CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jun 1919, p. 6

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ar the golf links u Wauegan aliort. an land~ME O si by heorie treatunent uced Sm ý ln sving h. lite. WVbile Singer 0,C- d lA E VC S~ euie a t 1the Jau: Mcllster ILac oUr gau intereted thlmselves tu hi. - PlrM wlth 2 Bandt, lealf( raising a pureseof money Samu reHni tnsoft to ary to atd Some expressed t1e bellef that be. the BArs at the Kumbsa bivmISNdLa NE.caul m rie ad been frustrated l jjilMondy A. là. mmmvhi biliret effort at suicide that lie WGUý M EN ARE I Lunomi e, 'Mh e OFCR SVSh 'doue of is letter vould IndIcate that TEOFCR SV HM * Waultegau. Jone 9. 1919. îithinc ia further frorn is thouibti. Iltotternal soeities of the city uni- "Mv wdifs as delighted te sem,"Keziooha, June $.-Stanley Ras. thir Li Sd:alu obmrvig thir a.- . wrote. "Shte doesn't know a ty-toflt years of &go sud a resudant or ..motaleorcises. .udge P. U .tbing about what liappeued lu Waulce- ,WaUkegaui. sttemptd suicide lu the cm vas grai murshul o the gun. Pieuse dit tell'ler for wvoare 'city iockuip justaftatnine oclock thig Fin laui V lhgt Ittumotion aboî!kt.getting losg mo happily., I have a*morltg vheu h.omiuU bimtat ther tvo o'ciock and marche«» <> ood position puying $115 a montit ihe bis vith a cor jconeteui vbere the exerciliollsad lts once more is very swýet'to 1made up et tvo bauikerchiefi tvinted helM. The viremailsut higi me. Kindiy communicate m m rt!- togtier. 'Th pligt et the mmnwu I bande turnshed thc munie. tude t0 those lm'o go kindiy beWced diacoiered by a fellov primoer sud T0 ~TcWoodmeu ]Drilltes u*I a me lu my Unes of need." offieer .%eGwem Toasoe thc lockul' no me ".%malOost 'i.Other ac0 Thp letter wus received by Mr. and just In time ta eut Ra o d &dav* cIao vers V-11 reireoS'tai. Mm. s. Pontteté fProspect Dive bis lits. The man vawuncoasions Coi thc cemterv tue vomcn'a o5'i5* vio took an active part lu raising the. pieu rescucd by thec police ouko' one . M Jo >inad t* uic ion"dmoner vbchI vasuturned over te Bing d mar cuchra et tUic police aMd &»re t bu«. aon di*.M«4lu h or. .a-deparlinents gvorkb4 ever hlm foe,' ùr .0f WaeibtOa sud OMM"__________aealysbal bout belote hocwu-te. 1 stored ta conscienmte«.ci Or inst. te ell bu nm laAte Ras, id boa is le otoldlit et~18 àU aviii sterY of bins truck by cat n, ' th tenacettho p u 'n i ' I t a ut h 9 0U510Scalea b im m b ar r he ic d cp tum t au 1ýý -C Il,,, su d tihe rc«Mad, aercbief roae "» es- of ezoiises t thea csa. *oa dau~Y uit viat bhm happée, "ai -'8t W.e iy teB"i9 theai R csfoucri? a icar 1udb - ocal madie Narer my Gcd te Wiikegafl Mani Wht0.o E v-isua herseha-oo'vu thtc Rut li*ta.t iboma empay t go te tice front. ne evated ater -AfMvIn OVer- -as not b d in mylch rte . Eý sg of Rlis of deese acinc- fàeas, OTi.Eneê1008 iasbut bai been icici p as asd balSî - vitutesa -viiianofieriman wviewuvasl ule A'ede 3 LOCAL MEN MADE CAPTS. hld as a suspect luaeonnectics vwi aii Veu*4t sicAmforte dc ea. - rment burglaries luaIenooba noc w iý q is.r raad aue t. Capt. Nicholas Wetsel.on eofbMt. baitoit cents ln Mencyersouh.ovwsAu ~isle als.and trs. Nic Wetlelcof ouity et. takoestinte eustody by thc police of-. i Plet a nu leai tic char«usan- quletit lippeji into tovu 5h51 50oV- *cers. He bad beau tàtd te vait about te, Veflwtug the program tich e s teen menthe av~eue erficis il the ofes ofetthe deprtment, but lh ol i~atssrc4rme ad mzchd bcithe Motor Transv~ot Corps. Cuit. bocauls no aiblisive tae UcolkS ii tOu imwetzel va a student t, nrt Shot- that tbey orderei hlm put datsu lu o16 ElaOI Office'. .. dan vhere lho sot is second-lHonte*. the city loekup. t vas about tos as ý 1%4 ertera«lsiat tou te" qngtnl le.tien IWOe -minutes atter lhc bai beau put tuto »Wý*rraerna, aorJti(mwasboldavaiios an wa proote toCail'- tc l thltat the police reivedth ovnla Jusae 5. 191# et tli* tain lu due course offtinie. tuil tha ili attcmpted suicide. tk Ma& h meetingvu He vu 18 days congthome «4 T'h. mas vus noue tic vm erso1hW bIc "" te erdor by C. T. Hede vuws musterci out lu Nov Tarot. experieuce a hait heur after tic inci. eh uuet.b?. aourss etel tu c <. Wetà.l ttlil maur tirilling dent. He asiged ne cause for mcci-T oesingyer aa:expertnem vhich hoea»d hic mcanlIngta taie blit fe, but tudicatci that CI H OcaW eut thtough lu getting munitons ta ho vas belng msllgned- by Uieoaie at *~~5 au'uamlo t hUicfront. Oftentimes thay liMocr&.he ie urs declaral tiat fth nI Calu> m' , « aluabout vitheut regurd ta e ilievcd ho badbecs drlaking hcav se _________theic sfet, et mcn or truite;a; tit wt lD,but b* appearei te ho decîdedit 10 s, thet vooli bait Vsu at 2 mouaan snobes- atar ho, bad beau roter at bo hur vitbont lltteon thir crs ud cms191us an rondes n ev wtbat I<boyvanTl lient &"tug fate aume flac it t wu ii I~iL N Su'aM3 a cama vcre tic' bu a te t «»nieau IA RU E Itt te Uic front ud cnmm tide ail tbeulate 0f safef y fr tiemialea eort bi ABIiTil w t~;StO~OICapL 7masi fieu theic W ________corps. I. Snge Wrtw rei O~jth, eut. George Catle. ce*ta& ~No Fatted Caif Klliu Deause m- DuIlb? &. jTh; Dklnt Havemy on U1nn% am I Tha"ca11,w Cpt mmrassud eut. Wtcul M 1aiat cGmnhouse »%o AMW iM11. mev baena ut cadiea.l MMn WFE DOESNT KNDW FACT Gvre IVEN A ROYAL: WELCOME. jO-" popia cf wakaga Wbho MrDNTli. a m É2. lýune E.191 b«d'd4 1. Singer, mter h " he bai j su d a yEs'dd' 4*05 in -poion luaineffort te cMmttit ihEtclta *1tdyl ner hiE ae akt0AToe e D-s d ns e ut tie ~ o uoires avu 1-eletu vheu a letter vas rccived thc Unfvereit 0f s a fftilgee ea i', te mdldal» r<. ( tad lsy tat ng t at lhs lis b a o mle ber 0f h .t aileasi aou I la thec occ a n , h eU sous' m aie rathe i rtb is fsmllt vbe are Il5aw'5taof u5iuscaiia OUSoSS' eir ilsu it r vdte rlc tc But$rmiut lis ofet tsl-destruction, tt a boi" bit T<buio alsillt. aitemîv a r enn iret bis mar. bon as sgood Job sud le suprameit ber or the whudA84oncthe ature Tetsiloctat b as rk, + b i, sud Uiorugly coteted v iste. vith a moi st ow"lieeme raf.loal _ ai Om1.on more. Day la alady oftliMa0io. flaha@ 'P VU-gt Me a qutt-1 0frt Poison belng svsriêd a mM«e h i aity t*e bai ouet adeitat i i '*lit daspondeut over bavig becsuoctet wu-1 rU.e.a .. nhomeou ,71ý poibe of U bé mney a tat o th lUivmty B»àd »M -ih botter »sali tafth" Mba e. e ai bi meer 0 tlt c ti UuvarltyEa~e nt ~.'* a great ight aud day et tudr home _________________________ *-for, the celebttlenastuailit utt. __________ d Wednesday cveutung sud tiere vau làs lapeseof but a ev heutsfl rXcINEY~S WEAIKENING? MOrniug vile the celebtanta tS% as -OIAl I ev vinie of $jeep. LOOK M 1Robert sd Arhur Dger rchi laci rtroubles dos't liflbm t aOi uw e t Bon@" ~woule si- Waukegau togethor tneveye oeck - = wîvo Tor g~ro abiJL mmtaan msi* itoat fooi as vih. Wedneeday evoning. Whonu dsr l u. Mt hWte' >~,~ train stopped, they awtheir parent$ tisa te Incurare disasa. &,o~usai M GolD ib mm"flualun sd the F'orester drill teintetof«. W. Stop yeur troubles vhiltîît tu" il Casaia@ " "- m eser trcutb D.a.î wat unti utapan 1- 9an e rspnsbl a Â4me 'Lakte Camptagteet thora. The aches. tientt-tfeiiI L a W ffj,,rti 0 their snons as enthe tepaents udfi évola future sufferlug begin tri hl esa hsepdfoh -> ts GoLI) MEDAL ssu01OU Çp- ýlnov. Take sceci'touraeue>. setudou. 0ta po o yur druel4caltrains J'lotit lluethonse fat bave "Y unàl Fo areentirly tru tris Inlyot OtD been talulug place teemUy in Wu .11bs vfl.novu prelarationst eathasa s udireta.saS&" f,K P"are net kegan aud ail oset-rugt a cimsaa of il.. national remedias otr Bol-mttaSa uAt ei~tO5TdaOffBt i tearadeteej ~~dfor ututu Inalu1696 tii. gevern. gidi a lai fese m s oSfr a sdetoeJ 4»b a't b Nthu-lanu sgranted a thé arn oc » é i x ROiob idbeenauIastaller ot tic ~-esa aler saUorala li pepau- u s oec 1~U ua.drill teum nbeloteho stirta. for ov- tii-. sion______________ crmas service vith tic 111 ibeo-. fetet lcfamwvask«94, lates-ccfd lu bis returu. Ar-thurbui been ati. 'tees menteIsnlu hp-buidftg vo*ta -y-odopqlurt Prosidant. W. S. Smth. Vice Prodidan. Oakads Calîf. Tut otadlscarg F. W. Churchilli. Sacu-tary snd Meairecrdtut- hortti a ,rrima gir b$,i i m npreved geacim ,ataNali uW Il A jstiierigps di set break np '51l. imeur a"oui vggL. . I 2 ose e'ulock this morntigsuad'$W* «we)h a im :iwëy th rea forur r, sonflex ma n fre i ZeCity oisbat fl eben relatives eyI 1'4abu or iacvI o Sk _- li1 UWLgen *began ara-tmg hl" - I Tenu Ue s e Owm vuS4ff~ou 1 et i ldhsi "ce; 119111w6ulteand othet p.s-"$Ilc00 v<b < jg . sellt' pftl* e 't Mo e UiAk og. Man- Ticn '"onbousoeclose. for theic o o . eù- .& .a.R.sttonOt asdtiot0 a bit of business as81igIUC4 OW f M. -à- balsu l f i.C.M . 3.R. t ation 0sf. - ~ - Ker loti «. 1 Vil. a, ve liéd bau talilug te bisa. XMo W. vuatol to bav-e the dat itUf aesvasvikta Ao 5ih0DO5 t WIU9.rM Vas e«Ir$10 but if vas mlu fhe sema sMt ve'reC uttlng e-u tafi- ties a ~s o duau du' -M Wlic s 5gsibui bu5ltb » imr-4bus 1l loft bs bffcpaa* aspt, Mouds, r r.te yoaturg bas te m an- $,W,* sal superviser Dilger. tic&erab"is sMM misesa ~- -tai pontios i lic Iajws <Vae thaee cfleWte a ae - <bis Itthel oug coupla aes te ho ,~ l tofa iitc b o TO~~ ~grg on gbah @elssOem« etW04- tiarwth le j»t#epartof t fis uami. mrum c h ttu. ai To esdst aogit, bat altieu lie bsed$ lis. OacIev tilu>o t Sofe, lutin pu5gui le husoeprove. a ~~ýg« NÔE Cl3aWaL oateI0iWflO~TeR LaDo et tWaire hom ofvbr. _______î,ne01 gnte THR ChwuanadFra ol r us imtt.s-ecwu &m$f0. r eaoam t#Ybutt bt noaiaalCauhe ofe thiodbumtste l fl IL i l werds. srbe nUiqeWy ~~on, s tamroo e M% bog .DaiTtica bflal f OOJITSR irmsS vas btdtra in mte U a at -vnq4Iw,. avetn e te*M ete Wakgn.~uc s,~ fat memtbes et tu eIrrîcoiS aTeR.ILD vis of Wi*uj& -aI ~hc ira Chistin ai te P a h OIegs te< II luWh(S thelil<019a06a*.uI sa.ii tstteulehe bave coldeatil$8 va gash. ip iresUa VUDOMadeB'"mm> vIe e onltpvlib cmi A1e thre expet unaai t icdbw 7", Wleag5n, leiethe 1911. -tam Uniqo uneP e , fles'5t t - .todyadhov xt » 1110JiliY eI h asa 16<mëset8a a o oos a eui i àuucloa iil 1't te g INTif pSo t ESlu ac abitmeste iiaiun t e e'ifl efBi&sQteWrrntb«t«i« lieuten- czpus tetiel, t a t mue cra or ef M S geoUtsgs N tCmmmloe 3 . i l wt* sh lage Charigstin anuther fil otet'easb aiiuc ed.Th good vUo! rciven btveo ýcha. et th« regea." lit.fiais toe>,s"b& unraiutfl ea-l od lie tcen- friamoiis 0. OL Tu t es e. nE- bava Iodli lo t",.. 4 * isi mfzotn arvl iii o hlllu" 10 w55i0 u tai a » Imai-staevrte t t mea nt u t ie ireac Th*e epanila eouinhvi " Oi;rtmb th soc on ouic cf l. ne "M~ mýe iita R umm hovr o te. eoaL in s sralu ati o n t <teeut e po ssFib a ythis de- a I n ftIlea i a r me ii n auth hn u tl- t.lag enge atiîo-. Sc t hevi <led e teeoni a. atico10cr by knock. -40 ugog oandlia-bpses sudfeUallbibrae At t1 ecent ctimo M . a tg ie go twsud teStn br utheo us ie aula Phua mabias S e r v U Bacm i ticket.Wi "butf b&a a t c Ms-. l as lsai batgho vu etc ou u hit o n tf i p rlog.uiteush tih e cM a rel mtcr e la v et. l theo l tteriiirc» isosae [guit moaiagter r i git e da rF rentcefc nt h - eas h uuctbg. mts tiisxes bt vcaionisChcag a. tfe buding a f ia haves ae otule 0 f i cm msi en sfl . à hidsa ta e ha th cottg tT rvl*le, me s rs, ch e n a thel Coait e -cf caboomsta £1 <le mboc ion- e* - -l ak o « I.lot b moent h oric intug u p&ticIus t r p scecceic la l wrck-1 'm sM. fiaisa rassu e me.1 mfua l r ton« i à aitaliet.Othe rraneet Sam re g to o ro < o " xtract ueH- valit%&bIsL"l ilccuu ae *yousine 2, tr es- fie musSe Bf f1 lg off héai Wsuk agna ho ir A bi plci bise l u fier.Banl o insfth hqulk tth ornng evinsd tr. oagtrsoff te hrxie te@ alrd B u MMcf Ahé. iket.usud anComatfor wd< o te5eoka Moai herciath sing n svcecoiativOelesmeu g@ýr te IccwuaU.n B ah am thaît ou oMWot.W ý îuth t vboh bevaredoagau a i e d fithoes lt ma * lau 1-Icimas ewetro ig Br t atas-e VI I loo e e s vc atio n l iii agote ic , îof- te n uilin g e ti t o n tic e a . h orsr e la ti e ico tl io n ca e a c o - E enist heucb lth. . s- tus id Tere vastli amousthe vcroio f h udaij. er emli vbu ni iabu e id fas tii. Rcottaeguteil che4b r s, ticbev toand a rbeitu etce ri n dire atstt he oe m omi s . i ens a01 i. o'Pie moL o f S uppr iih .a sra l teys-tc cee aptur c ha &. e ab etiha fte r w ne til a Thedvai o th arra ngednt «0 u5tlrcug ifrvuanii ula tide iv vi the a cousefiakosa te fnins e ritianlu uyc la 1 sMimQr te tractstd e nloyit- fssatmree issv. ~ cag h matonsieonshefMUIOC oge - teihuga metbabiucaetl e t cm ats lthe r ationaiBa ebureb viii cettuet fia s. ornoof IGeore lfoa" ssinfle mou O U Joui lur odaitho venlh Srve-sI on prtvl oyzle o htt otl b obt b oc yseU t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lcl floir carh udl ltat<i ps NeI5NATfl tlm'Plc tu thflburpasa bahudtldoicoudut ticcfar el e ba nd, osthe '""' ws lft 1J.Fir b î eyeriugd foaki théf lrs h sopun- « rhe h10as Coti il f oth* yuka- Wa ieg rau. lunth de r <.the lai t etleie pof a PblicSeiThCo Chitia ini el the VCIoxeLueuMWT, day stt&muggnw o mW erucen at vom U pt se. C. onathes, a raandeutilf W u be t eir , b u a$ttt hé fia- Fan NelmIht ________lare___ gan ton w esrs de a Swma diket$ee bame"« a a 'RAigofbTS" Int PIlJIPIhVri Miittsito'n mlo-SnyCeus tWl cli h p estr anddeos f h Cntelo arh&5 UM - h e-iae n h ALMOST, U UC , WASOU OC ln bwOlL Imo APOLoGY WOULb WORK Reras a llttli ta iliftrehm the Sun onlce. Dedt ton % ,but It à »soe te auaasuMd ecuses an aditer ban te MILO vie mliWM IDO ige of t<h Dme The heai vnlta Meulai vs-etc& bedint 'Rentela l rit hants PUpit, Mrt. cgter àlu dMftMbi." And boy de o Mtuai ithp t tes- HAPPM teacft itt Tam, to ulaisrieti: He set if: "RATS ta Chrlathittch l I5tiP Mir. Gansten la tgmt@5dai"And vo RLppU<M te oMtoh thc errei sud maied e the retilOn cIf ai. peste . rant&." But, suppwcns 1< NiLD got loto tie paper us «"RATS" la <ho piuiPt ef Christ chureiL 'Weulds't, <bore lave beau a laugh on the sun? A"d veitldftec«ot Gunstet have bai souple r«0011 te b. "dumfounded7» Nov the trptl»'51 S7Uthaf eut <batimur vrinrapvUt Plin or -oe vs-itgvamu't oebor scissialsof that sort bu i* l9toc uatttcd hat there or*o asea iunge bapjan- !uA lu Wadkons bat ho lua came- toAb -te olop <timrabs NID la. iOd.the pulit c eOi'atdrai sud furfiorcnlUS<s i bydid fie reerbalaea" si lu t teho dusafounia d imdi iotermtaie Uvasrott ree ý ratier fiai i n itb~~~a Rbe oui d va o tiovL- tusft~ ~ a M d la r usaM - W0IRB, T I" em t ach tou to. wmiub we reveal ancther of the. extratet tw-tý e4p PRacine Tires botter tires. Oeu~ ~~- etslu vitaliy poth. tire upeiabllybuatlk otte"tii. wmarend tma cf courltt. rosi ur"Sc.-.5OOOUmilsgmwsfto Lot us show you Mes tiré. triumvLh IJERY ilEGMAG JOHN NPM~I> >p hoïmé »& .LlIertUNl Ou m Nud Mr. E,.Wb hvie bolba Mlo, i a"e. vo vaigW Our bi tboni à g»a Ra boinai Gray Juiy 41 Ou a Mr. à

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