LIBERTY VILLE INDEPEN-DENT , LUCOUNT INDE13ENDENT Lake Counry~sBig Weekly WAUKECIAN W'EEKLY SUN VOL. XXVII.-NO 23. PART Tito L11ERITYVILLE INDEPENDENT. JUNE 35,1919. POÙR PAGES $1.50 PER YIEAR IN ADVANOE. lie te Buili k Sêlinis: RrnnIoI S. Sohol owded Condition 0f High! Sohool and Grade Schools To Be Relieved By Move. EACHERS TO GET BONUS. WORK 0F SCHOOL BOARD RUN STOLEN CAR OVER 100 MULES TIIEN ABANDON Thleves made off TueRday nlght wIlh the rnew autcnlbll, witich .1 A.ý Pleki'ns, manageT of the Amiericn Rallway Exîtress office ln Waîikogan, punchapedl a few days ago. Tht' tieves drove thte machine over onnu Iitindned miles and ie ln abandonped It u Letki' Forest, "eating witltoitt(le' tprtion. Tihe Incident was the sî'qtelj ft a nu ii-r of mor' or lI os tlbnilin g ixperieuces which have happs'noii 1 manager t'icki n. ln tit i, îrîf stay lielias nmade ln Vvaukcucan. Shîîrtiy atfer iis arrivai ln Waitu keg;in, te îîolcî' co-operatlng wilh ileti-Itix<s lnt ihi' cru' Iuîve of 1h.' ex- liris onîtiany îifloîvereîl a serlos of st sin;itctîihéfis wli'h, lad bien xienîling 01er a pî'riod onf montb. The tîtieves werpe aypreiiended and te practice stopped. 'Il ni ni. rai uer a live town." IPick- c'ns mnuard. Il was îî)ti) a ahort linii. afier thai whicit for a ime iloo'ed serioum. '%%h"' aPPearedt'd iie a bomb mas explcoded under uni' ofrteexpress wagons, causlng fteitorse to ail but run away, The driver, piirtued thte "bomit" thrower and nearly captured hlm. «ll say' tlIs 1.9 a ilve town" l'lek- WOULD-BE SUICIDE HAPPY WITH FAMILV AT DULUTH Jewlsh peoiple of W'aiîkegan wxho lîofrlendëd 1. Singer after lie liail ITlaken pl,.ion ba n î'ort t,,.*,,<,i,,,!, J j1 Sucide, raising money with whtr'h lu pay his fare back to hli1 hotu.' at D)u lut, Mlnn.. were rewarîbeîlfoîr ilitir effti; whî'n a letter wasreetî todîiy stating ihat ho Is liaîk bolet wiih bis fanily wahît are iuaw.îre of his efforts1 at sufdt i n hatt hc has a good Joli anud Is soi iii rît ha:,py, and t hirougit y tîtît 'n tel a ii life once more. Singer aie a îîuantity of rat pision whillode'îiondi'iti tver bat ig i-i n roiiliîd or ail his nouni chif I CAuiîld 001 sec hils way a) ('lt,Itr.' iqr ii to Pllt). A plyie î'iîtî (oui l iii niar the -golf lintks, in 'aikt'gan ht y tfiî'rlie iihà(s aii the it'ititt andl Iîy tii'rict'iretît intîtrt11cî' t n sas'ing biiii. li'Siiocirti gan iyiti,'ro.teil fei-i' i'-î It i i iîrhalf( raleing a nuirse of mttv whicit they pres(,iedod fi itn (3S , ( 1 i xpr t" sed thte iteti-ft1hat Ii li <'is'Siîigir lîttd itou0 friistrtî'l ini hs c fir,«t t'fl'irt ai tiuit'idt. î itat Ih iwuI tnit ia .o ;nitheýr ilt,,ipi T:it' ,lile of hi.,lii 'r woiid indicate ttu "MYlx' ife wals -igi ît to tii iite. hie ar.t île 'Sut'il îîesn't k nu.' ' t h ng aboltu it liajpenî'î] nin auke gan. P'li 'ic. <tnt'it tl er for a"' are 9eîting alont' so hpli] l>.1th ivefi REBÂTE ON fREIfiTi EXTRA EXTRA EXTRAMA VSLE AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT UNANI- NY S E TO SAVE MAE CO. MOUS FOR ACCEPTANCE. Vienne, Ausîria, June 4-The Aus- N T e inuslythat the peace terme are ac- AÀ UKEIIAN 1 ON PAVIN4i IMPVT.the, Neues A_____tt Supt. Russell Expects To Savel Th, wlll o fthp laIe Orangpr Par- A. K. loiws,.Asst. Secretary Se County Over $600 By i MIws rbatpd in the lAkp Co'tn. cîîrity Titie Trut C(,(o« cor tWaukegan Tuesîlay.One- Buiesoth fc(rrs' i îlf of ail 11w hoîîsPhold good,. andlfrteae' nlng\a .lin" (Abat tnpiSelf t0fhReductionMr Nuuiher of eooiv,'yanc.'s liî!î. hslots go o te wdow SIe. Nuimber of Chatt lootgagte.'t 2: PUTS IN THE CLAIM Sarah Goodrich Farwell. The otiier Numiber of Traitedciii 110audiortg- liaîjf Is bequeathed te the Sv, diugh- ages 17. lP tah'ing advantagp of a rebata:tors-Mrs. Leslie Parwell ili.ilitor Number et Arniy and Navy 1-e tit fi" i-Mit whicit went Into <fe Mass. and Mrs. Ruthi FR.Kpnley. Mis. ilease-6. Ruesseoil, couiti 1ý u. totn, Mise Olive and Nfigs Sarah Total numiber of instiuntit-ents i11-d Xtav i. lutines larwell. Lake Foreet. 'PTé reet 'if .... 1ilt nt'înii or it ighways is goiigtîg j te oFtate, valiipd at $6015.000 ll otlanoîn f Ian 528) ,-%Pe 1akv Cointy over 86i0n iteTta nouto bo held In trust in perpettity l'y the Tt olwn r iemr n.r 111ii nct North Sheridan roadI 'i r.Teflwngaeteir npo- 1 o ng ut,,MNtrchants' UlAn & Trust Coinv ant di ais. lIts~~~~~ ii ~î.'lgoI bil hiaiti h h a iii sutilttil the 'coftracri<isl'iîowandiec!eo. lte estat.' le t10Lc In W'aîîkcgan: Prou %V. link itgxi et'ci, t l ivi cqualy among lte uaughtcrs. hnîight lthe' Brand lild- on vt i( ti ii ril iii ttin in lte Contrac tt pi t, 0 ______________ ies liti i, froni T. Il. I>l'r'; for. a r' W lii n Lakeocounty accepied lic iý i Hlgh and Low. iortoîl onsiulraticn of $.nieti for fb plttng in f.he ý,1 r!anJîs. . and Lt;,.iî 1 1.. ht(tti fir lite ttintn b o n o ditn In model forin un EnglslisInventor boughî i'w(,tu'.Itv 2 iii î.iij. has succeeded ln operatlng a sallroid on eai't cîtîti No. Ctîiit'y î~.. it tit tii' itocoîntysituidrtcîi'Car tha t Io ruised ulove the truck by uf tCory Xx . itndi titii i su.i)tt i t 'ii'ti i ayrutÉolwh ietii rî'îii' ng force of electricity and uirt f t'iiii liran <'i ineut p i.etlace In lte freIgitirat' drawin forwürd bli nagnets above IL. JaiîCo'. O'Sho, ttioitgiit (lite l'ail, a ri'iliicl ion was gratliii fý t xc i.i'gittninttay 1 this i ar, Tli. nîiictlon lwae fitteco c i ___________________________________________ D' r to onîn .l I materlal ai îîî' lr, fîor tho rî'id building work thi. cuit î".sin 1iitiving iteen granted to coito. tIi. and tI .l i ly the governrnent i tlî' c our tholisand andI fivi:) io "" Mt "'n d et le *m«- r uniS Iwbk. .rm la tm a bé» wrtt% iy t»C Sec 'Ihese Blo(uses in cOur Side Windows 0F JIOMESIN DURINfi WEEK Anglada property on West ';Ide So. Utica St. opposite the postoffice for ikominali 400nslderaton, subject to eneumbrance. lierhert A. Shen, and wlfe bought the A. J. Blodgett housp on No. Sheridan Road for $2000 and gave baok trus t deed for $3000. F'rank C and Maud M. Hewltt boîîght the Demtarest place on West tilde No. C'ounity St. Nortbh of Frank- lin from J. G. Walnwrlgbt for Wm. Schroeder and wife bought 30 (foot lot, on est sîde Willilams Il at. norh or Seward St. f rom Henry Th citer for $1000. Alie.' Jone3 thought the Scitaffer properi y on Pa11st ide Ash St. just north of Fourt St. from, T. J. Stajil for indicated $2500. Arthur C. UAtile bought theiHenry W. 1111e lot on forth side M.yrtle .coeUnued on Paze TI*REEI Sec These Blouses in Our Side Windows Big Blouse Event TomMorrow Wauleg'an's Greatest Sale' of Blouses 1--'ecided te erect a new high ens sait] iit iotii ii. PA $1t- a intoisttii I i ni o f srnd, graît W*ool on Washington street uIt te tth e liaxraea ayoroad 'tii ii- tîn( iti ttîi (%ys u si t imot 0. ti,.have 'bi'n sitippîui iiere prnr of Juckson; lnetfttct.d comnit- ' nie NinîlI Oîîrnnîîînlc;tîtî' i%, rrtt 1i -re ti,' irst of May and tht' rîn Sto proceed with purchas. of Kubic lnfer whFn the driver rccognlzî'd tihié iti iii totii..i' hiho -o indIi.tiiitii tz ý,Icîr wtt.' ti'le f0 obtain il il the ise n order te give availabte land man whohiiladi.ltîed tite*"bîîniî," tt tn'ttro d"riîet riifri.Tts sun tr he present school and a largel wich proved t-i hb'a railîoadi iynt--i nl.firofed dudtrLhra.Tis ag impus wth a possible ampitheater 'mîtc captînder !ils aagijn and pur Ttc lt'f'e.r wa' roceiî'îtt Ir. anti an iî'îite 'o ovvr $60o wieich du fs the ravine between the two build. eitedtial thri'w Iown, emfit)'lng ht i,;ýr-*S iîI'l't.kyufr i riti t l lie hcctîlrfrom the, contr;tcr. It ~Swiil be formed. revolver a,, lie ran ahi-i looîk în active liltI n rît ttcItu situa". hat Suipf. Russell 1.9 kPeeing ru1ly 1ih %siundo -.ri ii. iopen every minutle lu taIt' 2-Oecîded te erect a new grsde "f1i k, lt lI aet eincar,,.ttérütysItrs ihool in narthwest part of city, on for 1ici'ti tand ititcit more" liik rk a cre tract board now owns, corner en4 ttserfei to friendq. ROOSEVZLT PARK AS ME Men Fiera and Chestnut street, juil 'îîîv to cap fte c'itni'cuînîs te URGE NEW COMMISSION MORIAL TO WAR HERQES . t of eîectric ro«s irtit f utis auto. TO HANOLE ZION PROBE W iiiia long ibas wondî'rîîil.ît tcke'ns îlrove hi l car f ilthe î'ar. I riiri if "d,. .uné> i5. ii Ttî' t ttc titi tri .' w lita 'finrg ii-'itri il 8.-Oecide te g-roceed immediately ýda v r uihta nd leiitlt t tI i li. ocotitt f . i txt l itiu hiiiiili iieîi0elel)it i 'ii ilh task of remodeiing South Scijool stanintg liest ite road for bliîri'iv t"Iitlitt '. ti î'",IL;ctiîtiri 11. lîrat'. ti),ý tI, ii ite great a trlîl %var, i;only first floor now used: plan t<i tir ais one. Peoîple 1landlig niar- i I m(ituuh. tiriiti.lY aill rcoin- fîîrîîî tut il ri'îîîaincd for te W'Iuke- i rearrange stair cases, put ibcail thi'v iad coco for metn iîininil cretitii iof a commtiîion ohm b iitt~îk l t l i onteueforwarî an, Balato s em tc ailr" iniforms drive away. carry <ent ls warniafier te itnisenf oui-ýr alll)euttiars obeh o rsi't sîtg *4ý-Voe to give &il grade and high, 'Theiti'uerifUs ipoffi.fl was nnâsi cî'.ýi0nnadjoitits, a metaibur of titiet f autti. aitich Is that Rffono' elo teachers à $50 a year bon-$ tînî a drxîgnet was titrown out. *Aar- suit coniittet' declared Ioday. %(Ilî Park., tht' lit' new parît wijl, j!vdng they remaîn until end of tubalI l.îîiîrry of l.Ihertyville wati'h- -'--lie i i' it 1ii cri',e In te ravin,' afl next year. ii alit approai'hi'., tu that citir îwhiie CALLS FOX LAKE ROAO TO S 'otiuth fII-ilxiiliro street lie dedicai- te Noit('Chicago men si-ni mon tri EXPLAINS STOCK OPERATION I tit as ît 'h i otemnorial. bTe stgý facuiy f i 'ia lîtînî lin moîtrcyies wtîee g' iion it thili lii d'dicatory service- 8&-APprove dates set by fctyofSv onto otrylî wee 11riîîgh'ielif IîLi. Junt' 3 Tieto ate f.ii't o PlI 4h scitooi for claie day program On ti a wasi f aebenee Ptti thJU e ciot ad nhvebensr i ubliclir îiliîîîî's commiss.întîdyo- 'ui iotion 'sladb(o. one il; c ommencement on Jne Cip(.ordon of Lake Forest sentidred th,, <'ici'igo. Fo k, na îTi, waoti tnes laid he re June 3 men1 lb.- c ls'Vh M ilaukeragtito Tîî<'cter : o' lii 'i ' Ilîî u lex itri lt'i i-litnigidt r Nýitic.ýiJar 1 11. herlh, n an.Th hit, Tcda«teti -1 i nstant favor. ~X'iilî gn.landin.Tu ilet.i iiith)' ahai u' d-iný ci titiaslaken butlOaI Thie scli hubard lil ,ie of h iii aparentllvhad pa'icid tefure te I ttrit%,ift i-i co'ing stok.itbond, andi'0 cil limportnt tut'ini.'sTueidaY .officîrs arrited on te scone. Titie other' secunitîes andi constructnt, or ,nteuitller.tîîxt e fî tt-b er under Vening wtt ti action wa a lItn 011 searcit wag condiîcted îîp tba laieo purpiîninz ta cunsfrîtct, a s'rîunde tc scgc'iriaifmetc a ifotha i be aiovei ttturs andtirei'Wailegan htn.Wii,'gnattissiolg irtttîtt'i runud O.tnsuril in te very netîr future, ri and xroiiing ouulhing roads. Earlv____it.'eîplan aili iii' putifrira eceet. Boagrdi-sioul anew hlighib iis mnrning the~ car was found 'yti Tir, plan, .,' \t)iiinv'd by members coli and i reiîidi'Ied suttit scituol. Laki Fore'st, havîng bei-n diii cn Iif Ye' i it nt tliitpon titi' t'eel o f liie- Park 'iat-i i14 o Chang, ,Crotîe co' iunditions of lite grades againsl a waalîr hydrntnt andi sbopped. enuotor antdl hlte old mutor Up te na""i t'iifi. p.îrl, but .umpiy lui id titi higi ,,chl maitdei te lir- Tho,' vasi oietiak wa cnit py a nd Ilii'leii) ii rt yifl l 'otn I tu r o<t ]i ,it, dei ti t <' if t1 lt'Vttîtkegan lboys ýrv.I'ltt i5 tct'O-"li' ant i tlie tho jicîdompier mdicîaf eti thtil the i' î'.î n c i it 5' . tti' in XX'iscons ini vo utca n i\liif.orlt ii t i t î itd war ai a mard nit.oguti'" s the ft t ît tliî.e liad ira'.elild ut er tine iuunî i îîîmies rd(' It it% i' tiîtut t.'aring i ltt Yeîuî fit :innt9,leiii: t ) ititiuit Tire plan 'O 'big indriak ings. tond itioîns haie S0 fanr out cîto lie t hei mcd i in . o w'ill I iiiforcuil tiisaY "<oiîd .N rutinq, lauterir tg)'i l t ani t ittut n thetii wced lmmzîdlafoactionntzg teoso va', 001damaged. Juilgo,"' oniiit'nox as te new sthte Park t' a sliii firit n lcstilnonial Of lâes i fte pupils ire 1v i îcri'd tfrj law iîîcreaî.ing te sprect lirnit for apprî-ciaîtî.ut il t' 'i n hinging 11o p~erly. cutiiinv ntîtd.. frot t tvntyflIve l ilion r.qnt la gacet rT(. Buldng ndGrond (',jmitIT OK l;tirtylesay r anweffective. eti. :report fInding tat the irntt AW ISTO FN 11001 buildings are inadleqîate t 10S T FN rcliomodat. il chititir n l thbe ertr attendlng public schoois. Tite * Hû T P H 1> Siool l)strict b lte owner of SELF S ORT CAS itaci of land cîînfaintig approxt E , oy Illý, acres Iilng Itet%,een Frank Kelly of hiag Elk tAnî venueo anti Qieti 1lortî0ahcg eK ,enue, itaving a froniage of 1?,16.7 To Hold Resort Keeper l et on Citestnut Street (te sîrcet - Responsible For Loss. I Mng 1tale East), and haing a kn Fora Avenues. ARRESTED, CONTINUE CASE *.é Building ('onmtntee recom- Waded that a schoul butildling bo A man .amod Frank Kelly cames ut 1co on said landi; tat plan-i anti from Chicago t0 Fox Labie ltidav. 1esctiong ho mnade for an eigitt. evening lagitab spend the week- end. t ti frtnrombidn anIAccording talite laimt. he maie, ho'la and fortecn oom bilfore a ma istrale Atfrod Myers of 1ý'ix hon lite probtable coat lias been os- Lake on Sionday witen hte filed a4 natelicte Board deelde aritthen .nipaint agaînet Soren Maithi'amon, 1. same shal ho an eight ten Or, ise feul asleep on the portit of te lirteen roooiîîbuilding. Mallitleson resort. 'he Board accepltd ihe report uof. Anti, bis stony goes on Uy statinird i eCommittee anti adopteii te ne. eatlite setei i on Teacefully tur' Wumendations. The0 Building Coint four ,,o'clock In te morning. Viein State's Attorney James G. Weich covereti and xvclîie iiiotîlî have to lttee wlhl have plans madie turing ho awoke. He net oniy awoke hn who issuedtirlie startling slatetuent ai a prelimninany lttaring if he bas os entt ad h Inreaines I liethe fîtî] scnse of the word but hoe Tuesdtt litaeh would hoe able, ai the any hope of iia'.iig te tiefenedant la ottBand beithe dneas 10 e t wo<e btite realization tat heoiad proper lime to0tellwitcr.',when and hound avec to te grandtijury. litb lte oad a lie extregt een "aitaken down" for betîçeen $225 hy witom te strycitine was r,irchas- By summoning ilit e l djur he ~'meing. anti $300n wllch lie eays ho hat Iin ed a'hlh resulet In lte teath Of can present bl ig îoc direct and Te Remodel Southt Scitool bis pocketq wten ite drped aieep. Herbent Slrang i Highîwood. and ask taI Sîtrs. S tî'n . ndicted. If tTite Building Commitlee cahotd the lie swore out lite warrant anti lite furîher lie o Wuid ho &hie bste s IndictedIl-li' îolnInary hear- tention of te Board 10 bite condi-itearlng lm set for Monday 'uext at ton oy that Mrs. Srang was te mur- îng w111 net ho necessary and te de- p'eiocl<, 'Iâthienobt proiests ro i es pagasilfrhrOr es ol i ntr ka o h In f îhe id Sq ai S ehoo Buil ti- cone and i deciares Ihat o f course li epre thi, apenang sll rie r h -fnewutieiilt aka lt f lte chols, lit jnotinced tat ite will go be'fore Cir- On lte olîhen itand if lte statesaai- f th e m ak e s an t he fact titat f anyhody too' ,c K ellY's m oney, hoe cuit Judge E tw ards tom orrow m erlu. o n y h d t ap e r t t e p e i m - lte openring of scitool In Bop- IMalîhieson. aticording te on )Mil s pecial pury calet at once te con-ayierngat tfldath.ei ber maesItmperative tatlte of te village, Ibas expaInM ta ls'ider te. douce, witicitho wotuIq have to do in SSouthl ScitOol Building b,' re- IsatisfactionoflieJtce'hha The prlilminary iteraing of Mrs.cae n.bau fîitlte ae jodelet anti piaced Inl a saie andi slateti tita' 1' ho cap afr), ItIF slato- Strang was set for tomerrow afier- anti Atty. Dady bas inlimaled ltat lpltary condition. The work of r,- ments it y Wltil t505 ai th itoaniing. te noon. The prosecutor caileti ut At-.itis course la conl.'mpialed lnstead deling caf hi' completd beforo cCree wil t!1't ite diantt'iseti Titis torney R. J. Dady. couqnsel for Mrs. 1 of walving exantinatlon. te state's eopening of echool in Seplember. stabemeot l. tîsde previoliato 10 li'>Slnang, tIti eafternocirritandi servide, vudhv-enwaee n e comiîte wa dircted 10 iearing l'as cased a report thatt notice taI he will ask for a* ýè'scase wldiaebnwaeodnt ~~~5U ~~~~~l'elly nmtly 41iî'î.,Id a citantt- ofventre contînuance when lte cafit allIte d efnewilhaeable p rue a uci work dons at Once. on te grounds that te justice itas for hearing tomorrow. Vle admittedi portunIly ta propane a case. ~. Make Deal for Coal cfready e7zgjiî.s~tdait opiniont i 'fonr 1talite defendant's aounathal hbie Tht act tiaI it e state là asklng oiu soi'd directed 'ht nn b aebscret ra.Mtii-Pia n le ta sumuoitn& 'PeW graad but a week'es conltinuanrce ladioale son ellileis it tteleesar'e people jury. h te aemy opJenid7 ïeîiffwdlabO vtt lte Rata. vite orne euMt over ESwudRY anti bel'il u'. Weleb gave ILS hi rendi t îit± a t' e asofyhoprslth.t bave to trust to luck taf Ihey corne le doeit not Icare aet titi 11*.tei nu. te grand Juîry before te end e 1 M PqP T»Iàffl onîgt IDthe comlt Satuirdaiy. cuver the. evidence wich h.oitaç qa- IW<. = ,~' p. s - B EAUTIFUL lingerie-blouses made in the very new- est summer styles of plain, checked and striped ma- teriais; colons white, pink and blue. Some are beauti- fully trimmed in laces. Some are embroidered, others are trimmed with contnastinig materials. These blous- es are ail crisp new stock, and are the greatest values we have been able to offer in years. Every woman in Waukegan should see this assemblage before the as- sortment is broken. Remember the sale starts to-mor- row and if you want to get wonderful values in blouses you want to be on hand early. affl