CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Jul 1919, p. 11

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-w LBERYLE INDEZENDENT. TITURSDÂY. JIJLY 17. 1919 I~~A~IIôd goodn to Mc-, although you have inflt toiiowsd me fully. .*o e h POLIC « TO (jET -aw,-.11h:ad' landi want tu do tht. job by yurslfno eu au et AkIltheii T EFGLORY, but hï can't b. doue withrrut MY belp, for I planned tht. wrecking sAILR AUTOHI ,ohny1 ils myseif, n o't foirget tirat, Whi o re My son, you must obey 4 es Meneoong Wth Crime, tor I will surely hart you. Notifes O nerHe Sizes "' * 1 Ibave marie then stub- -NotffesOwnr, H Sezès lorn andi hardhearted dhout it, but Tief, He Landed in Jail. îirey are Gor'g children, and there -wili be 'a time *heu they wfll not %»dE JACKIE MAKES ESCAPE alo,âBoet. sîy they bave been ungiatitultite Prophet, who trted su harri to show ilrem the way to A woman pasrrtng the sewing ma. IHèiaVen, fer they are brave éeurgh ti Chne qtore rt the corner of Clayton mafte ful atoneinent, when ve are jand Grènemee Sfreet ait nlne oclack IbOatma Whea .Jéhovah delivera Zion ~'ruesriay ev-iltua, 58w ýtwo tallorsitrom un, 'thelr meusa will b. iited f rîuisng wth a reri Ford roadster onlvltir luhter Sudd lt 111 e ait up thre north sudr of the building At aû Wlth dur Bolgirevikl Zon, andi you Ipont where l is rîther obscure fren *111 hava to go over to iloll1anri and basrsrby on (liresea Street. Onti ierttut ,andi "weentegr" and She gti-rpd ulr to Manager Brown war bread wirtiith Kaiser. You of tire eain.. machine store who ws k5low i-au love thre Kaiaer and were ast frigide. the door and said. alwisys ,IbHrienàoerr until y'dut "'hrie are two salors trying ta goit atraid ef Une Sam. The Alie .tart a car round h. cerner and may at lbfr -r e iea u lt Inois tome as hough they a sre golng to gel i-ou, ton. and trigtoel te a thouh he Ia n thatday, t wll corne tu pa.3s.there tryin te h-aiit."wll b no more Joy ln 'P'earl Gmry Managr IBrown rushrd out and As.' and 'i'urple Cal' nuits. Voir mire i-noirgîr thu-i-re ýr Iwo 5ailoriiil, have sackloth, andi theretran ait thre .icWiflg machine copan 'a mati of a grearry rag,' &Il bpeause. red. car. Onè had iurt starteri the there liq a True and LIving Ceod. Tir-r. idor :iii h, otier sat tirewhecl lsaa ly Spîrît wirawili neyer give 'he' mana'wer made a grab for the Up Tirela tniuttering Haavenly mani at Ili. wieel and the other tel- Hoat Who wtll not b. defealed. Ttrare low haetilv hr'bt a retreat. The rail- la a Mion, tuat dan burn Up and des- or whom Ilrown had ur'tzed proved te Iroy noir Iolsireviki ZMon. Let ris do bcn Afx <lNe'i andi the man wtro ur best. and hnder as long as a-r marn- a (i.ape acordngte 'Nriteau, for a-e are borb judgad. I miut waa C. A. King employed tn the In-b. goîng. Wti see yori agan, sono, K'uranr, office at Great Lîkes Sta- asiis sarue Hone ef Hope for Err-1 tien. log People.' My 'Pearl Gray As,' firovn e lid ONeiI until tire Police adois." PAEUa ________________ T *'- .- 50H1q 0f tram, for you have been a were cal ldand atllcer Hilcksa, and Ileren arres'd 1hlm, lritng the Jackt. let th, tiprolicét'station. <) dienrcfln- *a,;that King slamirni i aua h.- ownr-d tire car and a-anti-nt ) tait- lieu fer a ride. Hl trier' t'î ay ii! thre biame on King and accrrrrtnzl, t>Nn'iI.r casne ta contlnuéd tnti ihi- iwoniy-second, honde bhlg fileri ::' ive hîîndred dollars. lHe -,ttl rrrtr in Jail, and In tire mean tlinme r ir- r n:ceare gettlng tI toracir -aith ( Lakr-s officialssand plan ta brin , king hare 10 face triai as n arcornîliirr. In tr-ing to steel tire car. t i î iïaý oerseas for etîbtealr montht, - t. erars ta-e goîri triprns shewincý irisovrseai service ai an-niB 'r- ,l raiher liitely chap. Whl Matirnger flrÔ-n a-as net Inclinf-ntt i.- uurh tire car.e, tire police frn-é. tzinrg tinat tb-y de go net from 'jtrsonmnr a aon but because tirai- ee it te olvn -.i et automobiles in Wau- itegan wir 'ave been suhiecteni te se maniy-'i i,-1t(, rt'<'ntty atitth.etbandsisof ,rinnu IL owr-s tire prublic a duty th(- jalir ininttand uniée. ie do. yrosàrcîr:r-t ta a mean-. o! encotirag- '"ing tuirs1 steal automobiles and na bod ni oua-a hara thre practios euti "top .... ATACKS VOLIVA IN ALLE6ORY; WOIÂN THE -CIIALNER. «Cntlunied risarae fl a yheI, s., a-a. Picked up frem tire Main Sation, .locaen-in te reapart- mettti of thi. Wrsaker anrd lietrayr of Zînîn. irn lire 'Homne ef Hope for ilrrtng t'no Ie,' ofwa-bli e ta tire tri- anmd foundlcr. This5 'Home of lltnpp fer Errinq People" a-as once itnwn as Etijah Hospice. atire watchinan's Par a-as strainr ed Ir) hrar, tbe felowing converpe'- tion was; heard te-en tather ansd sol-. 'ilolahevirrm im tier adical, extr.m" applicatii o!ofRedi FIai-Anarcby.) Tiren folows ,tire alagoricai rnfer- rences a-httmithe arer carles onI In tire irst and sec'ond passon. Ti-'l firEt person, il is plain te ar-e, ru'I meint te b. averseer Voiva and ble- minre Votiva's annual foast o! the tabernacle la nwen utire crcular was tlttributed witih tire nd tn view n deubt of tryatng to suir up dissen- sion among bts people. Tire crculsr atîdo up a-th the fol- tuwtng crndemnatton ef those a-hem Misa Sadler basnitakad. ZImC:PLAN isALL :.êê:oBTUAY OF STAAN; WORI. : tùut ie rÀcenom .6ALBERT CliINNi ME R T S IDAlbert Chinri, an oui lime re lI Firank Vols, Racine. 27; Kathryn of Laike Cerînty was bnrn at Burrough Helm, Racine, 19. bridge, Sommermpt-;hurp. Engthnd, Company Concedes Wages But Louis DeLaValle, 'Wankegan, 34; INay 1, îS5*i and din'd aI E xelalor Julla. , wyer, W&uIn 24. Sllrings. Ma.. Juli- 5, 1919, aftler a Holds Dut on Matter of Eda-In Galow, db1cBgo, 21; Agnes sbort Mifln.. Tiffe and a Haif. L.a Budd, Chicago,1 19. 'Mr. Chtnn had 9tarteni out frrnm Cea. L.' Barbon,, 85; lorp.nce E. is home ln (Okiahoma C'ity. 0kla.. PLANT RESUMED TODAY, Cala, Crcg,2 wt i'iteto vstn Stephen tratn, Mlwaukeea' 21; An- bers of hi, famly In thaï vicintty gelinre Commer, MuIs1ikee, à8 but stoPped Off at Elcelslor Sprtings Tir diferncebeiaentheenriey î.eroy Srtbenck, Cirteego.-22; Fr1.. for ireatment. H-e graw a-ors. a-bile as and the Vulean4leour3ville Smelttng da Mon.. Zton City, 21. thêre and his sons wnre calied te C.orpjany of North C'hicago warr ad- Carles Rolland, Muscatine, la., 24; iis bedslde. Justed lite Tuesday atternoon a-han Alice ngram, &Ulwoke.. 25. in the year 1880 Mr. ('hinn camp tn 1 he eommIttria and thre ofic iais get teUie ttsfo nln n tagetiier imd accepnrd tire terIras LusC hnf. iwue,2;for a lime a-as ngaged i thle meat latd doive by both aties. Clara ToblneI , 19.Irusinera lu Chicago. ln the year Some of the men returntre 1 iorit LusMle, f.eaoo.W,,2;1887lire conducter ta-o marktets lu Tuesday evening andi thc fuit forfýo Margaret C. Webter, aime, 20. 1 riatcCty. camne on Iis morntng. Accordingty Cari 1P. Wof, Wila-iftee. 34; Auna ln 18.8iho moyen te Oaitdat.. Cal. tbe Plant La naa- in fuit operatton Zeller, sainie, 20.1 md earyhin i. armnton. b Ja. M Sprng.Gtet Lates 31 with hi, famliy but rotîrrnn-d ta An- andeveytbng s hrmoiou ho Sa. M Sping GI Laies,30;tiecir, Ill., thre following year andi tw-e-n the employas andi tht comipany. Myrtie A. Denyeri Cbandear, Oila., 23. a-ler. ire èfiaged ln tie real estate The one point on a-hlch the n-mpl<îy. Wayne Bartla WilarIae 21; Ed- business .hai done a great des! Pli. werxn holding ort a-as the dt-ma,îîi an Kiecit. saine, 20. in tRat 'village ln tihe bilîding Une. that ttîey be paidtIlme-andahslt for Tlmothy A. Tulle Pt. Wash., 26; Aotte1a 10 .mvdt Sirnîlav a-o. Thre Company Insiste(] Albert Brott, same, 22. Okahoma City wherr- ho alan srrc- tt*rt they coutd net do ibis and ac. Max E. KIIîsSieboygan, 26; Lilsir caafully engaged ln tihe mal estate condrgiy that fnatrire was striekn-rn Braun, samne, 21.1 business until his deritr. sut of the agree'ment as rmade. That Curtis N. LittIatisîri, Great Laites,, Mr. Chmnti waa very Prominptre In a-as tire concession given te the 21; ('ardyn M. Qeimbi-, Kenasha, 18.' lodga circles, baing a merober %nf eornpany a-harems a tire Comamîrny Ray Mlindeman, OUIsz Wl,., 26; thre A. P. & A. M., M. W. A., M. W. ararîter tire raise from 46 to 5.i cents 'agrtMcaeMI-ue.2. W dtr aar isnm l an hour regular pay-. IagrtMcaeMlake 6 .adteXcbeHsnm lteririre tn tint particubr lina of Albert P. Zauder, Chicago, 35; Hel. peurs on the charter roil o! Sequoir ianufncturing liln im rpossirble to en Eberardit. Sterling, Ill., 24, 111g A. F. & A. 'M. of Antioch. a-ork eight hours' slif t, the company Michael Koakuba, Milw-aukee-, 36; lie leavea to meure his lbsn a aife, alan, Insisîr-ri l eoud Pot pay lime- Flora Warner,, MOIa-rka 38. ive sons and one daugiter: Perey E. andn a-ialf for a-ork over r-ght heurs. LaRai- K. Kemp; Grays ,?aitt, 22; of JnIr, Wis, Bart, Vicier, Wal- The. worlrn 41jaltoaccept d2 nt MToiL t 2 er J* and rà i.nk, et Antiocir.and Mrs. ture and it waas mereli- tiraSunriai- Arthur SauMirtes. Milwaumrkee, 21; M. .. eerndoe @ater a n a t twa Ul:use a-hich iietd eut ever Tueaday. (ladys Olsan, M 8 éirohca look le it E n tanfi . Tht 4i âaly repéd byth, rakBansnémb, Kénosha,2:;An- .___.... ___.. a-orkmc-e, rires the stînt, wa-. calieni gelina Valuiere, Kenosha 24. în, etn in ait, onee Iundreri ifty roe are 'Whren Cia I get a New- Englanri enîlto> nd, lu 1ha Plant. bolled dlnnerT' "Neyer boaerd of it. - - Papi-r~u n 811 r4e. alster. Ton con get gond goilasir ANI'TIII C?1t Wheu gypta-meoverrynuwlthrwîr- over geaderi sud here's a ChoIre IA ' AY D ie.,tier alittie lterest ln joint"-Prlladelpbta Bulletin. Dry ow hatliterature. and tbe uppits plant tirai grea- bee8 e ieed net for lia* WÂN'1'ED-Potirr tone masans an Waukegan Gettiflg So Derned o crlulIoa itla à oud ow rà 11iio&e Jpbnoq Dr o htAir Isn't ersl in k Sy liaida otirer places. apra6,&nto 11 II Even Most. --- iEmtrnIis-hlng an teIm In Trrerday's S~un a Chicaguo faper iodai- priainthie I~AITV foltoa-ing effuston: MELT N VING Tait. me somewirer ,est e«Se Wiiere the besa 1ke th. worM, Where threaiant no'tsn- command- FAST IN CITY mente And s min ca ratses athî rat. Som eahera a-est o! Suez' In Waul Wriuiegan. iîrly 15, 1919. kéegîn, Ill.. a prohibitttontt a-ho iteeris ait the rn-n and a fea- dosen mrore Iteal estite 18 movIng unusually cemmanniments, and an arutomobile, wPn-i accordtng ron8eporis ef mi!,! 1saa-agn-y, vïclously andi a-i ti miice rani estate firms ln the city. aorettought drove tira auomobla Conrad and Weale annorînce tb îcanled aith himseif and ail uis a-r- closing or a nunimber o! deals. Proper- tires into tire cîty water a-akon. se Iv blongtng te Li-un Wotey e!flB(- damaging It that the ciii- streets8 are loir, Wis.. on Peptar streut a-as aotd tonlai u. dry ne la dead cantaI. lie re B. P. litgitfoot. The P. J. Peter-gonai-hoeanmbrtou son liroperti- on 425 Maron il reet ba d rageni and dry Watieegans eould gel tif-nn afni te E. C. Jortes af Lâlk is nmb Poret, ichrd eacmanhasn')dl 'Wbat next?" shrieked oeaof them. its place on Forest avenue te F. G.« "They'ii bIna- ur the aater a-rts tlirtmpenr. ip?ôy Dleimeyer ha pur- 10cn Ralse a thirqt? Ilsa getting chased the Pester pine ln Wadswortb seyen dasn 't lai- tire duat." I - _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Oh, Ifs TiiérÈ! 'Ouch. How it Pains! BIUT JC'ROSSÉIE SIMALL OF 114E iÂci< OR OVER TH1E KIDNEYS 1 sIRMiI I Il EWES O~~RAQE, 'oc~ -I wau~ju. u-:,111g-v lIT n~m~rar JSa IN U5he NEW ESSELX "Father l;>eizn-bub, you muai coma dowan froinitire rpper atr, or a-heravev (IcFi- yotr ara, andi taIt thmng.',ovar; there ire gro mani- rebrellious heada bc- lng ralsr-d, 1ia-i logae my nerve I! yeni do trot coerc.and istrengtirn afl cerrnsn'l me tiirtiier. Yeur are irot giv-- ing me the ielp I need; 1 arn ln ,eap trouble.', "Fear net, son. I 'elil ba with tiree- siiortty. 1 amn prr'sidinig ove, la btg Dshevit carsvelitlon~ but k'e are about fintahed, and 1I as cnmIng anyvay.' jIrtnt tirteon minlUtes aftér a-atchinSm. carîght threaire agiin. 'Pcence t tirer, son," Sfon. "Don't tatk te me about peace; I have nn pence. 1 neyer bave rNd an JI C I a-cnt lunati i-ou te deceive thae Peuple and rerok ZMon. Net tirAi 1 care inythliig sobut tire People, ot Zion, aittrer, but i den't ltnoa a-irth. é? i-Oq are gotrg te stand bhi-, nia id gîve me what you promisari." "Tut, tut, son. Dont get exciteri. Yau are doing niali-, and While theré 19n anme troublea alead, I will speail Up n little and se. a-bat crin be6donl. In tire meauthme I muai correct i-ou Èûene.and showi-ou i-aur wani pointa; and te do this 1 shall have te uors ore ?al plain lanirage. Yaen g. eed nt troubi l te get angli, for 1 S in ninse e mi- bet menda toligirt, and 1 t fel, IncIIned te tait To Itnow wien 1 shoa-ed i-ou wabt Ia-uld de for yeon Ifi-ou weuld obey me and lreip mearesiirZ14 ibd 1 Md.I sir WtIl i-ou do t"i-oue sairi a bg 'Tes.' Nea-, 1 must tate eui-rsbick.tathe beginlb' rilg. for i-ou ara sncb a ghitôn, ii have suci a luetfor #oëd foëd, id 'Overeri-t se mucir, i-naire -drgas. Aq I tod Yieu, 1 amn In i good'idopd 'té- Shirht. and as i kitea- *rt tittgoe éf lbe plan o! thra Truc ariUvgll 1 feel 1k talkiug to i ya i faultyl A il signaia of distreas. The kidna ys have o muhwjrk to perfoinl Uric acid accumulates ln the. qstêm 'la fôtn o! Orate nsat. Obtain Kt $our neareat &rog stôre that splindid disc'overy of Dr., Pierce's called "Anurie" cid). Anuric is more potent thau lithia end dimolves ur& -i as bot coffee dees sugar. Trhen you wifl 1ir,-t know what Tfl L SSEX CAR IS Only Two More Cars For Imme.d1üe Delivery Se ahd Ride in These, Cars. Phone 31 fer Dtniongtration. ChA. AIKSTOW LallIe o 'ity Dernier Now 's the Tinie --- to look your boilers over and get ready for winter --- it costs you Iess now than later ivhen the rush is on. The wise man is the one who pre- pares before the einer gency arrives. We wiIl look your boiler over, tel you what it will cost to get it in shape -AND DO THE WORK SATISFACTORILY Wauk.gan Stea. Bolier We rkt Phones: Waukegan, 835, t135-M or 1034 PROPRIETORS: Theo. Babcox Carl Staben WauK~jan. liliasois I - IT~nI

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