CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Jun 1919, p. 9

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.-50 PER YEAR IN AI»VANCÈ|. IA.00 DAYLIGHT SAVING LAW KILLED Nashington, 'D. C., June,18.--In re- LETER FROMHIS BOYS CHARGiED '18 YEAR OLD BOY tri h ua e'tioso';te"c:"p-SWEETilEART WAS WTlVNAIIG TN VNMR today bted to repeal -the'daylight F T LT D A DIIH A D P . 1M É IU IA G The senate adopted! the repeal by a vote of 56 to 6; the house by a vote of 3n a 12e2r. sAuadoptedre th oe Because He Neglected to Tell Tore out Several Hundreds of Carl Herner Faces a Serious Ocnt. 2t;es adpedbthke hose t o her to Change the Address t L Dollars Worth of Fixtures Charge in Conneétion with li9f l becomes .ffective Oct. 30. A confer. Police Got Him. is Charge Made. 16 Year Old Girl. once between the two houses prob- - State's Attorney Welch today statedl dferenc"of fine.sayt dutti BOUGHT HER A DIAMOND, hthehdreevdinterrpr SOLD SAME TO JUNK MAN. HE EXPECTED DISMISSAL. Stepresentative Each of Wisconsin- - . ffom his detective who worke-d at Fox Lake Tast Sunday and that in chairman of the committee Onb Inter. dadCrnrwos ih aeat least·aitother dozen offenders Petitions charging delinquenc:y, If CarlHener, an 18 year old boy ruteand fthein omerdec a th hisdwar Wolsa teh an ondomtita willbe called tin coupty court for were filed In county court today by living at 118 Jenkinson Court, who thefames f he idlewet arobbery or just beoare Tt, il Lsad violating the law. This is In addi. States Attorney Welch against tnree, was arrested June 10 on coniffaint of thnanemeouf e mndleg trpw o oif is eeh at- htlion to the elfghteen men arrested last fifteen year old lHghland Park boys 6yarodM:ro.Gosn fEI of the law on the ground that Tt a e bttrdesist writing to him at we hs ae r edn. ail students In the eighth grade. The st.nC.mrr, wiio cl.,ged hi an w;th:0 r i vanced the m ilking hour t o an un- form er addre s, before e depart s und e tand th la In t mh t anforce boys: bagt e a h f he hl m reasçonable timie and eut short, the f* new and greener fields. Because adw'e igt retteia at John etn June 9, ex pectest ;: escape piross Tast end of the working day, when, Edward did not notify his sweetheart anler on oars te sfs etn ion taira.i.4 the Ctath of the child codiios er mstfaorbe orElsaet Sutk 23o 4 Hamburg as-t1heyt violate salid State's Attorney Trwin Sheeks as would lie natulrit under or.fimi.r*y iof Wauke- work In the fields. Street, Chicago, hie fi now Iockediup" elchtdf Frank Kline condition.., lhe l-. oomed t-) disa+ hms 'GieCace h npany Res- In the Lake Conunty fall, having been Tt is charged that about .a Tmnth pointmr- i. for 'ie will face un eesToa our ace h eaboundi over to the Grand Jury by mnaz- tBITUARY of A and a half ago the boys broke into nmore eltachoirze when il, 4 :.r- Youths Red Handed; Had a. Ipal • lAsU IS ·trate Tuylot unde r - n 19 .id e St c hme ...r M raie and rwnd bfore LeoIci--l-onYoung woman with Thom HEA NU SEeME S charge of having slten money, bond!!, theeel oan n morrow àN A L u R a gun and other valuabileý froma the W LLIN WN RE - °s s an-" d 'ead Ixt 'resv] The state will charge that the Clos rOom of David Crpoons who ts In ued at $500 which they are salid toso gilw btifen oa l BUD T GRNRY charge of the hog d rparteton the DE T fhave hammered inta ojunk and thenwson girl s u fe e n er oldBONDTcGANe- iavea ciizens Iln aai s nLhofFXCO N Y1sold It toa aJunk dealer. eured and under the law this con- ýps fifty men! -PWISkESame ut t FoxLakesm hs boys al will bie arraigned In, stittesp a most serious offense on Stealing of automobiles In Wauke- thout pay!Wtim aeasua farm oxhand e i bue rnkHrnma awl nw onycutat Waukegan Saturday. the part of anyone who took advant- gan for joyrides has been a popular. iefs McDermott Frank Moy invades McAl ster eighteen years oldw. lie remained:farmpr of Fremont-townshiP rassed' The States Attorney .ays -it !9 one lpame 2xeen yevars oldthat r-ethe p tate o sresfor avn e utd to ths meas Hggitgi nd -Qfrie only a week, for, his discharge fol. awySndy ue 1had In his of the worst cases of youthful vant- ly. u otepeette aesced Is In Uine with the Supggjgtegdent. tow deated. eap e pen e nt. howev r passing the township loses one of its dalism he haslhadt called to his at- Under the firsqt action satda- di ldn ret w alr bmttdbyte · dar ecdd ewol tk wt bs kon eidns.,tention In a long time. alnst lierner It would hute been nec- from the Great Laktes sainwr was. one of the ED O)LCELA iNG. mwhatrhe could find belonging to Mr Hironimus ... borant-Lr so-ty folim to cayethe ag as a no fortunate T uesdy celhtaInd g the campaign HASO LCELAIG his co-workier, Croons. 8Solhe ment boure. Germany, Sept. 12, 1840, being orgonto il inwas oelasthe charge asaheulty owcupiel.i police resort toa is Evel n Hamod, head us into his roomu and took one certifica.te nearly 79 years old. lHe came t o À0A D Of REVIEW ala ý'---"---- thn rir f - t'e y-ete ony y1mo , nureof$200 and another one of aabout $15(1 this ecountry at the age of 16 years B S H C Ni ula provdsoththssumprtof money Te aetérnoe sflo ýng a city wide at McAlister Hospital, aprung a sur- beside $185 In money. Then h le and worked for several years aq acmus.fte aidlte supportagof he LThey Athir amJ 1 esas ollows would protect prise. onfher friends and her assocla- went to another employees room, got rminer at Colorado. Later he camin B SY TIçisNGUP id Ite l d,,,tdI"schre aof,1; Il," " iSret, leeando essarily restrict les at the hospital when shie ilipped $40 In money and a li'50 Government to Chicago and was employed by a ti idi en h icag f32Es 4n tet lvln notdonobeaway fromt the hospital late Tues. Bond. farmer. Hfe often tld of selling vegtemnaans hmtechrei ho bet alo oe tay afternr9a and was; married t Heaerefthpac an onetaibles and other farm products at preferred, but In this case Tt is pos- L 98TFR BOWERS, 18 years oldf Fran<c W. %loy, a C. P. 0. at Great 'I'hursday Tast, Croons swore out a C'hicagon when it was only a rouight sible to bring up the even more ser- General Delivery, Laramie, Wyoming. IAkeq Station. ln This connection it warrant charging hinrp with darceny. small town. Tt wasnear" Dutchman- ious chrge beauethe iHrl w a s o redlitnor t hmNca uir f% he t the new plan, develops 'that the head nurse and Word was sent to Chicago and detcec.niq Point where he was emnloyed. Temm1r f h ak on y eas onl10 dsathe time H ensalrs ofte StoaThoasM1CGurmpan l e of the best lher first assistant, M114s Josephinp tive Mooneýy was working on the fHe was about 27 years old when hele r mo embewrs of th ea edtyot n $1500 harbsabte pesefrnt ager of he anar Oil Compsany. city was takeon DeW itt lhadtboth tendered their res- case but no results were Feeured camne to remont Conter where a year bard of rev ie lnar e iengaged timer. lhaighs enstfrWakgn hs a a ln apt. Hiendéeeof Ignations to take affect the first of Accordingly, Sheriff Green went to later on Dec. 24 le was unIted ln a h rsn iei hcigu oorw Mr. McGuire left hs runsabøut In ng corps asked J uly and both will leave Wauikegan. Chcg usa n ihtodtc araet ahrn prenadthe boa's of the assessýors fron1 front of the Knights9 of Columbus ln- oUt to drill how It leSsalid they had plannied doing this tive3 assigned to him went to an adt- to them were born 5 song and 5alttwsi h ony opa ttt nWtrsre usd g t b sor een though NMisq Hammond lhadtnot deso ae vnebtddntdagtralo hmsrie hyIng this year's valuations with those Representative Shurtleff sugg ia3n ight. MWhenfite came out about »Tué eng thoutPayw ebakd n hemtrmoia e no lsAeneortd ack to augre: Johnof keEich:surve n-t of last year. Although the board has a state legislature i. continuous ses- O'clock the car was gonge. Getting'in ed! tuhu a.obrllo arimnal eadquari t nd later to k tade oFrnk.oean eoZrge; of Vlo;not been able as yet to go very far sion, for the reason that ln a session to the car of a friend Mr. MoGuire epor at te p . AisDWt s rmCrig e ac rte oRganerPark to he.d- lizaethDowe o and erenAne n ibtis line Indications are that there, of five or six mnths legislators can satdott okfrhsoni at :3 o'lok Yftandth hed urs aso am deo te yogrm an'ssethe art. EDizrftr o e of ieLrà' na fare few changes on the valuations. give only "half baked consideration" chine. ornl. an0to'ld kfrom the East, on«December'first last -Theconclusion that lhe woulil get in Rodind Lake and Kathyyn uand Bertha tellthrwi tleekst he koardaproxia-etimotnbils.vihoughothuleg- Abutethry'cokemt rorn n and tolnrlieve Mise Martha Hell of the touch with lher proved correct. Ar. Who always resided at. home. " TTPe bos.en s oreck over alrl estiobing visiosesofla public ed Of them as local hospital. . riving at the girl's home they found purchased a farm at 7Prement Center fe ok.shhntiswr scooarywalwnmn e flasteaued M P1411,Fu) y Inquiries at the hospital this-lher @inter but se h ad not returned which he remod-led and lmn d nov eed sta ined that there may be fact re.mains that some cure for "half n Ail morning showed thaet Mien DeWitt from aïork. Accordingly, one detec. It !-qnow considered on. Of tho moth'ininceaseIn ala t ionsalle ealngbakeds cosIeratiolyn oe iporan hé police chiefs and olthers there had no knowledge tive went with hier down the street beautiful homes ln the vicin1i T t the ie at the mebr ftebelaef preals siprtvl edd uceh special OM -thaet lMiss,Hammond hiadt been mar- to meet the young man's sweetheart ln known all over a theWilo* httemmer ftebadfe James W. Farrell, aged 66, lifelong OUT OF HOSPITAL ?y will arma them ried. In fact they were surprised and they met lher. Farmfi Mtr. Hirinuas ws a %ery htvlain r nieytolw eieto aeCut asdaa rederitiale show- wh'en the Sun told them that a licen- In the mean timie one detective hard working mann and hoonst. He and that Increases should bie made, Tuesday afternoon -et is home, 206 In an Offiieal se had been taken out TlteTuesday stayed in the house and Sheriff Green rAsided on hie farm for 48 years. I stoso oee t aeWsigoatetWuea.HnretWeg fMlun rte ay a big Police afternoon and the marriage, no doubt stayed about a block away froms the He haed been declinn nhalhsneaY qtatemnent as to just what the was born- at Benton but had lived ln of Mrs. Sam Boothman and Mr. IL 9. ti and the citY hadl taken place. place. Aillwere watching for Wolski. the death of his wife on April 13, 19)11 eiardp alase to ofstheswor wil hiWaukea na vicinity racicallyGrc w la disa erm the ba anyhig o ts It was admitted that Mrs. Moy w. ueeogaotsve 'lclTene hwas onTtiemoeeqirelarg-sOe tpair fi summer. ahistlnfe. Funeral th huray f mdrn- auee hosig ta ldy whr egaz not at the hospital or the nurses. Wolski came to the Sluski home. He lhe missed lher. satsI » ome time bef toethe oardth in a te ococeatio the churc h oencevingothretniesnt forgaa ry good one and home this morning but the- explana- was placed under arrest and brought On Monday June 2, lhe suffered a fears toaling iben athose whromerlyter auain'nSte conscetn wih ein- shoksanfid th le re ih h the advantage tdon was added that If the reporter to Wau'iegan. He was found to have stroke (of apoplexy from which lhe n- hv o bersesdirprytrettnS.Mr'scmtr, hwsaritd.rieoesa waya- would call later ln the day probably $45 left and at bls roomi a gun, which ver rallied. ýenance of such Afisas Hammond would have shown hie stole at the Deering place was Thle funeral waq held on Wednesday idred men will up for duty as hier retirement does alo recovered. This was foundi in June 11 at 10 o'clock at St. Marys oa enforce the not takre place until July firet. a room. on Milwaukee Avenue which church of wbihihe was always a cut.outs, speed. It Is admitted at the hospital that hie also had occupied. member and a staunch supporter. Rev ndbes o al, p t th peset imeno ucessrs On the way back Wolski confessedl T. '.%. Nay officiated and gave a very many persons to Mrs. Moy or Miss DeWitt havetohvncmmte the offense in beautiful sermon. The funeral was u t cannot land' been engaged. The report ls current questio nand admitted that hie tore latrgely attended. A number from by the tisme that a number of other nurses up the certificates of depoit while Waukegan, Chicago and squrround- police, the cul- leave the hospital but confirmation on the train, realizing that hie could ing towns were present. ls lacking. In all ton nurses are now not cash them and they might com- In these spectil emP]oyed tn this M!cAlister «Hospital. plicate him if they wiere foundi in- ýhey work won. Mr. Moy comnes from the East and his possession. The $50 Government DR. MAISELDEN DLES e to a lhalt, has been stationed at Great Lakes Bond hie eashed for I$47. for nome time.. However, whiele heiadt the money, .Dr. Harry J. Hlaiselden la dead.- hefs atlyby The agres of the couple as given ln-Wskwaarelpndhft He The Chicago physician Who won ln.- ,h can be check- the marriage license Shows that Mr. bought htimself a no wBult Of·clothem ternational note because of is epo- ial force. The Moy le twenty-eight and Miss Ham,- for $25, six silk shirts for $35 and cha decision ln The famous "Bolling- hoe is who, thiey mond twenty-seven. then hie went and showed himself teoer Baby" case was stricken Wednes- LI Policemen all The marriage çersmony was per. bie a bloated capitalist when hie day at Havana, Cuba, in the midst of- thiis way in formed at the Baptist parsonage by bought a diamond ring and a gold a vacation--the first in twenty years, renders will bc Rev. dtutherford at 7:47. Tant evening. bracelet for is sweetheart. He also Death came, following a cerebral Th cule'asatede y is ebought himself a couple of pairs of hemorrhage. o long ag-o Fred Witt, asistant superintendent of the rine shoes and was just getting sel- He Is one of the firet American phy. h oa sailors who hospital and Mr. Feanor, a friend of lied down nicely to starting out life sicians to advocate sterilization of womnen who the groom. anew when the detectives halted hig the defectives. and performed a num- awa. Te M. ad Ms. oy re o rsid inplans and hie was bound over the ber-of operations in accordange with nd aept aTheitrCalonda Mr. Moy are o toi eiei Grand Jury and will possibly go to his belief. He was a believer ln the av 'ep them th ectthCnat he.will bes trasnsferedthe penitentary. theory criminal tendencies could lbe ney taedfrm the local sthatwlion t asfton a The young lady admitted s,e met eliminated by brain operations, and adeen ate Cai fornah eflorlsiong.t er t heofhim only a month ago. Sheriff Green performed' a number of successful Q e1 P l ed with a plice fi f th e onMr. Moyes toe today salid that chances are Croons operations to substantiate this theo ,ed ithpolce Tnt f te moth rs.Moy ice tawill insist that the diamond ring and ry. He believed aiso that Insanity mp areted he abnrnhom e nir oNw orkae bracelet which the young man bought could bie similarly cured, and backed imle f tem.maiain tereuntl M. My'siros-for ha sweetheart mustlbe asold and that up by frequent operations ýo work out sat. fer to theawest coast le made. Te the proceeds go to hfim because of hie But the Baby Bollinger case at HOW CAN I-XAXAGE THE HOME ]FURNISH3ING? of curseon goomla aC. P 0.,hei& a hi lo10s and because the money derived tracted to Dr. Halselden the attentionMe utotfsrvcara&lgheevsti'qsln.Frmtsteyae d by the man Machinist Mate ln the Aviation De. from is bond, etc. fwas used to make of the world. The phylician refusedMejututosrvearaknghmevsthsqstn.Frothteyav fflee. prtnient.tHeelo la the regu ser- the purchases. to operate to save its life, on groundai been giving their all to their country with no opportunity to, save up money for the vie anreled soon. ntex tt The clue was secured as a result the Infant was defective and would long dreamned of home with the girl back hors. bc rleasd Sprt.of a letter sent by his sweetheart to bie better for the .baby and the rac, & Wolski addressfed to Fox Lake. ^ta ]et Tt die. rites Verses rMILK PRODUŒERS Maders Ada. nee McMa.aman. be. b,.ameTh'e-Chicage M's"Mal,ocaT PWeR IGtOyWEW L H L O lies to Gobs loved wife of John, daughter of '.Irs;. charged that hiebhad passeg .judg You are mort than welcome hors to the most helpful credit we can extend you. Tt's a . i nna cGown, iste of ý_-darc menAnnaa McGowanwhicsisteresurofo t!:dwarate. ment may ontha oyumanhvelifon, ewhichhg wase EjectricRIALPUCom.E Joseph, Mamie McManaman and beon the province of a physician, pesr otikw r nbigmn fteby ohv toc vrtignee Waukegan girl Willism McGowan died Monday morc- and dropped him fromn membership. for a comfortable, attractive home. Hot weathe;r and judges and law- ing ln Chicago. Funeral Wednesday always smiling yers maneuvering to get away on at 9 o'clock fromt 743 N Clark Street re always blue, their vacations caused the trial of to the Holy Name Cathedral where, GRAHAM CRACKS 150 TA'RGETI or seem to feel so the eight offHcials of the Milk Pro. his mass Wittllbe celebrated. Autos1 Rockford, 111. June 17--At a reg. ducers' Associa9ion, indleted for conu to Mounit Carmel Cemetery- Intered shoot here today under the ick on me and spiring to arbltrarily fix milk prices, Teewl efryhuso eo auspices of thle Rockford Gun club Ja - to e cntnue t Setemer Jugetion at Saint Patrick's Church, Wads- Graham formerly international cham. ave ~ t sucfpn J oseph H. Fith, temrialjudge i1otoeigTusa h ieen in e e oa eodwe eR iU E GM f 1NDpENDEN Lake ENT G °"." ig W" s2 WAUKEGIAN WEEKLY SUN LIBERTYVTT JE INDEPENDENT. JUNE 19, 1919. SIX PAGES $ - .a rwenty Memhers gan Militia Comr pond to P EXPECT FIFTY Waukegan is to ha ,,ýpollee forcé of perhap They will serve with The decision of chl and Tyrrell to resort of prutecting the city a suggestion often But Daily Sun, ln fact, it i thinge suggested durini that the new chief P that method of getUn police force which citizens when the npec ed pald force could i cause o fkroi cano once. The first move In which will prove one ever adop)ted by the c last evening when Ca the Volunteer Trainli the men who turned p many would be willIné lirlas speclialpoliceme Twenty men respond They were told to re lice station tonight a when they will be swo wal w c rs.ýexpecte Want Filty I r-It Ins stated fthat th( want at least fifty su cers without pay. They all with stars and cre Ing they are serving capacity and ln this wi force wil be In effect will not have to do a ipayroll. 0 The idea Is a mightY suce to work out. to of the etty ln many w Through the mainte a force, a half hund have police powers to laws relative to open C ers, disorderly acts an petty thievery which i oftentimes witness bu the offenders- because they have notified the 1 prita have vanished. Many cities maintain eltizen's police and th ders ln bringing crimn The frequent auto tI sailors la a thing which ed much by this speci gailors -won't know wli ,won't look for specia over the city and in doubt some of the ofi landed. Tt la recalled that no Whitney followed twc were insulting young tried to chase them boys were insistent ag ,ut finally the girls gl slip. Now Mr. Whitn that time that If he ha CWa officer, empowere paradmadeoanexar Te plan ls bound to 'Ifcoly, depenin the judgment displaye who are sworn Inteofo Waukegan Girl Wi which She Appt of ail Yarieties* The North Shore 1 pany's bulletin says a ,wrote this verse: Zere are gobs who're ere are goba who'r ere are goba who s nlushy That they have to pi you. There are goba who ha faces, :There a.. gous wno al -»rear, But the gob who really the gab with the sa Takeý that-home and 10 ,n o - o o FegSo PAXIT TrWO YOL. XXVII NO. 25. 1 RISI

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