CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Jun 1919, p. 14

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om '1- W-1 Suits,,Coats, Capes, Dresses, Sirsand Boue ALK&n4 Go.. Northern i'.. Gi..tent'Stor, Forrennd Child -en Little boys' new wash suits in a $1' 1.50, 1.9 Sale of womnen's HOUSE $3 at 1.98 Women's long crepe kimonos special 1.98, 2,98,3.98 Handsome new Wirthmor waists at $1, 1.50, 2.50 m-Capes Do las Coat,,s --at the Moist sensational reductions of thé- seasonk1 7.50, at- Values up to 37.50, at- Values up to 49.50, at- 41 Scores of beautiful models in coats, suits, capes and dolmans for summer wear have been itrouped at these three prices wbich promise to the, greatest selling of the entire season. Thfe illustrations will give you an idea of the beauty of these garments. There are ail styles, fab- c s, colors and styles in the assortments. Our large, new, welI ighted and perfectly ventilated store is cool and comfortable these days. Coats and Capes to -$15 at $7.98 Coats and Capes to $20 at $12.50 r 7) I Wom.n'a 69c Silk Lisle Hose 43C A very spetial purchase en- abieq us to oeil thîs excellent qoaliy of' silk liste hose lu ait t'ol.rn sud sizes at titis very 10w pri.e.. Si1k Boot Hose, Sg-at 75C. Wompa'm sllk boot hose. worib 81.00 a'pair, lu ail colora and ses are now priced at 75e. WTomen's i1.50 All Silk Hose 1.00 special purcliase ut 25 dozen ln black, brown,« grey and white, in al sizea, lu $1.50 values. Il Wom.a 'a1. 75 Union Suits --at 89C Women. and ms,- knit union sui t. wlth IFrench ntk tiglit knee. AIlF iZes. Knit Vests 49c and 69c Womnn>knit velus lun 75c and 69, values have been sPeciiillY priced at 49e to 69C. Silk-Top Union Suits 1.75 '.'omen,» flesh colored union sutg ,-nitu *1alian milk tol,,. A daintY oconomical1 and durable under-gar- ment.ý Separate Skirts of wash fiabrics at 1.98,3.989,5.98 fikirts of wasbable cotton piq- uegbriesioln n satuees gaardnewstypolnandi sises t $2.98 ta $5. Fine Si1k Skirts * 12.75, 14.50, 18.50 I4à Exqulsite creations of ueW Fantasi Silks, Baronete Satins Tricolette. Crepe de Chine, Paulette, Surf, Satin, Georgette, S11k Crepe and Domninette, ln plain white and colora. Interesting Reductions' Offered on Children-'s New- Çoats & Capes 50989,880989 19 Here are coat.8 aud capp In sires trom 2 to 14 ini wanted ma- teniais sud seagons pretiest styles lu uavy, black, Copen, rook- le< green, mixtures, checks ond plaids. lned and unlined. £bout 1-3 reduced. Children's Dresses Ginghams and Percales to 3.7,5 97c. and 1.986p Th. sale of dresses ls beyond doubt the gr.atest we have aver aanouneed. At each price there la a number of vary pretty styles but aur largesi variety ln at $1.98 iu which you *111i Sud sise.o.p te 14 in ftne glnghamas worth up to $3.75. Silk Gloves 89c & 1.491 At both prices therer are aIl colora sud esues ta pelect tram. 1.50 Valuées in Muslin -corset covers -niglît gowns -chemises -p etticoats .mat 97c Ail are uieely trlmmed with laces sud embroideries lu pretty uew styles sud ail sizes. 'The corset covers moy hbe bail lu sllk also. Other.Special Values in.Corset Covers, Night Gown$ and Chem- ises at- At bath 0fr these prices there i.aa wide varloty of dinty nov styles lu ex- cellent quality IUI prettlly, trimmed lu a mcpt tenaptiug manor. Sale Children's Haif Hose mat 39c There le a complote range 0of sizes lu plain whito, browu or whlted With pretty colored tops such os pink, black and blue. Speclai tamorrow 39c. Sale of Waists and Smocks In Prettieat ICool Summer Styles 1,000 Georgette'Silk Waists Are Very Specîaill Priced at 2.98 -$5 m 9o75 Probably -ane of the greatest walet sales of the season le titis one. Thope at $2.98 are worth ta $4.60. Those ài#85 sre worth ta $8 aud at $9.75 there are wists Worth up to $13.75. Mouy are bond embroideretl. have pepluma effecta and pretty vestees. Colora are white, fiesh. shadowlawfl, maize, or- chid. cherry, rose, uayy aud various combluatlons. vr230O Wash Waists at 1.69 À eyspeclal assortmneut of vomen's and misses' wash waists are of- tered at $1.69 sud Include many nov styles omoug them toilored madras ,woistsaos wel os nov volep orgaudies and batistes. New Summery Smocks at- 1.98'Y - 2.98 - 3.48 DaInty. -comfortoble but styliah looking smocks of Êhere voile%, ortistl's linons, etc. lu white, rose, green aud combinotions lu belted, pieated aud yoke effects with large collars and nov pockets. Sut .Values up to 2' The New Taffeta and Geoe,'gette Hats $5 to 8.48 The cleverest millllnory creations for warm weather wear are those new navy blue taffeta and georgette crepe bats ln large and small polies, large droopy frames and short-bock sail- ors stylishly trlmmed, omne are isnder-toced in flesh or white. Sport Hats 3.48 to 6.50 Cool, summery effects have heen provided ln a large collection of white straw dreshats, diuty leghorns snd a variety of bralded sport bats. Street Hats to 6.98 Mat 3*75 As a speclal Saturday teature we are offerlng this big reduction on ail aur dark etreet bots. There are Diany pretty styles included.

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