CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jul 1919, p. 2

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~îrJLTH~1%Ie~ PUT . K. on NR EAN'"JdgI oton. uly 15-4& iniig gIYfl ~utvu pumbhhma o lei t. mm io aesei ,votue. iuer deeri. DOnetfth P*irAnMted et <IM hatet pofarVScmt et SI Frorn IMbFamfy, Thgovsrammt cemulth~ b e 'IRP LT LM 1 « y ha *» suaatt île 1mw. Tb*Fhe jA Y OBLM 11, aI.t.__ *-- __ e_. _a_ woRStm utli«W maolwu mut juke AutlmMi utmlmeith.e lco m p .mie eh o ba3oSd te' oumios., ,,a*,, ,MNY TIIEOPRES OFFERED be-mm " 1llteramllV er ilob»t ou Vo.kemM la thé hailor mai foe ,o u oiie tbe mSorbet fthe va. Ma" tboonlo.bave boom ta eam commi for au~ret Uoats e-a m*vter t om e. 0'do fot mt Bab. Thua f-ot eMt amant fobte l *à ýg5g'sal e of dealoba he Mabw s lMse oIfl pobl met- imé ua00atblebut thua oammat o !dflm - o to e -« Mte tub are se peaU that ihet vooW Ir* tdurea R.beÀ G9rge'.Tweed, WOUi ln, ï1IOLk I0~die MAT sÉ FATrAL TO ATEIR. the-a u etnhtrm.berne t el ,pMviss wu toom Scb for Jiber ormctAloon4sr 4...4oms«utiobeg ktmwn ruI- 14e~ te tm aI a*a*wa ~mt obert putb y frp ogr a':ua é' ftoa, Stu& ht eWsi. b, golwivebusitu loms à"-'Indw tt ae ,?obeb,=as#"vsrebut auo"s &Xal bp aMi u1Ne Or SI«» .tbat ttbai a euieus«bm bu n l fiicMer vue sIre. salmet aui bllkluer rwaave a lifttfrem the - aemure.&, ahefag.Thoreay, isa olmg uiai tatés Attcrae ltm-.ri, lai:tfermautI lise i.UAmotmbla te 8,:, i amSam ,.Juaeeosld meth A big atmbl doeu nfront t Y thé Police staion lSatmy »VOnR. t ne, à fine 1.0km9 mon otoMt ef théet -or aMW. a few minmtut muho wOu fndinq butor. th* mmut abect Iohle '.g la~ 1 y«earuths$ hae ove r c :0 ad dmaithi e ttoi0oohooke eali wamor M b, ouas -hlé ' w«n *oepudn@. Andte girl, look- kuf Jpfj5eJaOenl, brao i l «ObâU bar y .~t hend On hautmg'qi' gi~m b*W tl heu. mory, pn1 *Npmfter ou' orow etik1* ed' à,nemand àaltori01 :2C =u-- h.ah. wflgoin on Irm» or~t10te th# euwnusblle iii.01 li11e li e r for*homo la ÇPhiago C -5h6woiutîmeo f the girls plekei iD Atot OInte1*, Stationi Satardy aérlngualingboom tn.the. barrats, *OUt Ait the tracia, mal the aiglit IW or. 4hlua n mv of «Zéo. f1%6 uiiber girl t.e ttillbeing képt i y be Do-L Une . peaty4 the investigaion o f ber3 .The. tva girls vere flot aId Pale. V Th. one bolur hold her@ lua ,au i tiMer. mthaugl heIoml, unly hîttle over lztteém yoara of âge' vhil.the otherI slrl, about aigliteon, was a novice et liai sort af a tuasg. IàMit »oeatlbat 1350kof eç l01- or Iaa tery tI-a taua ÎhiÏ Oipht À to serve a farcefol iglutytgou te l fathers ami mothers tn WaUkfgan bhat they mue oli cumldenata of tbeir eihllr enmudally lite, thai ilici uta15 got ho tee mi'uere yet'tbliy muet ha severe eneu* te koap the n bolind. Father Affootod Whem the fathor board ubathlmie Ieuzghter ias et %fie herracta et9 Great Lobe. mli P1Mai ýnilt, und that In the cmvd i hioh th. tva 1 girls it ertaiuii er. mt ix malien, ha liid his ead la ahame and uorrow and wandiered if it cccii aIl belatraigi-1 Iondiont ,ami $ben lhe girls. taryhold havIr $ho bai fanonu aaly alter lier tather lad hefa p«Urtitteblâand behafall eoea ceri y in the veek and wu ,tbo ad troci raroait o u o ftetler cf ber titis?, ta fear actually of PhY- steml &buée front hlm. Hoe~tbIr~4j ovr mrneyeara fine borne fa Chicuse. lMehbdaig aternbÛandlami iSeverYthlnit t makâ libtserivi lMg ý Onso mitoit recooti thes yoaig gir wu ou it llma temM mmn nemi mna idnot rot lio4irntll12 o'elck The. tailer. vaitimi for, ber for an heur or soetater ha octoi mlis englit t b. home ihuonut back ove Me "or yeeraeng tii. perle of bis wtta'a onmttlneeu. T.ho ho va- dere iIf the girl liadim rbibi! mre cf lie? désire«. Naturali ho via *onti, Whon thé daugliter came homo -he toot bah0of lier, tailwed to lier .everait and shoot lier hard th Iem»uisuatheitact 'that ebâtli dons wrog ain «& g eut go lmte.pad then h. vannai ber that nover igaina euli ab romin eut afier eleven ocloa t mtnigit. Tho.. vle6 the noxi voit came t'he girl VaM out éamla foer ou. evea last, va eecil te her tarY, wbam the 'reoi hooi as emmv t vIf il.-* toec. thon the tur Of bur tfatuiiero rtixcameUs pdiabu araiSm ate8e, « tolin llhto the houatea0a turi ha&. w vet <lava touiad tolesigu 1anpthé, gras la Gtt Paý!iMk ai the 14o hro la Chlcego. a AndiSt v " bus$k' va. lioe. ihat ansatellr teqimi er amd'tlon the O5it9e A *h ta>our. thé, rlt t I" Wi al. MeOh t*peat'tuhitao f tee naloi *thèmra ami ithe îpnt ue mâit the Çb» -~mp irlbjsetol. *romou out th ii. ï Cliap taaiIl.wb>o aMay aIa j ol aaa~ t. m e..ste. ,~ ~ ~ av#"e 1.W xelae la o CboWY t.y. *Chue the fflgrl Ma a «terai veos m- i tEl Ilot 1,tom aai PO t0 tie Wlakffa 0beMpghc. $Sie._ A Pilai Shi. W. T. bOrste v Oi im e u ço I di ub ct o vuk m la rb i 5 . Q. . 1 Dci hm 410101 , , titi , . 1,eoq ~ oO ~h vu au Md, me m#om AAW a 84,1* cash. liresSelq 5juinNi bai jeagel :htbu *0 mOI ot Wre IEB38 iI ber onYUhlI. limiter. Moibwue 1 ut va, va.1 ot te the a?5 efgé lOSr'Sie.3 t atuer Su Chic agoilmiase V4 be.M ablWmIE sl.. JWW.e Noyes, PornOdii Lac, 40 A.t 1 Sta 1eyVon Lglan. Mil"at*ee, 2S ltuby C Ida, Mlwauke@.,J7. MILOt J. lichool, sme 34.,orac. ag ,man,1Harvey M - i1Ci.<oe», ago, 84 tew Everett D. Wllbur, Waukegazi, 2l Ernest W. »iei-Pu, QUtMaY, 26 ta C&tlierhie Zgmoker, ObluO. I. 0 %tler 'IL Calppll, Indimnapois. BernIce stuat, mlvwaukee, 241. to ]ue, Ghlwaakee, 4 te er-t 8. 1 1 llrnothy Kallabu, Wâukegan,' 27 te le NeUrnu, eameé.,49S Wni, Armatar, Wad.%wartb, '.1tà Wilhemlna Satahine. Chlcago, 80. Joehn 0uuiki% W«*W54 gar>- Galaglir, Wadsworti, 31.. Michael -M. 1,arson. 3icaïb, 21 ta lu Anna jak=aavdb.âme, a. A&â 4olce 1 et&wac, 4!myrtla M. fSa4berm uaq, IL elto Johnsson, Fairie, 21 to 17iîýA. Gbbe, aMe,44. Reit S. Aumua, wua. 8to Ci ra Jacolimon, marna, Nd it devéoeil thea that' qbei ml ovrCicago loeklng for bor. e ' I,»tie SA m nslnboree, laite te Evegifli atuirday ai the reeafr 21 Mbti betirean hlmmai hlhie daugb- * niamot gtoteC mlht 14W0cegau woman Iatérestedi in bgkWV uioyornanv«t egelaita se tahew tbatlie b.d boom t faut hàt ta àcertain amant Wheumha j! QÎk<tthit hbe lad mOt miiawei hlm &ter tO h ave CoanY ut thO me'n em h. lai Io mek, lier'pIea- ataithamy tramhome. He. ongalem Et b oul do thinKadSt*nêntly la ho fMure and the. father aud iaogh- or e*lei ffl Rfor Chkco teaMota Siff puer "enl. Ti.gITl exprammed lier fear that ii~ word soteler t h *nudîeWakugn mu ol-.. 4t '~yealloi hl aeOaUoBe 0~ve permue iifereut pl t. rot bis dacghter. PRICE Ta SOU ULR spé oT7krJoly 1&--"a tagrmas w 11» meront in theomet « w erW O< W rdIlcteafi flmt auni- ~~eatSlchit e é meei JidUlt. 19,11 Ee&y 5lorlf ami.habami ta 1c08 lldW mlia vIte. lot 22 block ÏEVOU *«T i and al Wte P W. 'llpu simdvfé, IOM 1, ,mblock 'Ba~i~Ub. Pax l.oks. W. D,188 C. r. Eldgett and Witete taCar- lt.e la»Minoul, a 46 ft,-nA 64fi. W. lç lot 3 corya Aid. Waukegm W. r'.. L ecer and vite ta E. IM. LAndrS. hicobu 8 and 4 Chiepo Ria- hnd~ tfgtu.W.. D. IM Y. 4. 11lrtett anidvIte tU M A&.U ColiIal W 1 block 1 lsuMii-qv- la HWglMiu, itlgbland PueS. Dec Hatate et Ga. . I..Lyn te, John an&. Marte aémebran, lot 80, 14ce ti loab. of -Mir GroundeWamkga. 'W-.' D. $10 J. W. ceet aumi wtt.ta Pa«r« i roman, lot 16, block 8. DamViouh Bide BOb. Waukegau. W. D. P15. -Jl1' 14, 1919 lit P. 5oeu i ai vIt te Win. oNlelot 13, Bloigettm Sali. Weai rgbmCn cein mi buéandmito V.J ,enygI A" mivitelm 4 Poell 11W cor. bhock g. NOXIY. Sud AU t. a oàkage. Q. a. $"a0.- H. c. ivoxia et àlte . Iqoa aMi vite. tract of lami la 6W @uo.11. Aven townivl. w. P. i. Amn. -uebmi dukw- e- imaSw PtreN 138 test lot 4 KSimiiuba. 35. t.nç@. k..Wml i uvit o Nw ÇaoWdl. N £0ofi. lot IL*W~S fi,) OoteAdi. te Waý-M. W. . ]N. t or affi. SILCmu*ng, 4«o îo.cglbeleC.Tg pe anmiM et amgan., a Il p*otmbw i b IbiSt ýbbonlrIug t CâmaI.' Ooblug, f9W P liUs . te L ae ro H. 7tbi balaidin. E 18316 8h. blocS 4. Cveem etta Bah. on N. BieiM i lM ai. &W"" koia W. D. $10. poetNovaiUWlds and Mi 40 PMnkoi a AMvUe, lot I1 bluet 1l Waaborn rln»1 WankegmW. Da 1 Moo., jtli 16_1619 catlerlne, Q Tripoie ai uib telI. W. COmAI*. Uàl. W lirais Mo toi Prollerty EHighlmn ai .Q.O.. B. (x Smith aijttaE. B. Da4m ami vite.'30 aepaIaeC4* 'r.4sIm, a e. A.LA lacle"eftb, WJ12.ltai ït4 fi. lot 5 ôlitlot Am e IlS leib. ' Wokg. : 81 H.L i l mley a"l'*te&ttg J. A iadrleh, Ioea S.t9aM4 le. block a Nora Cb$o.W..10. ý ftataetof1";m. ORlort eesmef ta PL V. amile" 1. . ladir, lot LUmmar, o Sumet fi vesta M, ut aMi W kt.lo»Mofao A DAY OU TmD OIR3 NORTil H,.SJiQJRI3 LIN 13 Fmu &e busy mma m woSffn. nodiing bines sucli riait returm n a hi, rue* mad rmeetion am a aws outiuiamong aew o=mes; No eensive arsagmnnamod be maude. Siaply peck a lie lunch away ia a bake cba. takt se nte North Shore train 5nd g« ou and =Wjo a day.s ounagf. AU.ywhee-ubq tise Jcrth Shsore Liae yoq Iiwl fiad a weoaing, coo .adshady *pot tbat will be ideal for a fwlboum, ofruli--where the dldren mmy f rofic and you xnay remt. lIfy désin.definite point t. go Io. viei the *Bc ,d w »ks ml dieu et Fu?ýtSiieridan, gmeoner uqditiow ior VhIIWSOwi& îtus many amuti,%ement and plémutàe oppoatunitims * Fait, trout, oma MM"sa Sm,. ta" m Nath iShorabainsluve evey our çp woeK da". ery30 n . coocoif~Wataia.No &t-no dis-dcid For hu&ir noaionapçly to the Chicago North Shoe & MilwaukeeÎ.LR. aputm amu tom~ 01%li 41 Mmli The. M. 0, B*uMeibig fourring viii Milmai cIrcua. hlch l.ta glviv . parforrnmceeber. Juiy 31 la vel I knewui la WB i ility " on hie mlvu1 glven u a leos, vboloae Mt*,~ talmment er excellent MMAb5sl xhihit.J Tblaseamon teeshow liai beausa-a tlrely gSeeovor. Stery wagOn. ril-' rami car, oie.. liattu lied tr- orfat te evesator pnt nd mitwo cot 0f ,varbtalituee oallre quilinnt b&u'boqa ovenbailed moi put ISa tediaplt ot eaoittlan, nov vo*Mrobea for the on. tIr gregtoan sd many ev ant- ' tba are uvrinvnumbelu on tue bIhili m yeur andnOct leam ie thon lus a paotodonlO dancing se tut .vblch orl hors»manadi ortY SgIrltaté part. The Beme. pmddckm *bibéen lita prlde, hie igli uM&ci benea la inuge ami ive-ua,damelni festultes bave retmivei, flui»-Wl», but"mee bétore have me0mmauY 110-u- limn a& .eerbei ta oes * e ta I ýtub s eaMW tËsrln. maY nytriçai. ianctng .1011 baveboom utelt lie berses.aid duarng girls wte trtp the. liit fan- tamtir will I'e tii..m'iuntu. Aftrr takiig yul iimont. the borea« tritIai a pIstfomOfflpc@oatiei le thé thehr ita. A fortyewe marin~e band vIll I plafer tbenp, ih lel a fotura Thé shov la comig te Wmokcsma irop Kyoncelsand viflarrivs euriY ovindy marnali. Ther. @!IIU haba ap1.ay open den ufret paradeata 130a.rn. Doin ta the oeutinoo vIi ap1en aai l1 a"i 7 lgwlns Uic litrons an hour te 'lii t te animal actem aid ut.a te a trse conoecit iy iag~~~ merunreuIbave Ae miESihréeto fmusai iaa 0* Se si but thay aan M th e V.- a 1"(h ?,The lai taNou V~~~n osmm ermm *I&Plu M6Oate gSmi aimCie§b àm -m ~ phs il won »W lame ohomto =biStntp a* kW 5tes bdima . bl bernaolamv&i. le lmla rnaaecig am ilLNa sPect- 9 81 ulbI tvemlstdvilu it t4& - . li <.tuyWo'k oet ver3 'tuem $'Wp~N 'u aâèug~ à~ peu tUSSNT VILLE, ILUinomS LWImm O v4 imO b M "Suai ILLIJIGIS p y rrèuoý he mofumi m p.P. wi 04poi mgmOf 1*aoeo Jq tbdm wuI M$you wâ yow N~~ti meb hon mcb cf Il tidssi joy MoeW ym toe ialway wlth .vovY hfleur boumi Yom%.l b. sawm, iyng down a ks oggetm'l e bom tblnk of the cld frotlhin i rmnsl !p.. & never trs rtamis bsscsm shm be Lis qabiyl An&, kt~ fi tlip hito yoor l*k-ui LaiP. A. I is b by0w h- y=t oucao bit mosrcedbgiwWm@i..dff out of ««ey wo.k whtoty cabu bt ros macke o c1 1 I. J. ReyaoLls Tobacco Copa M ntmSbun .C. r OR, 0 1 %> 2i

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