CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 28 Aug 1919, p. 1

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L. , NWEEKLY$ L*VE DONÉ A àOStE WOm OPEN LTER TT im ta.R OP 80 ILLNOIS ~. Ouseuao h. -a >a uildou Ifs noble a4"S»da wleu ork for Ut nlftcfiuuta :~viotadequa. pblic e ppiSt &Mât feiwas prohetaly 4bset- r w- Tley 414 bot Jet th@ pfl c bue tsomer- VMOlca Xtént ai snsmerlUdlre q.aJ iy*et thoir Service. The>' hat been *servat t a - 14 a iblgh M4. mruet Yeule.But M« b kve M to. "ma"e br1ks itsoi airai' 40 prodice rumullg VIbOat siqga Thse*anclals""nport ie au- V4#. m >' lMti01 t bsn **iae4b>' eranaloi tatom -et uma& expediture et tnssutMM r ""A devoted te adtgesaU me Umel. tii afey, voui bavq peetW tillngdi boierationg mi ,,m"ta- Ue oc th$l Army. A& a mater of Ibut»". eOMaos. M4S te maie unubcupy tlb uiftafli en"s b>' tgs Maur ' »armeta *gohet tiie r. te m MWo ro- PORi te do av" *'an5#*"tliu"a obmame ,mmb- n ami- «Wi. eutlr StAtO6 la biag anWe Sou a&U tii. mrest eratlêus ei *fl Ame>'la nblisiMWiaise for gm Peruamt i lpsesoet iare - -eate momy 1 ne voe te l Samtto.Army'la MU4.., asWWid'am .la voeil> MW *N gMVM 1 i Wa ousi uie l S. sumbbStte. ea.evek nue" eesiivl mO edsoar$I ommu Sahtia sti q c>.»M v " mbasom à id ào a &7,nlpsela th. Smu-*« P. aweuy, wrco lx fwubotI., UWTat ?urer, 4L Hettlor, IL yN.Kennedy, * 0dU . Pib.. 1%b Umoe ServIce oumpalga eov«r- Uugtb *4 lte offluole.rtlll Je e- ou o it nuthe, u'.ebof Beptea- Mui te 2UiiThie Comttes, fer -roÔ=tl>' haici b>' En Obaie. TI 4*&alàrman, Mr. iL OaBuruett 'ttewwre, COL. A-. Y.<nitis S.crétary ,Wy..O Maotuer, Publicli>' Ciairman l Mr being formed-lu rder-fiai bcbdnmay be dltrati-tiuMs su tIe 1worit Carreniidai <Slansue is- 'fcuia eaU le aie for vluý *fl « orers-pensondiillng te.go *Peukis the.campalga in a mannes ,,Ottly etrtthe cause are requested te 44*6 an>' one et thec above. SStaton Workmsn Tak- IFý"om Shack When Fire k 1wDeroys Home. ,Oè#OF BLAZE UNKNOWN t* > by iiW bcàs vho ruubcd'to ate laboastmnlglit. la Utt. siack near Amve U>1Ii. ilécOti>' ille. ork- 5t am 1s s gâai etation, ho Wnd d-,,,w , o S nd te É , uuknmM'ý o >415-houa. tre. N*W4bpe. * 4,1m e it0f«ý4' ed (ui fluew- the hmu ~104le t "u L ch,... W. l rn 4e* h. j ZfIiLugri ]w ,, ir u ai etng the grasci eot O«btyv,,-. Uul Va ena'"t I tu a apool Of W4Me - Vakugu la 'the pi moagu' .le 101m , Ie tans M »er- t **O Osan d miWeiseiambuance»lu 00 d uh.,vus ruubsite thie Joe IlIt.W rffl ted t X *1i vlmt be ** vm ii b My.iqpla tr :000e008W te aMPUMtba1« ngbut bolau toi quia6bo& 1Tise*MaUiiae u. nm o et urt>'- » ille pama4 *a . impo"at miestone lU U ifseltmec. Sda>' vhuuthe Obnrei .otqsge bhha . e Da e. -si va laurmd. *Rev. ILH. . £arle of itw1wd. t, Dputor or tise Libertyville Nuotbolt ckhc fve p.esrs mgoproacheci the evenlug gormo& a. DleepToue Nichalso IroebmIed iimorng seron. ZLAIUB l uTH Lst. Salaria>'evemfa gcuriM tb 4" 94 migo Mai ElsbtDuddl s e bue, cf ber deaugsss. Edtd Co.d"F ai A"â. mrs Dodo»e vW»@o f the ploges. Of 14&e ouffiy bavig bm a rWee fiete the eou*W- fS Maarly'- ibtvy Mieja. Mie vus boum ta Bogiad on Dessale 1U555 d ~tlb tecft isuee, i'u~i~mgge $W e bout ful- aloiV" v l urees dsuswu. Tes agnatu he mgeselb ua ci mole ebsntr, loved mmd sssp.ctoai b>' auil via.hartbere.> ý4fdr ai Mservires.e.eld sai lis tv@Mo OeegnauilaWalchmrb ouTu*s. 4spwflaaaoonas ito o'lock, Bey: T. IL, Ige" of pfclallug. Uniisou Da"eMmd Mn. Baâbjeaugeeverai due ss Bor Bitiook plansaiDlamend Attorey 'èwt sayéthat Po*eReu ilnow VIOUÀTE$ 15W StAtE LAW. If 7"s are -cm a publie bishva>' sud muetc- afeflort vWh o abyenix -yen have em>'lhlsagon yeur up, boer oa, bit abers>'tu yotir repu>'. a, ai havs a lthnt "d heu, -tee , May hava un. -ihor motive. 1bi w la lllsgi t i'ti . iulime gocIit ffmà]l vii tise 14 s utaf u ifthse et- toron>' gêneferalI Masrg1ed4 Au taterpnlaiùia uthse !av on Iisi -point was 'asimi b>' 4atUIi 'tue es ouLos The, attoins> general replwgi mc Miovi:l "B>' pour lettes 70U "k it me hui- ,er or neot the. -»rse, 'tranportb>' an>' méans vhatsovr r' venu prou. bit an indvdl a m ela'ryluglu- toxitnalu oOtsu w * al boule. or elier oubsise.r, or la grip, suit ease osr, e.ecup or. ln a buggy att 4rec- couveyauce for lis ju .a1mi tise puble buibua>ào te . "hI la. M>' cisntmioS katu ii ê, excektiom e u iosi la 1kg 4 lunt wau thi eremb a4 Setmé 1kv, -t 'isle fl le tras ,~ 4 ýtioooetJ>ghoer "mpcn au> 04# n a I k j s j s j il 'A.-' 'NON Aux; faritG ' imrThrurCum u -AIRTIIMMTWO Unionton, Vaitoa. Ananaf 3-li nrgug e o ftishe United state ,'!#0h are fot woitna Utd, lu "Coin. Xortii te iQam4atà.»»4 ptueur home tue CaMadSO everment do.. no VI th ertan heltmo>' an m "li euhl tuine <ey mention 'tii fact, ar- vais expai, thse&r pstion by saying Iii.> are mot anxos te IbM thoir man -bo has mêt upsanad dovua ltu fs. etaioe and vise needes ev"e>«. tbuam *andnes. vifimev e te amns m nv eIltas cse<eumatâ &M the= e ~ t uainful se dthe reoi tiqy are saes an- u slmglIs i atotieshowlu <iftis a ds bave 61reirci s ld t. ra.rsi Canadien gnes, si-ert ai ovlieuà mareidanc ese l te Ysttuie-.-e home.n ovrmn dia An ntereWhting dtimingabot Os Can aiengevefrumli.eut Lia ftr*mý fo eligge in aeal laods-.--eud trye nd, are ms>Iouase t morue aet tis. a itevennov An' Cn or cas gyeseltim anDsertiOu itees for lie lotmef n'e le" hav egauatu fo ris en rviuete o- oa Tr>ho Ând tc gvaen< viile4 forh Ito eul' ero« s i p ry MIu the1 la lotset Ireei av &radabil inthe railuafrvInes.& O àb The Cameadan Pftor- whio "0l lidelret nivlbtd riloe~r, drofied ved forthe ar 3 ale ýth0 inerWcgedetits vho*hv patt whectrls igt u d ver- 'tue.ta uuzedtal that man>'aleIo .lapig * Winipe web.tli>'frc hore ý te ltatbaI lire la at,* for Ueiveu l a ainesn Wiuneeg frue. vsi. oinm laocIpce si4ll goveemm lIMe h besa fl* Point.tu*, muaI do ho a tcrsitery tilled a ,llt lng thl on1e 0for 1,À the Chlcag< a*o: thi.>' acres under. ai tvcnt l province. From ', seri ja tiey iotas wlialthe>' 4r la farmlng iu We're flot fami- td Im naturali>' la if# than in tlic Stvtproduc- ts leworld; 0A5.3t pt-tze aI *:show a yfar AV*e( flt million P out of a total ifacre' in the i.resourcrs ot tam province InIUd,g ~ t i oBlassli, saIu5, tou. 1 fwIat le>' eed- metn Ujaiii eouutr la SuRI. Th y é1pua e1 leers tu the-, mf~ i F à aIbansd thoir f ur& b«astYar hrog-t t Io million ieI<mv\-sil groin to e extent et coue 1la-the bitu so .o bunaels being tie eshhui*îeibis YeaRei crop. T'ne sgnlculturai ucbsp;':I fpegie persoM ualtt"*Uit home in t2&1000 ebildren wvise d-M',i<mffl- amibe tego toacà( lîîï ilu OO boys sad girls In tic ÀIbbb Wlifthe*ii.Nationsl Edftedw Assa Brillis Commia, J-oil &IDp efthle N. E. A. -luW mtq"h N. E. A. Victor>' Tour" ààýhuel>'i Io prov-lng a victor>' loqr la 4ji 181 sons.eofthlie word. OÈAW tI hr Cf duir train Ila a Ughted asin beodi& f;. vords above and croeiV605fth loren Iferest Dur tri" Masusea tirougi lie varons lihu. Ai Jasper Park, British Cclu4*ýèaDot Oasnda>' the crowd of 2S *a enter- taiised ai a'Buffalo haitoeqt w. lMtt the train, boarded ýa'oiolhp o luimier.vagetas and veust i44 Park orne liree miles.Obnp tis ulcÏ Wiere, at great trouble, ea b'eceid hai beon prepared andI t prevgi - e deliabIful aud novel aii. - Tise vlîll at Jasper Park vas s real Ireat. Tise Party vga met aIt the station by Col. ou0airu Rogers. Tise Colonel fl 1e 0o'r- Intendent of the Parksami- lià ai de aiU arrangements to cesuVOYe e hsci ta the TonI City' whiee a beeqe lied been arranget4 fe r e 'benqt. ,Mis va. uniquo, Owlug te1ke &tc tht a rea l ivusBuffaloav,$ MVino isteisce Is order le p<ôVIdg<lhe fouai. Mjor F'red Brod*mte. E:. iwho b-as 1maI relurned frémi tle front *fe ervlng fou years, os tho maw - b a inpie but Ltos51v. i aIr MelgOUS seri" 1$, * iecSk bnmS mckmeoitonnitaj a saisi*",MsaetPeopl, but «Mateoo qAp tp ad. hem jro -es teI Oi*Wâ'lk.Septomber , 4,5 ami E4, paou, " iol tbeeriy-gro.rouad, Foe aIe tbaillgane ,&y jour baud as *6 dol" a MO s't 10%iotlh aMe roces, ImbW upvous tek vatemas gthe asoplame, nowIqIS jour cllm have dome lu "MOol lstiyoj.mta lbpaluSla h Of t* iMMrIWatho etdre teisasek t lthe Odj a w utere Iaotter t telm ~am bky bort muhotteb omiome mu whOItch itt S hav ai oume plaiOe llistoth ochait7 rourspea Pit, .hdy b. m'alnIderdaingj pilMOt dt eoemeflut rcip d h op .n PladoutYtoaurd atel e te ro. Pl- e" btOu to ii lom0forthe sur-. pin. Ou cah toYb al ot meurpbaie a -dur d@ait> M faY Md eand bav A w god lm l b. lamlly fo d Inode.l A fr t dlepura for pleasrate oi uretFtoramiJy ai a igh ragts 0f grlnd Of iii. OMM.,the. tactor>' or. the tara.., , Thm e ii b. goodrafng at 2 p. nM. Sept. 4. 2:24 iso4 t, 25 pace, 2:30 offnS>' race, X mile runani. 1. SePt. 5. 2:14 trot, 2:25pan., 2:80 trot, 1 Mmle rnalng; laes' bitchlpir iorktent 1 ëops. 6. '2:18 trot, 2:w0 puo, ire pane, 1 mile runnlng. Baie bal--ept. 4, Ida@o Forset vs. tntloch. Sept. 5, Grgepelae . Waucooda. 09pL . OWauk« e v. Luberqiàle.% Alil entnie.lorpremiome cseai nôonc Thureda>'. Stckj08fIgcSe068t. Thuneda>' md Seatr Ksaer 01 Aurora, VilI IiliVPfOUdof bspop learlc es Iii., Mdioueaadmis,1 l ai wpa bwkona ub e g. oa. Weeb WAR T Kenosa County VIlho jS# comes NewBase . iera fi ofr Snmuagt Beor. ALL BROUGHT TO ILLINOIS. f l'un Xkes -WtMs haia » nov 1cou- Cection vltii Chlcago ndit grev on svr nWiait W. a boer ralway" and a four, glant trucks comPosod the. roll-i- lng stock of thie Une on Wfednday 4f-à terncoubut surli>'today itVal r.- t! ported that the. rolling stock vasf 10 b vuty l~ ~d ll lu inat-b eg tit Trtln L"108 le to tae. thik place of Kenouha ai lhb bal.e ofBnp- Pi>' for the beer suPply of Obtoago, The Kenosha business la flot entirol> elosed up hoeeer and thebit trucks loaded d o v u ith b eirel u eof "' e ee r 0f I and thec.uartro per t cent"lelk bcd lothlug 'n everythigug were etili rolin.g out of iCeoaba tuts atterubon. It -rtas farcastsd that t more twould go this oveng but 'unb turne Trti Lakes la a rosi couteader for the honor of breaWkln.g th m .t 1ke conditions la Cheicko. Ouýs car load of beer vas sent to, Twln La4" oni Wediiesday sftter»oni. Ik vas consigaod f0 a local- dealier tber. but 01 net a drop of If veut tae vet the. gui- V lots or tist>'people 'la the se"ortf Randell. P'our big truche ,bssai the P name Of the Noter Traueportation o Company vere valitgailbivitoli v track for the. car te corne ln and la si hiait an heur afttr thse seuai f lb*w had-been brcheu tthe barrels U af esgt ofe ti.mbner IOnU hai b.e trams-& ferrej ote .tru aMd vu belug jU ManteoeîCbm b>' va>'of f ib moud, MI. It vue ssii #jat ti.80 fer ce fes Mto a, jait -uthi, ( vib t lalu 0320 . tu qu*a 'v'be obiut te 0*18115. evIUe*g le- lpg X0a - hl.ouler b hlk'ti W set au 1 w, day eust l *e of *a l Onti 09 evtlgwe r lteb ui* g IMUW'w, si-46 e g ........ Our ab=1. -te PAYS W Kp t POxieuoo and othat' mnovti c*iens s lnqsn eho rosie la t presentlve *Ie is aadet a Wo"want to oont the yu, 1110 hl@dr.. wogl hdlpua alo bmstlg : si >'a a 1U#te oJ pio Copy and av6.ertmoou ji Ut sonly. 1î F46nake M InvestigatIon at tIt *orés ýhatlagoing on vlhh W m : r 1 ear te .proposed liai-lir et RESORT AT Jndý-T o i k isiawtls the mayon- of LAIE15 .AIMrIYomd or st ovementfodWk Thie ci-k on the herber le comlng ZION CAN U M S u hé .ba.e, bMr. Chîtadilousaoaiseil ZIONCONTÀ8ed nl Te avii>ie feMall ai.Ticvoabefornt h u id Warrants Served on NefBtbs lion vorlc iii pear ami au addittou. - ---al 8800,000 viii ho ssed mil >ýeor s anid, Wi% O wIWS ofIte î I: a, lane-dte da ~mtlieuicio.1 - Queen Of WedRRW~t. lare on the hanliortier.. Wbe" pheted the iarobr wM ii hoe acof the PREFER DOUBLE'§1 Q nest on. tie sortis ahoro: Oonts i masu Cisidbham bai qîsîte ti conter- *Constables trom OlEiC. it>'. coe -nce. viths Captalus igabeit Oi.thi ducted a raid Thurada>' uht, en tus propositios. Queuen fthle West raori ot Xà" Wii raqrt thfe complalut oet Pet. s ean Vex Lske. Warraal versNorh Ciloago liaI Itt la 'ot-rereellug Bei-yod on lie zajelsnltors. Mn -=4a supply or geverument foodlth e-W Mns. Ned Bates, ondering thgai 4 «a cougresasan sali lie vould. sec appear in police court ai hem Mca- Ihat lie otuatioeullq, remedlod 'it 'day zsorning at totno'coo4 te a- once. He made InqWuies te se. if thse wes- ta lie double charge Ptf » sl> In Waukego.n le adeqisate. lnig ambl;pg devices am eihg g toxicatiusg lquor., ' AD JVfiN A The raid VUm* led b>'Osugt J IIUI 1I1J* Rai-I Casperson Vis. iep 14u~k folewlng ZMon men as4lt amomtk, Edward Bunhloret, M.iod»W&4 r mians and Rlmersud George <.«ÙM& . The. r4idîna part>' îefti Non abaut Jugo Rvards toa i'listemei le savon o'ciocb. arrivingat the QëÎ^,tfie, ovidence ln the Raymond Car- etf the West réoret. about mu h0e,3m,.. ilI>'s . Leona GarnIty dIves..I ter. Tise- plac e l sai <o have bmà aea and lien gnantei a dacree, on Oued vilhsgueul3at 1tise lime, tha evtdesice ctdmukenleisse ltrow The ralding part>'la autbanty-tieNUff by the husbaud. -lu bis bl qg <bue ulal.meut tuai a z >bar l u'kg »haly sOrrIt>' la. iarg OUted nia lu Ithébastamept , f"ose < «loey cl ase ain«t hiw-7 bottici gooda, $11W4 N!e* bqkIasi Î~4ê p.ui u iî ttise'q aa i ilalegod eloiot. sveetaqça '4 I l, Thisreulied Jlaifsml iai gq ue cassale tbeli-0"11%41 .0srnlr i vea a lebbsss, *e 1wt t, ai iý M n be ad-la Ma<bire, trill oubles, 4ry gelrc , q lllev 'ahe4 -mIDU iP~4Sg notf 1bl. rates-f lO Telephome C«empie èfi~ a var tlo, buta vian 1k ws; 1und1- kovensiet -o"' .4 setitloa 01.4 J»' the. .qw the State, Polec ý%tllitb4 sa mhloed. Tittus p»0" 5.05 IOled vas 1uode ani kegan oda>' b> the on 'Wio lise goveruseut s c0ntrel0li h e l*Pbme ON 1. tise former rates vus.tet, d rtthn a speifiei lime tie compas>' vas permiltesi le tisevar tMme r5tOa 'teai ilero la ihat thee mpu' the utilitica commialea Wei to Waukegap: 2 I-39ke permanent thei teaporary rates for foom 2-ftetore. the service: cssugea wiis vouelae* roeu eon troL. 9-itstoreibe 'rates t*a,, enelon, appui ntment mog« ollecI, ten a" st n t wlilc voe. la ffect *1i rummu oentrai. e-Naka P«M"Mt the ecepOM7ar> rater . tna Ilatace sevice iuhi *: M"&a re biài i LATTER ALSO' ,AI Tve vefl kueva W904 ploced, uaini p ais a chargef et areon itoW destruction b>' r f WI a' iore a fev eeks &g.,"bo becs osillungeai. bA j a. m. 1 1 1 Tiose amteffuse: MORT iOTIWOA4b1 me lu boum e t, $ . 100. REn WUIU0 N!d»-hi Wells vaé pwoia m g, védksavuo. l"%4. v me chae riioabars ethtie *9 I on b eicl! ras .Ai tb as belited tiaI le tasi -48ubt O&0 m*iioir.I *betm ilo% on l*e ceschilm ~ a c c e n t e l i e I 1'Ipléba 4ft t I q g dues bloom- jirett>' bloom-

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