CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Aug 1919, p. 3

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Syou'II hawvs streak of smokehick thatlh pop-n-yoe-mokrnoorailright, if youlh n.1mrePrimc Albert for- packing 1 J ou batweea @usev, you nover owlsi.Up tu blgh-utlot- simnok-jop MM iyou o u S a .pipe by itefiru mas,thon, toblitthe peak-of<le m o. h"d square ou dthattwo-e-ntobeco, Prince Albert lt We% skmi, you'Ube no sU-fn happy peul omnt tg use a photo- UN& cf yonnsiuf lwebig op te. g*ibkh bsbrott vide opemi Ta&kaboutaaioko-portt Quelity ipskoPrince Albert s. appealing ail along the artolve line. Men wha neyer befpre coul onai a pipe snd men whoMve suioled pipes for yeans al$ ttVy ta thse delight it bauds anti P. A. can't bite or parchi Bath are cut aus by our exclusive ptnteu processl Rigit tuo while the going'e goal pou gai out your aid jimnry pipe or the papers sud landi on saine P. A. for what ails ye part icular smakeappctte 1 1 a""V gO, Amud...-..J -Imm. àmbh Effl . eu". du à,fltoedluw 'IL J.Te . CpayWisutmt4.9&n, N. C. GoodTiresFor Your Car Trhee ae just two kinda of tire-~4 tires,- &id others .Good tires iat longest. Trhey save Ut~outble mnd temper. Also money. ht wll pay you to use them. *Wehave exa2tly -the ones for your cart-gd tires$ United States Tire&' Fivd(types-one for every need-of Price or use. Boetter get in touch with us. W. bow umitdStatue joo tir.thalimeswhy wô gmalthan. UietyvD.Gage., UbtyvMII% M Frauk Pok% WkoeUng, 19. J>.ogpare Guage, Deepath Av.., Laeu L F. Ytu4 North, Chlcair% IL ~ D Math. toeschboeg, PÉrai ie w, HL PL L, NdJ.iRu$s.d DL Brow. & DO.h i WaUCOada, DL C.GQ Wenban& Son,. Lake Fdmzè4 HL RWsv oni. Wexai Louves Supe,* p te Uy Theugl4. 5~v Yark ou « t be wanG lu coeegrOWiDg coUtrim à5 au% teoe? t b.etukto 0,s W~~~~lè PZt IilU ~g3 fusion aorthe lhavi aior t»Ifft 1'@ar ravai ndbyr tWU o»*eées« wb ~flL5fl~ CI~i beld by ntan ta be . uletertat' Mr e ii»ovior O Ma&e tro a hees *TfEPACKFICCOAST (('oatlnupd iras page one) te iatY SlBlclYEtisawith Mount U.h ,and, cappedivith. perpetuat snouva tu- werfng above Mind crech, a sizable streaint orpure iSow and prng va. ter tumbies aven buge grane bould- ers frrnt the msuntain above down titre u we v ileés ot canyon whlch opens ipo IitIipart. h s a apark vhfci Anus&a*" Into the vîstors heart. MW , 0000il bve b'gger parka Maur cies è heautiful ai-tas oi @bade and grse, lWt novitere bas oid maOtisr natM e WwsenOd a more per- fect speciman of bar handivork for the en!oyrint ofMA Inla t#«%, ~We folinil vater ev- eryvhere, &Mip»#r", rushing rom some ijtnr ssétream a blet has taundbaut't cmagranit,- ouif, and tumbllur aM taqia Qver Imcas- grau luldoems la a dan k 4*rf. aptî>' named Satan', *ubbÀhr: ratta' la faunil a sulpiar splpg. oda vaser bail. up la a Mlgsg, u under a rustlc shelter râ=.aIlike abheltar la fuImmdtMe' *DM* Ashlaud Li"hi spring for MWbI*ibe park la camail. Thisi ihaw*sal ta aqual lu madicine vltbaOt of 5h.-famaus aSa oflie tOisauresorte. Evary- body 'miss i*iafu nks ireel>' with.- Aiter out, wàne over SI- park va vers ihWdi ta tables ladan vitisO ai 4 or goal things. Great bupjqgflW tpoeis.plums Aleas sd jta k the place af 0 weM o istôb1ss iiet vera set ou gres a t~I oyer bals ga- lors.. That diume: A'oX«Site long ride itom the, we ptte er.euor- mous but therp,étllcfl ta e %an l exhaUStabIe au. og-mevae ta viene-. au s t.4 Lraarnofplat- Stes ai chisictn. Ied potatoes and miav>' saag bss~-ischuits, andl Other gocdi tIt Oa. ed tiforth. Bal- ais. rallahes. *. marmalades, i'lute--but vby '$0uflumerate the good tha. N u. the mean af Ashiand vora tiat tout WpriSe vwhen liey said, Te laBoýpume sakilu cane af a dinair'fer e» We are toli that eeSr t m rel b>' tise pnet>' girls of Aulmb"d %»a gradues grovu or maaufatwe lu Asislansi or Oreon. C Titan mars raiMes - nroqud lie Sera ai cisiken. . asissi patataem PoltUluion concilie nmau of aire- tirai People oaimaitas IWho have Baugits out 5h15 placqe 0f deligtui ,Climat. lnilbembuUth ifel uiruallt ta bulil a home. As a v»sWt'AshIiad la destilesi ta beoceo fuma, lits combhnatUou, ai cimaté. sinesrai wa- ters snd mauntain he*« WbIng a toundation viticis- has almeadi piaced 15 as oua af Oregon,& eo-arbvis- iting. At the Lîthia puart umobill camp. thse firasfree.aUabqàfle camp on the Pacifie ccasS vo founi score. of automobile touristue asape& W. ara talsite average nuumér of ciru bar. nlghtly yvas betvgiuSony sand -fit>' ansi vondered nos-ut li*eniom when wv a w thea b«e- Ailcon- veulauca af the camp.Ubea lie Ps- Ciflc hlisvway la pard, sau àtviiib. tviihinfIvé years tro. iexico ta Wsslington the autogtSuriaS vil cama In thausanis 'vian. he comas lunitundredu ut presaiansi Ashlanil ha, prePsi'ed b>' building an auta-camp vhich la fameus thrucut th. veut as tisa bout IDia emunkIcpal camp graunsi on lia TaMe-o ouaL. Ai eight o'clock vo--leandel aur upciar-train n sd arm peaullur a"t ta Portland. The Dnnul' TIsa dinuer serveSlte Bilons lu Aablan's Liis art vasUam '4re. Xon Products" linner. - Bren> ar- ticle serve as ..grava luOdroit, inost of thens lu Ashlead. The dinnur va searvail by tise laitsai lb. ait, pracslcally aver>' la" e otuakla taklug aa:sara aiflte ver. in Chau' -- TPhe Ashianil. M.ifaa* ui osts Pas. Commercial Clubs ua'opse«ed lu ataglng thse Crater loko Ù19 for tha National Eldîtoallatatloa Cm . ere furnlshedI liiths ie Mns et lia tree citie. 'Ph. ientain- ment at Ashanil vas difftehle AsIsland Commercial (tuèb, ttle lianes' 'preparail b>'the ladite o0f Go olty'. Tisa Portlandl Chalabeof aiCommerce furuihasi te speciai tuin via hbraught tisa part>' acroés Oregon ansi laites them back. (Sy W. 5. IiBa TPh.emouru In lie sate af tisa National Preesu Assît. aira s ta>' ta Canada visera the Mobaru vers ioyai>' entertaineaiwvasbsort buMt "- osdlngly fut uMd esiulve la visat vas seen ail dane.r Tb@a cîties ai Pantiand5 Meitd. Asiland. Tacoma and Seatia treaSedc tbie aditora royalty,, ln tact nothing was lef t undone in make te trip a memorable au.) lu ail respecte. i'ortl&ndjsa arit>' of great promise, praved b>' the vondenfisl ailvantages thea cty offers toa ursacturars dormui location on the greas Colum' bien riverlils beautiful situaiei te- silence district et oaae s. i SOfte river sud thea husiensa intaresta tie other. maire It;au 11.51 place lu wiicb ta lire. The business men at Medioril shovml their true honme spirit wheu the>' turaishesi cars vîth wviicista transport 207 edisors and tisair fanât- lias ta Crater Laie. a trip vhlci vas vonderful 'and vblch viii ha mail. eaaWInrluthe future becaàer 1he wa*X aio building a nev concrete rond clear tram tise bottant taeibe to#aisireadl>'bas beau stanteil. Whoa tisat la doue, touriste vii flock tiser. aitlioù they bava beau 'flackiug" quitée a bit thlis easoli, ail previaus records baylng beau brakea for as- tendance already this season. 'Nullaord la au Idealiy aituateil place of 12,000, located &- short dis- tance from te hase o ain taala an lhe top oai vhlch la Crater Laist indicating the spirit af co-operatiau G rand Fo" i VUep tisat existe amrntheGobattant@ men ai Muifard It la nocoan>cumir'ta MaY tisat100 oi liem taenei lie une af liair autos ta speul two days vltb ti. editorlal paty la basu thern ta the lake-for. it taitu aa lui> ta go sud a day ta retamn. Yet tise> dld tis. lie>' didIt 5for thein tova ta show tisat thetr a 1thle place vberee'openation 4mistea l& .fui- lest sens. Tise edîterial part>' vas serrai breakfat upou arrivai at Mail- tord mnola>' morning, lie ciamben Of coerce acting as honte and tisa Chamberalto1.0 vanboutusas otah le editars ilulur thtiar taj at Crater laie. Uaua raturul rontrahle Crater lake trip lie eiltorial party v as taken ta Ashland vian. a voer-e fullp' fine dinuer vai aervë ad ier the sisade or a beautlffl shade la thecity part. The guuts heaurd vardu ai valcome tram oBolauoai Goe ciamber af conausrceandi lie> Iben Inspecteil th. auditorium vicis la out ai lie f"saSoailils kinilu the worlil. Aoland' sunl>' laa irve ansi hustllng tavu M ubasones dIa-' tinctlaa which touriste never forget. Tii.>'havea aportion oai0liein cils' Park vbare qtsarter-metersm eplacei ansi People lhave the usea« rS staves b>' droPpplg la thetr mauey. Thu.s ravelers have a chance ta get bot meals ln Asulautd snd ail pas- sible canvenenu are pravid oia thair consott. The clSy ai Ashiaul bas a vouiler- fui record. AlthoughIs 1 bas a pou- Iatioq i of6000, Iu Police farce Con- sista ar tvo me». ana nl-ght and ca., Clay aiffcar. Most rernarkable ai sU thepe has noS beau one stresstien. îu the hat'three jears. Ou tlie F'ourtls ai Jul>' thera vers 325,000 pua. PI, Lu tovn butsnosaansivser. - cassar>'. The population, af Asisias la 99 Par cent American. Oficielas theSi. oistiea Pa"l vare ver>' caurteous ta the tatous aon thiai Crater Lake trip anUipro vidadian uausuaiyl>-fia. tr&an lfo their usatramt Portl&Uastu adfrhm Meilford. Govemnar Olcott of Oregoe ansi Major Baker ar Pirtial secam- asanleil tha party tram PorlUmd ta Crnatar Laite ansi hacit. 1 iere a au aninue*os bich show, tise true dernacratia aptrl5, tha5 u«- lois ln Oregon ansi viclc-15dmavlflg Pepeia tatstate. 4At Orer Lbe the crawl avaeraiGoleepig ac, cormaodations, for, litead «oithora hatnig 200 lu the l'ati, lâtane VM 300. Masu>'meuvenut te SeqWs lithe yards-ansiaImaittroe ta 4mai11; a lot Of tient via tue t.p thuir e" ta vamen. sast np &aiugit luafront af tha ireplaca. About usldnlgist th.vniter vus knaaltng on tise foot inatG romt vhicb ha and othesu yen. eenri. Ha vas lu tis a ci of palitggrie sprained ankè ité vuoa..A, rap came it tise door ansi a vole. @Md! "an> mareraont, lu jour noom?" "Conte ln," saisi lie vniter. It vas elark lu tise zoom, t 5belag far up lua eraaft but antilu vas désirablea ia list. The qmi. 1er enteraI lthe rock sud 1tise write, then said: "tiser, are tvoa tIe bia hea d 1ouI>' thnee af us aeluA fellaw namail Ricisardlson ated une ta hallte taurtit sleepina pu fon hlm but If îou beal hlm ta 1, is> hy la out af ltick. What la jour ma"e. "0111 ian't rua auj palier al aMt My narne ia Olcoul" Andsia idt! te Y56It' "that muat be Governor Olcott.1" for 1 iiad heard bita speak the words of weicone. At Sailem, capital of Oregon. but, a candle doeg»'t givc much light thee days andl esPecialiy when Your head i3 -boire IL as mine w4s at the Urne. "Weil. l'Il go andi tell Us. I- eOtt that 1 bave found a bed, hold 11; for nie," laid he as bie wall<Pd away MiA expianation Iieng thai he had ttvéu Up bis Portion of the îansily bed to a woman who hasinflt beau able te get a place te sloop. Weil. the Gôvernor camne bacà short][Y, i gave hlm hat f rnmy im. Mfvksed Plllow vblch hasi consiated o1 a linen duster aud rubber coat- bs tOak L1heÛU ;duster rolled IL ltao a bunch, crawled rate0 bed Mud .amu e both ver. atieep. At lat the. fourth member of the. original 'quartet vhlch had been a8slgued ta the roorn came ln. Re sav the bails ail full. Be poked me te ask vhere he vas geins ta sieep. "8-b-h, titat' the gaveruar Aleep there. Be qui et,' 'l -warned hlm.. 4 UUggated that he look Up nome blank- ets. ispreasi thern on the. foor b. tveea the beds ands leep thera. lRe disi s0. Mra. Olcott hasi quit. a time Rudlng ber huab3nd lnl the mormlur and when.she flnally lacated hlm, !je vas f,,pt aulee>, the. feliow on-lU 1100r bavtng crawied Into bed with hM atter the raut of us' ha rimi earîy ta ses thea 'un Conte Up over the wondarful lait.. Nov then If this Instanceaof the governor of Oregon being forcesi ta look for a bed ai nlght and being taken ln wlth a cravilora trangers and bsiIg contended i wth bis lot doesn't iilustrat. the true demno. crac> of te uorthwast, wa Mis, Our guess. IL ws 'eharacterlstic or the ganeral spirit that prei'alig ln that uection ar the country. SERVANT (ilLS fIOT1W Me VISM1, AIs 0M1 A SPiited Piotut MVoWo by Waukegan YOM gWomn Answer to Anne Frazior. WRITES LETTER Tro' SUN »RsuAnne ratiAWUnorWvb. coutendeil that servant girls are overMiansd Gtb 8$4per veel la su- ficlent Psr for thent probabir vas mat avare vwhat a storm a o prteut mie vwoulil Crete- for servant girls ail aver Wakeg» ane indigmaut, Borne 0f «them bave wMnlttj ettera er pro. test. Meoeta one of th etton«s re. cel1veil yhe GoBwuon the subjet:. WaaélukewamI Os ROterlug to au article la your Va. Per daffl August 8. vberte il is AnAJ ftaWOe oftAurora. status that servants nre ignorant Mdns oçli b. able to eziattu Id14pster , mmvuld b. Dlesseilto bave you ,nlnt ils.toi- lovlng rspir. Ne doubt a servant girl or aMI Ivorkitg girl migbt ezist o» lé a va but IL certalnly vould. be a zalsenable ezisteu0& iAuj Persan vith a ihau bIeart coulil rsadly see that a servant girl desires 1 lveCRil bave soaa.ea1n" meut, 4"d ot ouly criaS for the sole purPase 0f e:viog ber 'e' ire or. tanate Sister. wbO Il te uhauld t ave bail5h beimlsfortuno ta ho boru pu., V01114 luaAU pi SLi i ,t ., botter Altiso -jot voulil thInis an edUcat, ed 'voMMan(preumtng that ail veal- 5h>' people ,v'se bhuit aietdca- tion*) v-uId b. bnoamindeil enougai to appreclgte the n flua fmre "nuse. menmt f8n4 prt.-Plint.hes for the vont- bii ilirlandi realizo ihat IL could flot b. doue vîth44 Per vcek, vith -pries. so lilgb. Bh.leentalnY must ha î.lfth or se fer behinlth.e Urnes tiSai he dosa b5ot kaaw lelat Ilie voustl bu on $4 lier week, even thougihber boardan roont lent la pull. e VoUr dollars par veek vas thse -Agen pal taservant girls avar twentYyjears aga, andl by ompaelng Prices nov vitit prieu at that Urne, IL ides not tako long to oongludstlsat 14 la inadequate for tise needs ,ai evea a servant girl. Tbacklng yeni 1 au, tram MD01>JOB' EOES TO SAUOR FR0N NAVAL STA. Frank W. Ladky ia thseflrst mms ta reap the benit tif the vartime Ieglulation b>' thse Ilunis Auaembly vio. bave sas erytue prefereuce lu civil serice tests., Russel. .Pool. vislsale groom', IONOFTfe(A Business Session at thê ber of Commercs;e-~ ai court Houe COL. SMITH TO 9g OR~ The liat reunion oai Go (loUnty Baller, and il ilana tiean viii hobeld lu auU Thunaday Aur. 21. 'At 19,3Oý thera vil) b. registration Mdii a nas% session at the Chamrn àe suteaRroorns. At ncon s cafeteria diune'vW gîvan at tise G: A. RX ha«l 181 ileughter. aof5the G. A. IL,,gS reasonable. At 2 P. rm. the Processaon Uul formed inlufront of tisa G. A. e 1 andi arcb otah1e court hauge «W visere tha exertl is îli h. W SUnole iib. turnIhhed bY ilie- W unii Bausiandi the Waukegaa n and Drasica pp. Nevtona.s Flu oint a solo anm a chorus «C~ gtirl,ag. .VaÇL A. V. fimitit. vin ix* *6 q lion. An addsresa vii"'i-.1.. , b>' Vi. Ag"«,KI«eêiIug peut prealdeut 0M th l.l the 0. A. 'R. The Pem bop"e that the 0t"eCmuA ton eÎ t4 G. A. R. viii». I& lise eveung a grsudI b. gvteast the Araaoep b 7é4ê 0f Veterana, for tiheasi eft A. IL EOL R RV.eITý9 LMSSTO M4SU MUST 1CAOI4 thsm te the store. Thi aiseGoalvce eis W&UkegnandiLk .m b>' &L & . Pos0e4 ton. vho 1la PlSINiE 5h.' à- a Iav Pesseil h Go tata' ton. et tIse luamastelu atm" dta imiroe letb insbectar MwaoUe s $0s 4* tais>'.telug Gem et tii.0 vrim *«n fn ~t . ayI 'fse'< vbleb bocomma «ottlve *C 1i. e coct"semoeS lmgemlad1 »m bon l uM. it Yut , 'làuam »drer -Mbis*e NovembS 1. 29m in iauj*"- aauoly thieetir. aiu dmw barâï haims ep.eersa am- ,àher merohits* 5tp" stonage. taââ ou ilOa4 otse dslrs ho bO o tn. er m oruv 7 G stm% é ve. if tboy sipo 'buy usera, s$Iwottaa pet an el55s x alléPMr ath. fieaziiom shauercais lay ais forv90044esr n & slip ta b piesi laeve>'.a lats u -d'rasut avIrovG lt&m uetew Cmr=". Tise lav proides Ithm . die.J ugn saWh heur a slip tie uaai otthecamillr a" t 5h. et candllug, inpetor! Avut 5 ý Iinoila dairy aud f ]WOig ««0«t descrn fl fra WeAJIlla i "Tt "Isl b. natl5t5 ta bave- lu bistose-16ega> blond lnisgi' 'pantisil' a*hi' il> eu&s,' black sOeta. bask i or agy othar unvisoleomé isrgl leus lh ie raare bnakfu la thujý mae then denatured noan - a. 'a thesme m.ânt for buaaq iaoi,5 VIoations amepass>eI.. gnidiug troa nat lem thas 30 dams la the coaty joli or M ll00 or lmprbaanmt maâsOt cao year. or bolat t e 10 oi Si.e eurt. ' Fa>' 0* fer BornE qi Thse diviox revuni- Bt Sters caude at lie tnMm t desîre ta have Go t br*~ man>' bal uamnbi. as hme tàma ther a.11areo#eulr bSre-lp Tise neouct la e tr« , eGbj l pay for une b u* e=neS eit rtë aim* lm btôýea.'l tire tonrfuMerate, tc» fflow Of andi preduce bottai' é«9s16 are vanta..e an aillr e'ia mae te .possible se Goe fma.ui es.......tot hét, trla meusral hGoen up'-*p inaa rer>' atissees laetlu they wouhl mot r turat he mOoer Van icaaS om -4bepati sts A~i. Olexeeil a5155 «*, tests.d ai fludigene, Pud a W41,y g"oalreet nu fl

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