JUNE 1, __ I . £ HILOEBRANDT. ur 9Pes~kfo Job Work. ut. sMd UMIe.John Wteurea Wlitlq ""15Vu. lu Wloeuun tht. Wiet. Mie. AnohlDon., sud son, Charie,, .8mteSudsy .faeroon dItb.argon, trust Derfir, Wwvu e erlously loured v*Wbe eepeiIg lir. Wh.elr'a emout ef Mhe 4m. ages# rdomsa terveI lait !bwfu rs" »g Vfiea adtbl *deh ber daugbter, Mm ed rébOer et Elgi. 1JOhn wl. u a i. me we Vshab*lWtove Iwo TbprodoW. Mr. Eubard «è.se ,Roi u Ssi.qe~li *etu.s~tmrho-. m e wL~sftis t,k Moo mm0,- a«m mm, vu IboiePmbhE. UvOIR. Erg Shir mid s.btwrsd.br.tSe - vh àmà * »»Mut IdO fv ~ut tm> bIi 84leu5 Nu ouris. Wb&. are Mj, gpt* mpa. O. f Bftld.aios the #eh" lidh. Chiao. Ooice wu cltu agi&@Onait karday sed à Aileerovi et yosug people attend- ad *ie bug daneut lb. Amis tkm Sait l m argy gêerorfetTiever. Wi, vu a weeked tvielle4uthe lb. 8..1 boume Mlmi li. Toula e artuinai rou Ccte. br u. vieoretd on for appsdltts&lm lb. #@feeing aiDov. Tb@ boaehall garni Snnday cmi à ddaims or our boys. lMoire Il to 1, for norme ranime or otber our boys dld flot gel togelber. The ruan sudtblotie lub are old. tug mietiage«eh avait 50 arrange fur lb. bg 41b of July celibration bore. Leste jour lims gt the drng itore for AI pltorce. Expert devoloplun sud prtating. INGLMIE Mmr Frank Lumher wlth baby aud is Mande have vacated our burg sud are livinga tSalam, tis. 15 belng noie.- suj for Men Mande btubeak dally treait. ment for ber "thllh y àaepeclillt. A. L. Rem has returned home from LhCsgmo, aborehonevent au opera, tion ut hitroat. Ab prenons lie la Bain, cltb eeven;thunder sud lghtng le vry MWansum.vuY yooeurreno. On Monday are b"sdasrouIdovampoun flood. tmal Utl.ow fond, a»d douee cnraddr- a"i.dassage s. M" sgurdec plante, l aleo pet on, elocIrto llghts out of co.. Un acconut of echoi nes belng ont la- Chicago. not oail of lb. otlsgeeare occnplod. lu spIt. of the bed noade from ment reine, thore Vvse a tory hoavy auto trotte os Iuuday. Mrs. B. Hendiks retnzned fr0. Beaver Dam, Win.. lent Thureday, achor. &h, @pont aaieet t, behr non, Mereith ut sdhool. Meredith coming home vlth ber. Don't fornt the Sundej echool at 10 a.- a. Probehlux service uaIil a. ma, star>' Stnda>' ut the Coukregationai dlurcil. Evurytmody wolcome, corne sud worehip citit ue. MILLBVV 1 Mr&. A. Gonjo cas tory "c the pu#S ceet, but a: pnseent wvnlalbotter. ànlboly Gonyo, Jr., snd cie af Eire, Pean., epont acterai de@il il parmiL. Mme. Rbt. Straeg of Garnie, vistd ber laughton, Inq. Rab>' Boot, thei]paiS Ireemane enterlalnod oapan>' fro. WitOmaI D., Salurar >' Suanday. Um.Vivien Donner le tatlng a tco coee svacatIon. J. S. Deuman andi H. D. Mne tran- meded buelnese la Lbertyville sud Lati Fteeet*F rida>'. Mb.u Irene Pollock, of Chlcago, attend. ed tb. faneraI et hor uephov, Ernist Polent, teduesday. Umm. Lyhuru sud Roue Stewart e pet île caetnd di toein fallut and Mevo. sud lire. A. W. Sattord sud Mies foot at ruad home frm theaton, DlYtdnooday., litirrisi 0t Ruiliell, »Dent BS ada>' vitI Mr. sud lire. t. M. Donner. Rot, sud Mie. A. t. Buttord, Mis Pooeand'M*r. sud lire. D. t. White utndel tle June meeting st Area 111e SThi fumerai af Ernest Pollock va. held at ie tatlar'i. home Weduo.da>' att.- non. Rotr. Polock ofA tiocl, oflllaed: Wl. paIlîber*rer oe: Reut Biopepis, 16yboisi Teia, Staule>' jack, Johnu LeVoy, Icisujler fluteu sd Il c zoot. 'buin»Rioy setr' DAID oF. THANK& 'W* *eS te Il*s thoe*IÈbô go lluIy I VI t *1 foi li 97 a ab au ti n wi Uri le Ne t'i th e a de Pa ta et t ixteuded ûIer eyupatbla ui * u lD omn.e biOvrMo dfor J. eAl ohtîbe.,E ok. B»16 4 for he aUthW tn OW,,m iett fftis * LkeVils, wcee . a i l ie. Wylle voie Lbit"jlle tilà rah Wellg of lhI' -kr oesdaes J.r pevei otbsg., _Bcep ' I5e istbouns et01Frantk8.111 lb. ei" d, V it Weet. emnt doulaetsud Taeday as et ens . ~Jùhtàstln, IB. UlJowell, Otto r j. ag 11, la IaIof'b.w, 1A Ulho :~ m .Or& Iocenbaçb epens oudiy st 1 Meye attende thequarerv meng ofDR GO S AuII refort anunnniually fiai meeting. WS.. dmde sud famlly dfIel tmie Wegi Chicago Pre.bytorv aet River Fojrest on Pais Gren,- The Ladiesàtd eoclety mot svth lre lire. J. L. Sbeisterd sud daughter, slU ils1ed a bers Sunday. Wulg W" mbftqaieco ItsO da semt .Uonday sud Touey lu 9BaSrtielad îlte mWetrtuns or Tho C. E. Setioth e leU. ILsu.1Thurroday. Ppt un'.., e. atteruon ciegeed Wutiga.Lakemg 1 .ulombllo oeille * atteb>nndteryut. hre Pbr,~p ig Pruf. John 3. H8îse>' laie protes Per 4-pound XiieZnMIL ludaysvtnnc. gtetetheratlmaiîle y eet omansor at Lake Forest, left an estate Tbe lit. BUS cmetii'j iOClOY et MIL 1~B1ONToeNMm IM0. Beck auer of Clitego, la @penud. churoh as Labe Foreson uFrida>ojnieng. audt$100,corlgthI U.J. Murin wci li a wte5ded. , e F.f. Ba@eu i ele, ou i 11114s0voit, visAisber mollier. Mm. cent. lir, sud Mre. Fred Partionosand eonse wll dhiclicas flIed for prohate tinre pu niasý me tn'0 . w ti n . I e. F M" . B y1pi- 8esy ut Eo ud &srm iedr. 1. of Chic ago. emrs the g uowste ut 9. P. court th t. m ornnng. O f this am o fntP e o n . . . DrRe m.J .pddlng attaiddà cyKultianu 01 NorthI Ch"".ago. v. lérpw elroeder le mutlmg plae 50 Emton umnd tamily on Suuday. $10,00 vs roai estate and $1,000 vas DV 511 Ns . . lar!bnldanp i« oude on léii tan.lu tihe ilmIabel Bl.dorebadîof Highland Pernonal propoerty, Prof. HlIase>' bit PtYSICIANS'PR tbomddlpq uo & n ottho eet ll Me, regme ofFrnkly.'aloirdelsmu ftumpe.Part, va. thie week-end guéret a:tlber ailhi& ponmai property tI hie cite, mate. 0M.omuunwell n.Wr. lie unies et and tari peut Moib'. I"tiewu v thél ueet ftagtor', V C. Dedreîudt. 114il oasUail his rosi tfate to unhi, m owll lre FedOhnufsu eilre i55 Mel*.o<,Friday. Me uatitocoba inl old aselong s ihelives. It thon IeudMldred 61 ver apeut thewvoit Satudoan sd Sonday wclle ber parents, sNi"meO$slbotour commbanbeau catit be, bi daugliter.aKtbarine Cam T~D V MnI et home. lir. sud lMre.Wldner ef Long Grave. D i aSf 1cu omut o llog011110eut Manhltan, Km., thie Psmt iUne HaIseY. The dangliter wvs.mmn HE III Mire.Meaddin« oo'ortalnoed ber brother, Cite, Douer sud motber ipent Bae. ase WeheitAre ceW@ iUIg 10 «Pli Jiear 1,aipeding ber vacation as h be d As exieatrx. GAS.K WO John Powell front Now Tork stielait day 51hFhank Derfier sud fIy ef brougaéis.h&1=eontmetMdfOls b H. DM.eier dfuy. eetgebe FrA.te ml>,Tsud UMre oie rs turuhoeid mChio>. JohnOublier won a Wsut.su li r e peole an-domo * 01 , ou SMdUr.sj. i eiru rltu ei 1 MMi Tiea>'. eho.hld el aSourelait BMedsy. W. smegidte report tb.ef7 Ibis e watg ihv g dave witAI Mn flward. e i se t eib w u rel mdqule oise gês t » mS en irll bai,« Ut r. sud Mr@. ILP. Dutblileon ut Irving tIt Crri le lu a bempawt hmi hCihge ivgely ebMtb.i Npola gttung Wons ala.orIh.leposP"spiseeesororal daes ith tMn. ------- ~be.bsetudencis su Butatios balW n sheiy.Un. Bd Ddmehl sud otaer relatives..PHONE- ~~. , ~ Ur.Miad MEt.. Hrbrt Mlchelon of ts pqlmOIUandaeein tesor and etolert Noyersaimes. LN OAC & Mm. sliend lAto#eIWm laChiempo dd, Ur. sud Mis. BDIO ofDece 0fl ail ~ ~deita relmas LowieInesius, Chicago iait X'meedy le vhs Ibir num.a&W tahegue, estl i lth ie usuletoful brotie. eu tiu log.hJy aHrboWmu ut .Maij's lequeis 0111111 enary ird.j.The M faUie rsif iadhW .~psoy lo es wrelsii ne Mryaaeeîimau etChicago, luàTM N & i U M.E.ln i emsai, esihon lam Wdam&w ornlmg. à ù iltgbrto.M.S ne laiservn esF"&l idtiulgotio. s a-S. usez M.~.Mni aiheluMa f ma j"du GCAASOPFTHANKS as i i~ Is leia bigunderais Vldm' a tee,, l l.HMRY IA T A N vp W.I 9»ram x V brbutW*cêhkf hoU.d tO do bigsillage Pn",tgsiueh ou Sunoay, vlUs a y#FmauVjàq<, LM S iW Dr.au& Ms. W.E. Bomer a Ve IsI r .111,11ore sud msuy O Umg btier. very lÉ» prograsud th* bà@tisa etIL NC S J- Dui. UM uPom Wfor té &Waev1 el Os?&h for utillide nw ** àv*gu rue ite tp la Ubeit>"dlz cildigu, Huiold Kahn, -Charte )mtland. I ex~peeieoe. et smpatby durlng Our it hg klcca1.15W aIBnoeGlvs.9 !O x«. Pluimesw-sv a usait eestler tbr,Frant 3rnaniwum leig,* --- - Batsriay evesmged. Uln.e oguleeeuc.tose, il.~~m. [Mu Glynel of Cbi<go, tvai sh Iln"mresdiati, a sorrow maie more mot mi âM »Iast h e. taitedo lite gn iMb isHoebroro ue Fred Devis urfuat rn i e ethrnèOslour friemie eolld.ne@%mof MinuEU&bave lAIe ppeon Sun. laI eo ssa houata b.bun.tb..ounî r icinde for ne ack th 09 700 0< * r S c-Mryils ivhrgmgh. m.mlises di. ai Chicago. con * S.L. .11V sore foges W.eepclaty lebSo ian îA A00 leai l ai tr te but el evice guettiet Mm. FratkPotereun tle pus Ur. crosud»4 me.Pmiliof Keseehachoir ofas8. Mary'.obrel for bthebIsséalk etpublie upi est M uS udlj ieaunc voit. 'MII loi eh. Mi. Uumil lai fo slslegaI tIe Uai beeqlW@ v cIi b a@beancsefla express our juansDuif>'blse uI,,vd litedit.harge AmiundImy. rewnst hiflThe Childmu. laut tlà, lie uturs celture e9 Onr sud returet rotteCamp lOrant; 4alyn » sud bsraCerrcenttoClon. Dud Ur.Mn.sd MIL 9. L. Vlsejard and B l i M o nd MWaamliy ofWautugsa. Sfn0g.ehool 1:80 u. sm. at the daugîtor u ar ittlsurelative. si et s]el.s Mlled en relates "aitWeaneeday. Mr. sund Mr@.Roer nomeand is. tocs ibu #wbbt Ur. Warren vin bhoi, Mo. teraUrM. sud MILm >' K auts apes pressm M W l. Ange% Bdepp. cie lahm lita ut es worîouî %duj citaiUrMisd lime.Houri MM@ e- olenco. for severul joamdled Fridey * Thome wli b.unub.mcriantsiai and sud bntll. g , .Jnigb ter aiîlasrngtllln. ei eeîeTeehn seaae rspcEu utrltIn.ent lu te lbcturetson Wednoi. Mm iltrat BaritIsud son, Hlis ira re. Euh. lisesand son Hbwarn o a dl sud daugîler. Hi. 'remtale vrs eehn m a epc d ay oeulg. us.23. arrn Bterand Uni. Fiant Joimn an d dangbter, Chicago éVersi et:end visitortsat the brouglit ta Deur" d ilaid 10 mot la ugdt pa itntyw e eunth Ale vili ftaneligooa ome nue 1111. vited UMd irem. PaîkBtiet home 01 lUr. sMd gr@C. I.. Pratt. tle fmty lot on Miondsy re nq à àmtyw e se .teryone tnowe wdo bave h.&d ad farnily Scadsgevuia.Misse.EWminsd Grâce Murphy Upnt mb. isanor sud Jeunette Putuanuof asin tieoe tr rnu er. bni. Gîveteulea a ooaudience. Ni. Mad Mrse. tm. Eluimqsu asd UMb.SundajusI lM» homae ot their parente. Arlngton BRetbe. cen thse guesae of Marartes Lorma»sa&peut Sondatallr- Onu. Seqt c,,iao weisemat o. elsuor Meyen, ndaj end Monàay. nom wcitA Ur. and " oliooesvllls boîuemeau. Monday. Mn. sud lir. F. Ronenlerprei ves teNumbers are likély to be confused Mie ait ÂRÂJ. W. Hutelage and âtr. C. W. Asmibe. et IWsieomda peuple attend. gtso'o 010fr-Mn.dnaMIL lie. Sbuleder ut Ms Rtt Sadd. spnt :nday st Hutchiffe sud, daflgîbir vone[ P"" a sepil u.oolna udle Evanplqsu, Bunday. unleisspoencer. Fo x catee ueda atenon.Bôrn to Mt. &a m i.Fred Rd ai Mm. SailtDocker la spondlng thse voit U. dMi.Btwlan no,âr.John BH'artan d chldenseint on uman60*46ampor. wvlbiriandre a% Cootsvlile, 11.ample, fosouncis somewhat like 4, ormtiy et Highland Part, bute matai tle week-end aS Mi..sud Mie. H. Broct. Mise MmiMunt& c a.s e gaut f oiIMm. ta. Neugeruon ot Frantevîlle, ale SI. Holeoali cottage on Marrie mass'..alsOi aai ulgtici. Wl. a5.gste r.Ag tr. and 5 like 9. venme. UrMn rsM. BdMitchell ot Chicago. Mb. sYFonuilisseof Chicago oensut R. M.Vent atended %lesfanerai ot bie Ulmi Laclile Kuuuge bas. accepted a called ut Wm.. inentane. gaturday Bunday utt h 1qmé et ter parouse. cousin, M. Hawkes af Anlgton Reloble, ss s oitton lu Carroll'@ dry goodiestore la alteoon. lir, sd Mmie ahfrImmfrntW uli Ou turday. lýn cang a number speak dsowy Uberts ville. Bbe legan honr vint Tm.Ur, a.nsd lire. Walter, L.ntr sud D. C. filet TbU5hiwuiab. Mr@. Otto Knsut sud lMre. F. B. Meyerwihl" coe 'no' la murnurug. tamlly sud Mtes Mari.Petrlch vttdM b.lmEdua terdea cmoe sa l W@ àtended a neception givresa ntîte Olti t lpsclectobut nttoucw Mur. sudd Mm. B C. Meyer enterîsai ri tr. and Mn@. W. D. Lmter, Bunllee' yusîr um e..Fol'e Home of thePueetian c<urdî ing the mout-hpicie. Thiswlà boutton guilsSt dnno Bada> lu fte5oo. M. Lsngly ht Fldey aarning for et B Whland Psrk on lMonday. Ioaof utheir son, iWaler, vlio has Frant Stoerp va. on th'e iseectit a a nljbut huMen t b*q cen bern Iîe lalel orenberger ve the gueîbreduce tretly the number of uetly retunied tronm service. coupleo f days le vlaioi. -danugten Mb.lm hule gramualed trom 0of Mb.Muni. Boeder et Cblesgc', ovtr wogn m m du t -i W Ail electrlec ams ves delayed fur suai Paul étoeip, che bmilt retuined Si Mry'. AcaeaUW. tle veek-end. ls. Monda>' morzizg bemom.tlsere va. tront Franco caihon ois ltlte sud At tb. Catholli paranopumas 9 oe'ck ~tMr. and Mim. MImer lave>' sue movlng ticspeaking by caIJi.ng partye et aufleltt pucer. The regqulsraes.- triende euseiigt lit l.LTisunday mtorsing eoureltise widdlng labto Sheîr nov home, ou tle faim jusl aIue wai reonmed about aise o'eloct. Mn. sud lMm. Gerge Mitchell resurni of a Paul Hicts, th.eW~o e n nivote ou MideymaDFsheue1peol Frtdayl h r. me litre. W. orsadnnadlire. H. E. Hics ofIWb vilflgeta Mies MU nd Mm. R. M. Vent, iHarold, Mn. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COM4PAN Miss~~~~~~~~~~ EmaBee eeodn i i.udlrW.Sor u a u leanor Feddiar ef Lbotvlils; Br. T. sud Mmr. A. Fiantsud ehlîdron opent laiseas thseR. C. Grable hoe.astMr*. Souhis Tourngr sud eopeclSua- j. iasr~peror Ih cmen. ad&>'cli rlativ a tu Waukogan. relii"dY et Palatins. The bride le **BeU biho e r iSing Cari Mieu retumn.d bain. Tumday bosm Bevera'l lâtaene are vunderng ln thelb. . t uchingi. Ur. sud lire.C. t. beeu omployed for eevuwal eareby w. Camp laS.oivnus esrved lits country' ,Wagela.an ordînauce regardlnir the ilnteblngs sud dasugliten motored te F. Dalirne in hle doparl.stortemeu - uttina ot ceede along tise eldemaîts. Chicago a lt Fiiday. ele mado man>' friemt y ber pi.aelng Arcs masa busy lova un atunday Jerry Tocuer sud Frank t Stsenter. por.onalty sud leaht$hly reseoctaid by vison the count>'commencemnt of talned ut a etau part>' Sunda>'. Ail allu okaovber. .FtNE 87 filete grade graduates a v.l in tise proment report a good films.Tho rrnmhai nvellîseDit bh ile FrN)D16t oudre. A lauge namber ut people frot Weetk-end vsîtore as J- W. Hulchlnge sud la a fine jounammfs terling quai- MTlI&WL51ASf¶ l over the cuant> attended. Tho local coe: J. B. Halcuinge sud MUr.sud Mlt ties and good habite. Te youag coup. III LEAI adi.' AId cunducted a stanud on She Hanni telle of NUMilauo. l iImt hl oel ietvloMICIIAN MITIIJI L LI ItE INSU AN1f C01PÀN roid. chfer. île Il olsnfections r. iarfw e aitsiilterat t er ha, v Mr.' in. u iea.peetton wvhstise DEJ7ROIT te, pIc. 1crcroau a tu onfcln.erpeul sec r.adMms . lait cl itisberNorth SBlire ElefIri.Compatir. et ale orlb dy tnnusdbuovr amte tt.an M. . retaun "y Cook sud lmr iel., r itnrned las% JOHN HODCIE, District Manager, Area, ID. 20.J. W. Hebluge b ast psrasda nocervoit from ovor eme. Their mtan> lire. Anna Lathrop necelvod a card Fard. frilnde cere glad te woleoune île. home. riom bei son, Berry, on atards> aylayig aon w w*rpeutds bat ho caebi o l cite y thîe Rblirnasd l scnacici pooda d not trac chou ho could retuninse, PRAIRIE VIEV tisegraduati.n.a.rd atàe . u rsTher. ib Unlitd Btate. cors ton graduase fian ie the uconda Baie day thore lsgoing tub.o a serions ie. t. Ëbddj vu a ety viiler the Grammar Bebuol. -Da i: àcîdent lu Aria unies. the parents oftfore part of lise celle. A reception vue beld Monda>' eveulag .Da i: M"ai chidren contrite toip Um-on Ur. sud Mis. ]L. lMison vWted utas thtie COmmuult-v Houes for Oui return- During the last fifteen years your Iife-work bas beeu àe etreets. A good man>' maclgne Lake Zurich, Sund"y. >ai soldions aud esilaors vise orved dan- msi throaglibes spartlcularly ou Satan- L. Hutobinge uni famil>' and UMm. A' Ing 111e laie car. (Gausse tvoes udilpsd shaped and doterininedl. If you lhavei prtpared Wall, y7,ur fUtUre * lay sd Sundoy sudail driveresite not C. Richarde @peut lise allérnon Bunday lu Sud dsluty retrestetieteveors e rved. hiolds many gb)od thin gsini store. mrticalar albout s@jed limite. Au ut-aIt anconds. A plesast evenlug in e spent b>' ai MPb toeop olidbmg dose uol elîmîn. Mie. F. Ilanelili epeutthlé. cetkend Promunt- The matter of insuring. your lif<r la al-important Tiis you he the danger la ehldren pteylug la the ctth lier trlend, Mn Moitb e nty. The marins og IlatM ib e .Werdeu know. Wheû you acquire the property Which yyou ftîel w'111 b. treol aud tbey should not le aîîowed A. C. Petue upentSunday as, Morta daughter ofU.n.sd M l.Calen T, tan- todo so. Orotstthe gueto bipollués., dén to Eml Thome. am 01 Ur. andlire. sufficlent, you tili go to aq_ attorniey, sit down, and quiet.Iy and pUr.i and . .a Mlnhard vliîa InutWharre homeinofsienithons. ueddeliberately Iake yotxr will. But yotir Life Insurance la of more ths elty tedieida>. . da>'astiernoon, Joue 12 Tb@ home w importance; your Will aimply distributes, buJý your Pollcy provides. b. Ena Kmeistr epout lait ool B. Omaîl and famit>' cen DesPlaines decorated la pluat M subiseroule, sud You may make your will at a I'n Tue dring YIur natural lite, but l ChicÏKagosd Wapkfusvleltisnhdi vitors Surnda>' ths gueite ao rsudma bant tik onicds mtemeraot. The the time to tpike Lifse Ins-irauùe iiiwheu yoiiu ngti.Ipi and atîesdiug the aent béanqule. Dollon. mimane decoratlori e r. aranusi luaa--j eit Ipard Rolpis tut, dlo- rtsenly relurnod lire. F. Boblîn, s friend 0f Emlmu beutiful CaSt1 on)'es** Wb%* thîe brld- riskaarenot wanted. Let your Lifos Insi:rance Salogmayt qsietly frm Fiancs, huer bion vlalting hi.e rnegen le teepingisone for iEmmt aI Part>' tout 1le mproinplkiSt Shree ait down with yon and tell him that yZsu want the inarance to brether, taller sud famlly. Gleaiu. o'ctoct. Tise bride vu uatiended by hnacmlshberl e orisrnc tonyam dlo.H lira Fiank Vlckiy entertalned lier UmIssWakefield entertulued Compsany elâten miss Eds sud tieroo m bj Mn . acmls.Lthmb oriàrneatre n dW.H jelter Sud isuband ftrône- Chlaga fer tle fions avensvood aSse rjmabi Clayloulaian ieé , 15b. b.~as made a sady of the butainesa and ca.n explain iOW insurance week-end. home Sunda". Ru cenassud Um bs i".Wtrdeom -willI serve yOn best. No higher compliment eau be pald you than Freid Graisse wcas'aChicago vister The Huit Daycisurets W&& @truckt yers ioftisebride ua~pal e. iuiday. - lgbtaing Thurede>' sigiit sud brud te mon>' dhîdl va. ihs ing0eFi.cebis deaire to interview you, for rou are uprosed.to be of Sound ..4-e Vm-Eehnu Are,-- ldbe iogon. iopîîfrutrogbb> ieRt . 1 _- a _ pila o -:4h1.t itha£-o--!:uly ec- d d f----tadngam- Ute. W, Sarentuermenaed ber essoir truet b>' itbtnu sud burut to île ug ut C. . lpthl' al Denlon IRrbor,l