1NYcol 0, . MAN IN DETI3CT-' IVE WORKABROAD 4hris CovingionA Former Sun Workman, 'now Provost Secret Service Sergt. IS QUITE A DISTINCTioN. A Wrrri'îegan color.d -boy à. maklng goot Inl France In te service of is cotoîru aceording 10 a latter daled Mav 11, wrilten to te Sun by Chris Covinglon who at one lime va. Lit assistant presaman ln te Sun offica unti whro also ai one lime was a se cl policeman aI Zion City. ]de ie now in tii,ý Secret Sevie' 1)r.part. nient of thei A. E. P. ln France anti rcctrlng bto ItenoIe hlie.là tti on)>' coltirutiman Io have hecin assigneti tIo taIt lirri.o! work ln overena ser- vir. 1 it lot-ne fi lloa',s i rrlî ill1in-Pan m!sndbave a goin ti jol*i (ho Dlie li,snen& of <r tîsi't'.,-utiat'-r(Ct Secret Ber- %lre f P.rIn K F , "anre, but i 1rupe b - h,mP s50w I amrn I 1ÇRn,. mi diity at pr..'.'t andi doinK 90o-fl î,nk I an, ite îniy oloreti nir,!1 lulin,'A. . F. dolng deretîve work îui , r,'. I viiihave t10 f10%.. TIi.- Cl,- Inusicame In vants tas 10 L iI. itrii for 8 or 10 day.. Wili s.ni' 1 P- lt r. l'rovout SergI. Covington, 304 M. P. Co. TRAP S' ACKERS IN TUNNEL .1. i- r s ieu.il are Inleened k-t, tî C io ,61("l e,-- urae tIh..Miller frat Ili ý1iid;i,, lrt.n tille ovur the lke Iuyiu , n Xii'ny(ounl>' anti un' inu- ilni.--rare iweli known, lilt h. ý . i r Fox Lake: 0n'. i,- 'ehui was sîrot fle..Ing loto f lInCti -<iti ur trappet inlua liri- n'it rut,. '-. f -ront itie bouile ta tIe barri,.. u <n:il dcanrehl aiadriing is hot>n ,r' .'- taa. ait-n depart-i oi r;, .. i i t gçirt4 .uirninar.-ti a ta-i . ;,r, --<a"h anti lagged titroe ,ln, lu !r - u (, l t1im fatiers ; fanm siý siii. '1u11 stof Spring Gnove liti MIl- n, Crnt, 11 l,'tnpsday. lt>i,;r M ,, ha-.iaund Wililaît, Psol,. - c' 0ii'rW Miller, a waaîthv far- mc: 1 - l'ilhie,1'. S.agents on lrii- i i ;ahd-n lireir home liasa t,- rr,,-l, i,-. nf te tunnel. t lit-r 'î i>4i lutice Agi-nt'. ili- liîitil-f'u T J lirgir.and il Ae. ( J t.-n- wid lin, capture ant brogitî V.' J Iirri, Ciclago ofcer o!fte de- 1arit, ,n r,'tri ,' Ji.'l urireau o! Invus- 1w T'o-e stimitlei ajîlfii v. a, e r i -f niii;ry servie anti aur, plir, i ii, boînds o! 1,.00oi each hy Vi ir. i i -ýî-, 'iimlssionnur Mason. W- 1.... : ' v u'- lit lthe1r. rothers, aho r4itLuu.- 'u i ;i,,fnuit,2::it29 years, enu coiiiut, i n l'uî- ('o,,, Counl>' counfy jaut E- V ' un u- I if 4kegan. abenlite ît'uni i f th a, rnt1fhiteemen saiti- "'In, lilu h gluil tif Il for 1 bave tima n il i-s a. n.' siaulters and lta! I'.ît, 'ai, i s -i-n afler therrm for a lo,turu,.ifu.. My unle J. W. Sanhora, al i, i %rir (t, rI, titeitIme about hi.- fit r, som. line go andi 1 nu'.i- iii tir, inreport btat'e ftticnmi c - li s i. il- l .>to andi n.aIwthem ar- I i r' fi... irnuii follolati ' MANV SALES 0F HOMES LIBERYVTLL . l" -Lx, J yNAAP T TI40TR ý 11 ,VJ UIN ri a, 1:11.0m The. Scitool Attendance Supi. Clark ruporleti for te mont o! May. sittwing total nýmIur un- rolieti in the City Sciiolls inge SeP-1 tinarbur ast 293.'. as foloas: Northt Scitool 580; CeunIrai 44); West ll16: Andrew Cooke Sclirool 59h,, Souit Sq11200911)0 fwaiti l i4 tllSc>t - Sebcils 750. Per cent of attendaice. 92?8; number o! PPIpls never tardy, 'Contlnued FPr.m Page ONE) 23.3; cases o! lardinuirs 292: nîur- - - - ---- ber o! pupils absent more titan livn, 9Si ou inf 'oflrrr Si. for $200(). days 183, anti cases o! corporal puit IlirNorthli tirragin iLawrence ILt iment 3: one. ai Central anti two rI lhnlînîglrî the -W. A. raits.. pro ai Andrew Coolce Scitool. pi-riy u ,'ist sitl. siil,'Sutalo . Principal Rogers matit-ruport shtow- ~ li11 tfotr $154) anti gave hait lue totgl nurmber entroîlei n Ili gis _nst dIr-'-lfur $193î~0, Scitool incu Septenbrhen 5111".fi r.,.t 9;ljuin N,î ilsireiT:lotdr t ý.Inihî ft tugîrI ear 222:;osecond year 177; lîrird y.ar Si, rilun itti. anti Siîîîî,aîmn Ave. fnom 104; anti feurtit or senior year 5:1. Per Mi, 1'. Siernaîr ftor ndi-alî-tl$00) cent o! attentiance 957, anti cases o! t Highilandi Par: Got. <I ood- tartiiuess 43. nns blurrIrItier.Oaar fi. Noerenberg Commkbtee on Teaciters lunte Cii>' ,ý1r0lvry on w.'sl id,' O'wood Ave. Schools reporledth ie !olowing wootiirrn Sheridian Minlce for indu.- nainea teachergad eti o signes] cou- cuit i-il $7iîîîu sulJect te $31100 encula. tracts, anti vniîmi not reluru nexi brunn 1'. ear' r omlinson anti Miss Peter- l"irkJ. llunîîig bouilt a lot at - Mi Sourtht usr's corner Vine Si. ant idi- son of te alcAIIaer scitool; Miss lotiutrAuve. for $2500 anti Williami Marsaal of te Antirew Coolce Scitool J. Iliinig, bluîght tire balance of te Miss Hall Mrs, Kelly andi ilirs. Sitip- loi ton iVite 'Si. for $1500 !rom Lostîs ley o! titi West acitool anti Miss N. Ilt-ri-itr. Situidon, Miss Anderson, Miss Mack, It Zion City'. Artur anti LucY e>', Miss Doyle 'anti'.%iss Lowry ocf l .hies boîcht flir e I,,lntkuhlirhousse lieNri cio. on west midle Eliaita Ave. sorîti O! The foliowlng leariters', aue elect- 2i.h St. for $3500t antigaive back morn ed ln te Cil> Scitols: Mrs. H. Luînd tgaci' for $2500. Ii Newport: Jareti C. Churli rs.. juini Cari Scitunt. Miss Rult btnnrcith ie Andrew Cook farm of!-160 M. Johnson, Miss Helen U. Ensk!ne. acre's in St'c. ?1 from Guy G. Fowler fiis asi Repsale Mason. ~is Zn- for 14000. suitiegî te encurttîrance. nie L. Mrner, Miss Madge Davis, It eXst Antit: Adoipit('il! Miss Ethel Ouîllen, Miss C'assie Sapit. boigîr1t the Il. L. Bîadeil proper'ty in Miss Alla CM. Lews-I anti Miss Lonelta Carnînts Suit, lu Sec. 1 forl$36011. Brrke. In lte Ville- tnelle W. puuî- Thte oBanti dinecleti <bat contract.' cOck 100k titie to 200 mres in S. E. bu tendere th ie teacirers electeti. i L.ehnmnn esînle for $21000. Ct Schooitr and aise ln theIti' As on: Otto -Crlîton ouglirit iy -tons.o. Hgitolar e lt 9nid S 20 fi.' lot 8, WbltetwootiSd o oeiabnsc 11 oln Suris. ronrIÀng Lake' froui td*ard M. 0te ci tercher under contract aI Cliuncy fiî $2501. te beginurng o!fte ensrring scitool In Warren Townahip: Walter J. Year, vito rumincti during te Dul -a of 1 * stomiegtoit laid. bougitt Year. Saitiouesm o! fifty dollars lo'be :113 38 acres ln N E 1/ Sec 13 front atdeti te titi June 1920 citec'i tto1itacit jIriri Andrew Grahtam, estate fr ahe lnlu iberlyvilie Township: Ilî 1.'BsIes H oia,(a Corpri.) of rCiîcago hieat Md te thein.teA 0hook -tille le parI -S W '4 Sec. 31 neae 1If you cannot digest fruit, do net -Dianti kdake i'sting part of the 1a11eMtth. frit, biame your stomi. CofrLarm rn om Go. . -wok f£o,ýig ilq fiasdgmitwiîat i write, do lu bbue heLdn A lu ru N,7W Ili4iliVNEW 72 NEW NEWTOOTH ACHE If vouit ad gon" 72 years and never iaitot pay a dentil a cent for TO DU IJILTPeevetl would you ln cages net long sot trip t0 1he.cbair aiticit carrnes Dock Conbpany for 800) tons of K u îci agony andi gunerai fear. tucky Coal, noir at the Docks of sati Tas b.sae fmdlrIf company, tote'beleiired ta the 1 Y -Douglas of Waukpgan li..llter Cityschols dringthe omin y nown as Johîn l)ougla>î founri himn- Cîî acool dulnglit c lngyer. sui-ef In teailiter day. Alttough b.. and 300 tons for te lgb Scitool. TakeStep fo NewH 8 bas congulteti a ientiat Pcdi:var ait oit Commi fe.oNewlaH.in8.ad drlng bits l.. (of course hi, didîri, Troundaof ibtee onuildn ings n!s,~tatrî ntil be itadt hir is eue tpu,îh i Grouds f te Wukean ownhiMr. Douglas neyer Itefore riow hati Ifgbh<4Ochu" Vtriet mad repartit, bave any dental work dorn,. 11h, on te ver-crmwded condition of 1,4bhavý,* 1'1îuIren so tiIf Wau'iegan 11gh Thoo 'ie Coin-' and go perfect as; t0 Ibeir tonstrue iittae rePoorted i ~at Waulkegan dion that ite never lira, a uavity, Ie Torwnshp -Higit Scbool was erectedi neyer bad a pain or an act, of anv ln 1909 at a cost of $124,910.98;: thal id e -c erh a h in said bîgh' scbool aitun erecleti aas kind. Yer lst ean butaile(-h. rieno intundedti 1 accominodaI.. 400 pupils dufecta hadt conue on tbenr. Il wasluît and no more* that te enroliment ha. unli a few days agi thtIa a siharî, xtemduly Iîrcreased fromn year to year, irai lnhi. jaw aiioaed but, ithat- at andi Raid 'building 1. nnw, andi has lasêt one of bis teelb nrîrsî have.. or, been fer sev.'ral years 1maI past, in- ad..quale tW accommo<iate ail pupls 'to flic. bad."' iilit e district; taIlb.. enroliment Accordilngiy lir, consrîlteti a drer et lb.. presenttlime In sait! scbool la lmt.The denîral nmade thii-runiark 460, andi tbe total number ennrolied intba b..dld nrat 1e tkili ith,nrt, %Ince September Olrgtl alt, 'tl8 thaât lecause tbe tooth apîreared i1k,' In ail probabilily aI letat 250 pu' good veue. Mr. D)ouglas anicao, rik pili wil bc. "uroliei irit$reamilen will lit..remairk:"Wel l - iun,,' aitun schcol <qeng Sptembe~r neçt, 72 year aioinrfauv dînlisýtus ioloi wlîli laut 53 ouf of tite present en- andi 1 duni tblnk i arn oing lt 1, roliment grati îating. lier.. long ionut, a finit i1 ilvers The ecumiiU-e frîlier ruponteil convenlpnt Io have the tiers,% il- lit Wakegan I11mb Schrool District I in.neliihýii n facî t1iti,, i l, îîoxv own i te aegt 811 fr-ut of liock 17 1hat nerve h rfis 1001ha il l-I aý i, « .MKay's Secondi Addition, beluz te aà long as 1 do So go ahea amii land Iying between tbe north Une of Jerk lb, nervi' tecr.îse i diot car.. o Watcr Street extendcd (Water St., standIbis cintnoit pain. Acu-orîl- If extendeti would lie dIrecty nort iitgly te dentisl killei te Ieri,- artd of te pressatI 11gb Schboo building. remioved and Mr. Doruglas af tir "he vacant landi between te nontIr searr, filirs chaurges <Up <on.. antî fine o h11e building andti h..ravin.- dental fIve, the. lin-t litI hi-las bail la flot ail owned by tit i'1gb Scitool lit PaY District, but oniy titat part iying It 15 likel " vtîalt er.. are, few north of te buillding, a distance iase'4 bli te Unitedl Staattihre pet. o! about Go test) and Washington pîl, cat, point ta a record of t is klnd. rTe <'ommille.. ha taken up the HERE 18 THREAT LETTER malter of purchaste o! tii.' lalancfu of th..lnIn Bilu locki17. da,%M n Bi e, lcit-1lapresAnted a colis of lii'« Frank Iuhie, anti have agrei lit lli.., malleil out 10 a rtiinlîr <f til.« hlm t t,...'ail o! the landl h.. itns learcritrotf W:,rkean a,,.iiiuied In <aid bock Iing lielacen Watrrt-r 0pay tlb..,$5fee. t ith- Estenson %treet and Washingtou sItreet aItii.' Service lu aceôrilance aiit te asei inge of $7000) ahicit lnlire oiinîoiî ment te-vsIgnedi. 0 f teé Commillpe islathe fair. cash, Theitu elPr is a fair sîrirîti,-f<ifliiose market aisof Celnd."nrt ourt and 51,ae n lplain %woril, 'rTe Board adoçitedth ie recommen taI leaciters aho refuse taiiprv tl, » dallons of the Commlttee, andi direct Infriîbershlp fe'.. aer, lhey bruI rugit- cd tat the landi known asathe u Kirbi d ta (Io s.arc ta o t.'siî.l andt haf Irait t h purcitaseti, and tlue Commrit h wlhaeIpytvcosorh, lep. waa.-irecledta10havu plans madeie t.bfaIhst . a-ln'iut0 i- for thc Improvement of te landi, as wull as plana fer a new building 10 The teachers hauve itearîl notiting lie eneclet on lte landi purcitaned. more' sincu the Sun pîinîr tc1he, air- To change muton. Rate ligie Tueirday cv..nlng anti wtilr' Mr. Itogers was reqlestedtot meet suits niay bc slarled ln accordani. ith thlie otiter Higit Suitea Princi wilth the. letter lhréalening saine, pais ln the County for the purpose of ter.. is a feeling taI E. ,V.Ott anîl deciding pon a fixeti rate of tliticu oatiter me'n prominent ln te Extensioni Io be citargeti hy ail Iligb Scitoole ln Service nould reall 'v ic carry mat thte County for adimission ornn.lent.so fan as lu sp)-car as pro...' i r.'aident pupil-q. At te Jresent tkr cutorri serinai a seltiof Wtrcc.în lte raie of lrilion ln Waukegan Il1g teacbers aho number ai lcauin.ta,',,i qcitool l14$611pur y..ar. The cosl per th-file in te cil>'. capita in or 11gb School amoîloîs ta Tir etiî'ter date rNlay 28 atitresa, ci approximateiy $11,6 The memlîurs ta tIhe teacter ln qi.etron was. amit of te Boardi werî' rnanimou, in Iheir len on hîgir achool stationery, lire- opinion tai t(tIi..riion ratç sîrouiti bt materialy - icreaied -----. Tî'aeu n Drie:" 'the Sltntîneo! Amprrieut' un Xay's Picloriai Rivw: "Tii.. l'inst.r Parenkts of Our clildrt'n in Mu, s Plth tstifeo! thte Di r~ )- ci-si: ra i iso! edilonlais on- 'liglî Salant s" Ilv lin. Glenn Frank,. coin- lrenuug iri lunes'gWorld, Wonk: a irt-sI againar tbe Standard Revis- ion Bili - aise titie opening o! a Citi- cago office at the Lincoln ('bau- faulinu, a I'iopIî-. etc. etc. eYur ahane n thiNia itial DrIivu is Oive dollars uthcI iruuyîîîî dri aiready pletigi t. i~ia.- s, Il 1 Ii, 10 nie t>' May 31, a.s i1-br csrîuu hubi-, on titat date. Aller t lui, im,-.i iir ilil ieman mddtilon,,i cirarge foIlî'îiieuors fer. Yoi,re unIligitîr Salaries, CHlAS. A. JICK.LING. 4001 Cirry Ave. - PlIon.. 1482J. Rna a'. -gire After the et ~ ea Y;o4 0hehedo0b" k sdai n eutof that 1. M~ nflu4ZI badilWt~' Itiiàfàctdtwhennutur,. tries 1o 'throi Rfftbèup<>frons front the body ti irenult es<>»lzes loin flammatien of the "la~~t hmèe- fore, the best way lià#,pt gnature as much aw'you meaucther before or azflertbe ata" hy1tWowlng of'the Tablets for the UdoyÏÏmal bsek. a"he Tast. tk eMoo puh,- I nfluenza tve mien ascastor ol e& i sO ~poiMay-apPeleaveftthI.d JalaP nd madle jute tiny sugar-coated pilla i"-sold at drug stores as Dr. PlerCe'. Pleasat Pellets. To build up after lthe grip-te make red-blood and ail the body with vlm, vigor and etaiityt. take an imon a-~~ Mtores 6r thiat- well knOWhb~ *baii "fhb hs been .fybJi btwn fer the pasW ff O~r. Pieree's Golden Mediâi f&>/ Àry This la nade frointroota âaîd borke of forest treesanid bring tU y r >hied F gedj'h FFinie Table Linens the' Gifts for. June Brides WIFI3 f ,YOUNG'4 tIOLLJN4iWQIeTliTO FLY AT ýOURORA Grandson of Late Dr. V. C. Price to Take Wife on a. ioy Ride'in the Air. (oîrcerning the sonl anl datighî'r In-law of %Ir. a~nd LI~.rg. Jul'I, llo)Iifng- worilh. former Waukj'ganredn'i %viten Mrs liliingworth lii<-llier. withlr rparents.,1r*id Mrsý V. prit-e, lthe Auroîra 'Beacon N;ews Hai Monday: Mrs. Roena HoIllingsworlh, yoqh fui bride of CMlef Pilot Prie' ileilln:: aworth, appeared aet the liriviin park in a àimart soldier's suit and an. notired her Intention of *going u with ber high-fiying hush)andl for th Pirpose of «"keeping an eye on yle, oid dear," Mil. lioilingsworîh, a ai tili"uue 1*utitte, ÇbaM mliai, oa flightîs with ber dare-deî il SO 8 Ince Ihelr marriage nom<e imont aco confesses that site gils moi thrilaeut osf watching birhlv ar hi 8 aenraIacrobate than 0f nidin witll them. Duiring thil war "IloIli1 Isas iliief pilot instructor ai Mr<o,k fei n d at lv andi other armiv a . 1 îIromin 11w soufli, anîd hIiq. p'rlt. hitIMrs. i-ollinRswoî tih eîîîrd If she i.a sh.'d. ily any of the' 1' rtîka h1 s u>(ir hy thte "Fiyin. 'r-z T 1 w r o n a s t , F a s a l o r f r o n t i Iii G r v a t l.'îS tation and EMUa John. aryw,()o illt oh..from Keflosaa wre air- raignedtri the Municipal <ourt îhls mnilng on a ch~arge of di'-orderiy condîref. They were.arr-esl on Sat- irulay oening at a bouse on Southt WVest Nl4ain street. John ltva.. wa. aioar.sed as thte proiri0-or oîf the place. The sailor andth ie girl l'ailj fines of len dollars and ezt-s til iji mornInz andi Rockae was to it,, lirotîizht hefore .iudge Tuiiy' vth]i, af- tertioon.-Kenoha Ne-ws. Io Inl give It "officia iartîl inz andl wa% nîot wrltte on Ili, *(exteil- -loir service" letter-beada as one iol xîîect wouid bc the.u... helelier follows: i wi-.b i0 cali yotîr attunlion lto -at 6.95 Oi'ialîimpital svi'ol11141 loses forî'îîî oe of the sî'verial t lad i ve desigîis at t lus pi'ieu Ai ît hici' Ialît ifîî toiie show-s ýl ro se ai ciietilar' îibbn i designi. Size 70 1w 70 in- elles. Napkins 22 by 22 inches at dozen $9. -at 9.00 A t tlîis Iwîiv'c'ar'e lîîaut if il] îstttern eh tbs w itlî (G'îevi'aîî andl tîlilp border, seî'î .11ain rse designî, alsi>er.saihmm anti (reeiaîî kex- bordîer. Size 70 by 88 in- elhes. Napkins 22 by 22 inches at dozen $12.95. -at 10.75 'rl'iese ar'e ('XteIlint quîahîtvpatterin clotlis at this ,piie'inî Saille ihsignl as above nîîîîî1- biers. Size 70(b ' N,88 ilîieles, îpurîe î'ishli ill- eii and îlgtaî'aitee'îlto weal'. Napkins 22 by 22 inches at dozen $12.95. --at 14.75 Il it(soîîîe îpat teriî'n lis ino 70 b *v 88 iiieli sizv, gr-otlJîl'dtîili1is lni'i a vei'v attraetive ulî'sigîî i virv~uIar patterni. Clîrysaîîthe- iiiiiiii desigî alsiî ut this price. Napkins to match 22 by 22 inches, at the dozen $14.95. -at 15.00 8t'atti <'ii patte'rn elotlis in irvuîeîlar de- silgîl .'îîîlininîg ros, spoSjîts iandîlstrii>es %vi tlHiplai n venter. Size 72 Iiy 72 irwlies. A lIý ibi Jlîîîanîd cîy îtîeîliîdesîglî. Napkins to match 22 by 22 inches, at the dozen $16-50. A $1.50 Book FREE How to Set the Table for Every Occasion r1111is book <oîtaiiis a v:îst lot of inforîna- t ion a;d seiNs regular at $1 .50. As anuiin- dliîeiiietit wc viI1 give t(i cavh custorncr. w-Iîo piîîdlases a set of I)eýrryvale Linens onie of thie valuahie lbooks FR<EE. Electric Lamps Electric 1 a ti1) s ith hanlsoîne s il1 k siladles niay be scen on the third floor in boudoir, parlor and floor sizes. Som@ vcrv <lever -sial)es in. sliades are showîî in pret- ty eoloî's aind combina- tions. Standar'ds arc in seveî'al fin ishies. Soine ' -very lever de- signs iii candie stieks are also show-n. -rirdui-lor- Glassware Fine glasswvare is higli- ly appropriate as a wed- ding gift, and a good se- lection of 'différent kinds is ready at thlis time, ln eut glass vases, fiower - baskets, iýater, sets, cci- ery trays, salad bowis. olive tx'ays/ Also a nie Uine 4)f lleisey's faînous glassware. -Third Fioor- Fine China Fine China rnay bie se- ]eeted here in"individual pieces or in sets as gifts Î for the June bride.. Many- of the picces show im. l)orted.-handý painted de-- signs ini patterns tlîat are very attractive ini a good - assortment of prices. We seli !Rogers' Bî'os. - .1847 Silverware. -ThItrd Floor- A set of alîîiîinu-- wvare is soînething of beauty and usefulness, and ehoice is offered here from the best that the market affords, and in ai- mîost any* article f o r wlîieh there is a deiîand. Alîîminuni . pereolators, baking sets, aluiniîîuîn ketties, etc. -ThIrd tiFloo- We Give Stampa We Give SUISRIE ORTE JEMorý Yom Watil I-EWES 6,, RAG,IiE c. - ----------- JM- r i s- - Derryvale Linens The Finest Made Wio bu %, tlieii are ever after enttîtsiastiv users. Tlîey nevcî* lose theiî'r rhlu bstre, andl are gtaranteed to wcar and Iaundcr as only geiiîuilie Irish linens do. 1 - ------------ LIBERTYVIELLE. INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY.