CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 May 1919, p. 11

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1919VVIL PAGED 9r'rTTPr AV'~ JI MAY IA9 IL J<EPFOIIN- M re Placlng Lake Co. ithe Eleventh District ta Go ThroughSenate. iUBTFUL ABOUT HOUSE. 1ngfild;, "M. 'ay 28.-Anv p jUan t ti'te*blit ren p portlo(nlng Snortitea4tern countias of the. ta crnate twa new Répuitticali Weemltonal i4trict i. wilI comA th tieower branci of the son- !a8Spmhiv, ýt liqstateti here. ftilie thtebIt as amenmied dîtes tp tii ntîre mpprval af lIen- Ir Richard J.ftarr, he prohabliy l ot oppooe ils Passage as it ates a distrIct tram wbicit le may eiecied 10 <ongreita thougi thlietilt viii olter more cantest titan thoi o«,uttiein n 1th e 1oiinal l)i1iL b . aedet butla 1. atd ta havé gcted the attention. and l.4 a:'- Yoed hy Representatîve Edward Whurtlieti ofMarengo, te fepuh- * loor leader oft lie oiwer ww. If Siturtilf gets bî.-hind ti,. 1ure when It <cames qto the ousoje rohabiy *111 paia. oM th ire "it aisriricnallv intrir ed , t ie rutiOt lor oPD <a!,li j nit KaInoconstitutei l 9'I 2h STeamentiment one liy aermmcr lait weoýk plae: eounîles of flipage, DoKalit, be andi Kendalllnb the 4th I, di a nricînal i llplaci- thp tecomtn, ý Wtt. Kendall and Grtndy Inlthe diagtrii-t, The cotnmittpe aniend- il ronýtitttted tl4isdistrict h-s'a Inntion ofthte cotnties of WiII, la and Grundy. e bill, as It itantids on tite'senj catendar, places te counties ot Mlago, ollone, Mllenry, and ln the eleventit district. Moterche Compliment. p»retty Compfl imient ta ut. thla t 1111Il1l Sf Sçmi hiri. tiloîmaett inaîtîr. tîn-I t0 a grenter arti"i. Veimirquî'z. Velasquez linst fnilil lit$ fa- picture "Lus MlIni'. w Itit I esaonut omly tI>Iljîmii! ld itsmt-, e artist Iiiiî'.'if, ltriaIlit ban'd, Pdked thim.kimi'. *'J. ani ttiilîg r«?" "(nu- l' z t y tlt. ti'Ru s ýr- lilp; antiriig tiie'pîlîtte frîmmn lez awamis. ihé' tiulîi-ri m01t4. ni ttîî'nrti't's 1ttîreInr- itîui'pie- ,te('roýsaoflic lierîtof amuit- b e niomsimlal lalîied Spain. o DAUG1M OFML~ARfUDDC, UMI-M Ulm Gloria Oould danuul glorieusI iy lthe canasof Bliao. pisans. 8h. la the pouagest daughtar of Mfr. ad Mr. O.os'e J. Gould. multi-miii1ionaire, and appeared t a M ifterpretation of Spring's Awak- ening ta, the music of Greig at a recital ln Carnegie Hall. New Yorký &ho proceeda of which vent lto h BeigianWar OriihaaaReiekrunld4 The. 'Anvil' Dird. The anl-Itird otf'Austrritial qa uvery riir-,i' mui excei-'lngly rtiy ueature. Il- ,ttrir miltlit'mii te rings (ot, 'Kliîrg, kllng. klini'. ktng. ling a ling.- I Is lthe lardest nf ait huait ui rita tii loin te. i i t miîstly doos Itat blirk«lismr.ttilngIn t hi' téipînust branches of tthe ilîtte bru4liwi,ods. Water-Proof Match. A i t- ' v trîrtu-h xtiicit ln i':ltit ti'f, -nI u. f ril water- îrm,.f %r ttt1tii-p-, rlit-trilinmfood- ern waitrfr . I t %xi:lii r t esc,,ettit lnt te tai-o tf a 'tttitwij dnt whon ut go . istntl %%Ill Dot tart a firo. 1nomiltter 't ter.' ill s throwr.. nînru x ~Ahen thP (ubà were ln a pinchl DDBL AILE I îtii. ppid Baiiey int. the box and OLD I LL s hinwna trrou g ie MA E i~ iSAVES, hat th,,^e atters inin e as h FOR iiiin know ivhat was ln front of THE DAY ORCLBS tîî< n. A sporting a'riter n j,, n o if, '-aid: lfpr threw the halls so fai flint tho hatters couldnot gîet thýý r -tIcks op to thi-r shouiders ta Man Who Pitched with SOrne awat the hal." Success Here Finally Make s .And -"'Ha 1ev. who fugsspdlarnund Goad in National League. c 90Toniny M(-" an o Fign hlmi up fo ie onext seasýon, bas made good NWVaikpg-n fans5 were imuei t,, r or tu now lias a permanent borti, witi, ti,-CClbs. s't îcd n a rimarkabie ahawing iiit 1-. Kitli lte ('iibb, by "aid 1Bill" liai!' o f orinerly with the Walu'Cfian wirc- nihi11 team., then with MvCann's tirer Fl, Turpentine. W! th Iteitotha and then là1ter with t1i, <<rnltgn 'îin'rar expert. e ci-s 11Hand i fnaily with the < ýu i g %%*,i Ilie lurmucuJomitt- ftlei' had flot gained mugi, r ,-'fi tiwflirom ir trot-s, the ot ndi ait oIi, in tact, lie e waja iin~ l'Sling ia ise pswet ns the lrunks. J or the tubs. However, theo:i t-r -P'ittsburgh Dispatch. A OLEÂN STOMAOH Mgakm,.a We i Man The body is a highly organized machine of compiicated parts in which the- at.omaeb, lîver and the kidncys work for the cominon good. Damage to any une of these organs intsrferes with man as a rnotor mechanism. If you dlean the Stomn- acit, liver and bowels occasiu;nally with a gentie laxative youûu "r keep well. Tua much fuel in mnan's machine, such ns eating too nuech meat, or alcohol or tea, ner-oas overwork and laek of exercise in outdoor air bring constipation and bad healtit. Eat lbas meat, plertty of vegetables, and with air and good exercise you necd little else. If the liver nceds rouing- take a doseofe castor ail or a stafo vegctabio- extract of thé, ceaves of alce, Mayappie. root .f jalap, madle mtn a tiny, sugar- ccated pi!!,trold by almost every druggi:t, as Dr . Piece'a Pleasant pelits, w'AIftrst put up nearly ffty years a ao. In vials, twenty- fivp' cents. Most people die eventually of anf oxer -aciîl condition. If the llood can be rendered more aikaline, the longer we live. With regular hours, six ta eight glasses of water between meais, sensible coarse food and a chance to get the poisons out af the system, a mani will live ta be a hundred. But, unfortunately, our highiy nervous wayaf l1Mntr brings increased atorage dl uric acid in the body. Thtis ac ta as a poison, and consequcntly we .suf- fer fromn headaches, neuralgia, lumbago, aches or pains, rheu- mauism, gout. (kt rid of this une ,amid pison liy taking a harmiesa medcine, cailed Anuric, which thraws out the urnc acid by stimulating thet kidneys. Drink a pint af bot water hefore rneala and take Anurie (double strength), after meals and at bed tie. Anurie catib ho btained at aimait any drug store for sixty cents, or Bend a dime ta Doctor Pierce, Invalidtm Hotel, Buffalo, I<...Y.. for trial package. Have the battery charged HERE and it will give -the 4A.XINUN of EFFICIENT SERVICE-for our service is that of à SKILLED SPECIALIST using modern, A-i equipment. EVU]RY TYPE and MARE 0F ST0RAGE BATTERY is repaired, overhauled, charged, etc. here. GoIwsiI Storags Baftel'y 009 116-118 Madison St. 'Phone 2J2 TESTING AND FILLING FREE J --- - - -- 00. AU Slzu 0ot Iitons Trzc1kTlm slauM69 IIEWES GARAGE, mnc. WANCE&Ft, OUJIOIS NEW DEPARTMENT W~E ARE pleased to announce the opening of an entirely new department in our splendid V!new commodious quarters on Madison Street. We have secured the services of two highly skilled mechanies who will devote their entire time to this department. Automobile Electrilcal Installing and Repairs We are specialists in winding automobile generators and starting motor armatures. anything pertaining to the electrical equipment of automobiles. We guarantee to repair any part of your electrical system so that it cannot' be told fro m the- fact In fact wind or -ory job. No Need to Send to tuie Factory or Out of Town We Have the Instruments and Mechanics-GIVE US A IfRIAL REM EfrIIER: Oigs is the "6WîiIard Service Stittieo' &r Lalke County When You Need a New Battery Let Us Tell You About the StÛR Jitter Willard with Threaded Rubber Insulation Colel Sorae,,iteuyCo 'Phone- 2022 116-1118 Madison St. LMERTYVILLE INDEPE.%7DFýNT-'M- 17RSDAV- -Nfiv c)a inin 9

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