CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 28 Aug 1919, p. 3

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~mieeet coi, loua*., làthpbouse., ue I V~refloslmeaa augi Wlt 14ul trght Imd ldPtovideEl anm he i gt 4cM wtee" vhklelkvauvs s*ew.The têiiicb"d <c ieton sa&me f us vii lte W vm «WaSte b oog MW4 Coorne lib u s el. 06 haLvo s! ia ldis s mat 4isJWOW mi eli caw RocMog, usina tO'ar, ltItude .t 18007 $e«, W" t84 lu lestfor the sue a niiilsg tmi *. esi ff tIi naotab1 euM a ue tircugi fW. 4. 0 * 4IU6 ne %«"do hiover t:*»0 tlu ihvweytèp sselles Vin- *bleo - mr 2.8,5.4 mm butI mm.0w ik Md' diasi la 4toey iteS gadeur. T4. *Pex 0f 100e oaliber»«. for. »Miamles boei s gnilit close onf the Coiuemble ftunr bâthoy Esmett Pt.tie& or& gentflemen at imsper Park for tlaeir Iltlpttons bia. lu but four and NieCOre and cordial hoepitaltty. a lait "Msau the crov flics from Tht cvenhng wvas pent at li«» Robson Station. At the hcad of the la beautitul and pmeeefu spot nestlng 10v valley. its tremendous cliii!, too M~ the foutote."8evea storsY A StOOP fur aOvW elie, rises up ten divine service vas aiso lelrsdur. thonsand foot, crovned witir a sîovy lag Uic eveaing, at vileliMr. Notai- pyramia. A trai leeds up the Grand Mgs gave an addres.. Pole tiirougp a magilflccît forest On Manday oui party pameultiru oft ant cedar aad tir, thraugh the wkat vItbout a doubt la ouie*oftheI Valley of a Thoueand l PsU,,. here tht MSt vonderful apots or mÔuntala river majestlly clit aun clit for twaerY teulie tound 1AitUic vend. avoer 7.0»0 test abQve Berg Lake, to 850vw-caPffl Mounfains on efuher aide Its susimit, vItre te vaponre or the, ci the train. vondorfully Pictiareeque Pacifie gather nearly every day ln the. *b1ilà and etreonî flovlng 111e a Nia. year. That on lie lght la knovi as Vu. here m lIer. a cabun 0r a frap- *'The Mst Glacier". Tht stream onj P«r or a »ael w vo ha darod tsko the left forn thé TINmblng Glacier, tie chance tiat usau.mucli to vhlch extens twIo mli.. la horison- biS Muure, al ls tends fu maethfe tai distnce and has' 7.000 test ver- gAgferai Offet one of lastlng mips-es. ticlidscat betveec the mSa cr- WWMs a not deserile lieu. Berg LaIe, visse tfai. icla ticuat Pd 1 Ut. obaon, te fielet .-and. dovu % te e M « o ebrek avr 28, 1919. 4 piE a, mou av v' <Oottnued fko a geOCao '40d tom ouff W hfhi. vie dble. »Umoqevue hy rosedllon. The, eat but $~04uN! tId *4 Cf tic tà 10h laet led ERgmuard, vieb vises dark âau Uteiie ,aove Borg Laite. Eeroud " laeosthe loft la th.e eormoue main litéay a flovlng river or Ite.e, Yflh b« toitovet tiares miles bck 10 «Pont gbos 4S d fie abroket gev aippe e ofnoat Respiendlat t iitlode11,00 foot). lIoadIy veiing vo arrirel At Kani l0op, elyof le0m Md wblle Ik vagM Is. VeItmttare vre 00175. rt(e,to tae our part yout for a short t. t tek, our vmnil ont for & short et the àe e fouitrain U884 ofy fiaiswrulng startcd on, our lest 1aP r t Véaouver. Boosters cf the grcat northvcst *hoebldplanned maklngt the visit of flhc National Editorlal Assi. te thtu section a memorableoane, dld not eordolg, Vwimportance of cet log a good effect on the ladies ae- oordlngly the "geatlceru embers ofr thc party, vers shovi Much atten- tio n ad vere reclt>icts Of '"'"y favors. Thias specay truc at an ciaborate dianer While the men vere at their stag at the press club. Thi event teok place lest Saturday aid proved te be qulte eu elaberate oic, tellaved by ehott talks by Seat- tle voe an d membcrs of aur party. Bunday the party was taein te c îavy yard at Bremerton where tlieY lîspected lhe battleshlp Mentana, bèlîg saoi ail aver the ship and having ail detais cxplalîed by the courteous members of the cren'. The tiSrty aIse hadtUicPrivlege of seetn.- the famious hattleship Oregen vhlch i as In port and whlch.had been eut intoashape rccntly s0 president WiI- soli,-on bis trip to revlew the ficet on thc west c.oast cen speid a tew hours an i, Frepi Scatil e cperty vent ta, Vlctorlaia clty of great beanty, oie ihch cllctcd moat hcarty tavor ln the licarti of the editorlal party. At this city, tmc capital of BritLel Colunia, the party asscmbled tu tIc merning, galng te thc parlalmeit building wherc Uic premier aid oth- or oft6elai cordilly wclcoined thc party ta tho eniaons clty ef the nertil- veat, *the gatcway ta a thenaaîd scenes of great vender aid beaut. Victoria Itisef la a CltY 0f great bcanty, qui te English lnIa lie eeral appearancc Tet progressive sud- an Ideal place luvhleli ta meke oees residence. Many an editer eof our party viahe4 lie could cat lis lot la Victoria. At nana Tuesday the Party vas tak- eni te the evimmias beach vliere tliey vere ment pîeasantly entertalned by exhibition svimuing and . divIng by ctap"o etcfthe nostivest. mnerchantable timber. Aftcer lng to thce mormef w WvsfeA source$ of the province, eUa gas yet unrea!lled, Dr. Meaoê oà tioned that the productico,«CWa erle8 lu1916 9snaod td e1#i, In value, vblle leut 70evva s W 1. 21.000,00. * # 1msyoi Porter. spetuk 3 ayai Porerextimdel thi ta warm velcome ta Vie Ésa. he rthat the people or thls olty bs4 i ato be pràud et l&ha r Z rcod rPointed Out tInt ViCtoria lied 000 men te vaz. Vlcrig lboit itributed iilghtlly ln mouey Mda riais for the winning 0f tbtle declared. ln glvlng soute deta CSnectiOu vlth the dty, tIZ ~ SalEl the.annual procipitatiol, ki afod " inches, %Bd the averagb, il i 1luii.fer 365 days vas five and a it >boum e. I i. er temperaturé 3 Proxlmatej 60 degrees and the w tter tevPerature 40 degrece. Pointod ont that the sYstem of gov* erameut bers vae similar ta that of oflier rtish cotrutries aid that the - ýsysteni of education vas national and Uoç-aetarlan, the conntry providlng fie e ducationftrain publice chool to the OSuai stage at the unlverslùy. IDW and a hait millions of land ln Eritieli Columbia have been settled, MMi10.0 acres are. ndor cultiva- 'n.Dr. 1«4cLegttold the delegates 'importa et-trn produce vers gratiu tily diminlahung., and he lOoked for the pesicd in 'ti'o near future vhee t016 province vwonld become self- uuatalnng in ttis respect. He rofer- le@d tu the Fraser Valley. Okemegan, oj1anlch Peunle, Courtenay and Ibo northeri Interfor as ths mont 15ornsing fields for.agrfuminrmlal x- Yt: '~. PARSI-. lie 8 act ,or.. ' muge Mine output Borne dMalls of the mlueref wealth 1torla te 11014 buslies Iai"n or Cftheproine vere given bY f. Incldentally leri mnch about temasLean. Copper, he stated, vac great country. mlîed lest year ta the value Of The parti vas given a treat whea taken In autos te the large ëbeeva'M< tory about seven miles tram the cittY !hc orfin; etwiat,,wi*-,nttil re- ecntly-t". .larest..te4?te là-the venld, vas ezPlatned tu detail. The gucats then motored te the Buchart ~ . ~ ~ home vhere they were shevi sunken floyer gardons vhlch seem, persans ~~ declare even excel the famons Bosch gardens la Californie. The hoapitali- fy-ot Mr. and Mns. Buchart n'as mai- tested by titeir presence and by flhe tact that they net enly aerved a de- llghtflil luncheon on the lawn liti that they threv open their homne and invlted the guests te insfPect what porved in be one ef the home-wondjtrs of Victoria. Some Information respectlîg Brit- 1'b Columbla's vast istural resourres and Industries vas gl1'eî the editors by Dr. MaoLean. Alter explalnlng that the province lad au aet o 395,000 square miles. equal f0 oie nlnth of Uic entiro Dominion, le Paumdiîst Inn, matier MM wwii00o.vxle the. coal ontpU umonîlcd to 2W.0000 toiti4 Th- 3 RI~ kuovi coat reserve vas fift iti egli- bonhood of 2,400,000 tons, vb hlci eliov- cl thast fer ccvr, ton producel flore E vere 1,000 tons ln resevt. Tho.esti- nated ttalIreserve vws mucb grest- er, hc sald, aud yul mcli a frein- Tht Pett I doue aseet British oCluvhla vas des. teili Of oii'ilt laed to play an tmporlant part l inte ln the lret MOI Iadustrli orld. .ual but *viii le Although milis lad handled 2,, itIc th attà 000,000 feet ot lumber laut year, lie This del"l vu timber grovfi in British Bolumbia fldards .vlio r more, th-n copemaatofr fils, an lie vealrmen WOU s£Or in m<ante, oScodiug otaieez«tremel7 i 'r. MooLess. -Tvo ludred and 0f ,Ocbtas.» fymlve mavmhIlsv'wtla n<kratoq Om Ji hi i lms Yeer ani ementy abchiei.uls:but tfi1.deiti It vas estimatel fiatli 1 u Ir, gt»»re. q& ur' for' th* t Court, vinl-, permitted ta me asengs4 Tnt QoeAU4 batbasn Iwo MODERN FAIR I V VIL! SE Excellent -Speed Prog.ram Each Dayof he Fai DAILY-BAND'CONCERTS* Township Automobile Parade Daily Program AÂrranged to Suit aul the People FO LLOW THE CROWD!1 3, £IUNC 4,J5 A I-ý e -a SpectacularAeèiÏIFights. L>aâly by Larry Brown In a 150-florse Power War Service Biplane Clean, Legiimate Concessios and Privileges Merry.go-Round --- Base'BgI-.Dancing ssooo LIVE STOCK EXHIBI¶' Incmased Premiums ini ail Departmenbts $1,300 ini Special. Premiums Boys and Giflas' Stock Judgih Contest BOOST A AdzRmissions: Season-Tickets, $1.po; Snge ikes 50e.- Automobile or,,CarrnageAdmision,-soc -.-One and, One-Hdf Fare for- Round Trip on Rairoad* , aC ounty ~ GRABN4F "' .- W. E WATKINSSecretary ;ýffl3lp Boston in From there tb -, g5t te a lumber mill where tho vemt served vlthb dinuer. the gac t'0<*lvcî lumber campantes. The taes~ at Viviorla n'a. mnost enjo7al*e '*M wvien tihe Prin. cens Cbarlotte 51*504 edut for Vani couver, membem «cfour ;arty telt thatfi tcto~lhtbey em L hd Sean oe of thtevoodOr cilles of the greal northvest. It vas t ViQtoria vhere' th.? cftc-i tloî of ofters Ce «r aotiar ion for next year vere olocttdl. 1 The frip frein cattle w nvictoria1 n'as made on the Greitk Trunk Paci- fie Rallrcad -nuay's birr steamer Prince George. lâuSZte teywer" showî pictures OU ,the' icreen of in- terestlîg acensa la itish (Col umbla., -I the eveinlng on Mnnfa y tht' p)arty enJoyed a fine banqueti the Alexandra club, given by the- flly Colonist, a a edlina imer of tire city. The' pro«ram vae ou interes fing onet- and thre officale vi.grcetr'd the cdi- fors showed thele vsir f tCaîadf an hespltallty andi linpvasd topon their tbp tact flot tb«. asWreciated the cemlng O et ig soratini te VIe- id . ai . G. block Pu-. -h -f- a . :

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