CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Jun 1919, p. 9

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OER E NDEPENE LAak NDEENEN W°ds*. °°dý:f ý AUKEýGAN WEEKýLY, SUN 1KVII.NOù 26. PAaT V* LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, JUE2,99 EIGHT PAGES. $1.50 PER YFIA R IN ADVANCE REAST HE 8AID RE WAS "1AD;' BUT RE WAS A FAKER..1 STARw la0 aAS ..w i,cture.,f Ad" trgt and ,,edde Wech, one INL K C UNTY orM t 6UiM F present world's light weight champi on, Wolgast a rormer holder of the crown. A man who 10ooked like Wolgast -and wholl clainted Ito be Wolgast 1 E Y % N S O I- spent two weeks at Fox Lake; his de ception onabed him teoset two weeks e fine entertainiment, he cashed a lot of checks and nowe they're look for the Fox Lake flotured as a 'Real see Ad- in action. The faker told Fox 'Lake folks he.wa to establish 0otrwseesmln oWlga fodmny% ai-h a W. E. Watkins, in Review of Ba'BuinsSeth r tra'"i"g qarters t the aes to Prepare for big battle with Freddie Welshl Station, Prediots Fine Crop Blamed for the Act. This Seaon STAR AND CASH TAKEN? SOME FIE FIELD Now itre.'s an unsigned con' - (By W. E. Walkins) cation fromt Fox Lake which whil Iyi h eon rpi mot the authenticity is tnt definite and Mrs. J. B. Legnard, widow of ont- ance in the United States as far as' the responilni liketwise, listens *of.,Wauttkegan's pionera, died at her total values are concerned. Th too, well to justify the wasqte-basket .+î hay crcps ln Ia"e County ate usually dis,-osition oif unsigned commuinica. homne on North Genesee etreet this good. Some fields of alfalfa will yield tios. oit s gve asit am in- orning at 5:30 o'clock. She was lin fromt 2 to 3 long of hay per acre for .According to Chief of Police GCret- her seventy-sixth year and hier death the first cutting. Clover and timoth Ssen there 1s nothing to the story sas a u oagnrlbeldwc are eq'tally good. Als1klm Le somewhat prnedblow. Hie says that momne Of lighe, buitilo edpce. ted ewo"aetinfoDaze seguent to advanced agle. - Alfalfa and clover wvill be rathecr at Fox Lake managed to get hold of Fo heee a ausea hard- tu cure becauise !)fthsrn heafae ta in some pody andlt spread a growth. Unless most of the feaves th" toytht hesarbeoged to not until two lweeks ago that hier con are * aved1 the feeding vnaie will be Daliel Hesay stoh s nt te dtio beamerea seiou. Sncematerially reduced. The Parma Bureaui casel tha ay sno b lea Dae thad that timie It was realized that her will try out a numiber of curing meth- s that Late Miss Ham- li. sia taken away frotn bila. 7ý Ms. eg nafor "d' breakdown dat' 1 o "rg summe acp-, cinng ana Fox Lake Resorters Think They was Asked to Retire , entetm vrlyasa epcial framie in the field and swing- r eod oei n ter Love Affair Grew. FOX LAKE MARSHAL'S fa i y ad s n efforth on e s en wil hay ifh ron y Laihy netinFkr STA PULOEEDt-n that hier previous robusnt condi- As good legume hay ta the very RRIAGE THE CLIMAX &TRPROFE in began to give way. Stace Vhat bansis of economica mailli and beef CASHlES CHECKS, BEATS IT J. H . Dalziel, marshal of the villag.- t ime, an ese i ye. olowin thdan productions, such hay shouldbeo t thethouhts o lov and he o Fox akewhd t patol hl benof li r hubndsxyasgshhs the very best quality. With legume mt ofe hou ita o u ld goha tof wak ovr frmtev ofepntmuiiid to dracline and yvas unable hav propedly cared for and A No 1. ecase hle oloks ikte Ad WoChain, ' -nt an thougha Cuid m a tee mil oeIm ter toryeh da in- to recuperate despite an unusually silage the dairymen-tieed not worry atoetmAol' 1gtegtcan ine hasd benpoved couivelay ctudng udyhsntbe er stronr constitution" much about the pioduction of. economi- mian oft pris-ont ing abl yqeng ir cas ofte late cupinteen ling he sa i tha ynthoe thea. Mrs. Ienard was boirn ln 1841, c1al ilki this winter. mo a e spent a st enjoabetie atd Se cAlte Hositalh lu efnt he tht nsted ina hyimbyze the. bard- lioni.1% er maiden name being Wint,:.r wheat in thle United StatesFxLaefrteastwwekan ea a %colse ofapa wk fort more to rute estP of thillge bthe star JoýZphine May. It was at Pionesta wil 1 give the largest yield ln the qietly took his departure Mionday terthn he ffces o tle as-ha beýen conspleiously mnissing fol' tatd lhe wiasmred ta Mr. Legnr history of the country. In Ilake tevening anfte avn be-en roalny n- ti ion expeàcted~nor ahe herself had! ,severai days and thereby hangs. a and on1f aet akea.Out itr a ilpoal tetaie a n ete by-mad er fnced previously. laie. Hlarry s5peaks of the, matter Fmthnnth garhmeasaverage betwen '.0 and 4o buishls per mieno the egaion"n who d iometo rlcatyand sta that w th theawasbninW kea.Team keteexcmpo ad.wofl 3 ws ftr upd adsho hs ars ta $ o hrdeane mne als ilyways li nmberedamng Wae nke- acre. Pine field,, have recently been "honre,d" to think that such a fa- the suLddîýn termination of thg dla: peared. Friends of the marsha gnsms rmnn n elnw.aeno h am fW E. Broke mou fitr sholcndescen tojn superintendent's administration asse«rt that art(cr a hiard day's work Mrs. Legnard was the moilter or Vaohnda ItL.p D.aiKelg, [erie ldaw cometi hinrcncsfrasjun brough abt Iti eae htws calto okafe om a seven children four of whoni sur- thz Tn Prie Libertyv lle I . F. Swf, But now they're trying to counflt Hammnond camte here from trers ln the n4eighborhood of the W'illis n.ThsuvinchdrnaeLkeFrt eryA sadFEup ho uh oe hesrner ia N. Y. tu become super1nte-dent linn and other reworta along Nipp>r- il"liam M.l of Chicago, Dr. Joh'n B ilentyv Zion Çity, Gpo. White, D. H. chmposte secured thgh foedtt the hspita viceSilasHeil As Ak lak. Aftr resorin peac. he f Houton, exas HuntngtonM.onflTnxaandA. Q.Hughe, Antoch, cheksghweman bng.he let En rIntendent shte got along very meis sId in have taken a seat in an au 1'Nilwaukee, and Archibald B. of Wau- Witt, Pratirie View and H. E. Flood I a ad ther trnge toge" him cording to Wau'iegan members of tonvibile under an electric ilght, when kean e fGre t est faid hesrae rolled b pup hospital up to the timie thant a fatigue caused himn to go to sleep Freddie Webbh Gett) and Ad Wolgaat Three dauighters passed away. The The condition of spring wheat atatle four chuedkolla r byc pçsgait n ppard n hesen. s ndwhleh eep pacfuly ome* first w-as Mrs. Edmond Bleakley who, present is munch helow. normal. Sit.-gfre hcst he esge tns tpe o n the srntnent e. miscreAn tuped wileeeto eeof ll, lied over twenty years ago, Mrs. laer conditions prevail with barley andl the fname of Ad Woldgast. ten te er u iteen ateadmi #eapinthe fioed tate s A NO-RSDET NEDPEMT ELCReOD LN Charles, Vassar who died ten years a%ts. Warrants have beeon swOrn out ver rguaran depse t o O-EIET EDPRIT EETI DP AS.frney Wetlh to colec war tax' Arom agý;. and Mrs. Nelson A. Steele who -...-agais the unknown, .the heaviest tac nmanagement did not proceed resort keepers around the lake. It i!s Lake County hunters are interested EiIH FWYdidsvnyasgo losersbin Geo Kpla a nmtt d Lyl tee as M yt% fie before. furtheir stated that the aforesaid sneal_ in the f4ct thiatoGverrnor Lowden on That the tract of land exitending The surviving grandchildren are: Jcsnbti samte htdr e s fathter to not anoucdi rawned the star tei li salnn keepecr, Tuesday signed senate bill No. .4fé:: from Evanstîýon to Highland Park ýEdiomLI Bleakle-y of Valparilto, Nob.. were.t cheakst agdozenrthe sranwho thet hsital o r askuned for whot Ls also one of the village trteets,. whichi ccmpletely revises ti€- Ilsh- which thec Public Service Companty ýhre, nd Bvrtha Steele and Chiarles cse hcssge ytesrne resiai ofis ske Ham od and afterwards had the saloon keeper gamte laws of the statle and bringas is endeavorinig to obtain by mneans of 1Vaýsar cf WauikLgan, and Dorothy -whegnte awe tohemou nae, adl also Miin DeWihe Haitan t illedl for going Into, the back door of about a change in hunting laws which condemination prooeedingts which are 1Irgnard( of Chicago. Wast ied utntsfo teT-1e the e as pior Dt , Mis Hammotn hiý salocn and playing a gamei of every sportsman may well study up being carried out in county Courti Two brother.; and one sister sur- variedollan aou n frmenty-ases tor >A ~ e which rocr d tMisHond17 solitaire en Sunday. cr ticare before hie goes out for re- here, at the present time ls to be vie: Williamt Hl. May of Louisville fifty dn ars an fon m oae wee course" after the resigKnations The mnarshal's friends asert that The npw la.w, provides thant licens-es line for t North Shw or ne w teky. aui Benjan W . ha ý, of Milwa b avnd in a eumnr oethin o ah e akedfo Mis Hmmnd ndthe whole thing ls a frame-upt and. must bie procured not o'nly for hunt- information rec(ived by the, Sun froin P ione ar Sua . hre fsrt ad ta nme ro om the s eitt tende red themt to take that the sneaks put ln the field by 1Ing as ln the past butl also for trapt- ant apparentlyitlin threeh Fiir!pit rnt thweeIirnre p iai to n rodm whom the t the firiit of Jully. Thus things th,. statf'x attorney are paying lio ping and also for non-resident fasher- fact that Sanmuel Insul tc soe thed23 Fnria prvt frm Gte home at strng ha borwed monw ieyr. Doctors Proteuted keepeýrs runningç unlicensedl iarouind dotes not live in 14lke County who well athe Norh She compagy as Ep n aol, Cuc mitnbra okdLk ogs tfurther has been revealed that t'.e the lakes, outside of Grant township, comtes here to must ge8 ies te t tilentin led eng in' th, motsoleumn on Gradv-Bthesrneptoftalisht rs took such summnary act!Ions bult are ma'<Ing the licensed saloor. whereas in thec pa.rt they did not The fact that the Public Servien 1nue wr the remas o Mr. Legnar di dsi the seatrangerlooed vherl nuc lik asking for these resignationsas kersnhtrtoepwtinh ret1M.Lgaddedsxtefmu0rzefgtr nfc direct result of the dtors of limita cf the law pay the expense and Gamne WVarden llenry -Kera o' ]and 10 fe condmnin a trp of yers a, ohscmingti eA arst. num erfFom lï e eng ho adn SH EET ukegan holding a mo -at, whicib the move in stealingh the mairshal'. star waukegan deciares there are manyfm' it l hewy 3r rus o man ye ars w ain Wclea hp st erfor ina the in gaste resoluition was passý.l asking foer la to discredit himi as a falcor in dis radical changesi in the law and said eroms vanisi ron t h tigh and Par enabanhlrk aigbsiee Pssneso thLae orceta positl that sthane k n Wast 4ha'%e up"' in the which closing real conditions. flhat hunters and fishermen better not nri-se d u dsit from the Prst forine CIfae lde afrun, n tlrin thout he had trhie tothe an that thie strnger cranl a uId result in the3 change of the -- go htinting or.trappling uintil they look no evic co udean d whte Pub- line. e ad i il,, ie bod iangs in lie ket a ouh adkerhefa pressel the a priz fighewsrcidmn erintendent and assistanit, it he. MANY CHANGES IN STAFF upth law. The, fishing rule Of a vie ci)ompan wuldnedc the wesag t at <on t'lie ?an mnyos yer ag ant hs mout a blwy sin Ci That iswy he wo ae reee mot y tn-er bytein dtrn wa quteh ere willpul. bepe man efinge in the reudets nounced purpose was to extend a thusiastic hori- -ini. having a stinrg But when hie reached the Northwest no dut etta i rsnewuc atisfacetory to the mnedical fr"* teaching personnel of the grade Am,>ng the radical changes in the point, tenio lin betwee thptwafa r tk tnhaed'b s any oh rns dlowo statie fon heg colpe poeadrwn cr oth it.Accordingly, as thei officers schools of Waukegas iwhen the schools ·law is, one which provides that rabit er in this pirt the Nohe sSt.hadbooorcrdfomhsmuheitrc n hi peitoswr te association are trying to mnake re-open next fait, due to-the fact that shooting will open November firstit is asaide than the n Nor Shore Julstationd ofsick, thtsalhe gt , aypol lce a- ae hospital the biest pozssible, the( many, of those, who servedl as teachers where as It used to open in Auguist. lineheas bee aking an ri ofully tol stion eplyes who ushedn Itlfom May perol g flce tor tx Laet igntons were aLsked for and Il during the last year will not be back Dutck huinting opeps September six btwe yeas taue a rightofway his ad. Juttll be all rgtina m n fro lo surroundngwh teritor to getm expected that Miss Hlammond and During the war the schop1 board teenth whereas It used to open Sep boeteen E ve and Mtwae oa FAIL TO DIAGNOSE The man w" "-ece th- t 'es ali o rk at the m r wof e hehAmd aDeWitt would leave On July employed as teachers many young wo., tembifer frirs. be uson df livel forai theb oa The mlains doirced stton the e anho anmber of years. And men whose husbandla were stationed i Arnother imiportant feature is the ton of limie trin s SucL(ee he arght IL N S S Hlaines street pholisesn three the ma noy claimed te gat, owever, Cupid was getting in bli; at Great Lakes. Some of th-A your,- falet that thiere will be n-) srinig huint fy wys uebeenthNot= b lock iay Tho thisegs w eresemtio genjo veym uch t k ad ip Hmmnds ariae omn ad ecele ttaces ing of any kind. Chica!go Junction anid .Milwaukee. shaky h e lf got there. t eniongvesi [Ikanud ite irsawekamong' nrig h e besae eclety ev er sa. Numnberouis accideni. caused by th I{shtmyefinte othti To Fight Welch t asevnthn xpc e - tat n th best theajo ityo cvass thear. erto fhg edtan humorning," he blurted out. "Il tried Altetm ewsteeh s.Moas hetê bece follwin ratneme wùas oj ifor y o n aeste. r-" .iiand towns along the north tkllmsf'teilling everybody how hie was going erMny, woulde eaefoin tath e en scho boa realized that the. shore is._what move%,d the company toa-- On the way to the counity hospitc? to start in trining for nanther big pital unil Jul frt ap her husbands o r these young wome weeLake steps to cbtain a right cf wa.f Esther Drnkwini, aged 13, is the wounded man toldt the police hie bout with Freddy Welch. He plied nation.i ,l Hoeernucfasnt tte laa tto n ih e nthlssdslyppaedctrswas Walter Elokorpi, 38 years old, Out a certain site at Fox Lake which be Wil te ffees f 1h as- tnfretother ttointa an y where trains could be operated at a *q hufrfrChre .Pk fLk he said hie would use for his training hteo ar e fice talking.bou timeFr thisreasont the mae 1t high rate of spteed without danger ofl - When Doctor Arnived. Forest, quarters. He tld how hie was going mattler, the fact remains that a point to exact a promise fromt 'ýll acdnt.IwsutidninM.Pk'a- to erect a ring and have all equip- - superintendent did not return tu ie fnvlmnwowr ae It ls said that steps hiave bien ta" Becauise he( parents failed toi diax- tomnobile last nigt, he said, "and nien t necessiary-for a regular prin hospital after her marriage to as school tea'ehers t.hat they would en to acquire necessary right of way anse her ailmenit as diptherla, Esther I a noabgyna ihadflighter's trallhing Camp. Ibo sait charge of things but merely re- remain, here unil the end of the betwveen Igland Plark and North Drinkwine, 1:1 year olid dauithter of Park. There were teo people ln It' thant hie was going to be able t.1 "comte ed to 'straighten out a few per on- schodl year, regardiess of the fact that Cca -mhofticnbesurdMr. and Mr. Frank Drinkiwine, Twen- btIdntwatoseifhywreback" and that hie coutl surely whip iranthntkhedeatire their husbands mpight be diansferred without condemniiatio(n proceedings. ty-second street and Harvey avenue, , 1 bpeedd thoe. vebt al Welch. IHe told hie acquaIntances at Miss DeVhit and Mr. Mo0y for elsewhere. The proposed iIgKf of way between North Chl,iao, strangled to deat ate In hard they were bth baly ot akbgetat he was going to brinl home i the Est whee she s Someof the-youn womenregardd Sherff Gren Tuesay eveing ant (Evnaton nd iHdland rPrkp9):uesdaynightshortl afternine hrtlandhaditobe takn toSahos- ut a bg retiue1of rainerufrta homnan utihe gos wesit aifr the pomithes as ing amnd redd e- f GenTesa vnigw along t.he route of the weat fine of the o'clock. , Too laie a physician was e gtage. Sota nn g Iw n out Chicago and said they would arrIye tomk e eicmain until thee clot Clfr-tr rm se of schoolan desitei, to Highwood where to Look the three .Northwestern railroad. When the summinonèà but the child was praýctical- the argnd put a revolver 1nm the later part of this week. otal offiers a thatee m aiss efati tht thoe husblantdte chilidren of motorman B. Cooke, em- new line ls in operation it will be 1y dad wheni he arrived. An Inquest snouth, and fired. I thought it wouldToRvloed mond was a most efficient supli- traigsferred elsewhere -or_. received iPloyed by the North Shore Electric e tooeaelmtdtanna-wa ob edhsatrona the k.11 med b u tddn t I trie tosot neo orak a alaooe endent at first and everything their discharges frot the service. iand broulght theml to Waukegan where tie cootte inwthe te ami roo. Conad etzelishandtero under ag am an colt Chg upth ere tle : fa the ha In ae pile b:gte alonk smoothly until thoughits Somte of these teachers performed; theÿ now are at the detention homte. makmrbstter Wtimea eradpos, tee n tn estals he Soefa y c0Am te coin to Chiao sugosgn ta ine there.N> Iact, pole by veapparently Interferred wit-h thleir work ln such a satisfactory man- 1On Saturday the father whou haé 'hEanstn, hi Wa ukeanad bcposb R girAnohe chis an sam er aiy thionyhoptlsr eos gan tp thnk talat F ake nid s-on detiled management of the hos- ne r thant they were offered substan- 1tnt been home for a tiear, will be in nt noth.Tiol beueI posstiþ ain giTr. ofe seven, ailso hse d niphe th oma't bullt loge ma troofoi e o h dpamsta uha I As a w.oman in love, her ser-1 tial increases ln salary if they would county court to show why hie hiasio t r onl beas th elcti trInTeeaesvnohrcide n h h a'smuh twsetat de. Why, somne folks were e.ven get-

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