CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 7 Aug 1919, p. 10

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PAGUTWO - - meUsI #ME% ONE in 1i*C£tWdng.1 HELD UNDER$2000 BONDS ad go a wey tfh cansidérable lbot. A caloréd man whuba bd Borné of thé lo6 0l lmpochét»,mvhon ho vas Xarl ru.t y ie policé ahrtly aller 9i a. m. in bélg hld ia bondi of $2000. hi.èu iias btt béén continuéd teD days. Hé gavé hi. namé as Arthsur Piýewétt, of 2127 Darborn stréét, Chicago. Hé déniés knowledgé 01 tIs,' rüres ibut dose flot éxplain lt.é possesaion of saine 0f tisé stolén a' tiélea. 1%eéUIpacmep~tred veré: . A. CALIbN home, 1117 Asis & trét-thiéf 0oeCAPed vith tua 9014 tces, a diamand tickpin, gold fauntianPen and 861_50 la cash. BItTN .IANSEIN home, 1212 North Avenue-tua pockétbaoks con- talulag monéy ver. takén hi thé i" 8$. S.G. BILHARZ, 1219 North AVdbu-thieéfwu afrigbtened away beéLés e héCouI4 oblat. any lbot. > o @fflq@Ar Cut .4tT%1ée t*rweénu ome thé thii!Dot t, m ý t aithe gurueirlanthé kU- d-* vadoW bu *,IBO Cut a hlé lu tb. ltcisb. dpor go,thst theébhock oeuld bé looéned. Memberstof thsé L~If kn, ,otlngo the afrafr un- thi» nbrpbIigwbea tlisy dl.COIré1- iiab hi*m ulaing andi foüsiitihé hoe lua aétalé et great disérdér, ,I4od> sleeen et Obioagê 'uta tu lv~q~ii a "iés-. lâcovered hi&' omti mujé but thisI iW W as ounti lW a é14hoela yard uoeé It bail beén tcMbytheé t if'whdlécovéaed tisez, vers no artidlaaof!valué lui It. o! tse mgnéy takea 042 belonged te ifs. 'ahéX CarIame, * dangitér et C. A. Cauisé èen. 1d aid rlt walaisbelbot« eghgm q.Harolti Car. sepa va. fanilla thé ppcket of tisé miro uho vas am.etéd. Hé alla baM tbé stickpIz nd 410 tO uicas. Tih. 105 0f theé moneý. OaAS"e w atch, foutain peu, etc coulditilot hé l1cat- MMs. lihamu AwsUc.n SU@. BuUsarM soké vbi b ea érd the éîétrt Iligtas sitchea on la tihe Ue-."- e*ealled. T vag -uDo Luavér but the ligisia jrre witclseii -M "d théré uas. lim aboBil ut. me. .Iiétlng a hatY ré- tr@94 C4w Na. liliéi ed tise Policé M*U,.umtrace tof the bUrglar- Cault hé polie, réééiveda «aU 4"tl. urglara bai eutre tie Janaeff home. SUr. JaMa navoké &Ud tarteA te get up &M luvétaéte but tisé tht.! vas ton queéis f lir sb, mablué h.abis cape vSub thé tua, pockéthadisa é! are le coul b. s-nom,.. 1suspeC. l a ptured t wué abusty attr 3 a. m. tisat pallOonujsannaa.Myu andi L- rom MoDerusottraft.os-qesPré- wMThey had JUIlsatestéllUI, Ou f ?4015g réstaurant vieré théy bai bal a lunch. TM"érwuasométhiuis about hlm Usai loakéti gsuspicion»a. Théy fo- s&M thons aught suPwtIshlm. They i.. m~X4k M 44r -9 - hOrr~e4 back. A Taat train ~sou. Startéd to. uaUn P bt il roi seurtâàd té Ëgwes ers dldlàOt én" g 6on 0tilOY touli I.U ti he oi-ad leeý" hlmn to tise poflce stitosi vhere k 1 e- ea% lMW t hé eWascaught; boiveé.thé sesarch revééiéd sevéral articles, lw- t9 raina. Howêvér, hé Isad, pre- eluding the wateh, stickpln, maiey 2tu i idta duck isder. a ccI etc. ln view of the tact that 'the of bis dein train and aaved biaeu. robbérléa had benu commltted tiséy N declded ta isald hlm. Tii!.s morning, the articles round4 in PrOwett'a cIa'Hut s 6tflg(ié tp thes weré ldiasiftÏI. ' itéinOrion cénveéélnt thk bd, Muas cédi l du ~Iê oile ogvuFat 3~inI$Id U QTWpay sment tuat vin réelai conald ",rablens for tise rare Jdme tisi tsd ln ldfii Z tl>I f ý pstré.He t ~fo .u.lléct ganthroughA w dent.~~.t. ~ ' Waftch Io Reovered AOT=îl*mr pIÔ . Aut. Chié! of Policé Tyrreli todayt POIETNNR i Oslg accosnpanyed thé nearo ta theé Point,'ABOT OPPSITEsa téR wher«, hé was arrefitéd and aitér i , OmU5t muei b. héatél before belng séarch succéédéd lu recovéring thé Tr" n 'No. 159 was held up for, baf 4 gold wat-ch stalén trami Cariséen. Pré- an hassr144tnlglst Just narths of Wou- wétt had thrown thé vatrh into kégan. riis train leave Chsicago at HusWempo* . Dady's lot uhén hé saw hé was to hé arréstéd. Hi. flaslght also w» 8p. tkm and IB due at Waukcgan ait9 W4 rou brlbhe i%ýminld!6* found but no tracé a ftisé rémaindér P. in .lit aftér pullng 'ont 'of t - vo mafdzw ,Ié31ýi~ ot thé moneY uhlch vaS takén. kagou. snd about opposite thé fao-'fW51 '4 ll0 hp tory site nartis ce thé Wildér Taft.uey hp ve éle- nolèb r tbê cilas*ta - théré vere fivé borseson thé rjght t*ip"atét dûl*t1t tla ti A 0Hofly.a!wy. Thé éngineér aavthéealk éSé liCsti t~t ODc gou tilnk playlng a gmme if mals é1ud triéd ta stop but It.." Le 1~IL VS Iéle hurtrul or uronsg?"suite a yaung u->t &peus nouais ta avért atriktng 10lbIé t he mglsead tof Galvéaton. Wé tthPl a- one of the animale broadaidé., Tis W iasdf a*é7p tauga gemé or pool ta hé éntirely ait»asaesraéin theécaaché'dld utfélrosi P V W . aIibt--pudoldedthe- player bés, put Jà any lai but thé énginéor Pqilédtl#iq ~t~OpV9p~,1 a a i daJra ueL--HonatoaPont «Mrl» Ïta a tandatill. And tht train bt A NatmGe~ Bàttery Service With Loca ÈSedqu1rst .~ms r" .U ... We seli the Il -' Phone 2244 .1 Stortlnq and Ulghtlng because we know that it is a quality product i every sense of the word. We know that the thirty-one years of specialized stor- age battery building e.-per1ence that is buit, into it is a guaran- tee that its desigù mad con8trîîetion are right. \Ve know that "'EXIDE" ha8 made -A Sure Start'Assur-ed" an vcco7'mhnlshed fact for lhundreds oif thioisuds of car o-wners the couîntry over, and that it will do the'saine for you. Wvle Off er "Exideé" Battery Seérvice to ail car owners because ai car ownèrs will fiud it a triily de- pendable and econon#ica1 service designéd to proinote longer battery life and better battery performance. "EXIDE" 8r- 'tç ~udes 1the testing, repairing, and ch b grof ai ~akes of tarungbaties"; it pr-pvides for every individual need of every ihdividual, user of a'starting battery. "EXUOE" SERVICE 18 ALWAYS AVAILAULE GET ACQIJAINTED WITH UT TOPA -DOU'GLAS & SHFA4**1 10~4 CouAty st. Waukegaa, Ilu. Thirn'a ank XDB att.ry lor Every'Car piw é- Whéuéér any man,"mS -.a -t reek toun on the Dlaek Une!. ;Xe, 0omtmélLa t fiiUê~OOA3kg7Donl o tsa usue&çm téIrigardén ebér. séaothm ol iita.l1=i .r1j ~Và ~éM ut I III '.5 s tEb.fra~mo 7~ -125Libry TsÏbles P1aced. on &t ftIl the pw soty1es from the (1raiûd 4"da Ôw f cu 'àedone -or, biv,,thé lesét thought of bg orne next year do Dtato corne in- oror- row and select the orne you W *ant. tfom 46 Overstuffed Roôckers Every one -diffecrnt-Black and brown Icather, tapestry and velour. Big, deep springs. We know Ô'u Win find what you want up from Il Kroehler Kodovs The newcst and rmst practical Daven- port nmade. fl1olds 35 lb. I*ttress. Sec our selection of frk , - Furniture lsa ariving every day and tU you want to 'save over oflr values before placing your order. Auto moneéy. look1 LiDk Tor tOur Bign IUèaiIII! ~ADI*WI *#P~1CI FeIOUGilIca ~1 manakement fiofr -éxtëeve radiator repair departrnont, ,employirig j kMIed imechatioes,-we are in a psto orèpirrdi"âtors of any 'ma'ke, which may se beyýond repatr', *'hýether tvisted, froz é 'd t rsprung. Serid yod' Radiaor to us to be kiven an estimate for«plaifist'class condition. Tb e quality of Our work, quick gervice,,ýnd yeasnable p2iceý it thisdepartent hfave gÉain- édustlepâtronâge -ôf-the iïijdrity of'theautomobüi f?& iikukhi tte co~1irr flis<~wâTR: ST. _ T dlat wojr ut bieri B li tng Oas A. 1 .9"' Toi Win il Toit F0hi P. tcor A. wt It all s arh lng B5I the ou% Ofrix even cons or i medi ergy a g! andi S tre. kea A. M tlit-iil 31' 3s 40, IllI th' i Been. fo2r '( Rhi TI Ai Sec erut part onll D; 1919

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