CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Jun 1919, p. 10

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1 LIBEETVItVa E fl$DE NWDWP 9'T1TSDAY. .1TNE 5.19I19-' _____________________ - .'r.r. ---------, - ---- -, POSES AS NURSE; SWILESSTORE 0F MERCJÀIALSE, Men's& YoungMen'sSuits Waistline and Conservative MVodels- $35 We have the greiitet seleection Of high gradIc suifs for nien and Young men ever shiowiî in Waukegan. There arc osaie and waistline styles in sing- le anddouble breasted inodels ini ail the piIlar eoi1irs or fancy mixtures and Young Womarr, larming Tt Be Mume Buys $22 ýWorth 0f Goods On Credit Here. DS SOUGHT BY THE POLICE Waiîkegan. lune ý, 119 The Smith-Buchanan store was vie- timized late Tuesday i.ftürnoon itv Il young woman who pased as ,i nuse. She ourchased $22 worth Of goode on credit and made lier escal,r before the swindle was kdtected. The- poice are working on the case but have no clew to the Young woman's Whereabouts. A littie carlier in thie atternoon the young woman, apparentlly about 24 years of age, and givblig the tianie1 of 'Margarpt NMcAlister, appeared at the Alex Hein store and said she was erai Hosptal. She asked for credit, saying site wished ta ituy sanie ar- ices of wearng apparel. The young wornan was infarîned that as a mater of precaîttion hier reference wôuld bie citeeked up and Exide Battery5 K. DOl. CHARGING AN] Electric Starting, Lightinl InstâIIed mn< 106 COUNTY ST. that If lit ;goved&lo býaai l rghÎ"h W.IUrbhb1udite sft u ýlAUK ANLC S would bie ulowed credit. W,,trid ekokMa the youapgtere how te "Ota' i Ih, h ele ebc oe Mr. Reddlng receivedl the saiT ne-w "Oit. th t'sa rghn stabey a palir e lak oe t.n1un111 ite death îof lits Mon "ivego a o utad uya I M EMir Carl Reddlng et iPt. Lyon near Las of shoes. l'Il be bac, afterward anu-4 by hatlim yo wll hve adan ~ WUlU~'4U~U~4D. LAnimas, Colorado. Carl onlsted in ammmmt tum youwill ave bd anthe navy at Great Laites at the lie- apportunity ta checkt up onlme." ÜÉLU LIIgnî ! iewrbu on cn After site was &one a representa- - g tive aofte store calied Dr. A. E. tracted tuhercuiosis and wap en Brow, spernteden oftheCouty piften Caren ,Set FI '. - f- West for bis heallt at th, Naval tlron, upelatndet o th ContyVift.n anlrs ent Fro ~ .1 1i Sanaturlum Bt Ft. Lyon. The case Hospital. lîJiJ.ay, Mich.- To Wauke' :'. watt flt titoUght ta besein tl «'Sie's a fraud-.--cal the Polce and gatw,- nVdà Outbrie Ï ,O.,a, fJacit- h pro.aottre eksg we oe haele rrse, r.Bona- riated an automoilte and dld fnet get gram watt receved or a serions turu serted. Bway witl i t were Eari Cornîsit 17, and Carl's nxotlier, wife and daugit- 'Pie police were notilled and Po- A9b THfEgi"START -ýHOME. and Flnk Lynchi 18, baoth clalmlng ter ieft for lis itedside and wvcre witli ,ý1 , .1.ý -, - - . 1 * te be fron the GIreat Laites Training bhlm te thte last. Thle Infant daîugit- otera Btorshcreanseot tia a Waulceganr, June 3. liq station. Tlley were arrettted In 1Ken- ter of Mr. and Mrs. C/iFrIR.dding hi othe stres ereandseekte p.osba at eleven o'elock Monday nîglit prehend te yaung *Oman. lie vîtit- That cardier ipigeona are "wise" ctau.g.d wlth grand iarcenY and 'rues now repprted very 111. 'Ph- body lu ed several stores before gettlng teas~ owia and even wlaer, laa B ltflnd@ay turned over le the Police o! PftexPected ,ta arrive front the Wes the Smith-Bucitanan atore and then fart. But did ye ever se. them re- *cîneto anaver charges te -lie prefer- todity and the funerai ilii lie hicd. faund titat the Young woman. who badi eaed ,tostart on a joarney? red agaînst them ln connection wlth Tuesday. given lier narne as Margaret Gar- Weil,' a itasktet cçntainting fifteeni the Ibeft of an automuobile of 3hon The fatiity and graduating clas-settl land and wlio taid practlcally the of these twonderful littie.hirds sr.* Martin, 908 lirat Avenue, Kenoslia. If )Ferry hall have sent oit invita saine str as ait the Hein store, had rived Saturday evening from No. The car was stolen trom in front tiens for the commencement exer- t left about hait an hour itefore. abc way, Mieb. anid on the tag er of thce estrance t0elthe South planit of ciseu lune 14 te 16 ln Lake Forest. hadit een more successtful than at lneiely these words: "Release Sun., the Case company in Racine Just nf- Mien Burke dled June 1, 1919 Bt the einstoe fo lir rferecesdaymornng t fve oejok."ter 9 o'clock Nlonday night and two hier laIe residence ln Lake Forest.L the einstoe fr ler efeencs dy mrnlg B fie ociok." hours later. uniai the end oif Laite 111. L)aughter of the late jantes Burke, itad net iteen questloned and sabe was And, H. Cliristensen. employed nt avenue, Police Oficer Meurer of the and sîster of F'rank Williamu, and te permitted te purcliase $22 worth of tite freiglit depot was asaigneil the! Kenogha force -loyed a revolver, inito iabe Aunn Burke. Fujuerai l 9s.,ni. Tues'- apparel on credit. tak of settlag thte carriers free as lte Ince$ o! lltiti--tiealrs and or- day, June 1, nt 8t. Marys citrcit Thte street cars and trains were ,o aqel dered tlinem thie police station. Laite Forest, via Buta te Wauîiegan, wthdbut no one answering a des-- And o on Sunday hie opened the They admltted stealing the car. cemetery. IE cratiocohed Yong *a wsbasket and 5aw the birds. liait Young Cornisit and Lyncht vere la civîlian crtound. ofstaie youngd fly ommanhebas.lothlng. Theil laid Chie! O'Itare - -________ ____ faket, an e hai aturd f rm the athat th. y haditben dlscliarged !roim _____________dokec n e ra d . omi the navy but ttîey coutd net produce hock, lue>' e th le southwest ann dithàlirge papers and the>' ad- Oaliy Thought. of the depot. Next day h. heard titat mi'tdltri iengtta hr Erhchanges, but thy sani ggdLth carriers made a iteeline for Johni iiglit te something irregular ln tîtelr - God stand sure.-Robert Browvning. Guthries plae on Gieut. Fiors, Ave- diseliarges. nue and, ln one lot, lnvaded h, Just before noon Monda>' the local - coops. Thus iL dldn't take tbem long police office was nolllled titat the tva ta ltnoerwitere other birds were he- sailars under arreut itaditroiten away ing haused and they evidenti>' vant- frorn gusrqs whsite at worlc Btth Serv ce taü*on d la get a good feed itefore starting Great Laites Station on Monday af- on teir ripbac te ichian. ternon and afer fleing from eus- Mr. Gutitrie states titat the itîrds cd their usilforns ta civili..I.ncthe. ID KEPAIKKNG renîained wilh bis pigeons until 11 la hoepd that every man vlio bas e- l ,' -_, : ' . 1,'ciock viten lliey sui left the coops tune ilI avail htmself of titis op- igand'Ignition Systema iln a buiicli and fiew straiglit Up cir- portunlty of Ibis courtes>' aistîhe iatl- d Rié led.cled about a few seconds and daahed - Ite local Y. off toward Nofîway, Micit. WA K GA ,The belifleistitat the birda Com-. GARBAGE MEN 0F WAUKE- Yoiung unies, te lielihood being titat Are the garitage nien of Wauitegan, _____________________________________________________organized linto, a union or trust? ~~ ~One prominent restdeitt of Waukt. ~~ gan expresses lits blief tliat muchi a condition exista here. litegays lie. bases Itis net anti' an bis own ex-, perience but alsaouin the experlence of friends. lie says te partage men, of Wauitegan ni-ver vere ga Indepen. - t S lda - dent as tlicy bave bec nfor the 1ast ycar. Consisting of Sý "iL lias came ta stîcl a point.,,lia ~ i e e n s S complained. 1'that it ta Impossible te h e ,T e n sS gel a garbage man te haul away your, garbage uniesa lie fecis so lnciined., 1 arn convlnced thiat tîhe garitage men -~"~W~ T ~ ~ s~rcompare notes ansd it scernu that ltey' n..... ~worit together ln everything. "I emloye a certain garbage man __ /T oti vfrUne but tlnaiiy dlscliarged hlm. 0, Ha~ S> '1Vi and waud not have lim udhran '0 ethr g ge eL coetoifor every memb D utie~Place biut ato they have pep.tniy rniacd In do so and have set certaino p ru îy t Ready-.Forceful-hv ali e'cm' tlosa falJ they vere trying te force me te go nrk.e ie nds Infornume hl . Lookin'the Part bi k a ieman r or, e aa 9 g hey have sirnilar experlences and lt Ge la thia whilci convinces me that tIhe 'You Youîig fellows re-alize -a'\eever l)cfore three garbage gatherers are working together ln a sort of trust." file advautages of making a good appearance. Having falled te geL any satlo- lcailizitng this as you do, your ehoice of elothes faction from, te garitage men hi -1,O l e a hui f ~ ~ ~,self itis man Laday took te matters wvi1l bea s it i UiChe Gloe; they have the up vits the police vite assurect e1îiat-at-tcýi- and distiiïetioîî You dcuîand; they hlm thAy îwouid sec titat bis needa Men's Ten. 8 c were cared for.. U kccp titeir Sliaiw aud wear* as good elothes Thte police say itis la neot the firat nis Shoes should wcar-wdlel. compiaint of te ind that lias bueusw Oxfords caiied la their attention. They sa>' thqt frequently tIse> are callid p Men'a White Canavas -Sb>' PeOPie wlio tell thora they 'bar Oiôtfdà, $3.00) Y ou ng M w ~1 trled In vain te gel Lite services or values ............ Â e n~fJA garbage man and 'appeal taete po- lice as a ati rescrt. Mé*j.ayCna S i sHardy Chin«e.Pouules. values,. 00.. . The Chinene bhon, la really a parinaley.......... sorewhat atter tte type et thlieveal. $ $35 Values-Newest Styles la tg kown as te Mo golian pný. 2,s,$.5 titrîves on food ounviticit a western animla wouid stajyS. la abltîe toarry Mepi's Colored Cati- fieavY londi long distances, and IsIvery IV". Shoeu, welt soles in ti amaz17 wesa. & a aeil i 4;50) Values ...... .2 411 - maI t la ibaracteried b >' ulee Bd d ~ flitlina. Chtnt experts u p At $5.00we are offering the verv îîewest >adÔ frsa styles iîn men's and Yoîug 'Ien's suits mnade of Vîtuesend Ita Reward. 98e and,..ý........... fille quahity wool mixtures, also bluciserges, %,ai- Te strive ,î0instflIi I nnal5 !tl'LaisCa0s'u p mind iviicliit my hefail lhae, amtd 1 tie s Up to $35.00 in a large selection of the popu- reject wthl sconuthe suggestioso 2 qtraps, $3.0i ]Iar colors. We ask YOU sdblg rtsrwr.Toa to compare these suitS the devili la unuotable sign of virtilo values ............ S w îth other makes. Kempilis. Ladies 8port Shoos, Pumpi, Oxfords, $3 _____________________ M (W 4 .Mvluem a Ladies Shoes Pumps. ' r Oxfords, high ani IowAm0-%« heel, 4.00 values .. Ladies custom made Shoes,Pumps, Oxfords 2 9 5.00 values......... Childred's Tennis Pumps and Oxfords 98 IC at 89C and.......... Children's Pamps and l Sandleu ii leather and 97c canvas at ...... Girls" White Sboes and Pumps, 2.00 f 9 values .............. Girls Tennis Pumps i( àuid oxtfords 1.,019 98C and Boys and Girls Bare - foot Sandies, Tan 13 and -Blaek at ...... os'Tennis Shoes e aoxfords 1.9' Boy'-s Elk-Skin, Scout < Shoeu, 3.00 values 9 at........... Corne early! Get firs choice of thèse real bargains io. grow. WadsworthbP Phoun eM tuirn ceiltra --'ue---'- OpnDvenings . sao Plim T*f -- - - ---------- Ilealthy cattlo means mor»e money to you. Kccp discase away Ïioru your horées, hogi, shcep, cows, goats and calvcs by using "Federal, Stock Con- ditioner." It purifies the blood and tones up the rsystepn. You eau intprove your stock 100 per cent with but littie cost to you. Fariners and stock raisers ini other couintics arc gctting wonderful resuits. lIse "Federal Stock Coiiditioner" and keep t3ickness awaiy fi' Oui your stock. "Federal Stock Conditioner"l is sold in 25, 50 or 100 lb saeks. Exclusive Agent for Lake County C. J.. CIESLAK 157 Bc'lvidcre St. Phone Waukegaii 29-74. :usu:: :s --------------- b--b------ssus te1Shoes -1400 Regu'ioss of GOil 0'~.à hos oups, Oxfords, Sport Iioes and Oxfords, everything in white ~WEAK )er of the family a wonderfuI1 uùpply your'summer neeéds in çinks of shoes at a %»t 'S.&ving :)j the Real Money Savers! LN~J 'ONJ~ MA Iv A Wn god In colini rv May 1hi. -Covingi, sund wtîr 'rai pli 110w la accirîlîn caluireri to fla? Ilis fil flood JO' Wuîrk ,s- wri- loi: TRAP ille lit . Ont. I Il,4 tu.r taii d -V l, t, h, - i r . s. 2 .: vr,4 le - "ri ft ltint tii N,4 ndui'1n i r-liitt 144s MAI 'Coli it o e i r( nî Nlit, 4P.t , oMui w4,'lulilo , .iHenn lot on 0 1fi fi IualiiNe b.4i444 t iil ftre in bluit tl lot linil J.ll). on an Wi , Dit s. '- agl- foi for» 10 10k 00 1,019 é945 !095 1.19 ..........

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