CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Sep 1919, p. 3

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TERTYVTLTJ T flUPR1TbNDENTTu LMT. il lat-r s- - NATIONAL, EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION Ob THE PACIFIC COAST (tà.~1ued fro. Page On.) mlnlng la carrled on, and agriculture Auguâ& 24, 1919. fromn a ornait begnnlng bas developed The stay of the National Editorial lnto a great baste industry. Many of Association at 'Medicine Ilat, thi the. rancbes have now been broken up Canadien City wich _fs known as the luto farin, but the llvestock lndustry spot trom vhere ait veather emlinates la an industry of great importance to vas a very dellghtful one. Ja the thie city.' Next to Wnnipeg, the Cal. evenlng the two hundred andi fit garY Grain Exchange nov transacts members ver. guests at a banquet more business than any other grain servedl by the ladies of the city. A «zchange in Canada. cllnmax came vhen, alter the ban- The. utilities of the clty are owned quet the guents vere taken to a ns- or controiled by the tnuicipality It- tural gas weil and lt vas set afire. self. These Include a splendid gra The flaies started easily and thet vity waterworks systein, a:well-equiP- of a sudden full force vas put on and jied street railway systemaitan electric many of the ladies thought the end iigbt and PuWPr plant, etc. Natural of ail tune liait arrivd. Kas la turnlslled by tiie Calgary Gia Medicine Hat is a hustling littît Company. The pruce for gaa for do- rity set down In a regular con. îhap- lunete uso ta 35 cents per M. eublc ed valley. Ail around the outside in teût, and for powor purposes, _>0 a bighb ank* and therefore the name Cents per M. cubic feet. Tue aver or Medicine Hat Indirates the layott age priti. of goowd coal for domestie ot the (ity. t r*prtsf-ts an lnterest- Ume la P ' ite-r on, Sieaî,î ll slng sp,,t in canada lccas-e ofits pe- at abouits4 'J') 1 S4 .50 a ton. culiar location. With a lsank about the. Th- pliithlw ohs,10001qt"fruofthe- .ity town representing the rim of a bat. la particul..rly -.sell-ut. Ttere t- Titis city ta noted for ita eartben- flftY-4scJ o hoi.and seiosites owri aware, matifacturing and vannais otit led il'y ilie ('aigury pub4 -Sel loot I r lines, most of which developed Bcard. i o-r, is à Nor-mal S(iîoo<,and ithin the past few years following qSeano During the Salmon Fiabuig Seaos. t&w IlitaisScboois. The Institute of the~ disrovtýry ofnuch natural gas. Tochnolo2y apd Art for the Province Most of the Dantfactur r. tuse na- of Albr'a iq'aise esBtablshed lu Cal. tural gas for power purpost-s andInl gary. Thisi Institut@ bas tindertakien fact the cltY vater worKè. are mun a very comprehensIve scbemne ln con. wth gas whlnh la uecd to dpvelop neCtion wth the vocational training elèctricity that automnatically rue the Of Partially dlssbled soldiers. The PUMPs. Excellent water and excellent City of Calgary bas eoutribnted gener- Citvr rInpsaredethresaIlfnihe OUaly of Its uianhood to the support ati u ri akd hr i ih 0 fte Cnadan rrn ovrses. oreandon Sunday a formai service was Ma f0,000Canadi Amyhaverses. Mre beld i n park atteudeti by ai- imten a.nd0sontdiers ae bememost every member of itie party. erutedandsen ovrsea fom the Later the Party lfti Medcine Hat 'City or Calgary aone, In addition tu Ille many soldiers sent overs» a rom enroute ta Monge .law. and there. de- the errtàWyqmm&atty ajacntsPite the fact that it vas ten o'clock to htiT it,. mmdati aJetSunday eveniug v. vere met by a to uaciT.big band and thonsauds of cititens Calgary bas for maay years bOoli turued ouito meet us. Great vas the "beadquarters fo the. E. Division Roy reception andi great vas the. exprea-1 .i North-West Mounteti Police. The sien of Joy and pleasure as the edi.i traditions of this splendid body of tors formed in lin. behindtheii bandi men vil always b. associated witii and marcbed ta the main street. liti te ii. story of Calgary. vas one of the biggsst turnes Moosel Trom Calgary rallway lines radiate Jaw hati ever had. Tii. editorial1 ta aul points f ite Composa. Party slept on the. train that ight 18 cents a package en.J ,r- it:: t-e g-, -1 j,- i.' fh- - igit' IGARETTE If you want to k-now what rare and anusuai erý-ymcnt Caimels provide sm-oke- them in comparison with any cigarec l a J-e wor!d at ami pricel, MUZJ LS are a cigarette revelation any way you ,c,,nsider ihenil Take qu.ality, t-t- rctsiflLvu)r andi fragrance; or, that . ..,.fal -rretlow-riM-smnoothness you n z~or, ot in a c-arettw snokel Yet Cn--cls rnre tto full-bodied and so fuil-of- -ir-tim .--mi marvel that so much de- W-h't coui be put into a cigarette! (,Y; ci' M rt tlend of choioe Turkish .- w '-- ic obaccos n-tkes them St-)~~~ il ,s -ttt~- A the bled t.»' . ,? !~-t;sposcitle for ycu to smoke Ix-vwithouttrn ortse C~~m'k uto irin yor tate i; ri e pvy quicik, too, that ~iî- -o rc;szronsyou smoke Camels i-' - -'t-. --i frc ri any unpleasant ciga- - L ~ . -or mtpleasant cigarettyodort Ct .yo:z !=i _vCmes ou won't îakt vich s-;ock iýiipremitfrns, coupons cr g5.if4t3Lý Yu4J) pre fer Came) quolityl F .- 'NtL.t-TOnACCO CO., Winitou.Salsn, PL C. Bloard of Trade, Cty Couneîl, Rotary vomen iwho had charge orthte serv- Club andi Kivanin Club. The auto- tng, the. happy demeanq% sor the mobile paty returned from the coun- inen and women alike, aIl these try ride ta tie hotcl whçrp an ex- things struck tii. guesîs as tbe muet cellent dinner vas served atter whicii pronouuced at Letbbrldge of any city the gueste boarded titeir train and the, parby bai; yet viaited. startcd on their final laP ln the trip A short prograin ot toasts folaveti toward Wnnipeg. They arrived ai bbheineal, tiie mayor welcomtug the Winnipeg on the twenby-sixth and ev- guests andi telllnx thein a few ativaut. ery member of the. Party vas loud ln age3 of the fine IlttIe city. Tbe party the tieclaration tiiet it proved te be then went lu suos a Coaldaltt where the greateet trip the edItorlal parry tiiey ver. agaîn given lunch, served had ever taken. Individual expres- by the girls' basebail team, ail uni- sions froin editors and mecrbers of formeti very prebtity. Tbey stooti ln their famlly ver. mosf loud in prais, a prettily decorated booth and thon eft1he Canadilan goverumc-nt officiais latter the. girls accepteti a challenge and the officiais of the, Canadian Na- '(1 the editors te a game 0f basebal. tIonal and Canadian Paciftic ltailroad Tlhe rame vas vaxtng intense when vho have doue everything iu their iii. signal lev for the, train to leave A BiItias Columi August 2.-Prom Calgary tihe Na- t ina t 1-<1 torit '.- -a~. vent te Lt-t bid-i tastinig-tf ititi eacheti thuus hiîtliug utile city if 12000 about 7 (lii irnitng. 'ie ctizenà wio haîl mdetîiteix:ti.t-plans for Unr arrivat. vert' omit hi giît anîd carly antinl tact, th e lî.î tole cl i tise titeir Seottislit hiîîpiper: 10 awaktii the- fîretiItlii .- s-tehad hati sncb oa .%trenitous d.îy if(Calgary.; And au tht' plii.-î (tSi ioit!train, playeti several b-etandl by fiat tînie theu edîters a cri- îp and ready for the. breakfat1 Lsd ituaPrctarcd for themt. Tie hall was beîautifully decorateti aud a vît-y fine nteai vas îterved. The a onsen wito iad planned th e breakfast omîst bave iad ta vork far nt th e uiif tanti early lu fie morniug-tiut, as the~ men 0f tie en- ,trai gparty saiti: 'We aqyer tail devu for the vomen are always eatiy t4k do thelr share. We tied ta hire caterera lti duofithemok but they wauldn't do if se we calleti au tie ladies sud tbey dtdit f illlngly ho- caus, tht-y are trnIng lu show that our tovu la fhe best ou earth.1" The attractive Meatures o!ftle young bla Fruit Orchardi. 4lItu t i i is h t-t - t il:- rodîtet uf tht' natl ir. t-.m, ilibti ofthe eigbboriod. SThe-c ; r oi,. -ils etectrie iiglîb anti poitait il alu oit-istreef mailvay sy- -i i-i t.3 , t ii îîlly -ta is. lî is îîl, jt -îî recîl iîany cille-tofethbe 't z- of i ,i' lii nî!gis litni -tie vacer a'itks. ii-tilglîts, ilectietpowe-, -tI-t .ilis2,syte-tt and the' long t tiiaititl ,t'l t-liitttc systeins 'tri- -s ti s.- in itîe liauis of the tnti, naluitkilyt- t trget a visit ltoLtlt it- Albert. litbas lie itnI-Iî(LI ig ubiiation ir a oeIlltievel- t-pt ,l .ttî-tifselcy ri-lateil fanming andi rimaliinluitntustrY. It la net otten voit iitî1 tbe fariner andtihfe coal inliitn î'octt attlv-ly i-igated lu is titi ,uti ch is-ieiclose neigihors. Titiv 'liii e o eclîotiier o "Or lie foe. ise te sîeak. Iti i o- liiutendet tii cunvey thii.l- preS-utuu tisai thse- value -of -,- produd t isequtilbo tIhe vaine ef fie agricutitîrat, product. but nisen ta draw attenlon o fie close relalonabip bewecu ltse twa. » Takiug tie. tire, years, 1915-1t.17, Lithe collproducet inlutle Lethbridge District ls valueti at Fourtenn Million Dollars for eac uf.t fuse years; Sand ln the. memniug entered autoE whicii took tiiem itiithecountrysiti about Manie Jaw viiere they saw great fields of flowing grain and sae a big thrashlug nutf it at work tiirauhý ing the viscat which maires that pari ot Canada so noteti and so Important - The, ylcld ot wheat ln that localit) ranges anyviiere froin twenty-five tc .14 tbirty-five Ibushiel an acre and Il k@ vas of exceedlngly fine quallty,.Ii ie hard formation being one f lifs tes a tures. e 'olloving the, ride of about twenty 'y miles ln the country the guests were ýt taken to the village park viiere a base b, al Rame took place betwen tie edi. 1tors an& a plckod.up tcamn froin the1 -City; the editors winnlng by a score *of Il to 6. It vas a gain, vhicii vas I 'full of lexciternent andti nteresting d playing. il It develorped after the Raine that a returned Canadian generdt was car, tain for the. home team andi bis pres- ence in the game shows the democra. tic spirit ot a Canadian. .... t At Ivo o'clock the. party wént on to Rtegina by train arriving there late in the' aftt'rnoon. It vas hpre where 3the ditors îc-cured tbeir first vieW of tbe Canadian reti ceai'police. They w.rcý taken in autos to the barracks where the red ccoais haýetc tiir head- quarters for that part of Canada. Thpe thoy saw tbe red coats do var- lotis stunts witîh ibeir horseq and a wonds -rtujl timontration was given tb shiow'thc Tfletitdthat i-t used in trainiug tht-se met and that It lis a -'rv inirtortant .aesk tht-Y fufil iin Canada, namfly that uf poticing the <'ouniry dl-trnttotf tbar big country. It was a wcmdPrful exhibition and prov-d a vç-ry, deiigbtfal diverstion rronî i t. Pt-trtainnmt-nt the cditor't baiol h-il prît ioust A iittétîtor, osf sigli i-tgn the whetît fî.'ids anti thcetitors rPturn- ëd tu town wliere tbey were scrved viti a se-rys- siptiious dinner ini thi cburchbhas-ms-nb Short talks foiiow- üd by members of the rilv counci andi i0 te e'.cning the editors' parby a-en? te tht- parliament building whcfrs- the lieutenant gcossenor mnd othcr offi- ci-ais of thP province cordially receiv- ed them and latpr they were serveti witb a luncheon ln on. o! the tilde roomsof u the big administration build- ing. In the night toc train pulled out to Brandon and lb vas there that the gupstt were taken ln aunoohles 0V. cr twenty-f ive mile country ride, be- ing escorted to tbe experimental tarmn wbere ithe govemunient leatioing mucis work along the. Unes of farming whicb greatly concernedtheii members of the party especially those viio are ac- quainted vith farmmlg as If la don. In this country. Tbey ver. shown the various Institutions which'.Bran- don maintaîns for Indiistrial instruc- lion and among tbem vas an Indian schoci viiere ciildren of Indien par- entage are tralned. The party vent to a stock f arta nearby wiiere thi. champion bull vho bas carrieti Off the honore aitwtvainternational stock shows in Chicago, viclceisvalueti at ten thousanti dollars, vas ahovu ta the. visitors. Tii. guests ver. entertaleti by lh. w rt t. y It y -0F OPEN BOUSE ES ON ROCKS Muriel Van TuyI Neill is Given Marriage Annulment on Statutory Grounds. NO CONTEST IS OFFERED. out f i,~tt kepuîilg tor ttýiloii o! tl lt-i Iliv faitil>- upei !i îtldiena Jail ;,,i inith, tIi. itont-i oui-: wiî n tlsr (,t .i,,0 liane c)ii!tl tiin tf lit- 'tîîtîi a ec 1 cinl eill -tCAR SHORTAGE THREATENS iftl, lot îti'tt-Vniag' f Mi NeIII ____à_he_______ st i il], M tri-- Vin y ,Mtt , y oifit'lî in th' Noti-esntera ail. Ni il. î111fceho- Iuni tl .5 ;;-is ii nla a- ci.L omvl at uegu totisthe - o. ititI ut t lv iln at îftw- ii-.tnias- ceîs'e al liformaifetier frin e Stata tt'ir si dîliet wu.t ficth' Vta kes toal tlirus.-tr ttio nitetiStto iliît'itî4 uit-,tai-nwt.iîe V-sciluýLit îîllaila ini f standeig iîini itst 61 i c-nn Star alni .înf-heave-t lod tug ettecalrs ud igl antulm iiC w -tiiuank l n a t-utiry îtlir5 -ir-n taeaIl etue i groniitii-.1 i.tS-î. i.ittrylal Pt*--t n Wmnauearc te bn4«w griîud NtCots Si li-s tt oor alhipinegnsard th e «M Did . N e atI Conic-at S ait - 1icd uîuIj fie WatInskegan adfe Moe Muantt ,' ill 5111-ii bLn m,-l1iuti, r îîî-t i 'ilteti tîp l htiicsae maw 1917n.-d stis N-etîl i Sus-îiîb-t, qa-t-ailrtadlîte tiay utvimnocruele. DIS. Th,'ili di,]iat-rii'et tin. suit. lilte r t ocal alwut iess4B& alt18. N. i 'i îî.îî cnt at thei suitli tua et- de e ocr ail'Wnay ms:ad inug.Tih a.îa p ft-i 'yuf at titi- 'Atar- ilIppîna, D me lhn stas: iug.d Tti- t-os-i'.%l ittŽd of tîi-I titI- ery tiio u -caut tim e li. h ladte tee fly ns a et tîmitier erypar ofUthbox-carylsa t" l- ptj ing strict, p i, but dcî etern p r ut tieTernîory lah îng atrîci Pt- iii livaster rtotel. bave l97.%laI rif, enXins la another aucî-an oAne a l tsi« have l7% b girlwholia hih asiraiow Fr- ightlv leastban the iu=nb«e day she 1001< a flgbt tirougîs fie cars ubey bad ou handi ait uý upper attnosphere lu the Pair Air- last vear, but the bo'car Iedlugt Plane. S ut- fe-w over W tttkega u an thlu le at tec dan s "l îs libcrty5-jlIehe b. te « »WtqO9 while the vheat and live stock ln- du.strics give the value of $67323, 000 for each ot tht-se threo years, 191.5, 1911; and 1917. la situated on the main lit,,0or the Crowvs Neat route of the Çanadian Pacifie Railway. If laisi tii.- enter ot an extensive coal miuing district, because lt hstthe huis ot the Le&th- bridge andi Crowva Xest Pass coal fieltis. Lethbmidge la knewn fia the inan- cial center and wholesale distrihut- ing point o faîl the country or soutb- ern Alberta and veat bu Cranbrook, B. C., ounlitho (1rovf.p Neeti Pas route. Ik has veli equiPPed 'public anti separabe achools: a very,igttrac. tive and veil st0eIltd Public lhrary; Court lieuse andi Customs Houa.; Dominion Lands Office; vile Dine ciartemeti banks bave their branches lu the City. AVIATION CORPS AT fiREAT LAXES IN NEED Of MEN MUST LOAD CARS TO FULL CAPACITI 1S LATEST ORDER Waukegan Railway Men and- Shippers get Orders Similar to War-time Regulation. STATESNAR PILOTINfiBER Officiai and U. S. Revenue lector Captured Whike - Convoying Trucks. FINO ONLY 16,000 BOTKLE Waukegan, September e A state S enator and a Ualg States~ revenue collector accordiug 1* Zi ( o l li ec fount i n h meshe., wiiiît.tcZon pl vas once More cast, last night f~ beer smugglers. In addition teth t1 o ;d itin.iiui 9 led ersoM tis M t catch includefl 16,00 bottles of beeq5 count 'em, tire, trucks andti tv plea- sure cars. One truck andti tv ple sure car3 vert' captumed yesterday. Ont- oft hé brucks take., dtiven by A. Silver, tWas deiivered tva veeka ago te tthe recciver Wilson ln Chica-- go andi if la thought ils capture may crvate quite a fitrore since the truefob taken to thc receiver vere ne suppoeeL te b- used to transport beer, At Il &clock two big touring cars a itti the bockc seats vell covemq ttashed tlîrough Zion City but tiey' did net flash fast enough for Chef It--ekvr of the, Zion police force, sot. mg a-i a îicputy siheriff, observed tb..- -.o%î-red baüteka su he caliet i p't he drivers of the cars to stop, one.Car wai an Oldasmobile and the, othera Whit. VUpoitexaminaîlon It w found that the- trivers were net meturý inig canîpers bit booze smuggleiliL q30 boîte-t acre.fOundinluthe back et the White- andi S22 lu thie OltismobU,,e. The cars and beer vere taken te the, Zion jail and the drivers, Bilan Mu-, gan. iR. S . Newnfan, andi August Bo. er aillof Chicago ver. transpertied te Waukegan counby jail. But Chiet Becker sleepe not aul ussither dot', lie close is eyes. At 2 o'clock ibis mornlng h. and ieiia&& distants matie a real liaul ou mi& waukcýneWoad. Vhree lairge m»ýè lorries convoyed by a inotor car -' bo-eleti down the Illinois Wtaconalw' higbway l1k, transports golug tux a eubinarlue zone. Unfortunately t~ protecting motor car acting as a R marine destroyer torget te brnug M ammunition'a o the viole fotee n»- captureti andti vctoriously toweti te port by the enemy iu the perses of the Zion,ýPo1ice force.- Tii, state senatan andi United Btatue revenue collector, vilose Dames am cancealed, ver. fie akippes .o! th inotor car lu vilch there ver. tbro otiier men. Ali reported ta have b... ged ou bended kuee that Chiot Beokur let them go aud refrain tram g them undue publcity. So eesjt - sur did theY Plea that the MZon mam à*, ally leîtbtem go. One trusck driv.4r itameti Rudy Blank abondoned t'e * wieel of his vessel vben. the comVW was csied te hait anti ra, off thM~ lie buiehes. TIh, truck drivera arrested verel A. Silver, Sain Cphan, second tisie; Jimmy itya, William Squire, Moe4ý r Duncan. Trucks, men sud boaz. ver0 dîveft. eta the. %.n police station twhers inventory etfti% contenta vas takea - and the, men arrestei sent ta tliê Waukegan couny J&11. Tiiey &» pemmittedte lub, releasei upen offe".- ing $200t) bond. Soute have siread« ecured the' bond. Tiie inventory reveuledtihuit each truck canricd 421 cases of been. At. the rate of 12 bottles te a casetfia istals 14,62o bottles. Addlng that carricd by the ouring cars 1he grasi - tal accordiiîg to lbe Zion police la over 16,0001 Tthe hearis--lii-;toern sot for eptember 1. 1 On thse Fraser River, Grand Foi-Ic Valley, Britishs Columbia. iloser f0 make ttipa menmorable -and that vas ail fiat savedth fe une. editors fnom asovere tirubbîng. But, ABOUT MOOSE JAW. ic fine spirit of the, Die andj wemen T-,r- are soin, of the cs i-fluaI tacts, If lie cornmunity a-as. au outatandiug about fie veil Ituowu (12tifof Moose fharacterlslic o! bbe receptiôn ten- Jaw: Et mcd tiie guesîs at thus lîtti, hani- Population, 25,000. let jutit tabliâshed tva ycars agb. C. Grand Divisional otfinit jîn Paci.-S. Noble.,svheovns 30000 acres o! fie Railway for Province cf Sa-,katch- landl in the district furnishes an ex- ewan.epe i -lt success that attends 75 Miles et trackage in<V. P. R. 1-unem. en ilu Canada. He worked1 yards. 1 n a ni-at market tîght years ago; lie Also serveti by Grand Trunk Paci-1 look a chance on a section ut land tic and Canadian Northru ftoilways..iti(lturrowed money te swing il. On lie Direct route "Sou Line- Chi.i-- Nte b owns lie vasi acreage andi la cago to Edmonton. mi 'ardeti as tic moat succes9ful Tii. Moue. Jav district protinerti78 f, rn-or in lie Icthbritige district. lie million husiiels et viiesîin 191,9i hoitds the- aurîtis record for prodac- Southeru headiquarterit SaFtkatche. j, n of wvii. ailn.g grovu van goverument, Co-opcratlve stock Lashels tii tht- acre, lits success han yards. been due to fie use of Irrigafed Uivestock ceufen af southeru por. lautis. Il «tsf $1 an acre a year for tion ut province. the. vater-this is't lu the, total the The Dominion governmentIinteriar coat uf a haIt bushel o!fviieat p&d stamage elevatorgý capecity 3,500,000 therefome any fariner eau velI arford hushels, la situateti vpst of clty. la bring lie vater to bis landi. The, Robin Hood mille have capaclty Tii. Lethbridge-Coaltiale terrllory et 3,000 bamels of flaur anti 1,000 of la a torcetul example otfviiet irriga- oatinial. lion cau do in Producing cmops. Tii. Gordon, Irousitie & Tares Packers, beautitul grain fieltis, thi ewntierful biîg abattoir. yields of alfalta, etc. causedtheii vis- Etincational Institutions consasts of Ibors te gasp lu amazemeni. Alla nîne modern Public Ochools, a Col- grovs four tons la fie acre-anti leglate Institut@ vifli 3,400 puplis. Jusl nov il brings $315 a tan n luthi Meose Jav Baye' Coleage, 200 pu- section. Tii. enlire district la untier. plis, laid vlth coal-and thus you i'ave Rosi Mlitary Hospital, 600 pa- the, coal fields belaw andtihLe "gol- tients den-graln0 fieldis' graving above. City Gent-raI Hospital. Aifalfa cr01,5 are Poduced ou the Houseo! Providence Hespital - irrigateti landis lu thi neighborhood, (Catholic). andbas-e proveti very emnerative. Elgit churcies. the average cropa of atalfa runs train Citizens of Moose Jav have bathing. Ilîre bu four loua ta fie acre, anti hoating, tennis, basebali 1I& hale golf dut-ina tic pa.-t fev years tuis bas links, andthle tinest duck snd goose heem sotti in Alberba tram $20 ta $28t sbooting lunflic Province. t' a bon, Th, laIds rtring's ouf anti theres Th- ctils la a divisional point oet «Wclcoue' on flie mat. Coin, ban lte tiailiaîi Pacifie Railway, anti and hi- one of us. lit -sdditionl le lt-iheap cool ih bas> Officers at the Station Open a Drive to Obtain Men for NavyAviation. EXPECT MANY TO ENLIST Tht- nu y recin tine uflkc,sgain -anti reaty to e rt-tî-ve atu i tati-al for na aval iton. Tii-vte,5tion me- thîaîîîca îtsî at lt-tau rakt--.ik a uspen for recruiti. '-si.ttî-n ta a flic-ut -tlt o ranchi of tii-Yi.Iy i a littitc-tint a fcw tboiis, uiu tiltn a yc'in. Tt(. aviation ufle- ehanica as-tiool carnies the aid navy -ulogaii tf Juin ti(,Naît- anti Ltarn a Trrade "aîîgmentet bY lthe tact liai tthé-11Il> ng golt mechaniu leamus une ofet iunuat tacinating tu-adi-s lu lie wotrîti taI ut muter cun.-traçtion. Theiaiontuinechanics' sebool ai Great Lk.-i is the. lanaest ou t. kind lu the vonld. if has ne paraîlel ans- seherp. Wiih a capaclîy ut 2,50q) sin- de-nts, instruction la given lu aIli at pertains le aviation m-ciianics. en- glunes, and] tht' construction ut planes anti dlnigibles- Tht st-huali is lu relity thrceeachools correspouîdîng broadly speakIug, ta grammar schoul, iigh st-huai anti col- loge. To enter lie apprentice ictiool, nu prevlus mecianical expemience le requirei. AIlthat ls asiet Isi. fat tht- Young lad disPay au aptitude anti liking for is work sud diligence lu bis ettuies. Auy deficieucie.iIn is genemal education are even inade gooti instruction being givon lu spelling, arithniette, îglsh, etc., if needeti. The course In theo soprentice 8011001 la nine mantis ID extent anti ai ti. enti of that lime, flhe yaung sallor bas gaineti a fam Insight anti training Innechaulcs. - The. intensnedisny achool ha. a six mautis' cours in niacbiste eaop vurk garage vork, etc. lu lie final school gradisales etftthe two lover inlools mecelve training tu fi: 'îiem fom chie! Pelty efficers. The course is six veekg lu ieugii. At the scianl a, Great Lakeela aa amaîl airplane called the. "Aére-Puyv- ver," coustructeil entimely iv young men, nouee!ofwiîum at, previeus to Joining lie service, inec!ianlcal exper- lence, anti noue uofvbusm hat becu lu lth, ecbaOlaller tfao manihs, vbhii shows hhat tie sslictd really makes uit-chaules an.] i. short order tua. JE lbey vili acelt you. îny frietîd,- You are la b. congralulated. but TRY foir naval avialon. 11, 1919. 1

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