CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jun 1919, p. 3

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Biy irée f I wnQuly Th%0.@"e Uuuilàua of Iyour car d.pends onsood tir«s. quem M Mýqullt. Buy Unft.d provld. yon wMh <Juted Seat. Tire. to meet yoer W. know United States Tires are oo tires. l'hates whY we sIli themn Uibertyvifle Garaxe, Libetyville, IR. Frmnk Forke, Wheeling, IIL Deerpath Garage, Deerpath Ave, Lake L.o IF. Y«9a, North Chicage, lU. Forst~, DL math. Ho-cogoerPrairIe View, DL R. L Nouls, Ruiéel, DL Brown gohbmer, Wamëda, HL h I valabt AlidalwSefv ' * jcruting aa ep tu W be om u I lis avote et 0oa uimé tat .s5h1 Chi- >, be's > Jo <ZL~CIL SES- SIO* (ÏR JURYt Ccit 'Judos ot lnclined toi Grant ,_.* Made in the WILL DEcIE THURSDAY. W u Jân une 9. 1919. Ma ew.Requcat .iudg. = ",.d lacircuit court In- dicated todm' "thohawould deny the raquent ofltesttwe attorney tCc cat la gpociat grnd jury. Ho point.d out9 Chst the mer"i grand jury Went out of .xiWuOmiCthe boginning oet h. Oelai Jung tCr,. cicourt and h. did nel *hink te* présnttsituation wouid warrant h IfowiI1g of a apecisi grand jury. At 1101 ho wai incin.d C. don>' th. roqmat flaCi>' but finali>' gnnouffoed Chat ho wouid take the matter under idvhaêiot until Thur&. dey. ,f it@ Uwpt, dose den>' h re. questIà meana that the Proaccutor wfli have te My 'hie *vldcnce in h. gtranq aa. hetea apolice magistrat. and asic thott be, efondant b. bouni ever. In the ont Of hur being bound ever ah. wouid romain in joli untli the Oýctober larm o0f court ehen Che rmgular grand. Ju"ry1In. . States Attoftey James G. Welch,4 together villi Att>'. William A.1 Dean. as special oOiiiiel, appeared tun circuit couft S" morfling and filed1 au &ppUe&tim *0 ~thse Immediate con- venins Of tCie grand jury In order Chat the case ctflitr.. Oace Ivés ftrang cbarged with the murder of ber hos- band, Herbeet,,Strang, may be Imvei- tigated et oqSWImN IETA ET tigated et ose. la h. event that the Marcb grand Jury boas ben discbarg- ed 80g Ct M*it anuot berecalled h. proeecutoa mals UstaI a Peclagrand jury bo impannefl.d. le asthat Ibis lioc>' caveeta 10 a. m., Thurs- day. lune 12. In support Of bIs motion the irose- cutor reproesthat thre. prison- ern, Cbarles Howard, charged vlth buirglary; John Ian., cbarged vltb forgery and Artilir Lundy. vlth a ser- joug îtatutory offense, artlocked up In th b. ouaty Saliand vi111flot receive consideraticn ntil tbe Otoher terra of court unlema a grand Jury Is in- pannellel nov. Tbe expen,«e to tiie county of hese prisoners ls $75 peri mosstb and la the event of tbelr lm- mediate iadiatannt theY ight Ibo Impriaoned tu the atate penitentlary or bê admitted te Parole. John Ronoo.cbarg.d vitb assault vith a 'deadi, voapon., and Samuel Payne, taring a %oerons charge on complaint of a 15 Yeav old girl.'bath are avaltlng the action, of a Mnagie- traeité, l a poiad out by th$ States attnrne>'. Thesoeu.014It la uagestOd migbt not b. a ubg n the. ceunI>' until Octoher If Ibeoséemer. tak- on upD by the graad JUry BO*- In connectlon viti lMra. Brang the applicationradis as folleais: petitionerni torthor reliesent hat Sid Grace 8trM9g »Wovl la the, connty jolilcf IL»omOaty on a charge of miudér. vsvouh»Chtheon. aldeat ion or a Scoouee jury cf Lb. eminty. Illinois; Ctb« *sverdict cf mid coroner'a jury 1999. Eoa -01-, tC vit. 'W*, thI u7. spiM t C.lunire bow the said b1od m~a t'tdelti lani hat Herbert, Str ass e te his desth b>' strychnine Pdsealng and fo= the. evidmen tbeq e ere- esmueni ht u. ,!rae. ,ives Strang b. beld Ce the sflq hry for an investgation >'tit lo>'91Ul- ned AbertI laMon rusganJames IL Dury. rod Sobaatr. P. I& Gree W. G. Cary. R. M. ffiore Petitioneru fortbis? mauamt Chas said Herbert Strang. vitýkVbeM6ur- der the sai Grace Iffl t8nM gle charged- died on lIthe itl uday of W&s>'1919; hat the casstor t death, as shovn b>' the &boise rèeffl verdict vas itrn'bal» . pOlsouIIS; tut th. vitneusOerelative te saui ieath amd h. motivé faýt. 110110e4e crime are greait la afflerani la nad idvtaoeM ediversela ce1011111 lion and restilence; Chta uo otUl a complete, fair aone0911117tvolv tigation us>yb.ho e. by a sen" jury in accerdance vtm ',V»e wmom- mendation of the COronfteà I jurybMr cet forth, an initediate lavétlataion sboui b, mad& ebfrématarW el v messes bave removed trou hir Proa- ent addresseî and beofat.h. tacnts aurrounding sali flagel>' May'bof comas coetused or forgotten. *Petîtioners furtiier repassent tiaI vhere a iratb resulta frei an Iasld. toua agency, $nucin, pôlauing. It la neceaary in the Interests of public justice that a seret Inveatigation may be Mnde mas a &court Of competeut juriediction ma>' mo order and decrei in order hat witniosso. May' not 'h. inttmidated, tacts sur- rounding the alleged crile s YnROt ho' diatorted and hat epIPete and adequate justice maY *0lVaJ. ChMao News~ee Woman Maaed to h veHesi Areted as a rt JUST TO CET A STORY. Wil. Stalen Attorney' i net tend a 'roman te the Count'Jli Ce @Dy on lira. Herbert t ra Whv lu chargei vlCh murier o e bhua- baud. the Sun leanned Coda>' tilt a voman reporter for à Chliasoneya- PetOer aetual>' ii speni on. aIgh lus the sanie ceil vit Ira. Utrauî. - This reportei vhome came laevifi heu!C oquaneut vasainai b lihe Ssi la fWa*ogaaduA ams e lest lveeu uaaNag te, have h.rséew arresteil aMi lacel intu ilsamne por- tionýo ethCe Cousy aC>al vth Mns. tie spent Ist lia>' nlght hore la Cie Sal sud WvirawldIel vat oba-g the vias, *rroated" on ezplaoi C hat the cbars. as iab@ bai beeauIlIrtine vidi saflora." telii. im etredite« viies aie maie liue .xplastioChat il ail dtheiou v i lttelvu smai. ore vrera plaffl la nuiciy Il veau ta»e »MrI Sauis theeue ai wan- legan te hou tisa ail. ISevevel. Ch. essamavorlthe purpoe andm sho vwu lecled p up a aU lonbu vltji lin. siramg. Acaarminsly aie spont tC i ullaIor part of il tailIug1 viCi sina. Straisuddgeltint dia aIea>' vbieb ber 1spr9plpum up, lie tohI«wlng day la isg uia The. reporter ires preomfta;théCi Dmnelluay urisThua>'ato.- nocu tend* It a point te Imap out of the vision of Mu. Sinus beouse @bs iinet vaut ber te rocesslse ta ber s novupaper reporte&. hp vemmn vieoiiape$Dmliae igit vith ber lait vel. Th Tu Inient -ouaboy fer nuvs- paper. mon lMd vernenviiis. le nel a atmr. Wbea PeOgi rem a naveven acoofàetCrIsI sud rea- bluseif or hersait te Sail for a vbie niait la crier tO et a fte star>',wy l»n Chat a necprter la vllng 1e place0 Il là reail? uen Chat notis la ton goat tula>' etofsacrificetfor mnue«e, salie nevipaper persen te put ever Je crier te accouplisi théendai bau- WIT I OTiIR TIRS TO END lIS L William scOtt. a plvqte at Port Sherian, convalesclg trou udtI shock, Frlday rin ed ocommit suIcIde1 b>' Crowlng bîmself- in froat ofa Standard 011 CoYflpBly ruck ln Sheridan rd. He vas valklng wlCh ilq mother at thé ime. H. vas only slightlty brulàei. RAIN U0F (MRAT dortul hilng fer Lake Cout a rus. 1h. crma hbave Slut leapel bah se a remuit ofthCe rafesmblg devpMr vic vas neeii sebail>. 'qeCg along lime omW* sneedg vaa se baIly sald, -W. I.fine et Vilvppke. b i e ded: 'I plant- ça cernlestW** , IUis>y',aMd tblnms'n1g ma u i a eIl tanu vp lau rauilovu lihe104-ltbai -lua *MWp *lMesuI1s1-ont", thie tev bogra sMr. Cie *MC5. Cniet, The pase fet i ulla Ché m»enae as brougit about ails, ths oommitteet mnaCera bai rocota- mnie Iti. senatôis vlending a usg band C. a-uti Pr. tii.nW. J. AlleunofthCe masilr>' hard, ta Pro. mentlmg he malter toe Ce""toms "hW0 Tony, voivai attorser vM presoni att h. .otmlttemeeting and urgud h. enaCerarpot te Inedi rien wn aliugtaWlmon la due Clu. volidtaite -*reof ets tmm evage prdblema. PluMent Misa urged h. lmiýortanca of net delarins them - mattersansd mealoned the btct Cat In came ZMon ever doma foru a district cf lIa ovu, tien the terri. tory Cc th@ north eofZMon Ce the itate line vould fIgit Suit as bard te romain out cf h. Vellvaecoatrolled district as he Zion tola v ere nov ftiIng te romain eut orth. North $bore District. Mn. Mien ozplgaMo itier that h. district bas speait Ch., anadmoue>' la gattlng Iipro- lînsinar>' data rosi'andMiMCatZion vould bave Co go Cirougi Cie»Mre procédsre fer Cita m iail district lua m C Oue. DelY Chus ceu ho @U losiq la ltà,luà launesy a mn"e'ne vehL.1% . Md s< Ci %& lomn toe otoni the district set Cat aul ef Ch. north lAke Count>' vould be la the district-ami se dia eomlitit erecomuendei la«d the sant. vithout a disaouClg ote, passed tC i >1. TPhe Ienators ismumed Cie stand fiat lion oit>' b>' haviug ne- sevalle dupcai £eatisroa e". reombgnW* thlb tact hat h. oroblem wcli f» a big on. for thons te bondie akose, assumed h. position hat Cie -ail c tbe Northi loeafatmary distriot SeaU v.ald Se a Mg hbop. Mis.HerSerihng Doesn't 'Show Muoh Concein, GnIy SmIIes and Is Confident. A Chicago nevafp peapclal vo. us vniter. ref.rrtug te M& tiralon Cievoman ohargol tuldi muider saM.* Dunlng thp ee l au ttlgat pâlobably wyul b. ulapateet. emI.a vwici. Vis.. rhere i.Vra. lvgbwul les ffur chiliren maut la hteen mnts proeeing Itran's beaCh. aud niera. It fil sali, h. straug icuiboli t- tersi. diqmm Cat -u. ~ r ectrstatea ntingg maeara. If 54 ýfflwat the basmaielablSalaMl Daim* etatanan«r-. *"She ise Cli 14 -bwusat helleve ber." >- . TO AUflYiEN- VOLt VA h<AL* bPR@UAP.'PAY aiivn ~ sprlieli, IM&..June It-4,bs Voliva snd. the cil> of ZMon, viiidrav no pule tunds for Choir yogkvai T R DS RC ths Sangamon circuit court hm u an M oppertunltyte bear Ch.eluJuncton pr Ied rcugit by VoUm Uai " arfment te this effect vasulioSoae wth Ua made tu our -aler h. hoaring "d mous Vote, Says Zion Sew- beau et dovu for snit turday.- age Must be Cared For. As the appropriation ofr Che lave.. Cîgaton bas bomsind -nesthePROTESTS BUT ALI IN VAHI Olllng of Che orfignai petition lath cas, bave wu given te gus an amend, h H.s$ne»01nTm a ei v>ttim lTheafllanols s ot on Thusa The agreemen out ithhold v uaimn vtd aau until the hoarit w as msade <on b&ablllvhich bad been prepar.d for Che Calo h. atat. officera by Attor'ney purposof e"tend"ng tCie North shore haif4 et adge Samdtarydistrict Ce Caite lu territor>' eGeri ttjill.north of Ch. prase 'nt norrth ltm--by (It la recullailChat voliva bas as- the preposed change ail terrltory Ce Sumei Che stand that Ch. committe,'m Che alIte lii.north ani. ta on. halt laveatigation la illogal and therofore milievest o fthe electric atiZMon, 14à W Mtate tsaismay b. useil Cc carry incluied ln the change. on la vork. The billuc ho itd. at an, square miles are thus added gprinield eis Couprove iii. point îlaIci Che district and tii. passage of the luit. Accordigi>'. lasviev oftChe de- bil hybth. sonate and Ch. aIment cer- cision Ce houl Inoheyanee th. Caklng taînt>' Chat Che boune vil aime pans or par for Ch. voit It appearsau f. amoins Chat ZMon CII>'bas been fa-ý Ifthle overser bas gainai &It lesat chludIn uthe district alter makIlng a a l1111e advantage by bis court action, batd lut te romain eut,aMd givr 0f coureCh. Saugamon. iourt niaytherlght; tu form a district of iCi aille the legialato-u have a rlghat t m ovu iienoses fit. detra>' Choir expense. innseuh a proe TIM vest ln. o ftbe promeut is. but It la admltted Chat Ch. continuas.fblet -lm about a utie and a hall lion et the probe binges fiually on the vest Of Waukeman and nn rou a rnllng eftChe court In caseit ahouli point a litti. nortb of Cevu souCi dfecide Chat itala ftnds caunothb. te .Cook County lin.ITire la Used lu dii vay, Ch. chance. are a right4umlie break la Mie territor>' Ch. Investigation veuhi net prSgeei te b. Iadded, and Che -ve e t hus long.. la about a hait Mlle nearer Ch. lake than Ch. West linaeot dôpnt ils. Triangle la Aliegri- Bernard Deck«. -Tb* u5, It la vumorod Chat- vulé e m. Mes, Strang ira lu EosCvlol. s tearm IaUmnilIart, 'Db* vas sent t10 Stres an n B40an Puark Amie%"Ob% , O. W "oW~ b>' h. father oethCe niarriel mun la oÎ*ý- vbose home Mns. Strang vas Ulgsinery 1 «Utr"~MM&, ' ai h, Invitation et lie uas'idfs.Vocal -iomeiç..MIwJiomati It summoned hlm vaCher iesperat.I>MualO -..... gb e"seUp4 to Flerida. Upon Itranga arrivai -It la îald, bis vite accused the sueir- of he telegram nd u 4aiso E AT R A Iuewlng vhat tCe bellevyreturu. to Highland Park.- 'Meantime, Mr@. Strani lespe id- LA IiS lent. She bas aoC chang.dbehande»to claration et Innocence end sets lmi Jaw bard asu h, repeatsI il.MWesaI. FO W tornry, lIalpb J. finirla dteraM te ask for ber release onbosnise et Theevssfl lte tindarsesth $25.000 ami unIes no anyen t. ltheet - Jo Andoraou I& Jo.. John"1 ululement of the proseculor. ".- simple pasarsrt Chat neachel Mr. Nor dora he napl>'te lth eso.MMn. «abeder IRobOrtBon cf 11 cutors assertion Chat bkM inym ie. tg" Parit ThWMiar.- Rebert»Me vbevc ami b>' vica Me former mayor her., amdi lerUd, Citai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I lasî tsa bah~ i he vInter Chat lie bai laie tbatmusd BMWO és*vu-u> 10,5W trou the esCate et IL1<1 ObaSci. The dotme nse aes ' iieotata tc long and; fileuent eal WaS ta Aliucations for a pasaporgl Sali -approved-tal Robertson,.»#, W.rnan Chlrn le jeu ïi- von ot to. The paasefl (N. lCrang, tla lu * ldilam inot aCils vite acemasa>' lu. 9ovure mnm 11«9vw lai b l'insu>' genator Mi ks5goilng IL ai ead the stae 4*1*1 iniltn auCewSaé - N ~ 0mthevofai epeto mmi rev e-Srt tau. la cal; *0 é 5alnJae l a Declaitt that Actions Ag*iu' Hlm are Illegal and Arnia to have Themn Halted. >i11 Cwiafgng Chait the Senate cmi tee vlsich Thuirsday coude =ndV liva', rule In ZMon City i'iau laff a more Cliovougb iuquiry W* Volîva ent a jutegra. te 'Âttoeuw, opeônralrundagé ye.terday oasiW, for an Investigation oft he maCler. lHe altse akei lUaiel DistrictAteorney Clymé e C Into the charges Chat he lad tho mails illegal>'. ne ehaa 4- luveeition Was liutlgatea bl gang et crim&lnal couspireto ,Perjured vllna." 1i Hé id aoC mention the sellât roolted Chat Ch. I«lumativereput semposl b>' Ids fou «101 ooemuaity ethomania«, Ina. ludustriotia. lav abliin la Mouui. la one et clivlat (Sons. vilci ho follovqçd v malte admissonl", sgra tien I ton tai c Vlîva et, ZlIeus baMnt Mm et@P th Retive luvemtItJBý aeugirton etbosa Inal r.solution caulas Vetgation. Put 141 a bih u lia- today provilug for *tha of the probe ani slving the tors lfe to carry Choir la Into, Ch. neat geral aametiWbly. ftest te Pam At albool. ?-ero dag iliver modal.voreatuvm tC.*" sari of th.e, emi.t choel ilanaidr ibml ahlmination ecale t the The. an&air wasatteaisib>' £ audience lui-ailupr.a affl m e am: uia>-U Seeoad pris(liter Udil>.- The lus et cthCe Mct's1 )m. 3. ilt nww «lien M, îtoscf LI*b- l«t MM u Th*ve cf. v#gm mule......... bod cieseola Dais>' ?oMM1%IbeDop t O~tide- urk 'obby 5h.8ç&- maon"Martin, vioct Mmn Bery. "%b. Vnias do ?bullp." LilianKautor. «Wàeo the N»eg acu an.. Vouaw ooio..IsJ a s Arthur Ora'rea, OAjRMuefu lui Fwe- - du'OM . 1

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