LIBERTYT*iE, INDEPENDENT, TIflTRSDAY. JULY 3, 1919. PG. LIVINi O TS I y eents à'fýo LIVINi COS S INThe letter says ii t there are no li'oi'a, no elothlng and ln fact, th, A pu leare ln a pitiable condition. RUSSI ,TOLDIN À t erYbCdldyL goLng bare foot or* wrjî-. Ping their feet in anything tbey tîtO LETTE&T q Àç ilnd becaume lt La impossible to c LdI4III4hoVUI Look ai the Prices Quoted Be- fow and Then Reaize that the U. S. is 0. K. P'eople In Waukt'gan who thinli titat tiîey are subjectedl to hlgh prices ln living ttbould iijud stitlfaction ln the realizat ion t! t might be worse. Fîîr In4tance. Sam Glass of south Genesî'î Street, Iis mbrning receiveil a tettîr front is father-in-iaw, tiyer SeLiot'n, wrltten fromntte city of Eurshan. Kittiio! Kovno. ln ibis lettf-r be eaLd ibat even i totigl a peirson have munî'y i t L- noxt to inpv till' boy many of tue nect'-,-itiea tif life but once In a -%hile thingiqCao lie bougbt. !.olk at the prices whichlile quoted in his littf r. itread i a-vents cinti iaîouod. Miýa tfotutrdll arsa a ound. Yard'iL ,! tai ict) or g nglîam eilît doili-ir. A AWaulcegan mnasks: Why JLtý that boys wito act as caddies at 111gh land Parku Cao go to the Edison C'ourt station and boy a round-tnlp ticketî on the eiectric for 22 cents and can buy one' for tht' samne Price retiîrn- log, but, If titey go to tht' main ofIc.' on Washington street, titey have tu psy 30 cents -for t?", The Sun dot's, îlot know. Do you? Rhcine, W!s.,-WbLle motoring to 'Madison WednesdaY 10 attendl coin. mencement exerCiaî's atiîle !nieer. sity of Wisconstin, Harry Hetrzog of Itucine, cuptain of lthe iIvçrihtv bas. hall team of 1915, sot! %1188 Esther t.ackey of Oak [Parkt, dýctd.'d to clope and cottinued tIo Waîîkegan. where the ceremony totik place'. itelatlvis8 and tniendu knew notliing of the affair until todaY. lie la the gon of George Herzog, postmaster of kacine. anti îterved as lieutenant of Liattery C', 121st Artilery. The bride La lthe daîtghter of James i.ackey. tChicago manufacturer. MARIiifE'S sTRANGE 'E XCITE MEN T" An iiiterîeigirig figure on the Waut kegan National Btank corner Yeaîterdaiy afternoon about three o'ciock was a Mtarini- wiîo wi>re servNiceé shîýwLng taât bhiat! seen a year's srieovýêraeas and! as the mai Inem were ln the thick of the' figh4 his exprî-ssion %as ail] the more in. teresting to those who haîîpetned tu p.Las hy and notice theni. There thl5 young man, 8 perfect seLLiman Physicaliy, stood for about, ten. atinutos and! every few minutes he wouid lbrow a torpedo on the pavement. As the torpedo expiod- cd he weîîid amsiîp a vînle of satis3- faction and it was hart! to figure out wh-at was back of that ilie. lie was ail ainne and seemed Indif. ferent to the fact that anytîoty înight be near liion antd so for ten mnututs ýlhe amuset! hini.-eif by throwing the tnorpe(doe-mapparently tiîortughit t'-1 Joying hiinself in the e'.peiLenci-. Now theti. whai wa.t paitsing thrîi lis atint! amlie amiled whîiî lte(!tor- pedoca expioded? 'tVas lie tbinking whia a conret tht itti tle t'XIîîOiotn usa-t ilr)ng tutu' (tf big iasta ifiat hi' itat! litai il wlîî-. overiteas bl" ranice, or sas i tterl the revival of teé oit! rn-ricai Pourth Of TUly sPîrit 'wiichciet WAUKEGAN TO RECEIVE VETS bock bis youth' Or. was t a case where lit Thé onulai Lake ('ounti tide actuaîiy got Into the real firlng tvî r lanti Sailors retînion hi lii lie heid seas and the explosions vn g.lll, n Waukî'gan this year starting Ai- ers of what he thouglit it miigiti buit Cuti 21. Hiy ttelerting titis <ut s ii,! [cen *over there." place for holding the retînion the At an ratehe ba a bi dîne and a( Arnuy- has confî'rred a tavor til At ny atehe ad bl tite ntiWsukelzan and it: ls expected that titi' tiiose who osssed and Jioticedti tt'i. ncitizac'n3 wii re-çponil by inaking tb.' cident couid not belp but titnk tl1 ' affair one of tha blggeqt ant i fltta if tie could find amausement tni tttiucsflee edi ieci tint' lie was certainly wlcîtt itil T feidate ! heldrinthn stinl se aeeiitg that he bad dont, iibit lo edteei off tte Ltill iin tli is wr malle many plana If te afair ta lu hc a cûmîlete sticcessa In the npar future a rotnmiltveeail! Exmoor Country Club aet lîîgltll ite aPpointed 10 makei, he npessarv Park lo again planning a niltitar.% bail arrangements. witich wili surpasa the one g;nn 1w, The las! enicsspinent bîlîl In Watn. years ago In honor o! the a; etit kegtio was ai Hiecl iir park wilil Fotrt Sheridan and the Great t.ake, affttrded an excellent site. For that training station. fi wlll takle titi form reason an effort protiably s'il!l bé tir a welcome-itome mililaci [;tiI andt!itode In zct the'same place tbl' --ear a stîpper wili be given Sattîrtit'. e Ont' t' the treasons why Waotlegan tting, July 19 in honor or te clhu desires to malle the etiteamipîîtt'tî memhers now reieased freinmilitîtary.memorable onet' liti>-car La tuth 1e serviice, and a dlstfiguisbi'îL group onsiter «f nid soldlltrs in W;tiiitegani tif Lnvited guests, Iocludlng Gov. and Lake County 19 growing sînaller Frank O. Liowden and Xrs . owtîen, each year and the tituie .snîti far Rvtar Admilrai Pirederick Il. lia-tien di.stant a-len there will nul lie suf comimander of the' Great Laki *Irii tlen t î'ft 1 toîod a retiitn. wtti ttîg station. and Mrs. L -iîtttikegan this ,year wants tut carry joyt li Gen. Leumnard Wood and lla ttoi h.bers ail the di vett'rns anti anti many otiters. aima tn makle lte reîuion tritgrattt ont, of the besi possibîle. YEOMÀN1TES ARE NO MORE; NEW OR- DER IS ISSUED' acct'irtling tiii na wi(ait elt-r Ofi G', lt;ty del,.armn't thIltts lii goIn lit tit i' o, ni,'.'- îrtitr a iii nul uit tit ttie ,lirgi' nint'r tif girls ntiw a iti, Truck Timi'Tc a 1 ftuck T"m ta Bsk RUEWES GARAG E, lac. tilt-'t iOf titm have taken civil ser- it-xi \tnatt<if.i and wiL!!continu. ii l t, tierking work they have -n u'fgag,.i att. i,- titan, itn itatue awil make a 1111 t liii- Iioitîi t o tii he yiomanette,.i lr hI- p imiet cilserv ice lis lems t it l t iv lt-iet ltîtctintideratLon i~ ~ ~~ ~i t i t-itîtteialloweiL. AXix tittit"1tkl'walto is c-iargvd with a' aI nd t btitterv a 1h attenîpt lte li t iti - l 'lîttititn îbtnd.,;today. He va- t la rgî h a t t titoting h La hro. 11i 1 i l ' ,î 'it i ttlt Sunday nigltt. \Iaiîstraiî. *al',s-tr iward li.-c'.idence -- -- -- - Whol tCar Now Ri'vals t1xe HudsonÊýUP-er=Si1x? Does any other name appea l Ike Hu-idioq* Deveqé by 10 years' experience-it approache;t the perfttfon .menhad predic*éd. Ownprs of Hudson cars undei'sfaid flhc per- fî'ctjoîî flat lias heen aftaimcd* in the new Supeî'-Six. They lhave ha d experience witl itifs i't'iaility and eniduirance. Ift vas fliey wlîo hiavte (loe so îisîeh fo aid in ifs d(le'l(pnieit. Anîd therefore if is natural thaf when flic new' SuperSix was announced, thec first buye- î's slîould b hfiose who knew the car besf. Its Quality NeverQuestioned. Nuit sineflic first SupprSix-four yeaî's ago-proved its leadership on specdway and in road tesf, lias a'nyone qucsfionc4 its rosi- f ion' I If was flic covcfcd car of thousa n ds '1i mîuld îîof obtain deliveries and of other f lon- saîids w'ho could not meef fts price. Now~ production is greater than ever. More huvers can be acconi4odatcd than has becri possible Before x-oîu nake your eliciee, look oveî al the fine cars. Let your decision resuit froin fhc know'ii qualifies and their comparative prices. Here is Hudson Proof The new Spe'i just sncbP a car as vonu wolild expeef. Iftf vpifies al the experiene eained in building fiOOOOeaî'lier nîodels. Ewery specd and endutrance test in some wvai iifluienced an improvement ini is pcrfoinî- anee and endurance. As a resuitthflicnev Super-Six starts casier, rides casieir and muns more smoothlv. Ail fli old quialifies arc retained-many arc enhane- (A. TliiiîïF <if flic valuîe of sticl a test as fthe doulje iraîs-vontinental run in whvli a seven- liasseiiger u' fnîi'g car niade the r'ound trip f'toii Sanî Francisco to Newv York, in 10 days, 21 hoins. Or' fle 24-hour mun in wliich one lilil(ll(ie 18~19 miles. So also of flic nanv sp~eedway eointesfs' Re<anrds more iminitie tliaui tlîc e enpýeraturc charts of tfli uosf cave- luIl piîvsîcian, wcrc kcpf of cverv plhase of Iluîdsoîi tests. As a resuif IHudsonî engincers foniid wavs of enlarging Stiper-Six attributes, nîît p)ossuýle under other circumnstanccs. Tliat is w'îw caei new Hudson is superior tu ifs luieessnr. If is w'hy the ncwv model is Motre desirabie than any that lias precedcd if, As Always ini the Past, ,HudwonsAre 8cae Thîeehave neyer been sufficient Iludsons fo îieet normal dcmand, Mid'season lias al- w-avs seen a Hudson shortage. This year is neo exception. D)ealers arc kecping delivery lists maade up iii flic saine sequienec as orders are placcd. Soîne dealers are already sold ouf for weeks ailieuid. Tîhe situationgrçws Momr acufe daily. Phione 31 for demonstration. Waukegan, Ill. TrIc'e is a titra lige a îîul I t n llîg in- teretin ithe Essex w'tvii'l Wl'aveý not licen able ti fîîllv exjîlain- Yoîî hear the niosf sinîei'e eýndQ'se' nients forif-,t qualities from mlien w'1o have never eveîî seeji the car. We believe tlîat more tlîan liaif a million pecople now dIo iitiiniatel>r know filie Essex, lutit liat docti not avemiînt for wvhat it lîciîig said abîout it il! remote coznnîîîiies wherc îno Essex car lias yet appeared. Distribtîtors report havitig recel y' ed orders bh*v mail froîi persons w~ho sa V the vt' ave hi('al'(lso nîîîch about flic Esusex that tlieY 1okifnvi is the <'ar tlîe't' anit. Peiliaps u ot, foo, are on(-w t-ho lias ii(if vet 5(111 tIh' Essex. Y(ut «'voit ail- iiof 1)1 a reader of these w-uîids aîîd nit lhavte leard wlîat peop)le 01 t i' handl are sa * iig about it. Bevuîse o'f what you hlave' lirard ofliers say, yon approaeh flîe Es'sex~ 'tviflî flic îost favorable iilesun ýVitli so îîanv fhoîusands nmakiigflice Essex thie standard of thîcir aufitiu- bile deqires, there is s-onîi explna j mn for flhc confidene evideiwîed w'lieîîmt"îu send their money fuir a var lheY have neyer seen. Surely It Is Not Because 0f Whiat We Have Said Ail that vo u have heard noîf Ilie Essex is what otiiers have said for' if. We have made no claim forif ' i.~e have published no descriptions. We have not said if is a hetteî' car fimn ainv other' W'c havec îof even ilitilia e(l tbat ifs pcî'foî'mane exeelîs thev peî'fo'înanu'e of other cars, lBut on ;iIl sides voit hear it compare(l to cals, voî knowv favo'aiuly and in nîost vas- es to flhe advantagu' of the E~sex. Tiiere ean ho but one explanaf ion for' tliaf id flîat is ftie Essex niust throîîghli suer ilneîit have'cw'n flicad- iii'toîof. those wh'lo have sccfl and î'idden ini i. Then It Must Be What Others Are Saying Tii evei"< ctuiiiitinifv' some 0one car 's i('e'n)giîized as leader. Tt is flot jîîsf air»cvlva if a giveiti niake. but an in- div'idîîalcaî' thiat holds the hcst re- eoî'd for' sîîed oraecelerafioîî or hlll e('limintg. Yoîî must know soîne car ini thiai wav. Anîd haven 'f vnî earul menci afteiiipt to cxplaii' fln' Essex hîy ('uiliialjsui "li that car?, 'Iliaf 15 the' w'iini tli'îi i i(lin-L qiîalit les ar'e lttuili.l Ifs finiishî and l arîvat'i, ikviîedft simîillar qîîali- fies iii oflier ears tbfhiapeoiple kno'tv Ti ai elliplif iI xîlaiîî filicveut- so)n for fi in 11whiiu'h fice ssex lias heeti na(cpfctl werefutîî îalwavs lo flic cal' ilself. Iftiiîst bave qîlali- tirus iîclia 'ew'anted ttl.If as oîr aimi fo îiîcît fliat dcmand' Wp Nvanted it ola'ef lit' adv'aîifagcs ini eonon)y of» couf and l n!ii' i joli(f flicliglit cars anid ft ýilNo have flic endurane and iîe'firîian' as-%vxell as flic appeal to itridv whivil have been excllusive fo u'sfv ars. ITS SALES NOW Prove It Essex saleslhav'e been in cxccss nof dcli't'cuies fî'onî the ver ' déay flicCar was annîiuîiecîi. The production inw l iniu\liaf('s 100) a day but does îîot hiegili tn nîef flieiiccds. Ask aliv Es' sex îlealu'î. If w'l-at othiers arc s-aving cil tries fileiclue convîcfui n oit as il docs to ofliers, tlienî voi îît sî eii or hafer w'ant an Essex. If is bcsf Chartles' Bairstow Lake County Dealers ehP~I.a0, 1~rsipW L*fl*V.u eal 't. iii ARS iiL~ Why is the Essex Bought By Mnin Remote Sections Where a se UesNot Been Seen Mail Their i Orders It is An Unusual -Mark of Confidence. Men Who Have Neyer Seen It? 'rty à ýi