CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jul 1919, p. 11

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-. .%-'~- ~ .-'4~ ~ ~ IL, Â.LL ;.J ~ J., J Il T~1R'fl~R'PVvrr .T ~'. T rIil!DTa'hrfl'tA>T>2-n' 'lYfl1TflL1T~ A -LX 2 1~l!~>.PAGE 3~ LIEUT. CM, ELR TumSIEt3 TO JIM'TNROADS EDJIYCLS. TtIR EDMrs. *ÙR ýMsChandler, Who Has Beeni First of Many Entertainments Promninent in War Work, to j 4 yte be'1u1det ,C@mmunity1 Leave Here in August. Pr eW udd 7HAVE LIVED HERE 2 YEARSJ ; -; MARINES ARE ENTERTAINED Dr C.A. C-handier, a lieutenantxy o the dntal orpsxiytheoded men f ront For thGetlcrp tte(reat 1aej Sheridan will be guestq tomoirrow at station bas t r-an tranmferr,ýd lta the. Community park of the War ('ami) naval, training tn a onunyseic l Dp ttt t Roads, Va. 1Pi.(Chandler *i l eave many entertainhuents whiit art- fie. -Io i ewps h lteiat fth ng planned for the men frorn Fot t for is aw as ttelattr prt f iis!Sheridan anld waunded Marinas trami Wyeek and bis c 1k and daughter wlîo Great Lakes. li developed a tew have bpenrrirî with hlm in Wau. days ago that tbere are 500 marines kegan will ]cave the latterpartofAu- hweeniedlPacea(rt gusi l)r <badie-ha.~bepeai uc . akes and the War Camp Contruntty local station f vo years. Service lo maLking arrangèntt-ntq ta shul iav cî.nsîtr-lrterodta eenterteln the mennfrrat the station as staton iri h atînntt(Iy athe oa l asthe aldiers have been cared for- hy dtto peeitiyalrwa -slople living near thé Fort. dedialîed and hp now 18 leaving short- The request that Wamkegan enfer iy alt-r tht signing or poeseterti heslirscqetrm Fr In? 4tandrrand trini tyhe tresidr-ShEridan. I wass suggested that the in -i i h stationdurn. heUne hioldiers have been arôund th, Fort Vers tstree the rtme ostatiothesa much It would beell ta g-t them fuia haîtî rtrit n ctve ar rs ErdIne cauthe ri a n -0 taway tram the viiity if If were ln the comrnnbranch af the tatef u oidi pcaulrsnigpossible ae slxty. men will ha sent counrit 0' national detense and aise roe l u rneg Circus July 31. bere ln a special eleetric train wh!lh hli-t i. n n much interüst in civil will swittcbai Washington strf,-t jur. mat!, t. in generai. Shte la active ciion and carry. the mnen diretly tn ,In tht- Pir-it% ethodlot church whpre UV y Tu A . tey are eedt arv i. nsha ttactued a Sunday achol clas.Id dx MTRA A LB hyaeepetdbarv __________________ ~ I~DEID LII 'cfk.The oWan club is mait- __________________________ t TOut preparatimana i'servlng thieme _____________________1 D>Ë e Il sFupper. Mrs. 1. M. Porter ofth lYIaA DaII Atub as been placd In charge of NORTH 8MKel AR te meatlatier wbicbadac wl LIIRT~ IMAhe___ HURE E 1LLUAL _________hb beld under the.direction ofthte American Ace ad Vctorv units or I.A. F. ttudda- haa reached New Electi. Line WMI Load Trains Authorities in Milwaukee Dis- the Oinsa' Community Service League y0rk SI, hwasthegon ne@ tat ofNorth Chicago. (Mise Graldine hi m:frrap:ved liere ;ews ay l ý Genésele Instead of agrée *With Opinion of Jiîey and Mien Carol Brozowski are the fot r a luegra Te r. Washinew Stee.Judge Halsey. in charge cf the arrangements for th.e or btwrir lt ud a enln dance. Mise Hil of the War Camp Erur, 4. 1tnîat two years and saW Cnau:ySrieeqstdoay mahaýi1 evc ntew lOTHER CHANGE EFFECTIVE BUT HALSEY REMAINS FIRM tmlit evr euttdtd> mucb iro arve pont fe warentheat atgirls belonKing ta the unitm For thekigpst fwhonis - epreirent at tue.daulce. beut- t'ontkigpoigraduai. Waukegan, July !1. Waukegan. July 23. The arranlgement. of the couire wnî a l i, tt'niversity of London.' Announement was inade ioda>' of The declaration bY circuit Judge 1, entertainment bave been under t.hs Lieut ;tll was married lni Àpri a new achedîtie whlch Winl go it W. Halse>' of Milwaukee that mar. direction of, MinssMary Hutchins of but it cite did not corne ta America efftet on the Noth Shore ln.e in Wau riages of Wisconsin couples at Wguý the War Camp Cotnmunity Service. with i , It a h expected that the kegan bpginning tomorrow morning. kegan, Crae nPoint and Hammond. "'Thii lW the finit entertaininent the bleicot iti ;-rrlv-e in North Ct'icage The- principal change war wiib re.- d., are volai eling termed "ail arganîzation bas planed for the. in s 1ý % t.i . ard tu the apération of tbe express wrong" by Deput>' County Clerk wounded men and *e hope ta ar- 1 it ,ov ,-caq visting hiti old trains. Mtartin 0. Pielin and 3tarriage Lîcense range man>' more foir the wounded friends t North Chicago tii morea- Up taeaw thene express trains Cierk Robert Krueger of Milwaukee. mien at Fort Sheridan and Great * Ing Il,- arived from France Thurs have left Wasikegan for the oouili oa Bath e tthese officiels bave been be- Lakes," said Miea Hutchias tadaY. day notu and 1.4 naw on a 15 day the even hour and thirty minutes. aieged by couples who bave been furtotuttlit'l, saw mticb active seF. Betweefripe these twa car train$ inarrieti et Waukegan and other fI viceInf rac le laed charte 0f have been laying aver on the turnout points outside of Wisconsin ta knaw SA lfn O the mo im -tnt 0f the ainmunition wJh - colnn ~iced~ whether or nat the marriages are trainzi or tht- artitter>' andi was 'ln Wahingtwn Street east 0f Genesee lega]. Tbey hald that If the couples BR P W I ýnearty ai tht- big drives. Street. Samluel Schwartz of the complieut witb the law b>' gettingaa PICNIC PROVED BIG 9UtCESS Schwartz furnîture compan>' several blank certificat.rof marriage andiVIg The i':e.'lyterian Sunday achool tiie han vaiced a strenuous protest baving lit filed i th the registrar ln picnic wr.tune. cf the mentt.tucctssftî' because lte WaIntaineti that the ere- Wisconsin that the marriages are le- anas t-cafr gis an by the cburch. tisence oftitse trains ln east Wash- gal. e- Ae, r- 1o was le attendance andi ington treet mihitt off a view ef bis .tudgp Halse>' on the other liand ,-;r on, tt- lad the time of bts itfe sEtOre and bhil a teudency ta injure refuse>: te recede frtra bis originai Sun Reader Compllains' that Fi%(- tont-icric tables wpre filled ighi made several pro- Positionl. Hp maintains that a wife t Care is Not Paid-to -Turning cti the iner.t cookng of North Chii- tesltst the cii>' councl and the mat- under much circmustances net only OfVad tLi t. cago iti.- ectîls and bow il titi dis- ter was takea up with the rnilroad bas na legal rights lnttie matier or OfVfdc " appear wtt-n t iry ail soi husy. The oMfciIs. insurance, custody ot children or ln-u.- r;tt-(, a-r- rtîn off before supper and Assurance c-as gis-en that the con- beritance, but aise ber dawer rights. WHOSE BUSINESS IS IT? the in,,-ptr/e,tionated by tie mer- dition wotiid be remeriied andthei or- Thtis. he stateti. ls based on a decisionM chants drt-ts a large number of en- der becanres effective tamarrow. of the supteme court In cases where Waukegan. Juiy 2, tries. Soint clome contensu resulteti Begnniug toiborraw tue exPress Eet conditions existeti. The titarrie-t nil-n'a race between De- trai%~wiil loati anti unloati pasaen-1 "Ilmaites no dIfference whetber la Waukkg-atrying te make up in yae ant il)t-ck,-r hadt tahb rue over gers Wb Genesee street Just narth of i tbey applieti anti recelved a eugenic che matter of lgbting the bridge for the riatitimcas no close, BeYae final- Washington treet wbere a switcbl certificate anti waiteti ai Waukegan the tesntlime over the past, tew yearis ]y won theabeat. bu bison laid. The schedule bas bieenI for fIve days to.get marrietihli saiti. when the bridge watt net Uigbted at After -,upppr ncctrpd tie long bier- arrangeti se that thesa cars Winl ay "Thie laws state that it la illégal -fer nigbt, b>' IeePing tIe llghts on Uhe aidati halt game andtilI was morne cou over aeiy a short time but the lime of a Wisconsin couple ta be married i o4t- bridge lighttetiln the dayUlme? T-is test. Tht. Trustees ttiayed a great departure bas been changeti Ba that Bide the state anti those returning te a l t.e question wbiclu a wamaa resti- gante and if tbev hit fot matie a0 In fuutre the traîns will leave ffttien thli, ity' alter such a marriage are la or af the Sun, asits and seouks enlgbt- inany errons andi If ibe>'had ti bat ek minutes Andi fQrtyýflve minutes aftryviolation of the .law." Ment. tr-r players and If the aUier tima t heur. Accrrding ta thl5 wonlan obo bas nt bit tht- fai go bard andtif Johni Achne anotateâcaiO~-ea.Cd geveral urnes that .týt Gates'bad bran abte te pitch an'# urne ot departure af local trains frot - day h it et ingarc cal if Lraascb hatibn l ohl ten aIorthi Chicag ~~ o hight.Istad a a had e edn rnOn of-Intely hc did ihrow aug 'if the uiupire haîti ef eviog oDu ivheeven hour aed thir- '1an ae ae w ll a eau Xiven everythiug ta the ther aide the lih ts ant gave cas te oa5satw t>' minutes af er the>' will leave ai NU N ock in the atternoan. and if ttha score keeper bad flot for Ofteen minutes before thcebheur and i* Tîhe point site maltés. C-j a point would have won the gamo. As if waa Ths causes îe tWetiat îu li takett. la tbat It look Waukegan -the score waa 12 ta 15 ln favar of Roy th express traîna, Th ii !ty cars ln îe agtarut a ij .Sirýzers team anti caci memiier ofwàchleve henolhaide wil co- KMthc bridge at night atter, beig l the team 'vas given a box of cracker nect wîîh the local cars et Uic junc dC'knes tramn the time il w ishlei jack for thirfirnc s-an. fien until very recently. The short»Se et CAPT. BUODE'lB HOME Waukeganite wbo use these cars Mono>' etc. was given aï thé e ca.up Capt. A. P. Butide returned tram ov- are iurged ta coutc thteve c for keeping thc bridge uaiâbted, But irseas Tuesday nighi and la naw et- aocw wt4s the ligits burnin; - off al ing rme ~ moheragoot aidhomothe heur af departure of the local cars ~fl[eqetini a efrtshig cooking. Mrs. lltdde will tailow in)Becaune tehineoflevngoftetio ntifmake up fort a tin abrut a manth. Tbe Captain lm look- express traies was changeti. Ttitre la I hU lie Sua oesu olnt ko whe? u> ha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 sttsta h ooia i ra ted trains. Neither le there an>'_____ seema s tuuaugb enough cùrent la porhal r(ati oher'buta terytputu n ang t t he dprur iflclm-I U i et tr hoelglt hbtl por thCat ather epng wa er>'s w caero fh iWd$*o tre.beieg utilîzeti in keepiiig tbe bridgé ant tratthirslepig uarer ne iîe Laurera Marie Jacobsen, 7 >ear aid tigbtedti t pa>' six taxes te tbe mattelf wretcbr-d. He ays aa> waulti cet daugliter rofMr. andi Mrs. J . Jg ftri te nau f bae oplint I h adme hOS4 obsea of 123 Piîiliipa avenue waa condition.-r gine aver. These, ho eQ riulyaIue hi oo hi b werr good but ver>' poor comitig bn.EIhY IIJ IAE i ~ feut fitteen teest f the grountifrotra fia l ousi for bic thre s n excse.He atiL'I IVporch wbere %be was playing. Tise Neeri> oee-fourth of the eurtb'ii la" a, fine opportunit>' ta observe candi- A À ex ctent ai lier injuries la net knOsWn surface le -esnpnled- witbia- tie emti. lion ln England anti France. He otntes. O I'E DE A but Dre. Knigbt ta worklng over tise ont ea Africa, anti it 19,a sf~gqo that tbe food conditiona in Engiantid 9 ' hlvad oe acaebrlt. i.ce4riAncaa t1 o6t$d ave becaou v e anto ilk, t tere,, iII~fI~The chilti bad bees Ilayiag en the or;ïl, Ever>' eigbtb, )er~i ~f flur wa u pl ei o ml cikbter, Big M S lÉ~ IE~iw i orcit and. bad sramebaw clinîbeti ovor a'gd'sopulatioQ livesl4tm .p flour ant auge'. H als deacibet fhe railing. inhe wos crawUing along poulinnt. The blach od. at length the moral conditions In London anti Paria, bath ho ayq are the-,railing holding on witb, -- à Iiei l19pbe ever y 40 years an banda cwhen berfot alipped off ««-7 1 q8> earoi. Thon. e 5 >ý bai; bondon> aeuenWorae than Paris, inaoiia>'1-i > ln tiee h lc nt b s i~ esm aid dialecte sprake%. >ogti The CaDtein Wi go te Camp,,Grant Mnepls il 8-it Iilego h oc n lewaln ln a few days ta get bia diacharge anti neapolla baaiteis, mllera anti grain te cave Ihonseit. -i>lec" f Africa, but rani't e* tbe wil rtur taNanli hicga ntimen will tiepart for Washingtan ta- Ie faling the uitile girl atruelu an theu writtei. One aresiiAnsia offrtume i racrnte ore.Cicg admarrow night ta proteat against wbat ber beand. ehe was renderetiu=iacus >!I$4iymsiaaishttq re Ameica Ac ani Vcio>' eagtathe> av a a %lot b>' Chicalro itteresta sclIa 8anti ber beati was cut o -Lb _.j-of 0hI. Plirrugisot ~à AMRHIS CARRYING MUNCH 75S la itit. canage Oethte late« t te Of utIni bcble h sau PeadY for action againsi Ocrman>' f bite .rm en fiet 5 aigu the peace irat>' It la oquippeut wiih the Frenchi 76M guns which did sue de wonh la 5h. war manned b>' landi forese. Th a American army bho&usait, et thon diilibl éùt, buS is a&Prenaà ir-m Sea Us Now and - Bave money uý rivb IOT e sud ce or nom -rT+T -tr â"d -f É%l n

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