CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Jun 1919, p. 10

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rwo ~ - 4111C13SIS lWLD, 'Me o ogregatlanal ebureh of Areat entefleti the fittytrat annuai June meeting af thé Congregational chur- ébes of Latke County la the Commun- Il.>'fHause adjoining their chureh Tues- liai'. par the frst tinte the meetin-si vere resideti over by a vaman. Mc 8. LkI*rtpp. Bbe vas especlaliy. gond la persuading the men ta stop vîren their tîmo vas up, anti kept every- timi.g on schedule. la the maralng Mns. P. M. Hardiing 8p,*e on "Lesao f reminhe Redi rW* auti 4 J. Wilmot on "War I1U*ntCoanti Churcb Finance." R-1 ports ver0 heard tram ail the chir I cires. HaIt Day l,; usy making plas for tiere ueullting of tirir edi- $Me. vhbas receatly slnick by iligmulng. The Mitîburn church ret jomIn. having hati 1ev. A. W. Saf j Ibid for thoir pastai for foîuteeni yeart. hope te have hlm for many years te corneanti puofoundiy Ptice bis sueeeor. Thbe German Chsi'ch 0f Wenkegan la thee irst church o f the pounty ta engage s var vtera n for pastor, havlng caliei lahnathan Weber, who reeently retuieseti tram twa yeaus service as an ambulance driver vîtIr thee Frene a arnay. About one hmnrea anu twenty Pen pie voire ieved i a dinner hy the la-1 i«sothtIe Area church-and there1 vas plenty left over.. Chieken used 1 te ba the strong Point of the Juine meeting, hut tbis year it was cherry lu,. the atteunoon Rev. R. k Breeot1 et Chicago epake on "The Chuîuch anti1 Ieo Communily" Rev. .3. R. Scottord1 'toe .on "Cbarch anti the Young Pao. ode." dvolling especially upon Ise1 *Wari belng tione for the sallora, and 1 glis Vns Minto, formerly of Mlburn1 lutme»wpastar's assistant tn the 1 k«t Chmchbof Evanstan on "Theg gducatianal Challenge ta the Churches1 Rev. Jamas Austin icheards af theq Oàq»ngtional cbnreb of Winnt'ta poeel heIs conference sermon .8 - -ilie streëweth Ae naeet of tihe Ufrt et Critian service as the ram- ** for thSe social urat o the pro- au 4y. lia sal0 that Il vas a sun-i Ose mWter ta amy that tho 1. W. W. MMd t»r Boblreviste warea smply bail »~M Md as mach ta ha extermina=et, bU t tat vbat vas nesedti as tbe tiWument of the condtions vblchi g.gse thasa movamants rathar titan, tiee merastamping out of tsemove e" .The meeting cancludeti vith *0ad-Iluistratlon o! the Lord's Sup- jer Spey, PhIlip Mercer of Ivan- bue sd Re. A. W. Sfflorti of MII- "e folloving dicers voeeelecteti filme eaqaua Ysesr: modoa ars. - 1 è1. ites of rsyslake, Scrtary Nen Vivan Sonner of MNilburn; Pu- .emMIttee: Haroldi Miato0f fi*sra. gr. Wirts of Ivanhat'. Mis.1 UWig of Aea, Earnet Hrtel of W* lai'. lrs. Weudelkind of Grays.- 31s am Mi. ilolstela anti Dr. L.1H. ?fbuhof Waulcegan. 'The meUti Mg msert year viii ha helti at Grays- WAUKEGAN LOCALS 11ChrIes unk vira la recuperstiag i a araIt vouai at the Fort Sher- idan aeme ospital. sfant Sunday vil bAs brotiror, Fred Funk, 0f Wau- beau.Fbis nJury tta M. Funk's les is aM exeedlngly mrlous ane andi iM l eaiaitate hlm permanently. Sllate a tae» pa vocational traînînki ais ses as the vounti ieals sufficlent A ior anti latdar motor truei, con- biit wtb a cheailcal apparatuis.le the litait aronaaed addition -ta the mati mes péro Ma f atir tm edt NàmiùýÈ of Mamrnot' têM*Taf~e*uç Is Signal Honor Accorded As Result of City's Active'Participâtion In. Esséntial War Work that they can abtain sufficlent lieli, Trop 4 held lis lmeeting last nightl At the Chamber of Commerce dia-1I ln this vicinlity, but If they cannut, ai'ound a glowi'ig heaclî fre. upb e t he Eiks'Club iln Kenosha do Ibis, they wiii bring their belp the nov sauti sucker with 19 scouts George S. Whyte. for the bouge cain.1 out tront Chicago.1 on handi.- Plans were matie for v j mittee. madie phl le plans- af that Carli1-tomer of Jenkinson. arreated. i bue touTDeep Lake for Thurstiay andi bodjyfor building 5,0410 housen An Ke-I on aserouschage reteret bya Pritay. The boys wil1 leave tomor- nusha wit.bin practically two yeara 16 year olti girl, vas releaseti today 1 rcfw morning at 7 froin the barne of anti a hatif. Most or Iiph bouses vill la bonds of 81600. The case il l e the scoutmaster.> 521 Claïton St., andi be within a cost of $3,500. trioti June 19. - -.,will ho back sometInte FrIday atter- The public utilities commission of Hfenry Dowat, and Mise Lva Dowst noon. They wili be entertaineti part Illinois has sent a louter ta Past- and -Mr. andi Mis. Clark Pack îati of the tiîne by the Camp Pire girls mater General Burieton req!uesting' making plans to spenti next viner vho are staying et the Sexton place. hlm ta postpone the effective date Ot la California. Reports have fit tat if the weaiher permils, the boys wi Il the proposed lncrpsse ln Chicago the Dowats have soiti their tivo Places camp in, the woode over night. telephone charges and Iobroter the on Ltics street, andtIlntond making The Wet-Wash iaundry wagon andtimse ta the commission for heearing their future homne ln the vest but 1 the Waukegan tiecorating company's andi recommendation. Tire letter dental ia madie tbat tients have been truck camte together la froiit at the calIs the postinaster general's atten- eloseti as yet for the disaposition of John Hoban place on Grand Avenxue tion te the tact that the Pulie utîli- thelr property. this atternoon. The former took for tien eommission ls requilred by law .Magstiate Taylor today dismisaed the dtrvoway, andi the driver leapedtotapaso on ai such mttera as la- the charge ot conspiracy as matie as be made a s4ilden tura to escapr creuses ln telephone rates vithin the against Joe Myens. J. H. Miller, Pt belng hurt. WashIag vas sctwcdsiate Of 4ýInots. 'liba voetuier/<4 aI atter examialng tht evîdence talc- over the yard as tbe auto apset. No. general bas not ye t replioti. en some day. age. Caserta chargetibotiy vas hurt anti the damage wat Owlag to the fact that Admirai P. they hati conspîreti agaînstt.lm ia sight. Bede Mltinore vas tirivink 3..llassett bas an oficilai appointient cimnection witb is martial troubles. tbe docorating firme truck. for thiB evPning t viii nat ha possible ait men t rom a rt Sheridan, proviti- for the Waukegan Lotige No. 702, B. lig ets anti a prograin tor tbe tel- This sfternoon at the Baptist par- P. 0.EBote taInitiate hlm tonigbt as lovs vhieb tbey of course enjoyeti oiage accUiveti the marriage ot Misa the oIeers hi planneti. bene thére very mach. Euînce A. PhIlipa anti Peter A Nc ie ii ha no Iitliation, but thora vîli 'a'be police have receiveti a report egarn, bth 0f Kad, u puWis.e ffbe a regular meeting, the last uW.1l trat an aabndoneti Fard car bas been veiini dvlptvs ult f ly 18. Attor that date meetiqgs founti at Grand avenue anti Ash street. vory gecretly by the yoag people yl he the thIrd Weftosday Pach Thé.e wax no Iliense on it. The rear w ha came to tova tIbis morning anti montb untîl Octobai' tiret vhon the tire on thre rlght tendi aide had matie plans for the afair. Tbey ad regular rurn or meetings begin.. The blava out. The machine vas talten' mittoti that their triends did nat offilcers of the ladgo expeet ta initiale ta a garage. Thle police are making; know ot their plans. Thoy hati an- Admira] Basse tt at the Jnly meeting an Investigation. nouncements printeti today andt te ____________ William. Morfond, 129 HA.cory st.,' fist news their follis voue to have voit knovn Waulceganite dilet i atmld-of the wedtiing vas when they Open- D. ,G È Ê night at' bis home toiloving a Po-edt Iear mail tomorrow or the next DR .G » ] longd Iines fontstomach trouble. tiuay. Andi, further, vhen the yongBeE ,N man ra HewsbmOct. 31, 1859 anti hatiPeoaple finish a short boneyrnoon, yEr oeadTra livoti haro ny years. Hls vite ibOey"e golng bock ta the MeGcOegorSpCI1t tilti te yersago Hobavs tahomene aar Kaulcanua vbere tbey HOUrs 9 ta 12 nes. Il Northi idie aew ear ag. H levestwoGne... Street, Woukega. daugtors anti a son. vili resîdo.CW .oOfc 470hasnAe Mrs. James Morrov bus gona tel There vîli ho a business meeting Roektord ta visit ber son ln law. Johnt 0f the Congregational Shurch ta -_____ Ott,.whvbonasbeen 111 vith pneumonia. iigbt. The matou tieliveuy wagon belong-1 The Berger Overaîl Co, of Chicago *Ing ta the Wet launduy on ,are movig into their Waukegsn Sheridan roati vas damageti badiyl brsnch factory aithlIe Manufacturera today about one o'clock -ahen it over- Terminal occupying the building ut *turibet at the corner of Grand the foot ot South St. tormerly c- avedriva d aSheran Pou lace ite, buildng. G or a n ffc a rverue as nti Abran P Sae. ren biling.h . .Gi s nofc -place vhen hae ane close ta crash- Ladiles AIdý Society )f the Fwedish W lng into an automobile belaz triven Baptlat eburch vili have their mon- *in Grand avenue. Hec trace big car ihly Metia gat the homo of Mitr. W onta the ralseti psrkvay taeail a Witson, 409 lceiard Street, Thurs- -collision anti the machine tippeti aveu Idey. Jane 10 t 2:11# olock. Il -r tegan tire departument. Speci- e0Id » Sh L -è o Ios fri'the proposed ' apparatus ..... preseatoti at anti approveti nt NO woman wants to look regular meeting or thre city ente- so Mondai' igt andthCircty . ,l ad. Many in thek effot cvas lsuteti toa atvrtise fou la look youthil mtoort to tM -h. ibsa$y dgpto." Thefr sidents of the aorthi aide. lhue msmg ~ -i 1 on the soutb aide, aM strongli' Lvon of einfoieed oearetA pave-te ..dptm ti Insteati of brick, andi expresseit.thdmeIq )selves In no uncertair maap mr w & m te public heariag blt y thre i o local impraveinents lîonday eih t. As a uequit Il va, 5racicalty WryaeàM ghq led la change the mature of thre Wry lqs ih rovement ta concrete. The stusets \ \~ hefidaches, pains, disorders, iie In lathe improvement are. rregulnrities and wealmns or street, Sevard virent, Poplar Of j&s dititctly feMinin et Cnter street, Ah street. Mas-- charactor in a short ime àavenue anti Ritigelanti avenue. -~briirg the dull oM, 1h. r, ant i ,rs. C. P. Btackmeu have e iwUi8 feet" the hgar an the Span. cottage on Indian o,~ a.~ re ut an Saturday. To retan-the appearance ttioay Pacini of Kenoha, bratir. Cof youth you must ret"i la but novr of Antioch. vas unItetiWt podestedo oiw y4arr1ge Iodai' at Waakegaa ta p des ad paints, asic iy Wrd, also of Kenosha, the cor- yot.drggiet for Dr. um balng peformed hv Justice î'" Pierces Favorite Preeoip. I tion. 1» Berger OveralManufacturlng This ~faitout edcri trikes -art - eyroto teeenme Mm'y. manufacturera of overafla It male y oo o ofu ne 1 eits locateti nt 1912 1*> 1924 of Y'ur i U* PPemranco. aks Dtonly lo on : Witem Avenue, duicago, a"are, but 14d Y1,04 -. mébi the Waakegm Ubamber of Your drusâïst eau eupply you in 'liquid or ablet form; or send 10 p4erce as baving leaseti a buittai. cacent 0ffomJe te DM. Piece'@s Invall ida' - ansd Surgical Imati- Ils tireaianufature termrinal, ,nik,.Yad tra oofteaeawllbmaedy . = a tihe oafce building farmerli'uE U O -Ysdatü oxo h a ilb aldyu by the Quartermamîen er' I , Sbodd you desire t-o consuit Lis mediçai- taff cf physicians or It8St of lime U. . amy. 'riey sasi for information, tiresamne will ha cheerfully furnished you ivholly 1off tair lla ite ni Ive wtisoteot and yaur letter viii be treaied as nrd confidentiar ~aI=k thetr Chtcago Offlimla nabold 'elean boue" vit4 ça s~ i q lb I dimot at drmist, . l SvIO eWcSifiM sd jiilap, u 041il R P4hiwEanie. ant le.fC1iTô Cean in& nlJm t"a lion incet amtiwholesom a uepî4iimiî omtea fn n a bua pac s pleasure a t t a Int s" .hIýý heriieilws uof the flritigh caàmsr i bfa.gG ibo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i ihniMll.U lalf ihu uîitl ~ .hi nlpan but ILplat of boll*g vtW undi mountis thot bring the Boul at nofll ot u n i2G sti ila t til i n ramt h e u F WO# 4ina tht' openî air.-H.nry Wrdf(Ot e Ii'.litted wlth double dor.bil ni trtn ra b n1 J ihraî4l~ i fmsinîd <rail îcb ho spotige *ach gara tinwn te the point. Beecher < day.thu sabreila *iien Ut ilt . _____1'IIE -Mèms ~hoc The Stacy-Adams Cornpa ny were the originators of the combination shoe, and have made shoes that will fit feet that others failed to do-. Rernember -that whe'n you- are ready to get your next pmr corne in and try a pairjof Stacy-Adarns Combiatio Shoes on, and your foot troub- les will be over. Week End SI-hoe )ëSâ1e SaturdaY, lune 21 Style, Clef9t aid .Quality Go Wih ur hoe The price you payi for our shoes M astUrès ,you, aà savoing 'beeause we are ottof the highrent dîstkict. we ô' t k à Mall biâtgin ofl our shoes, seliinýg thètc asi *Ibting thâ~sMafl èenes iwith stylé, c'j»ttt d qt1lit thi t à 9 in .esch pairo shoe*ý) y0U taU see WIy we offer y o'ù more » shoe money and the reasôfh. 1?h~s 1~ttr hues for Lèé Mtèy fW --won Any.Pair ôofthoein ýOuî store 10% offé M7An1 ot une 1.RefinborthDié Kilà IN 237 Sout Genese St. Wfi~Iktgsn, minois U'J Au gi Ocean going vessel just placed ln, service in the meréhazit-marine; credit given Ainerican Steel and Wire,,Comn pany plant'for its activities. 1 - that Yeur elty. fta'i tomt 1 80"8 They grow he di 1 been had t bdà actui relati loft t tUveà. hal 1 throt bier. thei got m &mai Lient town lieed *ould 7 an, fewai teive kpre %how PAN leart telet TlM Presl R ive Wardsh r ttatbi -iortbv Il onty Mad tel a- chan 0<the dont cc e:"

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