CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Aug 1919, p. 1

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th mou tki m«- Wimmt'Mue boti.-,vti la ugm iver 'Aie Kriibe oa t« fow e. MW loua." If va» éplmlba4 k MatbinlalAublakain yeatui, 1 b Ibo trot «'a 8..t oai spi ul <uicogrte ut f Bh s faiComme-n, Nm. , u à@ atfoncy r the. omiany À triaw iiMMMbe amb tu aa hv "" s Lilthé tilig pieait t"fh& iL Randoipfi et., vies'.*c umibni t«&« es aD ovwlainapet te tic Mca- Inn. Pros a efmUsite, ta lme. __ trIe fan, Ohm boat flu evtuwvida or- b «'Y mmas cosealeteo acpt a hffel, Lte mfack la#4 htb* uaac,. 'Ple 'aIlodij â4i,'5 eoovdlg te &t. -vi tonney aftnIn e. tacuew -to « flalle dallySit-3 aeIru.ts lic nomh oîlc club immd Pm "Tib@ ul «- abot tiM kf bat.5 aietel Xirublaigua, ~lia aié fligOlato matg To- bave aivayatic 81M1 mita'butit i its f» is bals mea tinS os lie gVouml.A lie- coltteau oo saevtrm- @ ils T»Igen frorn Waukegan an County Enter "rad Arn. en MHaidoap. EXPCTD TO SHOW CLASS Vuakagan sMd Lake Cone VIII l whIl ncPrescnted iu the Grand Anmant- tom sandicap ta liaMoabate c ltk Méo Cocaty Club la Chicago 'tliim yack, *lx bundred elglity-four ama- tor mankimen bav~e entered thei «*Mt. Tva hundred fortr-e a t the ibalve a r us ra ni Uos. 0 tui lt- Wa *àger ihirteen are from TA&$ OWty, PIve of.tle thirteen ara &inm Mw enotaiftram tha Ut fiat iase Îît the.bst-amateur siots 1lt lob* omofy are te compotesuail thay or iecte ta sire a god aecount et 7utollovlag 11sf o!tichecntrantsm tua"eu *U*atm. t an ifla1 aPPei acordtIbo ticnmber bum=ber at yarde lia vil!bl &OfrM the targeta. Blainatrom, Wsukegan. Vunjnltl.,Pbi Laie. ,1a. tam, Inglesde. cFicko, Inglada. ~eIiaWtokegan. tom « cf lu hs mw,, mlu- 81141 tic N*atloa!m bitoniAsmn. cari badi topgai Md Otier lias vent rahti O*lmblia- .tug5. jont lua vmpatly. -Peopleooul Dnot lia CamaIan bovarumat aid la- C et ta vank. hMd boe acarcc. gar- Wb tic 3 flebçraï a f aailis hssIti vas feMWOe&TbbM», lfaici ie arq *d i iw th"r 0ma tsir.cas. dv- ne-bar4i ., W -- xar lrer e" a tatti aaà ams ortli"put '07aaiyunie-mal miroda tata Sm e Aie- Salis"0 -ue.ldeosta î' the poUoc-p tic, the nortbv.ut wvie ti te o vv St to a8 athat are o.i, e therai, âà 'AtIbuta volertain beata. Twr.y icqb: 1 teome. tanci vith oery mcv tuai4uat Aiercamala ~ 4ad& over cones toi the cOuntr>; thcy bi4 tM the "Ieldca t Iitsh, Rcpubilc" jtiey vatch ticm; tic, Motcti De Valons. OPiev W e ditors per- by saelng ta t thor stockt la Ufe' OOMWIgy told thé epmker liter tie affenden re 1 eue 9m~ abq etthai -they 'uppd wtb Iui 'anuci6< 0 gls*u f« Itoy t Ilt L th Mr er thetissad.Raêguboibravert afyiritla, tae fcinga a i nw1h ii, gencraf W tmandr d !af la meklng te d.muPt OUnaet ber grct acter, etr. e0mtnies.. Many -et the. vlsltor# ver, bur9rmae AnOther tblns the praimooer ursed te, sac Udmontqu, baytag mo ldsa th"a was the dlscouragenet «.ail talk a vlty of lie Se axlatM*la. tkic fsi about. annexatîan of Canada ta the; nortk VYet theog"lasbiII 0aititi U3nted SWtte. lHe vas Sin told tiat Ilace are ocly juat mraftcifd. Stcs tkt .nitt of stuitvwu long ince a I1886 vheât bas b;:cu1 wovn d foMr tIim ai- tb. Peut and (bt tier. te aà% cure(Lat7g eullo, M» .of it iat Ù tates. ww. lHe ex- fmiles ati of EdmîooiônA«thceo Plalacd boy mci talk vaà a falisi filas. Udmnton je thc tcwa y t aua thbig for th* reu fat tic psy-, immense field or mfSeralaoai and oui coalqtigte ia for It had passed, that 1 er natural praduct a# a Ivuil a, h&V thecCahadias ouatry Dow wuas an aimmense tract ai -vicat contr 0-âotri719001ef, a nation veil es-1 trfbutary ta t. Thc pcle of thec"t tatallni.1 &a blicto. igudlil&taown dld evenYthlng theY caulita mai. fig a«rM %aflço ktatfor alnexation risit enloyable, and tievarions ont*>. te aMy aijos. Me adW dtiat the. var tainrnts and drives ve. e utlty "ad oeuota aa o reat Bit. enJoyed. tien la a""e tat'waul pro", last.- HOg ' E "O , h etO **Wu athe Edrnton. CandaL. AÛg& -,aOnt matomê I~aaUoo 105taIl@ das- standing LNature 0aU>la MM& Ça 114 fn? fhorta >pr mon bavessean tiat yo« bave eSa me* ahb * t d*mt.p ê é 0707 " ada fat you hardly know vian ulit gOMàé Casada vVS r roman aOuntry b .]BasI, an ii vMr~ 1Itand miifau*ti t t br mode! ldei.a s n aail the. choétT hé~c U la Many 7ip mmL,.e e-ulate4 Lr a lgnbgqf 0.153, &o mme Naela kf*a~~âicaliresently a Il luallug wààva «M ocra v he illare n fOt 51W5y5 cd ai Wnnce fli" t mdeada Se-"y 7dMise ami.tbPPubbe l8 o'clack, (aur Urne Vwoq4, la ne at" Olam ctntd **y q o tehan a'clock for Canada buc mot a lai othcr lands.: a unforn ebanga ln- Urne for a Speakers SI tihelbanquetspt Ik tt avlng. Thais sOne bad ment64 tic auilfborLtte't Walnapag»Mre places bae aone tiio mdm forth. poatie 25s nfgwrbWbi ticy by totier. The raliroada 'vu* > endedtlcIbr oareqnap, 'Tichae tbtsang aiad th it* tia ut atorY Of t Wrad tatsoeeatL g.fet da'Ilgit vamtlng mgo ouns ac te 71 or rvlav by, fouM veck t,toà tates viii prove viy Made to pi or fira yod lav. 'Plie alu Rber twq taMrs. - Albuit 5Park iWm. B. icL 1Haary S. vit, waitet' . xâlr Park.'ïý Park GrAfger Puw& out......... Park . . . .. r -s rd~ -t ILtrîca ifg thk mu ct r osios, wtii. ti i for th If preoi d4ates, ithe dl t ien )t beca ai prap ad» arsenal r I. Pi "ai- &Md' SUPPLIES of an EdIt.r, mue r çprisal *a fta bf Mtumin *hisaaafl W6a hsisMt Mo 'c.cima pevis hmd vlie I**SecUI8ER ln tuhU~h bo* *tiligoauo e akon -Ah*,e aietiqvarthrlft leotjau »Mp osta tu àS mt r~,««am e tvlvcly 'ei t~gen tb i h i ct aof othi@lem r m ubc'e-m tirbaI» lic boud 'lig Ilcllu aonson te aycth is dlttotvichb e baSwo d.g Je MOIS hors tiat tbe, oofltry la on a pmrity se ably serrci. 3d drmu it*à la: Mi bfaod for _________ dvefor atb$94W tla-b*tic o folmavielreadai Th. T le on a a ngflcent 'Z8i£ar va I H"da sd pffl* dru*-pwtV iuch v- ]t tufy ry s a ntegmnIft3LIM » T £AYS" a le perlod te est and te vear. l fP ~ TUfk 'idcd by Delers- la Jemw.Iry. expansve ap. Iri~ c w au Deai and faod delcaclcu, thruaut the did na t adtadmldi veet. stato fiant theî i nia p. mnvlto jet of demnd ulfr fi,. thi - he niUflPfQcaà] ait tic es. iantad, sud uat lcetast Iatiir4ay etutu i rpu ma dice aiue.-a.aekune ato The ttepusagtCmêira uiti o, achiarae Cfstalfs , ory flird sîgit. as tic buste aud oess o Ot*d >erty. niciu coains a £sllyofcolon- about lie laie begkutuwly tmeorafedi th jw> e ali, and tie cordaof etsMal« ab nd iiilllurnnat.i vii lapai... lm.-lm 4t ýta tic -anenau ver the m".tOJ1 tmare soin -lu arjautoîclurfea. The -liag "iaWtb qsebootm aag POer' Aceordlng te tic camptraelr et the name4 by Cagnmav fflar Othm O cunnrecy, <uicthe ii.past lx menthse o ch kPart «vce.: PewgyzOLa«7 si 10.0charters vere grauîd ta 1119m»w Win. H. Tlioreeoq, G. , tr&pmo% si bcks wile *24lotiem -wve .aufhr ior Doolttle., Thorna. Pt*Wo.a:Dy. is 800.000 1mIedta Increàse thoir.>oapil. EneAma~. r"&e!aviuw - îce, fi FoN&kartsIcalling tilt ver boflus R. W Churciul, Joia Erever, Art hun 44.00ni buYlng lnzurie, beaudes btiingRIit. In wav llre*uj The vater carntial oed vîI. ',a uooo 's- 1flue dlaplc Offe e r. 550P Uxab1% 2.4U.000 'Our public deà AS Uffotuaey it4,e* x«- bie, tsmsvm4 - ifi, $* 100,000 3X% blions, or tirer $1M pr sptabeautifal I4» utiptr0eawaéuw, -il for cerr' maie vage-osrte ac ' uthe Imer biplu 1,$O..a.contry. * uitcedtfo iceuea,o#tic q *ny sort a! s drunk buan aencd,! crWW*vl lte due iciMr aMi8euir a"- $1 ýO Mo"04r 'k" tlr. Th . e cisats WarSMYO. 0'Legiy, <btalet cthec 00=a ~ a~i~maag ctuork agie-su.And . tiorete l- ore danger tg uuni oyý Jp e.Ve We~ll~4a ooodr" itien ln any ot.bir tort. fora e',oli a $S"" M-IL Ch"rdi W Hae ~bI evc u 4 ai vIN *AMY J mcs' Prie*-s -'il &alaii kui prmidat e emy, after a et Icatiation. il tosoc .but ta al- lmiVerc." lie pi have àai mmn.'» 1 no&"a, th. Arge 4um« ui pMuet idau Va a-i mdliJEU J Residents Here 1 potunity to $and$ of Cans AWAIT DETAILEO > tA Althou8li defllnte or 4ýllrâl toakmation bas not yctb by the Waukegan rt asé Vlan govermaent supMOW "m Avallable for local roI4flý iit lIaci dtodcy lest b' farîrument vould ,la I .'Tie amaunat of aruy S eou fo- Waukegan fllows: , Chmrnodlty Dac ean(1.2Z lb. sa*.. acibeanne(2.72 lb, Baicd beans (2.6 lb. ~ - Shana, string (i lb. canL, < IlSef, corned (1.36 lb CAM( > , Ueo! carnci (2.72 lb du I BDflf.rasat (1.25 lb cieu 3,. »Mef rosat (2%e lb e- M 80tf roassi (7 lb oa$.).* Iies ce(250 lb Oal4.. -00ryi <221 5lb cen, Rbs, corubeet <1.25 lb o*àhe>'Q ~Hah micbeef (3 lb 4a»D *.« ~Pe4»s <(2jlb cai 9e)0 .~ l Ugami, dry (100 lb bagau#49). 'i U'our, Issue (Ibs.)........... Rios (100 lb baga 86.70... .. $A=. susartAd Na. 2 «w ... Pepper (%4 lb a 9c)...... 009> follet, cakes........'-*:*. I' $m"p, regetable, pinte .lb...' 'Pheapple, smaill eau . 1ýbmtoeu(Na. 10caa ? Préparatian af thevm t6, ae«I to tic pubIli A, 6& vaut stores 0aumbstnpq 4»o yhave lrU'ltc* prilesa o!ruzt otiar articles o~a for ftae - tar deportiaet1 -a" prIe..b op-j eecd b. wa the bted Blsop Thniarra, Nicholsoii, 0. iD: ut go vlataplboaafcserbgpad wlofd aroum tim aw Chîcago area.oftheii dctiolt and InamI i aie techimrcavîwli hlltilq aýrthfmriMolutieiao Ipiscopalecub wh 11lpak att liubibe Jublie . rVkte. ai Prthmmudli.t Wr.icee on îlie Suoday morcam oetVire îeuptres wll hum tbe lui. ntelm o.11 Liguet 24,. t thé- eLibeityviltêlé hi. Mti, rreaenee ai tic etltpe caugaftoa Viiili ta lIuath - MOneb, the oeaiaa belaî'tei ' in 'tng citer wll.nh Blobaip iiolqeaVII iaici. 100 W a n cot mu t i lait note" agatust hepli W' tic Ibo fbJrrtnaI~~o~ natihfl b«, ial masor-es. . . VIatI abu -p.oebt tutaie part Lis tii Thectiew almelh whiéb coe a biut 1Jutulie servIe Tic pubftll odlsll M5,000 and wu@ &'dieatedclx ah >asn lted SWIEWER AND LEWINf REPÎIÎOM. sunday, A uguet 10, tie beautif o!l b6u 01 W ilmer tire mer PAIDr" ijk, va the. scene of a p taia .jIe g, . *vent beiral rewer owd wtc rkarly ln bie forenuotathe- giant#bR" arrlvang uiti at uoon ah. ruil'oful aumbered naety4our, alghiy.*Im* rWj bsa. the vewalong ig O. ruog,.. èwuDOon lias apent nobtly -linexeiseç Iflreetlngs. At sipo» a'pienii dtma.y 'Vga oivv.d on the. apeclona porhos. la i ~ ftrnoopletus r.. #Oa. f*f played, TIc namu #t41q4 agudf fablas iEp a i Tb.ý BreiPr and Lewjn fainilie .. Olt, 01 tbe oldeit and best howu famille. tia Lake counîv, ai*ao ne of tb» lar"t b& .twt iqq. tiiere b'lng about anc inundred sa4 nitte M# swed'ty iveu relalivis ivlig lo tii. l * huigt .àd bot% ai s t awn bhal ian Tburada.y EUt vi.tiI *wcnop .y hteMie Workomra lu4a ebIa ou lare cruwd atended , Tii. low LbM U au t ub c;ii.IIet pmogam w«va gîvaI bqb vu M4 'u follovWB: 'Iutruin.îal m-; u*;tb~e ,i tmdt*f 4k» uo«gtlia i a Spaagl OdxiU. ne lý***d &met, peur 'oet t a~gcjs le or"POO

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