CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 May 1919, p. 9

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LIBERTY VI LLE' -INDEPENDENT LAU COUNTy NDEPENDENTLûke CountY's Big WeeklyWUKGNWEYSN Un WU N ME __EW cemih9-sa amW* " n Vi aCas"e4m* ç -MEG NWiiY U Va~. XXVII.-NO. 22. PART TWO LIUERTYVTILLE INDEPENDENT.MAY 29, 1919. EIGHT PAGES. $1.50 PER YEÂR IN ÂDV&NCIL ore the state wouid b. able ta s prove that gueh waa the cage. Mrs. Strang deeltned ta comment ont the clrciimstances. merely in- mimting elle wam Innocent and was ainazed aitheb.flndIng of th chemilst and the action of the. state. Wlth VMa. trang when she w-vI brougbt ta WauWegan was the wl te of ber brother-in-lalW, Mrs. Wll417, Mr. Ives la supervtsor for the lee trie road. W. Ir. 1ptoc, went ta li court hanie au representing the rallroad -coinpany whe wiîhed that the waman might b. protscted and later ber relatives were ta arrange Cor personai Mr. and Mrn. Strang had heen mar- Ir& H . tîang rieti &bouit flteen years. Stmang waw l iseH s [ og ith lb ny Bon of Mr. and Mrii. Thomas Strang of libertyville. iorniely a Wadswarth where 'Mr. êtrang for. Ifoty years; was village potmoster. ?M~e parents lDow live wli b'àt, daughier. Mrs. Will FendIck Inu 1b. ertyville. The yaunz man whoge sudden death ~uiisU fle ohncicet the communtitv was 42 vears nidraom lu thewcourtnbon.ter, hplth herMson sd hîînoer the@Poitant ailad ofthe bwaill?. he b i adn lier déaybth e an and theacl bpr inte r n t as not l.ckpanrpIn thannt h. pouldngd br.:-beI ofend- linvra adtrinr lar"r.On the c.hage a moritie amesn lhea fndit a bofm n tecorsoue.Tp Charged moth theinmurthe conshan hubad erer T agag.f rd UBLIC CaNNiNO PwA -t r Mn. Gace Sranghibutfe taethlan W. at k be ni Welh nd owla eig hldIn heante ntthat mariythechangea aro- LakeCouny Jti pndîg a eanng bnecshpary ta card ry nliberty pend- b. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n a.dafwdy ec.ti heat sdlat,* fOrthcageoat Tii. eclaationai D. McNil bond8. nbe. Chcaged. ththe anlysa a ran'.Tofmmbr lhhvetpe e muea bt Herbterewa. a lage foreUBIC lANN INL A dfNTl ri twntyyenarycàine lu bs toma ouhe -FOR LAKECOmUulty rharmei North Ser wlt ie nct Mayt hi. wl .coe o h lfrn- Odst ra md ber hie bandW hadbe i ti W .rl F, betkl n nva ýmrnInqd oly d a rkbrestoh. T e lo ake mmunts Farn vBuiauwl plentdf tateratornJ.yLJamlorsb0.artau nreaedIn ardrners kIn urtih Wa elti tbednqu aei ned In heanr gron targmanzation a ree the reornty oipnig er new qarter arryn the ro BIi- The.deStran ofs arate by mifer801& ai bertyvItIe. binwofC Cicao tren tistareganalyi fteaniy . wiThaveme rao foravemainne he- oraem ent ahaudm ai<a e w or-tarebita, olin coupltte mereta n ml.buat anatthat sîch a harge -<olmansraisbcnd alsa belyiuffi. muld b.o ptyiace Inaagtnît eriar- rit entrom fo afarnramat ram. lngee innocenbe mat tail M-ly. Tbe cladiesfo ai l"»Foett gvea Stas tander Welb deliart lb. $of theanningtplanttakentpIi smnra, arutated iii hea Ilee ta prov e i Maea u. spa mnt yul . sta il altregbdslv ar wioti sthAnaeteotnear a aur e aonand wiii 1uanuad tha tâtetwa s et ueaily poavaiale ar ir te us ian i b afat tite elat'hareoti wtb depr- Teamen ai 4<eCommntyTUilaocana- seri. tcnrau .lanaat r o rm ButeFamu re a k"t ) thewul ha l theo nquMiiwaope endlrr ur ganiazing 'aiautait. fuit tr or. nw h1,rh hrelne char th n tei tre Bmuil Th. Strang ashaestfour chiriengbe turnie avler ta tm. ile sud Geentimei aboyaid feour vy 1T1. have wind or wi o oed ta sBta th le ou baum i5nont ie s a ibat tholin being iolamedtinstin .The by1nl.eell Re baconyrltv alseeiuhaesuli. mo nlg ali en t s h a cha ge îto nk. tiira wi n g a inr. r a y . «. b ace a g onstr e i-nt o a.tluenre oai a ret osi trFor 10 a Inonme wt ml." TheInsanedisgf Lke. rstyigase a States.mohr. vWlh a itlaresth~. e MOplnilant thow thepraymixture. I siglan idte abe ltsa rut nsMr.tue audmetplatwi applict in thel '-< Stha In afai t h aokiu', 5rr of gerinaiotetio. pnr ity ta hmrntandita twghcueo tacs. esla aicafor tssociBaior th, Mr. Wht se hsratged h fata néi tir-wmnofp yieskesotlnd undsiraba- lorase aa idoffallavban. :g art is. eed tausrtIùe l alning afOs SMa'10 m.Rmag .rei a ss fRbr ftion. the firau vle i msu Iefr orbis ay'siirne.ndnttiothie te a' m u e opothe uoss ai! nr 1eàr bis vue ad prearke et t ien îmes. hc cn fl - mati vlannwti 'tin . rreetInIctarTeitoice aont ail lmes tal Thei mainangg av.e for h t be a ned lu Late out ntifr The o.Itbe o. Dna,rid on t lutan ltvei b tga dl gen wbe ta rnaomm near h mte. ntlan me r te arin Bur- Falls on Son'@ Beti eat ai- ul. 'lis saie plIr>'bas been toloweti silice tle.agamtiou Tl vas not long niler thie faiher of the vomit ln Lake Lounu>. Tue anti sounisti gane ta scen andtheb.PFrteBureau la e-eelaeserre lhe wie Rave she titi ual gel tae epi ýfartu foulkai Laite County' luni-dem bfor-îh, father sutidenîs' rearedtiela elt>malte agrilure imûre pis- bli 111e sa's b.d and fpi dwno suot antipi-ofitable. hlm viltb bis ar-ms nattrptcî.d. 14PTiie Farm Bureau is giad la ne- vas tien lulbhetiyiug sate bis lfie ci,, Information, suggestos r later fount un .criticiania ln regard ltl.e rthei rarom Sb. calleti a tiactor but Mi. Sîrang Farmers ai Laite Caunt>'. diet rer>' sharîl>' Write or rail lb. Fsi-m Bureau Of- Thie argasais ofM. Strang Vei-l'or.'- ice or getln luch b iti saine meut- 7deteti ta Chîrao anti Dr. McNaliys ber ofille Execul ive Cammttee wiase s eporitw«ax auxiausi>' avaiteti b>' ml- inmesare: elivela n fhbe mat>ntiase >'the ,eo. Whîie, Atiaci. III.- .,< autb.rii,.W eu4h, brenrl E..B. .Jordan, Deerlielti, 111. MOin Il uovethlat la organs veto Ratp Rtise. Area. Il. tanra tte but liaI there vas a Goao. loppenhoefeL aite Forest, lîarge ainunt Ofstrvenine lln h id-tIll. mach. Wm. Dillon, Round Laite. 111. jhe farts fumher sheveti that Mr. C. C. Aines. Graysiaite, 111. Yrn- lr.Stranq batl beet> estranget for fifteen tmenthe vbiei aiee Pent To ResuovO Varelah 8"1au& In> IMoilta. Si. bat ebne homban. Ta remove varnisb stahua, ii-t val but s ve. ltvien BIane uiîeti lbe spota *itb aicohailvw or tires "Anotiier Mn limes, Iben tub wth a dlean lti. If Mn- 'Weicb efuete ta iatetaiedthle clot a Injue, apouge aftervanti "Mbràtent ounte admission tat there 'cti cbioroiarm ta restare lit, uit>ieE ~anotbeu' mail"tu lie case but lie call in he, luvilhc ame vinegar v.iwet prease, sait bo fitLmlouit be useti insteut, LEAVE TOLEN AR NKMORIAL PLAS LBERTYVKLE ANI) POSBIILITV OF- STOLEN DecortlonDay hereThatLakeCounty offtciaIs came wt Day Iher viii h Meut- ITHER W ln an are ai capturing one ai the L g i I t ï AT A L B R ;T X ri Services ln the rhurrb at à TO N S O darlng banda ni automobile thler.. 'clock a. m., contiating ar Requlîn I bih a8seagnisas n1a_81ci TRAI FRO IIRE 11gb assantian ratin. AterIbis INT RES INnLdSs muggllng them te certain points T A N F M E Etecongregati r icedtathe lin Wisconsin Jual arrosa the iBliatsf - Parîl Cemetmet aill11 Creek ta de-j - border and conceallng them ln a 111 Chrf e s T p b t t e T ain c rat. te graves of their dead with . vî og nzeilera he ble but he T ain fl aeri andt iagg. There wiii b eR.- W aukegan Lodge is Getting ai the authoritca. flavweti tbeeuner U u U j t [ f f heiftFiGes itesm IgneSrvcsad ..rY qr elIIale "ec"l tebte Left Fve MiutesOefore laulerices and s Paer r Many New Members from Icapture on Wednesday marning ai the Officer Arrlved tbe deati. The folowng arenatemnvl bdodaMIecr saidIe rs an thia PMriah oin th,. .Varous Parts of Co. 1.mnvaaadoeiaaoe a CivVS o i:a W io, eoia ufront ai Clarence Wedge'î place THIEVES AKE ESCPE. ta e lkt The.Wauicegan B. p. O. Bla No., ta oglm eecie nCi-S J I Bythantrwmagn f le Z.702 started Out ta geltva bo hunred cg aebe nevrn afn Wo the arrv mrginai iremin- Joh Helanand flfly new memberi front lb. vay Iti lcag o b ave e theneatui te fnit Utes faut automobile thieveil tba William Hogan returne are caming lnthbey are liable thsaiiontte -uofne,. motning 5ulippeti through tie fingera John Naran ta bave nearly tre ndrdr. t oen auccean . rcvr of a deputy mieril! at Waullegani Michael Sheeban t h pee tirisge hae limt- a lb. sal mahi eut have us D e p u t y 8 e r i t 1M . J . < r iff u, o l l o w i n g D n t, s W e le bt e t h ea u d ré e an yt a i in b e ave l iup a n o fb a i m u s u e A l it r e s k l uib g u p t h ti, thouiht tlb. teea iit bave Maurice Shea, 1Dakota hundred and eveutyfIt. naaries loiear- pracc f inusging UVth taken a train out af Waui<egau. H-i Timnothy Shea, Chicago Iug a balance Of SeveulY-flve more hfotmn baadietln burledte tahe station andi tound iPrank tWbaleul Usnes ta be iecured vitb au. veek cr Ther -eposs bail theadtleng that four men ansvering the. dferit>- William Coiord mare ta go. coar ltePox ël n trm tiiere tiefo r a t icagopecns. haidr ti ve euh Tiere la no fear ln thte.bearta ai vauld have been easy for them ta tic<es orChrag ad at tPe Jacob HuIler tie good! Ruts becanse everyone ban maire their escape Iuto Wisconsin the 8:32 a. in. train. This train lad Iyles Cainey' hi% shouider t t e lb.veei and tie Iî liq Possible aiseathat one aofîthe BUL ETI been gane but tire minutes. James MeCann clnsaai naines that lhate came tin auto fences may- have been eptai EILTR BEKZO lAilcîuîn Médtéde. vho dted lit are a credilta the Rilkz as voit an lisqhedtu hi 'aie Couuty lu lbe vicinity LGSAOSBEKZO ^ Carence Wedge vba lires near Mitl IIbby Prisoit" snd sirops down ther.. ta Waukegan. Ther. are nmofin t iFezax i.cdu. ta the actity oai Monait ly, iMay 29.-The .iela-. bora, vas ava.keued at twva arlOc'kTii.paAtr i ii conducrthle (;Prvtros the ot iisImportant business men ai lhe authorities an the Wisconsin lire commille. întentigaîiug zilon Ibis morniug by auots wbO 9sid aaslaiepd by six Acolytes, If there lhe city au veil as froin Lbertyrilie. aide aiflthe lin.. An investigation viii City matoredtielaOverieer Volltaa tbey iid ruout ai gasacline And are auy naine. amîîîefd front ibis liaI Grayolake, Round Laie anti many af b. contiucletiand thpeeia."psbii- mroughold Wedneaday, guideti by wantedtetagel Bonfotmi-.m HP *u<epriest etiries ta knaw. tlie neanby Ipvus; tb.i al euien- t>' that lie baud ai auto ulevesinay P . B.ohnson, .à réal etate dealer, a bch loa ti d l hiao. n IeESLm Nithusiasîle over the. nev Ellia Temipp b rakeu upthrtimugb thse slip imatie but titi net enâtuner te oveiseet. ..hc a h odteCiao" 1P RI SEPRKI liLTIN taI La te bc eectet lu the very bv tie four men> Wednesay moruIng. Ciairman W. H. Dieler» vas g. ai lie men agkd.Th refouîîan îeîaw vas proqent- near future and ail aeem ta be tleh _____ autioningatiter imenmbes. ZMon City' "Youre going lunithe vrong direc- Pdand u::nimoualy ad:pte-i althevrctf 2 hi ch w i nIto riaton ASKS sioooo »ui- trIy o th tlonyou'e onthe va>'ta Fox aite" Annual '%eeting oi the Bioard of Iir- $35 ailer tIbibg drive la aver. S $0 00 D M la an we tdpranytai* Wderepiieti. et fteAsoito fNrh Saturtiay lie business men eai1,i1- ESFO UITffl( mmhte<$ Ther noled that lbe ',Fox Laie? Tbat's viiere ve vaut Shore Miinilitlea hbe itiatth,. City ertyrille bave rallid s sperlai meet- 1 AU S OR INJURfIES tliree-alay ich"olbuilding bhm no ta go," one ai lie 'men spolie p. ,Hall Hihlnd Park, Ilintots, Fr iuIg tagetiier vltb a amali tinu.e' ire escape, aud that the tabernacle Thta repi>'liaitia tendeur>' taerening, May' 23, 1919. Th. assac'at. )Iviîiithe ullimate Intention oaI lu. likevise titi ual. coormta lb.heste arouse Wetiges suspuictons but li Nortui Cipao.lesae: Bluff kee For TesIttionevlii ter plc ieb. Charles W Young. a dentiat atat e Ore catie. Représentative Hatl isd.- ti ti uacomment au IL.NrhCiao a eBuf aeFr-'TeItatnwl aepaee hlForest, anti Robert R. Davuion. a con- Senatorl Bardui, 9Bha.w anti. 9eoe 'rie men filuedtheii tank ai thuir est.-Tlghvood. Highland Park. Clèn- armai-y beadeti by Admirai Basset trarter, am aiseofLake Farent, voes er. lu tbe part>'. m%îiue but vce unabie ta start oe Wiunetka. Keniivartb. Wilintte.. and oCI. Smith anti aiter thi nlaion matie tieîndants In a $10.000 damage the englue. In îrying la gel Il startet Déeejielti. Thei Commandants oif Il wîilb, îolaveti îy a biîg îeed. s uit flieti In circuit courtI aI Waukegau au. oflb thuen irak. a lever ii. ho ortSheridan MIlitai-y Post andi_____-tat.'b'Mro ioa aeFr couidti ualbit lie geirs. This pultCi-est Lakes Naval Training Stationu vIa c arsnliaie ofvas nFresti U L T the car out of commission. are inrîteti au bonorar> mpmiers. 1-lmeiven a piere oai luidlnk matérieli TAXPAYER" FILE& BILL WHERZAS: It ibas been tuemoil- WHO1 DO TilIYI MEANg used inlu onstruclIng a heie fat Dr. Springfield, May me (Speial)-Al- The, four men then made a propos- itraledte laheb.satisfact ion aofP the tPu~yi$P5gY agfeIlandtiber. She le repre- Ieging that 11w genral a , l*y bhm Ilion te Wetige te laite thein harktetaBoardiof Dîrertars oi the. Associa- IY Ej IW 'I euteti b>'Atty. Josepb Cumins ai ae authority to- appropriat. .50 W r Chicagoa Wedge tieclîneti but flua-i- lion ai North Shore NiiinicipalIler E E I u iy vas luducedtbi rngte nmen ta ,thal lbe ýrIt exhitedi iv lIe Main-_____Chicago. the exp.... of thein It oenframlee Waukegan, airiuan about elgl agement of Ravina Park anti us an- I -of th. senats and houa. appoinadi 'ciock or a littie later. tiviptie of aixceptlouaiiy 1>gh or-'aTii. Hprali-Eltaiiner printei ibis $175,000 Estate Left to under the Shurtîef mecelution ta le., Thee asnapatiulr eaander, anti rammitteiet he1 h eEt in ffusion Ioda>': .1 jvemigat.ZMon City WaluILs' . Gueea Ther va noparicuar rssoti eret o theNorh Mre.andNewî s aievs. tbe Waakegau cor- Kenosha Episcopal PRrishfil .a-y oZaCtltee autohat beau s tlorthat te e wHRAS.R4i at iereehptiettfigures. sud what boota J bill foR au junotl.1, ln, tbe Sau@@e: pi-eseSeti a s. i ath rte utit Ifîlbait ben printati on May' 27. Kenosba, Wis., Ma>' 27-8it. Ma- mon cirouit oourt lbore ta r.etria 5 ver. thieves but ailer lh. gai ta veil wCiag uo-1919, anti 1917, anti 1916. anti al the liev's Protestantt Eplacpal Ciurci payment out eta f *UY t a'<lng ih over be decitietita e- wCkt a 0 a>' bnck ta the time Iba't lb. halrôhir ' h l' ueTnde7ipendently wvehi' tate tremuUy o I m'7 part the malter ta the, aberiff's office. t, iituit frth. hitimelta eter- P. B. Green of Wauitegan fell out lods>' vbeu lhe ilng aithe viii ofi bill la dirocted Iàoln« oawitor pudb. nie dît on. aupplyîug theiclîcense nun imneta b lgei hrner.acà year Ince lieu, vîeu îir. tii, lot, Ruuaîeîb M. Moore, uldav 'lio BCOUaIB Aiidrsw eussII andste ber an the car. Investigation aliowet aud le nov recomilleil nuUoniLlly as Greene t00k bie bat off for the, ses- of the laie Col. Webster Porter Mooretrme Fre a. Sl.rille, telîceniselbat been taken out îy thie renter cof lhe atIitie la produe. bon. th. gentle tavuspeopi e knev normeri>' commander ofihIb LOSLe N.t.hetes li1n6a orenttrgperrmanesa t ItalSprlug ladtairivet for a Sommer alan ai Wisconsin. sbovedti lat pi-ar- 'The légmiative uveetiseAuono f Vo. Nhc., eerso.415Amaea venue WlERRPAS: durlu <liepeort ai fton. Testerda>' M. Greene doffedti icail>'lber entime estate. valueti at Depul>' sheriff Griffu basleued la var artivi(les at tbe Great laiksttesb.durer. 'Tweet. Iveet! J1$175.000 bat been leil teth le cubc.1 (Cantlinuetion PelleBUYNIÇ> tic Nortlivealeru depot vith th,' lu-; Naval Training Station and Fort tenlian ai detalaîng the, tour men Sherian Muiltar>' Potl, the Maniage- .- - - . .- - anti compeling thein ta gir, au ar- meut oaithe Par£ bas carieti out v_________a____ caunit ai lieielvea. Wben heoiiragram aof patriotir service of greal i foundtihbey hati taken a train for magnitude anti rare aebiermeuI. Chicago b. hurriedt ie bsOffice anti theneiore i. Il raileti ut>Peterson. îî tooî , RESOI.VED: liaI h. Assoiatîno nmie lime ta gel lie télephione cet thle North Shorer.tfunicipalitleq b>' nectian. Hé theu vas Iniormedti lis Board ai Ilirectors expresslits Petersou'o car w.s stolen Tueda aIppréciation la lias. vba bave Fia uigbt about le.n-lblrty ne'c npi egb- spiendil! su ad causistentiy main- M.- ibars baviug seen tIre, men drive avay taineilie blgb moral ,planre aoftus I lu it. iepyical beaul>' 0t h 'Theriff causulet his vaIn Ibio premIsea lu a manuer cousistenti antifouni ilmd aite sa oug a lth ls .îîrrountiigs. aud fui-lier reari Peleraan by phione liaI lieéRbc IXP 'a lMinaseat train ou vhirb lie foui- men bai FO,,n tl uratio lettWaukgan ouldlie n Ch cag ommenti Ravinia Park mont brartîl>' jhefore lbe rouît telegraph la the a'>t h, ll-nqnfu tlioriies. ta have thenatresteti as anti urge lipon them is beartv eup- 1 thlet train. Tiere appears tu port, moral as weil a% financial, ..~.' ~ be no va>' la gel any Une an tel ici vb i i iten t eretae a lova. communit>' tie rare open air prit ... -. - Iliegs aferri e tic;usamidst delahful -i surrauniings andi furlier. e t n RESOLV.D- tiat tlii.Résolution ~ i iiP'U~ii hall ieb. soi-iupnthe, record@ of T im e ofeacb cnrnmullv ho furnIgbet a t 2'D V I T I CopY anti reîuêAetei sblsb sain.' Want ovt.Proprt11E prospective June The folawiui gnIesolîn vai smo nnentmouslytapateti: T -cne pln Wl-fRMAS: the attentian of tie Bor f ciftr f lbe Brid is cntempanin OF CRASH Sîsta nti-eShorei eptite al-, the realization of her girl oedra been dirpcltdi thle ne"isshty at % s1iltlable higiivav along the. Northiiro n h m ." F lilh rh p iTh e sn ti' Mof 20h uotl ti- fnnhAr ndb hiecago and 5piness by furnishing thiat home as cheerful eyo usaMa 0hetiRond WHiMlEAS: tie catuplelin or adcm otbeas psibe out vhen th.e'V train struckt Clark. sun auîultalie bigivRy vb lcviii me- sud Wnn's trucki caryhng elgiteen Ilere Shieridan Roati andtihle maond men, diedt luestay niait atI tirougi lb. renter aoflth. Part Sheri- o r o s w oar od h r Fareil baîspitai. ilis eth ibat been dan Renervatioifa talarge percent-. iig-o on eaie n expecteti as, traintie lIme b, vas are oi traffic eêd io h r iig-o od rltvs n taken l tei.ebospitai bis Injuries, lu- alrlng i ds.erenda ion the . nit.friends who are coriîdering gifî-wîiI be lernal anti externat ver.,ofa a raac.lates oorertiment. roverinu'entai'1.1i wime and îhoughtful ta bring lber in litre aud tem tiat aete ieb. tiit't baye aluia iWse- onir'o chnclilandol the a st r eseudrraton , let lber do ber own choaîng.M Berita voritetifor a iChicago bl ie ithierAfore Ia b soito o'lfn h ait lstsy painting cotrarlor whiait a sui- RflOTVrED: ta h moito o'lfn h aitlstsy raulract ou the iarmi buildings lie oni Northb .Share MnnitPalltles b>' itq --~ it> in taste, quality, utility and econowy. conîractors ver, rarrying aut on Tl.- Bori-tof Drerlers i"orebhv reaneat 4. '.te gtspb mod ast o f Ronoutu. Accord. the Cangres aitii. Unt.dtaItes te0 Convenient pavinent plan if deslred. tuai>' Bernitia vaa ual an Clarke anti griit suri .essement vilni viii ai-, Winn'a payrail. mlb. theamiliin ai the Im)rnme................ Corne in and inveiltigate our money Tii. otier vlctim lisadore Unger, ment oi McKinley Roati lu n riBlier- vorlietifar the, irm. filan Réseration and 'faither - Chicago. Croner Taylor Impsnneied Irr Its Bloard ai Directors offIcial>'vigpln a Jury butbte:Un eévience. ravement laessetlstae meet tli Tue verdict ln the lInger case vas futur, demanda ai maotar Iravel aln liaI oi accidentai tieathbanti this lhe North Share In limes of qiet, noboti>' as beid espouible. Harry am vel as durîng an>' disturbanre_________________ Lunt ai Wauitegau vas ilriug th ietier local or national anti tutbe

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