CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jun 1919, p. 12

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PAGE Fout LTRERTYITT1E TflRP1dThilNN9 rFT1;;RTb A I5ý,,NTJLK DUE lm OCTOBI3; 1MAY CIMB UP TO 16 CTS. 1 OFFICIAL LIST 0F REAL ESTATETRAM*FENS AStita etTns.. Tltbe..OM~O Masemlo Twule a ide Phm 4. buysldM - - -June 2, 1919 Prics Nw Prvaiina xpet- W W.Davis and vife tae R R. Price NowPrevalineMoore, 1 tract of land In Secs. 10 and ed to 9tay for the 11 Ela 'rownsMp. W. D. $10.* Summer.C. Ij. Iloyes and wife ta Adl. R& Miller, lot 22 Siundee's Sub. Liberty. Whoesale prîce of milk will start vil.Q .$0 upward again next monîli.Th Car le M. Norman and husband ta crege illresimeelaly n te fllG. . Gollwitzer. lot 32 County Clerks aconte inu eume eathe in he ar.lSub. AnUioch. W. D. $1000. mad nlnuDe uti teh h rk Estate of Andrew Graham, êecmaed reachfi I Deceber.ta Thomias Graham, land ln sec. 7 and Somnewhere between these points 18 Waukegan township. W. D. $1. the retail price of mll'<ir n ChIcago PF.11. alrtlett'and wifo te Sidney ls scheduled ta go up another cent irs.lt4boc RvnaHgb a quart, ta 15 and jtossibly 16 cents. 1 Hnarislot 49dbPak.à Decd $109. The Waukegan price now la the C. E s ihand akfee t$3Wm. J a as ln Chicago and the C illenl and wife, lots 17 and 18 block go price fixes the Waukegan pricp ryr u.NthCiao .D right along. therefore the situation6 ry&ýu.NthCiaoW.D In Chicago parallels the situation ln $2000. Watul<egan. Hernian Poli] and wife in Sylvester The tentativçly schedule of whole- lAngusz and wi'c. lots 12, 43 and sale prices has bpen spread by the 6% lot 44 block 107 North Chicago. rîrodiera, the dairymen ln the Milik W. D. $900. ates through the aelltng agcncy of_________________ Ilie Milk Producer.' Cooperative Mar*- kctlng company. The fariners this month are getting the l0w nmark-$2.,0 a hundred pounds, or 5.2 cents n quart. Tîhe tentative schedule undcr con- sideration tiy the wholesale Rgency 1,119s the .Tily price ta the farmers up te $3 a bundred pounda, qr 65 cent.,; a quart. It ig now proopsed the $?, rite le malntained through Jiily, Au- irtst and September, aithough the lirait luad cf the mitk suppiy ln th, hCicago district in the god nid soin nier tinie Li reacflod in Jtine and the rrcosstrtî begins about the first of july. .But It is tbought probable by the pizice mnlers thst the dairymen can stand the $.' rate through the thWo. Bte tepi oa n iiiid sunîner inonths. unles uusual- te tpl a n ]y severe weatlier conditions unox- have US readjust your pecteiyy slîould force tIe herds nonto glasses for these persplr- a dry diet. lng bot days-and avoid The schedule calîs for on Increase havIng then broken. Ra- In 3.20 a hîindred b Ocetober, adding - iember, aso, that we of- about one-hall cent a quart ta the frSiltl cuae iidsummer scale, making it about frasltl cuae 7 cents a quart for Ille dairyman. Rr'ompt duplication ser. tlocemiber fil ta se the Iligh whoie. vice If your glassea should smle price-at least 83.45 and possijbty break. "Brlng the plecea $3.65, or 7.5 and 8 cents a quart ta here."1 tIe prodilcer. Partly cloudy weather, prcbably Skilied o'rtometcr>' anti with local thundershowers tontght or optican services at reàson- Thur9day; nblt much change ln tem- able coat. Perature; gentie winds moitly soutti eaat. On fthe Firat Rules. Y O A n liITSe.'.ir'o li lIfs8--onil 11 . t1 ' ' ' I '.br exercised ........... fil 'rO Not "Next Week" -but "To4ly» on of tu *VerY rstt-OmotodCO, wbo yougt yuIewcSr intQf»eaSmd to battey h.dquaatrn. Drive rlgt in. %" eyour battery regltee d d cet th~e bmect of WIDard eyInsuznce It 0.17 tukua fewminutue nd =ay umn maat of added lite to you battery. At the mmrne in sk u puton & te few siple rules of batter e that rnut'be foflsed to Pet 'mo srice 9»l ogeet life ot of your battery. Be mm e W as* fo a copy of the bookit W ard Service and Yw- Auto Electric Troubles Tbe self stitrtcr, the gencrator, the wiring trouble-loeated anîd put in perfect order- in i sortest possible lime. Thie services of expert-a restit that costs von Ieast-thc utnost in satisfaction wNhen youî' work is donc licre. Colwell Storage Battery Co. 116-118 Madison Street Phone 20221 We Repair and j Recharge any Make of 'Battery and Carry a fulli une of Batterv Parts Hats Off to the Winners. of the War, and a Hearty Welcome Home, -Boys! M ANY forces went to the winning of the war; the manufacturers, farmers and busi- ness men who kept things going on; the fighting men who wepnt "over the top" to victory; the Red Cross and other helpers, who cared for those who were left, and restored them to healthwhen- ever that was possible, Each of these forces are nec- esssary to the resuit; and ail of us could have a part id one of the three. We tried to do our part as well as we could. Hart, Schaffner & Marx have done theirs. Men have to haveý clothes; it was the work of these famous makers to see that they had good clothes; made of ali-wool materials to save money by giving long service. These clothes have been kept strictly up to the highest standard of ex- cellence in spite of all difficulties of getting suitable materials. They're just as good clothes to-day as they ever were; the kind you want, the kind you'il find true economy. 1 "The Home of, Hart, Schaffner & Marx- Clothes" $4 FOh PIE W) PRI( Walter Hutt iust HomE teresti HOW J. E WUlIir lrritr Natikecvtn yoii serviges otrila divisio>n, tI11 s jeta-es, ltiuilli chargedl or foi ptrovi4lsln iiF Tliey said il ihiniz for a sol mu"lfh as $ ic "arii-ntir Iit, an ,;l ] t 1 conint' and. mtî ille mi. vdit rs w' il ii y tît' titi rt lI. Att l ii i * kegan y:'lait tsi * Aint-rirqo itot tieitt, TrotIIt therl;d bu ktIl i1 110'w iljii eral'V ,ii ;l en h RIMES COME If usiness of f Waukeaý Marked E MN COUI are r ke. t.s t, i< kalon I in 1i ointAin ' v irîtns. Fr Thw hprt' frmni it' joint 4 irn i i:r rei gat ,sirtp-liat Jing i't is , lesT 'ir.s but y e'ssirv l.tgoT ln wa' I iii fqr :fuily Wîfdr'd n to r'rrîimton law anld stintîr' <lIn-r cqitiitoti law n and r'nîijlt i wi igelli.r tinrir iith et ilititl-i lit hit it in tirer prçKtuT un. Io onte r't bndrrii tînnT To ta W;uI "a,,;n an vere îînîrrtrril ,p Il M 'i t 'i of fliite 10inW aunted surli a Il liceose k5tivt'in A1TEST WORLM' LrBERTYVr-LIiE INDEPENDENT. TEFtIRSDAV- .IrTTMM. id> loin

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