CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 4 Sep 1919, p. 9

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,TY VILLE. INDEPE NDENT ýL. xxvI.-NO. 36. PLUT TWÔTPi'Or-xmT~ A N f i l 7 . ~ - - '~ -- ~ m ~P O U R P A G E S 4 1 .5 0 P E R Y A R I N D V A N G J &' WUMIVAL, RII OWN1W N ATO, NUS AT IJOSPITAL vaW.. ,B.Rujinae 75Un Sidentfeda ospital for Over Two Hours. MEAUTO DRIVER IS HELD' x ina Rubin, aged 76. vite ai Ubn, 204 <ailette avenue, spd ofteraiMiss 1 ibbi aud Meoss a.i n u 1. hi. RInpro- tltr I ubins dePagtmOut store. Ïs in)red Zataly Saturday night LUt 8:5 clocik vien site was 8'ck by an automobile driven by nr3 Haley, aged 20, son of the. su- Wltendent of the Erut t Lehmann lte at Lake Villa. Tite accident lPened at l;tand avenue and North nDly street. Witnesses sa> te automobile vasi Ot. speediug. The agod vaînan waas oown against the curb where ahe ifred a basai fraiturp of the skull. h. as rsed to tie Jane MeAlister plit l n the Wetzel and Ptran Po ambulance but passed a.way lfldoy norning st 7:30 oClocit with-1 lt havlng regalned cnsciouâneu] 4e inQuast bas beemset for Wednes- Ir atternoon. *Ifaey was place<j undor arrest fol- wiugi thé accident sud vas locked 0 In Ibm city laul for a few hours. He l releaaed 15er lu bonds ai $1000 Malng the rocommendation ar the !rers jury. kmfr. Rinl'ad startad toward WB ta purchaaesomne ment for Sun- W. Haley, who was driving east,I ki stopped on the veal aide ai the W tracits ta 1liow a street car ta M. Au the car passod he started1 pmachine. Wbether irs. RuIl Sat se the automobile or whplb- j*he saw il and thaugbî it wauld Ilt until she bad crasaed the Lîreet >hably néeir wili be known. tlaiey, ir ho did nat see thte victirn until 0 Ite ta stop is machine.le sum ped the ambulance and then awaita rb tearrivai or the police.t li was ne tinie berore Nîrs. Ru-a i vassdi*tîified. Rolatives besmee âmed when site bsd not relurueda 0e Sut ton O'Clo<-k and callad Up1 ither shop and othpr places to) j Pe InQuirles about ber but lutnton oclocit before the) all 1. P polIre., Tbey then Iearned a ~unidentified wonîan had been bit a car and was aithle hospilal. With Haley i uthe car were Wil- e m Tennerman and C. R. Bovers. 'rhe funeral i ofM. Rubin a V Id at te home Mouday morning. l prernains tiien beiug taken ta Wald- c i cemetery, Chicago, for Inter- IIREE TICKETS IN FIELD FOR CON- VENTION THIS FALL Balots bave been printed for te %Mary ta select delegates ta the Ostiîutianal Convention to b. held Spigfadthîs faIt. The apectl stian ln-Lakte Coualy, le called far etembt ltb and ai rsent there i tbree tickets ln the field. Thora, lit Republican, the Democral, sud 0testa ticket. On the. Repub- i ticket apppar the naine ut Frankt ,Whtman of Belviilere, Boun caun- aud Elani L. Ctarite, of Wauke- ý. Thora I, but une candia. J Barber ai Marengo, MeHenry coun. ou the Dqnocratic ticket. The Sa- allet shave a fuil ticket in the Id. bth North Chcaga men, Frankt Unec, sud Gust Hausdavsky. The estitutional Convention at Spring- id vili ha 0fo@0f tbe moat lmport- îmeetings of the iind beld if Iois lu many years as it bas té do th tae revisian of the state consti- 3on vhich moans the revisian of* b ta, povers. etc., lu the state RT SUTHERLAND HOM4E SATURDAY lThursday Auguet 28. Lirthur Sutherland a ft. th di- gon of Marneas raturnod ta the Ie ai bua-parentq. Mr. sud M ra. in,. utherland or. Rdgelsnd avenue e.rayhavlng beon discharged frfl, va. au Friday. Oi utherland vas sent luj sd States an Aug as a casual !g broken bisari2 vhen a car. Ho arrived liF hrance. r1 and vas put ln a marine coin- t .as a replac.Omeut. Aflen taô pistice ho vas sent ta (lobloni [re hoa remnatnilU11 ai ae lu ~.Wll in the Garman bienn iielsnd sud Donald Thompoani ofa Wanitegsn vorked on thieUn- i * aper Amarac vblcb stippiliad, ýtbe troapa on the Rhlne, vlt TWO AUTOS STOLEN IN WAUKEOAN; FIRNO ONE AT KENOSIIA Fred >Church ill Recovers Car Which is Pjcked Up by Police in Wisconsin City. FAIL TO FIND SECOND CAR. Automobile thieves were busy agalu Saturday and Siînday niglits In Wau- kegan. set ting away with a machfine both nighîa. Joseph Guerin of ibelrylndle drovaI hIs car ta waukegan SaturdaynIgl t and left Ih standing ln front of the lteckman home, ~9Stepl Couart.When hp Iooked for it the michille wa ' goné. The theft wa, rePortcd 'o 1tht piolice antd a wati t '.as kept "P and down thé iortit shore but wthoUt rc- SuIt. C.burchiii Car Taken J 1An automobile belongfng t,- Frrl Chtîrchii wasa tolen from in front or bis honII", l'ti<ýa and Juliiïn te' at 9:47,'cIock Sunday nigtl. Târ theft was reported ta tlht police and a description 0f the machine mas tel- ePlîaned ta the police af(i Kenoha and uthér citieq~along the forth shore lAtr 'at night the Kenosha p<ilicL who had been keeping a watch Ia- Cated the car and notifld the Wau- kegan authorities. They were not able to catch lte thieves, haveyer. RePort Car Stolon The Waukegan autiîorlties receiv- ed a report Sunday that an autoino- bile had been stolen St Slier Lake, Wis., atid were asked ta keep a watt-h for it. No -race aiflthe ma- chinp was found here, SWIMER DROWNS, IIEAD 15 BAJ7IERED AÛAINST A PIER Authorities al Great Lakes ask Waukegan Police to Keep Watch for the Body. Michael Splt4eu&ctger, a sailor t Great Laites, vas drowued Stnday aiternoon ai the station as te ce-1 suit1 of an accident. Hie body bas fat yet bean recavored sud te police of ail forth aloe cities inciuding Waukegan, have 'been asae ta keep s vatch for l ln case it rises ta te surface aiong the takeaaIttie point. Spilsenhenger ia sald ta bava beau a slrong simer and under ordin- nary circunistances wauld have beau stle ln ltae valer. On Sunday at- tetnoan ho dave froin lbe wharf at the naval station andi isinang ta tht surface be vas dashed affamintte piliug by a wave. Hie heU ama rnln contact vlh thie wharf sud ho vas reudered uncan sciaus, siukln* vi1thaut- a struggle. Othar sailora tvbo vena nearby vent ta bis, assistance but altiaugli they dove sevoral times vffre unabla ta local.tte body ai thse victira. Grsppling books Bisa ver. tised but likevise witheul avait. The bllai prevaila that thse body vas canried out inta the laite by an undentaw. TIERVS ABANDON DÀMÂGtED )MACIHINE Tbursday August 28. A Hudson super-six machine oveý- ed by Thtomas Dowen ai Chicago, voe aabndonad by auto thievea ou Glen Rock avenue near the main hUeai the Northb share Monday about 11:30 A. M. Tirpew vanseen la Iaavui 1i' and walk dawu te street car tracit. Oua ai thorn had a bad cut an bis face. At four a'clocit the Police were nolified and faund lte car s'itbout gas or 911. It vas toved- toa sgarage, wbare hotheicauso num.- ber .onved ta ijdentifying the. car. Theiviuiebleld and front Of the car had been smasbed Indicsliiig that-l 1184 baen -lW scollision. 1POLCEI'RSCU STRRKBREAVNG CARMEN FROM MÔS! Wben efforts ver. mada'to start street car service ln Ptttuieg wlth strikebreakers manîîiug the cars, cravdu gathered sud stopped traffic. Cars were wrecked and derailed, and police patrol wagons bad ta b. rushed anti b reacue the nanuni on crews from the tery of the strike s.%mpathizers This photo, oue af the mont remarl&able riot scenes ever snapped. shows a nonunion motormau let à"afrtrtheb vestibule of bis car ta a patroi wagon. CELEBRATE RETURN THIS BIRD PIE HO0ME 0f FIVE SON, S COST MAN $8 FROM TfifF~Rw A 1114 &HT Dla Y1111 ~** ~o ~ SWa 1 < Spancogka a4ho tcmdutg 1 i I INVL) IiflAIM MiW - twa stoes In Chicago, one an -DeKov Mr. nd rs.Samul ShwaU enstretsand thte atlier on Taylar Mr. nd rs.Samul Shwa tsreet, manled u it-e potPie o0 le Stay in Detention Three Weeks Take Big Party on an Auto- wewestoaia sand then ArefSent to -Sea mobile and Launch Trip. Cae.Warden lÇern -came autig* WtotAyDly short lime later and fauud that A DISTINGUISHED RECORD.j the Chicago nman lad sitat a mit bird DM N aakoa ~n nd ie yiig ariow.nuieg lce, EM NDFOR MEN 1IS CAUSE w Mr. aud Mca. Samuel Schwartz oai Vaukegan, arriiiguing bitît befare Wielenatri a geal anwere hasts at a big launcit Police Magistrat2 Tay loc vhenee b.kuowu it vas leaudblieptt- Party beld ln te we.tern part ai the IWas fiued $75 and car$0lnal ayIa lt ed oî tra IMil co u n y on 'S u n d ay . T h e a iair, w ic it for s oo tin g san bir s. $ 168 0 l oa ci reccY t sat t i a.a e a b e . was allended by ifty relatives sud foc suchitliny birds is a igi price duced to fouir W-ek'p inslaad ?ta fiends, wRs la celeitrala lie relut-n for bird Pot fie, et-en in thase lima orl i tsas o0aerly. frorni liaarmy andi navy service ofefthfe h1gi coait of living~, Thr ritsix montitreasweeitItJly. Te sonsr bos.-tendion andti ten at-aoutfiltl8. With- Ti aswbo vera lu thea service Miss Lotîlsa A. Milîner, well knowu Out any dcilling, andi aliosat -itefaro are: t resident af Waukegan died Sunday- Iley gel an appoîtunîty ta get angoti Ensign Jacobt Scbwarz-Liue officen noon ai lie McAlistet- Hospital foi lcok aithli station titey are rse 0f lie 1U. S. S. Agamtnemnon. 1 ]aving a' long illneras. Site vas 76 away la 5cRa. Men are being sent avay ,Caîît f.3tejk Sdwaitz-.ýChief pi -Yeara aId and bati liveti in Ibis vici- ai the rate af uearly 1000 A veeit. te surgical service ai the base boa.- ily most oo!lber -lie. TIie Milîner Thei 'enlisîmientsavetrage about 200. Pitli.Bordeaux, France. iarta was norli of Watîkean, latar Ber day. Corporal Abse Schwartz-With the kuovu as the Adaîtîs farta. Il wai 'Tle caustanîly lucreasing deniand U. S. Army lu IIaIy. 1 t-e. lat aie livei duriug ber oariy for men ta manin te sips ls the rea- Yeman lp-.înuel ISciwartz-ai lite. Misa Milluer was a sister of lia son for lie baste fn rushing the Men the V'. S. S. Commodore. l aie Mca. Date Lindsay ôt fChicago tirougi lte sataion. Front, uoarly Willtam f>rhwartz-4Reservé 051-: and lien brotiter was James Millupr, a quarter of a nmillion mou, ite var cors training camp ai Camp Grant. woîl-kiiovu ceident of. ibis localitytlime strength of lie navy, the nm.i Tiare are tow familles which eau yOrs aga. V'lî Miliner was lte lest ber bas been eul ddjwn tea.bout1 boasaI suclu a distingutsbed record aud f ber immediale faify. Punerai 90000. Oun(lîuudced tiauisanU Men naturally Mc. aud Mca. Schwartz are 1Wednasday et 10:15 from the Pros- aSre needed lnîmedtately. proud. Aboya al tboy are glad Ibat byterian Chut-ci. Waukegan. AI the ni-agent tInete Iere ara but ail tiair sons returned unnscatbed. litîleo ai-c 7010nmen at th. Q1eat The big party drove ta, McHenry ¶Ukes satttaî. This number Ineluî- iu automuobilos wbere a big sasalîne William McCartlty whio sali iii os lte ppecutanent Sbips Company, launcb vas cbartared for tae day home vas at Fox Lake, Wls.,' vas thasa in thc ospital, lias. iu train- aud eveniug. The boalt trp toak lu pickei up Satut-day afiernoon at Rond lng ln lte Avittiion deparnt, ra n-1 a ciain ai sevoral lakes la Ihe Fox G ul hy Detectla-e Charles Moyera. dio corp0, nnd itospital . appreulice9 River Valiey. Reireshmeuts vers 'The ielov vas acting queecly appear- actîool.Tier(, are pcacllcally oa ra- e.rved on the boat. ig la lack mntal balance. Hoe vas serves l-ft a i te station. Tniis ui braugitî ta Waukegau and lacked up one0oai liarsans wby tora las lunlte clly jail. lits case ta being ln- crying need of more men. t Ramification ai Wisconsin's 'beer voaligated. à runners- bave "xtendisd Imb Kane , .I county. ' Thal vwas' lte saement - - -J-1Word hbilaibeanreceived liemn afthet made. laday by Shenifi Roy' Stewart, J. H. Vickers, ofeîn t he i legin- death at Odeitoît, la., ai Abner Vhmud-1 af McHounry couutY, vho varenâ lature andI caunect i tith lb Mtra lo9r, brother ai Clark Chandler, 4f.Wau- Kané authorities ta be on the look-j Motar campany (if flanv île, bas. beeo!Liegan and Aradi Chandler. ai (tanne.. out for "diagulseti" bîer ti-uicks ln oeted vice prcjdp.n 1 th omo-The deceised vas a civil van eli&n lbe nartheru part oi Kane coinîy. <atlon, Wbichi bas been re.,tganl/.ed. 1 havlug fouglît viti thlb ightn t h O - regiminof I llinos. RUSH RECRUITS OUT Of NAVAL STATION FRANK TRYON, VET- ERAN POLICE OFFICER LOSES GAMEBFIOIT Dies Saturdav Night Following Attack of Typhoid Fever; 111 Since iuIy i Oth. ON FORCE OVER 20 YEARS. Frank Tryon, aged 56;, day dent nrer- gecan t et the Central paliceý station. and IrmPnîber of the Waukegan police farce for te lmt twenty years. lasI a gaine tlgbî for hie 'when ha auffered a',*udden relapse Saturday ajternoan *Id Passed awsy Saturday uight at 1 1:50 o'clock. The inneral vis elot ibis afterncon at ane.thiirly o'lftk at lte residence. 317 Beividere sb' tuterntent took place lu Oakwoad cemetery. Pallitearers were selected tramt amonst Mc. Tryan'a mosî initimate iciends, ail heing county and city arn- ('tais wlic hava knawn MIm for yaars. They were: Mayor J. F. Bidinger. Commiagioner Peter McDermnitt. Police Judge Walter Taylor. <'ommissioner J. J. Dieime'jer. Sherif Elmer J. Green.' AnsIt. Police Chiot Thtos. Tyrrelt. M. ,. ., typhoti frer Ju!y 10, but becatfse iljs bad been Iu Poor hoalth for lite lasf soveral yaars lie had an uphili flgbt. Desqpile ibis t Ivani beltoved that h0eaul win titç battie for bis condition as late as Satucday morning sgeeo ta bc favorable. Saturday sitar- noon liLs ieact weakeuad under te terrifie .%train and daspite ail efforts ta, stittlaie. ls i..tion the vetera.1 Polie0 ofhe pasind ai-P.y. Frank Tryon came ta Waukegan froni Mcl-le 1I%' ..OU I. j ut Il îcty >3tear Z;O. At Il.' 1Il he 1,.d chatge of )n-. o,! thet'vaer'unnpa near the aId inu-It ichi-siwhon the. cils' got Pretw7îr-' fram accraI at thhse Pumnps about towu for tiie %valer SYstem. About twenty years ago ha toit a Position au tiie Police force sud made one 0 ftie Most tiependable ofilcers the city aven had. Ten years ago ho was given a Position as, uight deck sergeant when his hoalthb bcame guch that lt vas difflcoît for bin tot valt s beat. A 1ev years ago ha be- came day doit sergeOnt. He filed thié Position lu s ment carable man- uer. Beaides bis vidov ha leaves twa grava daughters. SIIOT THROU66 T E BREAST; 4OES BLOCK, TIIEN DROPS, DYINO ,Harold A. Schilling victim of fa- tal Accident; Comrade Thought Gun Unloaded. NAVY IS INVESTIGATING. Harold A. Schilling. aged 20, a seilor at lta OGreat Laies station, dled Stunday morniug at ten-thirty o'clocit as the result ai a buliet vauud iu thte lef t cbest accidentally inffictsd by anathor sailar uamed Edward -A. L>ane. The shooting taak place la oaa ai the barracits. The victlm died halt an hour aiter the abat vas fired. Ona af the guards lisd lait a revol- ver hauglug on a pont iu the boa,- rackts. Deatn came al0ng anld slIP- osng that tha gun as empty. took It froni tbe hofster and examinedil I Wiî-hout thinlcing haesnappod the trigger. There vas an explosion and Schilling wia was anly a fev feet away drapPed ta the floor. TDe victim seemod tn racover tramx the shocit and unsteadîly gained hie feat and walked tramn thq building. lu tact bc~ wallled a blockt or tva li.- fore le Mfron trmolasof blaad. Heo vas rusbed tota he bspital lm- mredlately where overyîhing possible vas doue for hM. An Invealigation la belug made cf the affair but there la ovary reason bo believo tbat It vas marely au unfartunate accident. Chooses to Hit Tree Instead of An Oncoming Auto Three persans vere' InJured early Saturday near Sand Laite vhen iR. J. Kessior of Chicago with a party of Chicago peaPle chose a Iree rather tian crash besd-on tto a car tilletl with salaors aud girls. The accident accurrad ou a vori n.arrow rond. Anaute witb the ail!urs rci'led a curve at iigb speed. The '!riî er et tha Chicago machine .iav lie muet eiîber bit theo aler car or the troc aud ripped oafthelbaide of the car. Keaslor. a child, aud aneth- ermau !rare çt.Ijf tIga IAD TUIE FLU9 II ftAI«S SELF IN Mental disarder s an aflermatit ai SPanishIn ifluenza ts bolleved ta have Callsfd James C. Patterson ar Vola. ll.. 10 bang blinsoli Sunday in he home. Paîlersan'a vîfa. maîber ai Iva youug chitidren. taun lhb ody. She sald ho bad auffered spelia ai melancholia mInce hbeislmis au an Fait. BO'RROW CAR; LEAVE IT IN JIOTEL YARD Fldward Dayle loansd iebisc4r t fi ends Sunday nlght sud they irove ta Kenosha whemotey gaI iqto trou- ble aven bte tact thalttanre vag no liceusa plat. an IL Tbay suded suws. isauw i etur taWaukagan Grave the caf SLP ANI I mb 1 iretrthe Arliiuton Halel yards vbers, lb oy lait IL. The malter vas reported DA~~~flu~s J a Lte epolice,.lte bellot belng ltaI fl.AU~EU C R the car hsd been stolan. The auto DR UDBYÀ A R w l aken te lbe police station vhs. Illae wsrecovered the I a ver. Pranit Greb, 54 )sars aid. Bleve ùh and Lincoln streela, NorthCiao »-eeved paliniul bruinesbChag, Mnday && eavy Auomobile Traffio \trouaI 4:20 ocack vbem hg Leads to Big Accident Tol wlUaihile attanipting te bau&- aI streel car ai SoulisAvenue. nes arueWla a evu caugbt thebm and rail sud vas dragged awrneWle o evn h -long the pavement saine distance* Fnsteel plant aI North Chicago He vas reovot te lte Jane :McAlis- Dotfon Saiuriay vhen. overvei ler baspital itanee l vas launi Ibal ai? the roni sud ran mbatoatelepitme hie Injuries vero flot seniaus. Gic opst. Tite iront af tsecar vas badly ork aithewir mli.Thecarwu damageti and Il vas ueceas e l valne aut h irehmlI.n Tinscarivastov Il la Mn. Wiliar's garage on tance trail Itand he rau te catch NobrthShetianaccid.Nom wg laping bie balance Just as ho gabbed - Art Inhe idRse sdLbattt db raIe EDWARD MURRAY FAMLY RUNION The. Edwari Murray famliy heu its annual reuation Mauiay at the Jobs D. Murray fanni aI Rusaell. A vor deliglIlul tîlse vas spont the. day being passei at games, daucing ete. At muon a fino luncheon vas, sorved sud te Sfair provot la 1e ne ai lthe raot enjoyable the Murnray&. bave ave, heli. The out ai lavu guosta lucluied, tbege: Mr. sud Mns. Allen Murray af Belton Harbor; Mn. aud Mc. a.ld Tunit, Mn. sud Mca. H. W. Washbunn, Mas Buebinan, Waultogan, Wilbui snd' onIris 'BennaîtWsuau; Mr. ani Mosa. Brai Slamona, sud »r. au 'Ifis. ~ ~ o L9"4 iuiu a Io itj'. s large car dviven bY a Mltaca. M., in braite dovu vben the front aiW broan sd oua wbsel coullnued on lne kvay dovn Liberty Stréet but lte car vas unable ta follovit. Wituesse say the big vbeel i-oued a blacit No onle vas IJurei. Anather minuunier -heIc nfluencé aOf liquar vas diviug out on one of the -rode tronm slaite gort vhem thinas egau ta evia before fise oyes.. 'On recavorIig bis statua quo be found blascîf beueatb Ihe P'ord vhlcit bai lrued ls tasta lhe elle Updn bsving Uic car rrmova lte im- biber Of something atronger Iban gin- gs, aie la reporîsi la bave bollutod Pointinz tovar&dteilsrat. "Cas Uieo'e aes soai vii omen lu thane." Other accidents of s more slou natu eare mporie seuhfe. The large amoat ai cmrs la ora, t1on yeaterday luaghoul ho ta e' cauntable In lte ffl taI Pec, pis wre aetunlng rou trp, o«*f ér0wr&I Ir , Lake Counryls, Big weekly à JE 1-NI)EPEiNDENT.SEPTlý,.Ntltvl?.,i- inin ti INDEPENDENT Ur A y TiLriLqË% à iki llrvqiwwwýrir -&r à%v vue )j d% imam & a vw %P lvdITIN lm à àq"M f il

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