be ifls*e fut. esUs, ine fite l lO 'im eub& . a svote over 150 hi mt attmailg tIe tb th. seemsoM et Me maesse rf ats a- Bnga]te qWcriais Md the r'lg. If th@ sMa ImI ovar the » uni liisva . . ir te mtay IMMSM emeUty show tiem m e 81g Ibe«pro- W ai m »«WO rat caiefor thé earolua the Oumte * P>os>i iio u te aruisi vlth emuli i stafo. but vnamet es fflsecfor tero amsi vii v-monmt ftS opposition. I Me Il essere. the i4" butVesle mmnoserions., dag The momboe satbnilug bai & vory TI The ri13 ateM Po" te*ouse sar- «=MmiD rmo al "ojaabio avemlug am alael vua ored ,, «Mi vol all 10' a sustantiaenil ma r minea»Ce, Qor th0e ofteaueoondatiig af roué b1ed omdviichoe.1, Ioriiy afttenthe boulai badile vs. fie yosimg of ibis aigu os fie dungluto ami cole.là ing or loety. b% bord'«Cadt Pke __bu The Waukogan FonUstandrM touab boo ormo aitathe aru* ci admirai att»e n d uiput np sau oxillias drff DeputyKsrn Visits LUbertyvlle bl 'pumg ed tu vihi* awuaMo enjymiaa 0thani put wrote t lm' know-»d te nau. o n elside ami outll whbl drili.g m Stuts Depuy Henry Kerm vistai vhrltesdt @fomin tealr-ai a- blie van veil oxoctai. Itla hoIb Ibortyvlliea short lime ugo leIn thoisui t e. Thuy oped thal the Plmait manIers viii Inttfonot I .Bh ami bird 1ev vhicl tare it fIBt »ior tfhae laitdom nromain loyal Woodnenbalmo mt viol- e lam boom vlolâted tu thh secln.The suaPeniai atudents tieret habit. drew bol-ase1i t.hecrosasiMtuisel lava are very strict le regard tae te lad' offens vs fih*OlioliPNov memiters viii bu faknte matse sbootlng oai auj bis amd Ilviolators biff vateh for tfia major maanemimi. up for those wha vlthirav. vili b-. proscutui. oai fiai aie 9009 bai saundéi for dist-____Pl__ Thelav agSlLit thlMb uuse Of!6B11bI01, misai]t aOiLac tllslase oeeelrnd ln order to proteet The dancein aitnBlnuvne &M. P41 fELLIÉ DAILEY SENT t . Bibfl ami prevomttiheir destruction. A II ho hn thoy venu toli ýt go ____TO ASVLUM acabe um o f lestincabave broue foued .home, but the muet m,,ifI* ciai Wu411 My 9.i vbere pooplo viii go Behing and catch woversfI»Bverai smatla o ole iieaed 18,iere.t9 mor tu lIe tey ue se neriy at' smsed nie theialot aMi Who bidlittie Graîlale girl vhà semhite the sport oai h. feputy Keresyp .11 i xnerely est- their vatchlng fthe eM commit suicide by jumping laite aie -ie Beaugît muet bu coesumed or given I dane. lI fWuus.vsiim ab taooSIers for consomption anunemt lei Rogers Maic e Sismaot Insane vhen given a earing li b on the banke taepoil. Principali L L. Ragera or the Ilb. OUftycourt toaY anamiuvsmnmitt- i Tii folowng . îlt a th siesami l vas akoifor a satiiint ai ta the statle boaptal af UgIn. Ohé Motdei of llbto bu takeon on the bookt eadt temte.refusait ttaanser elmOntio iy ut i. mmdle.: Biack.ass, 10, Pikeorpickeoriei l, lan atiemtethé hearlng ami futrfle than to 18l, 'rock base, 6, cropple, 8, perch 7,1 "RecentiY vhem fitiras r3lg"h.o urse ber fthier an'it? in a f11ir iwall-eyed plke 18. Germein carp. 15, sou- l, "ugv6h uispnm5imee oi'n atI i icui e f15h 4. buliheae 7, inItie 7/ td nce th ae grmnahm~ . BiSates' afattrey Welch sami t ln tle s The flmerman of thla communiby wiliimi.u vrclear, bovever, fiai u-.'mont pecullar raie of thWa leveer ý0 gruuiiy ssîst te gaine wardeIf tbej der iic elrcumsen erg van . yte calléi.ttahie. attenti.10 ' l conformi ta ibis ullug lenregarîîô dance any Place ln the building vith. the size of flsh jOut 1Brt obfalnimg pttrmWàsfr,.Today The Chicago Mter citub len talen g9 1 bappeleita return uarly uni touni a hani In thé dspute as ta vbilo f it Washington, D. c., May 21.-Jolnt a nuimbur ver dlbobying'gnrzg. i tva routes shai ho sua for the pro. resolutions for the rePeal of luzuri old themi tego home or ta Wereet <>posai nev laierai blikwvay frs Chf- in taxes vere lntroducei la aie house the day snd taaie maitoep W ia calanorth te the Wisconsin 'statej rtoday by RePrusenttioBati cifoIn Parents ami ,to roture1a seoliune. A ré5oltiiolan psad hp Chicago. Onu of bis resalutlaag lre- taorov". Ttva"0oi'et i 00> t iei state deIsrpe et o*I">o tworko ~puaIs selt ~904of heaiereRoat von danctue lbut ihey vu. t « i- 'f4 select for inUeum eit-theI y. whicl lerlea 10 Par ceai taian aie bivng the etalidaide laid duafor asiaît rondi troa iamelrile tbru d- amouini paldfor clathing. ca= t, miP.pniaolg" eenlld fteilerut 111usd ct the se- oion artile. la exuismc . lli The boys wvia venu em.i ime Oecallai luge Rosi, fic ai ncu fat l anms. Anothen resollien nuPeois ilobaduence etof euthe v lrc rpille safeti demes<q bt*ta roui 9anigrpb Io9ksf eecon 100 appylmg lau.reiurnèi to sdbool, Blin . eâ-su t s l uae itesir*M Ci- rte fera. eU n age ta Mllvaul" hé,s es t em M uves uas ambdl 318 Csrcmony Planned fer the Waukegan Lodge Whon 250 Members wiII be Taken in. 15 FRON HERE US TO BE GOAL (Bj John Roues) Now ft îlethWaut.gum Eike have uni eouso 0» im cenpeigm for nev coburs vith Ils ulluuie"eni ai luild- rg a asv Tmnpis, thosre aav i hiae bt the public shauli keav. Tle auhuga- Lodga of Elke basu an. lîthin Ihe pu s si or elght montrover-l te lamdrei pur osat andioe mdli growicg io fut-st theibmIodus dochi u amatse >» big dri ve for ltva lufaireiami Bf ty »w meulera, al ab n lltiasil on inne 4, 1919, st the Waukofgam Armori. "ar t9e delloe vas mai. the nimber. >t thoir sbouldars Otogier aei itarisi en% ta gai mmo Iawtid b100f aboneit c le lodire neveil ne to tbaotaanitj. Jp ta ibm promeut tbeî have imei up meo o un nd ni venyBvUeo ruaig mon, but Sle 7aum9 mon are mat àe onij anse@ vlan tbeiare sesklng; mey bave game ont alter Ihe eideriy elavi and lave succoeeis ta a onden- ni extent. Toppieg tbelioi, offlei&Uy, la Idirai Bassei of oshGrGai Labo ruiniustation. as vas 50 impnssoi wib the wonderful progrmos Ia i l. Itse were making for ile yonng odomr aid menut tbe station tIat ho tboWgbt àAdmirai of the station ho sanli ho. ,o.è a memler aloanmithe Bitseu 'eil bu proui uni highly honori vIsen àman ai a calibre oucb as le bas,'ntts vith tIe lu tbolrgaod vork. Admirai asiptt wlil bea ieil. îo aho foiiawoi by Coi. A. Smih ani vs eau lurtbor %mues rosiers tâtaitthor ans nai tbe omly rai big mon; thon. viii ho tva bunirsi titi Bfîy.ilrea ailéie.qualj as big lu spiri il mot affllwiy. la avion abat th. drive la ULderyvWl wli 5 o suecmulàa big utlng in piauni to take pil acee Ohemurcial nul BMwaisj .enlng, MaW 31, vhas pro- minent opusea v Ii le prosst uni au ecoielsmcl iiibu provkWInmitah.p ou local oumitsta itattlie soal of vosly.Ove smembre froibtis part af te country. Tb@. locailaoiga bhmplamnouonfoot for building a Isan tfufour atari structura wuSh a ceunis fa ade ThnIfroui l ta ho of pvosed Irlo iela auenOriental àa&& or NUit tabassa slon, vith Mtue remuas ta natal. Théooaales up- tfgaw vii 10f teaa caNa vih biauilu ra ots puioeli The. aouid r. whieh la au gag"tilbssamt, viiibaro lur bovîla sMija ubmagusîroos. kiebenauni hbuladmioWalrooja. Tho main foot vig have a giurai il" maun for mn« and th*irisdomor for Wuin ncoupeawa, a grill roumi 16v le moulersa ni thI mmrnie disi, biianis m&ipool blu, cari rooin for ah. mon ami a roon ion the ladise Pm"is toenwltb a large ioaglng parier ni lira placewyul a nue punch aven lnaklng the lakes. The second fluor viii ho occupigi ently bv tle lIoa@ball vhlc viiihb fr beaiful construction buvlng a otag lage enough ta gir. musicale ami sfusi iBis, tIe Iront part tu lave laigi parions. The thInd uni fourtbl fao r r to bu a iormitany contale- lg ihirty rootas vîth bath le sudb; on the rouf ibey plan on larltag a touf grdoin which viii ho usai le ils summen and viii be a bouiini adition. The building oaf %bis mev temple la l'aukegan viii boa vandorful booSt for the clîy, It wll bo a mseiibg Pluce for ail auIins eten from nt uioftove ami viii MEMORIAL - DAY 1 SERVICES lIERE A Oplendid MemorlulDaZ progmglas boom arraugai fan Llbertwfflile ani vil le girOnB t the 11gb ecbooal Fniuy aller- noce ai 2,910OPoaock- B. 4. Ganstir, af Wautegan. ami Juige Bem. H. Miller viii dlilver adirmme.uni Ulsm Jac. Flnney, &tao ot'Wautsgau, viii slng. This aoudbu a venî Inprmesvoocca- Mion iniood for Memoniai Des this y@s bas a noel gulloaeS. Forr[,iberiyvlllo oung mou, vIa tbeir lire le th. reenut truggle ams ta ho 'eopeciuly honorai. Thome four art- Frits Can4oan, eOwrM, Viponi. Baird rovl aidFred Caiej; The vilage boaandni lidepuriment, Ihe acbooi boaris, returnnd Oi .oiiisi.- dents ai ob aichoole, Boy Scoute uni Camp Pire Girls vii attend lna abody. The. ciil vanr eterns viii le thiebonor The prograini aithe alternon falevn: Iavoeton-Rey. T. E. Isani. Sang by mbooi chuinen. Adoo-H. E. OGaten. Sannghy echSoihlinon. Liucoln'î Gfliyslurg opsec-Adjuluni 0. E. Churchill. Gouenal Lagan's order--Quartermqaster Doremuo. Vocal selection- )à les jance-Finneî. Rall call-Commander John Ballard. Meorlal service ion mesmof Woni Wav Memorlul addreos.-.Judge B. H. Miller. Decoratieg honor roîl-Misa. Mari Jusi Rociailan, Stars ai Guii-lis Flan- ence Goideunhrg.4 .Star spangl BDaner-Aoiiemce, lei by mise liey. Failowing f ils program s paradevilii ho farmici Ion île manch ttfhe cmetery wberO everY iolera gravevilii ho decoratei. Boy &eonts drummers viii liai tle îles of march. It sa for ua i shecien of Uhortyrile ta sow aur resect ami bonon for thone vIa gave thoir laves le the vars ai ibis country uni fon thon vIa faught se guulamtly ta protet o ur boue,aur pvop.nltp ani ur lisais. Tberonafrbc IlB roioiad %bat ve aIl, attend fils PITIRL SCENE WIWldw lhWb Bib. ln Ama cornesHors Uolnç te- buvo; Thoughtft W . CliiM WAS ASSISTED S'Y POLIC. A gitihi mmnsvua afgela fhe Wam" gohlso staI F*dusm"a aituusm a upocoiireesi vo- maMi ewbg a msvuou h Oébaby tla ber arm, entAu iUmaie u- quini ton rolaio o he Mnid s hone seaiber« caue MUi. josie Eramer ami lIai ben home vas la Racine.ý t meoaiai fat a oIe b ueloft dasito vbwen ber huabani auccurnb ed tthael'%.'bsrely tva meulha ago. Gbe diiinos mcv vwhat ta do ami ln her diiemua ie*turned ta, ber tva cousins, Mile Mrrai ami Charles RarrIs. The poliça maie Inquiries ai île ,postoffice ami ln every other vay pos- cile but ver. euble ta Bai amy trace of atva omon ~tgh. "Tliey tali me they lved bare ln .Chicago," île voua tProtuistai. ýr"But tli i n'i Ocuga--filsla wam- jkegaffr,a cm lu îheesttion ex- ED AT COUNTYce TESTSSATUR*1 Contestants .Did So WeiI Th ». it wasDifficuft to DOtut .On the Winnems FINE PROGRAM PRESENTEU thec cmaty contete vusa h » tho %igl col ai LOUcrtyni$ Ssturiay; thorae vs. alargeTf #me@ of panostgi n oma et~i rmamuaule vile peno te lak-aI The large- aniemblyV"McM Biled dalmlg aie môrnlmg and Boon Boulions. As the'agaenlng nimber of prograni tho eotra ciofishe, Grade School gave gaverai Tihe yeuugtrt union the lu or Mr., 1011001 iii eeeilngl ami their part 0o the prOgraHM munch emJoyai 1v fie auleo.i Muen Wonsa, a dforer magidam iCeaa appe a fite, smlm aie 110108911 pormemsliiy MR&sil àtarnite amd ho lept erorytue-lu humor nd miudehighfai u b The comntsevere clam, the af the eun talflasboing eolO ht was nocosâi ytao omuie aie 1mnai commis gofth"ai*, the nmrn ofs 0f tsovisera ciniai la aieIliste. The 1sf Damai un oaCh subleci Verse'sv murs of the go and mililetr avariai as priss. Reading <racu Kelhi-Haîf Day ScIcL Maybelle Clrle-LIake Btugsba Doroily McCanm-Guroe ;àu277 Rose ]Kennd-,Kavfrwa -- Bool. Lydia MuYer-HAlf Day "«to lMeran 'Ferr-Nerf Pul Scbool. Marguerite Dlts-Knavfloraa V"l Seoeol. Onace GIWaha-Wilm« eol.. ter Scaceol. Kaom at orun-SOoafi 8 AI vida ê@U-Bfw -doc Virion Raraley-Wlsthrep X bor Uclool. Anma Unibon--ÎwsIf day Uthu Omo vta Se ib* obw Wiilmam Dnu -e aOOU - AneZsDl-umSAo Wa*i Wort oas Mais!3huse-NDaS scLe Walier unm ild 'ess SWIFIINFA 1OR UrOF iIA RT p a s omîrii ourceeai locai averts- plainai fa ber. "Cicago la tlfly- eng to the vîties ear amd fun fra. ber, fire miles trout oru.', a'e certaittiy are aBrloai ibs The mont fonlaru 'uni cf a loch aew building ani vu snggeettt l f Iere caine anar thé vamam'o fao.. -Glu et auy youus insu or siierly man wvI' aleausha lai startai ouitfor Chicag wansm to become ausociaied vîtI s iive uni thougbt as v as fle*ï viien ele smi progresive hdge or club. ihe Kiki reuaci dWanicegaà--'Tan et dls la s mlghty good pièe staotte for, pointiant voiladpinhlu e ye.s o theyaire uakieg s OPWMlýptrlds ai*82 daa tartei ouitfate mevberarmo. forme me nmiers but allen 11hlebig ciasu ani vItb bsruiy the mames of ber ivo goeti in cai)8Sono fonrtb île prîce viii bu couins. vithout thoîr atreet aulines- lavaeced tod3î3. Itec.natnlj soho ese, shu vilI lave a mont d $lut an bonor eau a priv'lus ga mb a0 ltlxuîe Inlalaatlng f.l, C hiceg. lodgu le coamuni vîwtI sncb amen a _________ Admirai Baosetts uniCol. Smith. Patrick (leenty ut 121 Franobac Ave. Chicago, lusband the iglaie The ceecftoighit a0e0"la ' aie RHoms, tier of jamea, fDan. Bi. iuitolMINk Prodocers'A00obltion Rose, Frai, Jus. K I . Clar* unithe Inioted for uamspiracY anbir ta laie Dires. O0le. emisi of fIa fil milI pio86 us, va estrireai for iù. 1 W. a.1U. Dhaa&ite. 1Innva ruassigmntt. obJet JmeigeMaya- tram tha laie reldusco. Enuiaut aub oifie Ontm lcourt fl& Obica- Mounit Carnet. Mr, Gqos vmm a go Mamiay by Juige Gnlil.. The rusiuiant lu Weuheaiafor ener thir latter sali bits omiemar vmeu d- iy yoan honing menai.- te Chicago si he couldh q0tai ruijde. ilYOMrs aie. >ests Cost State Many Thop ands Annuaily Ao'o--0 ' TO TheeM., SpnlSl.IIM, May"3-'u laine lotoa ibm ýove hwthe o ara iodai thefe semaise 9-M easto goa-b60%ta fie cd a tHuean aipush fhe cool puan boul ggatn. The rote vaS iff "h Th- bouse çaasei a eoriginal ru lut ion garerai vallis *mgo. The fariner, ihiat fIat tbeyli au> baur eauh day uion er the ani that if mae a ameer » the average fanmer ai tram sUIS $800 a yean. The a auh mormlmg 4 Interfte. vîfItarin vonl, tfio: sort. Tbere vau considerable sort. là thé. debate vent on. Swift explsine Way '*Dunug aie hastt io yae las boonm moe emtlal iliu ovurn tfho hlifev c try." vas the couinent ai 1 Uvift, a dabT finmer. "fh. r frealing bomr 0f oleop le thM t the Morming vlan fte dea .W - grues ani the grain. NOV flute on My faru hla5 "tle uorng." - .~