CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 28 Aug 1919, p. 5

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28, 1919. îgair.. e"nt Tuea*?yle V~àfluad SIL Titan, Cue - and Saýmno MTRACTOR Sehanck Hardware Co. - ---------u a __ LONKG GROVE ML L IS OPEN ON TME FOLLOWING DAYS: G" s I- Wedn.sdays and Saturdays. Cidoe aad'Sorghum NID-Monda7.1,Tu"sny GRAND HOME COMING DANC>E TO BE GIVEN IN E TOWN HALL itp176 Bief Vesture pli lA. S. DOUCRIERTY, ~.L.LTONd.kN.1 BÊsiL ~ 4, 5mut6, 1919 iW@@dui of America ~otyilBand àGood "mm f« AU, Asm4 sud 73 Loir Su au use Il> mê ~I ce and, more 2.1er. $ës-week. Coie. to Witime dfuing worka F1llj Mess l mmCin om blu vsa. M mm, WIIlu" Wlasslar Md iaginar, ~ssn$ esaaiet ldIgbSO. Mîr. à. LI4rnaaèýOf Oicaovlat "lelvil Wa.Our &»&We. b« beiMus, mma. rm Joclbsi. 2" li»MeaPOU)aIiM of Park Clj, "mo4 es. an uldlu< raImu.r Atm An Lglbo& bAW mpted a pool. Dorohhy MeLaglil" c blg, apenl Wadnaqday mlM in VeYma Viiesir. Mma. J.A. M" an sd daugliter, Basai t'usaITli.rsday lu Wauk.gmm vili Dur asune" tcke for the M W. À. Idam sami masure baud concerte for maxt aummer. JolhnBerarad returmai homne SieIs vek tiram a, Iasngtrip usr Rhlaaaar, Michigmu. Mis. W. S. MliCain apeet a coupla of dajs ibls veel i luCbeago vith lire. L. L. ProU.... Kate Carroll altended a Bridge party au Baturdal, given for Dorothy Browt, of Highland Park.,i Georgla Langvo;tby &pont Snuday viti Mr. nad Mme.Ou@ J resésud Orla Jarrets atLhake lare. Noel Tonusg lait Suady niglil for Col«oi, viera h lMli saauexteud. edais ievtbreidves. And now Laagvorîhy'e are hmvIug a bg sal. hSt abchlau mu pldemlc lu Uibertyvile. Who wlll lu mat? The Eumnet Workero clan aoitheb. . 9. Sunday echool Wil uest tia- veek Pnlday aiîeruoo, vîti Mmis, m.Ling. Donald Iughatu, Who bas beau visiting ab> the B. T. Lngvorthy home viii leave fur hie houm. lu Milwaukue on Suadmy. Arramgememas ae beu made by the @buryl Girls te havaeiheirOpeullag Dam. an SePu. ifth. *Inivitations viliibe seul ontcxtzwmek. îW oti aks vililu laed &midl Mon- dao, Sept. 1. Labôtr Day. sid aI o. ou Thursday, Friday ami Satunday dering ithe Pair. lir. gsrty tbol ber Suuiay «sso *lma te lgbi»art Fan thlog beaeh os Wed»msda, for a pleala.Ail lai a vr anjoyabla Urne Sargnan. HasoaliaIl.BoÇk it nlp home NOB& mia »g. Se bas ibaiovar. sau for saboua juan, b&14Wg bom a. Nloud ai uItaly Mont af ihat Ure. Mr. »ud Mr&. Jatte aielmi'f bai poun baJ. by, vii. e APoi ers moml*ha valgiia aimaI.poumA. me. t ulalUm84aI IlsJO" s ydmborna. , Tb." l"ai f NoLmab l Vaie AesodsNm viii 0* 8ai * boue 08 'ta. lomComiay. m d Oem curéàa nuial« semodoéýAgauistt S&. 5 Mà procévis et i N I . A.ladm ~MeUbw& IL.tNoloess - 111100011 MR e@su9»éaés. Do bq oyrw Ushale 0u iDnme ioba tasI~e lai.e e , ema u wda ,say basa a Omal Mp.V, MarnaI vn vWhoa.avu mla ies Blt oblaom i raS qla 14 m wiiluà i No iewi Tb$Uwlmeda al ad*"d .1 vm "mnowa. umsmySgabep e *I0ai m k>;I U a u eg am es vi 14 004 MM ir.T. E a om- a, lues*a*.lirMmLama." vob hwam bvbou IGd e olà chr iefafml bh iai W» ed h ormuwenes1.0Lovas luurl-vit loe moC.M.a et. poil lwberiï fi aploai as avitolimas *a1 »si bahM mttlng aout malo. The LlbaalyTlammtbu lim d Reeda~ No Tuoaiay uvMla ov v51 wu s nmonîli01 AwliGua. uemeog *m1 iateuber, a showw ml e >gtu o9*Iw q*owvm vii«Slengre . ;:mI~.1 daStna mi Ummly sv»ambag Don'# larga e N om uap lim by tIlt MWA: uI' Imr e:u 'e Peut Tuemday ti saia Corn rossI Um. (2" gVUs 4cailer ut thu 1 Bob. W*ý J I 0sy for a veeha rkiIt WlêM* tdaapolle. spunmbmr & w" rof udson lu GeoMMg ihlbffl Ci Hiahiani Para, avoua Smigw * Uiirkyvil vla MiaNoufie e *^*~tuga ev dajo Ta. at"oa" 'md usslhga trip to Saui I hairnJMO" b» ureturned la *owu aitar six 10004 09 çuumer fecoal ut Now Trier beuebouf Mrm.W.. L **iiar4l sudîof,WilllaIm returumdIlaos "gPma enTueaday, mller sendlng thei. n'bh.e - Aboya. lidplug to Charles Siuser vas stolon" leél Wtsday Doruimg and Do trace 0119 bies1111104found. lir. uni 14 *11& Sunborn @polit Tburadayorug4gbîund Park ta me theaeshooit dwoIgvam for the boya. Dorothy HsoUgb,à bas returned'fram ber vaesia.sMmd miii Bale,, uihi.y Cîpocta ta ls.v.Iat'[I gla two veeho. Mi. suaU111MOa.,.Ba41em ai Chuano, and Mr. mmdelra. 8. 14 Iibàcck amd chidren of Inilan lAit, bO' ut the. W.- W. <Jrroli bha. Ber . .É. LàqIan sd fnmiy @opet . vnk.a@. vW"J. 8. Himt and 16111HY. . Lie Sr preached Sunimy evleuing asu bu %M. eburcb.. li. andJMi LfOW rren of Wauks. au, vee a ahi&lia"outth reu o'ciock Oue mOri m5ý."k bY a fri enad? viii a flahlgkê. «s 4Wmaot ste wvhgh vantai, bu* b&, AI 6.80 P. . Wedouday a large arno. pis.. Passaio»l 1.ea'uville. Il prov. ai tu lue a 20epWgo air slip that va. makiug lt.et1 liakoe ta Chil- c arm ars~~e v A~ ~ ~~m ca SOdr0JaviThuraisy mormlng for st lhe Fair grouada. T%" 001«0 -09tvoa h. cjlnder tourimg.. md Oa hhre's. four ii ouasops h, aoylaly sua bythake b W, lee»Mai lis th. agency for hà Lulietyvllla. P.FLag a 7.S 0 smpetimee sM George L»9107 W e4bgmarahal ILImberry Ibs mtd jï.O vso lisa vaY ta l£W@. ài 4Ma', av Mv. UAmbarry thaé#aqâa W n,.ou hlm Se la balmg sa MWegWlpend- hglthe arrva f h«lWhoin vii talc. bleu ta lie oaum e a ioa fforongsry commîtmesi ào ooSava, Wl..ýj IUy 8EES SPURT lî net an akepsu oml Oalm aua vlu oalaqw deuotram idnfg 'enm Whou Poatummoe letaclal svera toutwa' og rasideuts of Zimofti* Oii-go ta cone lbere am EBoth i thfe"e CItO* mmm allotment a"I Il *îauIeganpeopla te a et otiier Cition. le ozt#ii ID the local quota," MW. 4 Aumacemen aut a . .relm fa t Iii.tseisir te h6avy demanda u pfloin laithei.q Yaitàle "rou" on04l the dorman! for lhe to* dlee vat t vu j ' At te rate the foodi eba n«W AkL *111bo44 4 Mhort tite.Noue etI denti bas ben reclvet la expected to corle A.7 Patha, of the Typo Zogt 100 Yen-a"g, ff Vittr," vasbanl ViLla aevlmg salcofl.ft lboie&mientaneatai vi USqatonsla the proble 1 UmebimtntveU &W$ lurd& A latter vnltsm 5î cir1 loachinesattractwt ALES 1 Save g iilu ebeIe ana uS«diky Noe m. Emchurdai asfalove: Sua aehoolab10 o'coak. Moralenpgo"L amrvirn sahI 'clock, vbn v. 'T. pnaaelilmg serv et.ai9o'eloek, Wb Div. À A. Clark Wnpreasaoq sBah sewvsSen arapari of Nol Chellege Ibl wMoaisua al tbaw ChW oir eliarPM"i b ai t'lolast, lin. ullon, a*w e1 barb miietoraSUM& Te Z Uumdy allsmom oe.p4 b t Demi ay, eg atIl W la.' nit fboia, a. ,W tbl s" aet athle «mne h»%sm LAKE C«MNTY TO Wauwmi~iîiIfeFt fr Saoa- lake Coa~y~ tocales o Mèeo bers toeas1deptmer131an4claa tour ai-,tii. aoty a[onday, oarto&g tug f lte ladilvidual committeelm fch tPtOulphure la Dot coing to b. lte slgiteat diMelulty la ralalu the keceaaary afount. Tb*. eommlttee whidhrmaie the t"P tallovi: Dm« aiGrmiy-Vlce Chairman. W. C e l o"lt4r-Pnbfloty Dirso. The iteada oSfte drive ver. great- ly pleised ater vlaitlng the local chairmen. TieY Day thhaY tund fin Efftest ent.ltumlaa vierever they veut syatiiy tor tie smaion ruY Mmdthie splendid vork it dld durlmg lthe Wàmjinemazre in ail quartera.AU lfleaekee>r DIOa- sue at betng abl. ta sulast ln auch a laudable campalgu The quota for' Waukegan whlch in. cludeâ North Chicago and the Great Lakes la If11.. Language mand Thought. Lantgfage la prot*ite uinsrant of tiOUght, but not untrequeutilybecotua ha» master. The. coneptions of a fie bie vrlterare grently ,nodlfad by ils Stle; a man. et vigocous paver amaks bis Style ben4 té bi# concep. tlOfls.-a.tact'conlpettblae soo Ugiv the mcekuowedgmen, ot 1>rydeiithata4 rhymie bad aftezx belped inlutosah ldem.-clulov. church CervlO.ce: sumday ocboul 10 a. m. il a..Prsmelilg. Tapie ai smas, "TM laemlolgisoaaa"spedai P--ablmg 8'M0p. m. Topilo srmon, ".Unbahmlsd," Spoclalhiuo. Qhrillima mvor ?7'15p, m. Tople, "Tbe Clrluihsa Ca in t LIISrio. Boy Scoute galba,8IPramags r1. day 7 evuu , a'ca ik libw*ooe md P-Par ma mil <ot ",IaimaI ou want It) and b. propai ta bh..Camp VIre Glilm as l9eparsome Choir prao"s Frièy evemlg, Mr. Mdlsam, chordater. lMia.loirs Duramm, I for, ~fan to ail -Ii~and bor4.-ýo orne hadoNèbi. Pea~ra Dom IMooey to Loan on Ioeprived Farms an o Desfrable VillagePoe If YOU Lie ctrntemplating buying faW vilg rperty, or If you intoed hnproviiig propeerty y4 own, or If you clesie I to up your faMman in noedof niueyor * If you have Imms faig dm thm youw to refinance, Ih Wii Pay Yeu 1ta Scure Our Teu m onMortpgel- j Reasonable Terns aMd Ptompt &S'o The First Nat iBa of Libertyvîlie, Illinois RE.%cS OURE F, moRETImaHAU . A MILLIN Dm" ARE uta nchteud unallumberbillea l o aaRéo4dle th.e siof 1 our roqmn YOU wili fiuid oure t srlkoiw eoçh tory ini vo"wq.

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