CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Jul 1919, p. 1

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LM~EO~ V%~i~ X~VZL-NO. 28. I YVLL miNDENT11111 WAUKEGAINÇWEEKL Y SUN £HU MADY, JVLY m0 1919.- ONE TO EIGHT. $1.5o PEm YEAR IN AM' LWANTS Wime-pwmaSa aieSvtiuIts c lI D c :%u, l, e t mv mamau. *be..mete» com S Ail ediaa uruai tramCimm o MIhv*e e apaavit sasmorMt ai PaVbg , Obteitrebeli tireug Zi* clIp. lb h m xprwtei hi t cSmmu rme bave maie " om- pliai et rani a *1a m*mfer &Mr ly viyato tas atosp Il. Tbi s ava pppmg ta ueS beldu bave m ma a ftteum ut" Me i bave »t mue ueifl no km tactmw. YOuM lbft e mm c it tiemavaS ai ti uitinhsa u a mt-av atsiseg t la the oplalea -muneif efrmiju tel bit luVn 21ew it r 1 pNt e t. Im e di'vl ha hies'rt cfthe itate raid., Benne of tbhextamive mai of tii rOi, illame sol liOugIlpo'Oml tel v mmuado«s Ba maiemsuat- rtemplta orectryte bai aimhlor a ohe-ldaa rosi liaIa tiltvm t a luainaii ta the"S. slat" a k.nii log il euglaos'yfor otgaultgbavs throgh viol iste roaem uata pave th e mi Imildi of tie*limita vitilua acistaluUie. Slmcithle cncret. betveeu Wauke. 9-au mai itCly apmeeiup hua veuaeasm me only trirns lg pce «f rm btâ"are0& mdl amnor 'brick betwbv uem a" Mfwake ar tbiefthinuga ionMda "" amt sip culaiS Elivukiebut tb v u eU gravita sd hlaa od mditom. 4-No mm Arka bava ein reoeiv inl. da tiI Ziba Mn h»an aa711tamhlan 'w eesrlag Sh<ran raid tlb ibebr SWSEÂNS FÂR * iEsIoeTms NahnWLIMhnn e Vicof cfr ummnos:Woman's AIR TROUBLES__UN COURT blaiba Vielmn. M09sati Cana- f#' urn e, aa cim ofrohumtancu 1 lIbo ta the tati of vue le un- Medil h police court tbilaammg lybdiesuda aonng Mau bini, MOOFdWg ta the alary ha o t lie po 110% 'pire vmilug alagGSeme ai. mui Water ste, ouwaulgt. A uàrriil vaann- via, le employiit A tr Qqrou retauranit vas a short diia on tt f toem. Wlsbi- m Vu v&U. lalln mesl bis h5coin. omd*o about a malter of buima. te Ma alU you sanitblng," hi *hiàiite reàima ie hm aim. iu mw »Mmneneti tiomi *e wa*a v ire dlvite àt q, t w vhl 1 dabom ut aiave lias Ib Ithe en'ct e ta. m The 'bubfni v. mi th fe ristou--a---u0--i-- i vquuhufl MW "h1 lime a poniemnarv. éd -o teesad intretiiahi peUplu ha appiar lu court tilé Moa- btbo hi laIhe affatr couldi hi atreut. wvomaa n he liecae mmrtui WlUjWMeWm bai caughtl bahora *MIM "de. vas denW iby Vu. __ bd isf*lent. sbcmDI spuui t oui," Vi- W «maSu4US. "I bave. a vite 'ýW* ebdrmn aI home sud iuin'? la baresanptling la do vtlh matou àa varaut for lii Mu» 0 ffl ilU»pud li lut vatad, hlm - O= tMo aa'tasi uetIn l ehie15umIe Ub«WtVUh bas 9 oit magua& Sa wifonai rSav. te Greon woul Ulth a& mm, o w4ms io Y 1 -' Zai Ood *«0 bât ilsmuta la joige Udvnmu » aa e -10:0 V ssiaY, uiomd nei aui -ahlmvi à 'vaaduS im tete t t Ati1' =Q'a 04 eh frlà Shh A vt lie s i iecree ou d,d a*aos vo "am bcli.ftce 9 f berhsa sum u ititbe îénta. 1 abevat"& amtirfa tlimeiuroi 1 aer vuze h*vhg itu**lpvmvo «vali ar Md mmdcodud hiovas go m tfor boi. *t 1hPv« ov aa that be and him pum Uai> hpi thimlvie for le >i ba aen lMr. o0odbcul'm ut andm 1 iller muamiiiIL.iranitii Uari" garage r lowed It viti aantier cu -f4« lhibaiomecurlylocked Il m rtbiy iOUndut itart tbe mator. That va. iji tber vire fuasin gvt itIlon Siertidan eaid. tThi aoranngMmra.oaodhout vaut taei the ag muMd tund thle ecam@en Unt. Divans tienrr ecald haiia vian aie arase oday ahi mmv tiecnla rage curtatus towered but tiaugit tohlns af b. They are wusty rai: id Si. thought aating of l but vien Uri..Gootbont ltidber tht car vwu gane, mii conntudei tii sait ar% a baitverid teecurnas vbeu itellg tii car. Téioc"actustfurtier la tiat thi malBum'. vMr. Goouibut put ils ear ava', MW lIa criaitii Blueet valci- ed te Ilgito ihaiper la hlm li m4" tes vmlei a lime bif arethey meneatheii nodiei bouinpubi- ti M cet ku t v e h *Mfouni va Moied ami roange ta i i t araume an Sierldm a ad Tiare sam d ur hq'eowant @torti Il. biy aimmdeIl «authe a egan Ave, for' marna et nev Street tula o r et tilty. lira. ErMata of Set Zames Stret .=lalnmtitimiÏeaghete .me Vid re Iat mSU I vas ber ion *ho -nge sei imAvm»i. . HELL IN TEXAS BY the Author oai "Tarai aParadisi" Tlhe Dol la hbol v're.tcii vu chalMai Am" à thoirm n rensh.thvi rsmah"a. ne noltha S im ai S oi iMd h. gros. iau dotai te Mn &e hallof hm.*oua. Vith OMM $gorme* itbam sior mm. 80 hilb. the IAMif bh ba m ban Anuhhot .11uhaehimai."i. nua imsali, "*Tes. 1bave lamtr m. ani. 30 1 ffl vu ionh. UEoGrande: Tlhe hmll ii uby,' thi m«Uai0tpur 1 dmoit litai "Ui«âanlmn. ta boa mSmi." »Ut lb.Davilmaidoua 10loohaI Ibm uk. AMiM mif ha lock I m a ha e u s Uk, lai mtw enoasam t e aill ani volt. Se wum too dry tfora alle. ieta 0,0w to Mit Iloff Ebau" "aimdhi wdaousvaar.pau bun,.r Aeee nanti, cithasUe af.alldl bi ami ?o heimn a allbo.," ihmm ca mos.m NehamibraavgIbooesn or h.n imlml mpbhepd vimultloa Sa ami !51taiuhe.nseth hkbmi Tm fflb= «Oma"io d tatsai ~Am Who a do« ilil'm mv: seh ibangoI l. klsnID tEhècia mm A"I.duimela e aigta i ut=ltUm bhua lský masi-hir. ceivutl an o t y anhs Ea'd aymiste inepu 1h. oflg,*m Abl mi i bohih vatoin ules. * mao* Ma netsa tb" tletho m for >. b.eltamnsehnund sl Mci bailIuDi i 1.0 aai flan; jumbe u h a oaM a" eeitha bl7 'toIie a Mald@ hpac ia ha brb i aeh l'mii pahoateBow'ma h bmnc b 'l'h #ilomam ai él al l o ar abe to lulli a gamOieai lIe. .. vii Coint HgIwySuperltnd- PAVORS MTSPOLICEMEN ne Euiiteti ompwtalat matai-- lets Ave usiatle amy su-thlofa comveba pa6vement beainWuii- 80 au* gthta gati lina a. a spieivar &. ii tIsi4 Oharis uamehi, Coataî 'e @liitatesmti of ilou"vay , tareacl dt à 4*8b# ta mtop te pracci. & - ý&- * itil asarlàAi day thaI be OF ettomeh mie a roqumul liaI»Mre 1- M161leat motos-cycle ar9 hi egivn Lt plieor constablie paverago tel 1110i coui PRîro thle district la quemîlan A" ma »gaoa arvestil ce $llatoa. Mri. îbRaneli ba men the mathmn ut, vili b- Mlm« Gnee ta eue vhist h conu do about IL. ao "f underitani tiat e tiigalc la 91 Planalng ta *mploy' a aumber or d =»tned palice Umtnau4geuthie lea e un the »nev aImi iroam" héamii,s mg- u »èta ILbliatSapeedins 0 ba stOPPed. Sh a condtion vouui be hi tuanmd Iliope liat mie or lime. i amura la agegned totahle usracto Mad bilvec a mndami.the 4 Mate tUni. bu the meanlime. howv-v an, I tbîni vi ahauti depulise smre- ( M ta ei li taItiere are no more *vîntuonu 'at tlbbtime.". 9peding hIRWilgan là bina * cimoim effecively l'y lie vgilance, t f thie Police andi vile lien vere a rnumben of arreuta at lira t lle sita *Y he tipoice liaI liey are lecoming lies tiqluent. Ther mY liat matai'. -foiaue beginlug to regtlm laI lier *muaI observe lhe autamobille regula. tions or hi annoeda. Thece dlym u- 8trc7cle Policemea br.nierlng mon. vIce a" the etcvhia police atma are doing nmach. AT LI%EITVILE Ti rac«etaILihirtyville are ioff.0 Te praUol f gaaihlng imUea 1 pmeg hooraieolag pi eVidthe deith.ka rnathélicoooat Fprew .uîm O'Lny, ht h age slmm oMW a- Miula vend cmile te the Pro.- matem raf as Attarqîv Bus-dame or- deig thi raaiata *top. Aorglpg. &V thia noan hipmuantme ofuhe" out af hava bega Mud théi. matls' negthue aw mete am ua«aiter. ThoIm e it vwsadmlhied, auld net bu l'unit U eut hen am lie Mutum aihtnse vire put unies- lier bin by Mr. DBrnug% tius-fs- thei pmeitere iii hieu«Ifthingi off. Sicy. Vatkilas et thefair aseocIa, t lion ati toimi: "Diputy sauS GrlMu calied X. OLemry Suuday mmd * ld hlm hi btter caI tie rwaua off -miii he ili a Tht lalakov about lie matter. Tii boraeeva mo-belng mbPed avmay; wev v trp aid bhmone of lui for thecana- t, tain-or brima seau if bieni heu." Thé Nortihnetera nratirola h Vi- diuthy r talg 10gel lie vepulallan of havig lhe biat rami bei ai my rallraad In tiee anuhr. Thîy i"fs go mo tar as t timiali mil voiim tram Ibeir nrbI aiofvay. . TII. marnlng a chemîdalIrbainvt 10. 1aik ar. vas lu lb. local yar". l'hi train liai come up trom Obtoago sprinlg the iglt af. vay an ethler éli vth a ciemîcal la kil theb. vus The mepr elîmînalis the veeia - abqut 4 feet emch idi" of the Insela, ANTI, ANTI, ANTOI Ulxby bllon or Mate Mate ipi oorncop n o f lhoir boieseor Soba oct éf tbtl»tsIor whan'vwm4 acmé 1 m ad-M ybava """ Selleu? WW I l'H ýCDE 10W ain, b«fl MOOOrae .held aI liii .LirWyili *01lthy the. 01.ear> crowd oil g 0ie*.r@? Aoueapl ttote ilrmatlon furnimh ed th#$ papp.'Lary and hieOrouua havi eue~Wu4 ire which wll run fnem 114 e k at Libertyvilla Inte cfimm, ýthe>' wil Umoa e. cnet in race reautU and tt h by-ol te booksain Chîcae spiWiirlg Ciione, tlh>' hopi e a efor the deficloncy omuami W * d4 nasntion of direct . Moi *A M ~the wlre, mliii un. de, ue110eOM01t1111unIrai, la hmu0d te fgure iUailé - itla sald lb la ha- OeMseiF N IWOthat tha races have bien sailtd -.igmîfln for Widniq. dey. Tins, bg' *0if S"iseacret uti etii proamute«@ *» gtotacircumaet Atty Genealflim eand big orduire that theabol#-itthtic sdmuet ceagi. Zini 0%«#Y' ~MalvaYo bai the repUWmtl« bllSit a «"MMi Eu- Mud Jura* ta gvidg ta mhov th, vhite fiatiér' hlm lat hi ta bor. herlng aIR , QWaNi. Monday nitt "l'il rtûtttim t Siit7-dae race menet- ing at Uiboetob as adverltii Ir 1 minth ie&y-, agictator on thi grouuna&M 9 *M erypiny of lia pure sau nsc m piv bank muain.. 6 cni-openyWeefii.t& dey vWiU 94X*5afa and race evi day Ihireettie' q=eul y 2g.,. Th".wva *9 aoumeient fora,. co0mlng frise 9Luarfaltowiug the Poittnmum*-et Nonday'g races. And «ii1...ft bai ipokin as above, sherlif Greeu 9f Idie County announ- Oeil tint b e5hSiMUfY vouji hi nt th. racee VihiIa, sud vould havi aide thiri4*0 vuulicause arrasts Of Min via Moàt tu gamble. Thi e mutue101401betltng macditu virre-mVif >* e t rk Mmandy -fherodu. Me las. vre atiippud tramk the ariuh' boa«»e Il vas mat. -d lu lie afim4U thtIplans vouli lie made ta is4l ra Zce. Clary M ,alhdtiti b»atbree pgIiiboting mach- ines lntallii CàW-*m'oqM rias'ta tia -11129 c« AftquY Geurai Bruni- ai that mutuels vhjbt e i Bat. bettlng lava, ami i- ml'ta iip tear af lii la i Il Wae uceaaay ta remavi tii mmcklnei freoithe granda bita,. the bang-talla cci im le tha tria vithout *oruthetiimi This viH laie Ivo 4..'h ine. tie r»apeulng Wednisday, "I hai my atto-nuap bu up the lavý yimterday -d 1$aouai mme that ùo paver on uérti a mmmpient ne ft ra ng base riaisthe ev. ['borna.Quayle of tIi lbeUtyvlii Law andOrder League.Uolvllb»taud. nu.', O'Leary tatei. "Bp ciargig $2.60 adisioan 113611896 X m u n MY races mvitiaut bhp trainthe lambling tratera1ù* f Iramu bu rromg. lu viich ca m mpbanirall mun stand the lais, but torelit tram me. there viti hi six »MieaI Uber, Uvlhe ivery day atarting Ve*iiiday UB11 Ju17 26, Sunday ieomotei. la tie meiantime bomam ria. thi rnist a 1mYs&Pldai*a"i fatur- may*bracing startei thir &tmIin l th direction tii adamse'gwdmm. 1 [D la Mouday niait Rrla lmsi attraci having closeS Bet@riap. ['i have lb. Llberwyi5m taibl Ig« liii Betutout Park tSUotierdmp, Pranimei O'Leary, "auj vinathe MO. 1 DO turf fans hI Cicag«e a gîile of MY inhieathiy val sot*: ta thi Worthi 6hori traci la &«mi.. ot t 'IMiI$toral behhlng. 1 aWut slip hidi imuai hetllug, btint hesiVé VMh n. ooiniailngy J tmp c wtaneie"taIIge sb ist Iveen Wilhani anidmpe.Hi- Illinois Enhots LaW IoIi Ap. Pressed urpriah le emzvity et plies te Siot M , man In te $pedi Iosani of dolars la *Camp, Cou 1". boimmor ~tuemoelaes 2àa. spwt tram Gai, bu mmii va. s bout, M&i Sprilngid, 111. Zuty 1-Ov.Loy. ileim.abs einavote tunaei npvmrd dn ent ta lie rebmiy eita ois Maker hi becami. ialover stata vltiaut ils approvp ý-or veto, lihaI tie beal.Volîva do~liheli thua leIllug Itl hecomte. hpp vi'ttiat "mredy feeding ou tha priai reporta is signature, finale Attl bill oh f thoefgbti" and "haoffed Upc.tus 161, vblch probiltlta lodt. mboelgath ier e» baid,. tapi or îlot uubiu t u oodnicatonof e ta or Ubangdevlceaula. candItion or the InaMistodap." viura lierae Zm""F or n.,u Coameatng on th*' 151 Vlvea olthNtot nu, IIkYMa> n ao olraia i i l thlaeu ai 'OTMiltg aImm t ai nuie 1or thomwbmet m M0* t b bbson ipia te o-tia qs pis idn Overmeer Voiva bol aoccuasisSn 'yPAI14 EBOXE, Probin ofLiving Iln Comfor n In Ifot Weathor Solved; a y ip for Local People. 4 READ IHOW TE> DO Il. 1- Dr. Ahexbaudi Graham Bell, mnve l0 ae f tii hahiphone, bàlIsound a wvu .tu cool a bougem aidmaki OI oi 6able oit the botent day of the year lhicitlp vhliî othîn Washington p.f Pi 'vre avultirlus h. vorkii lu eroan wievtboiai hen coule ta 665di truM. UMa plan. vhtcc aubeune shb AnYbhaY, lh ta store teInluthe tganret àm d uet 1the coûter air 1It rouais biot. N Exiplalnfug hbmiglacoviry ta the N& ' touai GegràPhle soclty. Dr. Bel 1iicarui "Ton boat your bouse b vînlotr, YBO uL cool Itlnlusunmer tWî gem up ttheiiAuhrtirganmand heat 'aur honuad mii vi. Wî s dovu ta lie tropicsa"iraiei. "I bave foumil oui umibcai dofect lt lhe constructon eai oui bounesa t absotutely preolie. gthe psibllty -4 COattug them teanma, great degree Yon viti readily uimlnd tue iM cultY vhen you rememier tbat cald air la heavièn than vira air. Toq can taiets abuckel of cati air. for «. ampi,. sud caipy Il about la lb. mnu mei rnd o not spin a drap, -but Le rau MAe a hale hi the baon cfet lb bucket Of course the cati air viiiaIl i-un out. "I began ta thîni binI 1h nghl he posalblê loa aPDirthe- bucket prlnçi- pie at limaI teoue raom m n>'Wah igon, home andi thug gît a place of retreat- he b.suimmertime. Il oined ta be advtmabli la clone up ail Open. lugs niar lbe bullani or. tii rooni lu Preveat the ecape of cold air, and open thevidagaItiihetop ta jt OuI the heated irl0ftiiheroan. 'l Iberefnevrovided a rerigerator la vhich 'vre elace large blacia or 'ci cavuera vibiIimIt.. uthe rva frigerator l h tue and ted thi cald ali dovnvari lhrugh a&pIe cauverot viti ambigU,.tats, cee i» hqroarnu of the hiae. The doro vire kepi &but miii tbe vldzova vire apen" et lie top. The lemperature ln tiat rooni va. porficîti calufortabli at about 6U digrn. DLOODIIOINDS TO TRAIL MAN Btoodboundi may hi usai lu ai. effort hO,, tcate'John Donati. s6 peara ohd, via bas bien dinua ram bis home at itIhvcod -zincsiltuiL.u day. JO@ (lalasahil ai Prairie ave. nue, Hlghvood, at vhaie home DouaIt ataYed, appealed ta Shin Grenu lIe IbIs aflernoon anmad miiim ta ause bodbouuia thibn boughbl for lie purpoeai taktng Up the trait a01the mlslug m&n. The aber. iDf et press tire s uiinavorug te locale lbe bloodhoan&M tRoonaig". Geaamint expresui thi opinio that DouSelther hai metît itidu play or bai oommlttui aulchde. ta eltier Instance hi lapes tialtith bk»adiunds vIt hi able taePioi qp the trail and fini lthe vlcIlia hoiy. DoIRati Rot through vo aI et h xEmoor 901g Club aI lin o'claci 1lat iunday. Ne ate dinuer and ctiangei hte claties, appearlng la ha lais minai good spita. Ri vint ouItaid dii ual reluru. Two peuple ripat bavlng mien hlm latin lulaithedg but bolblmg bas bien board or hlm mine« SEQIIEL' TO- ' eupf e*,0- 'tq ner mAbie « .rm aeami b,'At7.*.A.u #orl e ff th"e im Vagees 5mnie- t cf auwutto liomw Fgri e han tmh 1* ah tus VI"ai ulmb. hi rumai sama* gin~ or Wmmi i #M. 0»,g 'z- CHASES KAN WITri AXE î Harl8on - Jones of Antloch is RA( ~u~i C redby et-chnt witti WI Ife; Aftor- IR y"Coners» Vet Stats on Ww">th W(th Axe. 8J K At few di~ g "0au A«ttaçh mm c Uor ty ears. oa80 aginm" hlaoaaWho, WitIi N arris o n J o u e . re p o rte d I nta th e Va n - r l R O , W I u I l D O ke«anPolice that ho bai lat tbcrty- te, i ve and Fa IN five hundred dllars vorth of lberty. bo d. hi& civil v r dImharge pap ers. o lIP. etc * and dectared tbey vire stolen m- 2 i bistrust at Autloch. ,At t *9 AUITHER NEARLY 01 ay o m i aide the report h i as de- _ __ _ 't- ni t 10the Old Saluera' Nom@etulu e second iubled vatag rMlwaukee evea thougb ho duclmred eua là Lake County oc«gir 0i al hi had fourteen thocaaand dot- day afteruoon aet Laeie ' a leua vorth cf vuamblea n he lb. lIwotvChlcogo yaung misn ý le vhilch he delari d ahbem lotii. ter going out vith »Mu» d A miquel b ones' story about th Im a In hdiep vater. bj robbery vhfch thieVaukemgan glloThe vIctima: tcare lulied to duab«U etly ce tofay William J. Gitibonatwdt vhen IIt va. dlmcoverigt that Zona.ead 'a la to hi made a difiMiant la a muit Arthur Henrlcknou, twist, Wfor slanderir vic he ii viet0fa vi-al.9.; ikuavnAntioci' hualuesi 'manlilsi- Thai-you-g min whIL aix leged ta have -besm lanered by bis fmmeds vent out la a iod obs aged cil vu -ma o1éIocIhia der te a ve vM go The *AU'toeb mechant cam * e t and outd dving moli m In Vau»im tua vea ami reflauta l ti<i Vt aukegan lawffl ta i aloo . Un TtÊ* f the garty esi$l 'w itet r e t a In b hl M im ut e g a I m t j I S s u l O i. Ko w « vtr tb e p This viadue ta te «flt Sa10tiey couimmvis j ongeo buadli tenmte f h XutU bookiite thi bou caSia A ae, e rlalttft e vire f01U our W hm~ B oy I aw e ti home at Antioebiblei vitre a-c rhbn aas ove onth Wteof On. i* m, other of, the chant, otîvn tuh uait L e T h f " " t h ia n it t u h e n i l je re ta the W auk gm n la vyer ho o u aa ti ot tl Sunday 1mat vin An t oh.tu The par et elit 300g »W Jones. omUt, fros Ohiqago hIa1 *tld je Thon thînga bilan ta happn. The tori.né hoC 1- Zoues, vhen hà smv the lattera mliii té recovir the hadiu à- vhlci coalealu d lrag atate. wvetakea- to ibore. >f menti. adnitttedthat the wUvles> seof mnt ta Ehudonda 40wega d id Ilke i hibad, vrtg oee' a uue akbt ahi dldi tadmit vrltbg thei ttersBasassehiée .4 é tè 0but ate!r ho bi edrniame cetbine lala 141WUZurch tilt d'hi liéiit lOitor top but *ti li 0ftiih ývillage bave ýtYer vag toxy imaugita retbb«n' tu"fnd iti h lci b. o th e rs a d k ie n t h e a is p o st e re t r. T h g " Mb al ote h e q ' or Raviver, ith ayim'apuisemeau.iraiddlaravnSd lvIaniaw t erei Zonieta snob an iat t él$ eim o iM bq Y' I h i s o t n #à » 4 e e e 4 s r ~ U l i ~ i S - d trom him place degaulng If te s i»for rIk.ue ili s'4 d back hie uould kDithim tihà& rqvl cu' a Tlhe murchant la Aitjocb, auoe'4 oritlouDe: fata ti th ory, *vhlch ho titi tihe'oitrile ute" lawyer, utebl atIjone& bau me A tir! 0f-"é pe 09a4 eatlsa Inta t isperouinp tbho -idovu by oan m"b= aei t b itter l ook afler is v i t m ab * -- t he D W O Inn la 4 4 » Ske t rn n t garo ud o e tdesly M d mi. aternoon. LSb .e , tra id batertalyta hm bis nt t ita- m idlati ate ttvi te bim motefl caumut'. prent$ Iiurl bIdler te ,tbi:j d Accordlnegth~e iamaM suitWM boIlfii iili later #aie& ' baued on ieuat«nta* o tho *- t lOtà>m OUlimg ot hi 1band a vin "60Oq U gthe report vhieh came tuai*j: - te àte uu a rdmm. 61 indications ae&lItii mth#vil h. "e d- Iu f ibamf oui or the n a n om sia t f ricim n 'b'à heascou dai - klnd tiat ivir Smg d tcfAutle* t b 0f thei ur7%T0 oIitm drovning ooonrei latu couple of Veika iN» ies viho v re tath l n tela i. ,FOI LA[EAU N sdm boîteet tb, iD Ancr es li, vre rcovs'ed Fox làski reeort kie'petu, charguds vlth lmbngsli latoxlcatnt lquor on Suadar. Ibrmv up the sbauge' o day vientheir cime. vire um o trala luCunty court etat uegan and iatsmd of standing triai, chanued their Plia af ,nat gullly" otat OI f «ulItr' and vre'asseed flues by Zliue Persoan. ÀA à flué 0 50 vswu &08089 nos ie eucae. Tbi., vth tii WIWUim V« 91- Ar aiion of le cm t, maie $70 lu thlSU na orty af ca es bat lu nt iim taa S i m l s j I M -WillaniGolt-nei 80. I. Matiese*-4aegj M. bula ilsi-ttx. 70 Frank Nevma-4nm 070. Peter Clayon-iped $70. Zenfi Lui-fnei '$70. George C. »Kaeh-fiud $70. James Manulg-fled 870. -William Schmlulb-dinii $7. Zivand WbIe-92nei8775. rai Werer-ei $7275. Louis DiProft-finat 731. Paul Belu-aei $7371 -. The mais attorney molli pvaesu the information alalmlAna Laul. uer. Jamtes Halalu sud Wllhlaý schaitt. The case. of Ppul Vlniier land ivarul FichIer bave bien n- joumUanE8TeAOt.. NfAofl" .404 blnuid. Il la ixpeei thaIt ib*<e. tânaanta iit apper.lis ts iii ad pria. tui Atuxa"dus-MoKintice uit or tb . A m iok ns iA S i f Ho nç' v i b. ismui et LekFI uitla limar et lie îouaa aviatar vWhoeS a4" t 1114 A.A.. Soag ffl Ofr' «f IR 4 O S u e3 wp I I a" 1 :N> 'D,,-E,

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