CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 May 1919, p. 14

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~' êoE 8 sa 1 vMile~ C-ARLES FgSUE AND, OLA STEIN TO W131J IS À REPORT Grandson of Dr. V. C. Price and Former Waukegan Girl Reported ta be Engaged MET HERE TWO YEARS AGO Accaordlng teas rumor front Newv Yorit Miss OlaS teinu vi sued te be a realdout of Waultegan wiilsaon announce ber engagement taeret. djbarles ïPisbér, second son et Mr. and iMrs. i. E. Fisher of Grand Ave, Waukegau grandsan o!fte laie Dr. V. C. Prie, faunder o tbe Price Bait- Ing Powder Company. Whie It le only Indefluite rumar luat bas reacited Wankegan relatives to Ibis engagement of twoweeu known local Young &people, nevertbelees Il in l reported tbiat MIbs Stein bersel! smntulonpd thte tsct ln letton ta Watt- kogan trleude, rocently. 'IrL. Fieher. mother af Lt. Fisher e-heu asited about the moter sali sie e-as net certain vitether il e-as true or not. Sito bad beard no formaItsneune- ment a! the !tact; while site hari heard numores sie-,vas nt lu position te make an definîte statemtent. * Lt. Pischter wee an Intructor nt C.unp Grant durlng the war. White ho haped te gel overseas hc uever ilùde Il but lwass iept aI Cama Grant as instractor. lmmedlately upau bis 1- dbebarge !rem service he ras gtven a promotion iltthse Lindinian Aica- M zr Company. Manufacturer o! rang- en snd bis terrltony consttsoa!thb Buste of Penoeylvania. Wblle It e-us yeers ega lit Mis Stein Ilved lu Waukegan nun Sheridan Boad were tho Shearts tamliy nov 1"lieb bas nualilved in Waîîkegan for mau yeurs. Her ftthpr ns-rd ta lie connecled elI it te aid Eta-cb e-mit la Waukegan. I lu ltter years thej' moved hock la New oYrk trous w-hetp tey came. Bath !%I r. and Mrn. Sten died snme yerrq go ari the naughters 018 sud Vera have ]IV- r ei lu NOv York, il Is recails'd thut MIass014 Sten came te Wîukegbn ~i a rev n.nmers agiransd spent s shoat ttr lme visltlug Miss Ma"y and M!--3 Uthel llutchîn.4.It-was -il tht tinte liai Mn. Flshor met Mias Stein sud >efcfm*s'ânce ibus 'farmed la rumor e tavae cuimiuated lu lie engagement o! the. former veil bam haenYoung e-ornausud aia a sou et one o! the best known familes of VWaukegaua Ul MiaStein e-as engagor inlu ar la uok u ve oYrk durlng thse blg e-ar and dempîte te attention bathi the sud It. icher pald tethhîr e-ar dntiez, tbey tauud lime ta ke"p up te -aoqnantanco formod lu Waukegcn. r WAUKEOAN LOCALS Mrs. Ilouella PennocIt Danliluo! Waukegsn today filai a bihlu circuit m onrt for separato maintenance f rom hon busbsnd, Martin P. Dollu. She charges hlm viii. drunkeunesu and crsely. Se maeya that athaugh he earne $160 a mentth he vii letpro- ar vide for lier. Titey were marrlori Nov. 26, 1917 and lîveri logetber outil Membere of te Ubertyvîlle Wo- mane Club vere gueste o thse Library Club et its regilar meeting yester- -doy uttemnonsud s very delighîful linse wvas peut lagelter. Tite usuai isealnese-ne Irensacee attere-bIt-h Miss Meadoas, dransstlc Inraructor O!fte Girls Cammunlly Club enter [taiued riahi a resding. Miqss ?reedoe-p le s Proteasional reader of vouderfut illlly sud ber e-0r e-as toraugitiy etsJoyalsle. riisCantenter of th- S War Cam t(bmmtintly 'vorik wa present sud apoie of thc vont berç e-hIrdIoleprogrcsslng lu s very mst- ls!actary way. At tise close aoflte Progrsmt, a sor-lIhour vas eujnyed andi re!reahmeut-e vere served by'a S cmmlitlee canslstiug aof'Medame, Schumann, P. H. McKluney, ileYop'. AIbrigitI, Lindermanu. Coo aund Kart Nelson. < Born la Mr. iud 'Ira. Staney Pucle O! hume" s adaugittr lest eve_ ning eithtie Mnii 'rnlty ilospital. r. Dr. M. J. K"Insa'<vaq pircitaser thel. old Wm. flodge rlar'e. Siteridan oaud and FranliinaPtrcçt. Thte deal valOaed ye-ierdoy. Aiready tht, s"lown-er ha: r1Ant1s heiug drawn for te remadling of tht- resideur", and lie Plana living there e-len tht' wSk taor âIs nlheri. AODM'diug ta reports Wodstocîî r »u budiy lu ueed of mare bouses d~lat tb. alternative existae ofmore' - 4mweUhM b. provîderi or tise Wood-, 'r oeulocib pwrller tactors-. a groelng' r*Mi P"eroug indtutrl'al enterprtse.1 ILIER VILEINE Et-DEIT.TRSMDÂY. MAY 29, 1919. - - ~XL~K51oeFu~'w' rur~zr uw - Nome Brookes lit the tusm' lu b azaipapship tennis aud bas XiO 'L aven lxs aroand ln that aimo- I. "boimre for fiflm ees aors and han't .?po ed et.Homuet be ail or 'ot-loMd i Choua man pay$ % rbamyIonsbip tennis ai forty-flvo Ne la a trlfle boyed the. hslng Péitât ud danserons te haudie Wlthomkt luurancos. Mauries Mc- Lougbtin., la hie Prime. sl.umbled out harcela Broches ten yearu ago. _______ fjid teil Broohos ewainped blia in------ 1#11. thon McLougblin got -the bfflers" inttie gFEtâuitchampion- ,- ship miltCr eve" deagéd. Thea Broohe, a veteran, ln 1914. twalkdt'ttry wlttà the tophy. eariy age as liiBrookes. siys. MarIe who is lu the Government discharged. Reoprt la titat the 1 Service. wedding takes Place iu Chicago, Wed-1 John Ott. non o! Mr. and MIu E. A. nesdày next but '.is) Builick t ate. Ott nd sn inlawof M. an Mmthe vbave Dot yet fixed the date butj Ott~~~~~~ dsoluiwaMradMr.admit It wil ho ln the immediate fu- James Morrow, l,9 very sicit et Rock tire. tard as a1 esult of an attacit of pneu- The rema ins or Mis Emma Shunt- mania falloiang an aperation an hi, lvey arrlved tiIs atternoon tram hCi. lonstic. lHe was ail ready ta came cageAnsd are et thé bomne of ber sIm' bomne folwlug bis discherge from ter Mi%'. lituter, 424 Jultan street. te 149th witcn tbe aperatlon 1 Chirs Jensen, sou of Tablas Jeu- perfortned sud complications set lu men bas rescbed New Yorkt trami Pr. Knlgbt aud the Otta went aver ta overoeas service ln theo enigneerigc Rackford Snnday. Mrs. Ott, Jr. aisec corps. Occampanied thme and bas renined Royal Neighbors willi hold a titere At ber itu@band't side. adoption Tbursday evening, May 29, Borni St 'cAlister baspital tea .%rg. Ail eetbers wha have nt een in- Kathlyn Keetakos, a daughter Tues. 1 tlated are as\eid te be preseut. day nlgttThse funerel of the late Mis" Emms>ý MnS. J. L. Battîce of Freepart 1111. Sbumway wili be iteld'f ram te epia- nel. srrived thîs aternaan ta vilit copal church taznarrow at twao oclocit, with Mrs. M. T. Thompeon, z;îgSe. hurlai lu Warren. Milss Shuntway Utîca St. Mrg. Battice wae tarmerty was not presîdent of! McAllter Itos- Hattie Ruabberker of Waukegan. pîtai et ber deatit-she retired fram 0111y ane marriege license was is. tbe presîdency laI fali when !Il aued lu Wautkegan up te three heslth made It neces.sary. .iudge Ed- Cock IbIs aternoon. Tbimla rûs ýwards now la presîdent. garded as; moal unusual and la attri- ly's now manager Pratr'r ait te buted taete tact that msuy caup'le Western Union local office. FObr a MAY ho Waltlng until Memorlal day long lrne It wes manager Davis, then te came bore aud Set marrled. j q Ik vas manager Prîce a fiew weeks The. police Srrested two menuff &-q-fl sud now anather change ln charge of drnn'iness lase nigbt. One nmade. Was 'a retuned Baidier. Me sald be Ralpb A. Keiows'ry reads Cen. Le- thougbt thal his 19 mentha service gene Ilemorlai day addres.R ni the oereeas entltled hlm ta get drunk Veremonles Ftriday: Henry Pnncherl once. Police Magîinate Taylor r"ad Lincoîns Gettysburg address.1 titougiti se too and dismlssed hlm. Bath are hîgit achool studente. Mandas' evening Mrs. .'Iary Whvt'.1 and iste Mrq Brd Wet gae " Ascension Day services wili he hel shovr fo Mis Verele ijiicitat Christ churcit, Grand Ave. and l'i- dauthter of former Mayor sud Mrs. e St. Iamorrav as tollows: 70 a. W. @. Bullock at the Whte homne. m. Holy Eucharlst, 9:00 a. m. Hoiy the aflr l15luintonor otf me young Eucharist and address. woae lia soon vill hecome te The June meeting of the Congre-i bride of E. R. Austin, formeriy a gationai churches of Lakte Cauutyï <.P. 0. lu the nsvy e-ho e-es recentiy viii he held et Ares ounTttesdey Jrsne~ ograduation 80e-n! At reully hcauttltrl, elaborte@, fluffy creullon a vonian choose« (On a Publie appearance le a rite--antd shouid lt- a triu mph! Tb@ Malden aIibh lotI acare a trock of white chiffon. altb abe- comnsIsleo bib. and cmauy tiny tue. Wore Ovêr a sfl'k slip lt.eaffect s1 ebstlfg. Unik* li$ aiter trock, Ibis eoiàtfflto&bousulong, ilea. 11.8 aleeves. AI the nlgbt lu aketebed thé govu of evry trnll, femInine hearIs' desire: A Sluletttte thuma0fe-bwit On. hts Vitroek la entirsîr hatrlmmed exempt folsomali organdi* rutles lu- hbrees. sud for s nar- rev rilbonM sah 0f9 picotuded groagrkali 1k iila'rench blue with a e4dgl r«'TMsgqare meeltU.Sund short sse«vesare gaumme ACfOENTS AT IVmE MILL HAVE KENREDUCED installatiQn of Safety Featur- es. wft, Safety Inspector, Cuts Down Number. MERCHANT IS INSPECTOR. 1 erally Icuowu luWaukegau lb thati the American Steel snd Wlre Plant o! titIs city le regarded aseuoe or the tost carefuliy guardod plants un far se ssgfety e<spliances for employees go, or auy Plant owned by the Com- pany. f It 1a declared Ihat s sresit af the 00- msny changes sud lmprovemints made lnulits îro miii durlng the patt f ee- yesrs, that the reduction ofse.- elcOents bas been ,made so rapldly tbat they are prectîcable neglldlile at lthe preseut lime, Iu tact It 1, re- Parteri tisaIthe local e-Ire wrks wviîr useri ta bave dorons of men Rt tie I .-. cAlistcr hospilal every mantit, o wel ni have a total bill ai the hoaptcri veraging over $10 a nuttth. Wheit it le cousldered tsat ahot j2000 emjslayees wvork at lthe nlit. il la riceu bytitis record at the itospital that lte number et accidents hrava Ireru reduccri l a Spoint ehb hev are prectlcally uothîng. I Marchaunt Safety Inspeclor tlu- thîs connection Il develops tait 17. A gaad pmogram luirching pre- Frnkl Mercitant, for 20 yesrs su cm- pred. PloYee o! thit Ire wonke and visa left Warren Cemeterv As-'ofiation a nd the mli a tee- Inouths agoa...ta-e-11 Royal Neigihors of Arnrrica ot Cur- tlurueri ta the empioye of tite campauy nec wiilhaid a Joint 'Mentorlal Sier- sud Is naw lustalled lu the. position vices eatlthe Warren ('t'aetery Cita- af safety luepeclon. Pol Stnday Jue 1, afternoon et 2 Thlx position lu oee viCh ne- r'rlack. qulres Mr. Mfercisaut ta give ail of hi, Daughiters of the C A. R. wili meet tinte ta golng abou thtie Pleut 1001:. ati 1 oclocc Frlday mornlng et lthe ing fter the safety sud veifare ot' G1. A. R. Hall ta go with lte Sans lthe men. For Instance, If thterlea o! Vetersus ta decarate tise graves accIdent'it le Yr. M.erchant's duty ta of lte departed. Ail daugitters are jImnîediately go ta the st-eue sud de- urged ta be present. termine wtthlie cause vas. Then! WE GIVE a«.> TRADING. STAMPS i 13w e<t store - on the lyoth &fir This. Week In The May Clearance Great Sale Suits, Capes and Dolmans ('nats, sudts, v'ape's and dolmans in the vers' new- est st , les vhiehî hîa't- ar hiasshigh 'as $25.00). Cape's tor puile ahi 'totd serge hîaîîusoîuîel v tiiu ee 'ithi silk Ihî'uiid, j uticedret le aa e at ?,- - ------- If)ttîalis andmlcapes ili.i iiiiber' i' tiue susi i est il10 sit. good inatt-'ials, liîied anîd hlat lined, IialI(holuuel- 'ajed, va lIîîs 111)hi $30 are iietflcu(l îîriî'et iii thiis May iCaranc e at $14.90 l'iiwl*l ia iiired aîîîts ort flîe bittaterials iii serge, r poijret twvills, 0v;tc i iî i j111 h sed iiow id remiark-- les tba;t tii' seasoii ~iasprduced. Values 111)to $10, prNvd f- a. T t iit pîa nipatcls i$iI rI2273 Caps :11(loiif lai('s orfunt rtoî-<t>1serges, tr'icot- iiies etew itit bea'ittiful inings of finit-% si.lks ai e iiehtîdetli ii a gi oiîp rinîg ini valuie uji t<to $1.* I>ie('t(1for _May Ch lerne $29090 The iiiîst. exelusivxe t apes and dolînans iin oui' stoeks aire greatly reduc cd for this May Clearance. ('hioieest of fabries andliînngs beautiffi.l designs ini vailiivs up fi) $60 pricedl now at ecdlui $39,090 4" Clearance of Dresses. The season!s best modes in dresses are included for 1: this sale at prices in some Waftances'close to hait the reg- ular coat. Silk poplitîs, wool serges, georgettes, satins, and coun- binations iii handsonie patterns and colors. Values range fi-ou $16.50 up to $35.. Prieed in tiec May Clearance at 1,8.85 and $18,75 itle D to him ta mako or discoier tae*protect ils men svho work abolit possible moins whereby a olmilar ac- machlnery and that il bas been Most cident eau ho aoided ln the fature. succenut 19eevident tJy the Itospital If thje accident la of suliîent con record which, compared with several yearsa 8.50shows an cnormnoua reduc- sequence teo itiIfYi, fi 1aexpeted tien of a nuinher of nitra huirt illthe of Mr. 'Merchànt that he will canyons local mli. a court of lnqulry and goiut o ever>__________ detail wlth precislon. Atter evcry accident Mr. Mercbant geta the HMcd a Narrow Escape. names of meni wbo witfle@e It and de. *'Yc 1air' rreiritr tti iS 1fsln termines exactly how It happened. r îiui[ enrir ri lt ifS, "l'ln a It la by foiiowlng tbis sort of pro. seif-made i. mir f-.rttrllie nrclltect cedurù that the eonupany has heen Iety tw rrrn. *nt"rejlncd Obie ta redue the numiber of accl e taîe-f-filet ibfr-rI iiilrressed, dents untîl they are almost nIl. aIls e lltigrrgfi r.rryiltitîtit tihe It la apparent therefore that the buVdi ng lnrriactor rlirt rott ill'ong company la lealng nothlug undoue I et tihe tne"LnlrîTtlt lukiCE11lM lE W wIbe pleasi te inspect yeux E *R L S vv ..tes t ati U nd seofteni - M ~~E nencesmry, fre. of charge. 0 jh1Yi urservice la the expert klad. and our experleante leidal*ys et jour disposat . Should repaire b. necessry we wifl makit.fbern et a enoderate charge. The d"Extbe" Starting and- Battery la the fanlous "jiant thet lives ln a box." stiw Yeu have hourd of this battery and its unique toitures its the original Unit- Seul Battery; extra powerful, easy to care for and repair. Let us expiain lte t1 feutures to you. r Tait. advantaesof aur free service. T Exide Battery ~ Service Station A . 106 County Strget. Phone 2244 We Repair Amy Malle of Dattery S ON] lof Lat COId Frit ta Tai PERTY *lun dsisry.. Fiowarri ( ;r, 1er f tu tf nw men w Shotu' on Ïe' lierf 1 plr't't,- , dn-'l b' ait ',they i'rt e pirittril ture iuri I honte r, eff. in 1f la tI,ý.'Tait le t km'> %Ir.C. orl, i-b Sturi ï, i1 - b l i t o, r l st r,. rtboy , 1,; lérffl 1ru 11u" 'f' Wa the'r r lse It V., 1u fit IVr !1 Stike r te Wet vbit aid él *uý l gr, il f the Pl rei titr *s.4 Thd l sa:îl t lit, rrtJV I, hrtilre"or f 't lo n o tiliii' lrt'a luft'v %rvit tuq olies leO tt'f Wrrf Ji hliton uvot wr'1.4r e," ny nt rgiruet "0ulrri lîr te andtvr Wet mayd u

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