CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Jun 1919, p. 3

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S aekuaàd Inviest men te Ou;,. wrîsî. Ii va'r lve SorPLÂ% n:.kéau ileasy' to savt assouey systemsticahly sud to aocunitilate itigliasé e séfrities payiug good divideud of large increases in value. Le% us expWsitihia plan to yaîs. Tell us hOsJrtiul'you oanupsy down sud how MC~L41YOUu saa pgy tnuthly. T. ii une««hat çeuritic#% yvonhave, if you havé aly, o ce rmal a4tise you as ta their préerea value, éatbillian4 future.,- We wiii usaku up a spfcisl lutésîent sugges- tion foiFyom4 aç erdlngýta wit you cau stord'ho. iveaton tiaj partial paymea.L plM4 a4t ai&éoaa Write t» ont Déptmuent -A-$ fat 1ont p"p, 'Gasarantedd Ialvr'tmet," girtàlâdv'ce on thé msarket ooaditioti>-It viii interest Yeu. I o*Ob #LaaUe &St Met CICA GO, ILL. -'l' m .1 -,,- # FORI3ST IN SflT OF litS COMPÂWINS Mediceal Student from WCltago Thoucit ta Have ad Cramp or .an Attaok of Heart 900DY FOMND BY A SAILOR Dains, Wls., a suuent et Rush Médical e ollege.. Chicago, but e mployed thîs sunmuer a« an Intprne et thé Hénvolis MémorIal liaSpiLtl, wvu.,,drowwél in Lake' bciean et Lake Foret Sun day atternoon. - elghf >Young people, four youug men ~*4 tour girls. eho vent tom Chicago te tf&ke-FPreat tas spenl thse day. They féetd*ed ta go Au bathiasg. Ituel las regaruted s a utrong evîimer aud ihen hlie an out arttier Iian any of thé vet no on. thought anythussg ,about t. - O"denly he seemed ta hé n liii- tres m ank betoré any' of, bis triénda could réach fhlm. A sallox- <tons Great Iake as avlmnsing near- b>' and after several unsucceastul et templae t lving récoverel tise bod>' wan vmashore vitb il. l». Theorpe' PrormAre vag aum- eO d and a unugmotor vas rusbéd tescène. AIl elforts aetasving thé, lAtq of thé viclins were la vain. Prom the taut tht Riellvs. a goal sein- âau 19 As 6efeced dihthé sither guefal an attack of béaut troublé et ba & a cru*. Goo-i.Tfe Judgmn Evoey tir» me youbu nit.d States Tire« yopxr juid i.t la bqcW. by that of hundoed of thoustspds of experlenced -huu.-Of thousmndWho u~ ttkdStates 11r" con. -huur.dof thooç#w>mo ïi sýowviiciof United Sftam W. cas ptovlde y.' wWm Uahsd 8tmt.iTfr.~ aima wIll Y~i~ 't~ ' ~GU)P met 7011f -~ e nqulnments. w i Tho lsa tpefor every noed of price ô' use. oy w .. i1 fl.. igood tie&. TW&t'why Âwe sd ibm D.eabAve., Lake L.F .à ~l tg D Browb 0>.dàe,,WaicOsè,Di4L WM& OPERA Wi.4sJUME28 mn'LORACoLO' AT~ÂCK AUTO TIRES; PROCESSION IÀLTS Payhig trom 60/ do 12% mlU SOIR111 LOCUSTS ARE DUE WK Tiss-la thse year the Beventeen and thitéen Year lOcUsts are due anld their Invasion las a looked for caiaiulty. Both are due this year, ,according to predictIons made. Ziere are locusa that corne every >'ear, but the preseut year Ls iiecor rect date of the big invasion. The warning Io glven ta two sectiouj lu particluar. One Includes a littie of Illinois. Ail precautions ta protect thç trees should be taken. Juat liaw serIous éeet the locustas IVIII have, If they arrive, las bard ta predict, but ail precautious Possible ahould bec mort d ta lun the hoPe et lessenlug their Larin. f WARN Curfew Enforemu out After il roI'W TO THE COURT Miss lI; immelmelà. ~ Offtcérlan Waaskegan, vlti Q* laut aiglt cauglit thr»im OU GenOeeuéStreet soutb « l1g91n. Thé baya ve. t ald Ivelvé yéare of age au ngly. b>' béiug out that j"& violatIng thé cunfév 1ev. TtI T4e 4019geneon of opera, of sym. Aocm4'daI Upsettiih of Keg of pbonl 'rogrMsM and of pepular con- g Ne FoLà C . tort$ I.u#Ravispark -ilî openJul>' . ,a o aeCe 28 ttod viii l ontinue juta Septembér, ates Ravoo Monday. foi* .wlbt bas beconie thse yearlyl eutk,ý îan of tris ovey retreat SEVEN CARS ARE LINEDU p on th»florth sbore. UiaWani'. enlg bill for the ses-1 Tiere lo a Young lad in Fox Lake son ÉvI;ti A 110e operatic premIer.. amned Floyd Bayer wha watts for The aiiiétfothuitofa-cantreetor:Walter Johnson. Nov If urda taS k.cells for thé neret per- about twentit>-lve automobilisescould foruse ta' té middlé e weIMofan bavé got their bauds an Floyd about opegu. iémgQovWaar In Europe and for tour OCOIck Monda>' aiternoon Iistor>' thga~tA éasns a Iétr n thée "~t reeord the lit iublIc lyncli- retUAitéftAe Mtroolîanopera- Iug Of thé *Ond sud the boy'. relativep -' etcrso ma>' ~ ouId wonder ehy'attonoblllat, had YeWl xs ingèm ~hav. e teeu' Irrtable tempéramentsi. Mn dravnL. The Opéra is LéaQnie "L'Ora- COd as sent to Fox Lake nn bgaoýh»&D apOa Chester .s!ley Pmer- day aiterucoas wlth Johusin's truckc Zad~ 7. nt ad thle Cberssb t e oa fnis.H tt k»W*Ui. "Publie as both & a nfl he hardware store. Loclng thse I th hinese quar te h ais sihouru "UraiI? ttbe temédIss b> *Y ' theéd road tead-, uhA~~teg$Ir mata M - iutisitpw over a or 0 ~~b~npthaCilalsa o ilvî9iu -s4.iod, »o.e« alang ai gqad , 4110-never aotteed AtL Bat . » i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~«O shoru o ehisaoe~, ~~~~ t Um, fter thkt that fos ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~hr la.-et t h.ea5 rp me...Mas> people ha Fox 1.ks W ~ftrday and Sitli V .tg e.-uyiaîli h&, ona svcmathines -téré ncerts bridge over the conceto 1Uurgirs ideua. Therw Guia>'aflr- pt ilio*ilthé face of thé *nta have been maie b>' é *~iidre, nette I«r OUSI Mi. cmpai>' forthé entr- yen ever as,. WuArnét St the Park 0f vounded sol. Tsr er oma> at aam dé"aur e aesors front port sheridan aT .rtmrsohat tii. ca in tme&iy aa Gmpa~ 1 iat thippéMre" Of bM*g ".tudded l'eii, flistsaerléncéof a»yvas that eààéte e i John aplcgk, Wh«, mter l bie ba " miipultia>'bis EL ~tirés OU tet lbM t>ere vere tlnrt. i IES Iv DallsaIn bbs tour tire. CR Sh Thé atranue Ptof v as t& sevALw I n Inebia'part la tetrso varlous Ca"s Mis RoandDunn cf Wauke..aWitlsthe se».n cmrlined upon gan~IujscfTraîoDeth It later dévelopéd that whe» they .01 Cousin in France. saw theîr tir-es vere down a number _________of autamobiliists kept oa n ttthéevfl- MrS. Roland Dunu bsa mt réceiv- lage sud .the village garage vg sur- ed dof0 thé tragic duath lnance rauaded by cars vhlen bsd plcked Ot ber cousin, Paul T. Buck of Lag- UP anywhereé frominneient a dozen rangyilée, N. Y, Aitér escaping deathlla On thé hattifield tise Young man 'va. Nov visile apicza'c sella sale, taits killél ln an accident. An article etc. ln Fox L&Iké village t happéned carried n the Pouglikeepale. N. y. that JohasOn did not bu>' bis material Courier, asYs Mr. Buck vas kllled in tramn the Spicsak stofée. Tirue, peuple a ralro8i a&«Ment althougli infor- are twOndérlng Ina Fox eIf il résl> motion reefll'qd b>'letter vouldIn.a-u A a cprice of fate tisaI Slioea dicate that Ïiuil occured In an au. should pick op more csais than an>' tomoli le 0 d04t. of the Ollier victime. The follovl g eipplng train thé Atter theooie of battie oleared Poughlieeplb paper telle of théetira- away s lot or kidé vent along thé gewy: srie iesel <atv road and picked op handhful ot thé vartare Paul T. Buck, third son af Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Buck dled et Par A'liY WT5fff la France, about May' 251h laut tollov w. MA JI lssg a ftali rrosi socident whilé ré-0 fl A ý » tnrning tfo-nCola. Oermany vbérea IIW A AFtULE lie hadsdeet several da". vîth ie i ~j A fF > brother, Victor Back vWha vas l in seÀ M B hoapitalin Ith" êtY; the Oul>' details received by Ë1r. 1Iuék's parents vere twa letters arrivlng Tlursda>' atter- tOnOn ram P101b mrommatet and CnenW lhFIe oMk the other trom thé Deai 0f the Spriag. Socr hehFie o mIc field Y Trainng chool, vho le aise Deai in Waukegmn S lu Parla statlng 0< bis death aud bur A New Sit. lai at thé Amimnrlha eer>' n Cha- Ions au the* Magn and further that T«RYING TO SELL STOCK Ou Memarlal DaY hoth expected te decoratu thé VraM . -. Buck vas Accordlng ta thé BlvUm eim lepul studying et thé TufynIvet>' Of Paris can thé Ogrea Automobile Camopai> and gave proinie rcf mot uulg aid la nov carrlng on auegoitlé*os for1 Intersting caiss.' flwumean active thé location ar lis Plant la *lv48. mémber oM theï.4-,!hyri" .ChurclTheé Bnssmena$ Asaltumi béreot hé . * 4.5.:Mdi Chrs- ail "tuased up"' ovetbs llreajsbeta et tainatblan Bible 0Cla*w a s.l'u- thé Omris Company ceaUna tea Belel d"y evenlug 11M estin Z mMweek dort aid Ibis cépesa thé tes t Meeting va. beid a.S &memorial er- Waukfgan vas la thé mare trame of vi ce Anhoir1, i pie. Thé mind, about tvoaM agUo. tansîl>' bave e com. The Ogmi CàM1n.I,, o Munit>' vhlch U lato Muidha1r. led hbedl gHg#peyvion BUet'. financés. Im ôth Caruin.exeteu.s45s imau sW 48%» "ud plame aesau* psBe for the erelo. et as Wýjà% outhé lae shore parti of thé préset tan- nerir. Then v31len t eau. te thé t tîe to arrsuige itll"Yécusé> vénted ha dispose of *aîti tosk tu Wauhiegan andi loih ~ al A coyote hm ~romlg thé quenti>' thé deal utmattel>'hilel in laite front land -_ IUicis and >8 eas Th Cma>e luilI ni hein réipiflg s él*tït b ï cioens Thé animnal fa: eb htAmgMte Zt aivDe. nsan Cage.iliter, aeording emal ad I srm Ir 6khaome. ta reports recblved hemt,enoosmtered Tt al aidIt gtgoi ytroishe wl consderablé unkeil l>.Thé italie nv eu&Asoth vl présent plain s tviI"re oeil for etae --the incorpMtton of 4 hait a million ise rocoyote vs tiret "enîrosis- dollar compan>'. Theo, M@ te bu>' ngaond thée sikmpâ-by Mr. wd about ten acre ot .»4 and canutruct veAl tWO véeks ago. ne Informel thée ullgsfrl hryugs polcebutb> tAe fué th>' ZWtéIthlnty-elgist thouésnd àqnare teet cap. thé animal vas'otrSt BilAt. Yégtel' sAct>'. As la Waukegan, thé O)grnn Brun bal vhIFs9qé901T1MADNN oei about Onu huadred thousand dal- 8 r blhoclcep etgy l olrs oth, of stock aU acording la SyEli veUq q4lo 4U4 1ý D otée théeitepublcan t.i *s eréctlthé deal thé 'coyote. Uts. O fltg i i lp,5 li hée aoasqupAId. n ber chiclien Urp éyt> >'ster- ceoyote. I Tt Who bide ionu ERMS i~ m day. She vent the ER MÙqT K. las4 thé sée trld tathoo'A *. are Chlcego, June 14.-Soki! Déar'. Ifet tetvfassiad wà*lhuetlthpe fiel toa>' . ir. 4*ien I 11 ai 5 orbtgat8prfngfieIl rôt@ie tc teation 10 q àýWàp4 l i'taoDear à leipeata é$fottai4th Hava Pm *er tUpin s m o coked"ttiê inta thé lake or Sg an u dereed luit loi i ' éelu Onéx flcat libe.a i ka oum*eadel %f1: P saine Ides eptored Iuto thée ias Sa of bre of our lDgland Pagkyk s, O~ ald soathé>' cmoaé&Wel u Al Ce wiid thé>' thaubt thé>' mMt :in ê thia prableU !i 1 . -_ On lune la,1918,. Iebglitàir, 5t Richard SandwSIh, aid Ulard Stitr - 1 pie ve t bir mfiA"sé ami" Sttéf on a slIp e-orspesyidtb 1h9-yésugt that thé findqi of théLeet,~ the nots lme pisé retilinthé l *g m al U att> Ptfl d 'war h= b d A" been l4earl freÉ Ig o4, sqbal>.son"P ,on lnné le.. 15W dsAÉ1»~ th, boy$swvas tbm î, d'for liad beu Ptchéilisp ipa~ s Whoe vas coultiaer pf as ,1tü Ae C çRpâý -ohasér cf*0i,'mat et 0~é-~S botte purasd wsu rsu b>'tou Hgm tds4 Miebigan lethe Dralmagéa&- Mdut Md, anldlieu tiggçete é y1MI$m i bê aSa lit M pà** Ob" urn ' eh Mise Hin eme td the fstatio t1 hie, ýsaé,l Fox. Làkëe. Mân. Wànte. H.A Meoted from His, FWk. ' oeteUUOtlia i éIin lthé -fo.U*o «éneter>' for thé réuianma »Ook. Bétoyé Mstwooka 'o ,bt.'Sutbétbà eiîi iévatét vd>' ' qoue théeiéé Vise steég Ire b~laua r'"d -e~ 5 .s ths valislo II;bêvé sa oncetw and -,éeIliel vIwuIitffl. VAj= vaîît la compumét" liérema" f i Oakand vil tmalrr4lqA f. OshisulFAsmMi r>'. -Grand A -.Wt Ohe-haif of Marhail lniat- Imiti, Ja-à" -oNUS edMM M -s~Co. InVolved I h "3mom Gham h k Pr6e. vilations "d Aln the, lai havé ie GRAHAMS. OWN, ONE.HALF v> wyl o biluus Former 1U. S. Benator Williasmtot.- t Io hé léestur mer took théevitassastand Au Julge t"tthée nulisS 1 Croee's court, Chicagno *aturgar lahid4# l tbb beisaîtf ol iAse oq4anlsv, R5pAlp Gr,.tuze e thf lt S-10 hais. a8d thé latter m brtb«r, na*% AéOadiegl>' At Qrabam6, m ial ou cargés et ut.- élié 5tthêUt eeAvlug dépailla kué** êthé 'Gis. 19oa ur k . Tbrougli hi:uteetlmom.,y thý'd=we ltr*t r labtoud"a document t mcoaeSas, I twump seu. Théýdacamet wvas aima conslderable 0f a surprise 10 .Asistant Stàte's Attorney' Enler, prýo- scuting the cas. Thé doemm vas orne éxecutel b> the Grahsam thIsIlY,ehlah turne,,aven te Central Trust Camai>' thé stock bell b.4t flisI fei'Asthé Marsall Véstiatéd mttte Cesaçun. '- The trout couai>' e-tametauASCh trsntee of théedock en4thé p,1l tha" isme trm. t., la tle 944 te *te at uqely Oenditua". UFI (Thé depositors appaaently are mesat.) - P tÉ 'W Thé stock la not ta lie soïdld 0.1 1Af enoaglimarné«U' ési lé éalA * tas -TMWU igii t te M «of .tbe depeoWs.. Thé uo' sg r*àM, 4 l It cuiset lu question, thé te&tmy ea~éd~ chOfsI. vas tdrfuap tvave *O tStflàU ag@1 matdis 150k inéd laitW~*~~1 hsnk laasL . The stocklAt question laspgmçtlca. ~p 8e 17 a baif<tht ot théMar"ea. 'P' ii Ceh le d" bttii. bl .ém*aiï eated la -thée safcuei Mt ? I t tuai 04, »'.ukeP*q. ac ie.W éé E~WDYthe - 'm altt m M"sas *1 te étuel mses~ 'e et B are, * ~f SA lé éh la<~ tSrd1 t 84 thé ~ Ws, ~f Af.. ~1~o là Police atttrq M" mm t'l i

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