.1LI TYVILEINDEPENDENT Y DEPENDENT Lake Coury's Blig Weekly ~si*s ~oe ~ ~ W~I. h Case. OsaMasi L~TVILLE INDEPENPENT. AUGUST 21, 1919. WAUKEGAN W'EEKLY SUN ----------8 -10PRYE R -AD A~8 S4k PTRUCK IVRS LOCKED UP TU T1l OUNTY JAIL m Brougt to Waukegan in Outos by ZMon PoUce on Tuesday NIgMt. VHEARINGS THIS P. M. *UI.LETim tley E. V. Ovîs who relisments I fthe arrestel drivers, assert ioda> that a flght wOUld b. put li Prevent the destruction «f the io truocsvibich he Bid are valu. »Il CO@* es $ 100,000. Attornney Wiu SPundlage lsquoted with hav mid tilat theme trucksa as weilIas .4r the>' cotain.d wli b. des- id. Ieteen luckle8s beer truck dri. 1were brought1 ta Waukegan f rom 1City la automobiles Tuesday' tand were locked up la the hiJail. {hief f3ecker bail previou-j CalIed up the sheriff and Informe, of the new glena he was tu i.'vt It -as neceasar>' for the sheriff CIU"T about ta get eaough food ta M supiper ta bis late-arrivlng Ira& an intereallng slght ta e t truck drivera brought bere Ina a. eacb drIvenanad guarded b! ipolice officers. Vie defendantsi of whom were taken in a raidg illted by the Zion poll.e erly 1 day marnlng, had been given ai fninary he&ring in ju4iric court1 had been held under bonds o F001) PIGES TO :BE HIO611R IN 1920, WARN FARMERS Was4ngton.-.warnjng wga given fod cnriatdsge aeal by representatîves of farmers' argn-otecontraiant o!Jsine toabea lisios tativif efa- heHause f mare active campaign to prevent and enae Aricltur CPMiteesharding and profteerlag. tad Snte Arcltrs amte The farinera' comitttee, before ta ne5present disturbed candi. the agriculture cammittees, demand tion@ resulting from Praftteering "in ed the. abandoament of ail price-. <ca da< wages" and trikes were fixing regulatians an faod and clath-, s5ettled soon the county woUld face a Ing and the. remaval of ail restric-1 far vorse situatian ram the big< coat tdons and regulations based on War of living abat year. pawers of Congreas. Fe<rmera, tiiey seil, wore prepar- Colta Up 200 Per Cent Ing for.next year's crops,,and under General inreasen of about 80-per ow'sèn-t caMitions cauld uot estimate cenla the cost or living during the w.,.t the probable market would ho. period frrnm December. 1914 ta June. 9'ear was expressed that there -would 1919 were shown ln tables mnade pub> be decreaaed production büth on lic by the Dlepartmeat of Labor. this accaunt and because President The tables were baseil on Investi- Wilson la big message vetaing the re- gallons in representative cities over rîcai or the daylight savlng la wplac- the. country. In every Instance great- cd Industriat production aheeil of est tacreasca werc recordedinl the farm output. prices a! clatlîing and bouse furniâh zThe flouse and Senate'committees fInge. Foad adrances were of third are consideriang amendaients ta the, Importance. titis atternoan la the Mion poiJcv, This driver was one or those who court. werp taken Into custody by the. Zion *tIfow about shcaîing craps,"* inquir Police last wcek Friday' ed one or the. drlvers a few r! -l'eXts 1tali these feliows that lhi-y after ho and btg canspautniiLd been were taling a chance by driving Bo locked up. <close ta Zion City" he maid. 'I toltl lhemn thatIif they wotîid drive far The attarney Gencral ba a'punt- enough west ta avoid 7ion City Ibid ed Col. A. V, Smith, of Watukegan sn Stîey would flot be moiested but tlffe bis SpEcial represenî.atI'-. 10ta ii.st would not listen ta neefand flow yVii1 lui the. proaecu tiin of thce If~ can se-e the resutts. %Ve neyer ore wRSF stated alsa that a. ripr<,,gertative bothe ed ýn ChIýa:,o <'r other ci: a' . of the atforney gi-ncri asi ld arivc i neverliîenititte about driving thru from Springfield tedn ' v Olllerh '-ayf ln troad daylight. Pi ail ln knowi ig that an effort lnai bc- la, le t .md:c Jî1 ta9.) about It." tbis a te-st case 1ld-.- the n:.w saille litw.IA I'U Jll L Ch~. Some of tht. trucks were camo'!- JAM3E~ IIALrIIq lb Il te police had talcen tivcaty ilag'd Ita niake it appear that tht.> .men mIntocîî.tndy tome bai esic- were loaded slth ho, chold furnitture. D AD T ied ln convinclag the. ofiera S'ash articles as plana oss ij Is, tables, DEa.A FOX LAKE i they were lafna way connected chairs baby ci'rrlages, ec.w-r MI the tlransprtat ion of the liqtor, itrapped on tlie bach of soi.toth James Ilalpîn, aged 49 years. one mg pasn9 merely on the trucks to ive tlîla lmpresmAfn. *,of the best knawn galooniceepers ln 93u. "Wlîat klnd ofa! a d baes' you,. the Fox L.ake regloa. lz deuil at his tlen mamoth auto tucks, MIane dx ver was s'.ked. honte. He bail been 111 for somte time. wi W-It li er c"nt Iecr frnnî "APPIfe and gigar," was thet reîîly Ho, was named ln an information fillet] Wauk-e, isoufld fier 'hicago. <ere Ait inve4ttalqn (*d;IOSlcoiée- <in r csrt rfeeatly by the stites anar- up .1 oi. i, c-e ! the P)j 'c afler tier of beer casps, togethhir wi(h ncy but the charge was dtamissed lu a, Mion tshs'<" olicers pro- miany sugar barrots Packed witli whén Ih wss learneil that his con4 ýed ta taIt" an i «tory. Oc' or. beer bottles. dîtion was critlcal. He sas bora ai rom Afirnéy < rera Ed -v ird Zion ClîY police 6 Afaait-inc chenry but-had lived et Fox Lake adage C:ilcç itcker sayq hoe tlated aver the succeas af their raid, for yeara. Hia 16 year oId daugbter borleasing tlemthtli. andconhl:cate very beerlade::truckm Lake aftprt becane lncorparated. aie i)04ttde. Hen o! <h 'r hchy ay h theyMonad a tPewst inrai cldayabe bOa n:Fi ta are coairaband juat as iuucb, a representative 0f the. Sun that pra- the beer. cîcaily al ibe trucks are owaedlilt One of the. the drivers sçucccedî-d, Chicago. Het. sv that esch of the Hoilanid Coal otaining bail but the maiority trucks plans <o make a rouadtrip b- ExperHî liîîve.estlnîated Yor the gov. f. obligeil ta spead the night laniveen >lwa ukee aad Chicago every bTflftt.It tii-dr liiltnnîl roul depposîti coumty jaili pendiag their hear- cether day, aliewlag ane day for the conaitti «<utc lies i -,X.000.~ toua,. bu- iwhicb were set for two o'clock trp la eact directian. Douîé ofIil 1-<' s,>t .fiu..I WaukZegan Business College Fali Term Opens SEPTEMBEit 2 Your Life's Preparedness? Witlî ail this talk of Preparedness, is any question of miore importance to the youîg rman or young woman than Preparedness ffor iife? rIndividual Preparedniess to the youing person starting out in life is of vastly more importance than any other question- Ijreparedness for life's journey means case and increased earnings throughout the balance of life, whereas unpreparedîîess m.eans being held at a Iowv level froin which it.is hard to rise after advancing in years. It is therefore absolutely ýessential that this question of Preparedness bc given serious thouglit by cvery young man and ypung woman. DON'T HESITATE àbout taking this step toward Success and Profit. Hesitation and indecision speils loss of time and deereased earning power. The sooner vou start toward. sueeess, the casiez the attainiment will be. Life today demands quick thinking, and quiek acting. The longer yotu put off your decision,the harder it isto break away and make a start towards ultimate suceess. Do you want to be in the preferred class? To earn more? To be ini- dependent? To get a good position iinmediately on graduation'j -Then qualify as a Waukegan Business College ýStudeiat by enrolling Sept. 2, or just assoon thereafter as you possibly can. Students may begin at any time, astheir progress is a niatter of individual abiity- Write for a beautiful descriptive catalogue today; -or btter still, visit the sehool and sece for yourself how w cil equipped iwie are to give you the iîght preparation for higli grade Business, Stenographie, Secretarial or Civil Service. Phone 636 or 1961 ancl talk this matter. over with Prof. Munson without any obligation whatever on your part. Waukega!§n Business Clxnmm-c Waukegan, Iflinoi SEARClIWRRN REVEALS PLUNDER AT lBOIE 0fMAN Rocco Natalie Taken Into Cus- tody ýby Police, Seing Held In Bonds Of $1.000. LARGE AMOUNT RECOVERED Waukegan. August Il. ItoscotNa t le,sagcd 31, 'if C('s,- Stic oô ip-sacel at the. City Police station on a charge of ilîr ceny. lie v.as arrested follaving tau takine- clt af a search warrant andi the subsequent searjing of 1li., homie wbicb reaulted la the. ilnsllug ('f 1.4hi[oot that la alleged ta liai been taken at the Chicago hardwair.- foundry at Nort Chicago, tht. Manu- facturera 'Termuîinaltat Waut- 'à and ather places where Natalie bad worked. H. V. Flakelstela. hemil o!fltu- tr- minai SU.Iislected Natale and cau- -l ti" sei-s-h warrant La Uc sworn ou t. T'rte l s-iciwas canducted by 0 stabile Clarence Hic-ks. Aniong the article@ round weres et aI elez trie. n-tors, a large il-ian ily of lacis, many people thosu- b' plumnbi-rs andI aa enorm6us quantil' of toaîslings and ilittnga of ail kinîl-, They also was a long section of b a- tbcr belting. Tht. police say that Natalie ls.s iu.nfesaed tb taking much Of the . li b'ut Insliat, that the toolsa wre i- own property. Ht. la lleged by t i police to have- scîdtI tvaoa!tii-- nîu tors, both of which have been ru-cuis eren. BROWE REUNION PICNJC AUGUST 28 Tbirty-ilve altzimai vbaent ta 9 chool before 1860 vilI be present at t ho Tventietb aaual Brove Aciîoot P),cnic ta be iteltI Aug. 28. For mnan>' years nov the. graduates bave assembced each summer ta i- a-w aid frienahips made tram the tdaYs when the. hickory' stick ruled ta novw hcn there la a furnac i n the basement or thet. asciool building. Morai- than tbret. hundred are expeet- edto * be preucai at the reunign pic- nic whlch la to bte hel t ah Oe schoptl <rounds. A bail gaine at-ranged by the. can- mittet. in charge la achedulcil on th&e prcgram. AndI Judge Pcrry Persons, a graduate of the. scitoal vili speak, andI tiere are lo bse aiher speakers Iwhase naines yl tbe aaaounccd soon. Mfany Wauks gin peopit. fare amoaz those a-ho graduated froin the littIe whtite scilool bouse, and mmdy athers are residents in tht. count>'. Wbeelbarrews la Af ries. The trade Ila wht.etiiarrows la Souh Africa la normal tintes taverage@ b. tween $45.000 .and $501.0W1 annually. .IPN' OOHL I HATN AUTO TIIIF ESCAP IN TftRILLIN( RACE WITIITRE POLICE- Abandons Stolen Machine As Police Catch up and Shoot in Effort to Stop Him. MAN HUNT BY SAILORS O A daring automobile thief, drlivng N the. stoleanmacehine at aa Pecd O! close la sixty miles an hour la an effort te escape Motarcycle Polceman Bar Il-icks of Waukegan, lette race at midnlght Tueada>' aigut, aad ieaPing CH I N 'Afroin the abandoned car whlch careen- rd Into thc ditch, dasheil through lhe gate of Camip Lawrence ,-t the naval i a!tt'on anil disappeared ln a clump ofe woods. Motorcycle ptolceman Hicks' machine la gcared ta go eighty miles an 'boa,'. The ladîca- Iaside the dotted semi.c11-trelO la the. former Gema iphere el for an the apeedoineter reglatered influence la Shantung. lapansuentier thie peace treaty. Kachan. 79 miles an bour. wherc Oermay waa abbolut.. le the amaîl black ares. white toit Tht. automobile, a Nash, va-stolen pilles each asle of the rmlroad front Tslagtao te Talama. capital train Leoube Plous ,,f itenoshIa. t of Shantung, wa" vithin the German "aphere of Influence" Klao. chau. Including towa of Tringtao. bas 200 square miles, population N la tht. eveaiag the Waukcga't police 196.000 'Former Germana phere of Influence outoide Kiaobhau ta wt.-t retiucstt.d b>' tbe l-3noaite Police 2500 aquare miles. population 1200.000 Controlîeil ares aloni aoluet.p a wa'ch or the car If h eP- Tsingtao-Tainaaa rllroad. ewaed by n<lrmay. la 6000 square I letre I Believlflg titat the machine - .....tis.I aready hiadt passed thr<nugh Wmukei gan, Policeman Hicks, viti Policeman £It'PU NY..aloo wosîîd reslga If tht.>'cauld find -awrence McDrmott riding on the OS OFLVN opcnings outaide. rear seat of the motorcYcle net o(lu11 '.It la interesting to note." the. re a sautherlY 01~1M DRIVES OUT lio ment, thiasîgithtet construction divi- tail îîght of an automobile va$ sit « sIon, la now paying a hodcarrier per ed. Hickss lncremsed the sPeed but ARMY Off - ightt bour day ($5.30> about aus<nuch thec tremendous specd at whici thé as11py- eod iueat(-.2 auto waa going mode Il difficuit te for aIl his turne, Incîuding bath pa>' pverlske It immedlately. National Defense Feels Pinc h adaboacs fOelatrhAoa e drew along aide the car of nigh riues and the rWchOt htsur day ($7.25) thon it Ia pa>'- The auto thief had slcltened is Puce Fixed Wage. ln-- ($6.97) a irst lieutenant--perbapî, aad the motorcycle vas throttle4 a medical officer or set-en oears' unt- zjava. Suddenly the autoflit luce5 LAORRSGETIGverai>' and hospital training-n- ed bis sPeýý-d and dartcd mavrY. lu LABOERSGETING MORE. cîttding bath pai> andI alloances- seeklag ta Increase the speed of hllm for a ivent>' four hour day. machine Policeman Hickts kuileà l FlacetI hi tht. increaat.d cost o! liv- Amnounts Atinost te a Strike eni. ing and ise iow rate o! pay wblch "bn clvii lite tht. Increasesi cas: At the smmne moment PoUcemom 1.4 nov revering to tht. scale of 140î of livinig hba ean met t>' strikes or .%IcDerniott IcaPed ta the <round and titit3 or strilcetb>' arganized labor fired after the dlaappearlng OBIr. mare than 1,200 office-r, o fîhe reg- whicit bas reultei lniiincreac ln f te btammett tmtlt ular srrnv have rcslgnt.d their coin- wages. SucUi cooperative action hsDinoftemoryl adth missions since thie armistice wat not legitimate in the army. How- plean oncte morce alad hee signcd. Of thest. 160 resigned ln ever, tlie cumaulative importance of the chasse..Seehat lie metqtcYcî. luI>'., and scores of other offcçrs, the resignatton of ther commissions ovcrhatiliag hlm again the thief Obut wh oue reaigaations have flot yct beeti b>'Y l-.e.ea indivJduals bas ofteegn n ihu OPD Iled, are making arrangements viîh mloret or les imilar significauice: for toffe the ngines led teouthep1i5 a ris-w la leaving the. service. instpad of undertaklng the tankt of graund and i dlappeared tata Camp aecuring an Increase of Pa>' týiy Lawrence wihl oae eto Tht. seriauq clrect an te army nt have singl>' left ihe service entilrcly. thhiclatioa ea e iNuli4<i eitaî,plI Thase who do thîs are obvlonsly the. ef junior offi ceraw ho are the bock- most self reliant, vîgorous andI valu- The policeman notiflea the authori. bonc, cf thei service, led ta an love-s- able. t>pe, wbo con iii bie aparcd tics and withlin a short Uime a Pro- '(b.allon tht. resuits o! which havc frst men sho, in two decades. will iost <liard vas scournag the woon" justt bf-en reported ta Gen. Mai-ehlte couîuuanding tht. army." and grounds for the tiel ' but vilieut b>' Gen. William 1G. lian, chief !of____________ tcceas. tte plan., -di j ion e! thbs gene-rai CONGRESS KILLS THE Policeman Hickts amys lie saw the staff. DAVLIGHT SAVINQ IBILL ft.llow (laite distiactly andsud il pas Lens Pay Than Day Laborera Washington, Dl C., Aug. 20-Repeal tive that hie was a civillo" lm"rta Accoi-ding t,) G. n, llaan's report. 0f ite dayîight savlag act vas se- a cap. The shalca machine vas dri- youînger afficers are, receiving lesa complished toda>', the senate yotîng yen back ta Waukegan and vas turn- ia>' titan unskitti-t day lahorers, andtI t sustain lte bouse in paaslng thc eil over ta the Kexkosha Police. ln justice ta lo s-uu and their repeal measure over' Prêsident WilI _________ famuilile, are accýiI9posit ions in ci- son's veto. Thte vote wan 57 ta 15. vil lite ta enasistu tusnit wln ouit Tiie bouse representatîves asat a %1VANTEt)-GfrIl #for Mrioral M% against the- higit sotsr living: aider almilar vote yestcrday, and daylight work, 416 N. Sheridan Rd. Viààý-- offie-i-s are statiirg tranki>' tiat tht. savlag tillsle kfilled <an. 111. 1W-St -e.Waukegan's Greatest Store for » omen Wednesday,- August 27th is -wbeQ we wm«Uo er -bu d~s ofthe Most wonderful.bran ýheard, c e t,' great em-aunual event. -Everyboy_ C ma; E le n A r- ld n4 lx. J. h roux- PAU" 81.W PER YEAR IN ÀDV"l