CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Sep 1919, p. 12

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j 1 00,0Worthof- NewGoods a -te O1dPrioesl. When we say old prices we do not mean pe nwprýceswe would ha ae oftbese gis wre Due b Early and,,Extenlsive Purchases, wprces. We mean ha oft wee oa in te bougnt oùthe present market1 and we are.selling W. Givea ,C Trading StaznpsDolr or ad them at practically prics which we'ourselves Save oôlr n Y u Yr Goods would have to pay at this time. $100000 Worth of Niew Fall and Winter Merchandise will be dispoae of at prices which will warrant you ini buying a- year'8 suPIY an wllcover aillinscaredi - tck.Watch'o u l 'f7 Bw t&ÔM - on the lyotl 7Oe 0Of Fir,4 Importance ar è the Sui*s Very new are these handsoine suits, prrsr ihng grace- fui box Coats, plain taiiored models of f ie wool manînsh rerge ini navv blue and sonie blaek, fine sitk lined, high or low coltar. Every one shows elegant wvorkuîanship through- out andl are certainly Mïost unusual valuies at our speeial price of $35 - -Rich two-tone all-woolfabrics are fashion favored for the New Fait and Winter Suits. 'These are in several shades withbroàwn predoiinating, and iîîcluding those of bluish east.. Lengthe are 'Varied'andcollai-s nîîv. be worn high or iow. Finely silk tined anid every one experÉiy tailored at These Suite are the very newest models and include taiiored and sen"-tailorçd styles in the. season's silhouette, straight tined with slightly long coats in the ncwest shades of brown and other colore. Velour eheeks, Velour de Laine, V Noveltiès and Two-Toned fabries. Every garnment guaran- teed to fit and satisfy, piced at $49075 Sk11%irts & Blouüses in Autumn ModesI FeU eeqtabtishes firniy the separate ekint, atnd proniunent are those of wool serge and handsome plaids.. Soine have the new enff bottoni, novelty strepB and ,ail the tatest feeturesý Choice colore and combinations are priced at Plaid Skints are recognized as bcing highly ln favor for the Fait season, and represented are some itunnink modes in striking'designs and harmonous eooia nt el arrived end very spe- $16.50 Our early purchases place us in a very fortun- ate position~ as regarde compiete blouse stocks. Ma- teriais of fine silk'georgette crepe ln att the newer shades and white, trin~ings of lace and hand cm- broidery in a compete range of sizes at three pries We can. offer'sorne exeeptional values in Wo- rnen's New TailQred Blouses, of fine white batiste, somxe with touches of colon, praeticat and hiindsoml models att neativ taitoned. Ail sizes are $2980 speciatly priced at, ....................... Fali Dresses are -Rich and Lustrous as Wèll as Specially Priced eMany are the new Fait Dresses asscmibled in thie section for this speeial selling event, and many are the original designs shown. Embroid- ery predonànates as trinrnng, but there are many smnart effects from the usne oflace and buttons. A speei ai nuniber is a dress of ail wôoo serge in navy blue for mm aad large wonmen, exeeptionally priced at ITo the woinan who likes to be fa shionabiydressed in quiet good taste, Itheee dresses of fine tricotine wil ni ake instant appeal. Ail ioot ma- Iterial in stunning style, shoe string beit with bow at back, neatly tailor- ied aots This particular number sbown in biavy bine i ail sizes, prie- ITatnal bih r alwol$2 5-00 These dresses realiy deserve -spe mial mention on aceount of the fine, matrias- hih ae al wolserges a nd tricotines fashioned into excep.- tionatiy ciever styles for the new season. Straight lie and Ruesian blouse,, and also the suit effe4s are shown in the popular Fait ehades. - Wondenfn.l vatues at the pride. $29.75 ~'ashion lias decrccd the tricoti ne frock to be aniong the înoet pOýU- lan of the season iending itself ver, gracefnlty to the new modes. S1bown in nàvv btîe aud corne bnowns, braided and tuickëd nmdels arc ineluded,' and fine tailoring je evident in every germent. Att sizes are speeIally, pnlced at $39375 Other New~ Faîl Dresses allé, Pniced up to $150.00. (8.eesd Floos C OATS in new ' unes, new de- signe and colore. Beautiful Coatswith Raglan or set-in léeve 'A bandeonve style for echool girls ie this une with straighit loose back and Raglan leeves, coller iýiaY bé worn high 'or low, - very eleverly made and ex- M 50 epieaiy priced at..' 7 W OMEN'S and Misses' New- est Coats for Faîl and Win- ter of two-tone niateriats, ail wool, Velours and Coatings, haif and ful liued belted, new style cuffe, clev- er use of buttons add trnni~ng enongli for contnast. We do not ex- aggerate when w e say this coat,,is prieed exccptionaily $3 7 low et -.. - V ERY' luxurions 'indecd -are' these New Faîl and Winten' Coats in materiels of Silvertonle, Alarna and Kitten'e Ean Ctoth. - Shown in brown, navy, b>cak and rose taupe, finely silk limied, high or low coilar. Feehion's ùewest éoneeption inicoate. 47 I.rîWed at rurcnases Bought inonthe ago wère these ail-wvool Fi'ench Serges, and the'very thing for Feul and Winter dresses.- Several good shades, 40 inehes wide and exceptionàlly$1 8 priccd at the yard ............. 10 What is more servieeable than any ail- wool poplin. New arrivals show soînie verv pretty colors, 56 inches wide and hi g lly di- sirable for the Fait dresses. Prie- ~5 ed at the yard ............................... Very fashionable jnst now are the silk Mid wvool poplins, and the Fail nunibers are of best quanlit.v in 40-inch width and inelude alarge cotor assortinviit. Prie ed $2.35 Irueh lees than regular at the yard " Costumie velvets are ver>" désirable for silk Children 's ('oats, Dresses, etc. Falt shipropnt.s include a good shoing of thé hest shades in 21-ineh width, large purchas- e enable us to price it at t8c yard .. ........................ ...................-_P0 A prime favorite for Fait are the beau- tiful Morie silks lu brown, navy and French bine, 36 inehes wide, very ricb and lustrons andi speeiaiiy adapted to nlaking 0 25- the new dresses. Priced et yd W" 0 Mueh in dernand for skirts and Chitdren's Dresses are the new woot plaids in their rnany band- soine colorings. 42 inehes wide and very moderatety priced ierin at the yard Now le the tinie to huv a year 's suppiy ofthese fine new colored outing flanneis. Light and dark patterns for seleetion prieed epe- ciatty low for the quality et 29C yard ....................-. . . .... The New Fait Percales show niany pretty patterns la floral <te- signa and étripes, light andd hirk colore, 36 inches wide, bonglit 0on a rnuch iower market than 29 present, heuce the pritce, ,9 Early purchases pla'e ils in a f«cStunate position as to rouifort challies. Dpozens of the nùvwcst pîat- terne and Moors, 26 iladies ide prieed much tees than later N5c o tyard .... -...................25 New Hosiery and Gloves Woinen-.s fine eitk hosiery,- Not-a'-Scme Brend, evcéry pair gnarenteed. A new une if not sat- isfaetony; shown in white and colore. - Ail' sizes; $ Priced et the pair- Wonien's Phoenix Hosiery in fuît fashioned pure sitk, tieté top and foot; cornes in black, white and colore. Unequalled at the xnoney, a big purchase $ 0 lets us priee them at pn Other Phoenix Hipsiery at $3 $1.35, $1.65, $2.65 and ........ A offen of women's liste hosiery as the reenît of car- ly puncheses bringe somie big ,values. In black, white and eol- ors, ail sizcs, priced at the59 pain 35e, SOc and.i...........59 Boys' and girls' hosiery fo r sehoot and att round w~ear in black, white.and cordovan, goo)d quality liste ibbed, ai i siz- 49c es, priccd at pair 35c ad~ Large purcbases iu woawa 's gioves eilow us to nuake uîaeh iower prices than if w-c holiglit now. Dents and Centemeri fin- est kid gloves are spceiaity ~ pniecd e t the nair ....... .... .Niagara Maid Silk Olovesq are, prioed at îmatked savings dnring thie special sellim, and arc shown in severai colons ami nov- elties. ail sizes prieed at. thle 9 pair froni 79e to -. .......... Miliinery in- a Sale Ifow in iW»e ad cbarD in MUA auetai e i ats asse*led mn Our MohMery Depè.rmen. Th1re SU"e to ineetwitli succSuon aumt of lb x- trmeyclve tle and th emrte Ire :rich we bave iakdth mfor this ica m oU- ing. Shapeès in srntmllndium and larger sizes are e sho'wn iii many different styles made of fine Ly- one velvet and refreehmngly trinund ini various ,ways. There are nmodela of plain velvet, velvet and satin and. velvet and'fur, white sonve show velvet bows at smnart angles. Three lots for choosing at $,$6.75 and $10 Fine M ddieès Some very baiids<me ie R d~I5for Girls viii be sold ln this sae at an exceeptional price. Made. of a good qugltty twill wlt! neat pqck- Handtomç middies ila ail aises wtth clOr ed eilasi snd ciever tanche. of trimmaiflg- *ue..TWIM e t f buam 2 «a"at $l.~a$ d ......... Poch Dresses Womtn's Coverafl Aprona ln iight and dark percales a nd chsn*rays. Plenty of patterns to select f rm ansd very s§peial for this ais ut each............ 0..... 1.49. A fflal lot of Wonien'a porch dresses M" o. f fialte ore la light and dan cMOMs J1iet*'ýalm ïàé.iuluded These 39 arn 6*0000callY pxlced at ai ...39 IV t,

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