CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 24 Jul 1919, p. 9

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{, '-t TYVRE ~DEPEDNT ~' ~ y j La e C urnys BI We kly A U U G N W V I Y SU N ~ rXVI[-NO 30. UÂàýÉ,II ?fl ',v*rrTTâ- - ~- ~- w w wwrna a J.asLABLr!4JJM1L sIULY 24, i191W Unflu maum *1 JR£-Ymnv R IN- QUEL TO ARREST Wh Chlieog Couple Seetl redmto get -Marred to Each Other. ILLOWS ARREST 0F MAN. Idouble divorce praceedlug vii iw in Circuit Court at Waukegan 4 marnlag au the equel to an ar- lit vhlch taok place la North 0Chf- ja laut veek. The cease la one of~ imeut unumual that ban developed me la a long time. One af the Force actIong Vas started by Peter [rmf of North Chicago agalint hie te Tava. Spiraff wham he aya hoe avlcd January 15, 1911 at Tirlip, Weioa. He charges Ibat she lrted hlm lMay fiýfteenth alactuen yen. The aller action vas start- by para Stofiiof!, alto et North osgo auant ber hntand GirogN 14» r. ubani aIe de" tbc ma- *APril 12, 1912. abe gays site it vlh hmunati ug*t . iS IOt - w, &C ii5U sasusua ONLY STRIKILS TOWN IN NATION is OUR OWN DION CMY OriaiyRuffled in Religlous Matter, the* Town is Free M'om5Labor Trouble&. RELIGION 15 THE CAUSE jusi new when lthe country 14 Peo> Pered wlth strlkes ranng gfrem utreet cfweopers te speraterg of trine and what net, the article beêlaw, -vrilles hy E. W. Croft of Zion lualnteretlg mc signifiant Much as many peisces dlis like Moan an baer polcies, ffl.even thugli mny turn a, thir '%es et hep pecullsi' alec, ont canowM help but admit thîl ZMen dürciy "haa 'Ilen" aIl ether ocil es auregarde dlaeàllêfsc. tien ammenu lu reeiente. SO&0f Ifand %%hen yeure@ th h you'il MW.' *Wali, that. riOh--ZIM, alter ail, ha@ a viilbic at, hAMit It"', . Thun, white ZMon I lati~ * l th ilmit by Nlglouu controvuot* and whie thcy lOir e aecis ethePsUfteat sb o'd cse,à:d ' 5 r m o tera tho a se. . e O b ule à ber. UPERISOR PAViIAIED P il underMlndng-they esira4oo Ir ebiliren aIl of vbam arcélmg I>U SPEVSO> A R14D -IT Ib te motuier. ICi4 JAL"I'hank you, klnd gentlemen of tut MAI DRA6IUV R lg-DT Wrff vas9 Placed under arrent anec AYlie Ilnos eerlaUsmby! DyE W IIt F lntveironth empotetTht' the sentiment of elective T f» » i. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n Stlnhih a upsit u Pointîve officals o! Lake Counrt O ln Zian? This la a question tsal WU.- bi Vf.,e.wp fl ts Y Thauks ta the lait session of the bur lGeen Voliva, Overae of. Zion lad a sunanad aîlemPted te shoot THE FpaET~JWII~ leilzlaîturf. life ln thie fimmediate fu. tJICUFI YILIfI ae. There are trikes ftle world *Wd lb. four ehiliren. Lter hbe turne la gOlng tholbe bomewbat brighter 0or and Indu9trial strife everywbero hue n d icdl. an.uiI eeee for mauy 0f the foika dowa at Geneva. but Ia Zion City all la p-accfel and b.h and Mrs. tosiet uver agt Relus Coal Company Ha$ Re.- 85 Day For Supervisoro No Trace Found as Yet of Pet- eee lied ani ln tact, lIat balai eftae. el3O~T' A digest of th. varions laws pasaed ~ . ~ ~ lu reply 1ta hs question OverMor ro marrled le allier peopile. Thec ed36000l " Nrd by theaasaembly allectlug Kane Court er iiumift Ulu<fg Since Vle ttdta b anrao teCharge Placed aaast Stîrof 30,000 Tonls Soft Coal. t hwste flîwn9eîon Mna veia orladstral ed iaite a in C-t as b e c s~~l li c a e t l n e d s u d b . bfs r u er'r ich a n e so f-o n a c c o u a I o r t b e l g d i s î i l M"18 au baudes. lIiicalatae n.THNE SOFT-CA S L Ipci a loh OAt1aAL N henrde4.'ag 0omneery! ELEV W TEtritan conualy. "AIlRIlvs for the laafwdî.I n _ county board o! supervlsors ls eLI E E IS IN AE Zhit'nc0ini &taoing. h ot u" er, cha re.Incrpased f rom $3 10 $5.Zinlar.'ld.noymuce hua vli atpesi bm hage. he iteisu coaDock t Waahegan The PHY0f ail luigesad clerkB otaehZ entudasyt r iOnleauer. y eceaamimrytmuscle No Prececution Llkoty barber bas been a bus> place for 0f clection boards la lncreased trou, N tao ce tbae autoufndeas o! tae ail blsmelten.snan4 toath- maa w~kspalsu lathetoal en$~ 0 $ aday tnder the ieurîla,ter Numsen, 1the 69 tre fre enance 0f Industries, aud in ZMon, 4 the couple, bave a cblld lna d. bots have brogîl cargo.8 ta Wau. however, lugpes mni clerks viii re- VhO laruar r l bornereahneo ebrelase r- tm the tb our lvhkb lire. Otaani kegan thile""iOn. Six, of the bouta clve but one daa pay fo0eah eec-Llevtylled oa bvis aome re urrhoneaoaltetitmdre nva. l a i bler trotIkbaid, airom a M iarei bard coa aid four mal t ,slI on. Udrlb-i l f b L iesnbatyillnfarmd hlV01,113a fea tar rstl tu u ndsrleward(estsllin. LSttalifbalai ieclded la divorce lun1the total about thbty.lx mthousani VrIedallf er n1idaight couaîing a-h re frsonly~*tîeî aiavt yne uie s ag Ir matesaid &fier valinthelbne. tois af bard coul bave aniloied et loti, they vere entlUed btaid9lba'lie riern bslng. th fllwl snd ialî. Te)her à,'latarge sry loagth of lime vili marry bbe Wauegan docks and tbe Reis@ pay, above e 1$3 seu. "f amrntaIaloges le.hue. bat b.. Mon Departmeat Stores, Zlou Mgtllm Otaler. This Il tefeit VIII bu a cool comPany-ad about tblrlî thons. RaieseCoroners u cm 0 Fo erfOe isl and Puniblpg Hj>ese, DBmfoq l1u %teMry mimner of Ulvlug the neud tonsaorfsortIcoal. Pisof 1the <2ouhty corgner incres day. f m"Nnsea tu reta U J utyArn m anhril lc km.Sprof and lira. Stoanif The bard coal bouts bave averagd ed frone $10 ta $15 per Inquezit dem.itI suiie by. rovag unus* cin. la try, OfAepro yand adyerW-ac- dit the ybive been living togoth. betveen rOve aid*six tboaueaitonal Jîdges Of the caunty, circuit and mlb.surive. euercbd i d mmtinutBuyldIng Iautry.rn y n P lier- Our snimelisse, bothobelug attacb- aud the sort ceaI bout»aar an-poeou re moVrd t he rb~ iver. efoerctild p e t sow ns.uild erg nurymboigs"t-Pur-y to tbc other. Il là nadritoal uherea from rOve 10, aine tbausanda sue orders Peraittlns, hall holidmys of Mlle-balt'were able taOufine Bctrace vork wth sluglug of hymnas 0!'*i4ce, if lie double divorce in granted tans, ail courts attaches and Jurymen on where lie Bright have entercil. a the readilg of God'a wva, ani »,&y- ler. wiIIllie no criminal proue. The largest cosilgumeat a! coal'Satulrday afternoon.dth a ter. We have instruetti malbrs of oberved, ai one eeks Vacation bu aietathlb couple. l crnme on the big boute vas Ibat btle famlly te noblfy-us lat mi levehy or moalhly wagen. Tih Vagis etb bille vero led by Atty. 3. A. brougbt lu on the Norway vbeu aine là CasRAEeOO tLEhae)a**5 ura beya t i c-okeuo a.thouani tona voie uuioaded. 1 Pali l le 111te main elemeut la _____________The bard coal bomba Ibat hava C. T. Heydecker o! Waulegan bas Relatives andi friendais enIIy *teatR VeaCefWcoaneip-tlooeVe broagbt cargoi« here are as follows: not a very favorable opinion ai Mrler an ta the suicide bheory for lb.> varkons beiug Chrisblans mclt ramj R.J.Rin urleson'a -postal service. Oln -arI are contiaulag ithe search for the bge oIe.Te r uglb R. J. Relusbody. The oily conditiîon o! tbe river aad vbîmotivaes hare nUry, g 1133V A SRhodes 31 hie sent a letter vhlch alter travel- vauldi preevattheiibody frai 1.11andv îîe -e are eesry e B. LO mith ing 6000 miles, more on legs, rturned dicovered until il rose ta tlbl aur,-hyaeascnar osdm1. ÀWilliam Davoch tob ni and nowhle goiug ta val face aid bis mlghb taire several durs. Another reason ascribed, for, thie TEE ILE 0F A tht umtwo doo west from bis Wsint zI Indusflin t~reu;o:~a htripeouel n ho on ef ty Saturroltdumbrial e ehceurrnuZiinglt. tact CIRCUS f(j The soft coaI ot htiiu h This la how lb camne about. Along aearchei.Caetr oacuirirleré-, tbe sort coal docks are as follova: la r4arch Mir. Heydecker bai business trlctions conamned in the -enae. Ta- J3A. Donalison Vibb Col. A. V. Slmithi of the 149th Nemsen vas mlîklng a cou viien baera, profanlty, vulgarity, %ngoir, mIg may mirhe pr I itel Calumet field artilery mn o edlspmtgbed ~a ason luformed hlm 111mb hoe vuste su'nes flesil. oysbers, bouses -ef Il- telt prie!saune a p:..Jbut Mars letter ta him 0ta nime tovu lu Franco, 'he lrlei for 1big sauiby the !lilng U fume, drug stores. doctors obes m-t as mirfi praducers are 'aîud Noray ' Iîght lust as '-el bave beon -saine- ll1171liffg, Nun i wfimUdà@t«lY Madeut dressai vomea-atIlarc for- lilas to Ieir brund of saunta aid- Muet o! tle soft coal 111mb la brougbt vbre lu France 'for &fier much gadd StaPfei voit and after hllag is ibidien ln Zion are beld illegal 11< cr- amaunti of laugbs lbey oagel OthIe Waukegan docks la meant for Ing, hither and Ibither, aid toansd viegadbye aid ayluz 1he ltebdea taa section& of cihy orditipeo*8 e la -au audience. Wautkega Cnsumption. The Ga& fr0, lie miisive 'boaried -a ateamer. te drav n iuel!, dleappeae. u laîiug publIc moralseaid 4900eeY. prker may go te, mirket at six Coanaiy amre uiug a bouge amaunt of ago, accordlug t a &tata-. it la fargely on accourir of the"g r.- the or six Ysi-ansd ver>lttic coSW. T'i. bard cool af coprse. la meut maie by thé letter boday. "I car- 01. USI.11NESS TO SEEK WIFE strictions Ihat btheZMon people beuglât reace vill -le notlecable excepte meath for Waukegau cousurnptloa rivedlnl New York and 1hOPPed a Pen. op bthe elevea square milesaof terri- onnage. but performing pgs cou- but mach o!fl la »lcked out as !veil. nasu'vana exPrese. Today 1- iroppei 1"rlends of 4 F'uxman vho-coaduct. tory aid settled lu Lake Coiitti a ie manketai unaen a year, vhlch Thbre VIII bie mone bard coal abat& juta Waukema." e nk>n t11 btvrtobebe abi la he lime requred ta ma, theni oing the preseatsasou but lb. Col. A. V. Smithh, however boaut1the North Chicago are at a logo ta oc, ZIOn la tlrougb outsiders Who lad crille verforiners. Tbey are chances are there VilIi b ee more litr ta Waukegaa by qulte a mar. collai for hlgm uysterlous disappeat- ne counecîlon wibh th. churcb oç uba th geaislver dallarstoota a Cool caisigaiens t tthe local gin aid sInc bis office l alaàunscetramn tiat ciby a feu day% ago, no Ideals a! a 1gb standard, aul aIl- ne la lb. sloiw business, fer tIve1 bard Iis ypar. twa daces vent o!flir. HeYdecker's Before îoavlag Fuima sli onI Ils ers live peacembly and are contint t0 %, and lIeu auronesoabuy thora Trio lllcertalatY oaithe al situa- the atorney sleiedd vither lh. business ad losed ail of bis busIness liv. out their religlous couv4eitle b orker miarket prices. tien la ubal makes kIt mpossible ta ilI talle 1the lettîr ta hlm la persan ialangs laNorth Chicago and Wau- aocordlng la vilal lhey beleve ilalie ca ene yer a! contant cam, dliajlseculate as ta boy muey mare lana or caîl hlm Up amdair Col. Smith ta kegau gooi sudd cean. t eterflled nilîr hotU.. aidun- of lard ecol VIIIlbe brOught lu lie- corne and gel bis mail. ýIlead9asaaert, îbab thedisappear- -_____a__ aPatience speut upon 1ethe freslln ui ne o! Fuxian fron e clev-OIIA met tiser training and mal. 11cm- WHY NO LEGION 0F lIONOR? dentlîyva causei by lb. departure T À U T ettilu espars adbelplng ta malle Wby bas nol Waukegan organlzed oparstrevas fi wegas myferude. Muday fuîîla!f fnanda plussant a Leglan o! Honor? This question tots e hsai b ssl I a>r ta shoot the shoots, eesav, ERS OFFNATt.eSun by 1the fact111mb ian> allher tnst dvt v'iythile1,has ln " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l etc. UnmkgnIA ~ l N ~cilso itedSttesmae otrgpacs-th1e wrli If neçesaary tp fiai out Mra,/ ,Finbon Nyaboiion. lra Min e, WAI. g annicu uer 3o1oUati its aevra isa rvera« bis vife bai gaoue. Lieut. Col. Nicholson. bas unavllly the . G.Barns crcusther U NEtios of the soldiers, imilo nd 'B fras f an u eau l earnei, Fuian desiated iehonauto ta the bandit Pro#* C ho llsee troupes of verformlng marines of tue vari var. 'vas îolag a very preiparous hiui- s10n.-Bie vas tayl n i ac,11111111t - amon the1200aRiml pefor-'No effort bas been maie'tilus far nousala tIis vlinity mndoiehoaid hie teatian ta bier gante ounthe golf Ilaka amcn 11e120 sitiiiî ~"~> Fifty Are Ouests of ThOMas E. Iitg onvand tuch mn organisationa .mc-viapaaty er eîu alu atO ensaTsdy1aet0158 lslow wIîiianetÔ Waukegan Wilson ai Paokers Couin. o.A .Sibsl on very gaai termeli. StiIIIlbe Iooked approach, hop Into th1e machine andv rKeneelsa sudndIla cheduidta o.tyHfl. oa al A .Sihsi oa tr - There are rumon. 11*1 speel iïwmy. They ver. ive bkio l cari>, siving a parade leavîng t-- evirybody bi been sa busybiviemrntaetosloubt aatwh h geteià0.3 boy01 £raundis et10:30. There ujU sBince- bey na'd re<um raot lthe Mrea aia.Ill uvalr.Nicholson la the daugbler cf B. leur 0Of Concert precelung th e Members of lb. Ameiloan Short- service that by ai bai no Urne t h»woeucnire.f l n M em ree aoltlavr ie rrnefrte ovever lihati lmeitely afler lber F. Carry af Lake Forestl. limanhe, doors apeulugat 1 sud hr ted aascaiùvr uuearnefrthe organisation -aof *departure Fuxian statei lIaI le - Saîuriay of theIr proillct, Thoas unit lu Waukogan. "I ihink a chapter voeuual ;remain berseBmach langer. .Wilsaon, lie packer, a i llsi country O!f11e Leglan af Honor ViIIl le or. . a iel fdn pils hmEdeilyn Fanm, southwest eo! alzed soan," lhe added, «'Lnd 1 ill-o ft or li ln inlb, salpue ieas-M S W uM ChicAIUU- ago. lok lato »~e mter'Col.A. V.Irniis Mrrs iess te slbo lus -'ý1 TO " A M .adAbout ifty breeders or silonthoma Smitlh bh lb. he ilgb.sianh of any mndeg lb. busineIsser v.As ain rq> DiUKIrCA irccattle are atteuîîng. Prises vîllile roturaed service ian la the City. Pses sl otli tr , .âà offerei for ability t0 Judge cattbe. A natioual organisation o! hLbe-Jumasl uIh eItu a The eniers isovisied he frM 10a r Hnor as'erfetedrec n o cg10 e seemi a haav ww1ere, he bas rel hct' iySealen 4ar- Oest speeimon: of shothornucaIlle at w:ieh delegm:es fio ai n: n t e wo kw ments.: t tav p asli bers ruie fan velgblag lo. VIth-la tle country. er relurned saldiers already orgaula- e >bcet crtsaii>vîl in Jou w . Tublsey moang asé t h suRI tiseblock of los and mll. su autboly on Ive aIael brcedlng, oudeavor ta set la touaits vili the liaisto the aei.rcbfor bis vt ielwlcion.Shadb WIItenlisi eugth, rdhadaaethe. principal tî A. C. Wuai. beiquarleri or îth e lom eo .la sMu tlebave caiei for dey"le-M800,17 years aid,*chu 1 s e r«ele d a n e d ite r ai u t b tity o c als - s d luI4 O u t V Iw u t 5 . -- WW l eo v . s u a tte r l tae rasnittYb m yutic, 011o spdk.. «serr-for thi.e oonslalm of --- . r W li mil te Fmn.iIIS~~ oiiu, u epeat * ~ nicet places lie oegaulualle~ $s 11551 r ta Ua~ O. AU. S0t a~led vils tiser gg~- ei~~ me nome p- F . Inàe--cr elgeaaid 60»-aiei oie M iCAR PLUNMES IN r~ ADITCE AS IME1 -LJIITS OJVE our jofephSiattery of Chioaa, Acompanying Chicago Ai- Iderman, Fmactureu Leg. RUSHED HERE- FOR AID f-An automobile tUrned lartde at Politaboutne-hall mile trocm th# Gobrge Busse place at PO: 14SO early this mornlag. Thescelle et acident Vaz.wbere fI). Ileganma bie death a few years ago wben b4< m #cbine hit a telephone pois. T4 vlIctlm of the latent accident ffl ýi&ph Slattery of Chicago, *ho sut. fered a compound fracture 0f tho Jef leg. Mt was attended by Dr. Wariner o! Antloch. 'Edward J. Kaindt, 2600 W. Cbjaq Avenue, Chicago, au alderman 01ncm. fifteentb Vard lu that City, tegelier wfth Blatiery Vau drlvtng ta 'tt Lalte front Paz Lake. Tbey . rdwfqr en ta >ëz Laia fate luit eeflhla but falled ta dut accmmodstoge e .*Oïl oIf tnrtber ty108 ta S"d a aictel., Sbortly after leavlng Fr«(a" th1e battery an the nachini lgave. ou snd It wai neceary ta ' osttuo ithout llghta. Beingntamullar wll the zoad, Kaindal M n ot km., oI th lb iaip turna" dthle scklae sweqed tatao hé tcturnMi uge Jclear, but ltte» Ireg wuvas. under him, fraçturmg IL The accident bappcaed sberll efs dailigbî this morgilua. A I â* O two Wier Kaindl made bis way lte 4 nea by tam bonne He caffleD fl Warvlner, Iwbo bastea.J talb.he n" in th.' abortest goul l ime. T»p Iracture vas reduced and thb ihi0 :manwas placed la the'Hellaad 1=11 ambulance ot Waukegam Ud-. bn4 tg ibis Clty. At bis oui requst VAs placed onu., traii &-- Obhs riller thba eing 4kXea toa a ooe, lupitai. A1demal ad2se *rbie a "lbitg bell o ld ~ e 1: w« - quit baily damaf. , Kaladi la spesklag «f the accident ibis mernag said lat le vae - avrare Ibat ther. vswu'& alu la-the road. azi liaItll.abn. swe-ved bita tb~hedi b.foeq1W ha., of Il. Beeanse lie vua traielu ~ltbont Ughts, Uri Kaimil s. S ing ai. a lover rate or Ipces tIs Voeul bave beea atbe*ae. Tl*b ~pgevented a more SertlseaocIest FEV3R L MION Heury Nutter, the Yoogtor vie vWamdered &aa>trom bu plaet@$- ln the awsa*s of WlIbft isa. taut for eleven a ays iaiel hugl«' drink, uteat .bes a#lia TqolaF 0 ali umeho. vas reels. V& eeka4», ie laable ta vak OU* lé tti. "Ail of Hcorrs ever ale n a and b e titne»tais>, " ugrlai Il Jobn Furlong bhis ybyslcha. "we,1 sure hoe glad ubeaHeury hlaoh home, but tblak 11. ba imbtter qtsy' au Griau I.eea tev daYé 70.» ai bis aunt line Louise Bekg. M&2:.IL fairfieli ave.. Chicago 'uaeic lien - e bis home vhe la fi i JoiPb Rabutila, lgbisMg parkt'm to Anna CumUl, a@me la. 1 Evereti Bannes., Greatl Saes, 34,4 Canline 3fornert, Chio"%, la. Hain> King, iivaulce. 33ta I*. an& Crsle,'omals, 3se.1 wni. Martin. ti.k spareilai 'w Etheî Bas".ma, a1. - ellas I eadrlkaý,- mon, Io te P»ti- M. Hm1, laMe.19.11: . Les. T. .ByMme, iulwuhe te> Viltrise Delmaler. "are. à&. Taay Kopcsyush làtlnsukcc. 21 te Clams Dehoval, Cuisis>, 18. 1Detahar& lotp, Cbl4tsgo, 32 te garni Schisa, st 32 - lImon Bmi, B&t lilvmsuko. ilte Ana Bloch,. mre, 10. il M W s ama y ce u'us et ibe ","d amd *« psui .li lé ie d am tOcle MÉeSmelb li sUet lefssi the var. su o»esc e Iavut BonI csatt, 1mi wus*v i 3ag8and fr a 'lait beentarpeloei eo&e». e rgalsniaialae =oci lie Bsrb8usMum LOANSAÀREABOVI3 AVERAGiE FOR nu.K TOTAL. WAS $IIl,31 A- K. Have Aat. Secretan-y ! -se Icet>' TItI. & Trust cc. R-Business O!fbthe Recordera Ollieg 1919. - Uîeý f cnvyanees-4? N iulber a! chattel mortgagea-19g. JNauber a! Trust Doeialaid mortg. ages-22. ITotal numuber of instruments Ouled- 128. Total amount a!fb10as-4117,316. Business has been bniel vlth- laas above the average. The following are the more import- ant demis. Ju Wau kegau: Lenore Hl. Finlel- Stein bougt the ileliigs place -at South vest canner Sherlima Rd.-'s1,t (Giiette Ave, for- $10000. Slary 1. Carfieli boughît the E. Wall place a 4 aideNoýL ea luit sortI cf Conter St. for 880%ý Wm. MeKerble bought lat 13 liai- geins SubdIv. on South aide Rlgi. laid Ave. !rom the Blaigett estate for nominal consideratlon. Columbus inabitule tbol talle ta ftt Sachvantz Theatre building tram Ous. tave 'Pabst for #30Q00 aud gave lack trust de.i for $20000. Wanlegan Township HighgI Sai District boagit. tue Frasil J. Kiabf I iPlac .0on veaWshington St. tor $7000. ' 8riOllbW. ikvansandmai vie tuughl a laiot nGilletti Ave. tram H. C. Burnett fan $1500. Raîpil V. aid Eith Nf. Locbr bougbt tih. Gilbort property ounveet aidé N. ChaPel SI. luat nartil of Wash. irnglan Bt. for $2100. subJeet ta encuni- brimce. Albert H. Kirchner aud vite bn the Edwani Kirchner plae uon « iie Liberty St. Just eal ofa! lic é Ave, fer' $3000. Fulton Alien Co ebaugol is laFulton Bras. Mfg. Ca. lu Migislani Park:, Catherine C. TrImble aidMargaret SBull Iopk tille la tue MoraIne Hotel and aller prOPertY of Cash. C. Cushing eemtsc for nominal considerallon.. Oscar C. Hagen hougbl the Samuel C. Funteli place at South omet corne Lake amiLaurel AMes. for laictelk lu Libenlyvîlie Henryaid Sarah ,Van Pieu boughîtute Emly A. Bush Plate On Southl îde Broav B. a! 3ii Street for iuitealed $2800. la Avon:- Thos M Lyon@ and wife baugst the H. C. Edumni farta lu B£ U~ SOec,15- aI Rallias for ladicalei $7000 aud gave bmcl hruai lied for Sla ffemoul: Brada B jDate and vIte bouat the Burton O. BSmit ari or 110 ars la sec. 4 for nominal eau-M algicratim . ID 01%»t: 'MIcha el Baner bought lb. Biruare Toayau ftarn -o!aboutlis1 *0ies lgAiec. 27 for $11100 ad gave isci trust deed for $9500. Wa4Mw q 41149ith Ise ma Xoeuw& affl e ad. u*d"« frmb»Taiu meg t"ae ae. 1a&"& «et"'. e mmlea laaIem»ie "«eleaealMi» t otn mail"&à"Ma eonabargeI " i o 01 u e

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