CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 14 Aug 1919, p. 12

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Us&TSet like ARIgiJade suis M"I<IUt4P fXJ1,frlIbeàt, bortds am préot ly B w pu " s A Y1rtai bre dame cren" la to bd folawdln Wan.ili 1 1 mF'u Ibther decresss aeepacted _X iem àk& case1 wwllio iis excusé I5 AI îkM P EWboi, tâte War DO rUnint Vag attemMed iyý those wiiose personci 8II Alffl VI ON QVEMBER1HNOI11 & âe tg éç rdued ~ ~WIEWashington dmobfl . Uoaof hec actual S YSSECYVS NS' q~ av~~ laS a th1o rut ros i ent continues ta cut beiov/ the re' Asseris that Consumption of concerned, wili be practlcall ' vcnhî- Goveroment orders Officiais in taiier' WoSteaa bnftW Board of Review Finds Many JMI'KUYLS imI Says This Alone Ac4uates Hlm Wheat has Fallen off; One pta d y o Wh e an0foucto, Each State of the Union to partment Inedst commni~ncte aiMarnes flot on Books; Na tax In Seeklng. te Have Divorce) R --fnor H. C. L. haningf'rtie prohtlA iOo.pic. changes ta zone officers and 0a< nOe 0 uo. L . Matthews. iqcal Ireiglit agent4Dce StAie odeaigneti ouI> to la(t roU. 1 \. Ifor the. Chicagoansd North Wcccon CIVES ADVICE TO PUBLIC foe oetrl ihntepoic STA RT LOWERING AT ONCE MOVE TOI BE DRASTIC ONE. r-1d oa holed'i foiFL COUNTER AFFIDAVOTS. Revva ~o~I'rs!pn Wlsn hfoe ovm-i DiLL Ign:laappealing ta thi, appeilate court Reia fthe Amortean iiouscwlo ber 1, it was thought among ofHc1ia1!:ý' Washington, Aug. 11 - Apttrney le>' 11114gn emay .CicgIl. u. 3Rpot o War tine conscience ln administration liere. GnrlPlmrFivreevî.. O S6 8ey undred Wauk eaffairay iago orAg.1.-eo tc h iave is rite's divorce decree sot, af the fanili>'table andi suhstltutiuti This la the mont deinite l'itýnincnt t ls assent tram vîrtuail> alil. th e civ In otices rcithir nothe r, tto cl hsmrigfrm hh-sle la a a . lobtce>dnci- of bread for montst, eggs andi ut-r iliat ias yet cornetramthie Serutal'>' M OTSI wilreceda intucewtîn t h e t tniesiwuatin. The Seaorir a tuechargtasgt h ifbat c- to reduce thecenst or living wore ad of War as 10 rhen Comploe t d.îîob ttate foond administratqira of wh3m 1 >'dy lstu ig trntLapa tie sttop nehe re r d Ar onhhre htlt i ui i vocated by J.lliusH. DarneF, Unîited iiz,.tiret may lbe eztected. lho ssked cooperation Iu the gavarn- 1Of 414 1511414beforo thie Lake Couat>' Board o ie ao!enhv rtru t ktitenabln Inlilinais when sah, went 96tatea ntvhat dfrector, in a bsiale____-- r nts efforts'toi reduce the high coat - Revlew for in session at the court at practicali>' ail pointa. Ove, titres to luv, rith hlm ln the Etate of ment toda'. tif living. At -the samope tme lhe sent hans ad expia ln why thcy are aot ; thousand. men on the 13. & O. aut1Bal- Minnesota and that therefore she was Commenting on thp goverrunient ' Ir iE UEC iýnstructl9ns tu ail district attorneys ClwlN . n.1.Ablapaying a iersonal tai or rhy their tmn aertre awr.A a.not eatiticd ta obtain a divorce as crop relimgt for J, î.wîti.î tuahos IIIo1et I tVi' a.)Ithefondadsti- rYe needed on uic tast abot t10Wn the'personal taies have been reduceid umbus and Cleveland conditions aire a resîdent ofIlilinois. the uaprecedeaîed log itia icrop pro-i- rIgel landtelou i aitînt fonnn tch but registered on lhe rrougng a n t ~year. -rapidiy aPproaching normal. Norfolk I h flai u1 aottr itct o 2104llll0it.-lili Sr.Ilr ~ a "~VE R, tos adtoac a ~ceonSfYtar«et put te Great lnkes Naval b iIoftis ohocelh,'&Suhrnsomnlvertre. ath Ie afda wiie A N edn r ta d l c nest doci221,000,00t auhe t r fiaelue. et- ofutlawviolation rhaich mnight Trainlag station tonaitiîird l n teacc aitaoe b of thos le hord la& tternsotteetbade reat ir a cut ut Les ucr.e a-a-effoldnar-e nezdelardtha ay ur.jýr edco TO DROPIN Y ARta ie ilgit ln tihe work 0f the f nlisted insn's tea r chiae î o acc0frdv:inchud oe msocl of the Omare r*'Intrfh tig t nd t Wers meicour hr t a:--" effo et tiosi l che, -"usitic' ha's MV" ~ ~ "v f-ir price oiitestle eo-i.A.Syasi hmaeB oa1th o aertrn t oka a pns.Jd fl rst etmdeheis 'laruiliteenlu thîCty 1iousvlle&.agKvllereort lrgi-gd or frankly umin a pollcy üatýood ittie.itiT'IIIARL -tîtîti d i rycounty. tîcelidntailly drew a bond on the iar)- "ewa afn u wyteuuCteaofmartrig ~rd evnidea g roud f it(rsaao Means "National Charity" - - Work on Living Problents. cet next in line. men have tnot istedl any perautîjIý "Atilerican Fedortlon Of Labor Jis 112,c (lier. 1-riano is attorney' Ili lsarlenat cotiniueslitostoti, Mass., Aug. 12. Predie- Firat place weat ta the Uaited. lai," a memben of the board itaii. "la as fast as possible te nid ln gctthing ai Itha uit" E. V. Orvl>, nus notitieti "In affecttlits would ttorcec atimiîlijotaut ofa decided drop ln the ppneu Lving prableinîscontilucdtu toah-etteMarine Corps tesa No. 2, ritht otiten cases re rant to tfinit ýhy mvsîndiag men tr ite difforent points nliin the divore'ituparing waa la bc charity on ev-ry Alec ricui whet!îer of aices weru nmade b>' Icath r deal. înrh uîithof the attention of Cnu- a total of 5SN. Marine corps lenaoNo. I hese men shonld flot lbe as:3en5t! 11 force back ta work. With fer osr- helt and thiateonsluently atither ho roulti or no. e rs and situé manufacturers rita testl c ress. Federal supervision ofthe 1lalsobadl a scnte of 536, buit fliished nemuch personal îîroPcrty aslis it! (-ptions tite situationqila decidedi>'cf thocira wre pretîcul. "ýlt*s effret hba le-endeînaraliz0nîîg1doit oday ai the grand Jury Investi-:iïsenance of stocks andi certificatea second, having a lowrnscore, 23. a it Ycar. The oni>' na>'ne eau arive, btter. tyRapJ.Ddrpeoin levcry people since thet days o0frtte' galba utofte iîigheost Of living b ie a pruposedln tite St-aate. Cold te longer range. 0111cr scores wcro ai the true statu, of affaira Ij t) eau 1"B. E. TEItI'ENINO, flapt." Mra. Casrta and the Melyer famnily. circus and free bread in Route. ing conductei by' Dîstricl Attorney: !Morage rogulation suggested b>' Grent Lattes, :?93249-532;- Unitedth____snd_____«,-_________to Md.tvti, nefrn VTe Atueia 1taisewjte eu in w lujcsehC. 'Pelietier. The opinion. 1 Pr-aident Wilson rs taknU > Sael'air'tan 7823511rangîug t a tl cin"A O..î philoope. t>.311rh hc oel îv Iéi lokotr1ý nantrlAeiu xeiinr oc,23 ng nottliîid Attorney Orvin whlen Lbis ev~, rrkontr-lt ti ittu1ti ioweier, ras taI lie dtclne miglit 1 lice liaitru agrictittural committCe.Eu- AuianEpilioii>'fre.23 iate a mnntioa'd he titils Artemus flmais soya tiheîvrstlhblng icaring waa to take place, andti he wa>'. The lour cansumrption ut Ain- fini coic for another yoair. nopes importe of fond - from thia 243-526. meber o oboard as bout.,. wu-about being a fotooIslaitt oihens fiad it othen frottaMr. Orvis lan wilcithe crics feu tfram 23ý poutais lier caîita i tncsBes s*ld thue d iý e dunianti coutrly, particuiariy that purcliased A. P. Lace, Nnrwaik (Cann.), Riflo of te thinga Iliat wIlnu 1:1 l) 1 out bofore yon d,-FDnltoa l Citizen la1811r îtald that hc-litadt iafurmed ta 171 pountis durin lite lasti tear. rtia hleb grade of. situes and irnt ili the $100.000000 tund ritich Club non te National Rille assocIs: limediatel>', la titailt-oru a.*(ivtri Optimietie Thought. Case-rsta hn the divorce hcarnn "This provos flit tbrend wa5s- a-iiing 10 pa>'. One leatliag firtit Premident Wilson aaid *as necessar>' lIon Individusl iiatol match at 2Z tau hundreti automoilies n cldMITemperance ha te iioierating àt ns, tu tke place and ram Jiafurmod- Placed hyb>' hier toods. bli nlllaonsof dolane uf citeaper ta stop the restward apreati o! Bol-yards nîlh a score of 293. gan on rblch no parsonai pnopeety ace's deaires ln obt-die'iî-u to rençn. that Caserta diti not niai tutt1contebt "Treive million housewiis adiii- grades ut sole leather, -rhieh manu-sbiviena. drer the tire of Senator tai la being paiti. Tihel .tigeylh action but cîcrr'y nitth-d to iss,ý! luterebtheIium table dttl'lfg, rr lime fctrea ould flot bu>' beCausu If M rita odoclareti lnasa.eech thât WAUKEGAN LOCI » tewcam ed e n imer a! utix;-in niii~ ra cnsiece 'Ie,"med acame up toth1e standard de- Oeuple qbroad rere buylag ir i, oprdti imhro uo-Ne Salt * ifs n, rller&oo itios aeha ,Àrestly liglilea the aIrafin of living' Former GOV. Will.iiaLU Dougas li purchaseti at home. A sugar saiesîcan ras ln W&Ukbsesbsonr ith the amber ofasahineua ls il1m yote c«WIi bt$i dvrew re.Alrba- iodiin yaaiifardec*)etanti Edrard F. Douglas nero aasong Preaideul Wllson'a auggetiaa -tiat gan Ioda>' lad assee tothat the SUp-e c be atbsbusPi i rto iltalt I. ,Drillera for dli le lag thueeaffidavits Judge d nantis 'or social conscience, lintg te sioe manufacturera board lotis>' <., sscouiti show wbat .cold i ply af sugar lai qciîlî-iitnlted. He sith Cilty. Titis 'maires Lteau>'ton tic Toias ansd Loutlannneceoaly fouintd enledth le motion laihave the de- Wheuît rop Diaapintng Holla P. Davis. presflt ' lof tebarUichcc fn in u woi "Fer sevanal weeks i4bhave tried *3.lassacetts Retail Dealers' asso- done Io contrai maunting prices b>' aerted tha irtte iports ta the affect hadt hc pai aiotrt ~great salt deposita a fer ltuntredteet oCe set amide. ta gel a more genenal appreclaiion afnal, anti ather retaîjenssinore remedying thte extortion rhih lit bas titat sugan la b-ing hoardeti b> the not payting a porsonal ax on is car. below the suirface. Kince ort ies. Casorta enserratat ainb eekin,ît ta talc ltepubliceailliti lintour wri 1 r«1-.beucane*rsrmpn u u hoisaaers la nitiouttfounadatian. He Thaeeare scores of mAn tront t"j beds rareae encagdwsrmatl he' onr itiýacrigt or re 2.000 feet tIii'dc. bave tuaedivorce deertee-( tamidu e prospect wns>no longer tie jabuionsi>' The dittrict'aîîuruey'a office sai District o! Columbia result.d la thIi ad he rouldt chasurpt'ised if lte mmbara rwho have scioduied a mal.i actuateti nol b>'an>' .ilre or favorable ane «Illt accetitcd b' he ocaltei<eai presentative ut a large lraftîiîg of a bill hy tae district shortageiat-'d unttllit i ftt er bnpî- ut t-ver getting tui.s rUe Lu ilvefla tain sectonus orthte press. lealter bouse decltned tu testit>' ou cumntssio11r, lyojatan rt en enamouhat a apropert tiftisl he garrison i 11hitfitbtebca'e a pnnciie "But Jil lureliLtu reenber that, thei groltad tat lus evitiecce audgit (iiasritaa Mundack of lte federal ieWlbrCmelofPn,.lemaattstebandlrdvrc bareven disappoictiîîg Ji@ nitinkage, tend in incriminale bim.traaite commission, rhieb rould !ortclia gniti tiecis a Wu bea d a ea th e ua aho ibeore tte Slalom an ed 2feetblet, 13 @ ise.itay ilbpltc hml ,ae alili bave a rieat crop aboya the 'aanufacturera, rhoelsalera. and license ail dealers la foodi, fuel and fora Gfer daya. boodwas a rti anliot onpcittlrec a slta a', afnd l ' n upratier1> fe t bo testutar bad 1gb anti liegasys ho -tiIres vin- taverage. If nW fil>11sYtiPPI>'usisR. relailers assantetIfil as saiti, t e wxring apparel, nith the liceuse O. toe h usfisiitr odas a persoagiproertya on unbict linraslandine1h, upp or uarter naîttarse0sa dication nmore than althing cia". home andi probahi> suficianti> cati. mangin ut profit ras no greatar Iodai' nevokable on prouf of pnoiteerlag. Wa aket bsnesshvisitty. PaiLaibety >'erbo nadeest.nt tol ltheloure "uniton bine Stars , 4bairntMe tribut. ta te necesaitios ut Europe. than taI recelved Whoit ensîtcwere Begin Laworling Pricesl t ii atron u ahi h xuedo fo o accOver oce-thîrd lenglh of flag, exteati- BI% heurt ras au great as(lite norld. 'Threlaa loe ajulmntto slting at a muci loner price. Thtu trat jolitgîven market quota- sdgoe> lr aebe litif neo aelehat tua tin igt.uthe Iower edge af the fourni r re but thons ras no rocou lai la o u clO5e for comfrt-belreen crodthe tlons ras Ihe sale of the War De- adgoeysoe aebe lsdfosnec aetebadhnodr tripo fronts thtop, ltbe ineinor> o! a rong.-Fmersoit. %rend roquiremeat andt the total grainî oa Weduesday afttrnoons for qâite ed the men tb ratura homne sud brnai aupi>' bu thra a sffilen, rtît Full Dut>' Net Seing Dons., pariments surplus supplias. Sacre- a white. ____ ____________________ tÙPIY.bu thr abufo loner au>' Mach bas beau, don, for the ebîld. 1 Ian>' utWar Baker said ,Ptiay that 'The Ladies Aid Society' Of the gare. Thero can cn one n mucii la non beiag done, but Ih et retali dealers handllug tbe commtuer, Srediait tutlieran Citurcit rîti meet !àoubt ttit e suIVI>' andIdemand l.o en on.I abvrd the ocntl linos of. foadstut niicitare ali- tmreieS 2oickl ochurcit position ianriteal demonstrates our bs hea Laiti social ecieunvon ioiJhnte. the War Department'Esu:ip parlera. Mrs. A. P. & C. G. Gustafgou siuaranteepricea are net maintaipeitinasu hr fliaielnither the. ie aeb6ul oe tmpia iietran 1bvuarod eai" , ansortotet oo abut, hae 'ku tulowr 1eirpiceswill eterai.~..- . uoyca ori, eve. sînte nor the Intivitduel aboutid net la "make'them square" nlth the goy- Mime Durotby Douglas #o!fBurke stsid-W.Clrk tI je.nJ.ntnt I VV. itAtU sartnî mruar -mreta. Pt tlsb hng e l hed _________ It will be the poltcy of the, Wer bhlon lw o ues e î (. it-Dally Thought. flepartmu-nt," asserted Mr. Baker I"ta tnsload irlwio uednev5r10 it Great nmen too often have getrf ix pricea on ail surlUrs subsistence ni> later thon ine 'clock lois a iaugh- futata hîtemi~a roo aloiie h! iI elwrt ter'o hoW WlOjust starts outnt n al t i ho n ltl iuýtnfn s;cundor t lese twhich Ilielr comini Wtclock for the eveaing. o.Luo.Ih rc etwi sml o md- Our $1O,OOO0 Manufcacturer's Sa mie S~i Is Stili ln Progress You Cai SveConsiderable - During Thiis Salé. It is y3-ur opporttimity to save rnoney, for thieso sampilI(s we-re purchased at reductions of 25%7 to 501;'c anîd have been rnarkcd dow-n for This Sale. 50 Overstuffed Rockers-100, Reed Picces. 125 LIBRARY TABLES at Sale -Pices. Largest stock of - Trunks, Suit Cases and Rand Baga in Lake County. Big Reductions où Bcds, Sprinigs and Mattresses.,. Corne In and Let Us Explain Why It WiII Pay You to Bu>, Now. joying iter vacation. Mrs. Clarenco HIldredita farmeri>- Editit Ryan la laking ber place. A petiitin twas ftledjn cout>' Courit Ioda>' asking ltaL Catherine Qowlikz ha tieclaicti s deihaquent chiid. The case nil! behoieard Aiiguat 23. The regular reitearual of thte Christ eburcitchoi r wlit a eiti tontgb't at 8 o'elu-ck. IMns. flea Neele>' of Second stroot ras taken Lo the hospîtli ods>' ver>' sanloual>' iii. Chtarles timoada has reluneti rom a six recits trip to Buffalo, Rochea- ter anti other palis la the east. Mrs. M. A. Cole of the cit>' lftI ioda>' fon Los Angelces, Cauif. irbere shce xperîs 10 make hon home. A daîîliîtcr ras bora to NIr. anti Nirs. Tionien or 409 Forest Ave. yes- tordait tthe MateraIt>' Hospitl. Tro automobiles came togetbar ln front 'O!f lores aGrage Tuestia>'nighi One of the front niteela an oae mali chtine as aaImasitetiand lte car badl bo be bauîed Into the garage. .Larrence Gsmash of 517 Ash st. Eluna> and Wililam Sheldait of Mr Kiale>' avenue ad Leslie Totendale et 2nti street 1usd their tonaila ne- mave t thlie Jane MOAister haspitai Ioda>'. Oni>' one marniage licease waa is- oued InlaWaukegan Ioda>'. It hooka as if Wisconsin couples atill are atraiti of thte consequencas o! msrry- li oltsida the state, tiespita te ruling of the alarema court. uldaard Maguine, son of Mr. sud Mns. Thon, Maguire of West Wassi lagton St., arnived eat Great Laites Suntia'. lHe aurprised biis oika bv comnlg home taut nightI. He bas beau aven saverai times. The bandt concert given i a Roose- vlt park Tueaday night b>' bbc Ameni- tan Steel andt Wire campan>' bandi ras one of the mant suacertuil ofrtae season and ras attectietib>' hundreds of people, These concerts ara gnon- lng In populanit>'. Waahligton, ýAug. 12«-omitald- Pr W. A Iteat i rt i >' the trans-aI- lantie seaplane NC-4 la Chticago tit faitunulesa the elemieats on fortune of tlylug, rhicb. bave beau couabatteti ancceosafuli>' thus fan, oavrhetm Lbem meanrhfle. A canspurse>' betrween Chicago colîl storageameanait the 'big packera ras siegeti b>'the iUnitedi States district attorney's office >'estentiay ritea agents 0f lte Deratmeitt of Justice brongitt tu evidence 10 show that nare bousaes are "hulging ritb butter, Chiteeeait ergs." 'The icqueat lanltae case o! Burton Mlisger te ZMan Ct' ~ ita hodies as tha result ar inJuriqe recel.veti ritea ho ras aînuck b>' a automobile ras 10 be nesumnei t .the Hollalitiun- tiertaking roams thisafatenaooit at tiva O'elack. VTe - tates attorney' bas matie even>' effort ta gel ey ewltnesses tcte accdent, Special Purchase Sale of Aldvance Fait Dr esses Silks, Serges, Tricolettes, Paulettes, etc. Are Very Specially Priced at- 16 ~ 234-75 29m-5 3.7 The new Fail Styles ln WoI and B11k Dresses .are ready now. These were secured ln an unus- ual trade transaction which enables un t. quate Onices considerahly le08 than their reai wqrth. Among these nawest crations yau willi fint striking new serge dresses; dresses of tricolette, paul- ette, satin, taffeta. crepes and combinations accordlng ta price. Wash Dresses to $15 at- e The asartment lsn't complota af course but .yau wlit f md many' handsomie styleaq In. wanted coelora and sizes. Values ta $16.00, wbile they last at $6.85. 11 fume' 16 t" -la do Smy h.plta *j"md ie '-A.w.b lois . Ci0 dab Uofdci *oqs foruai 160foar il i<vebr".bO lmb end i air claue. entî cf tat V-têkborec P" rIls bu birn d th unsss cfve botma *te oiac. Thé raelul pist, l iaSn T AMi basý hieenti luegive. haot l4rry Boug fuisérs

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