CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Jun 1919, p. 8

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tment YOL. XX7 suAIUIIOII5Miesa Use l.Jôeibm melThumia, nie A toi soiC 1 R Yf.PIRR mlmr.L. I. Wbitl "uaeut l e v wdffa .... .. ... ditrttla v* ei vi bar dater. mim. BprlcsIs .............tbs Mirit, a p f O& auin"s tci lcegolea a-diag tii iiij"iimmi eme D&vW Ma iI otiet ba ts su Aia mima myrtih Smawla hteiug ai as eaturlslaat bgiua by the Marturlas mým ltta. Lm u bigo-m 1 Colum w bue, Mont., ta mopeý4 lie stimuer viii t ber patn, Mr. sud mmNia.lbstiLacte Th* LlberlehPublic UAbrsvy viii b.,w ~ IIDXULOUBTOCISOUISMMcIMard" tdon u coat of repaira.d r.,~sVindcation of chargesé that Gov. LowdenAfh sUdlItvib.¶uaat.I îH.Wright, étaie finance dnector, hall, attemPt- WM i. R.V. yOl ngIvo rea I li e e , i e e m b e r 8 o f t h e é t a i e b o a d O f e q u a l i s - 4 t W d m d y m t a u o h . tbinterest of lower tax assessmep~ts for the Pull- 1 wloli pipay, 'wuas ontained in a rep5?t prepared by wpor~~'aiu"m.kIion. vhe -ai ,by the sPecial lgisiative inveatigation committee !est raati ter»dfvuid hmrmabai9' ."À in thebsads o! the c mttonn Monday at mOV.llgbsaerMa.oip W.d. (Jextaiio hinps censoring William R. Medm»Ia b heSwy .l were obJeeted,=0ai'. "es were directe. #ru" " dMW tWe le auyl Gl la tpperiFing CmagoDanyjou> so. atbubel vealier sud a good Mid attiecles 4peaIAg~& hcg ~,~~vePv.vl teddl 4 'withoe fuMtoM file 1. cevai a&lm"dul **aov6 s$iuh fma pitugbd dOfloft OIU W. L. sd E. H. Colaou a"ud3. A. Trep. ta ra. Gq y Vhthbs5hgsd1uVe~.1 oy,,sueÀ. C. Doa of lycamosu. KL, .~a~Ssg , tteuBt ~ I~rmil~b. fbd.motentred fiLetrvllh go ladwsusp-a ne Suda a* »raudsi lua s- u lna le U4 of lu mat wnt aruot a vam cd s k &M11 gt» oo d &a «exacutg b b.a.O. bus mii booor oft iiaug li t t aple laL ~ .am ~.di a.vua atrflmm 10 lb.u nioa te ratlfy the ufitage smmad, o ý* àj:= racoeý ',awm' mmt. N. Laugvwotby sud au -Jack, JÏ re @ lieet UàF*thâ n tyb@dy hw tia Brits iSU of Uhso, i peut O&tudit £ vodoefml aIUinUbI1ORta i b.. afred uda utdstahe aB. T. Laagwrliyb Lyle Morne drove Pa"l sd iarw %0m -Cm Ometor ~ -- Tueaday sud rescrua it1 wwao u.ouof tbe tact fUrti la 111olm- ajoer sud receted bit dlistage ou I.ovsa t in put8cularlout cf plac. jTueaa,. ~~~~~~~~~~loU î.ye Uigaaso oenrJmw B. iD. Rubbard bai ecelved aslutter th # tis ed UOIL sThUS, theQO jJr;trom hl@ mou, Glenn, aaying "tuhmo odasaremit cf th imftivegation. .tha1 he «aete vsbs» e wl f là, 18PoUlbI. rt.aacboeryvlhli about Joly lit.. JS TE BUGNNflQ ..T. W. Lockwood of Deaven, Colo, bh« iop g pend tuae aummet vitih hm ~~rnutyisIçb o* lstiis ek lmat uiy'jdaughbor atm . R.Plstti. Waimeribroti. Ir U __.Or u qr A. W. Looivood sud wviiotfCcis . 1 maîtii .puit va ontut 16titaM. tgotuib. ed*ca az. hla frdv ua ed:1 red la aid M '. 1 m as a isvlig movd te0Hgihamd ýdPark vaail 01 *0-irronoDU&. 1iamoai. ilajnl Uberlj1 Ne t~~o (O)fe ua -Te o!las mh atmdaga.eteqc setaI l ude a aêoge kma ilba muidifergaisaI. la"-miMai mal e-adasilie Hé ~II~f wwk outmfrvur - R um M odcabm0 Wfla lms mrus aial eli a gS 10 Iby "à i wmanorlaismbaiii i bIs iwa âs":-' be m vere o ad" t lias.patmev*Fy 7w. 7«nbo; 0 newbodo % tiwm Afin«[duhg mmlija amse mmd ~~~Up1u~y A& Ib'i la a ia mcirelé kg tsilie ce l lrsup a lmaplan&is. i PQt*Wdrjï -yin M -MiMt e m»asul avaslurlbe au ijW~~~i k~'isiirn ~taeag5 0toup lia obemat MWt ~ arebiseorne flOW~m.u 705 lU-Thé vvllug hersa ef W. W. Cartel £ imebutym u , oson bu bam u umtaesi25% ovla go$ _________ bw x. ab i l? tii lucnaaiaabutuam N toe iol dg tavoeod vîi bila mas.aa.CeohIss ,W. a. 8-ET rNAZ' dverddleh oua la via buismu sd MMObol als=ilbanqulet flrday nlght th'@ '@e viat lia rai ofW- W- Canutri , fo.rl o!Wauegai, 116 , Sou bu slvaye praclhea. fs da.sfetmon w.vas: m Etd lhi ègbel sais lot«t Hant sd Mima Maou Haily. Tii occamaon o! Ibir vit vae the rau lii fr R&ton otbe elgbb ge popui w omo midafoi tickMismeVeronlca Haty vIa ose. Au vie ~ BRD Ed TICK. attenimi commnted cpou tlb. iledl i iLIbhOvlug t tea btudeatavmmi.. a thought for Waukegan graduatijlg dus not Io ut rldyJà kBradford vasun- sukia. The acident happeneul vbmubde vu atine, or ya",whejurnpid Ont 0ohàs vgea, sllbt4ug 1lu vas lim, fr yers, isA offlty Pliyulc"azi cb avay as to break the boue. lie 1I* ,b wIs ionr trying to #dg*#"$ fju~1.bai juil isce l@ l dmesi iet lb ëdy boarci sesin vth a Il*to!f aSsi mryoan xVcted te rutaru 10 lb. t it I aU Pad nOstatIon son ma eciIIa vouer mou. lu k lb b as i« l p se d ad tii. W e bu db a ib ulla y vi 4 5 0 I elca b e r e d h8fln O n omg ii 5 1 SgeaW '. si lng k a briS vW mt vith Me. g d fr do i ~~~ del hvrdspo.ff aes l aue lu Indmas vie' lb. scldia Mnoobly.~llat tha tlbsv otooaur. ~*Ue vo vrstrying bth MM e bb 80Si ames Sueeby «ea WUsvi u "t tbisos0PU aMad théecoùuy pbj4110* lveilia n Md tiibaia d ~ VOIWlvld at leas a oma mauount lotn b ble t hbie loglslatlve conuntef4o ee SI0MayUMSt810ILEdSuuIcfl.8 vh ois l OWta . t f« V tlOs « àAism u mmrrel i se. Paiam, al tJet eft Sla, ailpil,# ~~ ee bit lm adimit54 Lt Vbat, bWIsbo meuamu£l i »11111106114IWe aqloien sud tb5,ýtr- railip~g~uueithat mlii W lies. = *OssWh g is ie l 4ý vieabc mbisb& vithberi. Prret e~ ~~ ~~~oe li tli rauv é l.r romm é ~thihl iSile Yong people 51 V T~ . IAUIIITO TAKI BR lgtiU5VAT&OUt ON 25 6 TbOv odidal bal of tha Muliedie psler8ou-bu . aarcusae haom isies *Mba aly-Or-ve yours. Aà in ohm"iWa âneriesm itb. os. *Mad, bhoe dtrigtiff éspuueu blàow' sa ha..O. F. Matthoa et Md 0aUiseMauli e t e heROI@ês etA4ir amur estlag Mas. Damlpaaela RocNford. Tiaj ut mamlui. -t i t abmauce i Llbetu Iq l ciepSeraretut5 te U4baayut aabm sAuguai 20. Tmaddusmssimlpboau mbei of Mi.U Usstay i. ied troc Paul Msoeeor il. s.* oihîts. £10V. Ubodu"vii bogie ble irlm vilà *0i *hW" i mi Sendsy, pvescilsg both morlu sud oeoalg. et. flonee piscepsl. IPbm Smv. (OelerC. Bill. PrW#est4u.cbsga Fiel Suas, allr Tnlity. Boiy OomuaualoaeI7:80. 9.45 Ca echebel. 1100 CUioreil cbat&»sd mrmou.' &W0 p. m. Brveag prayern semn. FOR SALI-Perd Roadeler. Qulci mie 8250. Phumid& Lyon. 24-2 THE CALL OF THEWOODLADO Nevl ie tm. m inatale ta <feu marieM eairboIsma Itb om issu sors bmaut veo e ase lias, WboraI t. Lie conuty. Iltimia ie I. eMMa aI11h labopal tg av ieor car aqs O iress, sd l"a etaute asàaoam. ,by hie- rpauimdl Lob» Oc.air le"uPoMU"ve. Néo w maerbe bssy oue auy U lm wmtl Ortlitoem'i viSk eosé 0.a imte tiibeWit divi-- uqmst 8.S, S ' 11e1i1o11luge Is rS bhilsmu% os. mu $p lu hag "asa sà aceadwor »te W Laie h Uiirel*lem"a a. ,qeei ývil voSâ"a sd rongeael i9 w sa siuahsmcaoo @"ee. Mi. 1H9#9 *tu milbe OYa bi, moniaMv*aêta limouiimatae 110 sruc uiph*, Aasl ilpol lte tsean aIu tu lutyvlla, vian os.M 0* Ioilpv0"ie vldlag Umbeuariver ahoal isi mlim te Ouruse, via "iaIire muilmasmi te u fmios ,uuaug suetier branoa i e iCihago a MilvsuaElettic. Mllvskmasvma. sords s opliuma roule oward llaL.kîrgioa. 'vile 9 om, livie ta Waniogau, <hi ros i leai vin lihrocgi Qasis.&If9ea.u svoeby s"le, hlaail jo0k5 a »WUaar dis-1h $"uc vitickeomutitis seilo; tp nmmroua laula lie uaiti fl .det Lake Vil1#a, vils PoD'e4"Laie lceuya loy mu»i tuer. Thons wbo do mot aibid p ut sud aveu liea bo do, vontid pie relit0»7 Joum* W. 8 eN, ereséisila ~og wuf a cim -1b« iS ielg laii wl Ibo" 0 10kvo gs 0 me Ma4W * Wor. ILo. 0m Sageo fla imp<a ttu rvuedomeeegLOo"i La Oma vl e 1g1 à&, vu tias ho mew- fr, .,uSs1 <maule 1Bda stas<- enliUt u itahg JR- - -si bons-0" MO M u a g e& oa -.. h & il 1 ol a a 1 be ueelicoudémew a emid1l0" active e ILgs.Sit le a oae sum o s»avl 01 Duvla ge ia ped un, duoorta Voaebemi larmoe MW ohwDtPkbave bulsa iu. tis lel l&urg pumw sut sud tii Paovoum Mtl TiimU -iUmm ipim bouama ud bSmiUO icdtéma rbgelto ev"qtblug "tla bot aed, ?Thu Mst Umelt r ulos. a" sud %ie li 'Va mie wobuu se- Wfpy me possile se~ mia u i IK bcorne *oimo and5. sgge, t wil l aiseutt mii bd. bu I 'aut m .a tucait imita lutbe Wsla or under ibe Ibora. Tb@ mmmli bis*i gsu usslly mai. tbair imita Ouder eommi ort tla thé open. Tii0amui bisaisut le al%0 Meha a tolael Ivéil- ltop, TbIm l biapvement le mm or lama roublmsina% é is, asd Ste aoqmame b. od emre place e"out tii yard ai Seli»tmiudlcstim. Contri- Moiedhuui tii simpe removal of attise. tivê-lood tu auothar vouta yUl canituhe Sosklg aponuatelu mtened water *Il mu athe autito a varai loto the, spouge by the bundrede sud tbi suie *ey b. kllhed by pourlua boillea, %rter tri tbr<nhle @asou. This metbod 01to rspested vmog ge% rid of tUe vorvk.ri. à gyrop made by dlmolilog saisi sud botsx lu bololg wsteî viii sttract sud kml Mauy ut. ilpoasîbie t&acetue sote to theli umbea4 *quit karMOMesilu *0ecrasmor opea. lu Mud pluci li"miop ihh cote. tued lu kerémm. F Aà mlade. made of 1i1paritrte, iemetie. 10 parteefra"r u 100 parta 0 vaInw. pourmd loto individuel disbei sud Mtmt ieu mie aury Wepluma vàmu1 lie mataare aumueroma obaiosâd ui plgm*imai"kmsahave @ueo piovia as OOWMimarPiasé malaiusMus.. Tii e rakslemmdlh te lIo" lia aMa&saIM hèseimla m a s va t lia q t" uaitlbe 23"7il otOUPLI >VWtdwmI à que»a limai vii b.e e am sbu ra"abs isgala viii - osriont lfleby puaisaue.0».or e 006 e" umaal les m&ita t"m&u 1vhlieuaiehP a9e sd cover viii aime 9bisalat or liri, Caries ihud» a ham ilahismeblano b. cardali i i. W.. VaINs. wNe mta l lu MmaiMl AMev*oumals arest .d ast tA *lemusai. ere s athua 51 a Olic «utvigea u ie »MM beIls a mo itt do e b u do" siare tia er e am "lt. t pacar souimu vlltii.headdrem of bisi Mmn et aiSuto ansd eofibi mediesaia% Uaa-I~doecbsId OuI' sesvie.. ini tbs department me' en-« FREE agd art of .ýpionaval- ue to ali holderio! Libertl Bonds.., ,W. invteyo4 t tàe dyaftage citem. eom DEERJNG and McCORMICK MQWE.Rt KEYSTONE and DAIN LOADERS Side Rakes, Tedders, Dump Rakes Forks, Carriers, Rope -Sdianck Hardware -Co.0 Opl'Tuody a hrdy IUM.POTAITURE M4 W. ýwEb. iIsd i e ave 70W erom et lie boys vio bava eriai<t£m soa sain lisvote tot BIsE Laie vimreIkay p a sde. lgIaitIme batwag, basting, Pay- A Jsm4ial <om Grea laies ftr abb« atmiefor lii day s0 «a smm ueta e amCIsgh futalahed mtettalmmositer tun fi leva vie ddca"e tiey i a efo the biggeo tba..of thelr limas. auuit %azz mg, ibs e sai AnIa, &taila et cf iillnl d Isb. P. 2., tnom lat@ remideaca, 1090 Ch&- f eid.i.0 bhaurd Waede te Demr- iliiiý. ic"letery. I 1~~~~~~~ -- *:;s--------::yy2-~~.: a e 4 hi'i vu la6à * Twenty Me gan Militi, pon EXPECT 1 Wsukegan 1 , ,police forc é 0f *Tbey viii me Tie deeilior snd Tyrrell tc of prctecting t a suggestion C Daihy Sun, ln, thiaige uggemtf tlist the nev tiat method police forceN citizerts whpn ed pald force cause omekeraq once. The firet m wblch vilhilit ever adopted1 ibe Volunteer lhe mèn who 1 ,nany vould b liras apecial1 Twenty men Tlaey were tý lice satsion t( viien they will ,vhat wlll ho. apeclal oifilcers Win, Tt In le tateri vent aIi east cers without pa ail wlth stara log they are cspaclty and Ir force vil be 1 viii flot have i.uyrohi. 0 The idFa Is i pure to work of the clty ln Trough the a force, a hoa bave police lm lava relative t, ars. dlaorderiy petty thle.,ry oftentlmes vif the offeoders- 1 tiiey have natif pilabave van Many ci es eitizel'm police deri ln bringli The trequeuf sailors la a thil ai much by Il sailori 'sont k won't look for aven the clty ieubt same of ianned. Tt la recalled Whltney folio, vere Insolting trled ta chase boys vere imal ','nt finaiiy the slip. Nov Mr tiat tinte that clal ofilcer, et authorlty.-h0 c, pair aud made Tih. plan la 1 lAfactorlly. deu the. judgmeut, vho are avare Waukegan which Sh of ail Var Tiie North f pauy'm bulletin wiote tie ver Zere are goba bere are gob berre are gobi iuahy That they hav you. Tiare are gobe faces, Tý1hon. a.. gouE B8ut the. gob vii tqhe gai vit Tate thnt ibc SPecial Saleé of Silks V. pur"easd reoeui¶,.a1lotof I4igh aisýort 1i=* d4 o l0yanismhÎI me â f iàs n' " «uinmworth$1.75 to »lm in thie regglarwiy andtIh.rea agood iiiimeuit'of staph sud D1i1ï* sflaes ôfor~.qu~sads1rts. Wel. 'utt "«r fifo«eofM pieffl, i esa to .nabI ,ow to bV - W Omaity dUemand bave W. W CASOLL SON C4pA

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